path: root/parsing
diff options
authorGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-10-16 20:35:47 +0000
committerGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-10-16 20:35:47 +0000
commitb6b9cf860878bd39dafd1f1edb2d212eb67ba7a1 (patch)
treeb5d214119636ecfcfbace4b1da56dd2c07ac480e /parsing
parentb0a0a13254dcb742b8f1f519b1445c73040f5996 (diff)
nouvelle syntaxe de ltac
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@4661 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
4 files changed, 19 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/g_ltac.ml4 b/parsing/g_ltac.ml4
index b342d9716..41ee54ea4 100644
--- a/parsing/g_ltac.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_ltac.ml4
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ open Q
type let_clause_kind =
| LETTOPCLAUSE of Names.identifier * constr_expr
- (Names.identifier Util.located * (constr_expr, Libnames.reference) may_eval option * raw_tactic_arg)
+ (Names.identifier Util.located * raw_tactic_expr option * raw_tactic_arg)
ifdef Quotify then
module Prelude = struct
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| id = base_ident; ":"; c = Constr.constr; ":="; "Proof" ->
| id = identref; ":"; c = constrarg; ":="; te = tactic_letarg ->
- LETCLAUSE (id, Some c, te)
+ LETCLAUSE (id, Some (TacArg(ConstrMayEval c)), te)
| id = base_ident; ":"; c = Constr.constr ->
LETTOPCLAUSE (id, c) ] ]
@@ -150,35 +150,13 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[IDENT "In" | "in"]; body = tactic_expr -> TacLetRecIn (rc::rcl,body)
| IDENT "Let"; llc = LIST1 let_clause SEP "And"; IDENT "In";
u = tactic_expr -> TacLetIn (make_letin_clause loc llc,u)
-(* Let cas LetCut est subsumé par "Assert id := c" tandis que le cas
- StartProof ne fait pas vraiment de sens en tant que sous-expression
- d'une tactique complexe...
- | IDENT "Let"; llc = LIST1 let_clause SEP "And" ->
- (match llc with
- | [LETTOPCLAUSE (id,c)] ->
- VernacStartProof ((NeverDischarge,false),id,c,true,(fun _ _ -> ()))
- | l ->
- let l = List.map (function
- | LETCLAUSE (id,Some a,t) -> (id,a,t)
- | _ -> user_err_loc (loc, "", str "Syntax Error")) l in
- TacLetCut (loc, l))
- | IDENT "Let"; llc = LIST1 let_clause SEP "And";
- tb = Vernac_.theorem_body; "Qed" ->
- (match llc with
- | [LETTOPCLAUSE (id,c)] ->
- EscapeVernac <:ast< (TheoremProof "LETTOP" $id $c $tb) >>
- | _ ->
- errorlabstrm "Gram.tactic_atom" (str "Not a LETTOPCLAUSE"))
| IDENT "Match"; IDENT "Context"; IDENT "With"; mrl = match_context_list
-> TacMatchContext (false,mrl)
| IDENT "Match"; IDENT "Reverse"; IDENT "Context"; IDENT "With"; mrl = match_context_list
-> TacMatchContext (true,mrl)
| IDENT "Match"; c = constrarg; IDENT "With"; mrl = match_list ->
- TacMatch (c,mrl)
+ TacMatch (TacArg(ConstrMayEval c),mrl)
(*To do: put Abstract in Refiner*)
| IDENT "Abstract"; tc = tactic_expr -> TacAbstract (tc,None)
| IDENT "Abstract"; tc = tactic_expr; "using"; s = base_ident ->
diff --git a/parsing/g_ltacnew.ml4 b/parsing/g_ltacnew.ml4
index 9d8dea149..5a1f13132 100644
--- a/parsing/g_ltacnew.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_ltacnew.ml4
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ open Q
type let_clause_kind =
| LETTOPCLAUSE of Names.identifier * constr_expr
- (Names.identifier Util.located * (constr_expr, Libnames.reference) may_eval option * raw_tactic_arg)
+ (Names.identifier Util.located * raw_tactic_expr option * raw_tactic_arg)
ifdef Quotify then
module Prelude = struct
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| "match"; IDENT "reverse"; IDENT "context"; "with";
mrl = match_context_list; "end" ->
TacMatchContext (true,mrl)
- | "match"; c = constrarg; "with"; mrl = match_list; "end" ->
+ | "match"; c = tactic_expr; "with"; mrl = match_list; "end" ->
