path: root/parsing
diff options
authorGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-10-10 15:42:22 +0000
committerGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-10-10 15:42:22 +0000
commitcc1b83979b9978fb2979ae8cda86daddaa62badb (patch)
treea13cc08f374cff641aea74a027cf6b7a85ffeb06 /parsing
parentdb1658f0837918e27885c827cc29392068775fa6 (diff)
changement nouvelle syntaxe (pt fixes)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@4559 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
12 files changed, 177 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/egrammar.ml b/parsing/egrammar.ml
index 88c821167..6d1d317e6 100644
--- a/parsing/egrammar.ml
+++ b/parsing/egrammar.ml
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ let default_levels_v8 =
- 40,Gramext.LeftA;
diff --git a/parsing/g_constrnew.ml4 b/parsing/g_constrnew.ml4
index e8f9c38c5..ce45d73b0 100644
--- a/parsing/g_constrnew.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_constrnew.ml4
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ open Util
let constr_kw =
[ "forall"; "fun"; "match"; "fix"; "cofix"; "with"; "in"; "for";
"end"; "as"; "let"; "if"; "then"; "else"; "return";
- "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"; ".(" ]
+ "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"; ".("; "_" ]
let _ =
if not !Options.v7 then
@@ -46,47 +46,20 @@ let mk_lam = function
([],c) -> c
| (bl,c) -> CLambdaN(constr_loc c, bl,c)
-let coerce_to_id c =
- match c with
- CRef(Ident(loc,id)) -> (loc,Name id)
- | CHole loc -> (loc,Anonymous)
- | _ -> error "ill-formed match type annotation"
-let match_bind_of_pat loc (oid,ty) =
- let l2 =
- match oid with
- None -> []
- | Some x -> [([x],CHole loc)] in
- let l1 =
- match ty with
- None -> [] (* No: should lookup inductive arity! *)
- | Some (CApp(_,_,args)) -> (* parameters do not appear *)
- List.map (fun (c,_) -> ([coerce_to_id c],CHole loc)) args
- | _ -> error "ill-formed match type annotation" in
- l1@l2
let mk_match (loc,cil,rty,br) =
- let (lc,pargs) = List.split cil in
- let pr =
- match rty with
- None -> None
- | Some ty ->
- let idargs = (* TODO: not forget the list lengths for PP! *)
- List.flatten (List.map (match_bind_of_pat loc) pargs) in
- Some (CLambdaN(loc,idargs,ty)) in
+let index_of_annot bl ann =
+ match bl,ann with
+ [([_],_)], None -> 0
+ | _, Some x ->
+ let ids = List.map snd (List.flatten (List.map fst bl)) in
+ (try list_index (snd x) ids - 1
+ with Not_found -> error "no such fix variable")
+ | _ -> error "cannot guess decreasing argument of fix"
let mk_fixb (loc,id,bl,ann,body,(tloc,tyc)) =
- let n =
- match bl,ann with
- [([_],_)], None -> 0
- | _, Some x ->
- let ids = List.map snd (List.flatten (List.map fst bl)) in
- (try list_index (snd x) ids - 1
- with Not_found -> error "no such fix variable")
- | _ -> error "cannot find decreasing arg of fix" in
+ let n = index_of_annot bl ann in
let ty = match tyc with
None -> CHole tloc
| Some t -> CProdN(loc,bl,t) in
@@ -113,7 +86,6 @@ let mk_fix(loc,kw,id,dcls) =
let binder_constr =
create_constr_entry (get_univ "constr") "binder_constr"
let rec mkCProdN loc bll c =
match bll with
