path: root/library
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authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2015-10-28 16:46:42 +0100
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2015-10-28 17:31:53 +0100
commit908dcd613b12645f3b62bf44c2696b80a0b16940 (patch)
treee1f6d5b1479f39ff634a47b2fa637e8aab4a0d13 /library
parent0a1b046d37761fe47435d5041bb5031e3f7d6613 (diff)
Avoid type checking private_constants (side_eff) again during Qed (#4357).
Side effects are now an opaque data type, called private_constant, you can only obtain from safe_typing. When add_constant is called on a definition_entry that contains private constants, they are either - inlined in the main proof term but not re-checked - declared globally without re-checking them As a safety measure, the opaque data type contains a pointer to the revstruct (an internal field of safe_env that changes every time a new constant is added), and such pointer is compared with the current value store in safe_env when the private_constant is inlined. Only when the comparison is successful the private_constant is not re-checked. Otherwise else it is. In short, we accept into the kernel private constant only when they arrive in the very same order and on top of the very same env they arrived when we fist checked them. Note: private_constants produced by workers never pass the safety measure (the revstruct pointer is an Ephemeron). Sending back the entire revstruct is possible but: 1. we lack a way to quickly compare two revstructs, 2. it can be large.
Diffstat (limited to 'library')
5 files changed, 78 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/library/declare.ml b/library/declare.ml
index 0004f45a2..63e5a7224 100644
--- a/library/declare.ml
+++ b/library/declare.ml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type internal_flag =
(** Declaration of section variables and local definitions *)
type section_variable_entry =
- | SectionLocalDef of definition_entry
+ | SectionLocalDef of Safe_typing.private_constants definition_entry
| SectionLocalAssum of types Univ.in_universe_context_set * polymorphic * bool (** Implicit status *)
type variable_declaration = DirPath.t * section_variable_entry * logical_kind
@@ -93,9 +93,13 @@ type constant_obj = {
cst_hyps : Dischargedhypsmap.discharged_hyps;
cst_kind : logical_kind;
cst_locl : bool;
+ mutable cst_exported : Safe_typing.exported_private_constant list;
+ (* mutable: to avoid change the libobject API, since cache_function
+ * does not return an updated object *)
+ mutable cst_was_seff : bool
-type constant_declaration = constant_entry * logical_kind
+type constant_declaration = Safe_typing.private_constants constant_entry * logical_kind
(* At load-time, the segment starting from the module name to the discharge *)
(* section (if Remark or Fact) is needed to access a construction *)
@@ -131,8 +135,17 @@ let check_exists sp =
let cache_constant ((sp,kn), obj) =
let id = basename sp in
let _,dir,_ = repr_kn kn in
- let () = check_exists sp in
- let kn' = Global.add_constant dir id obj.cst_decl in
+ let kn' =
+ if obj.cst_was_seff then begin
+ obj.cst_was_seff <- false;
+ if Global.exists_objlabel (Label.of_id (basename sp))
+ then constant_of_kn kn
+ else Errors.anomaly Pp.(str"Ex seff not found: " ++ Id.print(basename sp))
+ end else
+ let () = check_exists sp in
+ let kn', exported = Global.add_constant dir id obj.cst_decl in
+ obj.cst_exported <- exported;
+ kn' in
assert (eq_constant kn' (constant_of_kn kn));
Nametab.push (Nametab.Until 1) sp (ConstRef (constant_of_kn kn));
let cst = Global.lookup_constant kn' in
@@ -156,20 +169,23 @@ let discharge_constant ((sp, kn), obj) =
Some { obj with cst_hyps = new_hyps; cst_decl = new_decl; }
(* Hack to reduce the size of .vo: we keep only what load/open needs *)
-let dummy_constant_entry =
- ConstantEntry (ParameterEntry (None,false,(mkProp,Univ.UContext.empty),None))
+let dummy_constant_entry =
+ ConstantEntry
+ (false, ParameterEntry (None,false,(mkProp,Univ.UContext.empty),None))
let dummy_constant cst = {
cst_decl = dummy_constant_entry;
cst_hyps = [];
cst_kind = cst.cst_kind;
cst_locl = cst.cst_locl;
+ cst_exported = [];
+ cst_was_seff = cst.cst_was_seff;
let classify_constant cst = Substitute (dummy_constant cst)
-let inConstant : constant_obj -> obj =
- declare_object { (default_object "CONSTANT") with
+let (inConstant, outConstant : (constant_obj -> obj) * (obj -> constant_obj)) =
+ declare_object_full { (default_object "CONSTANT") with
cache_function = cache_constant;
load_function = load_constant;
open_function = open_constant;
@@ -177,16 +193,40 @@ let inConstant : constant_obj -> obj =
