path: root/parsing
diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-10-07 20:26:06 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2003-10-07 20:26:06 +0000
commit9be9fa2e571532d32611e510f06b9197b004d459 (patch)
treedf8463b93a9dcdad3ca84c443f4465a606a542f2 /parsing
parente7f9bc39ab4e879b521439901ed99bf3382bd40a (diff)
Inspect saute maintenant les marqueurs invisibles
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@4535 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
2 files changed, 37 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/prettyp.ml b/parsing/prettyp.ml
index baa65c40e..c9586aac2 100644
--- a/parsing/prettyp.ml
+++ b/parsing/prettyp.ml
@@ -289,43 +289,20 @@ let print_leaf_entry with_values sep ((sp,kn as oname),lobj) =
let tag = object_tag lobj in
match (oname,tag) with
| (_,"VARIABLE") ->
- print_section_variable (basename sp) ++ fnl ()
+ Some (print_section_variable (basename sp))
| (_,"CONSTANT") ->
- print_constant with_values sep kn ++ fnl ()
+ Some (print_constant with_values sep kn)
| (_,"INDUCTIVE") ->
- print_inductive kn ++ fnl ()
+ Some (print_inductive kn)
| (_,"MODULE") ->
let (mp,_,l) = repr_kn kn in
- print_module with_values (MPdot (mp,l)) ++ fnl ()
+ Some (print_module with_values (MPdot (mp,l)))
| (_,"MODULE TYPE") ->
- print_modtype kn ++ fnl ()
- | (_,"AUTOHINT") ->
-(* (str" Hint Marker" ++ fnl ())*)
- (mt ())
- | (_,"GRAMMAR") ->
-(* (str" Grammar Marker" ++ fnl ())*)
- (mt ())
- print_syntactic_def sep kn ++ fnl ()
- | (_,"PPSYNTAX") ->
-(* (str" Syntax Marker" ++ fnl ())*)
- (mt ())
- | (_,"TOKEN") ->
-(* (str" Token Marker" ++ fnl ())*)
- (mt ())
- | (_,"CLASS") ->
-(* (str" Class Marker" ++ fnl ())*)
- (mt ())
- | (_,"COERCION") ->
-(* (str" Coercion Marker" ++ fnl ())*)
- (mt ())
- | (_,"REQUIRE") ->
-(* (str" Require Marker" ++ fnl ())*)
- (mt ())
- | (_,"END-SECTION") -> (mt ())
- | (_,"STRUCTURE") -> (mt ())
-(* To deal with forgotten cases... *)
- | (_,s) -> (mt ())
+ Some (print_modtype kn)
+ (* To deal with forgotten cases... *)
+ | (_,s) -> None
| (_,s) ->
(str(string_of_path sp) ++ str" : " ++
@@ -337,30 +314,35 @@ let rec print_library_entry with_values ent =
let pr_name (sp,_) = pr_id (basename sp) in
match ent with
| (oname,Lib.Leaf lobj) ->
- (print_leaf_entry with_values sep (oname,lobj))
+ print_leaf_entry with_values sep (oname,lobj)
| (oname,Lib.OpenedSection (dir,_)) ->
- (str " >>>>>>> Section " ++ pr_name oname ++ fnl ())
+ Some (str " >>>>>>> Section " ++ pr_name oname)
| (oname,Lib.ClosedSection _) ->
- (str " >>>>>>> Closed Section " ++ pr_name oname ++ fnl ())
+ Some (str " >>>>>>> Closed Section " ++ pr_name oname)
| (_,Lib.CompilingLibrary (dir,_)) ->
- (str " >>>>>>> Library " ++ pr_dirpath dir ++ fnl ())
+ Some (str " >>>>>>> Library " ++ pr_dirpath dir)
| (oname,Lib.OpenedModule _) ->
- (str " >>>>>>> Module " ++ pr_name oname ++ fnl ())
+ Some (str " >>>>>>> Module " ++ pr_name oname)
| (oname,Lib.OpenedModtype _) ->
- (str " >>>>>>> Module Type " ++ pr_name oname ++ fnl ())
+ Some (str " >>>>>>> Module Type " ++ pr_name oname)
| (_,Lib.FrozenState _) ->
- (mt ())
+ None
-and print_context with_values =
- let rec prec = function
- | h::rest -> (prec rest ++ print_library_entry with_values h)
- | [] -> (mt ())
+let print_context with_values =
+ let rec prec n = function
+ | h::rest when n = None or out_some n > 0 ->
+ (match print_library_entry with_values h with
+ | None -> prec n rest
+ | Some pp -> prec (option_app ((+) (-1)) n) rest ++ pp ++ fnl ())
+ | _ -> mt ()
-let print_full_context () = print_context true (Lib.contents_after None)
+let print_full_context () =
+ print_context true None (Lib.contents_after None)
-let print_full_context_typ () = print_context false (Lib.contents_after None)
+let print_full_context_typ () =
+ print_context false None (Lib.contents_after None)
(* For printing an inductive definition with
its constructors and elimination,
@@ -395,9 +377,11 @@ let read_sec_context r =
let cxt = (Lib.contents_after None) in
List.rev (get_cxt [] cxt)
-let print_sec_context sec = print_context true (read_sec_context sec)
+let print_sec_context sec =
+ print_context true None (read_sec_context sec)
-let print_sec_context_typ sec = print_context false (read_sec_context sec)
+let print_sec_context_typ sec =
+ print_context false None (read_sec_context sec)
let print_eval red_fun env {uj_val=trm;uj_type=typ} =
let ntrm = red_fun env Evd.empty trm in
@@ -430,7 +414,9 @@ let print_name ref =
| Lib.Leaf obj -> (oname,obj)
| _ -> raise Not_found
- print_leaf_entry true " = " (oname,lobj)
+ match print_leaf_entry true " = " (oname,lobj) with
+ | None -> mt ()
+ | Some pp -> pp ++ fnl()
with Not_found ->
"print_name" (pr_qualid qid ++ spc () ++ str "not a defined object")
@@ -522,14 +508,7 @@ let unfold_head_fconst =
(* for debug *)
let inspect depth =
- let rec inspectrec n res env =
- if n=0 or env=[] then
- res
- else
- inspectrec (n-1) (List.hd env::res) (List.tl env)
- in
- let items = List.rev (inspectrec depth [] (Lib.contents_after None)) in
- print_context false items
+ print_context false (Some depth) (Lib.contents_after None)
diff --git a/parsing/prettyp.mli b/parsing/prettyp.mli
index 097f50d17..769688493 100644
--- a/parsing/prettyp.mli
+++ b/parsing/prettyp.mli
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ val assumptions_for_print : name list -> Termops.names_context
val print_closed_sections : bool ref
val print_impl_args : Impargs.implicits_list -> std_ppcmds
-val print_context : bool -> Lib.library_segment -> std_ppcmds
-val print_library_entry : bool -> (object_name * Lib.node) -> std_ppcmds
+val print_context : bool -> int option -> Lib.library_segment -> std_ppcmds
+val print_library_entry : bool -> (object_name * Lib.node) -> std_ppcmds option
val print_full_context : unit -> std_ppcmds
val print_full_context_typ : unit -> std_ppcmds
val print_sec_context : reference -> std_ppcmds