path: root/plugins/groebner
diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-03-20 01:22:58 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-03-20 01:22:58 +0000
commit7d220f8b61649646692983872626d6a8042446a9 (patch)
treefefceb2c59cf155c55fffa25ad08bec629de523e /plugins/groebner
parentad1fea78e3c23c903b2256d614756012d5f05d87 (diff)
Directory 'contrib' renamed into 'plugins', to end confusion with archive of user contribs
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@11996 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/groebner')
10 files changed, 3164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/GroebnerR.v b/plugins/groebner/GroebnerR.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71e244126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/GroebnerR.v
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+ Tactic groebnerR: proofs of polynomials equalities with variables in R.
+ Use Hilbert Nullstellensatz and Buchberger algorithm (adapted version of
+ L.Thery Coq proven implementation).
+ Thanks to B.Gregoire and L.Thery for help on ring tactic.
+ Examples at the end of the file.
+ 3 versions:
+ - groebnerR.
+ - groebnerRp (a::b::c::nil) : give the list of variables are considered as
+ parameters. Computation will be performed with rational fractions in these
+ variables.
+ - groebnerRpv (a::b::c::nil) (x::y::z::nil): give also the order of the
+ variables used in Buchberger algorithm. Here x>y>z.
+ Loic Pottier
+ 19-12-08
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Setoid.
+Require Import BinPos.
+Require Import BinList.
+Require Import Znumtheory.
+Require Import Ring_polynom Ring_tac InitialRing.
+Require Import RealField Rdefinitions Rfunctions RIneq DiscrR.
+Declare ML Module "groebner_plugin".
+Local Open Scope R_scope.
+Lemma psos_r1b: forall x y, x - y = 0 -> x = y.
+intros x y H; replace x with ((x - y) + y);
+ [rewrite H | idtac]; ring.
+Lemma psos_r1: forall x y, x = y -> x - y = 0.
+intros x y H; rewrite H; ring.
+Ltac equalities_to_goal :=
+ match goal with
+| H: (@eq R ?x 0) |- _ =>
+ try generalize H; clear H
+| H: (@eq R 0 ?x) |- _ =>
+ try generalize (sym_equal H); clear H
+| H: (@eq R ?x ?y) |- _ =>
+ try generalize (psos_r1 _ _ H); clear H
+ end.
+Lemma groebnerR_not1: forall x y:R, x<>y -> exists z:R, z*(x-y)-1=0.
+exists (1/(x-y)).
+unfold not.
+unfold not in H.
+apply H.
+replace x with ((x-y)+y).
+rewrite H0.
+Lemma groebnerR_not1_0: forall x:R, x<>0 -> exists z:R, z*x-1=0.
+exists (1/(x)).
+Lemma groebnerR_not2: 1<>0.
+auto with *.
+Lemma groebnerR_diff: forall x y:R, x<>y -> x-y<>0.
+(* Removes x<>0 from hypothesis *)
+Ltac groebnerR_not_hyp:=
+ match goal with
+ | H: ?x<>?y |- _ =>
+ match y with
+ |0 =>
+ let H1:=fresh "Hgroebner" in
+ let y:=fresh "x" in
+ destruct (@groebnerR_not1_0 _ H) as (y,H1); clear H
+ |_ => generalize (@groebnerR_diff _ _ H); clear H; intro
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac groebnerR_not_goal :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- ?x<>?y => red; intro; apply groebnerR_not2
+ | |- False => apply groebnerR_not2
+ end.
+Ltac groebnerR_begin :=
+ intros;
+ repeat groebnerR_not_hyp;
+ try groebnerR_not_goal;
+ try apply psos_r1b;
+ repeat equalities_to_goal.
+(* code de Benjamin *)
+Definition PolZ := Pol Z.
+Definition PEZ := PExpr Z.
+Definition P0Z : PolZ := @P0 Z 0%Z.
+Definition PolZadd : PolZ -> PolZ -> PolZ :=
+ @Padd Z 0%Z Zplus Zeq_bool.
+Definition PolZmul : PolZ -> PolZ -> PolZ :=
+ @Pmul Z 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zeq_bool.
+Definition PolZeq := @Peq Z Zeq_bool.
+Definition norm :=
+ @norm_aux Z 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool.
+Fixpoint mult_l (la : list PEZ) (lp: list PolZ) : PolZ :=
+ match la, lp with
+ | a::la, p::lp => PolZadd (PolZmul (norm a) p) (mult_l la lp)
+ | _, _ => P0Z
+ end.
+Fixpoint compute_list (lla: list (list PEZ)) (lp:list PolZ) :=
+ match lla with
+ | List.nil => lp
+ | la::lla => compute_list lla ((mult_l la lp)::lp)
+ end.
+Definition check (lpe:list PEZ) (qe:PEZ) (certif: list (list PEZ) * list PEZ) :=
+ let (lla, lq) := certif in
+ let lp := List.map norm lpe in
+ PolZeq (norm qe) (mult_l lq (compute_list lla lp)).
+(* Correction *)
+Definition PhiR : list R -> PolZ -> R :=
+ (Pphi 0 Rplus Rmult (gen_phiZ 0 1 Rplus Rmult Ropp)).
+Definition PEevalR : list R -> PEZ -> R :=
+ PEeval 0 Rplus Rmult Rminus Ropp (gen_phiZ 0 1 Rplus Rmult Ropp)
+ Nnat.nat_of_N pow.
+Lemma P0Z_correct : forall l, PhiR l P0Z = 0.
+Proof. trivial. Qed.
+Lemma PolZadd_correct : forall P' P l,
+ PhiR l (PolZadd P P') = (PhiR l P + PhiR l P').
+ refine (Padd_ok Rset Rext (Rth_ARth Rset Rext (F_R Rfield))
+ (gen_phiZ_morph Rset Rext (F_R Rfield))).
+Lemma PolZmul_correct : forall P P' l,
+ PhiR l (PolZmul P P') = (PhiR l P * PhiR l P').
+ refine (Pmul_ok Rset Rext (Rth_ARth Rset Rext (F_R Rfield))
+ (gen_phiZ_morph Rset Rext (F_R Rfield))).
+Lemma norm_correct :
+ forall (l : list R) (pe : PEZ), PEevalR l pe = PhiR l (norm pe).
+ intros;apply (norm_aux_spec Rset Rext (Rth_ARth Rset Rext (F_R Rfield))
+ (gen_phiZ_morph Rset Rext (F_R Rfield)) R_power_theory) with (lmp:= List.nil).
+ compute;trivial.
+Lemma PolZeq_correct : forall P P' l,
+ PolZeq P P' = true ->
+ PhiR l P = PhiR l P'.
+ intros;apply
+ (Peq_ok Rset Rext (gen_phiZ_morph Rset Rext (F_R Rfield)));trivial.
+Fixpoint Cond0 (A:Type) (Interp:A->R) (l:list A) : Prop :=
+ match l with
+ | List.nil => True
+ | a::l => Interp a = 0 /\ Cond0 A Interp l
+ end.
+Lemma mult_l_correct : forall l la lp,
+ Cond0 PolZ (PhiR l) lp ->
+ PhiR l (mult_l la lp) = 0.
+ induction la;simpl;intros;trivial.
+ destruct lp;trivial.
+ simpl in H;destruct H.
+ rewrite PolZadd_correct, PolZmul_correct, H, IHla;[ring | trivial].
+Lemma compute_list_correct : forall l lla lp,
+ Cond0 PolZ (PhiR l) lp ->
+ Cond0 PolZ (PhiR l) (compute_list lla lp).
+ induction lla;simpl;intros;trivial.
+ apply IHlla;simpl;split;trivial.
+ apply mult_l_correct;trivial.
+Lemma check_correct :
+ forall l lpe qe certif,
+ check lpe qe certif = true ->
+ Cond0 PEZ (PEevalR l) lpe ->
+ PEevalR l qe = 0.
+ unfold check;intros l lpe qe (lla, lq) H2 H1.
+ apply PolZeq_correct with (l:=l) in H2.
+ rewrite norm_correct, H2.
+ apply mult_l_correct.
+ apply compute_list_correct.
+ clear H2 lq lla qe;induction lpe;simpl;trivial.
+ simpl in H1;destruct H1.
+ rewrite <- norm_correct;auto.
+(* fin du code de Benjamin *)
+Lemma groebnerR_l3:forall c p:R, ~c=0 -> c*p=0 -> p=0.
+elim (Rmult_integral _ _ H0);intros.
+absurd (c=0);auto.
+ auto.
+Ltac generalise_eq_hyps:=
+ repeat
+ (match goal with
+ |h : (?p = ?q)|- _ => revert h
+ end).
+Ltac lpol_goal t :=
+ match t with
+ | ?a = 0 -> ?b =>
+ let r:= lpol_goal b in
+ constr:(a::r)
+ | ?a = 0 => constr:(a::nil)
+ end.
+Fixpoint IPR p {struct p}: R :=
+ match p with
+ xH => 1
+ | xO xH => 1 + 1
+ | xO p1 => 2 * (IPR p1)
+ | xI xH => 1 + (1 + 1)
+ | xI p1 => 1 + 2 * (IPR p1)
+ end.
+Definition IZR1 z :=
+ match z with Z0 => 0
+ | Zpos p => IPR p
+ | Zneg p => -(IPR p)
+ end.
+Fixpoint interpret3 t fv {struct t}: R :=
+ match t with
+ | (PEadd t1 t2) =>
+ let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in
+ let v2 := interpret3 t2 fv in (v1 + v2)
+ | (PEmul t1 t2) =>
+ let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in
+ let v2 := interpret3 t2 fv in (v1 * v2)
+ | (PEsub t1 t2) =>
+ let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in
+ let v2 := interpret3 t2 fv in (v1 - v2)
+ | (PEopp t1) =>
+ let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in (-v1)
+ | (PEpow t1 t2) =>
+ let v1 := interpret3 t1 fv in v1 ^(Nnat.nat_of_N t2)
+ | (PEc t1) => (IZR1 t1)
+ | (PEX n) => List.nth (pred (nat_of_P n)) fv 0
+ end.
+(* lp est incluse dans fv. La met en tete. *)
+Ltac parametres_en_tete fv lp :=
+ match fv with
+ | (@nil _) => lp
+ | (@cons _ ?x ?fv1) =>
+ let res := AddFvTail x lp in
+ parametres_en_tete fv1 res
+ end.
+Ltac append1 a l :=
+ match l with
+ | (@nil _) => constr:(cons a l)
+ | (cons ?x ?l) => let l' := append1 a l in constr:(cons x l')
+ end.
+Ltac rev l :=
+ match l with
+ |(@nil _) => l
+ | (cons ?x ?l) => let l' := rev l in append1 x l'
+ end.
+(* Pompe sur Ring *)
+Import Ring_tac.
+Ltac groebnerR_gen lparam lvar n RNG lH _rl :=
+ get_Pre RNG ();
+ let mkFV := get_RingFV RNG in
+ let mkPol := get_RingMeta RNG in
+ generalise_eq_hyps;
+ let t := Get_goal in
+ let lpol := lpol_goal t in
+ intros;
+ let fv :=
+ match lvar with
+ | nil =>
+ let fv1 := FV_hypo_tac mkFV ltac:(get_Eq RNG) lH in
+ let fv1 := list_fold_right mkFV fv1 lpol in
+ rev fv1
+ (* heuristique: les dernieres variables auront le poid le plus fort *)
+ | _ => lvar
+ end in
+ check_fv fv;
+ (*idtac "variables:";idtac fv;*)
+ let nparam := eval compute in (Z_of_nat (List.length lparam)) in
+ let fv := parametres_en_tete fv lparam in
+ (* idtac "variables:"; idtac fv;
+ idtac "nparam:"; idtac nparam;*)
+ let lpol := list_fold_right
+ ltac:(fun p l => let p' := mkPol p fv in constr:(p'::l))
+ (@nil (PExpr Z))
+ lpol in
+ let lpol := eval compute in (List.rev lpol) in
+ let lpol := constr:(PEc nparam :: lpol) in
+ (*idtac lpol;*)
+ groebner_compute lpol;
+ let OnResult kont :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- (?p ::_)::(?c::?lq0)::?lci0 = _ -> _ =>
+ intros _;
+ set (lci:=lci0);
+ set (lq:=lq0);
+ kont p c lq lci
+ end in
+ let SplitPolyList kont :=
+ match lpol with
+ | _::?p2::?lp2 => kont p2 lp2
+ end in
+ OnResult ltac:(fun p c lq lci =>
+ SplitPolyList ltac:(fun p2 lp2 =>
+ set (p21:=p2) ;
+ set (lp21:=lp2);
+ set (q := PEmul c p21);
+ let Hg := fresh "Hg" in
+ assert (Hg:check lp21 q (lci,lq) = true);
+ [ (vm_compute;reflexivity) || idtac "invalid groebner certificate"
+ | let Hg2 := fresh "Hg" in
+ assert (Hg2: interpret3 q fv = 0);
+ [ simpl; apply (@check_correct fv lp21 q (lci,lq) Hg); simpl;
+ repeat (split;[assumption|idtac]); exact I
+ | simpl in Hg2; simpl;
+ apply groebnerR_l3 with (interpret3 c fv);simpl;
+ [ discrR || idtac "could not prove discrimination result"
+ | exact Hg2]
+ ]
+ ])).
