path: root/kernel/typeops.ml
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authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-08-26 12:29:28 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>1999-08-26 12:29:28 +0000
commit15ed739c91a22e91ae88d54215f6862fc1074a88 (patch)
treef79e0074d82a573edba76ff34dd161dd935e651f /kernel/typeops.ml
parent844624640d335bd49bc187a135548734ea353e37 (diff)
mach -> typing; machops -> typeops
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@27 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/typeops.ml')
1 files changed, 909 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/typeops.ml b/kernel/typeops.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23bac0b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/typeops.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Generic
+open Term
+open Evd
+open Constant
+open Inductive
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Reduction
+open Instantiate
+open Type_errors
+let make_judge v tj =
+ { uj_val = v;
+ uj_type = tj.body;
+ uj_kind= DOP0 (Sort tj.typ) }
+let j_val_only j = j.uj_val
+(* Faut-il caster ? *)
+let j_val = j_val_only
+let j_val_cast j = mkCast j.uj_val j.uj_type
+let typed_type_of_judgment env j =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env j.uj_type with
+ | DOP0(Sort s) -> { body = j.uj_val; typ = s }
+ | _ -> error_not_type CCI env j.uj_val
+let assumption_of_judgement env j =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env j.uj_type with
+ | DOP0(Sort s) -> { body = j.uj_val; typ = s }
+ | _ -> error_assumption CCI env j.uj_val
+(* Type of a de Bruijn index. *)
+let relative env n =
+ try
+ let (_,typ) = lookup_rel n env in
+ { uj_val = Rel n;
+ uj_type = lift n typ.body;
+ uj_kind = DOP0 (Sort typ.typ) }
+ with Not_found ->
+ error_unbound_rel CCI env n
+(* Management of context of variables. *)
+(* Checks if a context of variable is included in another one. *)
+let hyps_inclusion env (idl1,tyl1) (idl2,tyl2) =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | ([], [], _, _) -> true
+ | (_, _, [], []) -> false
+ | ((id1::idl1), (ty1::tyl1), idl2, tyl2) ->
+ let rec search = function
+ | ([], []) -> false
+ | ((id2::idl2), (ty2::tyl2)) ->
+ if id1 = id2 then
+ (is_conv env (body_of_type ty1) (body_of_type ty2))
+ & aux (idl1,tyl1,idl2,tyl2)
+ else
+ search (idl2,tyl2)
+ | (_, _) -> invalid_arg "hyps_inclusion"
+ in
+ search (idl2,tyl2)
+ | (_, _, _, _) -> invalid_arg "hyps_inclusion"
+ in
+ aux (idl1,tyl1,idl2,tyl2)
+(* Checks if the given context of variables [hyps] is included in the
+ current context of [env]. *)
+let construct_reference id env hyps =
+ let hyps' = get_globals (context env) in
+ if hyps_inclusion env hyps hyps' then
+ Array.of_list (List.map (fun id -> VAR id) (ids_of_sign hyps))
+ else
+ error_reference_variables CCI env id
+let check_hyps id env hyps =
+ let hyps' = get_globals (context env) in
+ if not (hyps_inclusion env hyps hyps') then
+ error_reference_variables CCI env id
+(* Instantiation of terms on real arguments. *)
+let type_of_constant env c =
+ let (sp,args) = destConst c in
+ let cb = lookup_constant sp env in
+ let hyps = cb.const_hyps in
+ check_hyps (basename sp) env hyps;
+ instantiate_type (ids_of_sign hyps) cb.const_type (Array.to_list args)
+(* Existentials. *)
