path: root/parsing
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authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-05-17 12:39:14 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-05-17 12:39:14 +0000
commitb748569d82f5d8e886ac9f928c7fa1af5d422ce7 (patch)
tree8e1ef948ca33ff1c414c5458dfb89ac25ffbdd96 /parsing
parentc708b095893275c89ebbfbcec679b61b7fa4ed76 (diff)
Extension de Tactic Notation pour permettre d'tendre et de faire rffrence aux niveaux syntaxiques des tacticielles + erreur typage TacAlias
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@7028 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/egrammar.ml b/parsing/egrammar.ml
index 9983671e3..aa2558dda 100644
--- a/parsing/egrammar.ml
+++ b/parsing/egrammar.ml
@@ -26,16 +26,12 @@ type notation_grammar =
type all_grammar_command =
| Notation of Notation.level * notation_grammar
| Grammar of grammar_command
- | TacticGrammar of
- (string * (string * grammar_production list) *
- (Names.dir_path * Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr))
+ | TacticGrammar of
+ int *
+ (string * grammar_production list *
+ (Names.dir_path * Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr))
-let subst_all_grammar_command subst = function
- | Notation _ -> anomaly "Notation not in GRAMMAR summary"
- | Grammar gc -> Grammar (subst_grammar_command subst gc)
- | TacticGrammar g -> TacticGrammar g (* TODO ... *)
let (grammar_state : all_grammar_command list ref) = ref []
@@ -257,7 +253,7 @@ let subst_constr_expr a loc subs =
in subst a
(* For V7 Grammar only *)
-let make_rule univ assoc etyp rule =
+let make_rule_v7 univ assoc etyp rule =
if not !Options.v7 then anomaly "No Grammar in new syntax";
let pil = List.map (symbol_of_prod_item univ assoc etyp false) rule.gr_production in
let (symbs,ntl) = List.split pil in
@@ -279,7 +275,7 @@ let make_rule univ assoc etyp rule =
are applied before the last ones *)
(* For V7 Grammar only *)
let extend_entry univ (te, etyp, pos, name, ass, p4ass, rls) =
- let rules = List.rev (List.map (make_rule univ ass etyp) rls) in
+ let rules = List.rev (List.map (make_rule_v7 univ ass etyp) rls) in
grammar_extend te pos [(name, p4ass, rules)]
(* Defines new entries. If the entry already exists, check its type *)
@@ -338,12 +334,10 @@ let extend_constr_notation (n,assoc,ntn,rule,permut) =
let pos,p4assoc,name = find_position true keepassoc assoc level in
extend_constr e (ETConstr (n,()),assoc,pos,p4assoc,name)
(make_act_in_cases_pattern mkact) (true,rule)
(* These grammars are not a removable *)
-let make_rule univ f g (s,pt) =
- let hd = Gramext.Stoken ("IDENT", s) in
- let pil = (hd,None) :: List.map g pt in
- let (symbs,ntl) = List.split pil in
+let make_rule univ f g pt =
+ let (symbs,ntl) = List.split (List.map g pt) in
let act = make_gen_act f ntl in
(symbs, act)
@@ -367,18 +361,39 @@ let extend_vernac_command_grammar s gl =
let rules = List.map (make_rule univ make_act make_prod_item) gl in
Gram.extend Vernac_.command None [(None, None, List.rev rules)]
-let rec interp_entry_name u s =
+let find_index s t =
+ let t,n = repr_ident (id_of_string t) in
+ if s <> t or n = None then raise Not_found;
+ out_some n
+let rec interp_entry_name up_level u s =
let l = String.length s in
if l > 8 & String.sub s 0 3 = "ne_" & String.sub s (l-5) 5 = "_list" then
- let t, g = interp_entry_name u (String.sub s 3 (l-8)) in
