path: root/parsing
diff options
authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-12-02 09:44:24 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-12-02 09:44:24 +0000
commit1affa21d7d70d0aac6cfa8f33faa328b1f6cc07b (patch)
treeaa20c9238777dbe83cc24696661b1f4dbed82297 /parsing
parent98034846f5712c2b937aa85806e0025e9d0bf9e5 (diff)
affichage classes et coercions
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@187 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing')
2 files changed, 481 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/pretty.ml b/parsing/pretty.ml
index c482dd15e..61198951d 100644
--- a/parsing/pretty.ml
+++ b/parsing/pretty.ml
@@ -689,18 +689,20 @@ let print_path ((i,j),p) =
'sTR"] : "; print_class i; 'sTR" >-> ";
print_class j >]
+let _ = Classops.install_path_printer print_path
let print_graph () =
- [< prlist_with_sep pr_fnl print_path (!iNHERITANCE_GRAPH) >]
+ [< prlist_with_sep pr_fnl print_path (inheritance_graph()) >]
let print_classes () =
[< prlist_with_sep pr_spc
(fun (_,(cl,x)) ->
[< 'sTR x.cL_STR (*; 'sTR(string_of_strength x.cL_STRE) *) >])
- (!cLASSES) >]
+ (classes()) >]
let print_coercions () =
[< prlist_with_sep pr_spc
- (fun (_,(_,v)) -> [< print_coercion_value v >]) (!cOERCIONS) >]
+ (fun (_,(_,v)) -> [< print_coercion_value v >]) (coercions()) >]
let cl_of_id id =
match string_of_id id with
diff --git a/parsing/termast.ml b/parsing/termast.ml
index aadf51142..d26363ca3 100644
--- a/parsing/termast.ml
+++ b/parsing/termast.ml
@@ -21,50 +21,50 @@ open Rawterm
(* conversion of references *)
let ids_of_ctxt cl =
- List.map (
- function
- (VAR id) -> id
- | (Rel n) ->
- warning "ids_of_ctxt: rel";
- id_of_string ("REL "^(string_of_int n))
- | _-> anomaly"ids_of_ctxt")
+ List.map
+ (function
+ | VAR id -> id
+ | Rel n ->
+ warning "ids_of_ctxt: rel";
+ id_of_string ("REL "^(string_of_int n))
+ | _-> anomaly"ids_of_ctxt")
(Array.to_list cl)
let ast_of_ident id = nvar (string_of_id id)
let ast_of_constructor (((sp,tyi),n),ids) =
- (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(num n)
- ::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(num n)
+ ::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
let ast_of_mutind ((sp,tyi),ids) =
- ope("MUTIND",
- (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
+ ope("MUTIND",
+ (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(List.map ast_of_ident ids))
let ast_of_ref = function
| RConst (sp,idl) ->
ope("CONST", (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(List.map ast_of_ident idl))
| RAbst (sp) ->
ope("ABST", (path_section dummy_loc sp)
- ::(List.map ast_of_ident (* on triche *) []))
+ ::(List.map ast_of_ident (* on triche *) []))
| RInd (ind,idl) -> ast_of_mutind(ind,idl)
| RConstruct (cstr,idl) -> ast_of_constructor (cstr,idl)
| RVar id -> nvar (string_of_id id)
- | REVar (sp,idl) ->
- ope("CONST", (path_section dummy_loc sp)::(List.map ast_of_ident idl))
+ | REVar (ev,idl) ->
+ ope("EVAR", (num ev)::(List.map ast_of_ident idl))
| RMeta n -> ope("META",[num n])
(* conversion of patterns *)
let rec ast_of_pattern = function (* loc is thrown away for printing *)
- PatVar (loc,Name id) -> nvar (string_of_id id)
+ | PatVar (loc,Name id) -> nvar (string_of_id id)
| PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> nvar "_"
| PatCstr(loc,cstr,args) ->
(ast_of_constructor cstr)::List.map ast_of_pattern args)
| PatAs(loc,id,p) -> ope("PATTAS",[nvar (string_of_id id); ast_of_pattern p])
(* Nouvelle version de renommage des variables (DEC 98) *)
(* This is the algorithm to display distinct bound variables
@@ -96,38 +96,40 @@ type used_idents = identifier list
let occur_id env id0 c =
let rec occur n = function
- VAR id -> id=id0
+ | VAR id -> id=id0
| DOPN (Const sp,cl) -> (basename sp = id0) or (array_exists (occur n) cl)
| DOPN (Abst sp,cl) -> (basename sp = id0) or (array_exists (occur n) cl)
- | DOPN (MutInd _, cl) as t ->
- (basename (mind_path t) = id0) or (array_exists (occur n) cl)
-| DOPN (MutConstruct _, cl) as t ->
- (basename (mind_path t) = id0) or (array_exists (occur n) cl)
-| DOPN(_,cl) -> array_exists (occur n) cl
-| DOP1(_,c) -> occur n c
-| DOP2(_,c1,c2) -> (occur n c1) or (occur n c2)
-| DOPL(_,cl) -> List.exists (occur n) cl
-| DLAM(_,c) -> occur (n+1) c
-| DLAMV(_,v) -> array_exists (occur (n+1)) v
-| Rel p ->
- p>n &
- (try (fst (lookup_rel (p-n) env) = Name id0)
- with Not_found -> false) (* Unbound indice : may happen in debug *)
-| DOP0 _ -> false
- in occur 1 c;;
+ | DOPN (MutInd _, cl) as t ->
+ (basename (mind_path t) = id0) or (array_exists (occur n) cl)
+ | DOPN (MutConstruct _, cl) as t ->
+ (basename (mind_path t) = id0) or (array_exists (occur n) cl)
+ | DOPN(_,cl) -> array_exists (occur n) cl
+ | DOP1(_,c) -> occur n c
+ | DOP2(_,c1,c2) -> (occur n c1) or (occur n c2)
+ | DOPL(_,cl) -> List.exists (occur n) cl
+ | DLAM(_,c) -> occur (n+1) c
+ | DLAMV(_,v) -> array_exists (occur (n+1)) v
