path: root/parsing
diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2000-01-07 22:19:13 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2000-01-07 22:19:13 +0000
commit4fb95ddde5870ab484f9d154bd406f344e6f88d5 (patch)
tree81cb602b000bc67e7f37f5d96479e4d7b1aa0310 /parsing
parent46e708f92deef78043f4f221293df131e29aeff1 (diff)
Restructuration printer et parser
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@263 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
13 files changed, 508 insertions, 899 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/astterm.ml b/parsing/astterm.ml
index 7dad63a00..989b78638 100644
--- a/parsing/astterm.ml
+++ b/parsing/astterm.ml
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ let dbize k sigma =
| Node(loc,"APPLIST", f::args) ->
RApp (loc,dbrec env f,List.map (dbrec env) args)
- | Node(loc,"MULTCASE", p:: Node(_,"TOMATCH",tms):: eqns) ->
+ | Node(loc,"CASES", p:: Node(_,"TOMATCH",tms):: eqns) ->
let po = match p with
| Str(_,"SYNTH") -> None
| _ -> Some(dbrec env p) in
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ let globalize_ast ast =
(* Installation of the AST quotations. "command" is used by default. *)
let _ =
Pcoq.define_quotation true "command"
- (Pcoq.map_entry globalize_command Pcoq.Command.command)
+ (Pcoq.map_entry globalize_command Pcoq.Constr.constr)
let _ =
Pcoq.define_quotation false "tactic"
(Pcoq.map_entry globalize_ast Pcoq.Tactic.tactic)
diff --git a/parsing/esyntax.ml b/parsing/esyntax.ml
index 71edadb8f..c5be89d92 100644
--- a/parsing/esyntax.ml
+++ b/parsing/esyntax.ml
@@ -83,14 +83,13 @@ let add_rule whatfor se =
from_name_table := Gmap.add name se !from_name_table;
from_key_table := Gmapl.add key se !from_key_table
-let add_ppobject (wf,sel) = List.iter (add_rule wf) sel
+let add_ppobject {sc_univ=wf;sc_entries=sel} = List.iter (add_rule wf) sel
(* Pretty-printing machinery *)
type std_printer = Coqast.t -> std_ppcmds
-type unparsing_subfunction =
- ((string * precedence) * parenRelation) option -> std_printer
+type unparsing_subfunction = string -> tolerability option -> std_printer
(* Module of primitive printers *)
module Ppprim =
@@ -124,19 +123,17 @@ let _ = Ppprim.add ("print_as",print_as_printer)
* printed using the token_printer, unless another primitive printer
* is specified. *)
-let print_syntax_entry sub_pr env se =
+let print_syntax_entry whatfor sub_pr env se =
let rule_prec = (se.syn_id, se.syn_prec) in
let rec print_hunk = function
- | PH(e,pprim,reln) ->
- let sub_printer = sub_pr (Some(rule_prec,reln)) in
+ | PH(e,externpr,reln) ->
let printer =
- match pprim with (* If a primitive printer is specified, use it *)
- | Some c ->
- (try
- (Ppprim.map c) sub_printer
- with Not_found ->
- (fun _ -> [< 'sTR"<printer "; 'sTR c; 'sTR" not found>" >]))
- | None -> token_printer sub_printer
+ match externpr with (* May branch to an other printer *)
+ | Some (c,entry_prec) ->
+ (try (* Test for a primitive printer *)
+ (Ppprim.map c) (sub_pr whatfor (Some(rule_prec,reln)))
+ with Not_found -> token_printer (sub_pr c entry_prec))
+ | None -> token_printer (sub_pr whatfor (Some(rule_prec,reln)))
printer (Ast.pat_sub Ast.dummy_loc env e)
| RO s -> [< 'sTR s >]
@@ -155,21 +152,21 @@ let print_syntax_entry sub_pr env se =
* In the case of tactics and commands, dflt also prints
* global constants basenames. *)
-let genprint whatfor dflt inhprec ast =
- let rec rec_pr inherited gt =
+let genprint dflt whatfor inhprec ast =
+ let rec rec_pr whatfor inherited gt =
match find_syntax_entry whatfor gt with
| Some(se, env) ->
- let rule_prec = (se.syn_id, se.syn_prec) in
- let no_paren = tolerable_prec inherited rule_prec in
- let printed_gt = print_syntax_entry rec_pr env se in
- if no_paren then
+ let rule_prec = (se.syn_id, se.syn_prec) in
+ let no_paren = tolerable_prec inherited rule_prec in
+ let printed_gt = print_syntax_entry whatfor rec_pr env se in
+ if no_paren then
- else
+ else
[< 'sTR"(" ; printed_gt; 'sTR")" >]
| None -> dflt gt (* No rule found *)
- rec_pr inhprec ast
+ rec_pr whatfor inhprec ast
| Failure _ -> [< 'sTR"<PP failure: "; dflt ast; 'sTR">" >]
| Not_found -> [< 'sTR"<PP search failure: "; dflt ast; 'sTR">" >]
diff --git a/parsing/esyntax.mli b/parsing/esyntax.mli
index 075500c95..a7da42b9c 100644
--- a/parsing/esyntax.mli
+++ b/parsing/esyntax.mli
@@ -19,13 +19,12 @@ val unfreeze : frozen_t -> unit
val find_syntax_entry :
string -> Coqast.t -> (syntax_entry * Ast.env) option
val add_rule : string -> syntax_entry -> unit
-val add_ppobject : (string * syntax_entry list) -> unit
+val add_ppobject : syntax_command -> unit
(* Pretty-printing *)
type std_printer = Coqast.t -> std_ppcmds
-type unparsing_subfunction =
- ((string * precedence) * parenRelation) option -> std_printer
+type unparsing_subfunction = string -> tolerability option -> std_printer
(* Module of primitive printers *)
module Ppprim :
@@ -37,5 +36,5 @@ module Ppprim :
(* Generic printing functions *)
val token_printer: std_printer -> std_printer
val print_syntax_entry :
- unparsing_subfunction -> Ast.env -> syntax_entry -> std_ppcmds
-val genprint : string -> std_printer -> unparsing_subfunction
+ string -> unparsing_subfunction -> Ast.env -> syntax_entry -> std_ppcmds
+val genprint : std_printer -> unparsing_subfunction
diff --git a/parsing/extend.ml4 b/parsing/extend.ml4
index 5b0474156..1e2a00cce 100644
--- a/parsing/extend.ml4
+++ b/parsing/extend.ml4
@@ -8,137 +8,6 @@ open Pcoq
open Coqast
open Ast
-open Pcoq.Vernac
- vernac:
- [ "Drop"; "." -> <:ast< (DROP) >>
- | "ProtectedLoop"; "." -> <:ast< (PROTECTEDLOOP)>>
- | "Load"; verbosely = [ IDENT "Verbose" -> "Verbose" | -> "" ];
- s = [ s = STRING -> s | s = IDENT -> s ]; "." ->
- <:ast< (LoadFile ($STR $verbosely) ($STR $s)) >>
- (* TODO: deplacer vers g_vernac & Vernac.v *)
- | "Compile";
- verbosely =
- [ IDENT "Verbose" -> "Verbose"
- | -> "" ];
- IDENT "Module";
- only_spec =
- [ IDENT "Specification" -> "Specification"
- | -> "" ];
- mname = [ s = STRING -> s | s = IDENT -> s ];
- fname = OPT [ s = STRING -> s | s = IDENT -> s ]; "." ->
- let fname = match fname with Some s -> s | None -> mname in
- <:ast< (CompileFile ($STR $verbosely) ($STR $only_spec)
- ($STR $mname) ($STR $fname))>> ]]
- ;
-(* These are the entries without which MakeBare cannot be compiled *)
- GLOBAL: vernac Prim.syntax_entry Prim.grammar_entry;
- vernac:
- [[ "Token"; s = STRING; "." -> <:ast< (TOKEN ($STR $s)) >>
- | "Grammar"; univ=IDENT; tl=LIST1 Prim.grammar_entry SEP "with"; "." ->
- <:ast< (GRAMMAR ($VAR univ) (ASTLIST ($LIST tl))) >>
- | "Syntax"; whatfor=IDENT; el=LIST1 Prim.syntax_entry SEP ";"; "." ->
- <:ast< (SYNTAX ($VAR whatfor) (ASTLIST ($LIST el))) >>
- | IDENT "Infix"; as_ = entry_prec; n = numarg; op = Prim.string;
- p = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (INFIX (AST $as_) $n $op $p) >>
- | IDENT "Distfix"; as_ = entry_prec; n = numarg; s = Prim.string;
- p = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (DISTFIX (AST $as_) $n $s $p) >> ]]
- ;
- (* Syntax entries for Grammar. Only grammar_entry is exported *)
- Prim.grammar_entry:
- [[ nont = Prim.ident; etyp = Prim.entry_type; ":=";
- ep = entry_prec; rl = LIST0 grammar_rule SEP "|" ->
- <:ast< (ENTRY $nont $etyp $ep ($LIST rl)) >> ]]
- ;
- entry_prec:
- [[ IDENT "LEFTA" -> <:ast< {LEFTA} >>
- | IDENT "RIGHTA" -> <:ast< {RIGHTA} >>
- | IDENT "NONA" -> <:ast< {NONA} >>
- | -> <:ast< {NONE} >> ] ]
- ;
- grammar_rule:
- [[ name = rule_name; "["; pil = LIST0 production_item; "]"; "->";
- a = Prim.astact ->
- <:ast< (RULE ($ID name) $a ($LIST pil)) >> ]]
- ;
- rule_name:
- [[ name = IDENT -> name ]]
- ;
- production_item:
- [[ s = STRING -> <:ast< ($STR $s) >>
- | nt = non_terminal; po = OPT [ "("; p = Prim.ident; ")" -> p ] ->
- match po with
- | Some p -> <:ast< (NT $nt $p) >>
- | _ -> <:ast< (NT $nt) >> ]]
- ;
- non_terminal:
- [[ u = Prim.ident; ":"; nt = Prim.ident -> <:ast< (QUAL $u $nt) >>
- | nt = Prim.ident -> <:ast< $nt >> ]]
- ;
- (* Syntax entries for Syntax. Only syntax_entry is exported *)
- Prim.syntax_entry:
- [ [ IDENT "level"; p = precedence; ":"; rl = LIST1 syntax_rule SEP "|" ->
- <:ast< (SYNTAXENTRY $p ($LIST $rl)) >> ] ]
