path: root/kernel/vconv.ml
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authorGravatar Matthieu Sozeau <matthieu.sozeau@inria.fr>2015-01-15 18:45:27 +0530
committerGravatar Matthieu Sozeau <matthieu.sozeau@inria.fr>2015-01-15 18:59:00 +0530
commit8309a98096facfba448c9d8d298ba3903145831a (patch)
tree38a09851cb687921193b4368a93eed34ccd55a58 /kernel/vconv.ml
parent58153a5bc59bbde6534425d66a2fe5d9943eb44b (diff)
Correct restriction of vm_compute when handling universe polymorphic
definitions. Instead of failing with an anomaly when trying to do conversion or computation with the vm's, consider polymorphic constants as being opaque and keep instances around. This way the code is still correct but (obviously) incomplete for polymorphic definitions and we avoid introducing an anomaly. The patch does nothing clever, it only keeps around instances with constants/inductives and compile constant bodies only for non-polymorphic definitions.
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/vconv.ml')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/vconv.ml b/kernel/vconv.ml
index 3f9345ff8..80b15f8ba 100644
--- a/kernel/vconv.ml
+++ b/kernel/vconv.ml
@@ -86,23 +86,24 @@ and conv_whd env pb k whd1 whd2 cu =
and conv_atom env pb k a1 stk1 a2 stk2 cu =
match a1, a2 with
- | Aind (kn1,i1), Aind(kn2,i2) ->
- if eq_ind (kn1,i1) (kn2,i2) && compare_stack stk1 stk2
+ | Aind ind1, Aind ind2 ->
+ if eq_puniverses eq_ind ind1 ind2 && compare_stack stk1 stk2
conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu
else raise NotConvertible
| Aid ik1, Aid ik2 ->
- if eq_id_key ik1 ik2 && compare_stack stk1 stk2 then
+ if Vars.eq_id_key ik1 ik2 && compare_stack stk1 stk2 then
conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu
else raise NotConvertible
| Aiddef(ik1,v1), Aiddef(ik2,v2) ->
- if eq_table_key ik1 ik2 && compare_stack stk1 stk2 then
+ if Vars.eq_id_key ik1 ik2 && compare_stack stk1 stk2 then
conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu
else raise NotConvertible
with NotConvertible ->
- if oracle_order (oracle_of_infos !infos) false ik1 ik2 then
+ if oracle_order Univ.out_punivs (oracle_of_infos !infos)
+ false ik1 ik2 then
conv_whd env pb k (whd_stack v1 stk1) (Vatom_stk(a2,stk2)) cu
else conv_whd env pb k (Vatom_stk(a1,stk1)) (whd_stack v2 stk2) cu