| LocalRawAssum ((loc1,_)::_ as idl,t) :: bll ->
@@ -132,33 +104,35 @@ let rec mkCLambdaN loc bll c =
| [] -> c
| LocalRawAssum ([],_) :: bll -> mkCLambdaN loc bll c
-(* Hack to parse "(n)" as nat without conflicts with the (useless) *)
-(* admissible notation "(n)" *)
-let test_lpar_id_coloneq =
+(* Hack to parse "(x:=t)" as an explicit argument without conflicts with the *)
+(* admissible notation "(x t)" *)
+let lpar_id_coloneq =
Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_lpar_id_coloneq"
(fun strm ->
- match Stream.npeek 1 strm with
- | [("", "(")] ->
- begin match Stream.npeek 2 strm with
- | [_; ("IDENT", _)] ->
- begin match Stream.npeek 3 strm with
- | [_; _; ("", ":=")] -> ()
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
- end
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
- end
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
+ match Stream.npeek 3 strm with
+ | [("","("); ("IDENT",s); ("", ":=")] ->
+ Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm;
+ Names.id_of_string s
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure);;
if not !Options.v7 then
GLOBAL: binder_constr lconstr constr operconstr sort global
- constr_pattern lconstr_pattern Constr.ident binder_let tuple_constr;
+ constr_pattern lconstr_pattern Constr.ident binder binder_let
+ tuple_constr;
[ [ id = Prim.ident -> id
(* This is used in quotations and Syntax *)
| id = METAIDENT -> id_of_string id ] ]
+ Prim.name:
+ [ [ "_" -> (loc, Anonymous) ] ]
+ ;
+ Prim.ast:
+ [ [ "_" -> Coqast.Nvar(loc,id_of_string"_") ] ]
+ ;
[ [ r = Prim.reference -> r
@@ -177,7 +151,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| "Type" -> RType None ] ]
- [ [ c = operconstr -> c ] ]
+ [ [ c = operconstr LEVEL "200" -> c ] ]
[ [ c = operconstr LEVEL "9" -> c ] ]
@@ -197,8 +171,6 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| "80" RIGHTA
[ c1 = operconstr; "->"; c2 = binder_constr -> CArrow(loc,c1,c2)
| c1 = operconstr; "->"; c2 = operconstr -> CArrow(loc,c1,c2) ]
- | "40L" LEFTA
- [ "-"; c = operconstr -> CNotation(loc,"- _",[c]) ]
| "10L" LEFTA
[ f=operconstr; args=LIST1 appl_arg -> CApp(loc,(None,f),args)
| "@"; f=global; args=LIST0 NEXT -> CAppExpl(loc,(None,f),args) ]
@@ -206,7 +178,8 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| "1L" LEFTA
[ c=operconstr; ".("; f=global; args=LIST0 appl_arg; ")" ->
CApp(loc,(Some (List.length args+1),CRef f),args@[c,None])
- | c=operconstr; ".("; "@"; f=global; args=LIST0 NEXT; ")" ->
+ | c=operconstr; ".("; "@"; f=global;
+ args=LIST0 (operconstr LEVEL "9"); ")" ->
CAppExpl(loc,(Some (List.length args+1),f),args@[c])
| c=operconstr; "%"; key=IDENT -> CDelimiters (loc,key,c) ]
| "0"
@@ -217,19 +190,25 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ "forall"; bl = binder_list; ","; c = operconstr LEVEL "200" ->
mkCProdN loc bl c
- | "fun"; bl = binder_list; ty = type_cstr; "=>";
- c = operconstr LEVEL "200" ->
- mkCLambdaN loc bl (mk_cast(c,ty))
+ | "fun"; bl = binder_list; "=>"; c = operconstr LEVEL "200" ->
+ mkCLambdaN loc bl c
| "let"; id=name; bl = LIST0 binder_let; ty = type_cstr; ":=";
- c1 = operconstr; "in"; c2 = operconstr LEVEL "200" ->
+ c1 = operconstr LEVEL "200"; "in"; c2 = operconstr LEVEL "200" ->