- ;
- syntax_rule:
- [ [ nm = IDENT; "["; s = Prim.astpat; "]"; "->"; u = unparsing ->
- <:ast< (RULE ($ID $nm) $s $u) >> ] ]
- ;
- precedence:
- [ [ a = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PREC $a 0 0) >>
- | "["; a1 = Prim.number; a2 = Prim.number; a3 = Prim.number; "]" ->
- <:ast< (PREC $a1 $a2 $a3) >> ] ]
- ;
- unparsing:
- [ [ "["; ll = LIST0 next_hunks; "]" -> <:ast< (UNPARSING ($LIST $ll))>> ] ]
- ;
- next_hunks:
- [ [ IDENT "FNL" -> <:ast< (UNP_FNL) >>
- | IDENT "TAB" -> <:ast< (UNP_TAB) >>
- | c = STRING -> <:ast< (RO ($STR $c)) >>
- | "[";
- x =
- [ b = box; ll = LIST0 next_hunks -> <:ast<(UNP_BOX $b ($LIST $ll))>>
- | n = Prim.number; m = Prim.number -> <:ast< (UNP_BRK $n $m) >>
- n = Prim.number; m = Prim.number -> <:ast< (UNP_TBRK $n $m) >> ];
- "]" -> x
- | e = Prim.ast; oprec = OPT [ ":"; pr = paren_reln -> pr ] ->
- match oprec with
- | Some pr -> <:ast< (PH $e $pr) >>
- | None -> <:ast< (PH $e {Any}) >> ]]
- ;
- box:
- [ [ "<"; bk = box_kind; ">" -> bk ] ]
- ;
- box_kind:
- [ [ IDENT "h"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PpHB $n) >>
- | IDENT "v"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PpVB $n) >>
- | IDENT "hv"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PpHVB $n) >>
- | IDENT "hov"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PpHOVB $n) >>
- | IDENT "t" -> <:ast< (PpTB) >> ] ]
- ;
- paren_reln:
- [ [ IDENT "L" -> <:ast< {L} >>
- | IDENT "E" -> <:ast< {E} >>
- | pprim = STRING -> <:ast< ($STR $pprim) >> ] ]
- ;
(* Converting and checking grammar command *)
type nonterm =
@@ -207,12 +76,21 @@ let qualified_nterm current_univ ntrm =
NtQual (univ, en) -> (get_univ univ, en)
| NtShort en -> (current_univ, en)
+(* For compatibility *)
+let rename_command nt =
+ if String.length nt >= 7 & String.sub nt 0 7 = "command"
+ then "constr"^(String.sub nt 7 (String.length nt - 7))
+ else if nt = "lcommand" then "lconstr"
+ else if nt = "lassoc_command4" then "lassoc_constr4"
+ else nt
let nterm univ ast =
let nont =
match ast with
- | Node (_, "QUAL", [Id (_, u); Id (_, nt)]) -> NtQual (u, nt)
- | Id (_, nt) -> NtShort nt
+ | Node (_, "QUAL", [Id (_, u); Id (_, nt)]) ->
+ NtQual (rename_command u, rename_command nt)
+ | Id (_, nt) -> NtShort (rename_command nt)
| _ -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Extend.nterm")
let (u,n) = qualified_nterm univ nont in
@@ -250,7 +128,7 @@ let rec prod_item_list univ penv pil =
let gram_rule univ etyp ast =
match ast with
- | Node (_, "RULE", (Id (_, name) :: act :: pil)) ->
+ | Node (_, "GRAMMARRULE", (Id (_, name) :: act :: pil)) ->
let (pilc, act_env) = prod_item_list univ [] pil in
let a = Ast.to_act_check_vars act_env etyp act in
{ gr_name=name; gr_production=pilc; gr_action=a }
@@ -270,9 +148,13 @@ let gram_assoc = function
| ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Egrammar.assoc")
let gram_define_entry univ = function
- | Node (_, "ENTRY", (Id (ntl, nt) :: et :: ass :: rl)) ->
+ | Node (_, "GRAMMARENTRY", (Id (ntl, nt) :: et :: ass :: rl)) ->
let etyp = entry_type et in
let assoc = gram_assoc ass in
+ (* For compatibility *)
+ let nt = rename_command nt in
let _ =
create_entry univ nt etyp
@@ -282,7 +164,11 @@ let gram_define_entry univ = function
(nt, etyp, assoc, rl)
| ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Egrammar.gram_define_entry")
-let gram_of_ast univ astl =
+let interp_grammar_command univ astl =
+ (* For compatibility *)
+ let univ = rename_command univ in
let u = get_univ univ in
let entryl = List.map (gram_define_entry u) astl in
{ gc_univ = univ;
@@ -314,8 +200,10 @@ type ppbox =
| PpVB of int
| PpTB
+type tolerability = (string * precedence) * parenRelation
type unparsing_hunk =
- | PH of Ast.pat * string option * parenRelation
+ | PH of Ast.pat * (string * tolerability option) option * parenRelation
| RO of string
| UNP_BOX of ppbox * unparsing_hunk list
| UNP_BRK of int * int
@@ -340,15 +228,24 @@ let box_of_ast = function
| Node (_, "PpTB", []) -> PpTB
| p -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc p,"Syntaxext.box_of_ast")
+let prec_of_ast = function
+ | Node(_,"PREC",[Num(_,a1); Num(_,a2); Num(_,a3)]) -> (a1,a2,a3)
+ | ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast,"Syntaxext.prec_of_ast")
+let extern_of_ast loc = function
+ | [Str(_,ppextern)] -> Some (ppextern,None)
+ | [Str(_,ppextern);p] -> Some (ppextern,Some ((ppextern,prec_of_ast p),Any))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg_loc (loc,"Syntaxext.extern_of_ast")
let rec unparsing_hunk_of_ast vars = function
- | Node(_, "PH", [e; Str(_,pprim)]) ->
- PH (Ast.val_of_ast vars e, Some pprim, Any)
+ | Node(_, "PH", [e; Node (loc,"EXTERN", ext_args)]) ->
+ PH (Ast.val_of_ast vars e, extern_of_ast loc ext_args, Any)
| Node(loc, "PH", [e; Id(_,pr)]) ->
let reln =
(match pr with
| "L" -> L
| "E" -> E
- | "Any" -> Any
+ | "Any" -> Any
| _ -> invalid_arg_loc (loc,"Syntaxext.paren_reln_of_ast")) in
PH (Ast.val_of_ast vars e, None, reln)
| Node (_, "RO", [Str(_,s)]) -> RO s
@@ -366,19 +263,18 @@ let unparsing_of_ast vars = function
List.map (unparsing_hunk_of_ast vars) ll
| u -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc u,"Syntaxext.unp_of_ast")
-let prec_of_ast = function
- | Node(_,"PREC",[Num(_,a1); Num(_,a2); Num(_,a3)]) -> (a1,a2,a3)
- | ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast,"Syntaxext.prec_of_ast")
type syntax_entry = {
syn_id : string;
syn_prec: precedence;
syn_astpat : Ast.pat;
syn_hunks : unparsing_hunk list }
+type syntax_command = {
+ sc_univ : string;
+ sc_entries : syntax_entry list }
let rule_of_ast whatfor prec = function
- | Node(_,"RULE",[Id(_,s); spat; unp]) ->
+ | Node(_,"SYNTAXRULE",[Id(_,s); spat; unp]) ->
let (astpat,meta_env) = Ast.to_pat [] spat in
let hunks = unparsing_of_ast meta_env unp in
{ syn_id = s;
@@ -392,3 +288,9 @@ let level_of_ast whatfor = function
let prec = prec_of_ast pr in
List.map (rule_of_ast whatfor prec) rl
| ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast,"Metasyntax.level_of_ast")
+let interp_syntax_entry univ sel =
+ { sc_univ = univ;
+ sc_entries = List.flatten (List.map (level_of_ast univ) sel)}
diff --git a/parsing/extend.mli b/parsing/extend.mli
index 7f9a5f569..8fe219d45 100644
--- a/parsing/extend.mli
+++ b/parsing/extend.mli
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ type grammar_command = {
gc_univ : string;
gc_entries : grammar_entry list }
-val gram_assoc: Coqast.t -> Gramext.g_assoc option
-val gram_of_ast: string -> Coqast.t list -> grammar_command
+val gram_assoc : Coqast.t -> Gramext.g_assoc option
+val interp_grammar_command : string -> Coqast.t list -> grammar_command
(*s Pretty-print. *)
@@ -50,10 +51,9 @@ type parenRelation = L | E | Any
highest precedence), and the child's one, follow the given
relation. *)
-val tolerable_prec : ((string * precedence) * parenRelation) option ->
- (string * precedence) -> bool
+type tolerability = (string * precedence) * parenRelation
-val prec_of_ast : Coqast.t -> precedence
+val tolerable_prec : tolerability option -> (string * precedence) -> bool
(* unparsing objects *)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ type ppbox =
| PpTB
type unparsing_hunk =
- | PH of Ast.pat * string option * parenRelation
+ | PH of Ast.pat * (string * tolerability option) option * parenRelation
| RO of string
| UNP_BOX of ppbox * unparsing_hunk list
| UNP_BRK of int * int
@@ -83,8 +83,10 @@ type syntax_entry = {
syn_astpat : Ast.pat;
syn_hunks : unparsing_hunk list }
-val rule_of_ast : string -> precedence -> Coqast.t -> syntax_entry
+type syntax_command = {
+ sc_univ : string;
+ sc_entries : syntax_entry list }
-val level_of_ast : string -> Coqast.t -> syntax_entry list
+val interp_syntax_entry : string -> Coqast.t list -> syntax_command
diff --git a/parsing/pcoq.ml4 b/parsing/pcoq.ml4
index 873d52cbb..6da37473f 100644
--- a/parsing/pcoq.ml4
+++ b/parsing/pcoq.ml4
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module Gram =
-(* This extension command is used by the Grammar command *)
+(* This extension command is used by the Grammar constr *)
let grammar_extend te pos rls =
camlp4_state := ByGrammar (te,pos,rls) :: !camlp4_state;