+Ltac groebnerRpv lparam lvar:=
+ groebnerR_begin;
+ intros;
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ ring_lookup
+ (PackRing ltac:(groebnerR_gen lparam lvar ring_subst_niter))
+ [] G.
+Ltac groebnerR := groebnerRpv (@nil R) (@nil R).
+Ltac groebnerRp lparam := groebnerRpv lparam (@nil R).
+(*************** Examples *)
+Open Scope R_scope.
+Goal forall x y,
+ x+y=0 ->
+ x*y=0 ->
+ x^2=0.
+Time groebnerR.
+Goal forall x y z u v,
+ x+y+z+u+v=0 ->
+ x*y+x*z+x*u+x*v+y*z+y*u+y*v+z*u+z*v+u*v=0->
+ x*y*z+x*y*u+x*y*v+x*z*u+x*z*v+x*u*v+y*z*u+y*z*v+y*u*v+z*u*v=0->
+ x*y*z*u+y*z*u*v+z*u*v*x+u*v*x*y+v*x*y*z=0 ->
+ x*y*z*u*v=0 -> x^5=0.
+Time groebnerR.
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/GroebnerZ.v b/plugins/groebner/GroebnerZ.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da79a36f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/GroebnerZ.v
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+Require Import Reals ZArith.
+Require Export GroebnerR.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Lemma groebnerZhypR: forall x y:Z, x=y -> IZR x = IZR y.
+Lemma groebnerZconclR: forall x y:Z, IZR x = IZR y -> x = y.
+Lemma groebnerZhypnotR: forall x y:Z, x<>y -> IZR x <> IZR y.
+Lemma groebnerZconclnotR: forall x y:Z, IZR x <> IZR y -> x <> y.
+Ltac groebnerZversR1 :=
+ repeat
+ (match goal with
+ | H:(@eq Z ?x ?y) |- _ =>
+ generalize (@groebnerZhypR _ _ H); clear H; intro H
+ | |- (@eq Z ?x ?y) => apply groebnerZconclR
+ | H:not (@eq Z ?x ?y) |- _ =>
+ generalize (@groebnerZhypnotR _ _ H); clear H; intro H
+ | |- not (@eq Z ?x ?y) => apply groebnerZconclnotR
+ end).
+Lemma groebnerZR1: forall x y:Z, IZR(x+y) = (IZR x + IZR y)%R.
+Lemma groebnerZR2: forall x y:Z, IZR(x*y) = (IZR x * IZR y)%R.
+Lemma groebnerZR3: forall x y:Z, IZR(x-y) = (IZR x - IZR y)%R.
+Lemma groebnerZR4: forall (x:Z) p, IZR(x ^ Zpos p) = (IZR x ^ nat_of_P p)%R.
+Ltac groebnerZversR2:=
+ repeat
+ (rewrite groebnerZR1 in * ||
+ rewrite groebnerZR2 in * ||
+ rewrite groebnerZR3 in * ||
+ rewrite groebnerZR4 in *).
+Ltac groebnerZ_begin :=
+ intros;
+ groebnerZversR1;
+ groebnerZversR2;
+ simpl in *.
+ (*cbv beta iota zeta delta [nat_of_P Pmult_nat plus mult] in *.*)
+Ltac groebnerZ :=
+ groebnerZ_begin; (*idtac "groebnerZ_begin;";*)
+ groebnerR.
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/groebner.ml4 b/plugins/groebner/groebner.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00cd8ae5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/groebner.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Closure
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Tactics
+open Rawterm
+open Tacticals
+open Tacexpr
+open Pcoq
+open Tactic
+open Constr
+open Proof_type
+open Coqlib
+open Tacmach
+open Mod_subst
+open Tacinterp
+open Libobject
+open Printer
+open Declare
+open Decl_kinds
+open Entries
+open Num
+open Unix
+open Utile
+open Ideal
+let num_0 = Int 0
+and num_1 = Int 1
+and num_2 = Int 2
+and num_10 = Int 10
+let numdom r =
+ let r' = Ratio.normalize_ratio (ratio_of_num r) in
+ num_of_big_int(Ratio.numerator_ratio r'),
+ num_of_big_int(Ratio.denominator_ratio r')
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* term?? *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type vname = string
+type term =
+ | Zero
+ | Const of Num.num
+ | Var of vname
+ | Opp of term
+ | Add of (term * term)
+ | Sub of (term * term)
+ | Mul of (term * term)
+ | Pow of (term * int)
+let unconstr = mkRel 1
+let tpexpr =
+ lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["setoid_ring";"Ring_polynom"] "PExpr")
+let ttconst = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["setoid_ring";"Ring_polynom"] "PEc")
+let ttvar = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["setoid_ring";"Ring_polynom"] "PEX")
+let ttadd = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["setoid_ring";"Ring_polynom"] "PEadd")
+let ttsub = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["setoid_ring";"Ring_polynom"] "PEsub")
+let ttmul = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["setoid_ring";"Ring_polynom"] "PEmul")
+let ttopp = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["setoid_ring";"Ring_polynom"] "PEopp")
+let ttpow = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["setoid_ring";"Ring_polynom"] "PEpow")
+let tlist = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["Lists";"List"] "list")
+let lnil = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["Lists";"List"] "nil")
+let lcons = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["Lists";"List"] "cons")
+let tz = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["ZArith";"BinInt"] "Z")
+let z0 = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["ZArith";"BinInt"] "Z0")
+let zpos = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["ZArith";"BinInt"] "Zpos")
+let zneg = lazy(gen_constant "CC" ["ZArith";"BinInt"] "Zneg")
+let pxI = lazy(gen_constant "CC" ["NArith";"BinPos"] "xI")
+let pxO = lazy(gen_constant "CC" ["NArith";"BinPos"] "xO")
+let pxH = lazy(gen_constant "CC" ["NArith";"BinPos"] "xH")
+let nN0 = lazy (gen_constant "CC" ["NArith";"BinNat"] "N0")
+let nNpos = lazy(gen_constant "CC" ["NArith";"BinNat"] "Npos")
+let mkt_app name l = mkApp (Lazy.force name, Array.of_list l)
+let tlp () = mkt_app tlist [mkt_app tpexpr [Lazy.force tz]]
+let tllp () = mkt_app tlist [tlp()]
+let rec mkt_pos n =
+ if n =/ num_1 then Lazy.force pxH
+ else if mod_num n num_2 =/ num_0 then
+ mkt_app pxO [mkt_pos (quo_num n num_2)]
+ else
+ mkt_app pxI [mkt_pos (quo_num n num_2)]
+let mkt_n n =
+ if n=num_0
+ then Lazy.force nN0
+ else mkt_app nNpos [mkt_pos n]
+let mkt_z z =
+ if z =/ num_0 then Lazy.force z0
+ else if z >/ num_0 then
+ mkt_app zpos [mkt_pos z]
+ else
+ mkt_app zneg [mkt_pos ((Int 0) -/ z)]
+let rec mkt_term t = match t with
+| Zero -> mkt_term (Const num_0)
+| Const r -> let (n,d) = numdom r in
+ mkt_app ttconst [Lazy.force tz; mkt_z n]
+| Var v -> mkt_app ttvar [Lazy.force tz; mkt_pos (num_of_string v)]
+| Opp t1 -> mkt_app ttopp [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1]
+| Add (t1,t2) -> mkt_app ttadd [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1; mkt_term t2]
+| Sub (t1,t2) -> mkt_app ttsub [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1; mkt_term t2]
+| Mul (t1,t2) -> mkt_app ttmul [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1; mkt_term t2]
+| Pow (t1,n) -> if (n = 0) then
+ mkt_app ttconst [Lazy.force tz; mkt_z num_1]
+ mkt_app ttpow [Lazy.force tz; mkt_term t1; mkt_n (num_of_int n)]
+let rec parse_pos p =
+ match kind_of_term p with
+| App (a,[|p2|]) ->
+ if a = Lazy.force pxO then num_2 */ (parse_pos p2)
+ else num_1 +/ (num_2 */ (parse_pos p2))
+| _ -> num_1
+let parse_z z =
+ match kind_of_term z with
+| App (a,[|p2|]) ->
+ if a = Lazy.force zpos then parse_pos p2 else (num_0 -/ (parse_pos p2))
+| _ -> num_0
+let parse_n z =
+ match kind_of_term z with
+| App (a,[|p2|]) ->
+ parse_pos p2
+| _ -> num_0
+let rec parse_term p =
+ match kind_of_term p with
+| App (a,[|_;p2|]) ->
+ if a = Lazy.force ttvar then Var (string_of_num (parse_pos p2))
+ else if a = Lazy.force ttconst then Const (parse_z p2)
+ else if a = Lazy.force ttopp then Opp (parse_term p2)
+ else Zero
+| App (a,[|_;p2;p3|]) ->
+ if a = Lazy.force ttadd then Add (parse_term p2, parse_term p3)
+ else if a = Lazy.force ttsub then Sub (parse_term p2, parse_term p3)
+ else if a = Lazy.force ttmul then Mul (parse_term p2, parse_term p3)
+ else if a = Lazy.force ttpow then
+ Pow (parse_term p2, int_of_num (parse_n p3))
+ else Zero
+| _ -> Zero
+let rec parse_request lp =
+ match kind_of_term lp with
+ | App (_,[|_|]) -> []
+ | App (_,[|_;p;lp1|]) ->
+ (parse_term p)::(parse_request lp1)
+ |_-> assert false
+let nvars = ref 0
+let set_nvars_term t =
+ let rec aux t =
+ match t with
+ | Zero -> ()
+ | Const r -> ()
+ | Var v -> let n = int_of_string v in
+ nvars:= max (!nvars) n
+ | Opp t1 -> aux t1
+ | Add (t1,t2) -> aux t1; aux t2
+ | Sub (t1,t2) -> aux t1; aux t2
+ | Mul (t1,t2) -> aux t1; aux t2
+ | Pow (t1,n) -> aux t1
+ in aux t
+let string_of_term p =
+ let rec aux p =
+ match p with
+ | Zero -> "0"
+ | Const r -> string_of_num r
+ | Var v -> "x"^v
+ | Opp t1 -> "(-"^(aux t1)^")"
+ | Add (t1,t2) -> "("^(aux t1)^"+"^(aux t2)^")"
+ | Sub (t1,t2) -> "("^(aux t1)^"-"^(aux t2)^")"
+ | Mul (t1,t2) -> "("^(aux t1)^"*"^(aux t2)^")"
+ | Pow (t1,n) -> (aux t1)^"^"^(string_of_int n)
+ in aux p
+(* terme vers polynome creux *)
+(* les variables d'indice <=np sont dans les coeff *)
+let term_pol_sparse np t=
+ let d = !nvars in
+ let rec aux t =
+ match t with
+ | Zero -> zeroP
+ | Const r ->
+ if r = num_0
+ then zeroP
+ else polconst d (Polynom.Pint (Polynom.coef_of_num r))
+ | Var v ->
+ let v = int_of_string v in
+ if v <= np
+ then polconst d (Polynom.x v)
+ else gen d v
+ | Opp t1 -> oppP (aux t1)
+ | Add (t1,t2) -> plusP d (aux t1) (aux t2)
+ | Sub (t1,t2) -> plusP d (aux t1) (oppP (aux t2))
+ | Mul (t1,t2) -> multP d (aux t1) (aux t2)
+ | Pow (t1,n) -> puisP d (aux t1) n
+ in (*info ("conversion de: "^(string_of_term t)^"\n");*)
+ let res= aux t in
+ (*info ("donne: "^(stringP res)^"\n");*)
+ res
+(* polynome recusrsif vers terme *)
+let polrec_to_term p =
+ let rec aux p =
+ match p with
+ |Polynom.Pint n -> Const (Polynom.num_of_coef n)
+ |Polynom.Prec (v,coefs) ->
+ let res = ref Zero in
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i c ->
+ res:=Add(!res, Mul(aux c,
+ Pow (Var (string_of_int v),
+ i))))
+ coefs;
+ !res
+ in aux p
+(* on approche la forme de Horner utilisee par la tactique ring. *)
+let pol_sparse_to_term n2 p =
+ let rec aux p =
+ match p with
+ |[] -> Const (num_of_string "0")
+ |(a,m)::p1 ->
+ let n = (Array.length m)-1 in
+ let (i0,e0) =
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun (r,d) (a,m) ->
+ let i0= ref 0 in
+ for k=1 to n do
+ if m.(k)>0
+ then i0:=k
+ done;
+ if !i0 = 0
+ then (r,d)
+ else if !i0 > r
+ then (!i0, m.(!i0))
+ else if !i0 = r && m.(!i0)<d
+ then (!i0, m.(!i0))
+ else (r,d))
+ (0,0)
+ p) in
+ if i0=0
+ then
+ let mp = ref (polrec_to_term a) in
+ if p1=[]
+ then !mp
+ else Add(!mp,aux p1)
+ else (
+ let p1=ref [] in
+ let p2=ref [] in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (a,m) ->
+ if m.(i0)>=e0
+ then (m.(i0)<-m.(i0)-e0;
+ p1:=(a,m)::(!p1))
+ else p2:=(a,m)::(!p2))
+ p;
+ let vm =
+ if e0=1
+ then Var (string_of_int (i0))
+ else Pow (Var (string_of_int (i0)),e0) in
+ Add(Mul(vm, aux (List.rev (!p1))), aux (List.rev (!p2))))
+ in let pp = aux p in
+ pp
+let rec remove_list_tail l i =
+ let rec aux l i =
+ if l=[]
+ then []
+ else if i<0
+ then l
+ else if i=0
+ then List.tl l
+ else
+ match l with
+ |(a::l1) ->
+ a::(aux l1 (i-1))
+ |_ -> assert false
+ in
+ List.rev (aux (List.rev l) i)
+ lq = [cn+m+1 n+m ...cn+m+1 1]
+ lci=[[cn+1 n,...,cn1 1]
+ ...