let loc1 = match bl with
| LocalRawAssum ((loc,_)::_,_)::_ -> loc
| LocalRawDef ((loc,_),_)::_ -> loc
| _ -> dummy_loc in
CLetIn(loc,id,mkCLambdaN loc1 bl (mk_cast(c1,ty)),c2)
+ | "let"; fx = fix_constr; "in"; c = operconstr LEVEL "200" ->
+ let (li,id) = match fx with
+ CFix(_,id,_) -> id
+ | CCoFix(_,id,_) -> id
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ CLetIn(loc,(li,Name id),fx,c)
| "let"; lb = ["("; l=LIST0 name SEP ","; ")" -> l | "()" -> []];
po = return_type;
- ":="; c1 = operconstr; "in"; c2 = operconstr LEVEL "200" ->
+ ":="; c1 = operconstr LEVEL "200"; "in";
+ c2 = operconstr LEVEL "200" ->
CLetTuple (loc,List.map snd lb,po,c1,c2)
| "if"; c=operconstr; po = return_type;
"then"; b1=operconstr LEVEL "200";
@@ -238,21 +217,15 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| c=fix_constr -> c ] ]
- [ [ _ = test_lpar_id_coloneq; "("; id = ident; ":="; c=lconstr; ")" ->
+ [ [ id = lpar_id_coloneq; c=lconstr; ")" ->
(c,Some (loc,ExplByName id))
- | "@"; n=INT; ":="; c=constr -> (c,Some(loc,ExplByPos (int_of_string n)))
| c=constr -> (c,None) ] ]
[ [ g=global -> CRef g
| s=sort -> CSort(loc,s)
| n=INT -> CNumeral (loc,Bignat.POS (Bignat.of_string n))
- | IDENT "_" -> CHole loc
- | "?"; n=Prim.natural -> CPatVar(loc,(false,Pattern.patvar_of_int n)) ] ]
+ | "_" -> CHole loc
| "?"; id=ident -> CPatVar(loc,(false,id)) ] ]
@@ -282,12 +255,13 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ c=operconstr LEVEL "100"; p=pred_pattern ->
match c,p with
- | CRef (Ident (_,id)), (Names.Anonymous,x) -> (c,(Name id,x))
- | _ -> (c,p) ] ]
+ | CRef (Ident (_,id)), (None,indp) -> (c,(Name id,indp))
+ | _, (None,indp) -> (c,(Anonymous,indp))
+ | _, (Some na,indp) -> (c,(na,indp)) ] ]
- [ [ oid = ["as"; id=name -> snd id | -> Names.Anonymous];
- ty = OPT ["in"; t=lconstr -> t] -> (oid,ty) ] ]
+ [ [ ona = OPT ["as"; id=name -> snd id];
+ ty = OPT ["in"; t=lconstr -> t] -> (ona,ty) ] ]
[ [ ty = OPT [ "return"; c = operconstr LEVEL "100" -> c ] -> ty ] ]
@@ -302,24 +276,23 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ pl = LIST1 pattern SEP ","; "=>"; rhs = lconstr -> (loc,pl,rhs) ] ]
- simple_pattern:
- [ [ r = Prim.reference -> CPatAtom (loc,Some r)
- | IDENT "_" -> CPatAtom (loc,None)
- | "("; p = lpattern; ")" -> p
- | n = bigint -> CPatNumeral (loc,n)
- ] ]
- ;
- [ [ p = pattern ; lp = LIST1 simple_pattern ->
+ [ "1" LEFTA
+ [ p = pattern ; lp = LIST1 (pattern LEVEL "0") ->
(match p with
| CPatAtom (_, Some r) -> CPatCstr (loc, r, lp)
| _ -> Util.user_err_loc
- (loc, "compound_pattern", Pp.str "Constructor expected"))
+ (cases_pattern_loc p, "compound_pattern",
+ Pp.str "Constructor expected"))
| p = pattern; "as"; id = base_ident ->
CPatAlias (loc, p, id)
| c = pattern; "%"; key=IDENT ->
- CPatDelimiters (loc,key,c)
- | p = simple_pattern -> p ] ]
+ CPatDelimiters (loc,key,c) ]
+ | "0"
+ [ r = Prim.reference -> CPatAtom (loc,Some r)
+ | "_" -> CPatAtom (loc,None)
+ | "("; p = lpattern; ")" -> p
+ | n = bigint -> CPatNumeral (loc,n) ] ]
[ [ c = pattern -> c
diff --git a/parsing/g_ltacnew.ml4 b/parsing/g_ltacnew.ml4
index 672aeb3b6..9d8dea149 100644