@@ -205,60 +205,54 @@ let force_entry_type (u, utab) s etyp =
(* Grammar entries *)
-module Command =
+module Constr =
- let ucommand = snd (get_univ "command")
+ let uconstr = snd (get_univ "constr")
let gec s =
- let e = Gram.Entry.create ("Command." ^ s) in
- Hashtbl.add ucommand s (Ast e); e
+ let e = Gram.Entry.create ("Constr." ^ s) in
+ Hashtbl.add uconstr s (Ast e); e
let gec_list s =
- let e = Gram.Entry.create ("Command." ^ s) in
- Hashtbl.add ucommand s (ListAst e); e
+ let e = Gram.Entry.create ("Constr." ^ s) in
+ Hashtbl.add uconstr s (ListAst e); e
+ let constr = gec "constr"
+ let constr0 = gec "constr0"
+ let constr1 = gec "constr1"
+ let constr2 = gec "constr2"
+ let constr3 = gec "constr3"
+ let lassoc_constr4 = gec "lassoc_constr4"
+ let constr5 = gec "constr5"
+ let constr6 = gec "constr6"
+ let constr7 = gec "constr7"
+ let constr8 = gec "constr8"
+ let constr9 = gec "constr9"
+ let constr91 = gec "constr91"
+ let constr10 = gec "constr10"
+ let constr_eoi = eoi_entry constr
+ let lconstr = gec "lconstr"
+ let ident = gec "ident"
+ let ne_ident_comma_list = gec_list "ne_ident_comma_list"
+ let ne_constr_list = gec_list "ne_constr_list"
- let abstraction_tail = gec "abstraction_tail"
+ let pattern = Gram.Entry.create "Constr.pattern"
let binder = gec "binder"
+ let abstraction_tail = gec "abstraction_tail"
let cofixbinder = gec "cofixbinder"
let cofixbinders = gec_list "cofixbinders"
- let command = gec "command"
- let command0 = gec "command0"
- let command1 = gec "command1"
- let command10 = gec "command10"
- let command2 = gec "command2"
- let command3 = gec "command3"
- let command5 = gec "command5"
- let command6 = gec "command6"
- let command7 = gec "command7"
- let command8 = gec "command8"
- let command9 = gec "command9"
- let command91 = gec "command91"
- let command_eoi = eoi_entry command
- let equation = gec "equation"
let fixbinder = gec "fixbinder"
let fixbinders = gec_list "fixbinders"
- let ident = gec "ident"
- let lassoc_command4 = gec "lassoc_command4"
- let lcommand = gec "lcommand"
- let lsimple_pattern = Gram.Entry.create "Command.lsimple_pattern"
let ne_binder_list = gec_list "ne_binder_list"
- let ne_command91_list = gec_list "ne_command91_list"
- let ne_command9_list = gec_list "ne_command9_list"
- let ne_command_list = gec_list "ne_command_list"
- let ne_eqn_list = gec_list "ne_eqn_list"
- let ne_ident_comma_list = gec_list "ne_ident_comma_list"
- let ne_pattern_list = Gram.Entry.create "Command.ne_pattern_list"
- let pattern = Gram.Entry.create "Command.pattern"
- let pattern_list = Gram.Entry.create "Command.pattern_list"
- let product_tail = gec "product_tail"
- let raw_command = gec "raw_command"
- let simple_pattern = Gram.Entry.create "Command.simple_pattern"
- let simple_pattern2 = Gram.Entry.create "Command.simple_pattern2"
- let simple_pattern_list =
- Gram.Entry.create "Command.simple_pattern_list"
- let type_option = gec "type_option"
- let weak_binder = gec "weak_binder"
- let ne_weak_binder_list = gec_list "ne_weak_binder"
- let ucommand = snd (get_univ "command")
+ let ne_pattern_list = Gram.Entry.create "Constr.ne_pattern_list"
+ let pattern_list = Gram.Entry.create "Constr.pattern_list"
+ let simple_pattern = Gram.Entry.create "Constr.simple_pattern"
+ let uconstr = snd (get_univ "constr")
diff --git a/parsing/pcoq.mli b/parsing/pcoq.mli
index de8c7128e..8bc7642e3 100644
--- a/parsing/pcoq.mli
+++ b/parsing/pcoq.mli
@@ -56,49 +56,44 @@ val main_entry : Coqast.t option Gram.Entry.e
(* Initial state of the grammar *)
-module Command :
+module Constr :
- val abstraction_tail : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr0 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr1 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr2 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr3 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val lassoc_constr4 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr5 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr6 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr7 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr8 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr9 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr91 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr10 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val constr_eoi : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val lconstr : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val ident : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val ne_ident_comma_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
+ val ne_constr_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
+ val pattern : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
val binder : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
+ val abstraction_tail : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
val cofixbinder : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
val cofixbinders : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val command : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command0 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command1 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command10 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command2 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command3 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command5 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command6 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command7 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command8 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command9 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command91 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val command_eoi : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val equation : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
val fixbinder : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
val fixbinders : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val ident : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val lassoc_command4 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val lcommand : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val lsimple_pattern : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
val ne_binder_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val ne_command91_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val ne_command9_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val ne_command_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val ne_eqn_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val ne_ident_comma_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
val ne_pattern_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val pattern : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
val pattern_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val product_tail : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val raw_command : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
val simple_pattern : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val simple_pattern2 : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val simple_pattern_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
- val type_option : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val weak_binder : Coqast.t Gram.Entry.e
- val ne_weak_binder_list : Coqast.t list Gram.Entry.e
module Tactic :
diff --git a/parsing/pretty.ml b/parsing/pretty.ml
index 8147fd2b8..3e522f95c 100644
--- a/parsing/pretty.ml
+++ b/parsing/pretty.ml
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ let print_closed_sections = ref false
let print_typed_value_in_env env (trm,typ) =
let sign = Environ.var_context env in
- [< term0 (gLOB sign) trm ; 'fNL ;
- 'sTR " : "; term0 (gLOB sign) typ ; 'fNL >]
+ [< prterm_env (gLOB sign) trm ; 'fNL ;
+ 'sTR " : "; prterm_env (gLOB sign) typ ; 'fNL >]
let print_typed_value x = print_typed_value_in_env (Global.env ()) x
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ let print_var name typ =
