path: root/library/universes.ml
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authorGravatar Matthieu Sozeau <mattam@mattam.org>2014-06-10 13:08:48 +0200
committerGravatar Matthieu Sozeau <mattam@mattam.org>2014-06-10 13:08:48 +0200
commitf02823d9f6de5a8e5706c8433b6e2445cb50222f (patch)
treea1abe9869258302bb165e7385334f5bc74a4d818 /library/universes.ml
parent80b589e91fe4c6e6e390132633557dc04b9c533a (diff)
Cleanup in Univ, moving code for UniverseConstraints outside the kernel in Universes.
Needed to exponse compare_head_gen(_leq) so that it could be reused in Universes. Remove unused functions from univ as well and refactor a little bit. Changed the syntax to Type@{} for explicit universe level specs, following the WG decision.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/universes.ml')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/universes.ml b/library/universes.ml
index 765d34f98..11ab849c5 100644
--- a/library/universes.ml
+++ b/library/universes.ml
@@ -15,6 +15,198 @@ open Environ
open Locus
open Univ
+type universe_constraint_type = ULe | UEq | ULub
+type universe_constraint = universe * universe_constraint_type * universe
+module Constraints = struct
+ module S = Set.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = universe_constraint
+ let compare_type c c' =
+ match c, c' with
+ | ULe, ULe -> 0
+ | ULe, _ -> -1
+ | _, ULe -> 1
+ | UEq, UEq -> 0
+ | UEq, _ -> -1
+ | ULub, ULub -> 0
+ | ULub, _ -> 1
+ let compare (u,c,v) (u',c',v') =
+ let i = compare_type c c' in
+ if Int.equal i 0 then
+ let i' = Universe.compare u u' in
+ if Int.equal i' 0 then Universe.compare v v'
+ else
+ if c != ULe && Universe.compare u v' = 0 && Universe.compare v u' = 0 then 0
+ else i'
+ else i
+ end)
+ include S
+ let add (l,d,r as cst) s =
+ if Universe.equal l r then s
+ else add cst s
+ let tr_dir = function
+ | ULe -> Le
+ | UEq -> Eq
+ | ULub -> Eq
+ let op_str = function ULe -> " <= " | UEq -> " = " | ULub -> " /\\ "
+ let pr c =
+ fold (fun (u1,op,u2) pp_std ->
+ pp_std ++ Universe.pr u1 ++ str (op_str op) ++
+ Universe.pr u2 ++ fnl ()) c (str "")
+ let equal x y =
+ x == y || equal x y
+type universe_constraints = Constraints.t
+type 'a universe_constrained = 'a * universe_constraints
+type 'a universe_constraint_function = 'a -> 'a -> universe_constraints -> universe_constraints
+let enforce_eq_instances_univs strict x y c =
+ let d = if strict then ULub else UEq in
+ let ax = Instance.to_array x and ay = Instance.to_array y in
+ if Array.length ax != Array.length ay then
+ Errors.anomaly (Pp.str "Invalid argument: enforce_eq_instances_univs called with" ++
+ Pp.str " instances of different lengths");
+ CArray.fold_right2
+ (fun x y -> Constraints.add (Universe.make x, d, Universe.make y))
+ ax ay c
+let subst_univs_universe_constraint fn (u,d,v) =
+ let u' = subst_univs_universe fn u and v' = subst_univs_universe fn v in
+ if Universe.equal u' v' then None
+ else Some (u',d,v')
+let subst_univs_universe_constraints subst csts =
+ Constraints.fold
+ (fun c -> Option.fold_right Constraints.add (subst_univs_universe_constraint subst c))
+ csts Constraints.empty
+let to_constraints g s =
+ let tr (x,d,y) acc =
+ let add l d l' acc = Constraint.add (l,Constraints.tr_dir d,l') acc in
+ match Universe.level x, d, Universe.level y with
+ | Some l, (ULe | UEq | ULub), Some l' -> add l d l' acc
+ | _, ULe, Some l' -> enforce_leq x y acc
+ | _, ULub, _ -> acc
+ | _, d, _ ->
+ let f = if d == ULe then check_leq else check_eq in
+ if f g x y then acc else
+ raise (Invalid_argument
+ "to_constraints: non-trivial algebraic constraint between universes")
+ in Constraints.fold tr s Constraint.empty