--- a/parsing/g_ltacnew.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_ltacnew.ml4
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| "()" -> TacVoid ] ]
- [ [ IDENT "_" -> None
+ [ [ "_" -> None
| l = base_ident -> Some l ] ]
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ "["; largs = LIST0 match_hyps SEP ","; "|-"; mp = match_pattern; "]";
"=>"; te = tactic_expr -> Pat (largs, mp, te)
- | IDENT "_"; "=>"; te = tactic_expr -> All te ] ]
+ | "_"; "=>"; te = tactic_expr -> All te ] ]
[ [ mrl = LIST1 match_context_rule SEP "|" -> mrl
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ "["; mp = match_pattern; "]"; "=>"; te = tactic_expr -> Pat ([],mp,te)
- | IDENT "_"; "=>"; te = tactic_expr -> All te ] ]
+ | "_"; "=>"; te = tactic_expr -> All te ] ]
[ [ mrl = LIST1 match_rule SEP "|" -> mrl
diff --git a/parsing/g_prim.ml4 b/parsing/g_prim.ml4
index 39a7687f1..7a1b910c6 100644
--- a/parsing/g_prim.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_prim.ml4
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ s = IDENT -> local_id_of_string s ] ]
- [ [ IDENT "_" -> (loc, Anonymous) | id = base_ident -> (loc, Name id) ] ]
+ [ [ IDENT "_" -> (loc, Anonymous)
+ | id = base_ident -> (loc, Name id) ] ]
[ [ id = base_ident -> (loc,id) ] ]
diff --git a/parsing/g_tactic.ml4 b/parsing/g_tactic.ml4
index 18422b460..6c8ad0c1b 100644
--- a/parsing/g_tactic.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_tactic.ml4
@@ -295,12 +295,12 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| IDENT "LApply"; c = constr -> TacLApply c
(* Derived basic tactics *)
- | IDENT "Induction"; h = quantified_hypothesis -> TacOldInduction h
+ | IDENT "Induction"; h = quantified_hypothesis -> TacSimpleInduction h
| IDENT "NewInduction"; c = induction_arg; el = OPT eliminator;
ids = with_names -> TacNewInduction (c,el,ids)
| IDENT "Double"; IDENT "Induction"; h1 = quantified_hypothesis;
h2 = quantified_hypothesis -> TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2)
- | IDENT "Destruct"; h = quantified_hypothesis -> TacOldDestruct h
+ | IDENT "Destruct"; h = quantified_hypothesis -> TacSimpleDestruct h
| IDENT "NewDestruct"; c = induction_arg; el = OPT eliminator;
ids = with_names -> TacNewDestruct (c,el,ids)
| IDENT "Decompose"; IDENT "Record" ; c = constr -> TacDecomposeAnd c
diff --git a/parsing/g_tacticnew.ml4 b/parsing/g_tacticnew.ml4
index 414311b0f..b17907844 100644
--- a/parsing/g_tacticnew.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_tacticnew.ml4
@@ -22,17 +22,33 @@ let _ =
if not !Options.v7 then
List.iter (fun s -> Lexer.add_token("",s)) tactic_kw
-(* Hack to parse "with n := c ..." as a binder without conflicts with the *)
-(* admissible notation "with c1 c2..." *)
-let test_lparcoloneq2 =
- Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_lparcoloneq2"
+(* Hack to parse "(x:=t)" as an explicit argument without conflicts with the *)
+(* admissible notation "(x t)" *)
+let lpar_id_coloneq =
+ Gram.Entry.of_parser "lpar_id_coloneq"
(fun strm ->
- match Stream.npeek 1 strm with
- | [("", "(")] ->
- begin match Stream.npeek 3 strm with
- | [_; _; ("", ":=")] -> ()
- | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
- end
+ match Stream.npeek 3 strm with