+ [cn+m n+m-1,...,cn+m 1]]
+ enleve les polynomes intermediaires inutiles pour calculer le dernier
+ *)
+let remove_zeros zero lci =
+ let n = List.length (List.hd lci) in
+ let m=List.length lci in
+ let u = Array.create m false in
+ let rec utiles k =
+ if k>=m
+ then ()
+ else (
+ u.(k)<-true;
+ let lc = List.nth lci k in
+ for i=0 to List.length lc - 1 do
+ if not (zero (List.nth lc i))
+ then utiles (i+k+1);
+ done)
+ in utiles 0;
+ let lr = ref [] in
+ for i=0 to m-1 do
+ if u.(i)
+ then lr:=(List.nth lci i)::(!lr)
+ done;
+ let lr=List.rev !lr in
+ let lr = List.map
+ (fun lc ->
+ let lcr=ref lc in
+ for i=0 to m-1 do
+ if not u.(i)
+ then lcr:=remove_list_tail !lcr (m-i+(n-m))
+ done;
+ !lcr)
+ lr in
+ info ("spolynomes inutiles: "
+ ^string_of_int (m-List.length lr)^"\n");
+ info ("spolynomes utiles: "
+ ^string_of_int (List.length lr)^"\n");
+ lr
+let theoremedeszeros lpol p =
+ let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
+ let m = !nvars in
+ let (c,lp0,p,lci,lc) = in_ideal m lpol p in
+ let lpc = List.rev !poldepcontent in
+ info ("temps: "^Format.sprintf "@[%10.3f@]s\n" (Unix.gettimeofday ()-.t1));
+ if lc<>[]
+ then (c,lp0,p,lci,lc,1,lpc)
+ else (c,[],zeroP,[],[],0,[])
+let theoremedeszeros_termes lp =
+ nvars:=0;(* mise a jour par term_pol_sparse *)
+ List.iter set_nvars_term lp;
+ match lp with
+ | Const (Int nparam)::lp ->
+ (let m= !nvars in
+ let lvar=ref [] in
+ for i=m downto 1 do lvar:=["x"^string_of_int i^""]@(!lvar); done;
+ name_var:=!lvar;
+ let lp = List.map (term_pol_sparse nparam) lp in
+ match lp with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | p::lp1 ->
+ let lpol = List.rev lp1 in
+ let (c,lp0,p,lci,lq,d,lct)= theoremedeszeros lpol p in
+ let lci1 = List.rev lci in
+ match remove_zeros (fun x -> x=zeroP) (lq::lci1) with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | (lq::lci) ->
+ (* lci commence par les nouveaux polynomes *)
+ let m= !nvars in
+ let lci = List.rev lci in
+ let c = pol_sparse_to_term m [c, Array.create (m+1) 0] in
+ let lp0 = List.map (pol_sparse_to_term m) lp0 in
+ let p = (Pow ((pol_sparse_to_term m p),d)) in
+ let lci = List.map (fun lc -> List.map (pol_sparse_to_term m) lc) lci in
+ let lq = List.map (pol_sparse_to_term m) lq in
+ info ("nombre de parametres: "^string_of_int nparam^"\n");
+ info "terme calcule\n";
+ (c,lp0,p,lci,lq)
+ )
+ |_ -> assert false
+let groebner lpol =
+ let lp= parse_request lpol in
+ let (c,lp0,p,lci,lq) = theoremedeszeros_termes lp in
+ let res = [p::lp0;c::lq]@lci in
+ let res = List.map (fun lx -> List.map mkt_term lx) res in
+ let res =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun lt r ->
+ let ltterm =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun t r ->
+ mkt_app lcons [mkt_app tpexpr [Lazy.force tz];t;r])
+ lt
+ (mkt_app lnil [mkt_app tpexpr [Lazy.force tz]]) in
+ mkt_app lcons [tlp ();ltterm;r])
+ res
+ (mkt_app lnil [tlp ()]) in
+ info "terme calcule\n";
+ res
+open Util
+open Term
+open Tactics
+open Coqlib
+open Utile
+open Groebner
+let groebner_compute t gl =
+ let lpol = groebner t in
+ let a =
+ mkApp(gen_constant "CC" ["Init";"Logic"] "refl_equal",[|tllp ();lpol|]) in
+ generalize [a] gl
+TACTIC EXTEND groebner_compute
+| [ "groebner_compute" constr(lt) ] ->
+ [ groebner_compute lt ]
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/groebner_plugin.mllib b/plugins/groebner/groebner_plugin.mllib
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1da12fcf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/groebner_plugin.mllib
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/ideal.ml b/plugins/groebner/ideal.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a87a9972b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/ideal.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+ Nullstellensatz par calcul de base de Grobner
+ On utilise une representation creuse des polynomes:
+ un monome est un tableau d'exposants (un par variable),
+ avec son degre en tete.
+ un polynome est une liste de (coefficient,monome).
+ L'algorithme de Buchberger a proprement parler est tire du code caml
+ extrait du code Coq ecrit par L.Thery.
+ *)
+open Utile
+ Coefficients: polynomes recursifs
+ on n'utilise pas les big_int car leur egalite n'est pas generique: on ne peut pas utiliser de tables de hash simplement.
+ *)
+type coef = Polynom.poly
+let coef_of_int = Polynom.cf
+let eq_coef = Polynom.eqP
+let plus_coef =Polynom.plusP
+let mult_coef = Polynom.multP
+let sub_coef = Polynom.moinsP
+let opp_coef = Polynom.oppP
+let div_coef = Polynom.divP (* division exacte *)
+let coef0 = Polynom.cf0
+let coef1 = Polynom.cf1
+let string_of_coef c = "["^(Polynom.string_of_P c)^"]"
+let rec pgcd a b = Polynom.pgcdP a b
+let htblpgcd = Hashtbl.create 1000
+let pgcd a b =
+ try
+ (let c = Hashtbl.find htblpgcd (a,b) in
+ info "*";
+ c)
+ with _ ->
+ (let c = Polynom.pgcdP a b in
+ info "-";
+ Hashtbl.add htblpgcd (a,b) c;
+ c)
+ Monomes
+ tableau d'entiers
+ le premier coefficient est le degre
+ *)
+let hmon = Hashtbl.create 1000
+type mon = int array
+(* d représente le nb de variables du monome *)
+(* Multiplication de monomes ayant le meme nb de variables = d *)
+let mult_mon d m m' =
+ let m'' = Array.create (d+1) 0 in
+ for i=0 to d do
+ m''.(i)<- (m.(i)+m'.(i));
+ done;
+ m''
+(* Degré d'un monome *)
+let deg m = m.(0)
+(* Comparaison de monomes avec ordre du degre lexicographique = on commence par regarder la 1ere variable*)
+(*let compare_mon d m m' =
+ let res=ref 0 in
+ let i=ref 1 in (* 1 si lexico pur 0 si degre*)
+ while (!res=0) && (!i<=d) do
+ res:= (compare m.(!i) m'.(!i));
+ i:=!i+1;
+ done;
+ !res
+(* degre lexicographique inverse *)
+let compare_mon d m m' =
+ match compare m.(0) m'.(0) with
+ | 0 -> (* meme degre total *)
+ let res=ref 0 in
+ let i=ref d in
+ while (!res=0) && (!i>=1) do
+ res:= - (compare m.(!i) m'.(!i));
+ i:=!i-1;
+ done;
+ !res
+ | x -> x
+(* Division de monome ayant le meme nb de variables *)
+let div_mon d m m' =
+ let m'' = Array.create (d+1) 0 in
+ for i=0 to d do
+ m''.(i)<- (m.(i)-m'.(i));
+ done;
+ m''
+let div_pol_coef p c =
+ List.map (fun (a,m) -> (div_coef a c,m)) p
+(* m' divise m *)
+let div_mon_test d m m' =
+ let res=ref true in
+ let i=ref 1 in
+ while (!res) && (!i<=d) do
+ res:= (m.(!i) >= m'.(!i));
+ i:=succ !i;
+ done;
+ !res
+(* Mise en place du degré total du monome *)
+let set_deg d m =
+ m.(0)<-0;
+ for i=1 to d do
+ m.(0)<- m.(i)+m.(0);
+ done;
+ m
+(* ppcm de monomes *)
+let ppcm_mon d m m' =
+ let m'' = Array.create (d+1) 0 in
+ for i=1 to d do
+ m''.(i)<- (max m.(i) m'.(i));
+ done;
+ set_deg d m''
+ Polynomes
+ liste de couples (coefficient,monome) ordonnee en decroissant
+ *)
+type poly = (coef * mon) list
+let eq_poly =
+ Util.list_for_all2eq
+ (fun (c1,m1) (c2,m2) -> eq_coef c1 c2 && m1=m2)
+ A pretty printer for polynomials, with Maple-like syntax.