+let type_of_existential env c =
+ let (sp,args) = destConst c in
+ let info = Evd.map (evar_map env) sp in
+ let hyps = info.evar_hyps in
+ check_hyps (basename sp) env hyps;
+ instantiate_type (ids_of_sign hyps) info.evar_concl (Array.to_list args)
+(* Constants or existentials. *)
+let type_of_constant_or_existential env c =
+ if is_existential c then
+ type_of_existential env c
+ else
+ type_of_constant env c
+(* Inductive types. *)
+let instantiate_arity mis =
+ let ids = ids_of_sign mis.mis_mib.mind_hyps in
+ let args = Array.to_list mis.mis_args in
+ let arity = mis.mis_mip.mind_arity in
+ { body = instantiate_constr ids arity.body args;
+ typ = arity.typ }
+let type_of_inductive env i =
+ let mis = lookup_mind_specif i env in
+ let hyps = mis.mis_mib.mind_hyps in
+ check_hyps (basename mis.mis_sp) env hyps;
+ instantiate_arity mis
+(* Constructors. *)
+let instantiate_lc mis =
+ let hyps = mis.mis_mib.mind_hyps in
+ let lc = mis.mis_mip.mind_lc in
+ instantiate_constr (ids_of_sign hyps) lc (Array.to_list mis.mis_args)
+let type_of_constructor env c =
+ let (sp,i,j,args) = destMutConstruct c in
+ let mind = DOPN (MutInd (sp,i), args) in
+ let recmind = check_mrectype_spec env mind in
+ let mis = lookup_mind_specif recmind env in
+ check_hyps (basename mis.mis_sp) env (mis.mis_mib.mind_hyps);
+ let specif = instantiate_lc mis in
+ let make_ik k = DOPN (MutInd (mis.mis_sp,k), mis.mis_args) in
+ if j > mis_nconstr mis then
+ anomaly "type_of_constructor"
+ else
+ sAPPViList (j-1) specif (list_tabulate make_ik (mis_ntypes mis))
+(* gives the vector of constructors and of
+ types of constructors of an inductive definition
+ correctly instanciated *)
+let mis_type_mconstructs mis =
+ let specif = instantiate_lc mis
+ and ntypes = mis_ntypes mis
+ and nconstr = mis_nconstr mis in
+ let make_ik k = DOPN (MutInd (mis.mis_sp,k), mis.mis_args)
+ and make_ck k =
+ DOPN (MutConstruct ((mis.mis_sp,mis.mis_tyi),k+1), mis.mis_args)
+ in
+ (Array.init nconstr make_ck,
+ sAPPVList specif (list_tabulate make_ik ntypes))
+let type_mconstructs env mind =
+ let redmind = check_mrectype_spec env mind in
+ let mis = lookup_mind_specif redmind env in
+ mis_type_mconstructs mis
+(* Case. *)
+let rec sort_of_arity env c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ | DOP0(Sort( _)) as c' -> c'
+ | DOP2(Prod,_,DLAM(_,c2)) -> sort_of_arity env c2
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "sort_of_arity"
+let make_arity_dep env k =
+ let rec mrec c m = match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ | DOP0(Sort _) -> mkArrow m k
+ | DOP2(Prod,b,DLAM(n,c_0)) ->
+ prod_name env (n,b,mrec c_0 (applist(lift 1 m,[Rel 1])))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "make_arity_dep"
+ in
+ mrec
+let make_arity_nodep env k =
+ let rec mrec c = match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ | DOP0(Sort _) -> k
+ | DOP2(Prod,b,DLAM(x,c_0)) -> DOP2(Prod,b,DLAM(x,mrec c_0))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "make_arity_nodep"
+ in
+ mrec
+let error_elim_expln env kp ki =
+ if is_info_sort env kp && not (is_info_sort env ki) then
+ "non-informative objects may not construct informative ones."
+ else
+ match (kp,ki) with
+ | (DOP0(Sort (Type _)), DOP0(Sort (Prop _))) ->
+ "strong elimination on non-small inductive types leads to paradoxes."