+ | [("","("); ("IDENT",s); ("", ":=")] ->
+ Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm;
+ Names.id_of_string s
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
+(* idem for (x:=t) and (1:=t) *)
+let test_lpar_idnum_coloneq =
+ Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_lpar_idnum_coloneq"
+ (fun strm ->
+ match Stream.npeek 3 strm with
+ | [("","("); (("IDENT"|"INT"),_); ("", ":=")] -> ()
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
+(* idem for (x:t) *)
+let lpar_id_colon =
+ Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_lpar_id_colon"
+ (fun strm ->
+ match Stream.npeek 3 strm with
+ | [("","("); ("IDENT",id); ("", ":")] ->
+ Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm;
+ Names.id_of_string id
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
(* open grammar entries, possibly in quotified form *)
@@ -42,10 +58,28 @@ open Constr
open Prim
open Tactic
-(* Functions overloaded by quotifier *)
+let mk_fix_tac (loc,id,bl,ann,ty) =
+ let n =
+ match bl,ann with
+ [([_],_)], None -> 0
+ | _, Some x ->
+ let ids = List.map snd (List.flatten (List.map fst bl)) in
+ (try list_index (snd x) ids
+ with Not_found -> error "no such fix variable")
+ | _ -> error "cannot guess decreasing argument of fix" in
+ (id,n,Topconstr.CProdN(loc,bl,ty))
+let mk_cofix_tac (loc,id,bl,ann,ty) =
+ let _ = option_app (fun (aloc,_) ->
+ Util.user_err_loc
+ (aloc,"Constr:mk_cofix_tac",
+ Pp.str"Annotation forbidden in cofix expression")) ann in
+ (id,Topconstr.CProdN(loc,bl,ty))
+(* Functions overloaded by quotifier *)
let induction_arg_of_constr c =
- try ElimOnIdent (Topconstr.constr_loc c,coerce_to_id c) with _ -> ElimOnConstr c
+ try ElimOnIdent (Topconstr.constr_loc c,coerce_to_id c)
+ with _ -> ElimOnConstr c
let local_compute = [FBeta;FIota;FDeltaBut [];FZeta]
@@ -160,7 +194,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ "["; tc = LIST1 intropatterns SEP "|" ; "]" -> IntroOrAndPattern tc
| "("; tc = LIST1 simple_intropattern SEP "," ; ")" -> IntroOrAndPattern [tc]
- | IDENT "_" -> IntroWildcard
+ | "_" -> IntroWildcard
| id = base_ident -> IntroIdentifier id
] ]
@@ -169,7 +203,8 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| "("; n = natural; ":="; c = lconstr; ")" -> (loc, AnonHyp n, c) ] ]
- [ [ test_lparcoloneq2; bl = LIST1 simple_binding -> ExplicitBindings bl
+ [ [ test_lpar_idnum_coloneq; bl = LIST1 simple_binding ->
+ ExplicitBindings bl
| bl = LIST1 constr -> ImplicitBindings bl ] ]
@@ -223,10 +258,12 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| -> [] ] ]
- [ [ id = base_ident; "/"; n = natural; ":"; c = constr -> (id,n,c) ] ]
+ [ [ id = base_ident; bl=LIST0 Constr.binder; ann=fixannot;
+ ":"; ty=lconstr -> (loc,id,bl,ann,ty) ] ]
- cofixdecl:
- [ [ id = base_ident; ":"; c = constr -> (id,c) ] ]
+ fixannot:
+ [ [ "{"; IDENT "struct"; id=name; "}" -> Some id
+ | -> None ] ]
[ [ "with"; "*" -> None
@@ -265,39 +302,42 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| "fix"; n = natural -> TacFix (None,n)
| "fix"; id = base_ident; n = natural -> TacFix (Some id,n)
| "fix"; id = base_ident; n = natural; "with"; fd = LIST0 fixdecl ->
- TacMutualFix (id,n,fd)
