path: root/lib/pp.ml4
diff options
authorGravatar ppedrot <ppedrot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-09-10 16:40:23 +0000
committerGravatar ppedrot <ppedrot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-09-10 16:40:23 +0000
commit817f48c4f4a62c6ff509dff38b20139c6e0022a0 (patch)
tree8efa9f097e87165174bebb1cb08dfd5b286c2bf3 /lib/pp.ml4
parentdd5b261e20bd9a5b05e2194e83a98d1639764f41 (diff)
Moved Pp to CLib. In particular, Pp does not depend on CAMLP4/5
anymore. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@15792 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pp.ml4')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 456 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pp.ml4 b/lib/pp.ml4
deleted file mode 100644
index 472a8260a..000000000
--- a/lib/pp.ml4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Pp_control
-(* This should not be used outside of this file. Use
- Flags.print_emacs instead. This one is updated when reading
- command line options. This was the only way to make [Pp] depend on
- an option without creating a circularity: [Flags] -> [Util] ->
- [Pp] -> [Flags] *)
-let print_emacs = ref false
-let make_pp_emacs() = print_emacs:=true
-let make_pp_nonemacs() = print_emacs:=false
-(* The different kinds of blocks are:
- \begin{description}
- \item[hbox:] Horizontal block no line breaking;
- \item[vbox:] Vertical block each break leads to a new line;
- \item[hvbox:] Horizontal-vertical block: same as vbox, except if
- this block is small enough to fit on a single line
- \item[hovbox:] Horizontal or Vertical block: breaks lead to new line
- only when necessary to print the content of the block
- \item[tbox:] Tabulation block: go to tabulation marks and no line breaking
- (except if no mark yet on the reste of the line)
- \end{description}
- *)
-let comments = ref []
-let rec split_com comacc acc pos = function
- [] -> comments := List.rev acc; comacc
- | ((b,e),c as com)::coms ->
- (* Take all comments that terminates before pos, or begin exactly
- at pos (used to print comments attached after an expression) *)
- if e<=pos || pos=b then split_com (c::comacc) acc pos coms
- else split_com comacc (com::acc) pos coms
-type block_type =
- | Pp_hbox of int
- | Pp_vbox of int
- | Pp_hvbox of int
- | Pp_hovbox of int
- | Pp_tbox
-type 'a ppcmd_token =
- | Ppcmd_print of 'a
- | Ppcmd_box of block_type * ('a ppcmd_token Stream.t)
- | Ppcmd_print_break of int * int
- | Ppcmd_set_tab
- | Ppcmd_print_tbreak of int * int
- | Ppcmd_white_space of int
- | Ppcmd_force_newline
- | Ppcmd_print_if_broken
- | Ppcmd_open_box of block_type
- | Ppcmd_close_box
- | Ppcmd_close_tbox
- | Ppcmd_comment of int
-type 'a ppdir_token =
- | Ppdir_ppcmds of 'a ppcmd_token Stream.t
- | Ppdir_print_newline
- | Ppdir_print_flush
-type ppcmd = (int*string) ppcmd_token
-type std_ppcmds = ppcmd Stream.t
-type 'a ppdirs = 'a ppdir_token Stream.t
-(* Compute length of an UTF-8 encoded string
- Rem 1 : utf8_length <= String.length (equal if pure ascii)
- Rem 2 : if used for an iso8859_1 encoded string, the result is
- wrong in very rare cases. Such a wrong case corresponds to any
- sequence of a character in range 192..253 immediately followed by a
- character in range 128..191 (typical case in french is "déçu" which
- is counted 3 instead of 4); then no real harm to use always
- utf8_length even if using an iso8859_1 encoding *)
-let utf8_length s =
- let len = String.length s
- and cnt = ref 0
- and nc = ref 0
- and p = ref 0 in
- while !p < len do
- begin
- match s.[!p] with
- | '\000'..'\127' -> nc := 0 (* ascii char *)
- | '\128'..'\191' -> nc := 0 (* cannot start with a continuation byte *)
- | '\192'..'\223' -> nc := 1 (* expect 1 continuation byte *)
- | '\224'..'\239' -> nc := 2 (* expect 2 continuation bytes *)
- | '\240'..'\247' -> nc := 3 (* expect 3 continuation bytes *)
- | '\248'..'\251' -> nc := 4 (* expect 4 continuation bytes *)
- | '\252'..'\253' -> nc := 5 (* expect 5 continuation bytes *)
- | '\254'..'\255' -> nc := 0 (* invalid byte *)
