path: root/lib
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2018-06-15 13:54:26 +0200
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <Enrico.Tassi@inria.fr>2018-06-15 17:37:01 +0200
commitacc142fcee47cd8202dd1ad67e39fd569b09bbd7 (patch)
treea692900b2e76798618fd5ca04b44dc2c8131e980 /lib
parent31e13998542941040343cb81787a1d7c865d5b65 (diff)
[spawn] don't create a control socket on Unix (Fix #7713)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 29 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/lib/spawn.ml b/lib/spawn.ml
index 63e9e452c..0652623b7 100644
--- a/lib/spawn.ml
+++ b/lib/spawn.ml
@@ -15,14 +15,12 @@ let accept_timeout = 10.0
let pr_err s = Printf.eprintf "(Spawn ,%d) %s\n%!" (Unix.getpid ()) s
let prerr_endline s = if !Flags.debug then begin pr_err s end else ()
-type req = ReqDie | ReqStats | Hello of int * int
-type resp = RespStats of Gc.stat
+type req = ReqDie | Hello of int * int
module type Control = sig
type handle
val kill : handle -> unit
- val stats : handle -> Gc.stat
val wait : handle -> Unix.process_status
val unixpid : handle -> int
val uid : handle -> string
@@ -43,7 +41,6 @@ module type MainLoopModel = sig
(* Common code *)
-let assert_ b s = if not b then CErrors.anomaly (Pp.str s)
(* According to http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=5325
* you can't use the same socket for both writing and reading (may change
@@ -125,14 +122,26 @@ let filter_args args =
Array.of_list (aux (Array.to_list args))
let spawn_with_control prefer_sock env prog args =
- let control_sock, control_sock_name = mk_socket_channel () in
- let extra = [| "-control-channel"; control_sock_name |] in
- let args = Array.append extra (filter_args args) in
+ (* on non-Unix systems we create a control channel *)
+ let not_Unix = Sys.os_type <> "Unix" in
+ let args = filter_args args in
+ let args, control_sock =
+ if not_Unix then
+ let control_sock, control_sock_name = mk_socket_channel () in
+ let extra = [| "-control-channel"; control_sock_name |] in
+ Array.append extra args, Some control_sock
+ else
+ args, None in
let (pid, cin, cout, s), is_sock =
- if Sys.os_type <> "Unix" || prefer_sock
+ if not_Unix (* pipes only work well on Unix *) || prefer_sock
then spawn_sock env prog args, true
else spawn_pipe env prog args, false in
- let _, oob_resp, oob_req = accept control_sock in
+ let oob_resp, oob_req =
+ if not_Unix then
+ let _, oob_resp, oob_req = accept (Option.get control_sock) in
+ Some oob_resp, Some oob_req
+ else
+ None, None in
pid, oob_resp, oob_req, cin, cout, s, is_sock
let output_death_sentence pid oob_req =
@@ -146,8 +155,8 @@ module Async(ML : MainLoopModel) = struct
type process = {
cin : in_channel;
cout : out_channel;
- oob_resp : in_channel;
- oob_req : out_channel;
+ oob_resp : in_channel option;
+ oob_req : out_channel option;
gchan : ML.async_chan;
pid : int;
mutable watch : ML.watch_id option;
@@ -166,11 +175,11 @@ let kill ({ pid = unixpid; oob_resp; oob_req; cin; cout; alive; watch } as p) =
if not alive then prerr_endline "This process is already dead"
else begin try
Option.iter ML.remove_watch watch;
- output_death_sentence (uid p) oob_req;
+ Option.iter (output_death_sentence (uid p)) oob_req;
close_in_noerr cin;
close_out_noerr cout;
- close_in_noerr oob_resp;
- close_out_noerr oob_req;
+ Option.iter close_in_noerr oob_resp;
+ Option.iter close_out_noerr oob_req;
if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then Unix.kill unixpid 9;
p.watch <- None
with e -> prerr_endline ("kill: "^Printexc.to_string e) end
@@ -199,12 +208,6 @@ let spawn ?(prefer_sock=prefer_sock) ?(env=Unix.environment ())
p, cout
-let stats { oob_req; oob_resp; alive } =
- assert_ alive "This process is dead.";
- output_value oob_req ReqStats;
- flush oob_req;
- input_value oob_resp
let rec wait p =
(* On windows kill is not reliable, so wait may never return. *)
if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then
@@ -221,8 +224,8 @@ module Sync () = struct
type process = {
cin : in_channel;
cout : out_channel;
- oob_resp : in_channel;
- oob_req : out_channel;
+ oob_resp : in_channel option;
+ oob_req : out_channel option;
pid : int;
mutable alive : bool;
@@ -242,20 +245,14 @@ let kill ({ pid = unixpid; oob_req; oob_resp; cin; cout; alive } as p) =
p.alive <- false;
if not alive then prerr_endline "This process is already dead"
else begin try
- output_death_sentence (uid p) oob_req;
+ Option.iter (output_death_sentence (uid p)) oob_req;
close_in_noerr cin;
close_out_noerr cout;
- close_in_noerr oob_resp;
- close_out_noerr oob_req;
+ Option.iter close_in_noerr oob_resp;
+ Option.iter close_out_noerr oob_req;
if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then Unix.kill unixpid 9;
with e -> prerr_endline ("kill: "^Printexc.to_string e) end
-let stats { oob_req; oob_resp; alive } =
- assert_ alive "This process is dead.";
- output_value oob_req ReqStats;
- flush oob_req;
- let RespStats g = input_value oob_resp in g
let rec wait p =
(* On windows kill is not reliable, so wait may never return. *)
if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then
diff --git a/lib/spawn.mli b/lib/spawn.mli
index c7a56349c..944aa27a7 100644
--- a/lib/spawn.mli
+++ b/lib/spawn.mli
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ module type Control = sig
type handle
val kill : handle -> unit
- val stats : handle -> Gc.stat
val wait : handle -> Unix.process_status
val unixpid : handle -> int
@@ -76,6 +75,5 @@ end
(* This is exported to separate the Spawned module, that for simplicity assumes
* Threads so it is in a separate file *)
-type req = ReqDie | ReqStats | Hello of int * int
+type req = ReqDie | Hello of int * int
val proto_version : int
-type resp = RespStats of Gc.stat