+ TacMutualFix (id,n,List.map mk_fix_tac fd)
| "cofix" -> TacCofix None
| "cofix"; id = base_ident -> TacCofix (Some id)
- | "cofix"; id = base_ident; "with"; fd = LIST0 cofixdecl ->
- TacMutualCofix (id,fd)
+ | "cofix"; id = base_ident; "with"; fd = LIST0 fixdecl ->
+ TacMutualCofix (id,List.map mk_cofix_tac fd)
| IDENT "cut"; c = constr -> TacCut c
+ | IDENT "assert"; id = lpar_id_colon; t = lconstr; ")" ->
+ TacTrueCut (Some id,t)
+ | IDENT "assert"; id = lpar_id_coloneq; b = lconstr; ")" ->
+ TacForward (false,Names.Name id,b)
| IDENT "assert"; c = constr -> TacTrueCut (None,c)
- | IDENT "assert"; c = constr; ":"; t = lconstr ->
- TacTrueCut (Some (coerce_to_id c),t)
- | IDENT "assert"; c = constr; ":="; b = lconstr ->
- TacForward (false,Names.Name (coerce_to_id c),b)
- | IDENT "pose"; c = constr; ":="; b = lconstr ->
- TacForward (true,Names.Name (coerce_to_id c),b)
+ | IDENT "pose"; id = lpar_id_coloneq; b = lconstr; ")" ->
+ TacForward (true,Names.Name id,b)
| IDENT "pose"; b = constr -> TacForward (true,Names.Anonymous,b)
| IDENT "generalize"; lc = LIST1 constr -> TacGeneralize lc
| IDENT "generalize"; IDENT "dependent"; c = constr ->
TacGeneralizeDep c
- | IDENT "lettac"; id = base_ident; ":="; c = lconstr; p = clause_pattern
- -> TacLetTac (id,c,p)
- | IDENT "instantiate"; n = natural; c = constr -> TacInstantiate (n,c)
+ | IDENT "lettac"; "("; id = base_ident; ":="; c = lconstr; ")";
+ p = clause_pattern -> TacLetTac (id,c,p)
+ | IDENT "instantiate"; "("; n = natural; ":="; c = lconstr; ")" ->
+ TacInstantiate (n,c)
| IDENT "specialize"; n = OPT natural; lcb = constr_with_bindings ->
TacSpecialize (n,lcb)
| IDENT "lapply"; c = constr -> TacLApply c
(* Derived basic tactics *)
- | IDENT "oldinduction"; h = quantified_hypothesis -> TacOldInduction h
+ | IDENT "simple_induction"; h = quantified_hypothesis ->
+ TacSimpleInduction h
| IDENT "induction"; c = induction_arg; el = OPT eliminator;
ids = with_names -> TacNewInduction (c,el,ids)
| IDENT "double"; IDENT "induction"; h1 = quantified_hypothesis;
h2 = quantified_hypothesis -> TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2)
- | IDENT "olddestruct"; h = quantified_hypothesis -> TacOldDestruct h
+ | IDENT "simple_destruct"; h = quantified_hypothesis ->
+ TacSimpleDestruct h
| IDENT "destruct"; c = induction_arg; el = OPT eliminator;
ids = with_names -> TacNewDestruct (c,el,ids)
| IDENT "decompose"; IDENT "record" ; c = constr -> TacDecomposeAnd c
diff --git a/parsing/g_vernacnew.ml4 b/parsing/g_vernacnew.ml4
index 8e0088890..28c0f5fd4 100644
--- a/parsing/g_vernacnew.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_vernacnew.ml4
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
] ]
- [ [ IDENT "_" -> None | sc = IDENT -> Some sc ] ]
+ [ [ "_" -> None | sc = IDENT -> Some sc ] ]
(* Syntax entries for Grammar. Only grammar_entry is exported *)
diff --git a/parsing/lexer.ml4 b/parsing/lexer.ml4
index 843bd068f..a96237e5b 100644
--- a/parsing/lexer.ml4
+++ b/parsing/lexer.ml4
@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ let is_normal_token str =
if String.length str > 0 then
match str.[0] with
| ' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' | '"' -> bad_token str