+ | Rel p ->
+ p>n &
+ (try (fst (lookup_rel (p-n) env) = Name id0)
+ with Not_found -> false) (* Unbound indice : may happen in debug *)
+ | DOP0 _ -> false
+ in
+ occur 1 c
let next_name_not_occuring name l env t =
let rec next id =
if List.mem id l or occur_id env id t then next (lift_ident id) else id
- in match name with
+ in
+ match name with
| Name id -> next id
| Anonymous -> id_of_string "_"
let concrete_name l env n c =
- if n = Anonymous then
- if dependent (Rel 1) c then anomaly "Anonymous should be non dependent"
- else (None,l)
- else
+ if n = Anonymous then begin
+ if dependent (Rel 1) c then anomaly "Anonymous should be non dependent";
+ (None,l)
+ end else
let fresh_id = next_name_not_occuring n l env c in
let idopt = if dependent (Rel 1) c then (Some fresh_id) else None in
(idopt, fresh_id::l)
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ let concrete_name l env n c =
(* Returns the list of global variables and constants in a term *)
let global_vars_and_consts t =
let rec collect acc = function
- VAR id -> id::acc
+ | VAR id -> id::acc
| DOPN (Const sp,cl) -> (basename sp)::(Array.fold_left collect acc cl)
| DOPN (Abst sp,cl) -> (basename sp)::(Array.fold_left collect acc cl)
| DOPN (MutInd _, cl) as t ->
@@ -150,8 +152,8 @@ let global_vars_and_consts t =
| DLAMV(_,v) -> Array.fold_left collect acc v
| _ -> acc
- list_uniquize (collect [] t);;
+ list_uniquize (collect [] t)
let used_of = global_vars_and_consts
let ids_of_env = Sign.ids_of_env
@@ -163,34 +165,38 @@ let ids_of_env = Sign.ids_of_env
let indsp_of_id id =
let (oper,_) =
- try let sp = Nametab.sp_of_id CCI id in global_operator sp id
- with Not_found -> error ("Cannot find reference "^(string_of_id id))
+ try
+ let sp = Nametab.sp_of_id CCI id in global_operator sp id
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ("Cannot find reference "^(string_of_id id))
match oper with
- MutInd(sp,tyi) -> (sp,tyi)
- | _ -> errorlabstrm "indsp_of_id"
- [< 'sTR ((string_of_id id)^" is not an inductive type") >];;
+ | MutInd(sp,tyi) -> (sp,tyi)
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "indsp_of_id"
+ [< 'sTR ((string_of_id id)^" is not an inductive type") >]
let mind_specif_of_mind_light (sp,tyi) =
let mib = Global.lookup_mind sp in
(mib,mind_nth_type_packet mib tyi)
let rec remove_indtypes = function
- (1, DLAMV(_,cl)) -> cl
+ | (1, DLAMV(_,cl)) -> cl
| (n, DLAM (_,c)) -> remove_indtypes (n-1, c)
- | _ -> anomaly "remove_indtypes: bad list of constructors";;
+ | _ -> anomaly "remove_indtypes: bad list of constructors"
let rec remove_params n t =
- if n=0 then t
- else match t with
- DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> remove_params (n-1) c
- | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> remove_params n c
- | _ -> anomaly "remove_params : insufficiently quantified";;
+ if n = 0 then
+ t
+ else
+ match t with
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c)) -> remove_params (n-1) c
+ | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> remove_params n c
+ | _ -> anomaly "remove_params : insufficiently quantified"
let rec get_params = function
- DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(x,c)) -> x::(get_params c)
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(x,c)) -> x::(get_params c)
| DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> get_params c
- | _ -> [];;
+ | _ -> []
let lc_of_lmis (mib,mip) =
let lc = remove_indtypes (mib.mind_ntypes,mip.mind_lc) in
@@ -210,8 +216,7 @@ let isomorphic_to_bool lc =
let lcparams = Array.map get_params lc in
Array.length lcparams = 2 & lcparams.(0) = [] & lcparams.(1) = []
-let isomorphic_to_tuple lc =
- Array.length lc = 1
+let isomorphic_to_tuple lc = (Array.length lc = 1)
module PrintingCasesMake =
functor (Test : sig
@@ -225,8 +230,8 @@ module PrintingCasesMake =
type t = section_path * int
let encode = indsp_of_id
let check indsp =
- if not (Test.test (lc_of_lmis (mind_specif_of_mind_light indsp)))
- then errorlabstrm "check_encode" [< 'sTR Test.error_message >]
+ if not (Test.test (lc_of_lmis (mind_specif_of_mind_light indsp))) then
+ errorlabstrm "check_encode" [< 'sTR Test.error_message >]
let decode = sp_of_spi
let key = Goptions.SecondaryTable ("Printing",Test.field)
let title = Test.title
@@ -270,7 +275,7 @@ module PrintingLet = Goptions.MakeTable(PrintingCasesLet)
(* Options for printing or not wildcard and synthetisable types *)
-open Goptions;;
+open Goptions
let wildcard_value = ref true
let force_wildcard () = !wildcard_value
@@ -304,51 +309,55 @@ let print_implicits = ref false
(* l est ordonne'ee (croissant), ne garder que les elements <= n *)
let filter_until n l =
-let rec aux = function
- [] -> []
- | i::l -> if i > n then []
- else i::(aux l)
-in aux l;;
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | i::l -> if i > n then [] else i::(aux l)
+ in
+ aux l
(* l est ordonne'e (de'croissant), n>=max(l), diviser l en deux listes,