+ | _ -> "wrong arity"
+exception Arity of (constr * constr * string) option
+let is_correct_arity env kd kn (c,p) =
+ let rec srec ind (pt,t) =
+ try
+ (match whd_betadeltaiota env pt, whd_betadeltaiota env t with
+ | DOP2(Prod,a1,DLAM(_,a2)), DOP2(Prod,a1',DLAM(_,a2')) ->
+ if is_conv env a1 a1' then
+ srec (applist(lift 1 ind,[Rel 1])) (a2,a2')
+ else
+ raise (Arity None)
+ | DOP2(Prod,a1,DLAM(_,a2)), ki ->
+ let k = whd_betadeltaiota env a2 in
+ let ksort = (match k with DOP0(Sort s) -> s
+ | _ -> raise (Arity None)) in
+ if is_conv env a1 ind then
+ if List.exists (base_sort_cmp CONV ksort) kd then
+ (true,k)
+ else
+ raise (Arity (Some(k,ki,error_elim_expln env k ki)))
+ else
+ raise (Arity None)
+ | k, DOP2(Prod,_,_) ->
+ raise (Arity None)
+ | k, ki ->
+ let ksort = (match k with DOP0(Sort s) -> s
+ | _ -> raise (Arity None)) in
+ if List.exists (base_sort_cmp CONV ksort) kn then
+ false,k
+ else
+ raise (Arity (Some(k,ki,error_elim_expln env k ki))))
+ with Arity kinds ->
+ let listarity =
+ (List.map (fun s -> make_arity_dep env (DOP0(Sort s)) t ind) kd)
+ @(List.map (fun s -> make_arity_nodep env (DOP0(Sort s)) t) kn)
+ in error_elim_arity CCI env ind listarity c p pt kinds
+ in srec
+let cast_instantiate_arity mis =
+ let tty = instantiate_arity mis in
+ DOP2 (Cast, tty.body, DOP0 (Sort tty.typ))
+let find_case_dep_nparams env (c,p) (mind,largs) typP =
+ let mis = lookup_mind_specif mind env in
+ let nparams = mis_nparams mis
+ and kd = mis_kd mis
+ and kn = mis_kn mis
+ and t = cast_instantiate_arity mis in
+ let (globargs,la) = list_chop nparams largs in
+ let glob_t = hnf_prod_applist env "find_elim_boolean" t globargs in
+ let arity = applist(mind,globargs) in
+ let (dep,_) = is_correct_arity env kd kn (c,p) arity (typP,glob_t) in
+ (dep, (nparams, globargs,la))
+let type_one_branch_dep (env,nparams,globargs,p) co t =
+ let rec typrec n c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ | DOP2(Prod,a1,DLAM(x,a2)) -> prod_name env (x,a1,typrec (n+1) a2)
+ | x -> let lAV = destAppL (ensure_appl x) in
+ let (_,vargs) = array_chop (nparams+1) lAV in
+ applist
+ (appvect ((lift n p),vargs),
+ [applist(co,((List.map (lift n) globargs)@(rel_list 0 n)))])
+ in
+ typrec 0 (hnf_prod_applist env "type_case" t globargs)
+let type_one_branch_nodep (env,nparams,globargs,p) t =
+ let rec typrec n c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env c with
+ | DOP2(Prod,a1,DLAM(x,a2)) -> DOP2(Prod,a1,DLAM(x,typrec (n+1) a2))
+ | x -> let lAV = destAppL(ensure_appl x) in
+ let (_,vargs) = array_chop (nparams+1) lAV in
+ appvect (lift n p,vargs)
+ in
+ typrec 0 (hnf_prod_applist env "type_case" t globargs)
+(* type_case_branches type un <p>Case c of ... end
+ ct = type de c, si inductif il a la forme APP(mI,largs), sinon raise Induc
+ pt = sorte de p
+ type_case_branches retourne (lb, lr); lb est le vecteur des types
+ attendus dans les branches du Case; lr est le type attendu du resultat
+ *)
+let type_case_branches env ct pt p c =
+ try
+ let ((mI,largs) as indt) = find_mrectype env ct in
+ let (dep,(nparams,globargs,la)) =
+ find_case_dep_nparams env (c,p) indt pt
+ in
+ let (lconstruct,ltypconstr) = type_mconstructs env mI in
+ if dep then
+ (mI,
+ array_map2 (type_one_branch_dep (env,nparams,globargs,p))
+ lconstruct ltypconstr,
+ beta_applist (p,(la@[c])))
+ else
+ (mI,
+ Array.map (type_one_branch_nodep (env,nparams,globargs,p))
+ ltypconstr,
+ beta_applist (p,la))
+ with Induc ->
+ error_case_not_inductive CCI env c ct
+let check_branches_message env (c,ct) (explft,lft) =
+ let n = Array.length explft
+ and expn = Array.length lft in