+ *)
+open Format
+let getvar lv i =
+ try (List.nth lv i)
+ with _ -> (List.fold_left (fun r x -> r^" "^x) "lv= " lv)
+ ^" i="^(string_of_int i)
+let string_of_pol zeroP hdP tlP coefterm monterm string_of_coef
+ dimmon string_of_exp lvar p =
+ let rec string_of_mon m coefone =
+ let s=ref [] in
+ for i=1 to (dimmon m) do
+ (match (string_of_exp m i) with
+ "0" -> ()
+ | "1" -> s:= (!s) @ [(getvar !lvar (i-1))]
+ | e -> s:= (!s) @ [((getvar !lvar (i-1)) ^ "^" ^ e)]);
+ done;
+ (match !s with
+ [] -> if coefone
+ then "1"
+ else ""
+ | l -> if coefone
+ then (String.concat "*" l)
+ else ( "*" ^
+ (String.concat "*" l)))
+ and string_of_term t start = let a = coefterm t and m = monterm t in
+ match (string_of_coef a) with
+ "0" -> ""
+ | "1" ->(match start with
+ true -> string_of_mon m true
+ |false -> ( "+ "^
+ (string_of_mon m true)))
+ | "-1" ->( "-" ^" "^(string_of_mon m true))
+ | c -> if (String.get c 0)='-'
+ then ( "- "^
+ (String.sub c 1
+ ((String.length c)-1))^
+ (string_of_mon m false))
+ else (match start with
+ true -> ( c^(string_of_mon m false))
+ |false -> ( "+ "^
+ c^(string_of_mon m false)))
+ and stringP p start =
+ if (zeroP p)
+ then (if start
+ then ("0")
+ else "")
+ else ((string_of_term (hdP p) start)^
+ " "^
+ (stringP (tlP p) false))
+ in
+ (stringP p true)
+let print_pol zeroP hdP tlP coefterm monterm string_of_coef
+ dimmon string_of_exp lvar p =
+ let rec print_mon m coefone =
+ let s=ref [] in
+ for i=1 to (dimmon m) do
+ (match (string_of_exp m i) with
+ "0" -> ()
+ | "1" -> s:= (!s) @ [(getvar !lvar (i-1))]
+ | e -> s:= (!s) @ [((getvar !lvar (i-1)) ^ "^" ^ e)]);
+ done;
+ (match !s with
+ [] -> if coefone
+ then print_string "1"
+ else ()
+ | l -> if coefone
+ then print_string (String.concat "*" l)
+ else (print_string "*";
+ print_string (String.concat "*" l)))
+ and print_term t start = let a = coefterm t and m = monterm t in
+ match (string_of_coef a) with
+ "0" -> ()
+ | "1" ->(match start with
+ true -> print_mon m true
+ |false -> (print_string "+ ";
+ print_mon m true))
+ | "-1" ->(print_string "-";print_space();print_mon m true)
+ | c -> if (String.get c 0)='-'
+ then (print_string "- ";
+ print_string (String.sub c 1
+ ((String.length c)-1));
+ print_mon m false)
+ else (match start with
+ true -> (print_string c;print_mon m false)
+ |false -> (print_string "+ ";
+ print_string c;print_mon m false))
+ and printP p start =
+ if (zeroP p)
+ then (if start
+ then print_string("0")
+ else ())
+ else (print_term (hdP p) start;
+ if start then open_hovbox 0;
+ print_space();
+ print_cut();
+ printP (tlP p) false)
+ in open_hovbox 3;
+ printP p true;
+ print_flush()
+let name_var= ref []
+let stringP = string_of_pol
+ (fun p -> match p with [] -> true | _ -> false)
+ (fun p -> match p with (t::p) -> t |_ -> failwith "print_pol dans dansideal")
+ (fun p -> match p with (t::p) -> p |_ -> failwith "print_pol dans dansideal")
+ (fun (a,m) -> a)
+ (fun (a,m) -> m)
+ string_of_coef
+ (fun m -> (Array.length m)-1)
+ (fun m i -> (string_of_int (m.(i))))
+ name_var
+let stringPcut p =
+ if (List.length p)>20
+ then (stringP [List.hd p])^" + "^(string_of_int (List.length p))^" termes"
+ else stringP p
+let rec lstringP l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ""
+ |p::l -> (stringP p)^("\n")^(lstringP l)
+let printP = print_pol
+ (fun p -> match p with [] -> true | _ -> false)
+ (fun p -> match p with (t::p) -> t |_ -> failwith "print_pol dans dansideal")
+ (fun p -> match p with (t::p) -> p |_ -> failwith "print_pol dans dansideal")
+ (fun (a,m) -> a)
+ (fun (a,m) -> m)
+ string_of_coef
+ (fun m -> (Array.length m)-1)
+ (fun m i -> (string_of_int (m.(i))))
+ name_var
+let rec lprintP l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> ()
+ |p::l -> printP p;print_string "\n"; lprintP l
+(* Operations
+ *)
+let zeroP = []
+(* Retourne un polynome constant à d variables *)
+let polconst d c =
+ let m = Array.create (d+1) 0 in
+ let m = set_deg d m in
+ [(c,m)]
+(* somme de polynomes= liste de couples (int,monomes) *)
+let plusP d p q =
+ let rec plusP p q =
+ match p with
+ [] -> q
+ |t::p' ->
+ match q with
+ [] -> p
+ |t'::q' ->
+ match compare_mon d (snd t) (snd t') with
+ 1 -> t::(plusP p' q)
+ |(-1) -> t'::(plusP p q')
+ |_ -> let c=plus_coef (fst t) (fst t') in
+ match eq_coef c coef0 with
+ true -> (plusP p' q')
+ |false -> (c,(snd t))::(plusP p' q')
+ in plusP p q
+(* multiplication d'un polynome par (a,monome) *)
+let mult_t_pol d a m p =
+ let rec mult_t_pol p =
+ match p with
+ [] -> []
+ |(b,m')::p -> ((mult_coef a b),(mult_mon d m m'))::(mult_t_pol p)
+ in mult_t_pol p
+(* Retourne un polynome de l dont le monome de tete divise m, [] si rien *)
+let rec selectdiv d m l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> []
+ |q::r -> let m'= snd (List.hd q) in
+ match (div_mon_test d m m') with
+ true -> q
+ |false -> selectdiv d m r
+(* Retourne un polynome générateur 'i' à d variables *)
+let gen d i =
+ let m = Array.create (d+1) 0 in
+ m.(i) <- 1;
+ let m = set_deg d m in
+ [((coef_of_int 1),m)]
+(* oppose d'un polynome *)
+let oppP p =
+ let rec oppP p =
+ match p with
+ [] -> []
+ |(b,m')::p -> ((opp_coef b),m')::(oppP p)
+ in oppP p
+(* multiplication d'un polynome par un coefficient par 'a' *)
+let emultP a p =
+ let rec emultP p =
+ match p with
+ [] -> []
+ |(b,m')::p -> ((mult_coef a b),m')::(emultP p)
+ in emultP p
+let multP d p q =
+ let rec aux p =
+ match p with
+ [] -> []
+ |(a,m)::p' -> plusP d (mult_t_pol d a m q) (aux p')
+ in aux p
+let puisP d p n=
+ let rec puisP n =
+ match n with
+ 0 -> [coef1, Array.create (d+1) 0]
+ | 1 -> p
+ |_ -> multP d p (puisP (n-1))
+ in puisP n
+let rec contentP p =
+ match p with
+ |[] -> coef1
+ |[a,m] -> a
+ |(a,m)::p1 -> pgcd a (contentP p1)
+let contentPlist lp =
+ match lp with
+ |[] -> coef1
+ |p::l1 -> List.fold_left (fun r q -> pgcd r (contentP q)) (contentP p) l1
+ Division de polynomes
+ *)
+let pgcdpos a b = pgcd a b
+let div_pol d p q a b m =
+(* info ".";*)
+ plusP d (emultP a p) (mult_t_pol d b m q)
+(* si false on ne divise que le monome de tete *)
+let reduire_les_queues = false
+(* reste de la division de p par les polynomes de l
+ rend le reste et le coefficient multiplicateur *)
+let reduce2 d p l =
+ let rec reduce p =
+ match p with
+ [] -> (coef1,[])
+ |t::p' -> let (a,m)=t in
+ let q = (try Hashtbl.find hmon m
+ with Not_found ->
+ let q = selectdiv d m l in
+ match q with
+ t'::q' -> (Hashtbl.add hmon m q;q)
+ |[] -> q) in
+ match q with
+ [] -> if reduire_les_queues
+ then
+ let (c,r)=(reduce p') in
+ (c,((mult_coef a c,m)::r))
+ else (coef1,p)
+ |(b,m')::q' ->
+ let c=(pgcdpos a b) in
+ let a'= (div_coef b c) in
+ let b'=(opp_coef (div_coef a c)) in
+ let (e,r)=reduce (div_pol d p' q' a' b'
+ (div_mon d m m')) in
+ (mult_coef a' e,r)
+ in let (c,r) = reduce p in
+ (c,r)
+(* trace des divisions *)
+(* liste des polynomes de depart *)
+let poldep = ref []
+let poldepcontent = ref []
+(* table des coefficients des polynomes en fonction des polynomes de depart *)
+let coefpoldep = Hashtbl.create 51
+(* coefficient de q dans l expression de p = sum_i c_i*q_i *)
+let coefpoldep_find p q =
+ try (Hashtbl.find coefpoldep (p,q))
+ with _ -> []
+let coefpoldep_set p q c =
+ Hashtbl.add coefpoldep (p,q) c
+let initcoefpoldep d lp =
+ poldep:=lp;
+ poldepcontent:= List.map contentP (!poldep);
+ List.iter
+ (fun p -> coefpoldep_set p p (polconst d (coef_of_int 1)))
+ lp
+(* garde la trace dans coefpoldep
+ divise sans pseudodivisions *)
+let reduce2_trace d p l lcp =
+ (* rend (lq,r), ou r = p + sum(lq) *)
+ let rec reduce p =
+ match p with
+ [] -> ([],[])
+ |t::p' -> let (a,m)=t in
+ let q =
+ (try Hashtbl.find hmon m
+ with Not_found ->
+ let q = selectdiv d m l in
+ match q with
+ t'::q' -> (Hashtbl.add hmon m q;q)
+ |[] -> q) in
+ match q with
+ [] ->
+ if reduire_les_queues
+ then
+ let (lq,r)=(reduce p') in
+ (lq,((a,m)::r))
+ else ([],p)
+ |(b,m')::q' ->
+ let b'=(opp_coef (div_coef a b)) in
+ let m''= div_mon d m m' in
+ let p1=plusP d p' (mult_t_pol d b' m'' q') in
+ let (lq,r)=reduce p1 in
+ ((b',m'',q)::lq, r)
+ in let (lq,r) = reduce p in
+ (*info "reduce2_trace:\n";
+ List.iter
+ (fun (a,m,s) ->
+ let x = mult_t_pol d a m s in
+ info ((stringP x)^"\n"))
+ lq;
+ info "ok\n";*)
+ (List.map2
+ (fun c0 q ->
+ let c =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun x (a,m,s) ->
+ if eq_poly s q
+ then
+ plusP d x (mult_t_pol d a m (polconst d (coef_of_int 1)))
+ else x)
+ c0
+ lq in
+ c)
+ lcp
+ !poldep,
+ r)
+ Completion
+ *)
+let homogeneous = ref false
+let spol d p q=
+ let m = snd (List.hd p) in
+ let m'= snd (List.hd q) in
+ let a = fst (List.hd p) in
+ let b = fst (List.hd q) in
+ let p'= List.tl p in
+ let q'= List.tl q in
+ let c=(pgcdpos a b) in
+ let m''=(ppcm_mon d m m') in
+ let fsp p' q' =
+ plusP d
+ (mult_t_pol d
+ (div_coef b c)
+ (div_mon d m'' m) p')
+ (mult_t_pol d
+ (opp_coef (div_coef a c))
+ (div_mon d m'' m') q') in
+ let sp = fsp p' q' in
+ coefpoldep_set sp p (fsp (polconst d (coef_of_int 1)) []);
+ coefpoldep_set sp q (fsp [] (polconst d (coef_of_int 1)));
+ sp
+let etrangers d p p'=
+ let m = snd (List.hd p) in
+ let m'= snd (List.hd p') in
+ let res=ref true in
+ let i=ref 1 in
+ while (!res) && (!i<=d) do
+ res:= (m.(!i) = 0) || (m'.(!i)=0);
+ i:=!i+1;
+ done;
+ !res
+(* teste si le monome dominant de p''
+ divise le ppcm des monomes dominants de p et p' *)
+let div_ppcm d p p' p'' =
+ let m = snd (List.hd p) in
+ let m'= snd (List.hd p') in
+ let m''= snd (List.hd p'') in
+ let res=ref true in
+ let i=ref 1 in
+ while (!res) && (!i<=d) do
+ res:= ((max m.(!i) m'.(!i)) >= m''.(!i));
+ i:=!i+1;
+ done;
+ !res
+ Code extrait de la preuve de L.Thery en Coq
+ *)
+type 'poly cpRes =
+ Keep of ('poly list)
+ | DontKeep of ('poly list)
+let list_rec f0 f1 =
+ let rec f2 = function
+ [] -> f0
+ | a0::l0 -> f1 a0 l0 (f2 l0)
+ in f2
+let addRes i = function
+ Keep h'0 -> Keep (i::h'0)
+ | DontKeep h'0 -> DontKeep (i::h'0)
+let slice d i a q =
+ list_rec
+ (match etrangers d i a with
+ true -> DontKeep []
+ | false -> Keep [])
+ (fun b q1 rec_ren ->
+ match div_ppcm d i a b with
+ true -> DontKeep (b::q1)
+ | false ->
+ (match div_ppcm d i b a with
+ true -> rec_ren
+ | false -> addRes b rec_ren)) q
+let rec addS x l = l @[x]
+(* ajoute les spolynomes de i avec la liste de polynomes aP,
+ a la liste q *)
+let genPcPf d i aP q =
+ (let rec genPc aP0 =
+ match aP0 with
+ [] -> (fun r -> r)
+ | a::l1 ->
+ (fun l ->
+ (match slice d i a l1 with
+ Keep l2 -> addS (spol d i a) (genPc l2 l)
+ | DontKeep l2 -> genPc l2 l))
+ in genPc aP) q
+let genOCPf d h' =
+ list_rec [] (fun a l rec_ren ->
+ genPcPf d a l rec_ren) h'
+let step = ref 0
+let infobuch p q =
+ if !step = 0
+ then (info ("[" ^ (string_of_int (List.length p))
+ ^ "," ^ (string_of_int (List.length q))
+ ^ "]"))
+(* dans lp les nouveaux sont en queue *)
+let coef_courant = ref coef1
+let pol_courant = ref []
+let test_dans_ideal d p lp lp0 =
+ let (c,r) = reduce2 d !pol_courant lp in
+ info ("reste: "^(stringPcut r)^"\n");
+ coef_courant:= mult_coef !coef_courant c;
+ pol_courant:= r;
+ if r=[]
+ then (info "polynome reduit a 0\n";
+ let lcp = List.map (fun q -> []) !poldep in
+ let c = !coef_courant in
+ let (lcq,r) = reduce2_trace d (emultP c p) lp lcp in
+ info ("r: "^(stringP r)^"\n");
+ let res=ref (emultP c p) in
+ List.iter2
+ (fun cq q -> res:=plusP d (!res) (multP d cq q);
+ )
+ lcq !poldep;
+ info ("verif somme: "^(stringP (!res))^"\n");
+ let rec aux lp =
+ match lp with
+ |[] -> []
+ |p::lp ->
+ (List.map
+ (fun q -> coefpoldep_find p q)
+ lp)::(aux lp)
+ in
+ let coefficient_multiplicateur = c in
+ let liste_polynomes_de_depart = List.rev lp0 in
+ let polynome_a_tester = p in
+ let liste_des_coefficients_intermediaires =
+ (let lci = List.rev (aux (List.rev lp)) in
+ let lci = ref lci (* (List.map List.rev lci) *) in
+ List.iter (fun x -> lci := List.tl (!lci)) lp0;
+ !lci) in
+ let liste_des_coefficients =
+ List.map
+ (fun cq -> emultP (coef_of_int (-1)) cq)
+ (List.rev lcq) in
+ (coefficient_multiplicateur,
+ liste_polynomes_de_depart,
+ polynome_a_tester,
+ liste_des_coefficients_intermediaires,
+ liste_des_coefficients))
+ else ((*info "polynome non reduit a 0\n";
+ info ("\nreste: "^(stringPcut r)^"\n");*)
+ (c,[],[],[],[]))
+let choix_spol p l = l
+let deg_hom p =
+ match p with
+ | [] -> -1
+ | (a,m)::_ -> m.(0)
+let pbuchf d pq p lp0=
+ info "calcul de la base de Groebner\n";
+ step:=0;
+ Hashtbl.clear hmon;
+ let rec pbuchf x =
+ let (lp, lpc) = x in
+ infobuch lp lpc;
+(* step:=(!step+1)mod 10;*)
+ match lpc with
+ [] -> test_dans_ideal d p lp lp0
+ | _ ->
+ (match choix_spol !pol_courant lpc with
+ |[] -> assert false
+ |(a::lpc2) ->
+ if !homogeneous && a<>[] && deg_hom a > deg_hom !pol_courant
+ then (info "h";pbuchf (lp, lpc2))
+ else
+ let (ca,a0)= reduce2 d a lp in
+ match a0 with
+ [] -> info "0";pbuchf (lp, lpc2)
+ | _ ->
+ let a1 = emultP ca a in
+ List.iter
+ (fun q ->
+ coefpoldep_set a1 q (emultP ca (coefpoldep_find a q)))
+ !poldep;
+ let (lca,a0) = reduce2_trace d a1 lp
+ (List.map (fun q -> coefpoldep_find a1 q) !poldep) in
+ List.iter2 (fun c q -> coefpoldep_set a0 q c) lca !poldep;
+ info ("\nnouveau polynome: "^(stringPcut a0)^"\n");
+ let ct = coef1 (* contentP a0 *) in
+ (*info ("contenu: "^(string_of_coef ct)^"\n");*)
+ poldep:=addS a0 lp;
+ poldepcontent:=addS ct (!poldepcontent);
+ let (c1,lp1,p1,lci1,lc1)
+ = test_dans_ideal d p (addS a0 lp) lp0 in
+ if lc1<>[]
+ then (c1,lp1,p1,lci1,lc1)
+ else
+ pbuchf
+ (((addS a0 lp),
+ (genPcPf d a0 lp lpc2))))
+ in pbuchf pq
+let is_homogeneous p =
+ match p with
+ | [] -> true
+ | (a,m)::p1 -> let d = m.(0) in
+ List.for_all (fun (b,m') -> m'.(0)=d) p1
+(* rend
+ c
+ lp = [pn;...;p1]
+ p
+ lci = [[a(n+1,n);...;a(n+1,1)];
+ [a(n+2,n+1);...;a(n+2,1)];
+ ...
