path: root/lib
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authorGravatar ppedrot <ppedrot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-10-17 16:49:06 +0000
committerGravatar ppedrot <ppedrot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-10-17 16:49:06 +0000
commit86e05d71ca723e102f3b736f35257dbbe37d7f55 (patch)
tree9ca42d14e8ffd3f523aec78d06901c56f8b5a4a0 /lib
parent9834fe8ac933230607eb33c9cbbaa68a7b13f4fe (diff)
Using weak tables instead of plain hash tables while hashconsing.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@15899 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 166 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/lib/hashcons.mli b/lib/hashcons.mli
index 4246f5288..2f86174b2 100644
--- a/lib/hashcons.mli
+++ b/lib/hashcons.mli
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ module type HashconsedType =
[equal x (hashcons f x) = true]. *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** A comparison function. It is allowed to use physical equality
- on the sub-terms hashconsed by the [hashcons] function. *)
+ on the sub-terms hashconsed by the [hashcons] function, but it should be
+ insensible to shallow copy of the compared object. *)
val hash : t -> int
(** A hash function passed to the underlying hashtable structure. [hash]
should be compatible with [equal], i.e. if [equal x y = true] then
diff --git a/lib/hashset.ml b/lib/hashset.ml
index 7d2fd6f55..fd3d1a554 100644
--- a/lib/hashset.ml
+++ b/lib/hashset.ml
@@ -6,15 +6,13 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* The following module is a specialized version of [Hashtbl] that is
- a better space saver. Actually, [Hashcons] instanciates [Hashtbl.t]
- with [constr] used both as a key and as an image. Thus, in each
- cell of the internal bucketlist, there are two representations of
- the same value. In this implementation, there is only one.
+(** Adapted from Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt,
+ OCaml stdlib. *)
- Besides, the responsibility of computing the hash function is now
- given to the caller, which makes possible the interleaving of the
- hash key computation and the hash-consing. *)
+(** The following functor is a specialized version of [Weak.Make].
+ Here, the responsibility of computing the hash function is now
+ given to the caller, which makes possible the interleaving of the
+ hash key computation and the hash-consing. *)
module type EqType = sig
type t
@@ -25,76 +23,167 @@ module type S = sig
type elt
type t
val create : int -> t
+ val clear : t -> unit
val repr : int -> elt -> t -> elt
module Make (E : EqType) =
- type elt = E.t
- type bucketlist = Empty | Cons of elt * int * bucketlist
- type t = {
- mutable size : int;
- mutable data : bucketlist array; }
- let create s =
- let s = min (max 1 s) Sys.max_array_length in
- { size = 0; data = Array.make s Empty }
- let resize table =
- let odata = table.data in
- let osize = Array.length odata in
- let nsize = min (2 * osize + 1) Sys.max_array_length in
- if nsize <> osize then begin
- let ndata = Array.create nsize Empty in
- let rec insert_bucket = function
- | Empty -> ()
- | Cons (key, hash, rest) ->
- let nidx = hash mod nsize in
- let obucket = ndata.(nidx) in
- ndata.(nidx) <- Cons (key, hash, obucket);
- insert_bucket rest
- in
- for i = 0 to osize - 1 do insert_bucket odata.(i) done;
- table.data <- ndata
+ type elt = E.t
+ let emptybucket = Weak.create 0
+ type t = {
+ mutable table : elt Weak.t array;
+ mutable hashes : int array array;
+ mutable limit : int; (* bucket size limit *)
+ mutable oversize : int; (* number of oversize buckets *)
+ mutable rover : int; (* for internal bookkeeping *)
+ }
+ let get_index t h = (h land max_int) mod (Array.length t.table)
+ let limit = 7
+ let over_limit = 2
+ let create sz =
+ let sz = if sz < 7 then 7 else sz in
+ let sz = if sz > Sys.max_array_length then Sys.max_array_length else sz in
+ {
+ table = Array.create sz emptybucket;
+ hashes = Array.create sz [| |];
+ limit = limit;
+ oversize = 0;
+ rover = 0;
+ }
+ let clear t =
+ for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 do
+ t.table.(i) <- emptybucket;
+ t.hashes.(i) <- [| |];
+ done;
+ t.limit <- limit;
+ t.oversize <- 0
+ let iter_weak f t =
+ let rec iter_bucket i j b =
+ if i >= Weak.length b then () else
+ match Weak.check b i with
+ | true -> f b t.hashes.(j) i; iter_bucket (i+1) j b
+ | false -> iter_bucket (i+1) j b
+ in
+ Array.iteri (iter_bucket 0) t.table
+ let rec count_bucket i b accu =
+ if i >= Weak.length b then accu else
+ count_bucket (i+1) b (accu + (if Weak.check b i then 1 else 0))
+ let next_sz n = min (3 * n / 2 + 3) Sys.max_array_length
+ let prev_sz n = ((n - 3) * 2 + 2) / 3
+ let test_shrink_bucket t =
+ let bucket = t.table.(t.rover) in
+ let hbucket = t.hashes.(t.rover) in
+ let len = Weak.length bucket in
+ let prev_len = prev_sz len in
+ let live = count_bucket 0 bucket 0 in
+ if live <= prev_len then begin