la 2eme est la plus longue se'quence commencant par n,
la 1ere contient les autres elements *)
let rec div_implicits n =
- function [] -> [],[]
- | i::l -> if i = n then let l1,l2=(div_implicits (n-1) l) in l1,i::l2
- else i::l,[];;
+ function
+ | [] -> [],[]
+ | i::l ->
+ if i = n then
+ let l1,l2=(div_implicits (n-1) l) in l1,i::l2
+ else
+ i::l,[]
let bdize_app c al =
let impl =
match c with
- DOPN(MutConstruct constr_sp,_) -> constructor_implicits_list constr_sp
+ | DOPN(MutConstruct constr_sp,_) -> constructor_implicits_list constr_sp
| DOPN(MutInd ind_sp,_) -> inductive_implicits_list ind_sp
| DOPN(Const sp,_) -> constant_implicits_list sp
| VAR id -> (try (implicits_of_var CCI id) with _ -> []) (* et FW? *)
| _ -> []
- if impl = []
- then ope("APPLIST", al)
- else if !print_implicits
- then ope("APPLIST", ope("XTRA",[str "!";List.hd al])::List.tl al)
- else
- let largs = List.length al - 1 in
- let impl = List.rev (filter_until largs impl) in
- let impl1,impl2=div_implicits largs impl in
- let al1 = Array.of_list al in
- List.iter
- (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
- ope("XTRA", [str "!"; str "EX"; num i; al1.(i)]))
- impl2;
- List.iter
- (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
- ope("XTRA",[str "!"; num i; al1.(i)]))
- impl1;
- al1.(0) <- ope("XTRA",[str "!"; al1.(0)]);
- ope("APPLIST",Array.to_list al1)
-type optioncast = WithCast | WithoutCast;;
+ if impl = [] then
+ ope("APPLIST", al)
+ else if !print_implicits then
+ ope("APPLIST", ope("XTRA",[str "!";List.hd al])::List.tl al)
+ else
+ let largs = List.length al - 1 in
+ let impl = List.rev (filter_until largs impl) in
+ let impl1,impl2=div_implicits largs impl in
+ let al1 = Array.of_list al in
+ List.iter
+ (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
+ ope("XTRA", [str "!"; str "EX"; num i; al1.(i)]))
+ impl2;
+ List.iter
+ (fun i -> al1.(i) <-
+ ope("XTRA",[str "!"; num i; al1.(i)]))
+ impl1;
+ al1.(0) <- ope("XTRA",[str "!"; al1.(0)]);
+ ope("APPLIST",Array.to_list al1)
+type optioncast = WithCast | WithoutCast
(* [reference_tree p] pre-computes the variables and de bruijn occurring
in a term to avoid a O(n2) factor when computing dependent each time *)
@@ -365,7 +374,7 @@ let combine l =
NODE (combine_rec l,l)
let rec reference_tree p = function
- VAR id -> NODE (([],[id]),[])
+ | VAR id -> NODE (([],[id]),[])
| Rel n -> NODE (([n-p],[]),[])
| DOP0 op -> NODE (([],[]),[])
| DOP1(op,c) -> reference_tree p c
@@ -396,167 +405,197 @@ let computable p k =
engendrera un prédicat non dépendant) *)
let rec striprec = function
- (0,DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,d))) -> false
+ | (0,DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,d))) -> false
| (0,d ) -> noccur_bet 1 k d
| (n,DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,d))) -> striprec (n-1,d)
| _ -> false
- in striprec (k,p)
+ in
+ striprec (k,p)
(* Main translation function from constr -> ast *)
let old_bdize_depcast opcast at_top env t =
let init_avoid = if at_top then ids_of_env env else [] in
- let rec bdrec avoid env t =
- match collapse_appl t with
- (* Not well-formed constructions *)
- | DLAM(na,c) ->
- (match concrete_name avoid env na c with
- (Some id,avoid') -> slam(Some (string_of_id id),
- bdrec avoid' (add_rel (Name id,()) env) c)
- | (None,avoid') -> slam(None,bdrec avoid' env (pop c)))
- | DLAMV(na,cl) ->
- if not(array_exists (dependent (Rel 1)) cl) then
- slam(None,ope("V$",array_map_to_list
- (fun c -> bdrec avoid env (pop c)) cl))
- else
- let id = next_name_away na avoid
- in slam(Some (string_of_id id),
- ope("V$", array_map_to_list
- (bdrec (id::avoid) (add_rel (Name id,()) env)) cl))
- (* Well-formed constructions *)
- | regular_constr ->
- (match kind_of_term regular_constr with
- | IsRel n ->
- (try match fst(lookup_rel n env) with
- Name id -> nvar (string_of_id id)
- | Anonymous -> raise Not_found
- with Not_found -> ope("REL",[num n]))
- (* TODO: Change this to subtract the current depth *)
- | IsMeta n -> ope("META",[num n])
- | IsVar id -> nvar (string_of_id id)
- | IsXtra s -> ope("XTRA",[str s])
- | IsSort s ->
- (match s with
- | Prop Null -> ope("PROP",[])
- | Prop Pos -> ope("SET",[])
- | Type u -> ope("TYPE",[path_section dummy_loc u.u_sp; num u.u_num]))
- | IsCast (c1,c2) ->
- if opcast=WithoutCast
- then bdrec avoid env c1
- else ope("CAST",[bdrec avoid env c1;bdrec avoid env c2])
- | IsProd (Anonymous,ty,c) ->
- (* Anonymous product are never factorized *)
- ope("PROD",[bdrec [] env ty;slam(None,bdrec avoid env (pop c))])
- | IsProd (Name _ as na,ty,c) ->
- let (n,a) = factorize_binder 1 avoid env Prod na ty c in
- (* PROD et PRODLIST doivent être distingués à cause du cas
- non dépendant, pour isoler l'implication; peut-être un constructeur
- ARROW serait-il plus justifié ? *)
- let oper = if n=1 then "PROD" else "PRODLIST" in
- ope(oper,[bdrec [] env ty;a])
- | IsLambda (na,ty,c) ->
