path: root/kernel
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authorGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-11-30 17:46:37 +0000
committerGravatar barras <barras@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-11-30 17:46:37 +0000
commit85fccd13c204649044e03901c1ffc4a0b4360e51 (patch)
treeeeb5f6bea8825649213b30ed6e3cc53f4d01cba3 /kernel
parentf3d61d1948c7c120be7314082510e3f5acf08159 (diff)
desobfuscation du code de la verif de la condition de garde
reparation bug de la tactique CutRewrite git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@2261 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/inductive.ml b/kernel/inductive.ml
index 7a01a6dc3..b88767169 100644
--- a/kernel/inductive.ml
+++ b/kernel/inductive.ml
@@ -315,6 +315,8 @@ let check_case_info env indsp ci =
(* Guard conditions for fix and cofix-points *)
+exception FixGuardError of guard_error
(* Check if t is a subterm of Rel n, and gives its specification,
assuming lst already gives index of
subterms with corresponding specifications of recursive arguments *)
@@ -332,66 +334,99 @@ let check_case_info env indsp ci =
first argument.
+(* Environment annotated with marks on recursive arguments:
+ it is a triple (env,lst,n) where
+ - env is the typing environment
+ - lst is a mapping from de Bruijn indices to list of recargs
+ (tells which subterms of that variable are recursive)
+ - n is the de Bruijn index of the fixpoint for which we are
+ checking the guard condition.
+ Below are functions to handle such environment.
+ *)
let map_lift_fst_n m = List.map (function (n,t)->(n+m,t))
-let map_lift_fst = map_lift_fst_n 1
-let rec instantiate_recarg sp lrc ra =
- match ra with
- | Mrec(j) -> Imbr((sp,j),lrc)
- | Imbr(ind_sp,l) -> Imbr(ind_sp, List.map (instantiate_recarg sp lrc) l)
- | Norec -> Norec
- | Param(k) -> List.nth lrc k
- f is a function of type
- env -> int -> (int * recargs) list -> constr -> 'a
- c is a branch of an inductive definition corresponding to the spec
- lrec. mind_recvec is the recursive spec of the inductive
- definition of the decreasing argument n.
+let push_var_renv (env,spec_env,recarg_idx) (x,ty) =
+ (push_rel (x,None,ty) env, map_lift_fst_n 1 spec_env, recarg_idx+1)
- check_term env mind_recvec f n lst (lrec,c) will pass the lambdas
- of c corresponding to pattern variables and collect possibly new
- subterms variables and apply f to the body of the branch with the
- correct env and decreasing arg.
+let push_fix_renv (env,spec_env,recarg_idx) (_,v,_ as recdef) =
+ let n = Array.length v in
+ (push_rec_types recdef env, map_lift_fst_n n spec_env, recarg_idx+n)
-let check_term env mind_recvec f =
- let rec crec env n lst (lrec,c) =
- let c' = strip_outer_cast c in
- match lrec, kind_of_term c' with
- (ra::lr,Lambda (x,a,b)) ->
- let lst' = map_lift_fst lst
- and env' = push_rel (x,None,a) env
- and n'=n+1
- in begin match ra with
- Mrec(i) -> crec env' n' ((1,mind_recvec.(i))::lst') (lr,b)
- | Imbr((sp,i) as ind_sp,lrc) ->
- let sprecargs = lookup_recargs env ind_sp in
- let lc = Array.map
- (List.map (instantiate_recarg sp lrc)) sprecargs.(i)
- in crec env' n' ((1,lc)::lst') (lr,b)
- | _ -> crec env' n' lst' (lr,b) end
- | (_,_) -> f env n lst c'
- in crec env
+(* Add a variable and mark it as strictly smaller with information [spec]. *)
+let add_recarg renv (x,a,spec) =
+ let (env,spec_env,recarg_idx) = push_var_renv renv (x,a) in
+ (env, (1,spec)::spec_env, recarg_idx)
(* c is supposed to be in beta-delta-iota head normal form *)
-let is_inst_var k c =
+(* tells if term [c] is the variable corresponding to the recursive
+ argument of the fixpoint. *)
+let is_inst_var (_,_,k) c =
match kind_of_term (fst (decompose_app c)) with
| Rel n -> n=k
| _ -> false
-let find_sorted_assoc p =
+(* fetch the information associated to a variable *)
+let find_sorted_assoc p (_,lst,_) =
let rec findrec = function
| (a,ta)::l ->
if a < p then findrec l else if a = p then ta else raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
- findrec
+ findrec lst
+(* Computing the recursive subterms of a term (propagation of size
+ information through Cases). *)
+ c is a branch of an inductive definition corresponding to the spec
+ lrec. mind_recvec is the recursive spec of the inductive
+ definition of the decreasing argument n.