+ let t, g = interp_entry_name up_level u (String.sub s 3 (l-8)) in
List1ArgType t, Gramext.Slist1 g
else if l > 5 & String.sub s (l-5) 5 = "_list" then
- let t, g = interp_entry_name u (String.sub s 0 (l-5)) in
+ let t, g = interp_entry_name up_level u (String.sub s 0 (l-5)) in
List0ArgType t, Gramext.Slist0 g
else if l > 4 & String.sub s (l-4) 4 = "_opt" then
- let t, g = interp_entry_name u (String.sub s 0 (l-4)) in
+ let t, g = interp_entry_name up_level u (String.sub s 0 (l-4)) in
OptArgType t, Gramext.Sopt g
+ try
+ let i = find_index "tactic" s in
+ if !Options.v7 then
+ let e = match i with
+ | 2 -> Tactic.tactic_expr2
+ | 3 -> Tactic.tactic_expr3
+ | 4 -> Tactic.tactic_expr4
+ | 5 -> Tactic.tactic_expr5
+ | _ -> error ("Unknown entry "^s)
+ in TacticArgType i, Gramext.Snterm (Pcoq.Gram.Entry.obj e)
+ else
+ TacticArgType i,
+ if i=up_level then Gramext.Sself else
+ if i=up_level-1 then Gramext.Snext else
+ Gramext.Snterml(Pcoq.Gram.Entry.obj Tactic.tactic_expr,string_of_int i)
+ with Not_found ->
let e =
if !Options.v7 then get_entry (get_univ u) s
@@ -398,27 +413,55 @@ let qualified_nterm current_univ = function
| NtQual (univ, en) -> if !Options.v7 then (univ, en) else assert false
| NtShort en -> (current_univ, en)
-let make_vprod_item univ = function
+let make_vprod_item n univ = function
| VTerm s -> (Gramext.Stoken (Extend.terminal s), None)
| VNonTerm (loc, nt, po) ->
let (u,nt) = qualified_nterm univ nt in
- let (etyp, e) = interp_entry_name u nt in
+ let (etyp, e) = interp_entry_name n u nt in
e, option_app (fun p -> (p,etyp)) po
-let add_tactic_entries gl =
+let get_tactic_entry n =
+ if n = 0 then weaken_entry Tactic.simple_tactic, None
+ else if !Options.v7 then
+ let e = match n with
+ | 2 -> Tactic.tactic_expr2
+ | 3 -> Tactic.tactic_expr3
+ | 4 -> Tactic.tactic_expr4
+ | 5 -> Tactic.tactic_expr5
+ | _ -> error ("Invalid v7 Tactic Notation level: "^(string_of_int n)) in
+ weaken_entry e, None
+ else
+ if 1<=n && n<=5 then
+ weaken_entry Tactic.tactic_expr, Some (Gramext.Level (string_of_int n))
+ else
+ error ("Invalid Tactic Notation level: "^(string_of_int n))
+open Tacexpr
+let add_tactic_entries (lev,gl) =
let univ = get_univ "tactic" in
- let make_act s tac loc l = Tacexpr.TacAlias (loc,s,l,tac) in
- let f (s,l,tac) =
- make_rule univ (make_act s tac) (make_vprod_item "tactic") l in
- let rules = List.map f gl in
+ let entry, pos = get_tactic_entry lev in
+ let rules =
+ if lev = 0 then
+ let make_act s tac loc l =
+ (TacAlias(loc,s,l,tac):raw_atomic_tactic_expr) in
+ let f (s,l,tac) =
+ make_rule univ (make_act s tac) (make_vprod_item lev "tactic") l in
+ List.map f gl
+ else
+ let make_act s tac loc l =
+ (TacAtom(loc,TacAlias(loc,s,l,tac)):raw_tactic_expr) in
+ let f (s,l,tac) =
+ make_rule univ (make_act s tac) (make_vprod_item lev "tactic") l in
+ List.map f gl in
let _ = find_position true true None None (* to synchronise with remove *) in
- grammar_extend Tactic.simple_tactic None [(None, None, List.rev rules)]
+ grammar_extend entry pos [(None, None, List.rev rules)]
let extend_grammar gram =
(match gram with
| Notation (_,a) -> extend_constr_notation a
| Grammar g -> extend_grammar_rules g
- | TacticGrammar l -> add_tactic_entries l);
+ | TacticGrammar (n,l) -> add_tactic_entries (n,l));
grammar_state := gram :: !grammar_state
let reset_extend_grammars_v8 () =