+ [a(n+m,n+m-1);...;a(n+m,1)]]
+ lc = [qn+m; ... q1]
+ tels que
+ c*p = sum qi*pi
+ ou pn+k = a(n+k,n+k-1)*pn+k-1 + ... + a(n+k,1)* p1
+ *)
+let in_ideal d lp p =
+ info ("p: "^(stringPcut p)^"\n");
+ info ("lp:\n"^(List.fold_left (fun r p -> r^(stringPcut p)^"\n") "" lp));
+ initcoefpoldep d lp;
+ coef_courant:=coef1;
+ pol_courant:=p;
+ homogeneous := List.for_all is_homogeneous (p::lp);
+ if !homogeneous then info "polynomes homogenes\n";
+ let (c1,lp1,p1,lci1,lc1) = test_dans_ideal d p lp lp in
+ if lc1<>[]
+ then (c1,lp1,p1,lci1,lc1)
+ else pbuchf d (lp, (genOCPf d lp)) p lp
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/ideal.mli b/plugins/groebner/ideal.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48b81102e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/ideal.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+type coef = Polynom.poly
+val coef_of_int : int -> coef
+val eq_coef : coef -> coef -> bool
+val plus_coef : coef -> coef -> coef
+val mult_coef : coef -> coef -> coef
+val sub_coef : coef -> coef -> coef
+val opp_coef : coef -> coef
+val div_coef : coef -> coef -> coef
+val coef0 : coef
+val coef1 : coef
+val string_of_coef : coef -> string
+val pgcd : coef -> coef -> coef
+type mon = int array
+type poly = (coef * mon) list
+val eq_poly : poly -> poly -> bool
+val mult_mon : int -> mon -> mon -> mon
+val deg : mon -> int
+val compare_mon : int -> mon -> mon -> int
+val div_mon : int -> mon -> mon -> mon
+val div_pol_coef : poly -> coef -> poly
+val div_mon_test : int -> mon -> mon -> bool
+val set_deg : int -> mon -> mon
+val ppcm_mon : int -> mon -> mon -> mon
+val name_var : string list ref
+val getvar : string list -> int -> string
+val stringP : poly -> string
+val stringPcut : poly -> string
+val lstringP : poly list -> string
+val printP : poly -> unit
+val lprintP : poly list -> unit
+val polconst : int -> coef -> poly
+val zeroP : poly
+val plusP : int -> poly -> poly -> poly
+val mult_t_pol : int -> coef -> mon -> poly -> poly
+val selectdiv : int -> mon -> poly list -> poly
+val gen : int -> int -> poly
+val oppP : poly -> poly
+val emultP : coef -> poly -> poly
+val multP : int -> poly -> poly -> poly
+val puisP : int -> poly -> int -> poly
+val contentP : poly -> coef
+val contentPlist : poly list -> coef
+val pgcdpos : coef -> coef -> coef
+val div_pol : int -> poly -> poly -> coef -> coef -> mon -> poly
+val reduce2 : int -> poly -> poly list -> coef * poly
+val poldepcontent : coef list ref
+val coefpoldep_find : poly -> poly -> poly
+val coefpoldep_set : poly -> poly -> poly -> unit
+val initcoefpoldep : int -> poly list -> unit
+val reduce2_trace :
+ int -> poly -> poly list -> poly list -> poly list * poly
+val homogeneous : bool ref
+val spol : int -> poly -> poly -> poly
+val etrangers : int -> ('a * mon) list -> ('b * mon) list -> bool
+val div_ppcm : int -> poly -> poly -> poly -> bool
+type 'a cpRes = Keep of 'a list | DontKeep of 'a list
+val list_rec : 'a -> ('b -> 'b list -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b list -> 'a
+val addRes : 'a -> 'a cpRes -> 'a cpRes
+val slice : int -> poly -> poly -> poly list -> poly cpRes
+val addS : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val genPcPf : int -> poly -> poly list -> poly list -> poly list
+val genOCPf : int -> poly list -> poly list
+val is_homogeneous : poly -> bool
+val in_ideal :
+ int -> poly list -> poly ->
+ coef * poly list * poly * poly list list * poly list
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/polynom.ml b/plugins/groebner/polynom.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c859f755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/polynom.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+ Polynomes récursifs: Z[x1]...[xn].
+open Utile
+open Util
+ 1. Opérations sur les coefficients.
+open Big_int
+type coef = big_int
+let coef_of_int = big_int_of_int
+let coef_of_num = Num.big_int_of_num
+let num_of_coef = Num.num_of_big_int
+let eq_coef = eq_big_int
+let lt_coef = lt_big_int
+let le_coef = le_big_int
+let abs_coef = abs_big_int
+let plus_coef =add_big_int
+let mult_coef = mult_big_int
+let sub_coef = sub_big_int
+let opp_coef = minus_big_int
+let div_coef = div_big_int
+let mod_coef = mod_big_int
+let coef0 = coef_of_int 0
+let coef1 = coef_of_int 1
+let string_of_coef = string_of_big_int
+let int_of_coef x = int_of_big_int x
+let hash_coef x =
+ try (int_of_big_int x)
+ with _-> 1
+let puis_coef = power_big_int_positive_int
+type coef = Entiers.entiers
+let coef_of_int = Entiers.ent_of_int
+let coef_of_num x = (* error if x is a ratio *)
+ Entiers.ent_of_string
+ (Big_int.string_of_big_int (Num.big_int_of_num x))
+let num_of_coef x = Num.num_of_string (Entiers.string_of_ent x)
+let eq_coef = Entiers.eq_ent
+let lt_coef = Entiers.lt_ent
+let le_coef = Entiers.le_ent
+let abs_coef = Entiers.abs_ent
+let plus_coef =Entiers.add_ent
+let mult_coef = Entiers.mult_ent
+let sub_coef = Entiers.moins_ent
+let opp_coef = Entiers.opp_ent
+let div_coef = Entiers.div_ent
+let mod_coef = Entiers.mod_ent
+let coef0 = Entiers.ent0
+let coef1 = Entiers.ent1
+let string_of_coef = Entiers.string_of_ent
+let int_of_coef x = Entiers.int_of_ent x
+let hash_coef x =Entiers.hash_ent x
+let signe_coef = Entiers.signe_ent
+let rec puis_coef p n = match n with
+ 0 -> coef1
+ |_ -> (mult_coef p (puis_coef p (n-1)))
+(* a et b positifs, résultat positif *)
+let rec pgcd a b =
+ if eq_coef b coef0
+ then a
+ else if lt_coef a b then pgcd b a else pgcd b (mod_coef a b)
+(* signe du pgcd = signe(a)*signe(b) si non nuls. *)
+let pgcd2 a b =
+ if eq_coef a coef0 then b
+ else if eq_coef b coef0 then a
+ else let c = pgcd (abs_coef a) (abs_coef b) in
+ if ((lt_coef coef0 a)&&(lt_coef b coef0))
+ ||((lt_coef coef0 b)&&(lt_coef a coef0))
+ then opp_coef c else c
+ 2. Le type des polynômes, operations.
+type variable = int
+type poly =
+ Pint of coef (* polynome constant *)
+ | Prec of variable * (poly array) (* coefficients par degre croissant *)
+(* sauf mention du contraire, les opérations ne concernent que des
+ polynomes normalisés:
+ - les variables sont des entiers strictement positifs.
+ - les coefficients d'un polynome en x ne font intervenir que des variables < x.
+ - pas de coefficient nul en tête.
+ - pas de Prec(x,a) ou a n'a qu'un element (constant en x).
+(* Polynômes constant *)
+let cf x = Pint (coef_of_int x)
+let cf0 = (cf 0)
+let cf1 = (cf 1)
+(* la n-ième variable *)
+let x n = Prec (n,[|cf0;cf1|])
+(* variable max *)
+let max_var_pol p =
+ match p with
+ Pint _ -> 0
+ |Prec(x,_) -> x
+(* p n'est pas forcément normalisé *)
+let rec max_var_pol2 p =
+ match p with
+ Pint _ -> 0
+ |Prec(v,c)-> Array.fold_right (fun q m -> max (max_var_pol2 q) m) c v
+(* variable max d'une liste de polynômes *)
+let rec max_var l = Array.fold_right (fun p m -> max (max_var_pol2 p) m) l 0
+(* Egalité de deux polynômes
+ On ne peut pas utiliser = car elle ne marche pas sur les Big_int.
+let rec eqP p q =
+ match (p,q) with
+ (Pint a,Pint b) -> eq_coef a b
+ |(Prec(x,p1),Prec(y,q1)) ->
+ if x<>y then false
+ else if (Array.length p1)<>(Array.length q1) then false
+ else (try (Array.iteri (fun i a -> if not (eqP a q1.(i))
+ then failwith "raté")
+ p1;
+ true)
+ with _ -> false)
+ | (_,_) -> false
+(* vire les zéros de tête d'un polynôme non normalisé, dont les coefficients
+ sont supposés normalisés.
+ si constant, rend le coef constant.
