path: root/parsing/pcoq.ml
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authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2016-05-10 09:59:41 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2016-05-10 19:28:24 +0200
commit810afe7c16ca2d18ac7fb39b1d3bd1a3db1c1331 (patch)
tree3f0e5d4cb1186f2e68e2635020c5247dc01d12e3 /parsing/pcoq.ml
parent61f79019be6082c3ebabd503c322fb2edb05a99a (diff)
Type-safe constr notations.
This removes the last call to unsafe_grammar_extend, so that all handwritten grammar extensions are now type-safe. Grammars defined by CAMLPX EXTEND are still using the unsafe interface, but as they insert explicit casts they are deemed safe.
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/pcoq.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/pcoq.ml b/parsing/pcoq.ml
index 2790063e6..8fa5da4bd 100644
--- a/parsing/pcoq.ml
+++ b/parsing/pcoq.ml
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@ let of_coq_position = function
module Symbols = GramextMake(G)
-let gram_token_of_token = Symbols.stoken
-let gram_token_of_string s = gram_token_of_token (CLexer.terminal s)
let camlp4_verbosity silent f x =
let a = !warning_verbose in
warning_verbose := silent;
@@ -135,15 +132,6 @@ module Gram =
(** This extension command is used by the Grammar constr *)
-type unsafe_single_extend_statment =
- string option *
- gram_assoc option *
- Gram.production_rule list
-type unsafe_extend_statment =
- gram_position option *
- unsafe_single_extend_statment list
let unsafe_grammar_extend e reinit (pos, st) =
let map_s (lvl, assoc, rule) = (lvl, Option.map of_coq_assoc assoc, rule) in
let ext = (Option.map of_coq_position pos, List.map map_s st) in
@@ -212,9 +200,6 @@ let get_univ u =
if Hashtbl.mem utables u then u
else raise Not_found
-(** A table associating grammar to entries *)
-let gtable : Obj.t Gram.entry String.Map.t ref = ref String.Map.empty
let new_entry u s =
let ename = u ^ ":" ^ s in
let e = Gram.entry_create ename in
@@ -534,145 +519,6 @@ let synchronize_level_positions () =
let lev = top !level_stack in
level_stack := lev :: !level_stack
-(* Binding constr entry keys to entries *)
-(* Camlp4 levels do not treat NonA: use RightA with a NEXT on the left *)
-let camlp4_assoc = function
- | Some Extend.NonA | Some Extend.RightA -> Extend.RightA
- | None | Some Extend.LeftA -> Extend.LeftA
-let assoc_eq al ar = match al, ar with
-| Extend.NonA, Extend.NonA
-| Extend.RightA, Extend.RightA
-| Extend.LeftA, Extend.LeftA -> true
-| _, _ -> false
-(* [adjust_level assoc from prod] where [assoc] and [from] are the name
- and associativity of the level where to add the rule; the meaning of
- the result is
- None = SELF
- Some None = NEXT
- Some (Some (n,cur)) = constr LEVEL n
- s.t. if [cur] is set then [n] is the same as the [from] level *)
-let adjust_level assoc from = function
-(* Associativity is None means force the level *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (_,None)) -> Some (Some (n,true))
-(* Compute production name on the right side *)
- (* If NonA or LeftA on the right-hand side, set to NEXT *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Right,Some (Extend.NonA|Extend.LeftA))) ->
- Some None
- (* If RightA on the right-hand side, set to the explicit (current) level *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Right,Some Extend.RightA)) ->
- Some (Some (n,true))
-(* Compute production name on the left side *)
- (* If NonA on the left-hand side, adopt the current assoc ?? *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Left,Some Extend.NonA)) -> None
- (* If the expected assoc is the current one, set to SELF *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Left,Some a)) when assoc_eq a (camlp4_assoc assoc) ->
- None
- (* Otherwise, force the level, n or n-1, according to expected assoc *)
- | (NumLevel n,BorderProd (Left,Some a)) ->
- begin match a with
- | Extend.LeftA -> Some (Some (n, true))
- | _ -> Some None
- end
- (* None means NEXT *)
- | (NextLevel,_) -> Some None
-(* Compute production name elsewhere *)
- | (NumLevel n,InternalProd) ->
- match from with
- | ETConstr (p,()) when Int.equal p (n + 1) -> Some None
- | ETConstr (p,()) -> Some (Some (n, Int.equal n p))
- | _ -> Some (Some (n,false))
-let compute_entry adjust forpat = function
- | ETConstr (n,q) ->
- (if forpat then weaken_entry Constr.pattern
- else weaken_entry Constr.operconstr),
- adjust (n,q), false
- | ETName -> weaken_entry Prim.name, None, false
- | ETBinder true -> anomaly (Pp.str "Should occur only as part of BinderList")
- | ETBinder false -> weaken_entry Constr.binder, None, false
- | ETBinderList (true,tkl) ->
- let () = match tkl with [] -> () | _ -> assert false in
- weaken_entry Constr.open_binders, None, false
- | ETBinderList (false,_) -> anomaly (Pp.str "List of entries cannot be registered.")
