path: root/parsing
diff options
authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2016-10-28 09:29:25 +0200
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2016-10-28 09:29:25 +0200
commit4f65c0370c5fc4163fa961a7fabb8e90fa7c45dd (patch)
tree24a84ecb587edb6e14a1e1469f604239b7a6d6c2 /parsing
parentd500a684be14b0c781ea4cda0ee02d3c5cdcad81 (diff)
parentebb5bd7c2048daa7241bb07d8b53d07e0be27e62 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/pr/337' into v8.6
Was PR#337: Fix arguments
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/g_vernac.ml4 b/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
index bc02a4621..e0d836df8 100644
--- a/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
+++ b/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
@@ -651,58 +651,29 @@ GEXTEND Gram
(* Arguments *)
| IDENT "Arguments"; qid = smart_global;
- impl = LIST1 [ l = LIST0
- [ item = argument_spec ->
- let name, recarg_like, notation_scope = item in
- [`Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
- notation_scope=notation_scope;
- implicit_status = `NotImplicit}]
- | "/" -> [`Slash]
- | "("; items = LIST1 argument_spec; ")"; sc = OPT scope ->
- let f x = match sc, x with
- | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
- | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
- List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
- `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
- notation_scope=f notation_scope;
- implicit_status = `NotImplicit}) items
- | "["; items = LIST1 argument_spec; "]"; sc = OPT scope ->
- let f x = match sc, x with
- | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
- | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
- List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
- `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
- notation_scope=f notation_scope;
- implicit_status = `Implicit}) items
- | "{"; items = LIST1 argument_spec; "}"; sc = OPT scope ->
- let f x = match sc, x with
- | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
- | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
- List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
- `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
- notation_scope=f notation_scope;
- implicit_status = `MaximallyImplicit}) items
- ] -> l ] SEP ",";
+ args = LIST0 argument_spec_block;
+ more_implicits = OPT
+ [ ","; impl = LIST1
+ [ impl = LIST0 more_implicits_block -> List.flatten impl]
+ SEP "," -> impl
+ ];
mods = OPT [ ":"; l = LIST1 arguments_modifier SEP "," -> l ] ->
let mods = match mods with None -> [] | Some l -> List.flatten l in
- let impl = List.map List.flatten impl in
- let rec aux n (narg, impl) = function
- | `Id x :: tl -> aux (n+1) (narg, impl@[x]) tl
- | `Slash :: tl -> aux (n+1) (n, impl) tl
- | [] -> narg, impl in
- let nargs, impl = List.split (List.map (aux 0 (-1, [])) impl) in
- let nargs, rest = List.hd nargs, List.tl nargs in
- if List.exists (fun arg -> not (Int.equal arg nargs)) rest then
- error "All arguments lists must have the same length";
- let err_incompat x y =
- error ("Options \""^x^"\" and \""^y^"\" are incompatible") in
- if nargs > 0 && List.mem `ReductionNeverUnfold mods then
- err_incompat "simpl never" "/";
- if List.mem `ReductionNeverUnfold mods &&
- List.mem `ReductionDontExposeCase mods then
- err_incompat "simpl never" "simpl nomatch";
- VernacArguments (qid, impl, nargs, mods)
+ let slash_position = ref None in
+ let rec parse_args i = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | `Id x :: args -> x :: parse_args (i+1) args
+ | `Slash :: args ->
+ if Option.is_empty !slash_position then
+ (slash_position := Some i; parse_args i args)
+ else
+ error "The \"/\" modifier can occur only once"
+ in
+ let args = parse_args 0 (List.flatten args) in
+ let more_implicits = Option.default [] more_implicits in
+ VernacArguments (qid, args, more_implicits, !slash_position, mods)
(* moved there so that camlp5 factors it with the previous rule *)
| IDENT "Arguments"; IDENT "Scope"; qid = smart_global;
"["; scl = LIST0 [ "_" -> None | sc = IDENT -> Some sc ]; "]" ->
@@ -759,6 +730,49 @@ GEXTEND Gram
snd id, not (Option.is_empty b), Option.map (fun x -> !@loc, x) s
+ (* List of arguments implicit status, scope, modifiers *)
+ argument_spec_block: [
+ [ item = argument_spec ->
+ let name, recarg_like, notation_scope = item in
+ [`Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
+ notation_scope=notation_scope;
+ implicit_status = NotImplicit}]
+ | "/" -> [`Slash]
+ | "("; items = LIST1 argument_spec; ")"; sc = OPT scope ->
+ let f x = match sc, x with
+ | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
+ | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
+ List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
+ `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
+ notation_scope=f notation_scope;
+ implicit_status = NotImplicit}) items
+ | "["; items = LIST1 argument_spec; "]"; sc = OPT scope ->
+ let f x = match sc, x with
+ | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
+ | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
+ List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
+ `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
+ notation_scope=f notation_scope;
+ implicit_status = Implicit}) items
+ | "{"; items = LIST1 argument_spec; "}"; sc = OPT scope ->
+ let f x = match sc, x with
+ | None, x -> x | x, None -> Option.map (fun y -> !@loc, y) x
+ | Some _, Some _ -> error "scope declared twice" in
+ List.map (fun (name,recarg_like,notation_scope) ->
+ `Id { name=name; recarg_like=recarg_like;
+ notation_scope=f notation_scope;
+ implicit_status = MaximallyImplicit}) items
+ ]
+ ];
+ (* Same as [argument_spec_block], but with only implicit status and names *)
+ more_implicits_block: [
+ [ name = name -> [(snd name, Vernacexpr.NotImplicit)]
+ | "["; items = LIST1 name; "]" ->
+ List.map (fun name -> (snd name, Vernacexpr.Implicit)) items
+ | "{"; items = LIST1 name; "}" ->
+ List.map (fun name -> (snd name, Vernacexpr.MaximallyImplicit)) items
+ ]
+ ];
[ [ IDENT "expand" -> Conv_oracle.Expand
| IDENT "opaque" -> Conv_oracle.Opaque