+let rec norm p = match p with
+ Pint _ -> p
+ |Prec (x,a)->
+ let d = (Array.length a -1) in
+ let n = ref d in
+ while !n>0 && (eqP a.(!n) (Pint coef0)) do
+ n:=!n-1;
+ done;
+ if !n<0 then Pint coef0
+ else if !n=0 then a.(0)
+ else if !n=d then p
+ else (let b=Array.create (!n+1) (Pint coef0) in
+ for i=0 to !n do b.(i)<-a.(i);done;
+ Prec(x,b))
+(* degré en la variable v du polynome p, v >= max var de p *)
+let rec deg v p =
+ match p with
+ Prec(x,p1) when x=v -> Array.length p1 -1
+ |_ -> 0
+(* degré total *)
+let rec deg_total p =
+ match p with
+ Prec (x,p1) -> let d = ref 0 in
+ Array.iteri (fun i q -> d:= (max !d (i+(deg_total q)))) p1;
+ !d
+ |_ -> 0
+(* copie le polynome *)
+let rec copyP p =
+ match p with
+ Pint i -> Pint i
+ |Prec(x,q) -> Prec(x,Array.map copyP q)
+(* coefficient de degre i en v, v >= max var de p *)
+let coef v i p =
+ match p with
+ Prec (x,p1) when x=v -> if i<(Array.length p1) then p1.(i) else Pint coef0
+ |_ -> if i=0 then p else Pint coef0
+let rec plusP p q =
+ let res =
+ (match (p,q) with
+ (Pint a,Pint b) -> Pint (plus_coef a b)
+ |(Pint a, Prec (y,q1)) -> let q2=Array.map copyP q1 in
+ q2.(0)<- plusP p q1.(0);
+ Prec (y,q2)
+ |(Prec (x,p1),Pint b) -> let p2=Array.map copyP p1 in
+ p2.(0)<- plusP p1.(0) q;
+ Prec (x,p2)
+ |(Prec (x,p1),Prec (y,q1)) ->
+ if x<y then (let q2=Array.map copyP q1 in
+ q2.(0)<- plusP p q1.(0);
+ Prec (y,q2))
+ else if x>y then (let p2=Array.map copyP p1 in
+ p2.(0)<- plusP p1.(0) q;
+ Prec (x,p2))
+ else
+ (let n=max (deg x p) (deg x q) in
+ let r=Array.create (n+1) (Pint coef0) in
+ for i=0 to n do
+ r.(i)<- plusP (coef x i p) (coef x i q);
+ done;
+ Prec(x,r)))
+ in norm res
+(* contenu entier positif *)
+let rec content p =
+ match p with
+ Pint a -> abs_coef a
+ | Prec (x ,p1) ->
+ Array.fold_left pgcd coef0 (Array.map content p1)
+(* divise tous les coefficients de p par l'entier a*)
+let rec div_int p a=
+ match p with
+ Pint b -> Pint (div_coef b a)
+ | Prec(x,p1) -> Prec(x,Array.map (fun x -> div_int x a) p1)
+(* divise p par son contenu entier positif. *)
+let vire_contenu p =
+ let c = content p in
+ if eq_coef c coef0 then p else div_int p c
+(* liste triee des variables impliquees dans un poly *)
+let rec vars=function
+ Pint _->[]
+ | Prec (x,l)->(List.flatten ([x]::(List.map vars (Array.to_list l))))
+(* conversion d'un poly cst en entier*)
+let int_of_Pint=function
+ (Pint x)->x
+ |_->failwith "non"
+(* multiplie p par v^n, v >= max_var p *)
+let rec multx n v p =
+ match p with
+ Prec (x,p1) when x=v -> let p2= Array.create ((Array.length p1)+n) (Pint coef0) in
+ for i=0 to (Array.length p1)-1 do
+ p2.(i+n)<-p1.(i);
+ done;
+ Prec (x,p2)
+ |_ -> if p = (Pint coef0) then (Pint coef0)
+ else (let p2=Array.create (n+1) (Pint coef0) in
+ p2.(n)<-p;
+ Prec (v,p2))
+(* produit de 2 polynomes *)
+let rec multP p q =
+ match (p,q) with
+ (Pint a,Pint b) -> Pint (mult_coef a b)
+ |(Pint a, Prec (y,q1)) ->
+ if eq_coef a coef0 then Pint coef0
+ else let q2 = Array.map (fun z-> multP p z) q1 in
+ Prec (y,q2)
+ |(Prec (x,p1), Pint b) ->
+ if eq_coef b coef0 then Pint coef0
+ else let p2 = Array.map (fun z-> multP z q) p1 in
+ Prec (x,p2)
+ |(Prec (x,p1), Prec(y,q1)) ->
+ if x<y
+ then (let q2 = Array.map (fun z-> multP p z) q1 in
+ Prec (y,q2))
+ else if x>y
+ then (let p2 = Array.map (fun z-> multP z q) p1 in
+ Prec (x,p2))
+ else Array.fold_left plusP (Pint coef0)
+ (Array.mapi (fun i z-> (multx i x (multP z q))) p1)
+(* derive p par rapport a la variable v, v >= max_var p *)
+let rec deriv v p =
+ match p with
+ Pint a -> Pint coef0
+ |Prec(x,p1) when x=v ->
+ let d = Array.length p1 -1 in
+ if d=1 then p1.(1)
+ else
+ (let p2 = Array.create d (Pint coef0) in
+ for i=0 to d-1 do
+ p2.(i)<- multP (Pint (coef_of_int (i+1))) p1.(i+1);
+ done;
+ Prec (x,p2))
+ |Prec(x,p1)-> Pint coef0
+(* opposé de p *)
+let rec oppP p =
+ match p with
+ Pint a -> Pint (opp_coef a)
+ |Prec(x,p1) -> Prec(x,Array.map oppP p1)
+(* différence de deux polynômes. *)
+let moinsP p q=plusP p (oppP q)
+let rec puisP p n = match n with
+ 0 -> cf1
+ |_ -> (multP p (puisP p (n-1)))
+(* notations infixes...*)
+(*let (++) a b = plusP a b
+let (@@) a b = multP a b
+let (--) a b = moinsP a b
+let (^^) a b = puisP a b
+(* coefficient dominant de p, v>= max_var p *)
+let coefDom v p= coef v (deg v p) p
+let coefConst v p = coef v 0 p
+(* queue d'un polynôme *)
+let remP v p =
+ moinsP p (multP (coefDom v p) (puisP (x v) (deg v p)))
+(* premier coef entier de p *)
+let rec coef_int_tete p =
+ let v = max_var_pol p in
+ if v>0
+ then coef_int_tete (coefDom v p)
+ else (match p with | Pint a -> a |_ -> assert false)
+(* divise par le contenu, et rend positif le premier coefficient entier *)
+let normc p =
+ let p = vire_contenu p in
+ let a = coef_int_tete p in
+ if le_coef coef0 a then p else oppP p
+(* teste si un polynome est constant *)
+let is_constantP p = match p with
+ Pint _ -> true
+ |Prec (_,_) -> false
+(* teste si un poly est identiquement nul *)
+let is_zero p =
+ match p with Pint n -> if eq_coef n coef0 then true else false |_-> false
+(* crée rapidement v^n *)
+let monome v n =
+ match n with
+ 0->Pint coef1;
+ |_->let tmp = Array.create (n+1) (Pint coef0) in
+ tmp.(n)<-(Pint coef1);
+ Prec (v, tmp)
+(*coef constant d'un polynome normalise*)
+let rec coef_constant p =
+ match p with
+ Pint a->a
+ |Prec(_,q)->coef_constant q.(0)
+ 3. Affichage des polynômes.
+(* si univ=false, on utilise x,y,z,a,b,c,d... comme noms de variables,
+ sinon, x1,x2,...
+let univ=ref true
+(* joli jusqu'a trois variables -- sinon changer le 'w' *)
+let string_of_var x=
+ if !univ then
+ "u"^(string_of_int x)
+ else
+ if x<=3 then String.make 1 (Char.chr(x+(Char.code 'w')))
+ else String.make 1 (Char.chr(x-4+(Char.code 'a')))
+let nsP = ref 0
+let rec string_of_Pcut p =
+ if (!nsP)<=0
+ then "..."
+ else
+ match p with
+ |Pint a-> nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ if le_coef coef0 a
+ then string_of_coef a
+ else "("^(string_of_coef a)^")"
+ |Prec (x,t)->
+ let v=string_of_var x
+ and s=ref ""
+ and sp=ref "" in
+ let st0 = string_of_Pcut t.(0) in
+ if st0<>"0"
+ then s:=st0;
+ let fin = ref false in
+ for i=(Array.length t)-1 downto 1 do
+ if (!nsP)<0
+ then (sp:="...";
+ if not (!fin) then s:=(!s)^"+"^(!sp);
+ fin:=true)
+ else (
+ let si=string_of_Pcut t.(i) in
+ sp:="";
+ if i=1
+ then (
+ if si<>"0"
+ then (nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ if si="1"
+ then sp:=v
+ else
+ (if (String.contains si '+')
+ then sp:="("^si^")*"^v
+ else sp:=si^"*"^v)))
+ else (
+ if si<>"0"
+ then (nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ if si="1"
+ then sp:=v^"^"^(string_of_int i)
+ else (if (String.contains si '+')
+ then sp:="("^si^")*"^v^"^"^(string_of_int i)
+ else sp:=si^"*"^v^"^"^(string_of_int i))));
+ if !sp<>"" && not (!fin)
+ then (nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ if !s=""
+ then s:=!sp
+ else s:=(!s)^"+"^(!sp)));
+ done;
+ if !s="" then (nsP:=(!nsP)-1;
+ (s:="0"));
+ !s
+let string_of_P p =
+ nsP:=20;
+ string_of_Pcut p
+let printP p = Format.printf "@[%s@]" (string_of_P p)
+let print_tpoly lp =
+ let s = ref "\n{ " in
+ Array.iter (fun p -> s:=(!s)^(string_of_P p)^"\n") lp;
+ prt0 ((!s)^"}")
+let print_lpoly lp = print_tpoly (Array.of_list lp)
+(* #install_printer printP *)
+ 4. Division exacte de polynômes.
+(* rend (s,r) tel que p = s*q+r *)
+let rec quo_rem_pol p q x =
+ if x=0
+ then (match (p,q) with
+ |(Pint a, Pint b) ->
+ if eq_coef (mod_coef a b) coef0
+ then (Pint (div_coef a b), cf 0)
+ else failwith "div_pol1"
+ |_ -> assert false)
+ else
+ let m = deg x q in
+ let b = coefDom x q in
+ let q1 = remP x q in (* q = b*x^m+q1 *)
+ let r = ref p in
+ let s = ref cf0 in
+ let continue =ref true in
+ while (!continue) && (not (eqP !r cf0)) do
+ let n = deg x !r in
+ if n<m
+ then continue:=false
+ else (
+ let a = coefDom x !r in
+ let p1 = remP x !r in (* r = a*x^n+p1 *)
+ let c = div_pol a b (x-1) in (* a = c*b *)
+ let s1 = c @@ ((monome x (n-m))) in
+ s:= plusP (!s) s1;
+ r:= p1 -- (s1 @@ q1);
+ )
+ done;
+ (!s,!r)
+(* echoue si q ne divise pas p, rend le quotient sinon *)
+and div_pol p q x =
+ let (s,r) = quo_rem_pol p q x in
+ if eqP r cf0
+ then s
+ else failwith ("div_pol:\n"
+ ^"p:"^(string_of_P p)^"\n"
+ ^"q:"^(string_of_P q)^"\n"
+ ^"r:"^(string_of_P r)^"\n"
+ ^"x:"^(string_of_int x)^"\n"
+ )
+(* test de division exacte de p par q mais constantes rationnels
+ à vérifier *)
+let divP p q=
+ let x = max (max_var_pol p) (max_var_pol q) in
+ div_pol p q x
+(* test de division exacte de p par q mais constantes rationnels
+ à vérifier *)
+let div_pol_rat p q=
+ let x = max (max_var_pol p) (max_var_pol q) in
+ try (let s = div_pol (multP p (puisP (Pint(coef_int_tete q))
+ (1+(deg x p) - (deg x q))))
+ q x in
+ (*degueulasse, mais c 'est pour enlever un warning *)
+ if s==s then true else true)
+ with _ -> false
+ 5. Pseudo-division et pgcd par les sous-résultants.
+(* pseudo division :
+ q = c*x^m+q1
+ rend (r,c,d,s) tels que c^d*p = s*q + r.