- | ETBigint -> weaken_entry Prim.bigint, None, false
- | ETReference -> weaken_entry Constr.global, None, false
- | ETPattern -> weaken_entry Constr.pattern, None, false
- | ETConstrList _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "List of entries cannot be registered.")
- | ETOther (u,n) -> assert false
-(* This computes the name of the level where to add a new rule *)
-let interp_constr_entry_key forpat level =
- if level = 200 && not forpat then weaken_entry Constr.binder_constr, None
- else if forpat then weaken_entry Constr.pattern, Some level
- else weaken_entry Constr.operconstr, Some level
-(* This computes the name to give to a production knowing the name and
- associativity of the level where it must be added *)
-let interp_constr_prod_entry_key ass from forpat en =
- compute_entry (adjust_level ass from) forpat en
-(* Binding constr entry keys to symbols *)
-let is_self from e =
- match from, e with
- ETConstr(n,()), ETConstr(NumLevel n',
- BorderProd(Right, _ (* Some(NonA|LeftA) *))) -> false
- | ETConstr(n,()), ETConstr(NumLevel n',BorderProd(Left,_)) -> Int.equal n n'
- | (ETName,ETName | ETReference, ETReference | ETBigint,ETBigint
- | ETPattern, ETPattern) -> true
- | ETOther(s1,s2), ETOther(s1',s2') ->
- String.equal s1 s1' && String.equal s2 s2'
- | _ -> false
-let is_binder_level from e =
- match from, e with
- ETConstr(200,()),
- ETConstr(NumLevel 200,(BorderProd(Right,_)|InternalProd)) -> true
- | _ -> false
-let make_sep_rules tkl =
- Gram.srules'
- [List.map gram_token_of_token tkl,
- List.fold_right (fun _ v -> Gram.action (fun _ -> v)) tkl
- (Gram.action (fun loc -> ()))]
-let rec symbol_of_constr_prod_entry_key assoc from forpat typ =
- if is_binder_level from typ then
- if forpat then
- Symbols.snterml (Gram.Entry.obj Constr.pattern,"200")
- else
- Symbols.snterml (Gram.Entry.obj Constr.operconstr,"200")
- else if is_self from typ then
- Symbols.sself
- else
- match typ with
- | ETConstrList (typ',[]) ->
- Symbols.slist1 (symbol_of_constr_prod_entry_key assoc from forpat (ETConstr typ'))
- | ETConstrList (typ',tkl) ->
- Symbols.slist1sep
- (symbol_of_constr_prod_entry_key assoc from forpat (ETConstr typ'),
- make_sep_rules tkl)
- | ETBinderList (false,[]) ->
- Symbols.slist1
- (symbol_of_constr_prod_entry_key assoc from forpat (ETBinder false))
- | ETBinderList (false,tkl) ->
- Symbols.slist1sep
- (symbol_of_constr_prod_entry_key assoc from forpat (ETBinder false),
- make_sep_rules tkl)
- | _ ->
- match interp_constr_prod_entry_key assoc from forpat typ with
- | (eobj,None,_) -> Symbols.snterm (Gram.Entry.obj eobj)
- | (eobj,Some None,_) -> Symbols.snext
- | (eobj,Some (Some (lev,cur)),_) ->
- Symbols.snterml (Gram.Entry.obj eobj,constr_level lev)
(** Binding general entry keys to symbol *)
let rec of_coq_action : type a r. (r, a, Loc.t -> r) Extend.rule -> a -> Gram.action = function
@@ -707,8 +553,6 @@ and symbol_of_rules : type a. a Extend.rules -> _ = function
let act = of_coq_action r.norec_rule act in
(symb, act)
-let level_of_snterml e = int_of_string (Symbols.snterml_level e)
let of_coq_production_rule : type a. a Extend.production_rule -> _ = function
| Rule (toks, act) -> (symbol_of_rule toks [], of_coq_action toks act)