- let (_,a) = factorize_binder 1 avoid env Lambda na ty c in
- (* LAMBDA et LAMBDALIST se comportent pareil *)
- ope("LAMBDALIST",[bdrec [] env ty;a])
- | IsAppL (f,args) ->
- bdize_app f (List.map (bdrec avoid env) (f::args))
- | IsConst (sp,cl) ->
- ope("CONST",((path_section dummy_loc sp)::
- (array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
- | IsAbst (sp,cl) ->
- ope("ABST",((path_section dummy_loc sp)::
- (array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
- | IsMutInd (sp,tyi,cl) ->
- ope("MUTIND",((path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::
- (array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
- | IsMutConstruct (sp,tyi,n,cl) ->
- ope("MUTCONSTRUCT",((path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(num n)::
- (array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
- | IsMutCase (annot,p,c,bl) ->
- let synth_type = synthetize_type () in
- let tomatch = bdrec avoid env c in
- begin match annot with
- None -> (* Pas d'annotation --> affichage avec vieux Case *)
- let pred = bdrec avoid env p in
- let bl' = array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) bl in
- ope("MUTCASE",pred::tomatch::bl')
- | Some indsp ->
- let (mib,mip as lmis) = mind_specif_of_mind_light indsp in
- let lc = lc_of_lmis lmis in
- let lcparams = Array.map get_params lc in
- let k = (nb_prod mip.mind_arity.body) - mib.mind_nparams in
- let pred = if synth_type & computable p k & lcparams <> [||]
- then (str "SYNTH")
- else bdrec avoid env p in
- if PrintingIf.active indsp
- then ope("FORCEIF", [ pred; tomatch;
- bdrec avoid env bl.(0);
- bdrec avoid env bl.(1) ])
- else
- let idconstructs = mip.mind_consnames in
- let asttomatch = ope("TOMATCH", [tomatch]) in
- let eqnv =
- array_map3 (bdize_eqn avoid env) idconstructs
- lcparams bl in
- let eqnl = Array.to_list eqnv in
- let tag =
- if PrintingLet.active indsp then "FORCELET" else "MULTCASE"
- in ope(tag,pred::asttomatch::eqnl)
- end
- | IsFix (nv,n,cl,lfn,vt) ->
- let lfi = List.map (fun na -> next_name_away na avoid) lfn in
- let def_env = List.fold_left
- (fun env id -> add_rel (Name id,()) env) env lfi in
- let def_avoid = lfi@avoid in
- let f = List.nth lfi n in
- let rec split_lambda binds env avoid = function
- (0, t) -> (binds,bdrec avoid env t)
- | (n, DOP2(Cast,t,_)) -> split_lambda binds env avoid (n,t)
- | (n, DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(na,b))) ->
- let ast = bdrec avoid env t in
- let id = next_name_away na avoid in
- let ast_of_bind = ope("BINDER",[ast;nvar (string_of_id id)]) in
- let new_env = add_rel (Name id,()) env in
- split_lambda (ast_of_bind::binds) new_env (id::avoid) (n-1,b)
- | _ -> error "split_lambda" in
- let rec split_product env avoid = function
- (0, t) -> bdrec avoid env t
- | (n, DOP2(Cast,t,_)) -> split_product env avoid (n,t)
- | (n, DOP2(Prod,t,DLAM(na,b))) ->
- let ast = bdrec avoid env t in
- let id = next_name_away na avoid in
- let new_env = add_rel (Name id,()) env in
- split_product new_env (id::avoid) (n-1,b)
- | _ -> error "split_product" in
- let listdecl =
- list_map_i
- (fun i fi ->
- let (lparams,ast_of_def) =
- split_lambda [] def_env def_avoid (nv.(i)+1,vt.(i)) in
- let ast_of_typ = split_product env avoid (nv.(i)+1,cl.(i)) in
- ope("FDECL",
- [nvar (string_of_id fi); ope ("BINDERS",List.rev lparams);
- ast_of_typ; ast_of_def ]))
- 0 lfi
- in ope("FIX", (nvar (string_of_id f))::listdecl)
- | IsCoFix (n,cl,lfn,vt) ->
- let lfi = List.map (fun na -> next_name_away na avoid) lfn in
- let def_env =
- List.fold_left (fun env id -> add_rel (Name id,()) env) env lfi in
- let def_avoid = lfi@avoid in
- let f = List.nth lfi n in
- let listdecl =
- list_map_i (fun i fi -> ope("CFDECL",
- [nvar (string_of_id fi);
- bdrec avoid env cl.(i);
- bdrec def_avoid def_env vt.(i)]))
- 0 lfi
- in ope("COFIX", (nvar (string_of_id f))::listdecl))
+ let rec bdrec avoid env t = match collapse_appl t with
+ (* Not well-formed constructions *)
+ | DLAM(na,c) ->
+ (match concrete_name avoid env na c with
+ | (Some id,avoid') ->
+ slam(Some (string_of_id id),
+ bdrec avoid' (add_rel (Name id,()) env) c)
+ | (None,avoid') ->
+ slam(None,bdrec avoid' env (pop c)))
+ | DLAMV(na,cl) ->
+ if not(array_exists (dependent (Rel 1)) cl) then
+ slam(None,ope("V$",array_map_to_list
+ (fun c -> bdrec avoid env (pop c)) cl))
+ else
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ slam(Some (string_of_id id),
+ ope("V$", array_map_to_list
+ (bdrec (id::avoid) (add_rel (Name id,()) env)) cl))
+ (* Well-formed constructions *)
+ | regular_constr ->
+ (match kind_of_term regular_constr with
+ | IsRel n ->
+ (try
+ match fst(lookup_rel n env) with
+ | Name id -> nvar (string_of_id id)
+ | Anonymous -> raise Not_found
+ with Not_found ->
+ ope("REL",[num n]))
+ (* TODO: Change this to subtract the current depth *)
+ | IsMeta n -> ope("META",[num n])
+ | IsVar id -> nvar (string_of_id id)
+ | IsXtra s -> ope("XTRA",[str s])
+ | IsSort s ->
