path: root/lib/feedback.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2016-02-11 02:13:30 +0100
committerGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2016-05-31 09:38:57 +0200
commit91ee24b4a7843793a84950379277d92992ba1651 (patch)
treef176a54110e5f394acee26351c079a395dbf6a10 /lib/feedback.ml
parentb994e3195d296e9d12c058127ced381976c3a49e (diff)
Feedback cleanup
This patch splits pretty printing representation from IO operations. - `Pp` is kept in charge of the abstract pretty printing representation. - The `Feedback` module provides interface for doing printing IO. The patch continues work initiated for 8.5 and has the following effects: - The following functions in `Pp`: `pp`, `ppnl`, `pperr`, `pperrnl`, `pperr_flush`, `pp_flush`, `flush_all`, `msg`, `msgnl`, `msgerr`, `msgerrnl`, `message` are removed. `Feedback.msg_*` functions must be used instead. - Feedback provides different backends to handle output, currently, `stdout`, `emacs` and CoqIDE backends are provided. - Clients cannot specify flush policy anymore, thus `pp_flush` et al are gone. - `Feedback.feedback` takes an `edit_or_state_id` instead of the old mix. Lightly tested: Test-suite passes, Proof General and CoqIDE seem to work.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/feedback.ml')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/feedback.ml b/lib/feedback.ml
index 1a90685de..dce4372ec 100644
--- a/lib/feedback.ml
+++ b/lib/feedback.ml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
open Xml_datatype
open Serialize
-type message_level =
+type level =
| Debug of string
| Info
| Notice
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type message_level =
| Error
type message = {
- message_level : message_level;
+ message_level : level;
message_content : xml;
@@ -169,3 +169,129 @@ let is_feedback = function
| _ -> false
let default_route = 0
+(** Feedback and logging *)
+open Pp
+open Pp_control
+type logger = level -> std_ppcmds -> unit
+let msgnl_with fmt strm = msg_with fmt (strm ++ fnl ())
+let msgnl strm = msgnl_with !std_ft strm
+(* XXX: This is really painful! *)
+module Emacs = struct
+ (* Special chars for emacs, to detect warnings inside goal output *)
+ let emacs_quote_start = String.make 1 (Char.chr 254)
+ let emacs_quote_end = String.make 1 (Char.chr 255)
+ let emacs_quote_err g =
+ hov 0 (str emacs_quote_start ++ g ++ str emacs_quote_end)
+ let emacs_quote_info_start = "<infomsg>"
+ let emacs_quote_info_end = "</infomsg>"
+ let emacs_quote_info g =
+ hov 0 (str emacs_quote_info_start++ brk(0,0) ++ g ++ brk(0,0) ++ str emacs_quote_info_end)
+open Emacs
+let dbg_str = str "Debug:" ++ spc ()
+let info_str = mt ()
+let warn_str = str "Warning:" ++ spc ()
+let err_str = str "Error:" ++ spc ()
+let make_body quoter info s = quoter (hov 0 (info ++ s))
+(* Generic logger *)
+let gen_logger dbg err level msg = match level with
+ | Debug _ -> msgnl (make_body dbg dbg_str msg)
+ | Info -> msgnl (make_body dbg info_str msg)
+ | Notice -> msgnl msg
+ | Warning -> Flags.if_warn (fun () ->
+ msgnl_with !err_ft (make_body err warn_str msg)) ()
+ | Error -> msgnl_with !err_ft (make_body err err_str msg)
+(** Standard loggers *)
+let std_logger = gen_logger (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x)
+(* Color logger *)
+let color_terminal_logger level strm =
+ let msg = Ppstyle.color_msg in
+ match level with
+ | Debug _ -> msg ~header:("Debug", Ppstyle.debug_tag) !std_ft strm
+ | Info -> msg !std_ft strm
+ | Notice -> msg !std_ft strm
+ | Warning ->
+ let header = ("Warning", Ppstyle.warning_tag) in
+ Flags.if_warn (fun () -> msg ~header !err_ft strm) ()
+ | Error -> msg ~header:("Error", Ppstyle.error_tag) !err_ft strm
+(* Rules for emacs:
+ - Debug/info: emacs_quote_info
+ - Warning/Error: emacs_quote_err
+ - Notice: unquoted
+ *)
+let emacs_logger = gen_logger emacs_quote_info emacs_quote_err
+let logger = ref std_logger
+let set_logger l = logger := l
+let msg_info x = !logger Info x
+let msg_notice x = !logger Notice x
+let msg_warning x = !logger Warning x
+let msg_error x = !logger Error x
+let msg_debug x = !logger (Debug "_") x
+(** Feeders *)
+let feeder = ref ignore
+let set_feeder f = feeder := f
+let feedback_id = ref (Edit 0)
+let feedback_route = ref default_route
+let set_id_for_feedback ?(route=default_route) i =
+ feedback_id := i; feedback_route := route
+let feedback ?id ?route what =
+ !feeder {
+ contents = what;
+ route = Option.default !feedback_route route;
+ id = Option.default !feedback_id id;
+ }
+let feedback_logger lvl msg =
+ feedback ~route:!feedback_route ~id:!feedback_id (
+ Message {
+ message_level = lvl;
+ message_content = Richpp.of_richpp (Richpp.richpp_of_pp msg);
+ })
+(* Output to file *)
+let ft_logger old_logger ft level mesg =
+ let id x = x in
+ match level with
+ | Debug _ -> msgnl_with ft (make_body id dbg_str mesg)
+ | Info -> msgnl_with ft (make_body id info_str mesg)
+ | Notice -> msgnl_with ft mesg
+ | Warning -> old_logger level mesg
+ | Error -> old_logger level mesg
+let with_output_to_file fname func input =
+ let old_logger = !logger in
+ let channel = open_out (String.concat "." [fname; "out"]) in
+ logger := ft_logger old_logger (Format.formatter_of_out_channel channel);
+ try
+ let output = func input in
+ logger := old_logger;
+ close_out channel;
+ output
+ with reraise ->
+ let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in
+ logger := old_logger;
+ close_out channel;
+ Exninfo.iraise reraise