+ case_branches_specif renv mind_recvec lrec lc will pass the lambdas
+ of c corresponding to pattern variables and collect possibly new
+ subterms variables and returns the bodies of the branches with the
+ correct envs and decreasing args.
+let imbr_recarg_expand env (sp,i as ind_sp) lrc =
+ let sprecargs = lookup_recargs env ind_sp in
+ let rec imbr_recarg ra =
+ match ra with
+ | Mrec(j) -> Imbr((sp,j),lrc)
+ | Imbr(ind_sp,l) -> Imbr(ind_sp, List.map imbr_recarg l)
+ | Norec -> Norec
+ | Param(k) -> List.nth lrc k in
+ Array.map (List.map imbr_recarg) sprecargs.(i)
+let case_branches_specif renv mind_recvec =
+ let rec crec (env,_,_ as renv) lrec c =
+ let c' = strip_outer_cast c in
+ match lrec, kind_of_term c' with
+ (ra::lr,Lambda (x,a,b)) ->
+ let renv' =
+ match ra with
+ Mrec(i) -> add_recarg renv (x,a,mind_recvec.(i))
+ | Imbr(ind_sp,lrc) ->
+ let lc = imbr_recarg_expand env ind_sp lrc in
+ add_recarg renv (x,a,lc)
+ | _ -> push_var_renv renv (x,a) in
+ crec renv' lr b
+ (* Rq: if branch is not eta-long, then the recursive information
+ is not propagated: *)
+ | (_,_) -> (renv,c')
+ in array_map2 (crec renv)
- is_subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec n lst c
+ subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec n lst c
n is the principal arg and has recursive spec lcx, lst is the list
of subterms of n with spec. is_subterm_specif should test if c is
@@ -401,146 +436,158 @@ let find_sorted_assoc p =
of c. A problem occurs when c is built by contradiction. In that
case no spec is given.
+ The type of c must be an inductive type or a product with
+ conclusion an inductive type, but it is not necessarily
+ the same as the inductive type of the fixpoint we are checking...
+ Returns:
+ - [Some lc] if [c] is actually a strict subterm of the rec. arg.
+ - [None or exception Not_found] otherwise
-let is_subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec =
- let rec crec env n lst c =
+let subterm_specif renv lcx mind_recvec c =
+ let rec crec renv c =
+ let (env,_,_) = renv in
let f,l = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env c) in
match kind_of_term f with
- | Rel k -> Some (find_sorted_assoc k lst)
- | Case ( _,_,c,br) ->
- if Array.length br = 0 then None
+ | Rel k -> Some (find_sorted_assoc k renv)
+ | Case (ci,_,c,lbr) ->
+ if Array.length lbr = 0 then None
- let def = Array.create (Array.length br) []
+ let def = Array.create (Array.length lbr) []
in let lcv =
- if is_inst_var n c then lcx
- else match crec env n lst c with Some lr -> lr | None -> def
+ if is_inst_var renv c then lcx
+ else match crec renv c with Some lr -> lr | None -> def
with Not_found -> def)
- assert (Array.length br = Array.length lcv);
- let stl =
- array_map2
- (fun lc a ->
- check_term env mind_recvec crec n lst (lc,a)) lcv br
- in let stl0 = stl.(0) in
+ assert (Array.length lbr = Array.length lcv);
+ let lbr' = case_branches_specif renv mind_recvec lcv lbr in
+ let stl = Array.map (fun (renv',br') -> crec renv' br') lbr' in
+ let stl0 = stl.(0) in
if array_for_all (fun st -> st=stl0) stl then stl0
else None
| Fix ((recindxs,i),(_,typarray,bodies as recdef)) ->
+ let (env',lst',n') = push_fix_renv renv recdef in
let nbfix = Array.length typarray in
let decrArg = recindxs.(i) in
let theBody = bodies.(i) in
- let sign,strippedBody = decompose_lam_n_assum (decrArg+1) theBody in
- let nbOfAbst = nbfix+decrArg+1 in
+ let nbOfAbst = decrArg+1 in
+ let sign,strippedBody = decompose_lam_n_assum nbOfAbst theBody in
+ let env'' = push_rel_context sign env' in
(* when proving that the fixpoint f(x)=e is less than n, it is enough
to prove that e is less than n assuming f is less than n
furthermore when f is applied to a term which is strictly less than
n, one may assume that x itself is strictly less than n