subst_function = ident_subst_function;
discharge_function = discharge_constant }
+let declare_scheme = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
+let set_declare_scheme f = declare_scheme := f
let declare_constant_common id cst =
- let (sp,kn) = add_leaf id (inConstant cst) in
+ let update_tables c =
+(* Printf.eprintf "tables: %s\n%!" (Names.Constant.to_string c); *)
+ declare_constant_implicits c;
+ Heads.declare_head (EvalConstRef c);
+ Notation.declare_ref_arguments_scope (ConstRef c) in
+ let o = inConstant cst in
+ let _, kn as oname = add_leaf id o in
+ List.iter (fun (c,ce,role) ->
+ (* handling of private_constants just exported *)
+ let o = inConstant {
+ cst_decl = ConstantEntry (false, ce);
+ cst_hyps = [] ;
+ cst_kind = IsProof Theorem;
+ cst_locl = false;
+ cst_exported = [];
+ cst_was_seff = true; } in
+ let id = Label.to_id (pi3 (Constant.repr3 c)) in
+ ignore(add_leaf id o);
+ update_tables c;
+ match role with
+ | Safe_typing.Subproof -> ()
+ | Safe_typing.Schema (ind, kind) -> !declare_scheme kind [|ind,c|])
+ (outConstant o).cst_exported;
+ pull_to_head oname;
let c = Global.constant_of_delta_kn kn in
- declare_constant_implicits c;
- Heads.declare_head (EvalConstRef c);
- Notation.declare_ref_arguments_scope (ConstRef c);
+ update_tables c;
let definition_entry ?(opaque=false) ?(inline=false) ?types
- ?(poly=false) ?(univs=Univ.UContext.empty) ?(eff=Declareops.no_seff) body =
+ ?(poly=false) ?(univs=Univ.UContext.empty) ?(eff=Safe_typing.empty_private_constants) body =
{ const_entry_body = Future.from_val ((body,Univ.ContextSet.empty), eff);
const_entry_secctx = None;
const_entry_type = types;
@@ -196,90 +236,25 @@ let definition_entry ?(opaque=false) ?(inline=false) ?types
const_entry_feedback = None;
const_entry_inline_code = inline}
-let declare_scheme = ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
-let set_declare_scheme f = declare_scheme := f
-let declare_sideff env fix_exn se =
- let cbl, scheme = match se with
- | SEsubproof (c, cb, pt) -> [c, cb, pt], None
- | SEscheme (cbl, k) ->
- List.map (fun (_,c,cb,pt) -> c,cb,pt) cbl, Some (cbl,k) in
- let id_of c = Names.Label.to_id (Names.Constant.label c) in
- let pt_opaque_of cb pt =
- match cb, pt with
- | { const_body = Def sc }, _ -> (Mod_subst.force_constr sc, Univ.ContextSet.empty), false
- | { const_body = OpaqueDef _ }, `Opaque(pt,univ) -> (pt, univ), true
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let ty_of cb =
- match cb.Declarations.const_type with
- | Declarations.RegularArity t -> Some t
- | Declarations.TemplateArity _ -> None in
- let cst_of cb pt =
- let pt, opaque = pt_opaque_of cb pt in
- let univs, subst =
- if cb.const_polymorphic then
- let univs = Univ.instantiate_univ_context cb.const_universes in
- univs, Vars.subst_instance_constr (Univ.UContext.instance univs)
- else cb.const_universes, fun x -> x
- in
- let pt = (subst (fst pt), snd pt) in
- let ty = Option.map subst (ty_of cb) in
- { cst_decl = ConstantEntry (DefinitionEntry {
- const_entry_body = Future.from_here ~fix_exn (pt, Declareops.no_seff);
- const_entry_secctx = Some cb.Declarations.const_hyps;
- const_entry_type = ty;
- const_entry_opaque = opaque;
- const_entry_inline_code = false;
- const_entry_feedback = None;
- const_entry_polymorphic = cb.const_polymorphic;
- const_entry_universes = univs;
- });
- cst_hyps = [] ;
- cst_kind = Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.Definition;
- cst_locl = true;
- } in
- let exists c =
- try ignore(Environ.lookup_constant c env); true
- with Not_found -> false in
- let knl =
- CList.map_filter (fun (c,cb,pt) ->
- if exists c then None
- else Some (c,declare_constant_common (id_of c) (cst_of cb pt))) cbl in
- match scheme with
- | None -> ()
- | Some (inds_consts,kind) ->
- !declare_scheme kind (Array.of_list
- (List.map (fun (c,kn) ->
- CList.find_map (fun (x,c',_,_) ->
- if Constant.equal c c' then Some (x,kn) else None) inds_consts)
- knl))
let declare_constant ?(internal = UserIndividualRequest) ?(local = false) id ?(export_seff=false) (cd, kind) =
- let cd = (* We deal with side effects *)
+ let export = (* We deal with side effects *)
match cd with
- | Entries.DefinitionEntry de ->
- if export_seff ||
- not de.const_entry_opaque ||
- de.const_entry_polymorphic then
+ | DefinitionEntry de when
+ export_seff ||
+ not de.const_entry_opaque ||
+ de.const_entry_polymorphic ->
let bo = de.const_entry_body in
let _, seff = Future.force bo in
- if Declareops.side_effects_is_empty seff then cd
- else begin
- let seff = Declareops.uniquize_side_effects seff in
- Declareops.iter_side_effects
- (declare_sideff (Global.env ()) (Future.fix_exn_of bo)) seff;
