path: root/parsing
diff options
authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2016-10-24 01:25:40 +0200
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2016-10-27 10:12:55 +0200
commit5da679d276e106a62cc3368ceb7358da289ea10a (patch)
tree6dc390761cfe8ef2ab5ae9537a5c0a9266d4e289 /parsing
parent7c047370dc9032e3ded3365a45de5b92e7c9033f (diff)
Complete overhaul of the Arguments vernacular.
The main point of this change is to fix #3035: Avoiding trailing arguments in the Arguments command, and related issues occurring in HoTT for instance. When the "assert" flag is not specified, we now accept prefixes of the list of arguments. The semantics of _ w.r.t. to renaming has changed. Previously, it meant "restore the original name inferred from the type". Now it means "don't change the current name". The syntax of arguments is now restricted. Modifiers like /, ! and scopes are allowed only in the first arguments list. We also add *a lot* of missing checks on input values and fix various bugs. Note that this code is still way too complex for what it does, due to the complexity of the implicit arguments, reduction behaviors and renaming APIs.
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/g_vernac.ml4 b/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
index bc02a4621..e0d836df8 100644
--- a/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
@@ -651,58 +651,29 @@ GEXTEND Gram
(* Arguments *)
| IDENT "Arguments"; qid = smart_global;
- impl = LIST1 [ l = LIST0
- [ item = argument_spec ->
- let name, recarg_like, notation_scope = item in
- [`Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
- notation_scope=notation_scope;
- implicit_status = `NotImplicit}]
- | "/" -> [`Slash]
- | "("; items = LIST1 argument_spec; ")"; sc = OPT scope ->
- let f x = match sc, x with
- | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
- | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
- List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
- `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
- notation_scope=f notation_scope;
- implicit_status = `NotImplicit}) items
- | "["; items = LIST1 argument_spec; "]"; sc = OPT scope ->
- let f x = match sc, x with
- | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
- | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
- List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
- `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
- notation_scope=f notation_scope;
- implicit_status = `Implicit}) items
- | "{"; items = LIST1 argument_spec; "}"; sc = OPT scope ->
- let f x = match sc, x with
- | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
- | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
- List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
- `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
- notation_scope=f notation_scope;
- implicit_status = `MaximallyImplicit}) items
- ] -> l ] SEP ",";
+ args = LIST0 argument_spec_block;
+ more_implicits = OPT
+ [ ","; impl = LIST1
+ [ impl = LIST0 more_implicits_block -> List.flatten impl]
+ SEP "," -> impl
+ ];
mods = OPT [ ":"; l = LIST1 arguments_modifier SEP "," -> l ] ->
let mods = match mods with None -> [] | Some l -> List.flatten l in
- let impl = List.map List.flatten impl in
- let rec aux n (narg, impl) = function
- | `Id x :: tl -> aux (n+1) (narg, impl@[x]) tl
- | `Slash :: tl -> aux (n+1) (n, impl) tl
- | [] -> narg, impl in
- let nargs, impl = List.split (List.map (aux 0 (-1, [])) impl) in
- let nargs, rest = List.hd nargs, List.tl nargs in
- if List.exists (fun arg -> not (Int.equal arg nargs)) rest then
- error "All arguments lists must have the same length";
- let err_incompat x y =
- error ("Options \""^x^"\" and \""^y^"\" are incompatible") in
- if nargs > 0 && List.mem `ReductionNeverUnfold mods then
- err_incompat "simpl never" "/";
- if List.mem `ReductionNeverUnfold mods &&
- List.mem `ReductionDontExposeCase mods then
- err_incompat "simpl never" "simpl nomatch";
- VernacArguments (qid, impl, nargs, mods)
+ let slash_position = ref None in
+ let rec parse_args i = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | `Id x :: args -> x :: parse_args (i+1) args
+ | `Slash :: args ->
+ if Option.is_empty !slash_position then
+ (slash_position := Some i; parse_args i args)
+ else
+ error "The \"/\" modifier can occur only once"
+ in
+ let args = parse_args 0 (List.flatten args) in
+ let more_implicits = Option.default [] more_implicits in
+ VernacArguments (qid, args, more_implicits, !slash_position, mods)
(* moved there so that camlp5 factors it with the previous rule *)
| IDENT "Arguments"; IDENT "Scope"; qid = smart_global;
"["; scl = LIST0 [ "_" -> None | sc = IDENT -> Some sc ]; "]" ->
@@ -759,6 +730,49 @@ GEXTEND Gram
snd id, not (Option.is_empty b), Option.map (fun x -> !@loc, x) s
+ (* List of arguments implicit status, scope, modifiers *)
+ argument_spec_block: [
+ [ item = argument_spec ->
+ let name, recarg_like, notation_scope = item in
+ [`Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
+ notation_scope=notation_scope;
+ implicit_status = NotImplicit}]
+ | "/" -> [`Slash]
+ | "("; items = LIST1 argument_spec; ")"; sc = OPT scope ->
+ let f x = match sc, x with
+ | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
+ | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
+ List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
+ `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
+ notation_scope=f notation_scope;
+ implicit_status = NotImplicit}) items
+ | "["; items = LIST1 argument_spec; "]"; sc = OPT scope ->
+ let f x = match sc, x with
+ | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
+ | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
+ List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
+ `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
+ notation_scope=f notation_scope;
+ implicit_status = Implicit}) items
+ | "{"; items = LIST1 argument_spec; "}"; sc = OPT scope ->
+ let f x = match sc, x with
+ | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
+ | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
+ List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
+ `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
+ notation_scope=f notation_scope;
+ implicit_status = MaximallyImplicit}) items
+ ]
+ ];
+ (* Same as [argument_spec_block], but with only implicit status and names *)
+ more_implicits_block: [
+ [ name = name -> [(snd name, Vernacexpr.NotImplicit)]
+ | "["; items = LIST1 name; "]" ->
+ List.map (fun name -> (snd name, Vernacexpr.Implicit)) items
+ | "{"; items = LIST1 name; "}" ->
+ List.map (fun name -> (snd name, Vernacexpr.MaximallyImplicit)) items
+ ]
+ ];
[ [ IDENT "expand" -> Conv_oracle.Expand
| IDENT "opaque" -> Conv_oracle.Opaque