TacMatch (c,mrl)
(*To do: put Abstract in Refiner*)
| IDENT "abstract"; tc = tactic_expr -> TacAbstract (tc,None)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| st = simple_tactic -> TacAtom (loc,st)
| IDENT "eval"; rtc = red_expr; "in"; c = Constr.constr ->
TacArg(ConstrMayEval (ConstrEval (rtc,c)))
- | IDENT "inst"; id = identref; "["; c = Constr.lconstr; "]" ->
+ | IDENT "context"; id = identref; "["; c = Constr.lconstr; "]" ->
TacArg(ConstrMayEval (ConstrContext (id,c)))
| IDENT "check"; c = Constr.constr ->
TacArg(ConstrMayEval (ConstrTypeOf c))
@@ -148,11 +148,13 @@ GEXTEND Gram
[ [ id = identref; ":="; te = tactic_expr ->
LETCLAUSE (id, None, arg_of_expr te)
- | (_,id) = identref; ":"; c = Constr.constr; ":="; IDENT "proof" ->
+ | id = identref; args = LIST1 input_fun; ":="; te = tactic_expr ->
+ LETCLAUSE (id, None, arg_of_expr (TacFun(args,te)))
+ | (_,id) = identref; ":"; c = Constr.lconstr; ":="; IDENT "proof" ->
- | id = identref; ":"; c = constrarg; ":="; te = tactic_expr ->
+ | id = identref; ":"; c = tactic_expr; ":="; te = tactic_expr ->
LETCLAUSE (id, Some c, arg_of_expr te)
- | (_,id) = identref; ":"; c = Constr.lconstr ->
+ | (_,id) = identref; ":"; c = Constr.constr ->
LETTOPCLAUSE (id, c) ] ]
@@ -160,16 +162,16 @@ GEXTEND Gram
(name,(it,body)) ] ]
- [ [ id = Constr.lconstr_pattern; "["; pc = Constr.lconstr_pattern; "]" ->
- let s = coerce_to_id id in Subterm (Some s, pc)
- | "["; pc = Constr.lconstr_pattern; "]" -> Subterm (None,pc)
+ [ [ IDENT "context"; oid = OPT Constr.ident;
+ "["; pc = Constr.lconstr_pattern; "]" ->
+ Subterm (oid, pc)
| pc = Constr.lconstr_pattern -> Term pc ] ]
[ [ na = name; ":"; mp = match_pattern -> Hyp (na, mp) ] ]
- [ [ "["; largs = LIST0 match_hyps SEP ","; "|-"; mp = match_pattern; "]";
+ [ [ largs = LIST0 match_hyps SEP ","; "|-"; mp = match_pattern;
"=>"; te = tactic_expr -> Pat (largs, mp, te)
| "_"; "=>"; te = tactic_expr -> All te ] ]
@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ GEXTEND Gram
| "|"; mrl = LIST1 match_context_rule SEP "|" -> mrl ] ]
- [ [ "["; mp = match_pattern; "]"; "=>"; te = tactic_expr -> Pat ([],mp,te)
+ [ [ mp = match_pattern; "=>"; te = tactic_expr -> Pat ([],mp,te)
| "_"; "=>"; te = tactic_expr -> All te ] ]
diff --git a/parsing/pptactic.ml b/parsing/pptactic.ml
index 0d7230453..968415de1 100644
--- a/parsing/pptactic.ml
+++ b/parsing/pptactic.ml
@@ -631,12 +631,8 @@ and pr6 = function
| TacLetIn (llc,u) ->
v 0
(hv 0 (pr_let_clauses pr_tacarg0 llc ++ spc () ++ str "In") ++ fnl () ++ prtac u)
- | TacLetCut llc ->
- pr_let_clauses pr_tacarg0
- (List.map (fun (id,c,t) -> ((dummy_loc,id),Some c,t)) llc)
- ++ fnl ()
| TacMatch (t,lrul) ->
- hov 0 (str "Match" ++ spc () ++ pr_may_eval pr_constr pr_cst t ++ spc()
+ hov 0 (str "Match" ++ spc () ++ pr6 t ++ spc()
++ str "With"
++ prlist
(fun r -> fnl () ++ str "|" ++ spc () ++
diff --git a/parsing/q_coqast.ml4 b/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
index 44e78462f..7dd14d87a 100644
--- a/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
+++ b/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
@@ -481,15 +481,12 @@ and mlexpr_of_tactic : (Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr -> MLast.expr) = function
let f =
(mlexpr_of_pair (fun _ -> dloc) mlexpr_of_ident)
- (mlexpr_of_option (mlexpr_of_may_eval mlexpr_of_constr))
+ (mlexpr_of_option mlexpr_of_tactic)
mlexpr_of_tactic_arg in
<:expr< Tacexpr.TacLetIn $mlexpr_of_list f l$ $mlexpr_of_tactic t$ >>
- | Tacexpr.TacLetCut of (identifier * t * tactic_expr) list
| Tacexpr.TacMatch (t,l) ->
<:expr< Tacexpr.TacMatch
- $mlexpr_of_may_eval mlexpr_of_constr t$
+ $mlexpr_of_tactic t$
$mlexpr_of_list (mlexpr_of_match_rule mlexpr_of_tactic) l$>>
| Tacexpr.TacMatchContext (lr,l) ->
<:expr< Tacexpr.TacMatchContext