path: root/lib
diff options
authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2018-03-09 09:43:14 +0100
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2018-03-09 09:43:14 +0100
commit2a0538da5e81e21ef05120bba5dd7e25dbf9e6fa (patch)
tree7d315b6c9165ebf2b9ba14b6e226b76d4875944e /lib
parent1a7415a18879fe086b6f93bc779e254a6dcaed40 (diff)
parentb16633a5dc044e5d95c73b4c912ec7232f9caf12 (diff)
Merge PR #6496: Generate typed generic code from ltac macros
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 10 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lib/genarg.ml b/lib/genarg.ml
index cf3a2bee7..209d1b271 100644
--- a/lib/genarg.ml
+++ b/lib/genarg.ml
@@ -174,19 +174,22 @@ sig
val default : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> ('raw, 'glb, 'top) obj option
+let get_arg_tag = function
+| ExtraArg s -> s
+| _ -> assert false
module Register (M : GenObj) =
module GenMap = ArgMap(struct type ('r, 'g, 't) t = ('r, 'g, 't) M.obj end)
let arg0_map = ref GenMap.empty
- let register0 arg f = match arg with
- | ExtraArg s ->
+ let register0 arg f =
+ let s = get_arg_tag arg in
if GenMap.mem s !arg0_map then
let msg = str M.name ++ str " function already registered: " ++ str (ArgT.repr s) ++ str "." in
CErrors.anomaly msg
arg0_map := GenMap.add s (GenMap.Pack f) !arg0_map
- | _ -> assert false
let get_obj0 name =
@@ -199,8 +202,6 @@ struct
(** For now, the following function is quite dummy and should only be applied
to an extra argument type, otherwise, it will badly fail. *)
- let obj t = match t with
- | ExtraArg s -> get_obj0 s
- | _ -> assert false
+ let obj t = get_obj0 @@ get_arg_tag t
diff --git a/lib/genarg.mli b/lib/genarg.mli
index d49cb334a..bb85f99e3 100644
--- a/lib/genarg.mli
+++ b/lib/genarg.mli
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ val unquote : ('a, 'co) abstract_argument_type -> argument_type
This is boilerplate code used here and there in the code of Coq. *)
+val get_arg_tag : ('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ('a, 'b, 'c) ArgT.tag
+(** Works only on base objects (ExtraArg), otherwise fails badly. *)
module type GenObj =
type ('raw, 'glb, 'top) obj