- end ;
- incr p ;
- while !p < len && !nc > 0 do
- match s.[!p] with
- | '\128'..'\191' (* next continuation byte *) -> incr p ; decr nc
- | _ (* not a continuation byte *) -> nc := 0
- done ;
- incr cnt
- done ;
- !cnt
-(* formatting commands *)
-let str s = [< 'Ppcmd_print (utf8_length s,s) >]
-let stras (i,s) = [< 'Ppcmd_print (i,s) >]
-let brk (a,b) = [< 'Ppcmd_print_break (a,b) >]
-let tbrk (a,b) = [< 'Ppcmd_print_tbreak (a,b) >]
-let tab () = [< 'Ppcmd_set_tab >]
-let fnl () = [< 'Ppcmd_force_newline >]
-let pifb () = [< 'Ppcmd_print_if_broken >]
-let ws n = [< 'Ppcmd_white_space n >]
-let comment n = [< ' Ppcmd_comment n >]
-(* derived commands *)
-let mt () = [< >]
-let spc () = [< 'Ppcmd_print_break (1,0) >]
-let cut () = [< 'Ppcmd_print_break (0,0) >]
-let align () = [< 'Ppcmd_print_break (0,0) >]
-let int n = str (string_of_int n)
-let real r = str (string_of_float r)
-let bool b = str (string_of_bool b)
-let strbrk s =
- let rec aux p n =
- if n < String.length s then
- if s.[n] = ' ' then
- if p=n then [< spc (); aux (n+1) (n+1) >]
- else [< str (String.sub s p (n-p)); spc (); aux (n+1) (n+1) >]
- else aux p (n+1)
- else if p=n then [< >] else [< str (String.sub s p (n-p)) >]
- in aux 0 0
-let ismt s = try let _ = Stream.empty s in true with Stream.Failure -> false
-(* boxing commands *)
-let h n s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_hbox n,s) >]
-let v n s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_vbox n,s) >]
-let hv n s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_hvbox n,s) >]
-let hov n s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_hovbox n,s) >]
-let t s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_tbox,s) >]
-(* Opening and closing of boxes *)
-let hb n = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box(Pp_hbox n) >]
-let vb n = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box(Pp_vbox n) >]
-let hvb n = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box(Pp_hvbox n) >]
-let hovb n = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box(Pp_hovbox n) >]
-let tb () = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box Pp_tbox >]
-let close () = [< 'Ppcmd_close_box >]
-let tclose () = [< 'Ppcmd_close_tbox >]
-let (++) = Stream.iapp
-let rec eval_ppcmds l =
- let rec aux l =
- try
- let a = match Stream.next l with
- | Ppcmd_box (b,s) -> Ppcmd_box (b,eval_ppcmds s)
- | a -> a in
- let rest = aux l in
- a :: rest
- with Stream.Failure -> [] in
- Stream.of_list (aux l)
-(* In new syntax only double quote char is escaped by repeating it *)
-let rec escape_string s =
- let rec escape_at s i =
- if i<0 then s
- else if s.[i] == '"' then
- let s' = String.sub s 0 i^"\""^String.sub s i (String.length s - i) in
- escape_at s' (i-1)
- else escape_at s (i-1) in
- escape_at s (String.length s - 1)
-let qstring s = str ("\""^escape_string s^"\"")
-let qs = qstring
-let quote s = h 0 (str "\"" ++ s ++ str "\"")
-let rec xmlescape ppcmd =
- let rec escape what withwhat (len, str) =
- try
- let pos = String.index str what in
- let (tlen, tail) =
- escape what withwhat ((len - pos - 1),
- (String.sub str (pos + 1) (len - pos - 1)))
- in
- (pos + tlen + String.length withwhat, String.sub str 0 pos ^ withwhat ^ tail)
- with Not_found -> (len, str)
- in
- match ppcmd with
- | Ppcmd_print (len, str) ->
- Ppcmd_print (escape '"' "&quot;"
- (escape '<' "&lt;" (escape '&' "&amp;" (len, str))))
- (* In XML we always print whole content so we can npeek the whole stream *)
- | Ppcmd_box (x, str) -> Ppcmd_box (x, Stream.of_list
- (List.map xmlescape (Stream.npeek max_int str)))
- | x -> x
-(* This flag tells if the last printed comment ends with a newline, to
- avoid empty lines *)
-let com_eol = ref false
-let com_brk ft = com_eol := false
-let com_if ft f =
- if !com_eol then (com_eol := false; Format.pp_force_newline ft ())
- else Lazy.force f
-let rec pr_com ft s =
- let (s1,os) =
- try
- let n = String.index s '\n' in
- String.sub s 0 n, Some (String.sub s (n+1) (String.length s - n - 1))