[< 'sTR "*** [" ; 'sTR name ; 'sTR " : "; prtype typ; 'sTR "]"; 'fNL >]
let print_env pk =
- let pterminenv = if pk = FW then fterm0 else term0 in
+ let pterminenv = if pk = FW then fprterm_env else prterm_env in
let pr_binder env (na,c) =
match na with
| Name id as name ->
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ let assumptions_for_print lna =
let print_constructors_with_sep pk fsep mip =
let pterm,pterminenv =
- if pk = FW then (fprterm,fterm0) else (prterm,term0) in
+ if pk = FW then (fprterm,fprterm_env) else (prterm,prterm_env) in
let (lna,lC) = decomp_all_DLAMV_name mip.mind_lc in
let ass_name = assumptions_for_print lna in
let lidC = Array.to_list
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ let implicit_args_msg sp mipv =
let print_mutual sp mib =
let pk = kind_of_path sp in
let pterm,pterminenv =
- if pk = FW then (fprterm,fterm0) else (prterm,term0) in
+ if pk = FW then (fprterm,fprterm_env) else (prterm,prterm_env) in
let env = Global.env () in
let evd = Evd.empty in
let {mind_packets=mipv; mind_nparams=nparams} = mib in
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ let crible (fn:string -> unit assumptions -> constr -> unit) name =
let print_crible name =
crible (fun str ass_name constr ->
- let pc = term0 ass_name constr in
+ let pc = prterm_env ass_name constr in
mSG[<'sTR str; 'sTR":"; pc; 'fNL >]) name
let read_sec_context sec =
diff --git a/parsing/printer.ml b/parsing/printer.ml
index 392078611..c93fdbb48 100644
--- a/parsing/printer.ml
+++ b/parsing/printer.ml
@@ -10,56 +10,25 @@ open Environ
open Global
open Declare
open Coqast
+open Termast
-let print_arguments = ref false
-let print_casts = ref false
-let print_emacs = ref false
+let emacs_str s = if !Options.print_emacs then s else ""
-let emacs_str s =
- if !print_emacs then s else ""
+let dfltpr ast = [< 'sTR"#GENTERM " ; Ast.print_ast ast >];;
let section_path sl s =
let sl = List.rev sl in
make_path (List.tl sl) (id_of_string (List.hd sl)) (kind_of_string s)
-let with_implicits f x =
- let oimpl = !Termast.print_implicits in
- Termast.print_implicits := true;
- try
- let r = f x in
- Termast.print_implicits := oimpl;
- r
- with e ->
- Termast.print_implicits := oimpl; raise e
-let pr_qualified sp id =
- if Nametab.sp_of_id (kind_of_path sp) id = sp then
- [< 'sTR(string_of_id id) >]
- else
- [< 'sTR(string_of_path sp) >]
-let pr_constant (sp,_) = pr_qualified sp (basename sp)
-let pr_existential (ev,_) = [< 'sTR ("?" ^ string_of_int ev) >]
-let pr_inductive (sp,tyi as ind_sp,_) =
- let id = id_of_global (MutInd ind_sp) in
- pr_qualified sp id
-let pr_constructor ((sp,tyi),i as cstr_sp,_) =
- let id = id_of_global (MutConstruct cstr_sp) in
- pr_qualified sp id
let pr_global k oper =
let id = id_of_global oper in
[< 'sTR (string_of_id id) >]
-let dfltpr ast = [< 'sTR"#GENTERM " ; Ast.print_ast ast >]
let globpr k gt = match gt with
| Nvar(_,s) -> [< 'sTR s >]
| Node(_,"EVAR", (Num (_,ev))::_) ->
if !print_arguments then dfltpr gt
else pr_existential (ev,[])
@@ -72,29 +41,10 @@ let globpr k gt = match gt with
| Node(_,"MUTCONSTRUCT",(Path(_,sl,s))::(Num(_,tyi))::(Num(_,i))::_) ->
if !print_arguments then (dfltpr gt)
else pr_constructor (((section_path sl s,tyi),i),[])
| gt -> dfltpr gt
-let apply_prec = Some (("Term",(9,0,0)),Extend.L)
-let apply_tacprec = Some (("Tactic",(9,0,0)),Extend.L)
-let rec gencompr k gt =
- let uni = match k with
- | CCI | FW -> "constr"
- | _ -> "<undefined>"
- in
- let rec gpr gt =
- Esyntax.genprint uni
- (function
- | Node(_,"PPUNI$COMMAND",[Str(_,"CCI");c]) -> gencompr CCI c
- | Node(_,"PPUNI$COMMAND",[c]) -> gencompr CCI c
- | Node(_,"PPUNI$COMMAND",[Str(_,"FW");c]) -> gencompr FW c
- | gt -> globpr k gt)
- apply_prec
- gt
- in
- gpr gt
-let print_if_exception = function
+let wrap_exception = function
Anomaly (s1,s2) ->
warning ("Anomaly ("^s1^")");pP s2;
[< 'sTR"<PP error: non-printable term>" >]
@@ -102,75 +52,75 @@ let print_if_exception = function
[< 'sTR"<PP error: non-printable term>" >]
| s -> raise s
+(* These are the names of the universes where the pp rules for constr and
+ tactic are put (must be consistent with files PPConstr.v and PPTactic.v *)
+let constr_syntax_universe = "constr"
+let tactic_syntax_universe = "tactic"
+(* This is starting precedence for printing constructions or tactics *)
+(* Level 9 means no parentheses except for applicative terms (at level 10) *)
+let constr_initial_prec = Some ((constr_syntax_universe,(9,0,0)),Extend.L)
+let tactic_initial_prec = Some ((tactic_syntax_universe,(9,0,0)),Extend.L)
+let gencompr k gt =
+ let uni = match k with
+ | CCI | FW -> constr_syntax_universe
+ | _ -> anomaly "gencompr: not a construction"
+ (* WAS "<undefined>" *)
+ in Esyntax.genprint (globpr k) uni constr_initial_prec gt
(* [at_top] means ids of env must be avoided in bound variables *)
let gentermpr_core at_top k env t =
let uenv = unitize_env env in
- try
- let ogt =
- if !print_casts then
- Termast.bdize at_top uenv t
- else
- Termast.bdize_no_casts at_top uenv t
- in
- gencompr k ogt
- with s -> print_if_exception s
+ try gencompr k (Termast.bdize at_top uenv t)
+ with s -> wrap_exception s
-let term0_at_top a = gentermpr_core true CCI a
-let gentermpr a = gentermpr_core false a
+let gentermpr k = gentermpr_core false k
-let term0 a = gentermpr CCI a
-let prterm = term0 (gLOB nil_sign)
-let fterm0 a = gentermpr FW a
-let fprterm = fterm0 (gLOB nil_sign)
+let prterm_env_at_top a = gentermpr_core true CCI a
+let prterm_env a = gentermpr CCI a
+let prterm = prterm_env (gLOB nil_sign)
-let prtype_env env typ =
- if !print_casts then
- term0 env (mkCast typ.body (mkSort typ.typ))
- else
- prterm typ.body
+let fprterm_env a = gentermpr FW a
+let fprterm = fprterm_env (gLOB nil_sign)
+let prtype_env env typ = prterm_env env (mkCast typ.body (mkSort typ.typ))
let prtype = prtype_env (gLOB nil_sign)
-let fprtype_env env typ =
- if !print_casts then
- fterm0 env (mkCast typ.body (mkSort typ.typ))
- else
- fterm0 env typ.body
+let fprtype_env env typ = fprterm_env env (mkCast typ.body (mkSort typ.typ))
let fprtype = fprtype_env (gLOB nil_sign)
+let pr_constant cst = gencompr CCI (ast_of_constant cst)
+let pr_existential ev = gencompr CCI (ast_of_existential ev)
+let pr_inductive ind = gencompr CCI (ast_of_inductive ind)
+let pr_constructor cstr = gencompr CCI (ast_of_constructor cstr)
+(* For compatibility *)
+let term0 = prterm_env
+let fterm0 = fprterm_env
let genpatternpr k t =
- try
- gencompr k (Termast.ast_of_pattern t)
- with s -> print_if_exception s
+ try gencompr k (Termast.ast_of_pattern t)
+ with s -> wrap_exception s
let prpattern = genpatternpr CCI
let genrawtermpr k env t =
- try
- gencompr k (Termast.ast_of_rawconstr t)
- with s -> print_if_exception s
+ try gencompr k (Termast.ast_of_rawconstr t)
+ with s -> wrap_exception s
let prrawterm = genrawtermpr CCI (gLOB nil_sign)
-let gentacpr gt =
- let rec gpr gt =
- Esyntax.genprint "tactic"
- (function
- | Nvar(_,s) -> [< 'sTR s >]
- | Node(_,"PPUNI$COMMAND",[Str(_,"CCI");c]) -> gencompr CCI c
- | Node(_,"PPUNI$COMMAND",[c]) -> gencompr CCI c
- | Node(_,"PPUNI$COMMAND",[Str(_,"FW");c]) -> gencompr FW c
- | gt -> default_tacpr gt)
- apply_tacprec
- gt
- and default_tacpr = function
+let rec gentacpr gt =
+ Esyntax.genprint default_tacpr tactic_syntax_universe tactic_initial_prec gt
+and default_tacpr = function
+ | Nvar(_,s) -> [< 'sTR s >]
| Node(_,s,[]) -> [< 'sTR s >]
| Node(_,s,ta) ->
- [< 'sTR s; 'bRK(1,2); hOV 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_spc gpr ta) >]
+ [< 'sTR s; 'bRK(1,2); hOV 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_spc gentacpr ta) >]
| gt -> dfltpr gt
- in
- gpr gt
let print_decl k sign (s,typ) =
let ptyp = gentermpr k (gLOB sign) typ.body in
@@ -262,5 +212,3 @@ let pr_env_limit n env =
let pr_env_opt env = match Options.print_hyps_limit () with
| None -> hV 0 (pr_env CCI env)
| Some n -> hV 0 (pr_env_limit n env)
-let emacs_str s = if !Options.print_emacs then s else ""
diff --git a/parsing/printer.mli b/parsing/printer.mli
index 0f704c552..1b5517890 100644
--- a/parsing/printer.mli
+++ b/parsing/printer.mli
@@ -8,21 +8,20 @@ open Term
open Sign
