path: root/kernel
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authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2017-09-15 09:43:21 +0200
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2017-09-15 09:43:21 +0200
commitf7be3ebfee41f178b06e7a606ea783a08bfbb0d1 (patch)
tree2b5894dc9bb6513adf12bbe45934300d4545928c /kernel
parent22faf0ba8ca626903ee0f0988953e91252eeab74 (diff)
parent420c919854f50b9f9d47ba8299dc27f0df051d30 (diff)
Merge PR #955: Do not hashcons universes beforehand
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/univ.ml b/kernel/univ.ml
index d915fb8c9..bae782f5d 100644
--- a/kernel/univ.ml
+++ b/kernel/univ.ml
@@ -31,133 +31,6 @@ open Util
union-find algorithm. The assertions $<$ and $\le$ are represented by
adjacency lists *)
-module type Hashconsed =
- type t
- val hash : t -> int
- val eq : t -> t -> bool
- val hcons : t -> t
-module HashedList (M : Hashconsed) :
- type t = private Nil | Cons of M.t * int * t
- val nil : t
- val cons : M.t -> t -> t
-end =
- type t = Nil | Cons of M.t * int * t
- module Self =
- struct
- type _t = t
- type t = _t
- type u = (M.t -> M.t)
- let hash = function Nil -> 0 | Cons (_, h, _) -> h
- let eq l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
- | Nil, Nil -> true
- | Cons (x1, _, l1), Cons (x2, _, l2) -> x1 == x2 && l1 == l2
- | _ -> false
- let hashcons hc = function
- | Nil -> Nil
- | Cons (x, h, l) -> Cons (hc x, h, l)
- end
- module Hcons = Hashcons.Make(Self)
- let hcons = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hcons.generate Hcons.hcons M.hcons
- (** No recursive call: the interface guarantees that all HLists from this
- program are already hashconsed. If we get some external HList, we can
- still reconstruct it by traversing it entirely. *)
- let nil = Nil
- let cons x l =
- let h = M.hash x in
- let hl = match l with Nil -> 0 | Cons (_, h, _) -> h in
- let h = Hashset.Combine.combine h hl in
- hcons (Cons (x, h, l))
-module HList = struct
- module type S = sig
- type elt
- type t = private Nil | Cons of elt * int * t
- val hash : t -> int
- val nil : t
- val cons : elt -> t -> t
- val tip : elt -> t
- val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
- val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
- val smartmap : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
- val exists : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
- val for_all : (elt -> bool) -> t -> bool
- val for_all2 : (elt -> elt -> bool) -> t -> t -> bool
- val mem : elt -> t -> bool
- val remove : elt -> t -> t
- val to_list : t -> elt list
- val compare : (elt -> elt -> int) -> t -> t -> int
- end
- module Make (H : Hashconsed) : S with type elt = H.t =
- struct
- type elt = H.t
- include HashedList(H)
- let hash = function Nil -> 0 | Cons (_, h, _) -> h
- let tip e = cons e nil
- let rec fold f l accu = match l with
- | Nil -> accu
- | Cons (x, _, l) -> fold f l (f x accu)
- let rec map f = function
- | Nil -> nil
- | Cons (x, _, l) -> cons (f x) (map f l)
- let smartmap = map
- (** Apriori hashconsing ensures that the map is equal to its argument *)
- let rec exists f = function
- | Nil -> false
- | Cons (x, _, l) -> f x || exists f l
- let rec for_all f = function
- | Nil -> true
- | Cons (x, _, l) -> f x && for_all f l
- let rec for_all2 f l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
- | Nil, Nil -> true
- | Cons (x1, _, l1), Cons (x2, _, l2) -> f x1 x2 && for_all2 f l1 l2
- | _ -> false
- let rec to_list = function
- | Nil -> []
- | Cons (x, _, l) -> x :: to_list l
- let rec remove x = function
- | Nil -> nil
- | Cons (y, _, l) ->
- if H.eq x y then l
- else cons y (remove x l)