- let newlst =
- let lst' = (nbOfAbst,lcx) :: (map_lift_fst_n nbOfAbst lst) in
- if List.length l < (decrArg+1) then lst'
+ let lst'' =
+ let lst' = map_lift_fst_n nbOfAbst ((nbfix,lcx)::lst') in
+ (* ^^^^^ strange *)
+ if List.length l < nbOfAbst then lst'
let theDecrArg = List.nth l decrArg in
- match crec env n lst theDecrArg with
+ match crec renv theDecrArg with
(Some recArgsDecrArg) -> (1,recArgsDecrArg) :: lst'
| None -> lst'
with Not_found -> lst' in
- let env' = push_rec_types recdef env in
- let env'' = push_rel_context sign env' in
- crec env'' (n+nbOfAbst) newlst strippedBody
+ crec (env'',lst'', n'+nbOfAbst) strippedBody
- | Lambda (x,a,b) when l=[] ->
- let lst' = map_lift_fst lst in
- crec (push_rel (x, None, a) env) (n+1) lst' b
+ | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
+ assert (l=[]);
+ crec (push_var_renv renv (x,a)) b
(*** Experimental change *************************)
| Meta _ -> None
| _ -> raise Not_found
- crec env
-let spec_subterm_strict env lcx mind_recvec n lst c nb =
- try match is_subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec n lst c
+ crec renv c
+(* Propagation of size information through Cases: if the matched
+ object is a recursive subterm then compute the information
+ associated to its own subterms. *)
+let spec_subterm_large renv lcx mind_recvec c nb =
+ if is_inst_var renv c then lcx
+ else (* strict *)
+ try match subterm_specif renv lcx mind_recvec c
with Some lr -> lr | None -> Array.create nb []
with Not_found -> Array.create nb []
-let spec_subterm_large env lcx mind_recvec n lst c nb =
- if is_inst_var n c then lcx
- else spec_subterm_strict env lcx mind_recvec n lst c nb
-let is_subterm env lcx mind_recvec n lst c =
+(* Check term c can be applied to one of the mutual fixpoints. *)
+let check_is_subterm renv lcx mind_recvec c =
- let _ = is_subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec n lst c in true
+ let _ = subterm_specif renv lcx mind_recvec c in ()
with Not_found ->
- false
+ raise (FixGuardError RecursionOnIllegalTerm)
-exception FixGuardError of guard_error
-(* Auxiliary function: it checks a condition f depending on a deBrujin
- index for a certain number of abstractions *)
-let rec check_subterm_rec_meta env vectn k def =
- (let nfi = Array.length vectn in
- (* check fi does not appear in the k+1 first abstractions,
- gives the type of the k+1-eme abstraction *)
- let rec check_occur env n def =
- match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast def) with
+(* Check if [def] is a guarded fixpoint body with decreasing arg. [k]
+ given [recpos], the decreasing arguments of each mutually defined
+ fixpoint (k is a member of recpos). *)
+let check_one_fix env recpos k def =
+ let nfi = Array.length recpos in
+ if k < 0 then anomaly "negative recarg position";
+ (* check fi does not appear in the k+1 first abstractions,
+ gives the type of the k+1-eme abstraction *)
+ let rec check_occur env n def =
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env def) with
| Lambda (x,a,b) ->
if noccur_with_meta n nfi a then
let env' = push_rel (x, None, a) env in
if n = k+1 then (env', type_app (lift 1) a, b)
else check_occur env' (n+1) b
- anomaly "check_subterm_rec_meta: Bad occurrence of recursive call"
+ anomaly "check_one_fix: Bad occurrence of recursive call"
| _ -> raise (FixGuardError NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody) in
- let (env',c,d) = check_occur env 1 def in
- let ((sp,tyi) as mind, largs) =
+ let (env',c,d) = check_occur env 1 def in
+ (* get the inductive type of the current body *)
+ let ((sp,tyi) as mind, largs) =
try find_inductive env' c
with Induc -> raise (FixGuardError RecursionNotOnInductiveType) in
- let mind_recvec = lookup_recargs env' (sp,tyi) in
