path: root/parsing/pcoq.mli
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authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2018-06-22 11:06:04 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2018-07-07 16:34:43 +0200
commit4b3187a635864f8faa2d512775231a4e6d204c51 (patch)
tree6ed32cd7b3f8530336c43137f0603200dc69098b /parsing/pcoq.mli
parentfe371675fc85d712f5124d73157bd833e8fa14a6 (diff)
Remove dead code that used to be there for CamlpX compatibility.
Part of this code has been introduced very recently in 7c62654 in spite of the existence of a proper API. This means that this should be better documented.
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/pcoq.mli')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/pcoq.mli b/parsing/pcoq.mli
index 154de1221..ae4f5cab6 100644
--- a/parsing/pcoq.mli
+++ b/parsing/pcoq.mli
@@ -16,63 +16,18 @@ open Libnames
(** The parser of Coq *)
+ We only have it here to work with Camlp5. Handwritten grammar extensions
+ should use the safe [Pcoq.grammar_extend] function below. *)
module Gram : sig
include Grammar.S with type te = Tok.t
-(* Where Grammar.S is
-module type S =
- sig
- type te = 'x;
- type parsable = 'x;
- value parsable : Stream.t char -> parsable;
- value tokens : string -> list (string * int);
- value glexer : Plexing.lexer te;
- value set_algorithm : parse_algorithm -> unit;
- module Entry :
- sig
- type e 'a = 'y;
- value create : string -> e 'a;
- value parse : e 'a -> parsable -> 'a;
- value parse_token : e 'a -> Stream.t te -> 'a;
- value name : e 'a -> string;
- value of_parser : string -> (Stream.t te -> 'a) -> e 'a;
- value print : Format.formatter -> e 'a -> unit;
- external obj : e 'a -> Gramext.g_entry te = "%identity";
- end
- ;
- module Unsafe :
- sig
- value gram_reinit : Plexing.lexer te -> unit;
- value clear_entry : Entry.e 'a -> unit;
- end
- ;
- value extend :
- Entry.e 'a -> option Gramext.position ->
- list
- (option string * option Gramext.g_assoc *
- list (list (Gramext.g_symbol te) * Gramext.g_action)) ->
- unit;
- value delete_rule : Entry.e 'a -> list (Gramext.g_symbol te) -> unit;
- end
type 'a entry = 'a Entry.e
- type internal_entry = Tok.t Gramext.g_entry
- type symbol = Tok.t Gramext.g_symbol
- type action = Gramext.g_action
- type production_rule = symbol list * action
- type single_extend_statement =
- string option * Gramext.g_assoc option * production_rule list
- type extend_statement =
- Gramext.position option * single_extend_statement list
type coq_parsable
val parsable : ?file:Loc.source -> char Stream.t -> coq_parsable
- val action : 'a -> action
val entry_create : string -> 'a entry
val entry_parse : 'a entry -> coq_parsable -> 'a
val entry_print : Format.formatter -> 'a entry -> unit
@@ -82,18 +37,8 @@ module type S =
val gram_extend : 'a entry -> 'a Extend.extend_statement -> unit
- (* Apparently not used *)
- val srules' : production_rule list -> symbol
- val parse_tokens_after_filter : 'a entry -> Tok.t Stream.t -> 'a
end with type 'a Entry.e = 'a Grammar.GMake(CLexer).Entry.e
-module Symbols : sig
- val stoken : Tok.t -> Gram.symbol
- val snterm : Gram.internal_entry -> Gram.symbol
(** The parser of Coq is built from three kinds of rule declarations:
- dynamic rules declared at the evaluation of Coq files (using