- | '_' | '$' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' -> true
+ | '$' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' -> true
+ | '_' -> !Options.v7
(* utf-8 symbols of the form "E2 xx xx" [E2=226] *)
| '\226' when String.length str > 2 ->
(match str.[1], str.[2] with
@@ -122,9 +123,9 @@ let is_normal_token str =
| _ ->
(* default to iso 8859-1 "â" *)
- true)
+ !Options.v7)
(* iso 8859-1 accentuated letters *)
- | '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' -> true
+ | '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' -> !Options.v7
| _ -> false
bad_token str
@@ -347,7 +348,7 @@ let parse_226_tail tk = parser
(* Parse what follows a dot *)
let parse_after_dot bp c strm =
- if (* !Options.v7 *) true then
+ if !Options.v7 then
match strm with parser
| [< ' ('_' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' as c); len = ident (store 0 c) >] ->
("FIELD", get_buff len)
@@ -369,6 +370,19 @@ let parse_after_dot bp c strm =
| [< (t,_) = process_chars bp c >] -> t
match strm with parser
+ | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' as c); len = ident (store 0 c) >] ->
+ ("FIELD", get_buff len)
+ (* Greek utf-8 letters [CE80-CEBF and CF80-CFBF] (CE=206; BF=191) *)
+ | [< ' ('\206' | '\207' as c1); ' ('\128'..'\191' as c2);
+ len = ident (store (store 0 c1) c2) >] ->
+ ("FIELD", get_buff len)
+ (* utf-8 mathematical symbols have format E2 xx xx [E2=226] *)
+ | [< ''\226' as c1; t = parse_226_tail
+ (progress_special '.' (Some !token_tree)) >] ep ->
+ (match t with
+ | TokSymbol (Some t) -> ("", t)
+ | TokSymbol None -> err (bp, ep) Undefined_token
+ | TokIdent t -> ("FIELD", t))
| [< (t,_) = process_chars bp c >] -> t
@@ -384,10 +398,20 @@ let rec next_token = parser bp
comment_stop bp;
if !Options.v7 & t=("",".") then between_com := true;
(t, (bp,ep))
- | [< ' ('_' | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' as c); len = ident (store 0 c) >] ep ->
+ | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' as c); len = ident (store 0 c) >] ep ->
let id = get_buff len in
comment_stop bp;
(try ("", find_keyword id) with Not_found -> ("IDENT", id)), (bp, ep)
+ | [< ''_' as c; s >] ->
+ if !Options.v7 then
+ (match s with parser [< len = ident (store 0 c) >] ep ->
+ let id = get_buff len in
+ comment_stop bp;
+ (try ("", find_keyword id) with Not_found -> ("IDENT", id)),
+ (bp, ep))
+ else
+ (match s with parser [< t = process_chars bp c >] ->
+ comment_stop bp; t)
(* Greek utf-8 letters [CE80-CEBF and CF80-CFBF] (CE=206; BF=191) *)
| [< ' ('\206' | '\207' as c1); ' ('\128'..'\191' as c2);
len = ident (store (store 0 c1) c2) >] ep ->
diff --git a/parsing/pcoq.ml4 b/parsing/pcoq.ml4
index 9bb2a86b9..1f462b615 100644
--- a/parsing/pcoq.ml4
+++ b/parsing/pcoq.ml4
@@ -348,7 +348,8 @@ module Constr =
let annot = Gram.Entry.create "constr:annot"
let constr_pattern = gec_constr "constr_pattern"
let lconstr_pattern = gec_constr "lconstr_pattern"
- let binder_let = Gram.Entry.create "constr:binder_list"
+ let binder = Gram.Entry.create "constr:binder"
+ let binder_let = Gram.Entry.create "constr:binder_let"
let tuple_constr = gec_constr "tuple_constr"