- let lcx = mind_recvec.(tyi) in
- (* n = decreasing argument in the definition;
- lst = a mapping var |-> recargs
- t = the term to be checked
- *)
- let rec check_rec_call env n lst t =
- (* n gives the index of the recursive variable *)
- (noccur_with_meta (n+k+1) nfi t) or
- (* no recursive call in the term *)
- (* Rq: why not try and expand some definitions ? *)
- (let f,l = decompose_app (whd_betaiotazeta env t) in
- match kind_of_term f with
- | Rel p ->
- if n+k+1 <= p & p < n+k+nfi+1 then
- (* recursive call *)
- let glob = nfi+n+k-p in (* the index of the recursive call *)
- let np = vectn.(glob) in (* the decreasing arg of the rec call *)
- if List.length l > np then
- (match list_chop np l with
- (la,(z::lrest)) ->
- if (is_subterm env lcx mind_recvec n lst z)
- then List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) (la@lrest)
- else raise (FixGuardError RecursionOnIllegalTerm)
- | _ -> assert false)
- else raise (FixGuardError NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall)
- else List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l
- | Case (ci,p,c_0,lrest) ->
- let lc = spec_subterm_large env lcx mind_recvec n lst c_0
- (Array.length lrest)
- in
- (array_for_all2
- (fun c0 a ->
- check_term env mind_recvec check_rec_call n lst (c0,a))
- lc lrest)
- && (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) (c_0::p::l))
+ (* get the recursive positions of the inductive: *)
+ let mind_recvec = lookup_recargs env' (sp,tyi) in
+ let lcx = mind_recvec.(tyi) in
+ let rec check_rec_call (env,spec_env,recarg_idx as renv) t =
+ let fix_min = recarg_idx+k+1 in (* index of last fixpoint *)
+ let fix_max = recarg_idx+k+nfi in (* index of first fixpoint *)
+ (* if [t] does not make recursive calls, it is guarded: *)
+ noccur_with_meta fix_min nfi t or
+ (* Rq: why not try and expand some definitions ? *)
+ let f,l = decompose_app (whd_betaiotazeta env t) in
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Rel p ->
+ (* Test if it is a recursive call: *)
+ if fix_min <= p & p <= fix_max then
+ (* the position of the invoked fixpoint: *)
+ let glob = fix_max-p in
+ (* the decreasing arg of the rec call: *)
+ let np = recpos.(glob) in
+ if List.length l > np then
+ (match list_chop np l with
+ (la,(z::lrest)) ->
+ (* Check the decreasing arg is smaller *)
+ check_is_subterm renv lcx mind_recvec z;
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (la@lrest)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else raise (FixGuardError NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall)
+ (* otherwise check the arguments are guarded: *)
+ else List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l
+ | Case (ci,p,c_0,lrest) ->
+ (* compute the recarg information for the arguments of
+ each branch *)
+ (* DANGER: c_0 is not necessarily in inductive type
+ corresponding to lcx and mind_recvec, not even of
+ the same family because of imbrication *)
+ let lc =
+ spec_subterm_large renv lcx mind_recvec c_0
+ (Array.length lrest) in
+ let lbr =
+ case_branches_specif renv mind_recvec lc lrest in
+ array_for_all (fun (renv',br') -> check_rec_call renv' br') lbr
+ && List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (c_0::p::l)
(* Enables to traverse Fixpoint definitions in a more intelligent
way, ie, the rule :
@@ -557,103 +604,77 @@ let rec check_subterm_rec_meta env vectn k def =
Eduardo 7/9/98 *)
- | Fix ((recindxs,i),(_,typarray,bodies as recdef)) ->
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l) &&
- (array_for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) typarray) &&
- let nbfix = Array.length typarray in
- let decrArg = recindxs.(i)
- and env' = push_rec_types recdef env
- and n' = n+nbfix
- and lst' = map_lift_fst_n nbfix lst
- in
- if (List.length l < (decrArg+1)) then