+(* These are the entry points for printing terms, context, tac, ... *)
val gencompr : path_kind -> Coqast.t -> std_ppcmds
val gentermpr : path_kind -> 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
val gentacpr : Coqast.t -> std_ppcmds
+val prterm_env : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
+val prterm_env_at_top : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
val prterm : constr -> std_ppcmds
val prtype_env : 'a assumptions -> typed_type -> std_ppcmds
val prtype : typed_type -> std_ppcmds
+val fprterm_env : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
val fprterm : constr -> std_ppcmds
val fprtype_env : 'a assumptions -> typed_type -> std_ppcmds
val fprtype : typed_type -> std_ppcmds
-val fterm0 : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
-val term0 : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
-val term0_at_top : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
-val pr_ne_env : std_ppcmds -> path_kind -> context -> std_ppcmds
val prrawterm : Rawterm.rawconstr -> std_ppcmds
val prpattern : Rawterm.pattern -> std_ppcmds
@@ -32,12 +31,14 @@ val pr_existential : existential -> std_ppcmds
val pr_constructor : constructor -> std_ppcmds
val pr_inductive : inductive -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_ne_env : std_ppcmds -> path_kind -> context -> std_ppcmds
val pr_sign : var_context -> std_ppcmds
val pr_env_opt : context -> std_ppcmds
-val print_arguments : bool ref
-val print_casts : bool ref
-val print_emacs : bool ref
-val with_implicits : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val emacs_str : string -> string
+(* For compatibility *)
+val fterm0 : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
+val term0 : 'a assumptions -> constr -> std_ppcmds
diff --git a/parsing/q_coqast.ml4 b/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
index 5a1327430..ae8d8bfd3 100644
--- a/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
+++ b/parsing/q_coqast.ml4
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ let f e =
Quotation.ExAst (ee, ep)
let _ =
- Quotation.add "command" (f Pcoq.Command.command_eoi);
+ Quotation.add "constr" (f Pcoq.Constr.constr_eoi);
Quotation.add "tactic" (f Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_eoi);
Quotation.add "vernac" (f Pcoq.Vernac.vernac_eoi);
Quotation.add "ast" (f Pcoq.Prim.ast_eoi);
- Quotation.default := "command"
+ Quotation.default := "constr"
diff --git a/parsing/termast.ml b/parsing/termast.ml
index b33ea0053..6b134ed34 100644
--- a/parsing/termast.ml
+++ b/parsing/termast.ml
@@ -15,17 +15,42 @@ open Coqast
open Ast
open Rawterm
-(* In this file, we translate constr to ast, in order to print constr *)
+(* In this file, we translate rawconstr to ast, in order to print constr *)
+(* Parametrization *)
+(* This governs printing of local context of references *)
+let print_arguments = ref false
+(* This forces printing of cast nodes *)
+let print_casts = ref false
+(* This governs printing of implicit arguments. When
+ [print_implicits] is on then [print_implicits_explicit_args] tells
+ how jimplicit args are printed. If on, implicit args are printed
+ prefixed by "!" otherwise the function and not the arguments is
+ prefixed by "!" *)
+let print_implicits = ref false
+let print_implicits_explicit_args = ref false
+(* This forces printing of coercions *)
+let print_coercions = ref false
+let with_option o f x =
+ let old = !o in o:=true;
+ try let r = f x in o := old; r
+ with e -> o := old; raise e
+let with_arguments f = with_option print_arguments f
+let with_casts f = with_option print_casts f
+let with_implicits f = with_option print_implicits f
+let with_coercions f = with_option print_coercions f
(* conversion of references *)
-let ids_of_var cl =
- List.map
- (function
- | RRef (_,RVar id) -> id
- | _-> anomaly "ids_of_var")
- (Array.to_list cl)
+let ids_of_ctxt = array_map_to_list (function VAR id -> id | _ -> assert false)
let ast_of_ident id = nvar (string_of_id id)
@@ -37,26 +62,50 @@ let stringopt_of_name = function
| Name id -> Some (string_of_id id)
| Anonymous -> None
-let ast_of_constructor (((sp,tyi),n),ids) =
- (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(num n)
- ::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+let ast_of_qualified sp id =
+ if Nametab.sp_of_id (kind_of_path sp) id = sp then nvar (string_of_id id)
+ else nvar (string_of_path sp)
+let ast_of_constant_ref (sp,ids) =
+ if !print_arguments then
+ ope("CONST", (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ else ast_of_qualified sp (basename sp)
+let ast_of_constant (ev,ids) = ast_of_constant_ref (ev,ids_of_ctxt ids)
+let ast_of_existential_ref (ev,ids) =
+ if !print_arguments then
+ ope("EVAR", (num ev)::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ else nvar ("?" ^ string_of_int ev)
+let ast_of_existential (ev,ids) = ast_of_existential_ref (ev,ids_of_ctxt ids)
+let ast_of_constructor_ref (((sp,tyi),n) as cstr_sp,ids) =
+ if !print_arguments then
+ (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(num n)
+ ::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ else ast_of_qualified sp (Global.id_of_global (MutConstruct cstr_sp))
+let ast_of_constructor (ev,ids) = ast_of_constructor_ref (ev,ids_of_ctxt ids)
+let ast_of_inductive_ref ((sp,tyi) as ind_sp,ids) =
+ if !print_arguments then
+ ope("MUTIND",
+ (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ else ast_of_qualified sp (Global.id_of_global (MutInd ind_sp))
+let ast_of_inductive (ev,ids) = ast_of_inductive_ref (ev,ids_of_ctxt ids)
-let ast_of_mutind ((sp,tyi),ids) =
- ope("MUTIND",
- (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
let ast_of_ref = function
- | RConst (sp,idl) ->
- ope("CONST", (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(List.map ast_of_ident idl))
+ | RConst (sp,ids) -> ast_of_constant_ref (sp,ids)
| RAbst (sp) ->
ope("ABST", (path_section dummy_loc sp)
::(List.map ast_of_ident (* on triche *) []))
- | RInd (ind,idl) -> ast_of_mutind(ind,idl)
- | RConstruct (cstr,idl) -> ast_of_constructor (cstr,idl)
+ | RInd (ind,ids) -> ast_of_inductive_ref (ind,ids)
+ | RConstruct (cstr,ids) -> ast_of_constructor_ref (cstr,ids)
| RVar id -> nvar (string_of_id id)
- | REVar (ev,idl) ->
- ope("EVAR", (num ev)::(List.map ast_of_ident idl))
+ | REVar (ev,ids) -> ast_of_existential_ref (ev,ids)
| RMeta n -> ope("META",[num n])
@@ -69,11 +118,181 @@ let rec ast_of_pattern = function (* loc is thrown away for printing *)
[nvar (string_of_id id);
- (ast_of_constructor cstr)::List.map ast_of_pattern args)])
+ (ast_of_constructor_ref cstr)::List.map ast_of_pattern args)])
| PatCstr(loc,cstr,args,Anonymous) ->
- (ast_of_constructor cstr)::List.map ast_of_pattern args)
+ (ast_of_constructor_ref cstr)::List.map ast_of_pattern args)
+let ast_dependent na aty =
+ match na with
+ | Name id -> occur_var_ast (string_of_id id) aty
+ | Anonymous -> false
+(* Implicit args indexes are in ascending order *)
+let explicitize =
+ let rec exprec n lastimplargs impl = function
+ | a::args ->
+ (match impl with
+ | i::l when i=n ->
+ exprec (n+1) (ope("EXPL", [num i; a])::lastimplargs) l args
+ | _ ->
+ let tail = a::(exprec (n+1) [] impl args) in
+ if (!print_implicits & !print_implicits_explicit_args) then
+ List.rev_append lastimplargs tail
+ else tail)
+ (* Tail impl args are always printed even if implicit printing is off *)
+ | [] -> List.rev lastimplargs
+ in exprec 0 []
+let implicit_of_ref = function
+ | RConstruct (cstrid,_) -> constructor_implicits_list cstrid
+ | RInd (indid,_) -> inductive_implicits_list indid
+ | RConst (sp,_) -> constant_implicits_list sp
+ | RVar id -> (try (implicits_of_var CCI id) with _ -> []) (* et FW? *)
+ | _ -> []
+let rec skip_coercion (f,args as app) =
+ if !print_coercions then app
+ else
+ try
+ match f with
+ | RRef (_,r) ->
+ let n = Classops.coercion_params r in
+ if n >= List.length args then app
+ else (* We skip a coercion *)
+ let _,fargs = list_chop n args in
+ skip_coercion (List.hd fargs,List.tl fargs)
+ | _ -> app
+ with Not_found -> app
+let ast_of_app impl f args =
+ if !print_implicits & not !print_implicits_explicit_args then
+ ope("APPLISTEXPL", f::args)
+ else