diff --git a/parsing/pcoq.mli b/parsing/pcoq.mli
index 8f393030e..1c7a1932f 100644
--- a/parsing/pcoq.mli
+++ b/parsing/pcoq.mli
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ module Constr :
val annot : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e
val constr_pattern : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e
val lconstr_pattern : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e
+ val binder : (name located list * constr_expr) Gram.Entry.e
val binder_let : local_binder Gram.Entry.e
val tuple_constr : constr_expr Gram.Entry.e
diff --git a/parsing/pptactic.ml b/parsing/pptactic.ml
index d24de5675..166db8675 100644
--- a/parsing/pptactic.ml
+++ b/parsing/pptactic.ml
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ and pr_atom1 = function
| TacCaseType c -> hov 1 (str "CaseType" ++ pr_arg pr_constr c)
| TacFix (ido,n) -> hov 1 (str "Fix" ++ pr_opt pr_id ido ++ pr_intarg n)
| TacMutualFix (id,n,l) ->
- hov 1 (str "Cofix" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ pr_intarg n ++ spc () ++
+ hov 1 (str "Fix" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ pr_intarg n ++ spc () ++
hov 0 (str "with" ++ brk (1,1) ++
prlist_with_sep spc
(fun (id,n,c) ->
@@ -444,12 +444,12 @@ and pr_atom1 = function
hov 1 (str "Instantiate" ++ pr_arg int n ++ pr_arg pr_constr c)
(* Derived basic tactics *)
- | TacOldInduction h ->
+ | TacSimpleInduction h ->
hov 1 (str "Induction" ++ pr_arg pr_quantified_hypothesis h)
| TacNewInduction (h,e,ids) ->
hov 1 (str "NewInduction" ++ spc () ++ pr_induction_arg pr_constr h ++
pr_opt pr_eliminator e ++ pr_with_names ids)
- | TacOldDestruct h ->
+ | TacSimpleDestruct h ->
hov 1 (str "Destruct" ++ pr_arg pr_quantified_hypothesis h)
| TacNewDestruct (h,e,ids) ->
hov 1 (str "NewDestruct" ++ spc () ++ pr_induction_arg pr_constr h ++
diff --git a/parsing/q_coqast.ml4 b/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
index 6b89169b5..44e78462f 100644
--- a/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
+++ b/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
@@ -376,14 +376,14 @@ let rec mlexpr_of_atomic_tactic = function
<:expr< Tacexpr.TacLetTac $id$ $mlexpr_of_constr c$ $cl$ >>
(* Derived basic tactics *)
- | Tacexpr.TacOldInduction h ->
- <:expr< Tacexpr.TacOldInduction $mlexpr_of_quantified_hypothesis h$ >>
+ | Tacexpr.TacSimpleInduction h ->
+ <:expr< Tacexpr.TacSimpleInduction $mlexpr_of_quantified_hypothesis h$ >>
| Tacexpr.TacNewInduction (c,cbo,ids) ->
let cbo = mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_constr_with_binding cbo in
let ids = mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_intro_pattern) ids in
<:expr< Tacexpr.TacNewInduction $mlexpr_of_induction_arg c$ $cbo$ $ids$>>
- | Tacexpr.TacOldDestruct h ->
- <:expr< Tacexpr.TacOldDestruct $mlexpr_of_quantified_hypothesis h$ >>
+ | Tacexpr.TacSimpleDestruct h ->
+ <:expr< Tacexpr.TacSimpleDestruct $mlexpr_of_quantified_hypothesis h$ >>
| Tacexpr.TacNewDestruct (c,cbo,ids) ->
let cbo = mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_constr_with_binding cbo in
let ids = mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_list mlexpr_of_intro_pattern) ids in