+ let rec loop i j =
+ if j >= prev_len then begin
+ if Weak.check bucket i then loop (i + 1) j
+ else if Weak.check bucket j then begin
+ Weak.blit bucket j bucket i 1;
+ hbucket.(i) <- hbucket.(j);
+ loop (i + 1) (j - 1);
+ end else loop i (j - 1);
+ end;
+ in
+ loop 0 (Weak.length bucket - 1);
+ if prev_len = 0 then begin
+ t.table.(t.rover) <- emptybucket;
+ t.hashes.(t.rover) <- [| |];
+ end else begin
+ Obj.truncate (Obj.repr bucket) (prev_len + 1);
+ Obj.truncate (Obj.repr hbucket) prev_len;
+ end;
+ if len > t.limit && prev_len <= t.limit then t.oversize <- t.oversize - 1;
+ end;
+ t.rover <- (t.rover + 1) mod (Array.length t.table)
+ let rec resize t =
+ let oldlen = Array.length t.table in
+ let newlen = next_sz oldlen in
+ if newlen > oldlen then begin
+ let newt = create newlen in
+ let add_weak ob oh oi =
+ let setter nb ni _ = Weak.blit ob oi nb ni 1 in
+ let h = oh.(oi) in
+ add_aux newt setter None h (get_index newt h);
+ in
+ iter_weak add_weak t;
+ t.table <- newt.table;
+ t.hashes <- newt.hashes;
+ t.limit <- newt.limit;
+ t.oversize <- newt.oversize;
+ t.rover <- t.rover mod Array.length newt.table;
+ end else begin
+ t.limit <- max_int; (* maximum size already reached *)
+ t.oversize <- 0;
+ end
+ and add_aux t setter d h index =
+ let bucket = t.table.(index) in
+ let hashes = t.hashes.(index) in
+ let sz = Weak.length bucket in
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i >= sz then begin
+ let newsz = min (3 * sz / 2 + 3) (Sys.max_array_length - 1) in
+ if newsz <= sz then failwith "Weak.Make: hash bucket cannot grow more";
+ let newbucket = Weak.create newsz in
+ let newhashes = Array.make newsz 0 in
+ Weak.blit bucket 0 newbucket 0 sz;
+ Array.blit hashes 0 newhashes 0 sz;
+ setter newbucket sz d;
+ newhashes.(sz) <- h;
+ t.table.(index) <- newbucket;
+ t.hashes.(index) <- newhashes;
+ if sz <= t.limit && newsz > t.limit then begin
+ t.oversize <- t.oversize + 1;
+ for i = 0 to over_limit do test_shrink_bucket t done;
+ end;
+ if t.oversize > Array.length t.table / over_limit then resize t
+ end else if Weak.check bucket i then begin
+ loop (i + 1)
+ end else begin
+ setter bucket i d;
+ hashes.(i) <- h
+ in
+ loop 0
- let add hash key table =
- let odata = table.data in
- let osize = Array.length odata in
- let i = hash mod osize in
- odata.(i) <- Cons (key, hash, odata.(i));
- table.size <- table.size + 1;
- if table.size > osize lsl 1 then resize table
- let find_rec hash key table bucket =
- let rec aux = function
- | Empty ->
- add hash key table; key
- | Cons (k, h, rest) ->
- if hash == h && E.equal key k then k else aux rest
+ let find_or h t d ifnotfound =
+ let index = get_index t h in
+ let bucket = t.table.(index) in
+ let hashes = t.hashes.(index) in
+ let sz = Weak.length bucket in
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i >= sz then ifnotfound index
+ else if h = hashes.(i) then begin
+ match Weak.get_copy bucket i with
+ | Some v when E.equal v d ->
+ begin match Weak.get bucket i with
+ | Some v -> v
+ | None -> loop (i + 1)
+ end
+ | _ -> loop (i + 1)
+ end else loop (i + 1)
- aux bucket
- let repr hash key table =
- let odata = table.data in
- let osize = Array.length odata in
- let i = hash mod osize in
- match odata.(i) with
- | Empty -> add hash key table; key
- | Cons (k1, h1, rest1) ->
- if hash == h1 && E.equal key k1 then k1 else
- match rest1 with
- | Empty -> add hash key table; key
- | Cons (k2, h2, rest2) ->
- if hash == h2 && E.equal key k2 then k2 else
- match rest2 with
- | Empty -> add hash key table; key
- | Cons (k3, h3, rest3) ->
- if hash == h2 && E.equal key k3 then k3
- else find_rec hash key table rest3
+ loop 0
+ let repr h d t =
+ let ifnotfound index = add_aux t Weak.set (Some d) h index; d in
+ find_or h t d ifnotfound
diff --git a/lib/hashset.mli b/lib/hashset.mli
index 17831caf9..2041b2ec2 100644
--- a/lib/hashset.mli
+++ b/lib/hashset.mli
@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(** The following module is a specialized version of [Hashtbl] that is
- a better space saver. In each cell of the internal bucketlist of a
- hashtable, there are two representations of the same value. In this
- implementation, there is only one.
+(** Adapted from Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt,
+ OCaml stdlib. *)
- Besides, the responsibility of computing the hash function is now
+(** The following functor is a specialized version of [Weak.Make].
+ Here, the responsibility of computing the hash function is now
given to the caller, which makes possible the interleaving of the
hash key computation and the hash-consing. *)
@@ -27,6 +26,8 @@ module type S = sig
(** Type of hashsets. *)
val create : int -> t
(** [create n] creates a fresh hashset with initial size [n]. *)
+ val clear : t -> unit
+ (** Clear the contents of a hashset. *)
val repr : int -> elt -> t -> elt
(** [repr key constr set] uses [key] to look for [constr]
in the hashet [set]. If [constr] is in [set], returns the