+let pseudo_div p q x =
+ match q with
+ Pint _ -> (cf0, q,1, p)
+ | Prec (v,q1) when x<>v -> (cf0, q,1, p)
+ | Prec (v,q1) ->
+ (
+ (* pr "pseudo_division: c^d*p = s*q + r";*)
+ let delta = ref 0 in
+ let r = ref p in
+ let c = coefDom x q in
+ let q1 = remP x q in
+ let d' = deg x q in
+ let s = ref cf0 in
+ while (deg x !r)>=(deg x q) do
+ let d = deg x !r in
+ let a = coefDom x !r in
+ let r1=remP x !r in
+ let u = a @@ ((monome x (d-d'))) in
+ r:=(c @@ r1) -- (u @@ q1);
+ s:=plusP (c @@ (!s)) u;
+ delta := (!delta) + 1;
+ done;
+ (*
+ pr ("deg d: "^(string_of_int (!delta))^", deg c: "^(string_of_int (deg_total c)));
+ pr ("deg r:"^(string_of_int (deg_total !r)));
+ *)
+ (!r,c,!delta, !s)
+ )
+(* pgcd de polynômes par les sous-résultants *)
+let rec pgcdP p q =
+ let x = max (max_var_pol p) (max_var_pol q) in
+ pgcd_pol p q x
+and pgcd_pol p q x =
+ pgcd_pol_rec p q x
+and content_pol p x =
+ match p with
+ Prec(v,p1) when v=x ->
+ Array.fold_left (fun a b -> pgcd_pol_rec a b (x-1)) cf0 p1
+ | _ -> p
+and pgcd_coef_pol c p x =
+ match p with
+ Prec(v,p1) when x=v ->
+ Array.fold_left (fun a b -> pgcd_pol_rec a b (x-1)) c p1
+ |_ -> pgcd_pol_rec c p (x-1)
+and pgcd_pol_rec p q x =
+ match (p,q) with
+ (Pint a,Pint b) -> Pint (pgcd (abs_coef a) (abs_coef b))
+ |_ ->
+ if eqP p cf0
+ then q
+ else if eqP q cf0
+ then p
+ else if (deg x q) = 0
+ then pgcd_coef_pol q p x
+ else if (deg x p) = 0
+ then pgcd_coef_pol p q x
+ else (
+ let a = content_pol p x in
+ let b = content_pol q x in
+ let c = pgcd_pol_rec a b (x-1) in
+ pr (string_of_int x);
+ let p1 = div_pol p c x in
+ let q1 = div_pol q c x in
+ let r = gcd_sub_res p1 q1 x in
+ let cr = content_pol r x in
+ let res = c @@ (div_pol r cr x) in
+ res
+ )
+(* version avec memo*)
+and htblpgcd = Hashtbl.create 1000
+and pgcd_pol_rec p q x =
+ try
+ (let c = Hashtbl.find htblpgcd (p,q,x) in
+ (*info "*";*)
+ c)
+ with _ ->
+ (let c =
+ (match (p,q) with
+ (Pint a,Pint b) -> Pint (pgcd (abs_coef a) (abs_coef b))
+ |_ ->
+ if eqP p cf0
+ then q
+ else if eqP q cf0
+ then p
+ else if (deg x q) = 0
+ then pgcd_coef_pol q p x
+ else if (deg x p) = 0
+ then pgcd_coef_pol p q x
+ else (
+ let a = content_pol p x in
+ let b = content_pol q x in
+ let c = pgcd_pol_rec a b (x-1) in
+ pr (string_of_int x);
+ let p1 = div_pol p c x in
+ let q1 = div_pol q c x in
+ let r = gcd_sub_res p1 q1 x in
+ let cr = content_pol r x in
+ let res = c @@ (div_pol r cr x) in
+ res
+ )
+ )
+ in
+ (*info "-";*)
+ Hashtbl.add htblpgcd (p,q,x) c;
+ c)
+(* Sous-résultants:
+ ai*Ai = Qi*Ai+1 + bi*Ai+2
+ deg Ai+2 < deg Ai+1
+ Ai = ci*X^ni + ...
+ di = ni - ni+1
+ ai = (- ci+1)^(di + 1)
+ b1 = 1
+ bi = ci*si^di si i>1
+ s1 = 1
+ si+1 = ((ci+1)^di*si)/si^di
+and gcd_sub_res p q x =
+ if eqP q cf0
+ then p
+ else
+ let d = deg x p in
+ let d' = deg x q in
+ if d<d'
+ then gcd_sub_res q p x
+ else
+ let delta = d-d' in
+ let c' = coefDom x q in
+ let r = snd (quo_rem_pol (((oppP c')^^(delta+1))@@p) (oppP q) x) in
+ gcd_sub_res_rec q r (c'^^delta) c' d' x
+and gcd_sub_res_rec p q s c d x =
+ if eqP q cf0
+ then p
+ else (
+ let d' = deg x q in
+ let c' = coefDom x q in
+ let delta = d-d' in
+ let r = snd (quo_rem_pol (((oppP c')^^(delta+1))@@p) (oppP q) x) in
+ let s'= lazard_power c' s delta x in
+ gcd_sub_res_rec q (div_pol r (c @@ (s^^delta)) x) s' c' d' x
+ )
+and lazard_power c s d x =
+ let res = ref c in
+ for i=1 to d-1 do
+ res:= div_pol ((!res)@@c) s x;
+ done;
+ !res
+ 6. Décomposition sans carré, factorisation.
+ p = f1 f2^2 ... fn^r
+ p/\p'= f2 f3^2...fn^(r-1)
+ sans_carré(p)= p/p/\p '= f1 f2 ... fn
+let sans_carre p x =
+ if (deg x p) <= 1 then p
+ else
+ let p' = deriv x p in
+ div_pol p (pgcd_pol p p' x) x
+(* liste [f1;...;fn] *)
+let facteurs p x =
+ let rec facteurs_rec p q =
+ if (deg x p)=0 then []
+ else
+ let p2 = div_pol p q x in
+ let q2 = sans_carre p2 x in
+ (div_pol q q2 x)::(facteurs_rec p2 q2)
+ in facteurs_rec p (sans_carre p x)
+(* liste [f1;f3;...] *)
+let facteurs_impairs p x =
+ let lf = Array.of_list (facteurs p x) in
+ let r = ref [] in
+ Array.iteri (fun i f ->
+ if ((i+1) mod 2)=1
+ then r:=(!r)@[f])
+ lf;
+ !r
+(* décomposition sans carrés en toutes les variables *)
+let hcontentP = Hashtbl.create 51
+let prcontentP () =
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun s c ->
+ prn (s^" -> "^(string_of_P c)))
+ hcontentP
+let contentP =
+ memos "c" hcontentP (fun (p,x) -> ((string_of_P p)^":"^(string_of_int x)))
+ (fun (p,x) -> content_pol p x)
+(* Tables de hash et polynômes, mémo *)
+(* dans le mli on écrit:
+ module Hashpol:Hashtbl.S with type t = poly
+(* fonction de hachage des polynômes *)
+let hashP p =
+ let rec hP p =
+ match p with
+ Pint a -> (hash_coef a)
+ |Prec (v,p) ->
+ (Array.fold_right (fun q h -> h+(hP q)) p 0)
+ in (* Hashtbl.hash *) (hP p)
+module Hashpol = Hashtbl.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = poly
+ let equal = eqP
+ let hash = hashP
+ end)
+let memoP s memoire fonction x =
+ try (let v = Hashpol.find memoire x in pr s;v)
+ with _ -> (pr "#";
+ let v = fonction x in
+ Hashpol.add memoire x v;
+ v)
+let hfactorise = Hashpol.create 51
+let prfactorise () =
+ Hashpol.iter (fun p c ->
+ prn ((string_of_P p)^" -> ");
+ print_lpoly (List.flatten c))
+ hfactorise
+let factorise =
+ memoP "f" hfactorise
+ (fun p ->
+ let rec fact p x =
+ if x=0
+ then []
+ else
+ let c = contentP (p,x) in
+ let q = div_pol p c x in
+ (facteurs q x)::(fact c (x-1))
+ in fact p (max_var_pol p))
+(* liste des facteurs sans carré non constants,
+ avec coef entier de tête positif *)
+let facteurs2 p =
+ List.map normc
+ (List.filter (fun q -> deg_total q >0)
+ (List.flatten (factorise (normc p))))
+(* produit des facteurs non constants d'une décomposition sans carré *)
+let pol_de_factorisation lf =
+ let p = ref cf1 in
+ List.iter (fun lq ->
+ Array.iteri (fun i q -> if (deg_total q)>0 then p:=(!p)@@(q^^(i+1)))
+ (Array.of_list lq))
+ lf;
+ !p
+let set_of_array_facteurs tf =
+ let h = Hashpol.create 51 in
+ Array.iter (fun lf ->
+ List.iter (fun p -> if not (Hashpol.mem h p)
+ then Hashpol.add h p true)
+ lf)
+ tf;
+ let res = ref [] in
+ Hashpol.iter (fun p _ -> res:=p::(!res)) h;
+ !res
+(* Factorise un tableau de polynômes f, et rend:
+ - un tableau p de facteurs (degré>0, contenu entier 1,
+ coefficient de tête >0) obtenu par décomposition sans carrés
+ puis par division mutuelle
+ - un tableau l de couples (constante, listes d'indices l)
+ tels que f.(i) = l.(i)_1*Produit(p.(j), j dans l.(i)_2)
+(* on donne le tableau des facteurs de chaque poly de f *)
+let factorise_tableauP2 f l1 =
+ let x = max_var f in
+ (* liste des facteurs sans carré des polynômes de f *)
+ pr"<";
+ let l1 = set_of_array_facteurs l1 in
+ (* on les divise entre eux pour éventuellement trouver
+ de nouveaux facteurs *)
+ pr "~";
+ let l1 = Sort.list (fun p q -> (deg_total p)<(deg_total q)) l1 in
+ let l1 = Array.of_list (facteurs_liste (fun a b -> div_pol a b x)
+ (fun p -> (deg_total p)<1)
+ l1) in
+ (* puis on décompose les polynômes de f avec ces facteurs *)
+ pr "-";
+ let res = factorise_tableau (fun a b -> div_pol a b x)
+ (fun p -> eqP p cf0)
+ cf0
+ f l1 in
+ pr ">";
+ res
+let factorise_tableauP f =
+ factorise_tableauP2 f (Array.map facteurs2 f)
+ 7. Pseudo-division avec reste de même signe,
+ en utilisant des polynômes non nuls pour diviser le reste.
+(* polynôme pair et coefficients positifs *)
+let rec is_positif p =
+ let res =
+ match p with
+ Pint a -> le_coef coef0 a
+ |Prec(x,p1) ->
+ (array_for_all is_positif p1)
+ && (try (Array.iteri (fun i c -> if (i mod 2)<>0 && not (eqP c cf0)
+ then failwith "pas pair")
+ p1;
+ true)
+ with _ -> false)
+ in
+ res
+let is_negatif p = is_positif (oppP p)
+(* rend r tel que deg r < deg q et r a le signe de p en les racines de q.
+ le coefficient dominant de q est non nul
+ quand les polynômes de coef_non_nuls le sont.