- with Not_found -> s,None in
- com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_val());
-(* let s1 =
- if String.length s1 <> 0 && s1.[0] = ' ' then
- (Format.pp_print_space ft (); String.sub s1 1 (String.length s1 - 1))
- else s1 in*)
- Format.pp_print_as ft (utf8_length s1) s1;
- match os with
- Some s2 ->
- if String.length s2 = 0 then (com_eol := true)
- else
- (Format.pp_force_newline ft (); pr_com ft s2)
- | None -> ()
-(* pretty printing functions *)
-let pp_dirs ft =
- let pp_open_box = function
- | Pp_hbox n -> Format.pp_open_hbox ft ()
- | Pp_vbox n -> Format.pp_open_vbox ft n
- | Pp_hvbox n -> Format.pp_open_hvbox ft n
- | Pp_hovbox n -> Format.pp_open_hovbox ft n
- | Pp_tbox -> Format.pp_open_tbox ft ()
- in
- let rec pp_cmd = function
- | Ppcmd_print(n,s) ->
- com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_val()); Format.pp_print_as ft n s
- | Ppcmd_box(bty,ss) -> (* Prevent evaluation of the stream! *)
- com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_val());
- pp_open_box bty ;
- if not (Format.over_max_boxes ()) then Stream.iter pp_cmd ss;
- Format.pp_close_box ft ()
- | Ppcmd_open_box bty -> com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_val()); pp_open_box bty
- | Ppcmd_close_box -> Format.pp_close_box ft ()
- | Ppcmd_close_tbox -> Format.pp_close_tbox ft ()
- | Ppcmd_white_space n ->
- com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_fun (fun()->Format.pp_print_break ft n 0))
- | Ppcmd_print_break(m,n) ->
- com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_fun(fun()->Format.pp_print_break ft m n))
- | Ppcmd_set_tab -> Format.pp_set_tab ft ()
- | Ppcmd_print_tbreak(m,n) ->
- com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_fun(fun()->Format.pp_print_tbreak ft m n))
- | Ppcmd_force_newline ->
- com_brk ft; Format.pp_force_newline ft ()
- | Ppcmd_print_if_broken ->
- com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_fun(fun()->Format.pp_print_if_newline ft ()))
- | Ppcmd_comment i ->
- let coms = split_com [] [] i !comments in
-(* Format.pp_open_hvbox ft 0;*)
- List.iter (pr_com ft) coms(*;
- Format.pp_close_box ft ()*)
- in
- let pp_dir = function
- | Ppdir_ppcmds cmdstream -> Stream.iter pp_cmd cmdstream
- | Ppdir_print_newline ->
- com_brk ft; Format.pp_print_newline ft ()
- | Ppdir_print_flush -> Format.pp_print_flush ft ()
- in
- fun dirstream ->
- try
- Stream.iter pp_dir dirstream; com_brk ft
- with
- | e -> Format.pp_print_flush ft () ; raise e
-(* pretty print on stdout and stderr *)
-(* Special chars for emacs, to detect warnings inside goal output *)
-let emacs_quote_start = String.make 1 (Char.chr 254)
-let emacs_quote_end = String.make 1 (Char.chr 255)
-let emacs_quote strm =
- if !print_emacs then
- [< str emacs_quote_start; hov 0 strm; str emacs_quote_end >]
- else hov 0 strm
-(* pretty printing functions WITHOUT FLUSH *)
-let pp_with ft strm =
- pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds strm >]
-let ppnl_with ft strm =
- pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds [< strm ; 'Ppcmd_force_newline >] >]
-let pp_flush_with ft = Format.pp_print_flush ft
-(* pretty printing functions WITH FLUSH *)
-let msg_with ft strm =
- pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds strm ; 'Ppdir_print_flush >]
-let msgnl_with ft strm =
- pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds strm ; 'Ppdir_print_newline >]
-(* pretty printing functions WITHOUT FLUSH *)
-let pp x = pp_with !std_ft x
-let ppnl x = ppnl_with !std_ft x
-let pperr x = pp_with !err_ft x
-let pperrnl x = ppnl_with !err_ft x
-let message s = ppnl (str s)
-let pp_flush x = Format.pp_print_flush !std_ft x
-let pperr_flush x = Format.pp_print_flush !err_ft x
-let flush_all () =
- flush stderr; flush stdout; pp_flush (); pperr_flush ()
-(* pretty printing functions WITH FLUSH *)
-let msg x = msg_with !std_ft x
-let msgnl x = msgnl_with !std_ft x
-let msgerr x = msg_with !err_ft x
-let msgerrnl x = msgnl_with !err_ft x
-(* Logging management *)