- array_for_all (check_rec_call env' n' lst') bodies
- else
- let theDecrArg = List.nth l decrArg in
- (try
- match
- is_subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec n lst theDecrArg
- with
- Some recArgsDecrArg ->
- let theBody = bodies.(i) in
- check_rec_call_fix_body
- env' n' lst' (decrArg+1) recArgsDecrArg theBody
- | None ->
- array_for_all (check_rec_call env' n' lst') bodies
- with Not_found ->
- array_for_all (check_rec_call env' n' lst') bodies)
- | Cast (a,b) ->
- (check_rec_call env n lst a) &&
- (check_rec_call env n lst b) &&
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
- | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
- (check_rec_call env n lst a) &&
- (check_rec_call (push_rel (x, None, a) env)
- (n+1) (map_lift_fst lst) b) &&
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
- | Prod (x,a,b) ->
- (check_rec_call env n lst a) &&
- (check_rec_call (push_rel (x, None, a) env)
- (n+1) (map_lift_fst lst) b) &&
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
- | LetIn (x,a,b,c) ->
- anomaly "check_rec_call: should have been reduced"
- | Ind _ ->
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
- | Construct _ ->
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
- | Const sp as c ->
- (try
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
- with (FixGuardError _ ) as e
- -> if evaluable_constant env sp then
- check_rec_call env n lst (whd_betadeltaiota env t)
- else raise e)
- | App (f,la) ->
- (check_rec_call env n lst f) &&
- (array_for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) la) &&
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
- | CoFix (i,(_,typarray,bodies as recdef)) ->
- let nbfix = Array.length typarray in
- let env' = push_rec_types recdef env in
- (array_for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) typarray) &&
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l) &&
- (array_for_all
- (check_rec_call env' (n+nbfix) (map_lift_fst_n nbfix lst))
- bodies)
- | Evar (_,la) ->
- (array_for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) la) &&
- (List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
- | Meta _ -> true
- | Var _ | Sort _ -> List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l
- )
- and check_rec_call_fix_body env n lst decr recArgsDecrArg body =
- if decr = 0 then
- check_rec_call env n ((1,recArgsDecrArg)::lst) body
- else
- match kind_of_term body with
- | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
- (check_rec_call env n lst a) &
- (check_rec_call_fix_body
- (push_rel (x, None, a) env) (n+1)
- (map_lift_fst lst) (decr-1) recArgsDecrArg b)
- | _ -> anomaly "Not enough abstractions in fix body"
+ | Fix ((recindxs,i),(_,typarray,bodies as recdef)) ->
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l &&
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv) typarray &&
+ let nbfix = Array.length typarray in
+ let decrArg = recindxs.(i) in
+ let renv' = push_fix_renv renv recdef in
+ if (List.length l < (decrArg+1)) then
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv') bodies
+ else
+ let theDecrArg = List.nth l decrArg in
+ (try
+ match subterm_specif renv lcx mind_recvec theDecrArg with
+ Some recArgsDecrArg ->
+ let theBody = bodies.(i) in
+ check_nested_fix_body renv'
+ (decrArg+1) recArgsDecrArg theBody
+ | None -> array_for_all (check_rec_call renv') bodies
+ with Not_found -> array_for_all (check_rec_call renv') bodies)
+ | Const sp as c ->
+ (try List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l
+ with (FixGuardError _ ) as e ->
+ if evaluable_constant env sp then
+ check_rec_call renv (whd_betadeltaiota env t)
+ else raise e)
+ (* The cases below simply check recursively the condition on the
+ subterms *)
+ | Cast (a,b) ->