+ (match s with
+ | Prop Null -> ope("PROP",[])
+ | Prop Pos -> ope("SET",[])
+ | Type u ->
+ ope("TYPE",
+ [path_section dummy_loc u.u_sp; num u.u_num]))
+ | IsCast (c1,c2) ->
+ if opcast=WithoutCast then
+ bdrec avoid env c1
+ else
+ ope("CAST",[bdrec avoid env c1;bdrec avoid env c2])
+ | IsProd (Anonymous,ty,c) ->
+ (* Anonymous product are never factorized *)
+ ope("PROD",[bdrec [] env ty;
+ slam(None,bdrec avoid env (pop c))])
+ | IsProd (Name _ as na,ty,c) ->
+ let (n,a) = factorize_binder 1 avoid env Prod na ty c in
+ (* PROD et PRODLIST doivent être distingués à cause du cas
+ non dépendant, pour isoler l'implication; peut-être
+ un constructeur ARROW serait-il plus justifié ? *)
+ let oper = if n=1 then "PROD" else "PRODLIST" in
+ ope(oper,[bdrec [] env ty;a])
+ | IsLambda (na,ty,c) ->
+ let (_,a) = factorize_binder 1 avoid env Lambda na ty c in
+ (* LAMBDA et LAMBDALIST se comportent pareil *)
+ ope("LAMBDALIST",[bdrec [] env ty;a])
+ | IsAppL (f,args) ->
+ bdize_app f (List.map (bdrec avoid env) (f::args))
+ | IsConst (sp,cl) ->
+ ope("CONST",((path_section dummy_loc sp)::
+ (array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
+ | IsEvar (ev,cl) ->
+ ope("EVAR",((num ev)::
+ (array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
+ | IsAbst (sp,cl) ->
+ ope("ABST",((path_section dummy_loc sp)::
+ (array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
+ | IsMutInd (sp,tyi,cl) ->
+ ope("MUTIND",((path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::
+ (array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
+ | IsMutConstruct (sp,tyi,n,cl) ->
+ ((path_section dummy_loc sp)::(num tyi)::(num n)::
+ (array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) cl)))
+ | IsMutCase (annot,p,c,bl) ->
+ let synth_type = synthetize_type () in
+ let tomatch = bdrec avoid env c in
+ begin match annot with
+ | None ->
+ (* Pas d'annotation --> affichage avec vieux Case *)
+ let pred = bdrec avoid env p in
+ let bl' = array_map_to_list (bdrec avoid env) bl in
+ ope("MUTCASE",pred::tomatch::bl')
+ | Some indsp ->
+ let (mib,mip as lmis) =
+ mind_specif_of_mind_light indsp in
+ let lc = lc_of_lmis lmis in
+ let lcparams = Array.map get_params lc in
+ let k = (nb_prod mip.mind_arity.body) -
+ mib.mind_nparams in
+ let pred =
+ if synth_type & computable p k & lcparams <> [||] then
+ (str "SYNTH")
+ else
+ bdrec avoid env p
+ in
+ if PrintingIf.active indsp then
+ ope("FORCEIF", [ pred; tomatch;
+ bdrec avoid env bl.(0);
+ bdrec avoid env bl.(1) ])
+ else
+ let idconstructs = mip.mind_consnames in
+ let asttomatch = ope("TOMATCH", [tomatch]) in
+ let eqnv =
+ array_map3 (bdize_eqn avoid env) idconstructs
+ lcparams bl in
+ let eqnl = Array.to_list eqnv in
+ let tag =
+ if PrintingLet.active indsp then
+ else
+ in
+ ope(tag,pred::asttomatch::eqnl)
+ end
+ | IsFix (nv,n,cl,lfn,vt) ->
+ let lfi = List.map (fun na -> next_name_away na avoid) lfn in
+ let def_env =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env id -> add_rel (Name id,()) env) env lfi in
+ let def_avoid = lfi@avoid in
+ let f = List.nth lfi n in
+ let rec split_lambda binds env avoid = function
+ | (0, t) -> (binds,bdrec avoid env t)
+ | (n, DOP2(Cast,t,_)) -> split_lambda binds env avoid (n,t)
+ | (n, DOP2(Lambda,t,DLAM(na,b))) ->
+ let ast = bdrec avoid env t in
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ let ast_of_bind =
+ ope("BINDER",[ast;nvar (string_of_id id)]) in
+ let new_env = add_rel (Name id,()) env in
+ split_lambda (ast_of_bind::binds)
+ new_env (id::avoid) (n-1,b)
+ | _ -> error "split_lambda"
+ in
+ let rec split_product env avoid = function
+ | (0, t) -> bdrec avoid env t
+ | (n, DOP2(Cast,t,_)) -> split_product env avoid (n,t)
+ | (n, DOP2(Prod,t,DLAM(na,b))) ->
+ let ast = bdrec avoid env t in
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ let new_env = add_rel (Name id,()) env in
+ split_product new_env (id::avoid) (n-1,b)
+ | _ -> error "split_product"
+ in
+ let listdecl =
+ list_map_i
+ (fun i fi ->
+ let (lparams,ast_of_def) =
+ split_lambda [] def_env def_avoid (nv.(i)+1,vt.(i)) in
+ let ast_of_typ =
+ split_product env avoid (nv.(i)+1,cl.(i)) in
+ ope("FDECL",
+ [nvar (string_of_id fi);
+ ope ("BINDERS",List.rev lparams);
+ ast_of_typ; ast_of_def ]))
+ 0 lfi
+ in
+ ope("FIX", (nvar (string_of_id f))::listdecl)
+ | IsCoFix (n,cl,lfn,vt) ->
+ let lfi = List.map (fun na -> next_name_away na avoid) lfn in
+ let def_env =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env id -> add_rel (Name id,()) env) env lfi in
+ let def_avoid = lfi@avoid in
+ let f = List.nth lfi n in
+ let listdecl =
+ list_map_i (fun i fi -> ope("CFDECL",
+ [nvar (string_of_id fi);
+ bdrec avoid env cl.(i);
+ bdrec def_avoid def_env vt.(i)]))
+ 0 lfi
+ in
+ ope("COFIX", (nvar (string_of_id f))::listdecl))
and bdize_eqn avoid env constructid construct_params branch =
let print_underscore = force_wildcard () in
@@ -642,95 +681,121 @@ variables of a goal.