- let rec mem x = function
- | Nil -> false
- | Cons (y, _, l) -> H.eq x y || mem x l
- let rec compare cmp l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
- | Nil, Nil -> 0
- | Cons (x1, h1, l1), Cons (x2, h2, l2) ->
- let c = Int.compare h1 h2 in
- if c == 0 then
- let c = cmp x1 x2 in
- if c == 0 then
- compare cmp l1 l2
- else c
- else c
- | Cons _, Nil -> 1
- | Nil, Cons _ -> -1
- end
module RawLevel =
open Names
@@ -390,12 +263,11 @@ struct
module Expr =
type t = Level.t * int
- type _t = t
(* Hashing of expressions *)
module ExprHash =
- type t = _t
+ type t = Level.t * int
type u = Level.t -> Level.t
let hashcons hdir (b,n as x) =
let b' = hdir b in
@@ -409,25 +281,12 @@ struct
- module HExpr =
- struct
- module H = Hashcons.Make(ExprHash)
- type t = ExprHash.t
- let hcons =
- Hashcons.simple_hcons H.generate H.hcons Level.hcons
- let hash = ExprHash.hash
- let eq x y = x == y ||
- (let (u,n) = x and (v,n') = y in
- Int.equal n n' && Level.equal u v)
- end
+ module H = Hashcons.Make(ExprHash)
- let hcons = HExpr.hcons
+ let hcons =
+ Hashcons.simple_hcons H.generate H.hcons Level.hcons
- let make l = hcons (l, 0)
+ let make l = (l, 0)
let compare u v =
if u == v then 0
@@ -436,8 +295,8 @@ struct
if Int.equal n n' then Level.compare x x'
else n - n'
- let prop = make Level.prop
- let set = make Level.set
+ let prop = hcons (Level.prop, 0)
+ let set = hcons (Level.set, 0)
let type1 = hcons (Level.set, 1)
let is_small = function
@@ -448,6 +307,8 @@ struct
(let (u,n) = x and (v,n') = y in
Int.equal n n' && Level.equal u v)
+ let hash = ExprHash.hash
let leq (u,n) (v,n') =
let cmp = Level.compare u v in
if Int.equal cmp 0 then n <= n'
@@ -457,13 +318,13 @@ struct
let successor (u,n) =
if Level.is_prop u then type1
- else hcons (u, n + 1)
+ else (u, n + 1)
let addn k (u,n as x) =
if k = 0 then x
else if Level.is_prop u then
- hcons (Level.set,n+k)
- else hcons (u,n+k)
+ (Level.set,n+k)
+ else (u,n+k)
type super_result =
SuperSame of bool
@@ -515,71 +376,63 @@ struct
let v' = f v in
if v' == v then x
else if Level.is_prop v' && n != 0 then
- hcons (Level.set, n)
- else hcons (v', n)
+ (Level.set, n)
+ else (v', n)
- let compare_expr = Expr.compare
- module Huniv = HList.Make(Expr.HExpr)
- type t = Huniv.t
- open Huniv
- let equal x y = x == y ||
- (Huniv.hash x == Huniv.hash y &&
- Huniv.for_all2 Expr.equal x y)
+ type t = Expr.t list
- let hash = Huniv.hash
+ let tip l = [l]
+ let cons x l = x :: l
- let compare x y =
- if x == y then 0
- else
- let hx = Huniv.hash x and hy = Huniv.hash y in
- let c = Int.compare hx hy in
- if c == 0 then
- Huniv.compare (fun e1 e2 -> compare_expr e1 e2) x y
- else c
+ let rec hash = function
+ | [] -> 0
+ | e :: l -> Hashset.Combine.combinesmall (Expr.ExprHash.hash e) (hash l)
+ let equal x y = x == y || List.equal Expr.equal x y
+ let compare x y = if x == y then 0 else List.compare Expr.compare x y
+ module Huniv = Hashcons.Hlist(Expr)
- let rec hcons = function
- | Nil -> Huniv.nil
- | Cons (x, _, l) -> Huniv.cons x (hcons l)
+ let hcons = Hashcons.recursive_hcons Huniv.generate Huniv.hcons Expr.hcons
- let make l = Huniv.tip (Expr.make l)
- let tip x = Huniv.tip x
+ let make l = tip (Expr.make l)
+ let tip x = tip x
let pr l = match l with
- | Cons (u, _, Nil) -> Expr.pr u
+ | [u] -> Expr.pr u
| _ ->
str "max(" ++ hov 0
- (prlist_with_sep pr_comma Expr.pr (to_list l)) ++
+ (prlist_with_sep pr_comma Expr.pr l) ++
str ")"
let pr_with f l = match l with
- | Cons (u, _, Nil) -> Expr.pr_with f u
+ | [u] -> Expr.pr_with f u
| _ ->
str "max(" ++ hov 0
- (prlist_with_sep pr_comma (Expr.pr_with f) (to_list l)) ++
+ (prlist_with_sep pr_comma (Expr.pr_with f) l) ++
str ")"