- Entries.DefinitionEntry { de with
- const_entry_body = Future.chain ~pure:true bo (fun (pt, _) ->
- pt, Declareops.no_seff) }
- end
- else cd
- | _ -> cd
+ Safe_typing.empty_private_constants <> seff
+ | _ -> false
let cst = {
- cst_decl = ConstantEntry cd;
+ cst_decl = ConstantEntry (export,cd);
cst_hyps = [] ;
cst_kind = kind;
cst_locl = local;
+ cst_exported = [];
+ cst_was_seff = false;
} in
let kn = declare_constant_common id cst in
diff --git a/library/declare.mli b/library/declare.mli
index 7ed451c3f..fdbd23561 100644
--- a/library/declare.mli
+++ b/library/declare.mli
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ open Decl_kinds
(** Declaration of local constructions (Variable/Hypothesis/Local) *)
type section_variable_entry =
- | SectionLocalDef of definition_entry
+ | SectionLocalDef of Safe_typing.private_constants definition_entry
| SectionLocalAssum of types Univ.in_universe_context_set * polymorphic * bool (** Implicit status *)
type variable_declaration = DirPath.t * section_variable_entry * logical_kind
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ val declare_variable : variable -> variable_declaration -> object_name
(** Declaration of global constructions
i.e. Definition/Theorem/Axiom/Parameter/... *)
-type constant_declaration = constant_entry * logical_kind
+type constant_declaration = Safe_typing.private_constants constant_entry * logical_kind
(** [declare_constant id cd] declares a global declaration
(constant/parameter) with name [id] in the current section; it returns
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ type internal_flag =
(* Defaut definition entries, transparent with no secctx or proj information *)
val definition_entry : ?opaque:bool -> ?inline:bool -> ?types:types ->
- ?poly:polymorphic -> ?univs:Univ.universe_context -> ?eff:Declareops.side_effects ->
- constr -> definition_entry
+ ?poly:polymorphic -> ?univs:Univ.universe_context ->
+ ?eff:Safe_typing.private_constants -> constr -> Safe_typing.private_constants definition_entry
val declare_constant :
?internal:internal_flag -> ?local:bool -> Id.t -> ?export_seff:bool -> constant_declaration -> constant
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ val declare_definition :
?local:bool -> ?poly:polymorphic -> Id.t -> ?types:constr ->
constr Univ.in_universe_context_set -> constant
-(** Since transparent constant's side effects are globally declared, we
+(** Since transparent constants' side effects are globally declared, we
* need that *)
val set_declare_scheme :
(string -> (inductive * constant) array -> unit) -> unit
diff --git a/library/global.mli b/library/global.mli
index ac231f7fd..03469bea4 100644
--- a/library/global.mli
+++ b/library/global.mli
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ val set_engagement : Declarations.engagement -> unit
(** Variables, Local definitions, constants, inductive types *)
val push_named_assum : (Id.t * Constr.types * bool) Univ.in_universe_context_set -> unit
-val push_named_def : (Id.t * Entries.definition_entry) -> Univ.universe_context_set
+val push_named_def : (Id.t * Safe_typing.private_constants Entries.definition_entry) -> Univ.universe_context_set
val add_constant :
- DirPath.t -> Id.t -> Safe_typing.global_declaration -> constant
+ DirPath.t -> Id.t -> Safe_typing.global_declaration ->
+ constant * Safe_typing.exported_private_constant list
val add_mind :
DirPath.t -> Id.t -> Entries.mutual_inductive_entry -> mutual_inductive
diff --git a/library/heads.ml b/library/heads.ml
index 5c153b067..73d2aa053 100644
--- a/library/heads.ml
+++ b/library/heads.ml
@@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ let kind_of_head env t =
| None -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead)
| Const (cst,_) ->
(try on_subterm k l b (constant_head cst)
- with Not_found -> assert false)
+ with Not_found ->
+ Errors.anomaly
+ Pp.(str "constant not found in kind_of_head: " ++
+ str (Names.Constant.to_string cst)))
| Construct _ | CoFix _ ->
if b then NotImmediatelyComputableHead else ConstructorHead
| Sort _ | Ind _ | Prod _ -> RigidHead RigidType
diff --git a/library/libobject.ml b/library/libobject.ml
index 2ee57baf9..85c830ea2 100644
--- a/library/libobject.ml
+++ b/library/libobject.ml
@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ let declare_object_full odecl =
let declare_object odecl =
try fst (declare_object_full odecl)
with e -> Errors.fatal_error (Errors.print e) (Errors.is_anomaly e)
+let declare_object_full odecl =
+ try declare_object_full odecl
+ with e -> Errors.fatal_error (Errors.print e) (Errors.is_anomaly e)
let missing_tab = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, unit) Hashtbl.t)