(* $Id$ *)
-exception StillDLAM;;
+exception StillDLAM
let rec detype t =
match collapse_appl t with
- (* Not well-formed constructions *)
+ (* Not well-formed constructions *)
| DLAM _ | DLAMV _ -> raise StillDLAM
- (* Well-formed constructions *)
+ (* Well-formed constructions *)
| regular_constr ->
- (match kind_of_term regular_constr with
- | IsRel n -> RRel (dummy_loc,n)
- | IsMeta n -> RRef (dummy_loc,RMeta n)
- | IsVar id -> RRef (dummy_loc,RVar id)
- | IsXtra s -> anomaly "bdize: Xtra should no longer occur in constr"
- (* ope("XTRA",((str s):: pl@(List.map detype cl)))*)
- | IsSort (Prop c) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RProp c)
- | IsSort (Type _) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RType)
- | IsCast (c1,c2) -> RCast(dummy_loc,detype c1,detype c2)
- | IsProd (na,ty,c) -> RBinder (dummy_loc,BProd,na,detype ty,detype c)
- | IsLambda (na,ty,c) -> RBinder (dummy_loc,BLambda,na,detype ty,detype c)
- | IsAppL (f,args) -> RApp (dummy_loc,detype f,List.map detype args)
- | IsConst (sp,cl) -> RRef (dummy_loc,RConst (sp,ids_of_ctxt cl))
- | IsAbst (sp,cl) -> anomaly "bdize: Abst should no longer occur in constr"
- | IsMutInd (sp,tyi,cl) -> RRef (dummy_loc,RInd ((sp,tyi),ids_of_ctxt cl))
- | IsMutConstruct (sp,tyi,n,cl) ->
- RRef (dummy_loc,RConstruct (((sp,tyi),n),ids_of_ctxt cl))
- | IsMutCase (annot,p,c,bl) ->
- let synth_type = synthetize_type () in
- let tomatch = detype c in
- begin match annot with
- None -> (* Pas d'annotation --> affichage avec vieux Case *)
- warning "Printing in old Case syntax";
- ROldCase (dummy_loc,false,Some (detype p),
- tomatch,Array.map detype bl)
- | Some indsp ->
- let (mib,mip as lmis) = mind_specif_of_mind_light indsp in
- let lc = lc_of_lmis lmis in
- let lcparams = Array.map get_params lc in
- let k = (nb_prod mip.mind_arity.body) - mib.mind_nparams in
- let pred = if synth_type & computable p k & lcparams <> [||]
- then None
- else Some (detype p) in
- let constructs =
- Array.init
- (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)
- (fun i -> ((indsp,i),[] (* on triche *))) in
- let eqnv = array_map3 bdize_eqn constructs lcparams bl in
- let eqnl = Array.to_list eqnv in
- let tag =
- if PrintingLet.active indsp then PrintLet else
- if PrintingIf.active indsp then PrintIf else PrintCases
- in RCases (dummy_loc,tag,pred,[tomatch],eqnl)
- end
- | IsFix (nv,n,cl,lfn,vt) ->
- let l = Array.of_list (List.map
- (function Name id -> id | Anonymous -> anomaly"detype") lfn) in
- RRec(dummy_loc,RFix (nv,n),l,Array.map detype cl,Array.map detype vt)
- | IsCoFix (n,cl,lfn,vt) ->
- let l = Array.of_list (List.map
- (function Name id -> id | Anonymous -> anomaly"detype") lfn) in
- RRec(dummy_loc,RCofix n,l,Array.map detype cl,Array.map detype vt))
- and bdize_eqn constr_id construct_params branch =
- let avoid = global_vars_and_consts branch in
- let make_pat x avoid b =
- if not (force_wildcard ()) or (dependent (Rel 1) b) then
- let id = next_name_away x avoid in
- (PatVar (dummy_loc,Name id)),id::avoid,id
- else PatVar (dummy_loc,Anonymous),avoid,id_of_string "_" in
- let rec buildrec idl patlist avoid = function
- _::l, DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(x,b))
- -> let pat,new_avoid,id = make_pat x avoid b in
- buildrec (id::idl) (pat::patlist) new_avoid (l,b)
+ (match kind_of_term regular_constr with
+ | IsRel n -> RRel (dummy_loc,n)
+ | IsMeta n -> RRef (dummy_loc,RMeta n)
+ | IsVar id -> RRef (dummy_loc,RVar id)
+ | IsXtra s -> anomaly "bdize: Xtra should no longer occur in constr"
+ (* ope("XTRA",((str s):: pl@(List.map detype cl)))*)
+ | IsSort (Prop c) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RProp c)
+ | IsSort (Type _) -> RSort (dummy_loc,RType)
+ | IsCast (c1,c2) -> RCast(dummy_loc,detype c1,detype c2)
+ | IsProd (na,ty,c) ->
+ RBinder (dummy_loc,BProd,na,detype ty,detype c)
+ | IsLambda (na,ty,c) ->
+ RBinder (dummy_loc,BLambda,na,detype ty,detype c)
+ | IsAppL (f,args) -> RApp (dummy_loc,detype f,List.map detype args)
+ | IsConst (sp,cl) -> RRef (dummy_loc,RConst (sp,ids_of_ctxt cl))
+ | IsEvar (ev,cl) -> RRef (dummy_loc,REVar (ev,ids_of_ctxt cl))
+ | IsAbst (sp,cl) ->
+ anomaly "bdize: Abst should no longer occur in constr"
+ | IsMutInd (sp,tyi,cl) ->
+ RRef (dummy_loc,RInd ((sp,tyi),ids_of_ctxt cl))
+ | IsMutConstruct (sp,tyi,n,cl) ->
+ RRef (dummy_loc,RConstruct (((sp,tyi),n),ids_of_ctxt cl))
+ | IsMutCase (annot,p,c,bl) ->
+ let synth_type = synthetize_type () in
+ let tomatch = detype c in
+ begin match annot with
+ | None -> (* Pas d'annotation --> affichage avec vieux Case *)
+ warning "Printing in old Case syntax";
+ ROldCase (dummy_loc,false,Some (detype p),
+ tomatch,Array.map detype bl)
+ | Some indsp ->
+ let (mib,mip as lmis) = mind_specif_of_mind_light indsp in
+ let lc = lc_of_lmis lmis in
+ let lcparams = Array.map get_params lc in
+ let k = (nb_prod mip.mind_arity.body) -
+ mib.mind_nparams in
+ let pred =
+ if synth_type & computable p k & lcparams <> [||] then
+ None
+ else
+ Some (detype p)
+ in
+ let constructs =
+ Array.init
+ (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)
+ (fun i -> ((indsp,i),[] (* on triche *))) in
+ let eqnv = array_map3 bdize_eqn constructs lcparams bl in
+ let eqnl = Array.to_list eqnv in
+ let tag =
+ if PrintingLet.active indsp then
+ PrintLet
+ else if PrintingIf.active indsp then
+ PrintIf