+ ope("APPLIST", f::(explicitize impl args))
+ let largs = List.length args in
+ let impl = List.rev (List.filter (fun i -> i <= largs) impl) in
+ let impl1,impl2 = div_implicits largs impl in
+ let al1 = Array.of_list args in
+ List.iter
+ (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
+ ope("EXPL", [str "EX"; num i; al1.(i)]))
+ impl2;
+ List.iter
+ (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
+ ope("EXPL",[num i; al1.(i)]))
+ impl1;
+ (* On laisse les implicites, à charge du PP de ne pas les imprimer *)
+ ope("APPLISTEXPL",f::(Array.to_list al1))
+let rec ast_of_raw = function
+ | RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_ref ref
+ | RApp (_,f,args) ->
+ let (f,args) = skip_coercion (f,args) in
+ let astf = ast_of_raw f in
+ let astargs = List.map ast_of_raw args in
+ (match f with
+ | RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_app (implicit_of_ref ref) astf astargs
+ | _ -> ast_of_app [] astf astargs)
+ | RBinder (_,BProd,Anonymous,t,c) ->
+ (* Anonymous product are never factorized *)
+ ope("PROD",[ast_of_raw t; slam(None,ast_of_raw c)])
+ | RBinder (_,bk,na,t,c) ->
+ let (n,a) = factorize_binder 1 bk na (ast_of_raw t) c in
+ let tag = match bk with
+ (* LAMBDA et LAMBDALIST se comportent pareil *)
+ | BLambda -> if n=1 then "LAMBDA" else "LAMBDALIST"
+ (* PROD et PRODLIST doivent être distingués à cause du cas *)
+ (* non dépendant, pour isoler l'implication; peut-être un *)
+ (* constructeur ARROW serait-il plus justifié ? *)
+ | BProd -> if n=1 then "PROD" else "PRODLIST"
+ in
+ ope(tag,[ast_of_raw t;a])
+ | RCases (_,printinfo,typopt,tml,eqns) ->
+ let pred = ast_of_rawopt typopt in
+ let tag = match printinfo with
+ | PrintIf -> "FORCEIF"
+ | PrintLet -> "FORCELET"
+ | PrintCases -> "CASES"
+ in
+ let asttomatch = ope("TOMATCH", List.map ast_of_raw tml) in
+ let asteqns = List.map ast_of_eqn eqns in
+ ope(tag,pred::asttomatch::asteqns)
+ | ROldCase (_,isrec,typopt,tm,bv) ->
+ warning "Old Case syntax";
+ ope("MUTCASE",(ast_of_rawopt typopt)
+ ::(ast_of_raw tm)
+ ::(Array.to_list (Array.map ast_of_raw bv)))
+ | RRec (_,fk,idv,tyv,bv) ->
+ let alfi = Array.map ast_of_ident idv in
+ (match fk with
+ | RFix (nv,n) ->
+ let rec split_lambda binds = function
+ | (0, t) -> (binds,ast_of_raw t)
+ | (n, RBinder(_,BLambda,na,t,b)) ->
+ let bind = ope("BINDER",[ast_of_raw t;ast_of_name na]) in
+ split_lambda (bind::binds) (n-1,b)
+ | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint body" in
+ let rec split_product = function
+ | (0, t) -> ast_of_raw t
+ | (n, RBinder(_,BProd,na,t,b)) -> split_product (n-1,b)
+ | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint type" in
+ let listdecl =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i fi ->
+ let (lparams,astdef) = split_lambda [] (nv.(i)+1,bv.(i)) in
+ let asttyp = split_product (nv.(i)+1,tyv.(i)) in
+ ope("FDECL",
+ [fi; ope ("BINDERS",List.rev lparams);
+ asttyp; astdef]))
+ alfi
+ in
+ ope("FIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl))
+ | RCofix n ->
+ let listdecl =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i fi ->
+ ope("CFDECL",[fi; ast_of_raw tyv.(i); ast_of_raw bv.(i)]))
+ alfi
+ in
+ ope("COFIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl)))
+ | RSort (_,s) ->
+ (match s with
+ | RProp Null -> ope("PROP",[])
+ | RProp Pos -> ope("SET",[])
+ | RType -> ope("TYPE",[]))
+ | RHole _ -> ope("ISEVAR",[])
+ | RCast (_,c,t) -> ope("CAST",[ast_of_raw c;ast_of_raw t])
+and ast_of_eqn (ids,pl,c) =
+ ope("EQN", (ast_of_raw c)::(List.map ast_of_pattern pl))
+and ast_of_rawopt = function
+ | None -> (str "SYNTH")
+ | Some p -> ast_of_raw p
+and factorize_binder n oper na aty c =
+ let (p,body) = match c with
+ | RBinder(_,oper',na',ty',c')
+ when (oper = oper') & (aty = ast_of_raw ty')
+ & not (ast_dependent na aty) (* To avoid na in ty' escapes scope *)
+ & not (na' = Anonymous & oper = BProd)
+ -> factorize_binder (n+1) oper na' aty c'
+ | _ -> (n,ast_of_raw c)
+ in
+ (p,slam(stringopt_of_name na, body))
+let ast_of_rawconstr = ast_of_raw
+(* TO EJECT ... REPRIS DANS detyping *)
(* Nouvelle version de renommage des variables (DEC 98) *)
(* This is the algorithm to display distinct bound variables
@@ -208,127 +427,6 @@ let sp_of_spi ((sp,_) as spi) =
let (pa,_,k) = repr_path sp in
make_path pa (mip.mind_typename) k
-(* Parameterization of the translation from constr to ast *)
-(* Tables for Cases printing under a "if" form, a "let" form, *)
-let isomorphic_to_bool lc =
- let lcparams = Array.map get_params lc in
- Array.length lcparams = 2 & lcparams.(0) = [] & lcparams.(1) = []
-let isomorphic_to_tuple lc = (Array.length lc = 1)
-module PrintingCasesMake =
- functor (Test : sig
- val test : constr array -> bool
- val error_message : string
- val member_message : identifier -> bool -> string
- val field : string
- val title : string
- end) ->
- struct
- type t = section_path * int
- let encode = indsp_of_id
- let check indsp =
- if not (Test.test (lc_of_lmis (mind_specif_of_mind_light indsp))) then
- errorlabstrm "check_encode" [< 'sTR Test.error_message >]
- let decode = sp_of_spi
- let key = Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Printing",Test.field)
- let title = Test.title
- let member_message = Test.member_message
- let synchronous = true
- end
-module PrintingCasesIf =
- PrintingCasesMake (struct
- let test = isomorphic_to_bool
- let error_message = "This type cannot be seen as a boolean type"
- let field = "If"
- let title = "Types leading to pretty-printing of Cases using a `if' form: "
- let member_message id = function
- | true ->
- "Cases on elements of " ^ (string_of_id id)
- ^ " are printed using a `if' form"
- | false ->
- "Cases on elements of " ^ (string_of_id id)
- ^ " are not printed using `if' form"
- end)
-module PrintingCasesLet =
- PrintingCasesMake (struct
- let test = isomorphic_to_tuple
- let error_message = "This type cannot be seen as a tuple type"
- let field = "Let"
- let title =
- "Types leading to a pretty-printing of Cases using a `let' form:"
- let member_message id = function
- | true ->
- "Cases on elements of " ^ (string_of_id id)
- ^ " are printed using a `let' form"
- | false ->
- "Cases on elements of " ^ (string_of_id id)
- ^ " are not printed using a `let' form"
- end)
-module PrintingIf = Goptions.MakeTable(PrintingCasesIf)
-module PrintingLet = Goptions.MakeTable(PrintingCasesLet)
-(* Options for printing or not wildcard and synthetisable types *)
-open Goptions
-let wildcard_value = ref true
-let force_wildcard () = !wildcard_value
-let _ =
- declare_async_bool_option
- { optasyncname = "the forced wildcard option";
- optasynckey = SecondaryTable ("Printing","Wildcard");
- optasyncread = force_wildcard;
- optasyncwrite = (fun v -> wildcard_value := v) }
-let synth_type_value = ref true
-let synthetize_type () = !synth_type_value
-let _ =
- declare_async_bool_option
- { optasyncname = "the synthesisablity";
- optasynckey = SecondaryTable ("Printing","Synth");
- optasyncread = synthetize_type;
- optasyncwrite = (fun v -> synth_type_value := v) }
-(* Printing of implicit *)
-let print_implicits = ref false
-(* The main translation function is bdize_depcast *)
-(* pour les implicites *)
-(* l est ordonne'ee (croissant), ne garder que les elements <= n *)
-let filter_until n l =
- let rec aux = function
- | [] -> []
- | i::l -> if i > n then [] else i::(aux l)
- in
- aux l
-(* l est ordonne'e (de'croissant), n>=max(l), diviser l en deux listes,
- la 2eme est la plus longue se'quence commencant par n,
- la 1ere contient les autres elements *)
-let rec div_implicits n =
- function
- | [] -> [],[]
- | i::l ->
- if i = n then
- let l1,l2=(div_implicits (n-1) l) in l1,i::l2
- else
- i::l,[]
let bdize_app c al =
let impl =
match c with
@@ -338,52 +436,10 @@ let bdize_app c al =
| VAR id -> (try (implicits_of_var CCI id) with _ -> []) (* et FW? *)
| _ -> []
- if impl = [] then
- ope("APPLIST", al)
- else if !print_implicits then
- ope("APPLIST", ope("XTRA",[str "!";List.hd al])::List.tl al)
- else
- let largs = List.length al - 1 in
- let impl = List.rev (filter_until largs impl) in
- let impl1,impl2=div_implicits largs impl in