-type level = Interface.message_level =
-| Debug of string
-| Info
-| Notice
-| Warning
-| Error
-type logger = level -> std_ppcmds -> unit
-let print_color s x =
- if Flags.is_term_color () then
- (str ("\027[" ^ s ^ "m")) ++ x ++ (str "\027[0m")
- else x
-let make_body color info s =
- emacs_quote (print_color color (print_color "1" (hov 0 (info ++ spc () ++ s))))
-let debugbody strm = print_color "36" (hov 0 (str "Debug:" ++ spc () ++ strm)) (* cyan *)
-let warnbody strm = make_body "93" (str "Warning:") strm (* bright yellow *)
-let errorbody strm = make_body "31" (str "Error:") strm (* bright red *)
-let std_logger level msg = match level with
-| Debug _ -> msgnl (debugbody msg) (* cyan *)
-| Info -> msgnl (print_color "37" (hov 0 msg)) (* gray *)
-| Notice -> msgnl msg
-| Warning -> msgnl_with !err_ft (warnbody msg) (* bright yellow *)
-| Error -> msgnl_with !err_ft (errorbody msg) (* bright red *)
-let logger = ref std_logger
-let msg_info x = !logger Info x
-let msg_notice x = !logger Notice x
-let msg_warning x = !logger Warning x
-let msg_error x = !logger Error x
-let msg_debug x = !logger (Debug "_") x
-let set_logger l = logger := l
-(** Utility *)
-let string_of_ppcmds c =
- msg_with Format.str_formatter c;
- Format.flush_str_formatter ()
-(* Copy paste from Util *)
-let pr_comma () = str "," ++ spc ()
-let pr_semicolon () = str ";" ++ spc ()
-let pr_bar () = str "|" ++ spc ()
-let pr_arg pr x = spc () ++ pr x
-let pr_opt pr = function None -> mt () | Some x -> pr_arg pr x
-let pr_opt_no_spc pr = function None -> mt () | Some x -> pr x
-let pr_nth n =
- int n ++ str (match n mod 10 with 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" | 3 -> "rd" | _ -> "th")
-(* [prlist pr [a ; ... ; c]] outputs [pr a ++ ... ++ pr c] *)
-let rec prlist elem l = match l with
- | [] -> mt ()
- | h::t -> Stream.lapp (fun () -> elem h) (prlist elem t)
-(* unlike all other functions below, [prlist] works lazily.
- if a strict behavior is needed, use [prlist_strict] instead.
- evaluation is done from left to right. *)
-let prlist_sep_lastsep no_empty sep lastsep elem =
- let rec start = function
- |[] -> mt ()
- |[e] -> elem e
- |h::t -> let e = elem h in
- if no_empty && e = mt () then start t else
- let rec aux = function
- |[] -> mt ()
- |h::t ->
- let e = elem h and r = aux t in
- if no_empty && e = mt () then r else
- if r = mt ()
- then let s = lastsep () in s ++ e
- else let s = sep () in s ++ e ++ r
- in let r = aux t in e ++ r
- in start
-let prlist_strict pr l = prlist_sep_lastsep true mt mt pr l
-(* [prlist_with_sep sep pr [a ; ... ; c]] outputs
- [pr a ++ sep() ++ ... ++ sep() ++ pr c] *)
-let prlist_with_sep sep pr l = prlist_sep_lastsep false sep sep pr l
-(* Print sequence of objects separated by space (unless an element is empty) *)
-let pr_sequence pr l = prlist_sep_lastsep true spc spc pr l
-(* [pr_enum pr [a ; b ; ... ; c]] outputs
- [pr a ++ str "," ++ pr b ++ str "," ++ ... ++ str "and" ++ pr c] *)
-let pr_enum pr l = prlist_sep_lastsep true pr_comma (fun () -> str " and" ++ spc ()) pr l
-let pr_vertical_list pr = function
- | [] -> str "none" ++ fnl ()
- | l -> fnl () ++ str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl pr l) ++ fnl ()
-(* [prvecti_with_sep sep pr [|a0 ; ... ; an|]] outputs
- [pr 0 a0 ++ sep() ++ ... ++ sep() ++ pr n an] *)
-let prvecti_with_sep sep elem v =
- let rec pr i =
- if i = 0 then
- elem 0 v.(0)
- else
- let r = pr (i-1) and s = sep () and e = elem i v.(i) in
- r ++ s ++ e
- in
- let n = Array.length v in
- if n = 0 then mt () else pr (n - 1)
-(* [prvecti pr [|a0 ; ... ; an|]] outputs [pr 0 a0 ++ ... ++ pr n an] *)
-let prvecti elem v = prvecti_with_sep mt elem v
-(* [prvect_with_sep sep pr [|a ; ... ; c|]] outputs
- [pr a ++ sep() ++ ... ++ sep() ++ pr c] *)
-let prvect_with_sep sep elem v = prvecti_with_sep sep (fun _ -> elem) v
-(* [prvect pr [|a ; ... ; c|]] outputs [pr a ++ ... ++ pr c] *)
-let prvect elem v = prvect_with_sep mt elem v
-let surround p = hov 1 (str"(" ++ p ++ str")")