+ else
+ PrintCases
+ in
+ RCases (dummy_loc,tag,pred,[tomatch],eqnl)
+ end
- | l , DOP2(Cast,b,_) (* Oui, il y a parfois des cast *)
- -> buildrec idl patlist avoid (l,b)
+ | IsFix (nv,n,cl,lfn,vt) ->
+ let l =
+ Array.of_list
+ (List.map
+ (function Name id -> id | Anonymous -> anomaly"detype")
+ lfn)
+ in
+ RRec(dummy_loc,RFix (nv,n),l,Array.map detype cl,
+ Array.map detype vt)
+ | IsCoFix (n,cl,lfn,vt) ->
+ let l =
+ Array.of_list
+ (List.map
+ (function Name id -> id | Anonymous -> anomaly"detype")
+ lfn)
+ in
+ RRec(dummy_loc,RCofix n,l,Array.map detype cl,
+ Array.map detype vt))
+and bdize_eqn constr_id construct_params branch =
+ let avoid = global_vars_and_consts branch in
+ let make_pat x avoid b =
+ if not (force_wildcard ()) or (dependent (Rel 1) b) then
+ let id = next_name_away x avoid in
+ (PatVar (dummy_loc,Name id)),id::avoid,id
+ else
+ PatVar (dummy_loc,Anonymous),avoid,id_of_string "_"
+ in
+ let rec buildrec idl patlist avoid = function
+ | _::l, DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(x,b)) ->
+ let pat,new_avoid,id = make_pat x avoid b in
+ buildrec (id::idl) (pat::patlist) new_avoid (l,b)
- | x::l, b (* eta-expansion : n'arrivera plus lorsque tous les
+ | l , DOP2(Cast,b,_) -> (* Oui, il y a parfois des cast *)
+ buildrec idl patlist avoid (l,b)
+ | x::l, b -> (* eta-expansion : n'arrivera plus lorsque tous les
termes seront construits à partir de la syntaxe Cases *)
- -> (* nommage de la nouvelle variable *)
- let new_b = DOPN(AppL,[|lift 1 b; Rel 1|]) in
- let pat,new_avoid,id = make_pat x avoid new_b in
- buildrec (id::idl) (pat::patlist) new_avoid (l,new_b)
+ (* nommage de la nouvelle variable *)
+ let new_b = DOPN(AppL,[|lift 1 b; Rel 1|]) in
+ let pat,new_avoid,id = make_pat x avoid new_b in
+ buildrec (id::idl) (pat::patlist) new_avoid (l,new_b)
+ | [] , rhs ->
+ (idl, [PatCstr(dummy_loc, constr_id, List.rev patlist)], detype rhs)
+ in
+ buildrec [] [] avoid (construct_params,branch)
- | [] , rhs
- -> (idl, [PatCstr(dummy_loc, constr_id, List.rev patlist)], detype rhs)
- in buildrec [] [] avoid (construct_params,branch)
let implicit_of_ref = function
| RConstruct (cstrid,_) -> constructor_implicits_list cstrid
@@ -740,10 +805,10 @@ let implicit_of_ref = function
| _ -> []
let ast_of_app impl f args =
- if impl = []
- then ope("APPLIST", f::args)
- else if !print_implicits
- then ope("APPLISTEXPL", (f::args))
+ if impl = [] then
+ ope("APPLIST", f::args)
+ else if !print_implicits then
+ ope("APPLISTEXPL", (f::args))
let largs = List.length args in
let impl = List.rev (filter_until largs impl) in
@@ -764,16 +829,16 @@ let rec ast_of_raw avoid env = function
| RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_ref ref
| RRel (_,n) ->
(try match fst (lookup_rel n env) with
- Name id -> ast_of_ident id
- | Anonymous ->
- anomaly "ast_of_raw: index to an anonymous variable"
- with Not_found ->
- ope("REL",[num (n - List.length (get_rels env))]))
+ | Name id -> ast_of_ident id
+ | Anonymous ->
+ anomaly "ast_of_raw: index to an anonymous variable"
+ with Not_found ->
+ ope("REL",[num (n - List.length (get_rels env))]))
| RApp (_,f,args) ->
let astf = ast_of_raw avoid env f in
let astargs = List.map (ast_of_raw avoid env ) args in
(match f with
- RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_app (implicit_of_ref ref) astf astargs
+ | RRef (_,ref) -> ast_of_app (implicit_of_ref ref) astf astargs
| _ -> ast_of_app [] astf astargs)
| RBinder (_,BProd,Anonymous,t,c) ->
(* Anonymous product are never factorized *)
@@ -783,28 +848,30 @@ let rec ast_of_raw avoid env = function
let (n,a) = factorize_binder 1 avoid env bk na t c in
let tag = match bk with
(* LAMBDA et LAMBDALIST se comportent pareil *)
- BLambda -> "LAMBDALIST"
+ | BLambda -> "LAMBDALIST"
(* PROD et PRODLIST doivent être distingués à cause du cas *)
(* non dépendant, pour isoler l'implication; peut-être un *)
(* constructeur ARROW serait-il plus justifié ? *)
- | BProd -> if n=1 then "PROD" else "PROLIST" in
+ | BProd -> if n=1 then "PROD" else "PROLIST"
+ in
ope(tag,[ast_of_raw [] env t;a])
| RCases (_,printinfo,typopt,tml,eqns) ->
let pred = ast_of_rawopt avoid env typopt in
let tag = match printinfo with
- PrintIf -> "FORCEIF"
+ | PrintIf -> "FORCEIF"
| PrintLet -> "FORCELET"
- | PrintCases -> "MULTCASE" in
+ | PrintCases -> "MULTCASE"
+ in
let asttomatch = ope("TOMATCH", List.map (ast_of_raw avoid env) tml) in
- let asteqns = List.map (ast_of_eqn avoid env) eqns
- in ope(tag,pred::asttomatch::asteqns)
+ let asteqns = List.map (ast_of_eqn avoid env) eqns in
+ ope(tag,pred::asttomatch::asteqns)
| ROldCase (_,isrec,typopt,tm,bv) ->
warning "Old Case syntax";
ope("MUTCASE",(ast_of_rawopt avoid env typopt)
- ::(ast_of_raw avoid env tm)
- ::(Array.to_list (Array.map (ast_of_raw avoid env) bv)))
+ ::(ast_of_raw avoid env tm)
+ ::(Array.to_list (Array.map (ast_of_raw avoid env) bv)))
| RRec (_,fk,idv,tyv,bv) ->
let lfi = Array.map (fun id -> next_ident_away id avoid) idv in
let alfi = Array.map ast_of_ident lfi in
@@ -813,40 +880,46 @@ let rec ast_of_raw avoid env = function
List.fold_left (fun env id -> add_rel (Name id,()) env) env
(Array.to_list lfi) in
(match fk with
- | RFix (nv,n) ->
- let rec split_lambda binds avoid env = function
- (0, t) -> (binds,ast_of_raw avoid env t)
- | (n, RBinder(_,BLambda,na,t,b)) ->
- let ast = ast_of_raw avoid env t in