- let al1 = Array.of_list al in
- List.iter
- (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
- ope("XTRA", [str "!"; str "EX"; num i; al1.(i)]))
- impl2;
- List.iter
- (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
- ope("XTRA",[str "!"; num i; al1.(i)]))
- impl1;
- al1.(0) <- ope("XTRA",[str "!"; al1.(0)]);
- ope("APPLIST",Array.to_list al1)
-type optioncast = WithCast | WithoutCast
-(* [reference_tree p] pre-computes the variables and de bruijn occurring
- in a term to avoid a O(n2) factor when computing dependent each time *)
-type ref_tree =
- NODE of (int list * identifier list) * ref_tree list
-let combine l =
- let rec combine_rec = function
- | [] -> [],[]
- | NODE ((a,b),_)::l ->
- let a',b' = combine_rec l in (list_union a a',list_union b b')
- in
- NODE (combine_rec l,l)
-let rec reference_tree p = function
- | VAR id -> NODE (([],[id]),[])
- | Rel n -> NODE (([n-p],[]),[])
- | DOP0 op -> NODE (([],[]),[])
- | DOP1(op,c) -> reference_tree p c
- | DOP2(op,c1,c2) -> combine [reference_tree p c1;reference_tree p c2]
- | DOPN(op,cl) -> combine (List.map (reference_tree p) (Array.to_list cl))
- | DOPL(op,cl) -> combine (List.map (reference_tree p) cl)
- | DLAM(na,c) -> reference_tree (p+1) c
- | DLAMV(na,cl) -> combine (List.map (reference_tree (p+1))(Array.to_list cl))
+ if !print_implicits then
+ ope("APPLISTEXPL", al)
+ else
+ ope("APPLIST", explicitize impl al)
(* Auxiliary function for MutCase printing *)
(* [computable] tries to tell if the predicate typing the result is inferable*)
@@ -413,9 +469,16 @@ let computable p k =
striprec (k,p)
+let ids_of_var cl =
+ List.map
+ (function
+ | RRef (_,RVar id) -> id
+ | _-> anomaly "ids_of_var")
+ (Array.to_list cl)
(* Main translation function from constr -> ast *)
-let old_bdize_depcast opcast at_top env t =
+let old_bdize at_top env t =
let init_avoid = if at_top then ids_of_env env else [] in
let rec bdrec avoid env t = match collapse_appl t with
(* Not well-formed constructions *)
@@ -458,7 +521,7 @@ let old_bdize_depcast opcast at_top env t =
[path_section dummy_loc u.u_sp; num u.u_num]))
| IsCast (c1,c2) ->
- if opcast=WithoutCast then
+ if !print_casts then
bdrec avoid env c1
ope("CAST",[bdrec avoid env c1;bdrec avoid env c2])
@@ -497,7 +560,7 @@ let old_bdize_depcast opcast at_top env t =
((path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(num n)::
(array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
| IsMutCase (annot,p,c,bl) ->
- let synth_type = synthetize_type () in
+ let synth_type = Detyping.synthetize_type () in
let tomatch = bdrec avoid env c in
match annot with
@@ -519,7 +582,7 @@ let old_bdize_depcast opcast at_top env t =
bdrec avoid env p
- if PrintingIf.active indsp then
+ if Detyping.force_if indsp then
ope("FORCEIF", [ pred; tomatch;
bdrec avoid env bl.(0);
bdrec avoid env bl.(1) ])
@@ -531,10 +594,10 @@ let old_bdize_depcast opcast at_top env t =
lcparams bl in
let eqnl = Array.to_list eqnv in
let tag =
- if PrintingLet.active indsp then
+ if Detyping.force_let indsp then
@@ -601,7 +664,7 @@ let old_bdize_depcast opcast at_top env t =
ope("COFIX", (nvar (string_of_id f))::listdecl))
and bdize_eqn avoid env constructid construct_params branch =
- let print_underscore = force_wildcard () in
+ let print_underscore = Detyping.force_wildcard () in
let cnvar = nvar (string_of_id constructid) in
let rec buildrec nvarlist avoid env = function
@@ -654,320 +717,16 @@ let old_bdize_depcast opcast at_top env t =
bdrec init_avoid env t
-let lookup_name_as_renamed env t s =
- let rec lookup avoid env n = function
- DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(name,c')) ->
- (match concrete_name avoid env name c' with
- (Some id,avoid') ->
- if id=s then (Some n)
- else lookup avoid' (add_rel (Name id,()) env) (n+1) c'
- | (None,avoid') -> lookup avoid' env (n+1) (pop c'))
- | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> lookup avoid env n c
- | _ -> None
- in lookup (ids_of_env env) env 1 t
-let lookup_index_as_renamed t n =
- let rec lookup n d = function
- DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(name,c')) ->
- (match concrete_name [] (gLOB nil_sign) name c' with
- (Some _,_) -> lookup n (d+1) c'
- | (None ,_) -> if n=1 then Some d else lookup (n-1) (d+1) c')
- | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> lookup n d c
- | _ -> None
- in lookup n 1 t
-Until V6.2.4, similar names were allowed in hypothesis and quantified
-variables of a goal.
-(* $Id$ *)
-exception StillDLAM
-let rec detype avoid env t =
- match collapse_appl t with
- (* Not well-formed constructions *)
- | DLAM _ | DLAMV _ -> raise StillDLAM
- (* Well-formed constructions *)
- | regular_constr ->
- (match kind_of_term regular_constr with
- | IsRel n ->
- (try match fst (lookup_rel n env) with
- | Name id -> RRef (dummy_loc, RVar id)
- | Anonymous -> anomaly "detype: index to an anonymous variable"
- with Not_found ->
- let s = "[REL "^(string_of_int (n - List.length (get_rels env)))^"]"
- in RRef (dummy_loc, RVar (id_of_string s)))
- | IsMeta n -> RRef (dummy_loc,RMeta n)
- | IsVar id -> RRef (dummy_loc,RVar id)
- | IsXtra s -> warning "bdize: Xtra should no longer occur in constr";
- RRef(dummy_loc,RVar (id_of_string ("XTRA"^s)))
- (* ope("XTRA",((str s):: pl@(List.map detype cl)))*)
- | IsSort (Prop c) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RProp c)
- | IsSort (Type _) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RType)
- | IsCast (c1,c2) ->
- RCast(dummy_loc,detype avoid env c1,detype avoid env c2)
- | IsProd (na,ty,c) -> detype_binder BProd avoid env na ty c
- | IsLambda (na,ty,c) -> detype_binder BLambda avoid env na ty c
- | IsAppL (f,args) ->
- RApp (dummy_loc,detype avoid env f,List.map (detype avoid env) args)
- | IsConst (sp,cl) ->
- RRef(dummy_loc,RConst(sp,ids_of_var (Array.map (detype avoid env) cl)))
- | IsEvar (ev,cl) ->
- RRef(dummy_loc,REVar(ev,ids_of_var (Array.map (detype avoid env) cl)))
- | IsAbst (sp,cl) ->
- anomaly "bdize: Abst should no longer occur in constr"
- | IsMutInd (ind_sp,cl) ->
- let ids = ids_of_var (Array.map (detype avoid env) cl) in
- RRef (dummy_loc,RInd (ind_sp,ids))
- | IsMutConstruct (cstr_sp,cl) ->
- let ids = ids_of_var (Array.map (detype avoid env) cl) in
- RRef (dummy_loc,RConstruct (cstr_sp,ids))
- | IsMutCase (annot,p,c,bl) ->
- let synth_type = synthetize_type () in
- let tomatch = detype avoid env c in
- begin
- match annot with
-(* | None -> (* Pas d'annotation --> affichage avec vieux Case *)
- warning "Printing in old Case syntax";
- ROldCase (dummy_loc,false,Some (detype avoid env p),
- tomatch,Array.map (detype avoid env) bl)
- | Some *) indsp ->
- let (mib,mip as lmis) = mind_specif_of_mind_light indsp in
- let lc = lc_of_lmis lmis in
- let lcparams = Array.map get_params lc in
- let k = (nb_prod mip.mind_arity.body) -
- mib.mind_nparams in
- let pred =
- if synth_type & computable p k & lcparams <> [||] then
- None
- else
- Some (detype avoid env p)
- in
- let constructs =
- Array.init
- (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)
- (fun i -> ((indsp,i+1),[] (* on triche *))) in
- let eqnv =
- array_map3 (detype_eqn avoid env) constructs lcparams bl in
- let eqnl = Array.to_list eqnv in
- let tag =
- if PrintingLet.active indsp then
- PrintLet
- else if PrintingIf.active indsp then
- PrintIf
- else
- PrintCases
- in
- RCases (dummy_loc,tag,pred,[tomatch],eqnl)
- end
- | IsFix (nv,n,cl,lfn,vt) -> detype_fix (RFix (nv,n)) avoid env cl lfn vt
- | IsCoFix (n,cl,lfn,vt) -> detype_fix (RCofix n) avoid env cl lfn vt)
-and detype_fix fk avoid env cl lfn vt =
- let lfi = List.map (fun id -> next_name_away id avoid) lfn in
- let def_avoid = lfi@avoid in
- let def_env =
- List.fold_left (fun env id -> add_rel (Name id,()) env) env lfi in
- RRec(dummy_loc,fk,Array.of_list lfi,Array.map (detype avoid env) cl,
- Array.map (detype def_avoid def_env) vt)
-and detype_eqn avoid env constr_id construct_params branch =
- let make_pat x avoid env b ids =
- if not (force_wildcard ()) or (dependent (Rel 1) b) then
- let id = next_name_away_with_default "x" x avoid in
- PatVar (dummy_loc,Name id),id::avoid,(add_rel (Name id,()) env),id::ids
- else
