path: root/ltac
diff options
authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2016-04-24 16:57:26 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2016-04-24 19:16:33 +0200
commitea984528e269fa34afa3dd1757a00ff5a8405157 (patch)
treeba5ac9ac92644b976d97809709e8962806920a32 /ltac
parentb090942f20ac8854bf227698d31ca1efec492c47 (diff)
Disentangle tactic notation resolution from Pcoq.
Instead of relying on entry names as given by a hardwired registering scheme in Pcoq, we recover them first through a user-defined map, and fallback on generic argument names.
Diffstat (limited to 'ltac')
3 files changed, 31 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/ltac/extraargs.ml4 b/ltac/extraargs.ml4
index fbae17baf..0bddcc9fd 100644
--- a/ltac/extraargs.ml4
+++ b/ltac/extraargs.ml4
@@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ let () =
let inject (loc, v) = Tacexpr.Tacexp v in
Tacentries.create_ltac_quotation "ltac" inject (Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_expr, Some 5)
+(** Backward-compatible tactic notation entry names *)
+let () =
+ let register name entry = Tacentries.register_tactic_notation_entry name entry in
+ register "hyp" wit_var;
+ register "simple_intropattern" wit_intro_pattern;
+ register "integer" wit_integer;
+ register "reference" wit_ref;
+ ()
(* Rewriting orientation *)
let _ = Metasyntax.add_token_obj "<-"
diff --git a/ltac/tacentries.ml b/ltac/tacentries.ml
index dfcfdece6..2adeb3a65 100644
--- a/ltac/tacentries.ml
+++ b/ltac/tacentries.ml
@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ let rec parse_user_entry s sep =
let n = Char.code s.[6] - 48 in
Uentryl ("tactic", n)
- let s = match s with "hyp" -> "var" | _ -> s in
Uentry s
let arg_list = function Rawwit t -> Rawwit (ListArg t)
@@ -205,18 +204,30 @@ let extend_ml_tactic_grammar n ntn = extend_grammar ml_tactic_grammar (n, ntn)
(* Tactic Notation *)
+let entry_names = ref String.Map.empty
+let register_tactic_notation_entry name entry =
+ let entry = match entry with
+ | ExtraArg arg -> ArgT.Any arg
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ entry_names := String.Map.add name entry !entry_names
let interp_prod_item lev = function
| TacTerm s -> GramTerminal s
| TacNonTerm (loc, (nt, sep), _) ->
let symbol = parse_user_entry nt sep in
let interp s = function
| None ->
- begin
- try try_get_entry uprim s with Not_found ->
- try try_get_entry uconstr s with Not_found ->
- try try_get_entry utactic s with Not_found ->
- error ("Unknown entry "^s^".")
- end
+ let ArgT.Any arg =
+ if String.Map.mem s !entry_names then
+ String.Map.find s !entry_names
+ else match ArgT.name s with
+ | None -> error ("Unknown entry "^s^".")
+ | Some arg -> arg
+ in
+ let wit = ExtraArg arg in
+ EntryName (Rawwit wit, Extend.Aentry (name_of_entry (genarg_grammar wit)))
| Some n ->
(** FIXME: do better someday *)
assert (String.equal s "tactic");
diff --git a/ltac/tacentries.mli b/ltac/tacentries.mli
index cd9f430cb..cdeb27ce6 100644
--- a/ltac/tacentries.mli
+++ b/ltac/tacentries.mli
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ val add_tactic_notation :
environment at level [level] with locality [local] made of the grammar
productions [prods] and returning the body [expr] *)
+val register_tactic_notation_entry : string -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Genarg.genarg_type -> unit
+(** Register an argument under a given entry name for tactic notations. *)
val add_ml_tactic_notation : ml_tactic_name ->
Genarg.ArgT.any Extend.user_symbol grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr list list -> unit