+let eq_constr_univs_infer univs m n =
+ if m == n then true, Constraints.empty
+ else
+ let cstrs = ref Constraints.empty in
+ let eq_universes strict = Univ.Instance.check_eq univs in
+ let eq_sorts s1 s2 =
+ if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then true
+ else
+ let u1 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s1 and u2 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s2 in
+ if Univ.check_eq univs u1 u2 then true
+ else
+ (cstrs := Constraints.add (u1, UEq, u2) !cstrs;
+ true)
+ in
+ let rec eq_constr' m n =
+ m == n || Constr.compare_head_gen eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n
+ in
+ let res = Constr.compare_head_gen eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n in
+ res, !cstrs
+let leq_constr_univs_infer univs m n =
+ if m == n then true, Constraints.empty
+ else
+ let cstrs = ref Constraints.empty in
+ let eq_universes strict l l' = Univ.Instance.check_eq univs l l' in
+ let eq_sorts s1 s2 =
+ if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then true
+ else
+ let u1 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s1 and u2 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s2 in
+ if Univ.check_eq univs u1 u2 then true
+ else (cstrs := Constraints.add (u1, UEq, u2) !cstrs;
+ true)
+ in
+ let leq_sorts s1 s2 =
+ if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then true
+ else
+ let u1 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s1 and u2 = Sorts.univ_of_sort s2 in
+ if Univ.check_leq univs u1 u2 then true
+ else
+ (cstrs := Constraints.add (u1, ULe, u2) !cstrs;
+ true)
+ in
+ let rec eq_constr' m n =
+ m == n || Constr.compare_head_gen eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n
+ in
+ let rec compare_leq m n =
+ Constr.compare_head_gen_leq eq_universes eq_sorts leq_sorts
+ eq_constr' leq_constr' m n
+ and leq_constr' m n = m == n || compare_leq m n in
+ let res = compare_leq m n in
+ res, !cstrs
+let eq_constr_universes m n =
+ if m == n then true, Constraints.empty
+ else
+ let cstrs = ref Constraints.empty in
+ let eq_universes strict l l' =
+ cstrs := enforce_eq_instances_univs strict l l' !cstrs; true in
+ let eq_sorts s1 s2 =
+ if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then true
+ else
+ (cstrs := Constraints.add
+ (Sorts.univ_of_sort s1, UEq, Sorts.univ_of_sort s2) !cstrs;
+ true)
+ in
+ let rec eq_constr' m n =
+ m == n || Constr.compare_head_gen eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n
+ in
+ let res = Constr.compare_head_gen eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n in
+ res, !cstrs
+let leq_constr_universes m n =
+ if m == n then true, Constraints.empty
+ else
+ let cstrs = ref Constraints.empty in
+ let eq_universes strict l l' =
+ cstrs := enforce_eq_instances_univs strict l l' !cstrs; true in
+ let eq_sorts s1 s2 =
+ if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then true
+ else (cstrs := Constraints.add
+ (Sorts.univ_of_sort s1,UEq,Sorts.univ_of_sort s2) !cstrs;
+ true)
+ in
+ let leq_sorts s1 s2 =
+ if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then true
+ else
+ (cstrs := Constraints.add
+ (Sorts.univ_of_sort s1,ULe,Sorts.univ_of_sort s2) !cstrs;
+ true)
+ in
+ let rec eq_constr' m n =
+ m == n || Constr.compare_head_gen eq_universes eq_sorts eq_constr' m n
+ in
+ let rec compare_leq m n =
+ Constr.compare_head_gen_leq eq_universes eq_sorts leq_sorts eq_constr' leq_constr' m n
+ and leq_constr' m n = m == n || compare_leq m n in
+ let res = compare_leq m n in
+ res, !cstrs
(* Generator of levels *)
let new_univ_level, set_remote_new_univ_level =
RemoteCounter.new_counter ~name:"Universes" 0 ~incr:((+) 1)