- PatVar (dummy_loc,Anonymous),avoid,(add_rel (Anonymous,()) env),ids
- in
- let rec buildrec ids patlist avoid env = function
- | _::l, DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(x,b)) ->
- let pat,new_avoid,new_env,new_ids = make_pat x avoid env b ids in
- buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_avoid new_env (l,b)
- | l , DOP2(Cast,b,_) -> (* Oui, il y a parfois des cast *)
- buildrec ids patlist avoid env (l,b)
- | x::l, b -> (* eta-expansion : n'arrivera plus lorsque tous les
- termes seront construits à partir de la syntaxe Cases *)
- (* nommage de la nouvelle variable *)
- let new_b = DOPN(AppL,[|lift 1 b; Rel 1|]) in
- let pat,new_avoid,new_env,new_ids = make_pat x avoid env new_b ids in
- buildrec new_ids (pat::patlist) new_avoid new_env (l,new_b)
- | [] , rhs ->
- (ids, [PatCstr(dummy_loc, constr_id, List.rev patlist,Anonymous)],
- detype avoid env rhs)
- in
- buildrec [] [] avoid env (construct_params,branch)
-and detype_binder bk avoid env na ty c =
- let na',avoid' = match concrete_name avoid env na c with
- | (Some id,l') -> (Name id), l'
- | (None,l') -> Anonymous, l' in
- RBinder (dummy_loc,bk,
- na',detype [] env ty,
- detype avoid' (add_rel (na',()) env) c)
-let ast_dependent na aty =
- match na with
- | Name id -> occur_var_ast (string_of_id id) aty
- | Anonymous -> false
-let implicit_of_ref = function
- | RConstruct (cstrid,_) -> constructor_implicits_list cstrid
- | RInd (indid,_) -> inductive_implicits_list indid
- | RConst (sp,_) -> constant_implicits_list sp
- | RVar id -> (try (implicits_of_var CCI id) with _ -> []) (* et FW? *)
- | _ -> []
-let ast_of_app impl f args =
- if impl = [] then
- ope("APPLIST", f::args)
- else if !print_implicits then
- ope("APPLISTEXPL", (f::args))
- else
- let largs = List.length args in
- let impl = List.rev (filter_until largs impl) in
- let impl1,impl2=div_implicits largs impl in
- let al1 = Array.of_list args in
- List.iter
- (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
- ope("EXPL", [str "EX"; num i; al1.(i)]))
- impl2;
- List.iter
- (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
- ope("EXPL",[num i; al1.(i)]))
- impl1;
- (* On laisse les implicites, à charge du PP de ne pas les imprimer *)
- ope("APPLISTEXPL",f::(Array.to_list al1))
-let rec ast_of_raw = function
- | RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_ref ref
- | RApp (_,f,args) ->
- let astf = ast_of_raw f in
- let astargs = List.map ast_of_raw args in
- (match f with
- | RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_app (implicit_of_ref ref) astf astargs
- | _ -> ast_of_app [] astf astargs)
- | RBinder (_,BProd,Anonymous,t,c) ->
- (* Anonymous product are never factorized *)
- ope("PROD",[ast_of_raw t; slam(None,ast_of_raw c)])
- | RBinder (_,bk,na,t,c) ->
- let (n,a) = factorize_binder 1 bk na (ast_of_raw t) c in
- let tag = match bk with
- (* LAMBDA et LAMBDALIST se comportent pareil *)
- | BLambda -> if n=1 then "LAMBDA" else "LAMBDALIST"
- (* PROD et PRODLIST doivent être distingués à cause du cas *)
- (* non dépendant, pour isoler l'implication; peut-être un *)
- (* constructeur ARROW serait-il plus justifié ? *)
- | BProd -> if n=1 then "PROD" else "PRODLIST"
- in
- ope(tag,[ast_of_raw t;a])
- | RCases (_,printinfo,typopt,tml,eqns) ->
- let pred = ast_of_rawopt typopt in
- let tag = match printinfo with
- | PrintIf -> "FORCEIF"
- | PrintLet -> "FORCELET"
- | PrintCases -> "MULTCASE"
- in
- let asttomatch = ope("TOMATCH", List.map ast_of_raw tml) in
- let asteqns = List.map ast_of_eqn eqns in
- ope(tag,pred::asttomatch::asteqns)
- | ROldCase (_,isrec,typopt,tm,bv) ->
- warning "Old Case syntax";
- ope("MUTCASE",(ast_of_rawopt typopt)
- ::(ast_of_raw tm)
- ::(Array.to_list (Array.map ast_of_raw bv)))
- | RRec (_,fk,idv,tyv,bv) ->
- let alfi = Array.map ast_of_ident idv in
- (match fk with
- | RFix (nv,n) ->
- let rec split_lambda binds = function
- | (0, t) -> (binds,ast_of_raw t)
- | (n, RBinder(_,BLambda,na,t,b)) ->
- let bind = ope("BINDER",[ast_of_raw t;ast_of_name na]) in
- split_lambda (bind::binds) (n-1,b)
- | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint body" in
- let rec split_product = function
- | (0, t) -> ast_of_raw t
- | (n, RBinder(_,BProd,na,t,b)) -> split_product (n-1,b)
- | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint type" in
- let listdecl =
- Array.mapi
- (fun i fi ->
- let (lparams,astdef) = split_lambda [] (nv.(i)+1,bv.(i)) in
- let asttyp = split_product (nv.(i)+1,tyv.(i)) in
- ope("FDECL",
- [fi; ope ("BINDERS",List.rev lparams);
- asttyp; astdef]))
- alfi
- in
- ope("FIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl))
- | RCofix n ->
- let listdecl =
- Array.mapi
- (fun i fi ->
- ope("CFDECL",[fi; ast_of_raw tyv.(i); ast_of_raw bv.(i)]))
- alfi
- in
- ope("COFIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl)))
- | RSort (_,s) ->
- (match s with
- | RProp Null -> ope("PROP",[])
- | RProp Pos -> ope("SET",[])
- | RType -> ope("TYPE",[]))
- | RHole _ -> ope("ISEVAR",[])
- | RCast (_,c,t) -> ope("CAST",[ast_of_raw c;ast_of_raw t])
-and ast_of_eqn (idl,pl,c) =
- ope("EQN", (ast_of_raw c)::(List.map ast_of_pattern pl))
-and ast_of_rawopt = function
- | None -> (str "SYNTH")
- | Some p -> ast_of_raw p
-and factorize_binder n oper na aty c =
- let (p,body) = match c with
- | RBinder(_,oper',na',ty',c')
- when (oper = oper') & (aty = ast_of_raw ty')
- & not (ast_dependent na aty) (* To avoid na in ty' escapes scope *)
- & not (na' = Anonymous & oper = BProd)
- -> factorize_binder (n+1) oper na' aty c'
- | _ -> (n,ast_of_raw c)
- in
- (p,slam(stringopt_of_name na, body))
-let ast_of_rawconstr = ast_of_raw
let bdize at_top env t =
+ let t' =
+ if !print_casts then t
+ else Reduction.strong (fun _ _ -> strip_outer_cast)
+ Environ.empty_env Evd.empty t in
let avoid = if at_top then ids_of_env env else [] in
- ast_of_raw (detype avoid env t)
- with StillDLAM ->
- old_bdize_depcast WithoutCast at_top env t
-(* En attendant que strong aille dans term.ml *)
-let rec strong whdfun t =
- match whdfun t with
- | DOP0 _ as t -> t
- (* Cas ad hoc *)
- | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper,strong whdfun c)
- | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper,strong whdfun c1,strong whdfun c2)
- | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper,Array.map (strong whdfun) cl)
- | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper,List.map (strong whdfun) cl)
- | DLAM(na,c) -> DLAM(na,strong whdfun c)
- | DLAMV(na,c) -> DLAMV(na,Array.map (strong whdfun) c)
- | VAR _ as t -> t
- | Rel _ as t -> t
-let bdize_no_casts at_top env t = bdize at_top env (strong strip_outer_cast t)
+ ast_of_raw (Detyping.detype avoid env t')
+ with Detyping.StillDLAM ->
+ old_bdize at_top env t'
diff --git a/parsing/termast.mli b/parsing/termast.mli
index d0c0d237a..29ff2d19c 100644
--- a/parsing/termast.mli
+++ b/parsing/termast.mli
@@ -8,16 +8,28 @@ open Sign
open Rawterm
-val print_implicits : bool ref
(* Translation of pattern, rawterm and term into syntax trees for printing *)
val ast_of_pattern : pattern -> Coqast.t
val ast_of_rawconstr : rawconstr -> Coqast.t
val bdize : bool -> unit assumptions -> constr -> Coqast.t
+(*i C'est bdize qui sait maintenant s'il faut afficher les casts ou pas
val bdize_no_casts : bool -> unit assumptions -> constr -> Coqast.t
+val ast_of_constant : constant -> Coqast.t
+val ast_of_existential : existential -> Coqast.t
+val ast_of_constructor : constructor -> Coqast.t
+val ast_of_inductive : inductive -> Coqast.t
+(* For debugging *)
+val print_implicits : bool ref
+val print_casts : bool ref
+val print_arguments : bool ref
+val print_coercions : bool ref
-(* look for the index of a named var or a nondep var as it is renamed *)
-val lookup_name_as_renamed :
- unit assumptions -> constr -> identifier -> int option
-val lookup_index_as_renamed : constr -> int -> int option
+val with_casts : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val with_implicits : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val with_arguments : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val with_coercions : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b