- let id = next_name_away na avoid in
- let bind = ope("BINDER",[ast;ast_of_ident id]) in
- split_lambda (bind::binds) (id::avoid)
- (add_rel (na,()) env) (n-1,b)
- | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint body" in
- let rec split_product avoid env = function
- (0, t) -> ast_of_raw avoid env t
- | (n, RBinder(_,BProd,na,t,b)) ->
- let id = next_name_away na avoid in
- split_product (id::avoid) (add_rel (na,()) env) (n-1,b)
- | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint type" in
- let listdecl =
- Array.mapi
- (fun i fi ->
- let (lparams,astdef) =
- split_lambda [] avoid def_env (nv.(i)+1,bv.(i)) in
- let asttyp = split_product avoid env (nv.(i)+1,tyv.(i)) in
- ope("FDECL",
- [fi; ope ("BINDERS",List.rev lparams); asttyp; astdef]))
- alfi
- in ope("FIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl))
- | RCofix n ->
- let listdecl =
- Array.mapi (fun i fi -> ope("CFDECL",
- [fi;
- ast_of_raw avoid env tyv.(i);
- ast_of_raw def_avoid def_env bv.(i)]))
- alfi
- in ope("COFIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl)))
+ | RFix (nv,n) ->
+ let rec split_lambda binds avoid env = function
+ | (0, t) -> (binds,ast_of_raw avoid env t)
+ | (n, RBinder(_,BLambda,na,t,b)) ->
+ let ast = ast_of_raw avoid env t in
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ let bind = ope("BINDER",[ast;ast_of_ident id]) in
+ split_lambda (bind::binds) (id::avoid)
+ (add_rel (na,()) env) (n-1,b)
+ | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint body"
+ in
+ let rec split_product avoid env = function
+ | (0, t) -> ast_of_raw avoid env t
+ | (n, RBinder(_,BProd,na,t,b)) ->
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ split_product (id::avoid) (add_rel (na,()) env) (n-1,b)
+ | _ -> anomaly "ast_of_rawconst: ill-formed fixpoint type"
+ in
+ let listdecl =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i fi ->
+ let (lparams,astdef) =
+ split_lambda [] avoid def_env (nv.(i)+1,bv.(i)) in
+ let asttyp = split_product avoid env (nv.(i)+1,tyv.(i)) in
+ ope("FDECL",
+ [fi; ope ("BINDERS",List.rev lparams);
+ asttyp; astdef]))
+ alfi
+ in
+ ope("FIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl))
+ | RCofix n ->
+ let listdecl =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i fi -> ope("CFDECL",
+ [fi;
+ ast_of_raw avoid env tyv.(i);
+ ast_of_raw def_avoid def_env bv.(i)]))
+ alfi
+ in
+ ope("COFIX", alfi.(n)::(Array.to_list listdecl)))
| RSort (_,s) ->
(match s with
@@ -856,7 +929,7 @@ let rec ast_of_raw avoid env = function
| RHole _ -> ope("ISEVAR",[])
| RCast (_,c,t) ->
ope("CAST",[ast_of_raw avoid env c;ast_of_raw avoid env t])
and ast_of_eqn avoid env (idl,pl,c) =
let new_env =
List.fold_left (fun env id -> add_rel (Name id,()) env) env idl in
@@ -866,50 +939,51 @@ and ast_of_eqn avoid env (idl,pl,c) =
and ast_of_rawopt avoid env = function
| None -> (str "SYNTH")
| Some p -> ast_of_raw avoid env p
and factorize_binder n avoid env oper na ty c =
let (env2, avoid2,na2) =
match weak_concrete_name avoid env na c with
- (Some id,l') -> add_rel (Name id,()) env, l', Some (string_of_id id)
+ | (Some id,l') -> add_rel (Name id,()) env, l', Some (string_of_id id)
| (None,l') -> add_rel (Anonymous,()) env, l', None
let (p,body) = match c with
when (oper = oper')
& (ast_of_raw avoid env ty)
- = (ast_of_raw avoid (add_rel (na,()) env) ty')
- & not (na' = Anonymous & oper = BProd)
- -> factorize_binder (n+1) avoid2 env2 oper na' ty' c'
+ = (ast_of_raw avoid (add_rel (na,()) env) ty')
+ & not (na' = Anonymous & oper = BProd)
+ -> factorize_binder (n+1) avoid2 env2 oper na' ty' c'
| _ -> (n,ast_of_raw avoid2 env2 c)
- in (p,slam(na2, body))
+ in
+ (p,slam(na2, body))
(* A brancher sur le vrai concrete_name *)
and weak_concrete_name avoid env na c =
match na with
- Anonymous -> (None,avoid)
+ | Anonymous -> (None,avoid)
| Name id -> (Some id,avoid)
let bdize_no_casts at_top env t =
let avoid = if at_top then ids_of_env env else [] in
ast_of_raw avoid env (detype t)
- with StillDLAM -> old_bdize_depcast WithoutCast at_top env t
+ with StillDLAM ->
+ old_bdize_depcast WithoutCast at_top env t
(* En attendant que strong aille dans term.ml *)
let rec strong whdfun t =
match whdfun t with
- DOP0 _ as t -> t
+ | DOP0 _ as t -> t
(* Cas ad hoc *)
- | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper,strong whdfun c)
- | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper,strong whdfun c1,strong whdfun c2)
- | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper,Array.map (strong whdfun) cl)
- | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper,List.map (strong whdfun) cl)
- | DLAM(na,c) -> DLAM(na,strong whdfun c)
- | DLAMV(na,c) -> DLAMV(na,Array.map (strong whdfun) c)
- | VAR _ as t -> t
- | Rel _ as t -> t
+ | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper,strong whdfun c)
+ | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper,strong whdfun c1,strong whdfun c2)
+ | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper,Array.map (strong whdfun) cl)
+ | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper,List.map (strong whdfun) cl)
+ | DLAM(na,c) -> DLAM(na,strong whdfun c)
+ | DLAMV(na,c) -> DLAMV(na,Array.map (strong whdfun) c)
+ | VAR _ as t -> t
+ | Rel _ as t -> t
let bdize at_top env t = bdize_no_casts at_top env (strong strip_outer_cast t)
let ast_of_rawconstr = ast_of_raw []