path: root/kernel
diff options
authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2018-05-27 17:58:50 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2018-05-27 18:06:18 +0200
commitcdae19b9eeb82f979c38de0047cdb4c5c2466e0c (patch)
treecd21d86db089453552166cb41061dbb47c041568 /kernel
parentb2f746e41abf53fc481f90804ba4d70edd73fc86 (diff)
Simplify the code that handles trust of side-effects in kernel typing.
For some reason the code was returning int option when only the value of the integer was relevant.
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/term_typing.ml b/kernel/term_typing.ml
index e621a61c7..be2f8df7d 100644
--- a/kernel/term_typing.ml
+++ b/kernel/term_typing.ml
@@ -179,36 +179,36 @@ let rec is_nth_suffix n l suf =
| _ :: l -> is_nth_suffix (pred n) l suf
(* Given the list of signatures of side effects, checks if they match.
- * I.e. if they are ordered descendants of the current revstruct *)
+ * I.e. if they are ordered descendants of the current revstruct.
+ Returns the number of effects that can be trusted. *)
let check_signatures curmb sl =
- let is_direct_ancestor (sl, curmb) (mb, how_many) =
- match curmb with
- | None -> None, None
- | Some curmb ->
+ let is_direct_ancestor accu (mb, how_many) =
+ match accu with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (n, curmb) ->
let mb = CEphemeron.get mb in
- match sl with
- | None -> sl, None
- | Some n ->
- if is_nth_suffix how_many mb curmb
- then Some (n + how_many), Some mb
- else None, None
- with CEphemeron.InvalidKey -> None, None in
- let sl, _ = List.fold_left is_direct_ancestor (Some 0,Some curmb) sl in
- sl
+ if is_nth_suffix how_many mb curmb
+ then Some (n + how_many, mb)
+ else None
+ with CEphemeron.InvalidKey -> None in
+ let sl = List.fold_left is_direct_ancestor (Some (0, curmb)) sl in
+ match sl with
+ | None -> 0
+ | Some (n, _) -> n
let skip_trusted_seff sl b e =
let rec aux sl b e acc =
let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
- match sl, kind b with
- | (None|Some 0), _ -> b, e, acc
- | Some sl, LetIn (n,c,ty,bo) ->
- aux (Some (sl-1)) bo
+ if Int.equal sl 0 then b, e, acc
+ else match kind b with
+ | LetIn (n,c,ty,bo) ->
+ aux (sl - 1) bo
(Environ.push_rel (LocalDef (n,c,ty)) e) (`Let(n,c,ty)::acc)
- | Some sl, App(hd,arg) ->
+ | App(hd,arg) ->
begin match kind hd with
| Lambda (n,ty,bo) ->
- aux (Some (sl-1)) bo
+ aux (sl - 1) bo
(Environ.push_rel (LocalAssum (n,ty)) e) (`Cut(n,ty,arg)::acc)
| _ -> assert false
@@ -575,23 +575,24 @@ let export_side_effects mb env c =
let rec translate_seff sl seff acc env =
- match sl, seff with
- | _, [] -> List.rev acc, ce
- | (None | Some 0), cbs :: rest ->
+ match seff with
+ | [] -> List.rev acc, ce
+ | cbs :: rest ->
+ if Int.equal sl 0 then
let env, cbs =
List.fold_left (fun (env,cbs) (kn, ocb, u, r) ->
let ce = constant_entry_of_side_effect ocb u in
let cb = translate_constant Pure env kn ce in
(push_seff env (kn, cb,`Nothing, Subproof),(kn,cb,r) :: cbs))
(env,[]) cbs in
- translate_seff sl rest (cbs @ acc) env
- | Some sl, cbs :: rest ->
+ translate_seff 0 rest (cbs @ acc) env
+ else
let cbs_len = List.length cbs in
let cbs = List.map turn_direct cbs in
let env = List.fold_left push_seff env cbs in
let ecbs = List.map (fun (kn,cb,u,r) ->
kn, cb, r) cbs in
- translate_seff (Some (sl-cbs_len)) rest (ecbs @ acc) env
+ translate_seff (sl - cbs_len) rest (ecbs @ acc) env
translate_seff trusted seff [] env