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (a::b::l)
+ | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
+ check_rec_call (push_var_renv renv (x,a)) b &&
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (a::l)
+ | Prod (x,a,b) ->
+ check_rec_call (push_var_renv renv (x,a)) b &&
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (a::l)
+ | CoFix (i,(_,typarray,bodies as recdef)) ->
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv) typarray &&
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l &&
+ let renv' = push_fix_renv renv recdef in
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv') bodies
+ | Evar (_,la) ->
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv) la &&
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l
+ | Meta _ -> true
+ | (App _ | LetIn _) ->
+ anomaly "check_rec_call: should have been reduced"
+ | (Ind _ | Construct _ | Var _ | Sort _) ->
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l
+ and check_nested_fix_body renv decr recArgsDecrArg body =
+ let (env,spec_env,recarg_idx) = renv in
+ if decr = 0 then
+ check_rec_call (env, ((1,recArgsDecrArg)::spec_env), recarg_idx) body
+ else
+ match kind_of_term body with
+ | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
+ check_rec_call renv a &&
+ check_nested_fix_body (push_var_renv renv (x,a))
+ (decr-1) recArgsDecrArg b
+ | _ -> anomaly "Not enough abstractions in fix body"
- in
- check_rec_call env' 1 [] d)
+ in
+ check_rec_call (env', [], 1) d
(* vargs is supposed to be built from A1;..Ak;[f1]..[fk][|d1;..;dk|]
and vdeft is [|t1;..;tk|] such that f1:A1,..,fk:Ak |- di:ti
@@ -670,11 +691,10 @@ let check_fix env ((nvect,bodynum),(names,types,bodies as recdef)) =
or bodynum < 0
or bodynum >= nbfix
then anomaly "Ill-formed fix term";
+ let fixenv = push_rec_types recdef env in
for i = 0 to nbfix - 1 do
- let fixenv = push_rec_types recdef env in
- if nvect.(i) < 0 then anomaly "negative recarg position";
- let _ = check_subterm_rec_meta fixenv nvect nvect.(i) bodies.(i)
+ let _ = check_one_fix fixenv nvect nvect.(i) bodies.(i)
in ()
with FixGuardError err ->
error_ill_formed_rec_body fixenv err names i bodies
@@ -691,10 +711,10 @@ let check_fix env fix = Profile.profile3 cfkey check_fix env fix;;
exception CoFixGuardError of guard_error
let anomaly_ill_typed () =
- anomaly "check_guard_rec_meta: too many arguments applied to constructor"
+ anomaly "check_one_cofix: too many arguments applied to constructor"
-let check_guard_rec_meta env nbfix def deftype =
+let check_one_cofix env nbfix def deftype =
let rec codomain_is_coind env c =
let b = whd_betadeltaiota env c in
match kind_of_term b with
@@ -729,7 +749,7 @@ let check_guard_rec_meta env nbfix def deftype =
raise (CoFixGuardError (UnguardedRecursiveCall t))
- error "check_guard_rec_meta: ???" (* ??? *)
+ error "check_one_cofix: ???" (* ??? *)
| Construct (_,i as cstr_sp) ->
let lra =vlra.(i-1) in
@@ -748,13 +768,9 @@ let check_guard_rec_meta env nbfix def deftype =
(process_args_of_constr lr lrar)
| (Imbr((sp,i) as ind_sp,lrc)::lrar) ->
- let sprecargs = lookup_recargs env ind_sp in
- let lc = (Array.map
- (List.map
- (instantiate_recarg sp lrc))
- sprecargs.(i))
- in (check_rec_call env true n lc t) &
- (process_args_of_constr lr lrar)
+ let lc = imbr_recarg_expand env ind_sp lrc in
+ check_rec_call env true n lc t &
+ process_args_of_constr lr lrar
| _::lrar ->
if (noccur_with_meta n nbfix t)
@@ -812,7 +828,7 @@ let check_cofix env (bodynum,(names,types,bodies as recdef)) =
for i = 0 to nbfix-1 do
let fixenv = push_rec_types recdef env in
- let _ = check_guard_rec_meta fixenv nbfix bodies.(i) types.(i)
+ let _ = check_one_cofix fixenv nbfix bodies.(i) types.(i)
in ()
with CoFixGuardError err ->
error_ill_formed_rec_body fixenv err names i bodies