+ (rs,cs,ds,ss,crs,lpos,lpol)= pseudo_euclide coef_non_nuls vect.(s-1) res.(s-1) v
+let pseudo_euclide coef_non_nuls p q x =
+ let (r,c,d,s) = pseudo_div p q x in
+ (*
+ c^d * p = s*q + r, c = coef dominant de q
+ *)
+ (* vérification de la pseudo-division:
+ let verif = ((c^^d)@@p)--(plusP (s@@q) r) in
+ if not (eqP verif cf0)
+ then (prn ("p:"^(string_of_P p));
+ prn ("q:"^(string_of_P q));
+ prn ("c:"^(string_of_P c));
+ prn ("r:"^(string_of_P r));
+ prn ("d:"^(string_of_int d));
+ failwith "erreur dans la pseudo-division");
+ *)
+ (* pour autoriser des c pas positifs, il faut modifier algo14 et preuve3*)
+ let r = if d mod 2 = 1 then c@@r else r in
+ let s = if d mod 2 = 1 then c@@s else s in
+ let d = if d mod 2 = 1 then d+1 else d in
+ (* on encore c^d * p = s*q + r, mais d pair *)
+ if eqP r cf0
+ then ((*pr "reste nul"; *) (r,c,d,s,cf1,[],[]))
+ else (
+ let r1 = vire_contenu r in
+ let cr = div_pol r r1 x in
+ let r = ref r1 in
+ (* r a maintenant le même signe que p en les racines de q.*)
+ (* on tente de diviser r par les polynômes de coef_non_nuls *)
+ let lf = ref [] in (* liste de (facteur, puissance) *)
+ List.iter (fun f ->
+ if (deg_total f)>0 && (max_var_pol f) < x
+ then (
+ let k = ref 0 in
+ (try (while true do
+ let rd = div_pol !r f x in
+ (* verification de la division
+ if not (eqP cf0 ((!r)--(f@@rd)))
+ then failwith "erreur dans la division";
+ *)
+ k:=(!k)+1;
+ r:=rd;
+ (*pr "+";*)
+ done)
+ with _ -> ());
+ lf:=(f,!k)::(!lf)))
+ coef_non_nuls;
+ (* il faut éventuellement remultiplier pour garder le signe de r *)
+ let lpos = ref [] in
+ let lpol = ref [] in
+ List.iter (fun (f,k) ->
+ if k>0
+ then (
+ if (is_positif f)
+ (* f est positif, tout va bien *)
+ then lpos:=(f,k)::(!lpos)
+ else if (is_negatif f)
+ (* f est négatif *)
+ then (if k mod 2 = 1
+ (* k est impair *)
+ then (lpos:=(oppP f,k)::(!lpos);
+ r:=oppP (!r))
+ else lpos:=(f,k)::(!lpos))
+ (* on ne connaît pas le signe de f *)
+ else if k mod 2 = 0
+ (* k est pair, tout va bien *)
+ then lpol:=(f,k)::(!lpol)
+ (* k est impair *)
+ else (lpol:=(f,k-1)::(!lpol);
+ r:=multP (!r) f)))
+ !lf;
+ (*
+ pr ((* "------reste de même signe: "
+ ^(string_of_P c)
+ ^" variable: "^(string_of_int x)
+ ^" c:"^(string_of_int (deg_total c))
+ ^" d:"^(string_of_int d)
+ ^" deg(r)-deg(r0):"
+ ^*)(string_of_int ((deg_total !r)-(deg_total r0))));
+ *)
+ (* lpos = liste de (f,k) ou f est non nul positif, et f^k divise r0
+ lpol = liste de (f,k) ou f non nul, k est pair et f^k divise r0
+ on c^d * p = s*q + r0
+ avec d pair
+ r0 = cr * r * PI_lpos f^k * PI_lpol g^k
+ cr non nul positif
+ *)
+ (!r,c,d,s,cr,!lpos,!lpol))
+(* teste si la non-nullité des polynômes de lp entraîne celle de p:
+ chacun des facteurs de la décomposition sans carrés de p
+ divise un des polynômes de lp (dans Q[x1...xn]) *)
+let implique_non_nul lp p =
+ if eqP p cf0 then false
+ else(
+ pr "[";
+ let lf = facteurs2 p in
+ let r =(
+ try (List.iter (fun f ->
+ if (try (List.iter (fun q ->
+ if div_pol_rat q f
+ then failwith "divise")
+ lp;
+ true)
+ with _ -> false)
+ then failwith "raté")
+ lf;
+ true)
+ with _ -> false)
+ in pr "]";r)
+let ajoute_non_nul p lp =
+ if (deg_total p) >0
+ then(
+ let p = normc p in
+ let lf = facteurs2 p in
+ let r = set_of_list_eq eqP (lp@lf@[p]) in
+ r)
+ else lp
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/polynom.mli b/plugins/groebner/polynom.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99c1701b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/polynom.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+type coef (*= Entiers.entiers*)
+val coef_of_num : Num.num -> coef
+val num_of_coef : coef -> Num.num
+val eq_coef : coef -> coef -> bool
+val lt_coef : coef -> coef -> bool
+val le_coef : coef -> coef -> bool
+val abs_coef : coef -> coef
+val plus_coef : coef -> coef -> coef
+val mult_coef : coef -> coef -> coef
+val sub_coef : coef -> coef -> coef
+val opp_coef : coef -> coef
+val div_coef : coef -> coef -> coef
+val mod_coef : coef -> coef -> coef
+val coef0 : coef
+val coef1 : coef
+val string_of_coef : coef -> string
+val int_of_coef : coef -> int
+val hash_coef : coef -> int
+val puis_coef : coef -> int -> coef
+val pgcd : coef -> coef -> coef
+val pgcd2 : coef -> coef -> coef
+type variable = int
+type poly = Pint of coef | Prec of variable * poly array
+val cf : int -> poly
+val cf0 : poly
+val cf1 : poly
+val x : variable -> poly
+val max_var_pol : poly -> variable
+val max_var_pol2 : poly -> variable
+val max_var : poly array -> variable
+val eqP : poly -> poly -> bool
+val norm : poly -> poly
+val deg : variable -> poly -> int
+val deg_total : poly -> int
+val copyP : poly -> poly
+val coef : variable -> int -> poly -> poly
+val plusP : poly -> poly -> poly
+val content : poly -> coef
+val div_int : poly -> coef -> poly
+val vire_contenu : poly -> poly
+val vars : poly -> variable list
+val int_of_Pint : poly -> coef
+val multx : int -> variable -> poly -> poly
+val multP : poly -> poly -> poly
+val deriv : variable -> poly -> poly
+val oppP : poly -> poly
+val moinsP : poly -> poly -> poly
+val puisP : poly -> int -> poly
+val ( @@ ) : poly -> poly -> poly
+val ( -- ) : poly -> poly -> poly
+val ( ^^ ) : poly -> int -> poly
+val coefDom : variable -> poly -> poly
+val coefConst : variable -> poly -> poly
+val remP : variable -> poly -> poly
+val coef_int_tete : poly -> coef
+val normc : poly -> poly
+val is_constantP : poly -> bool
+val is_zero : poly -> bool
+val monome : variable -> int -> poly
+val coef_constant : poly -> coef
+val univ : bool ref
+val string_of_var : int -> string
+val nsP : int ref
+val string_of_Pcut : poly -> string
+val string_of_P : poly -> string
+val printP : poly -> unit
+val print_tpoly : poly array -> unit
+val print_lpoly : poly list -> unit
+val quo_rem_pol : poly -> poly -> variable -> poly * poly
+val div_pol : poly -> poly -> variable -> poly
+val divP : poly -> poly -> poly
+val div_pol_rat : poly -> poly -> bool
+val pseudo_div : poly -> poly -> variable -> poly * poly * int * poly
+val pgcdP : poly -> poly -> poly
+val pgcd_pol : poly -> poly -> variable -> poly
+val content_pol : poly -> variable -> poly
+val pgcd_coef_pol : poly -> poly -> variable -> poly
+val pgcd_pol_rec : poly -> poly -> variable -> poly
+val gcd_sub_res : poly -> poly -> variable -> poly
+val gcd_sub_res_rec : poly -> poly -> poly -> poly -> int -> variable -> poly
+val lazard_power : poly -> poly -> int -> variable -> poly
+val sans_carre : poly -> variable -> poly
+val facteurs : poly -> variable -> poly list
+val facteurs_impairs : poly -> variable -> poly list
+val hcontentP : (string, poly) Hashtbl.t
+val prcontentP : unit -> unit
+val contentP : poly * variable -> poly
+val hashP : poly -> int
+module Hashpol : Hashtbl.S with type key=poly
+val memoP :
+ string -> 'a Hashpol.t -> (poly -> 'a) -> poly -> 'a
+val hfactorise : poly list list Hashpol.t
+val prfactorise : unit -> unit
+val factorise : poly -> poly list list
+val facteurs2 : poly -> poly list
+val pol_de_factorisation : poly list list -> poly
+val set_of_array_facteurs : poly list array -> poly list
+val factorise_tableauP2 :
+ poly array ->
+ poly list array -> poly array * (poly * int list) array
+val factorise_tableauP :
+ poly array -> poly array * (poly * int list) array
+val is_positif : poly -> bool
+val is_negatif : poly -> bool
+val pseudo_euclide :
+ poly list -> poly -> poly -> variable ->
+ poly * poly * int * poly * poly * (poly * int) list * (poly * int) list
+val implique_non_nul : poly list -> poly -> bool
+val ajoute_non_nul : poly -> poly list -> poly list
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/utile.ml b/plugins/groebner/utile.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52a69dc10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/utile.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ Utilitaires.
+(* Impression *)
+let pr x =
+ if !Flags.debug then (Format.printf "@[%s@]" x; flush(stdout);)else ()
+let prn x =
+ if !Flags.debug then (Format.printf "@[%s\n@]" x; flush(stdout);) else ()
+let prt0 s = () (* print_string s;flush(stdout)*)
+let prt s =
+ if !Flags.debug then (print_string (s^"\n");flush(stdout)) else ()
+let info s =
+ output_string stderr s; flush stderr
+ Listes
+(* appartenance à une liste , on donne l'égalité *)
+let rec list_mem_eq eq x l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> false
+ |y::l1 -> if (eq x y) then true else (list_mem_eq eq x l1)
+(* vire les repetitions d'une liste, on donne l'égalité *)
+let set_of_list_eq eq l =
+ let res = ref [] in
+ List.iter (fun x -> if not (list_mem_eq eq x (!res)) then res:=x::(!res)) l;
+ List.rev !res
+ Un outil pour faire une mémo-fonction:
+ fonction est la fonction(!)
+ memoire est une référence au graphe déjà calculé
+ (liste de couples, c'est une variable globale)
+ egal est l'égalité sur les arguments
+ valeur est une valeur possible de la fonction (sert uniquement pour le typage)
+let memo memoire egal valeur fonction x =
+ let res = ref valeur in
+ try (List.iter (fun (y,v) -> if egal y x
+ then (res:=v;
+ failwith "trouve"))
+ !memoire;
+ let v = fonction x in
+ memoire:=(x,v)::(!memoire);
+ v)
+ with _ -> !res
+(* un autre plus efficace,
+ utilisant une fonction intermediaire (utile si on n'a pas
+ l'égalité = sur les arguments de fonction)
+ s chaîne imprimée s'il n'y a pas calcul *)
+let memos s memoire print fonction x =
+ try (let v = Hashtbl.find memoire (print x) in pr s;v)
+ with _ -> (pr "#";
+ let v = fonction x in
+ Hashtbl.add memoire (print x) v;
+ v)
+ Eléments minimaux pour un ordre partiel de division.
+ E est un ensemble, avec une multiplication
+ et une division partielle div (la fonction div peut échouer),
+ constant est un prédicat qui définit un sous-ensemble C de E.
+ Etant donnée une partie A de E, on calcule une partie B de E disjointe de C
+ telle que:
+ - les éléments de A sont des produits d'éléments de B et d'un de C.
+ - B est minimale pour cette propriété.
+let facteurs_liste div constant lp =
+ let lp = List.filter (fun x -> not (constant x)) lp in
+ let rec factor lmin lp = (* lmin: ne se divisent pas entre eux *)
+ match lp with
+ [] -> lmin
+ |p::lp1 ->
+ (let l1 = ref [] in
+ let p_dans_lmin = ref false in
+ List.iter (fun q -> try (let r = div p q in
+ if not (constant r)
+ then l1:=r::(!l1)
+ else p_dans_lmin:=true)
+ with _ -> ())
+ lmin;
+ if !p_dans_lmin
+ then factor lmin lp1
+ else if (!l1)=[]
+ (* aucun q de lmin ne divise p *)
+ then (let l1=ref lp1 in
+ let lmin1=ref [] in
+ List.iter (fun q -> try (let r = div q p in
+ if not (constant r)
+ then l1:=r::(!l1))
+ with _ -> lmin1:=q::(!lmin1))
+ lmin;
+ factor (List.rev (p::(!lmin1))) !l1)
+ (* au moins un q de lmin divise p non trivialement *)
+ else factor lmin ((!l1)@lp1))
+ in
+ factor [] lp
+(* On suppose que tout élément de A est produit d'éléments de B et d'un de C:
+ A et B sont deux tableaux, rend un tableau de couples
+ (élément de C, listes d'indices l)
+ tels que A.(i) = l.(i)_1*Produit(B.(j), j dans l.(i)_2)
+ zero est un prédicat sur E tel que (zero x) => (constant x):
+ si (zero x) est vrai on ne decompose pas x
+ c est un élément quelconque de E.
+let factorise_tableau div zero c f l1 =
+ let res = Array.create (Array.length f) (c,[]) in
+ Array.iteri (fun i p ->
+ let r = ref p in
+ let li = ref [] in
+ if not (zero p)
+ then
+ Array.iteri (fun j q ->
+ try (while true do
+ let rr = div !r q in
+ li:=j::(!li);
+ r:=rr;
+ done)
+ with _ -> ())
+ l1;
+ res.(i)<-(!r,!li))
+ f;
+ (l1,res)
+(* exemples:
+let l = [1;2;6;24;720]
+and div1 = (fun a b -> if a mod b =0 then a/b else failwith "div")
+and constant = (fun x -> x<2)
+and zero = (fun x -> x=0)
+let f = facteurs_liste div1 constant l
+factorise_tableau div1 zero 0 (Array.of_list l) (Array.of_list f)
diff --git a/plugins/groebner/utile.mli b/plugins/groebner/utile.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..209258dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/groebner/utile.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(* Printing *)
+val pr : string -> unit
+val prn : string -> unit
+val prt0 : 'a -> unit
+val prt : string -> unit
+val info : string -> unit
+(* Listes *)
+val list_mem_eq : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a -> 'b list -> bool
+val set_of_list_eq : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+(* Memoization *)
+val memo :
+ ('a * 'b) list ref -> ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'b -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val memos :
+ string -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> ('c -> 'a) -> ('c -> 'b) -> 'c -> 'b
+val facteurs_liste : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val factorise_tableau :
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'a) ->
+ ('a -> bool) ->
+ 'a -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'b array * ('a * int list) array