let is_level l = match l with
- | Cons (l, _, Nil) -> Expr.is_level l
+ | [l] -> Expr.is_level l
| _ -> false
let rec is_levels l = match l with
- | Cons (l, _, r) -> Expr.is_level l && is_levels r
- | Nil -> true
+ | l :: r -> Expr.is_level l && is_levels r
+ | [] -> true
let level l = match l with
- | Cons (l, _, Nil) -> Expr.level l
+ | [l] -> Expr.level l
| _ -> None
let levels l =
- fold (fun x acc -> LSet.add (Expr.get_level x) acc) l LSet.empty
+ List.fold_left (fun acc x -> LSet.add (Expr.get_level x) acc) LSet.empty l
let is_small u =
match u with
- | Cons (l, _, Nil) -> Expr.is_small l
+ | [l] -> Expr.is_small l
| _ -> false
(* The lower predicative level of the hierarchy that contains (impredicative)
@@ -601,16 +454,16 @@ struct
let super l =
if is_small l then type1
- Huniv.map (fun x -> Expr.successor x) l
+ List.smartmap (fun x -> Expr.successor x) l
let addn n l =
- Huniv.map (fun x -> Expr.addn n x) l
+ List.smartmap (fun x -> Expr.addn n x) l
let rec merge_univs l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
- | Nil, _ -> l2
- | _, Nil -> l1
- | Cons (h1, _, t1), Cons (h2, _, t2) ->
+ | [], _ -> l2
+ | _, [] -> l1
+ | h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 ->
let open Expr in
(match super h1 h2 with
| SuperSame true (* h1 < h2 *) -> merge_univs t1 l2
@@ -623,7 +476,7 @@ struct
let sort u =
let rec aux a l =
match l with
- | Cons (b, _, l') ->
+ | b :: l' ->
let open Expr in
(match super a b with
| SuperSame false -> aux a l'
@@ -631,21 +484,21 @@ struct
| SuperDiff c ->
if c <= 0 then cons a l
else cons b (aux a l'))
- | Nil -> cons a l
+ | [] -> cons a l
- fold (fun a acc -> aux a acc) u nil
+ List.fold_right (fun a acc -> aux a acc) u []
(* Returns the formal universe that is greater than the universes u and v.
Used to type the products. *)
let sup x y = merge_univs x y
- let empty = nil
+ let empty = []
- let exists = Huniv.exists
+ let exists = List.exists
- let for_all = Huniv.for_all
+ let for_all = List.for_all
- let smartmap = Huniv.smartmap
+ let smartmap = List.smartmap
@@ -818,12 +671,11 @@ let check_univ_leq u v =
Universe.for_all (fun u -> check_univ_leq_one u v) u
let enforce_leq u v c =
- let open Universe.Huniv in
let rec aux acc v =
match v with
- | Cons (v, _, l) ->
- aux (fold (fun u -> constraint_add_leq u v) u c) l
- | Nil -> acc
+ | v :: l ->
+ aux (List.fold_right (fun u -> constraint_add_leq u v) u c) l
+ | [] -> acc
in aux c v
let enforce_leq u v c =
@@ -842,12 +694,13 @@ let enforce_univ_constraint (u,d,v) =
(* Miscellaneous functions to remove or test local univ assumed to
occur in a universe *)
-let univ_level_mem u v = Huniv.mem (Expr.make u) v
+let univ_level_mem u v =
+ List.exists (fun (l, n) -> Int.equal n 0 && Level.equal u l) v
let univ_level_rem u v min =
match Universe.level v with
| Some u' -> if Level.equal u u' then min else v
- | None -> Huniv.remove (Universe.Expr.make u) v
+ | None -> List.filter (fun (l, n) -> not (Int.equal n 0 && Level.equal u l)) v
(* Is u mentionned in v (or equals to v) ? *)
@@ -1260,7 +1113,7 @@ let subst_univs_expr_opt fn (l,n) =
let subst_univs_universe fn ul =
let subst, nosubst =
- Universe.Huniv.fold (fun u (subst,nosubst) ->
+ List.fold_right (fun u (subst,nosubst) ->
try let a' = subst_univs_expr_opt fn u in
(a' :: subst, nosubst)
with Not_found -> (subst, u :: nosubst))
@@ -1271,7 +1124,7 @@ let subst_univs_universe fn ul =
let substs =
List.fold_left Universe.merge_univs Universe.empty subst
- List.fold_left (fun acc u -> Universe.merge_univs acc (Universe.Huniv.tip u))
+ List.fold_left (fun acc u -> Universe.merge_univs acc (Universe.tip u))
substs nosubst
let subst_univs_level fn l =