+ let rec check_conv i =
+ if not (i = n) then
+ if not (is_conv_leq env lft.(i) (explft.(i))) then
+ error_ill_formed_branch CCI env c i (nf_betaiota env lft.(i))
+ (nf_betaiota env explft.(i))
+ else
+ check_conv (i+1)
+ in
+ if n<>expn then error_number_branches CCI env c ct expn else check_conv 0
+let type_of_case env pj cj lfj =
+ let lft = Array.map (fun j -> j.uj_type) lfj in
+ let (mind,bty,rslty) =
+ type_case_branches env cj.uj_type pj.uj_type pj.uj_val cj.uj_val in
+ let kind = sort_of_arity env pj.uj_type in
+ check_branches_message env (cj.uj_val,cj.uj_type) (bty,lft);
+ { uj_val =
+ mkMutCaseA (ci_of_mind mind) (j_val pj) (j_val cj) (Array.map j_val lfj);
+ uj_type = rslty;
+ uj_kind = kind }
+(* Prop and Set *)
+let type_of_prop_or_set cts =
+ { uj_val = DOP0(Sort(Prop cts));
+ uj_type = DOP0(Sort type_0);
+ uj_kind = DOP0(Sort type_1) }
+(* Type of Type(i). *)
+let type_of_type u g =
+ let (uu,g') = super u g in
+ let (uuu,g'') = super uu g' in
+ { uj_val = DOP0 (Sort (Type u));
+ uj_type = DOP0 (Sort (Type uu));
+ uj_kind = DOP0 (Sort (Type uuu)) },
+ g''
+let type_of_sort c g =
+ match c with
+ | DOP0 (Sort (Type u)) -> let (uu,g') = super u g in mkType uu, g'
+ | DOP0 (Sort (Prop _)) -> mkType prop_univ, g
+ | DOP0 (Implicit) -> mkImplicit, g
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "type_of_sort"
+(* Type of a lambda-abstraction. *)
+let sort_of_product domsort rangsort g0 =
+ match rangsort with
+ (* Product rule (s,Prop,Prop) *)
+ | Prop _ -> rangsort, g0
+ | Type u2 ->
+ (match domsort with
+ (* Product rule (Prop,Type_i,Type_i) *)
+ | Prop _ -> rangsort, g0
+ (* Product rule (Type_i,Type_i,Type_i) *)
+ | Type u1 -> let (u12,g1) = sup u1 u2 g0 in Type u12, g1)
+let abs_rel env name var j =
+ let rngtyp = whd_betadeltaiota env j.uj_kind in
+ let cvar = incast_type var in
+ let (s,g) = sort_of_product var.typ (destSort rngtyp) (universes env) in
+ { uj_val = mkLambda name cvar (j_val j);
+ uj_type = mkProd name cvar j.uj_type;
+ uj_kind = mkSort s },
+ g
+(* Type of a product. *)
+let gen_rel env name var j =
+ let jtyp = whd_betadeltaiota env j.uj_type in
+ let jkind = whd_betadeltaiota env j.uj_kind in
+ let j = { uj_val = j.uj_val; uj_type = jtyp; uj_kind = jkind } in
+ if isprop jkind then
+ error "Proof objects can only be abstracted"
+ else
+ match jtyp with
+ | DOP0(Sort s) ->
+ let (s',g) = sort_of_product var.typ s (universes env) in
+ let res_type = mkSort s' in
+ let (res_kind,g') = type_of_sort res_type g in
+ { uj_val =
+ mkProd name (mkCast var.body (mkSort var.typ)) (j_val_cast j);
+ uj_type = res_type;
+ uj_kind = res_kind }, g'
+ | _ ->
+ error_generalization CCI env (name,var) j.uj_val
+(* Type of a cast. *)
+let cast_rel env cj tj =
+ if is_conv_leq env cj.uj_type tj.uj_val then
+ { uj_val = j_val_only cj;
+ uj_type = tj.uj_val;
+ uj_kind = whd_betadeltaiota env tj.uj_type }
+ else
+ error_actual_type CCI env cj tj
+(* Type of an application. *)
+let apply_rel_list env0 nocheck argjl funj =
+ let rec apply_rec env typ = function
+ | [] ->
+ { uj_val = applist (j_val_only funj, List.map j_val_only argjl);
+ uj_type = typ;
+ uj_kind = funj.uj_kind },
+ universes env
+ | hj::restjl ->
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env typ with
+ | DOP2(Prod,c1,DLAM(_,c2)) ->
+ if nocheck then
+ apply_rec env (subst1 hj.uj_val c2) restjl
+ else
+ (match conv_leq env hj.uj_type c1 with
+ | Convertible g ->
+ let env' = set_universes g env in
+ apply_rec env' (subst1 hj.uj_val c2) restjl
+ | NotConvertible ->
+ error_cant_apply CCI env "Type Error" funj argjl)
+ | _ ->
+ error_cant_apply CCI env "Non-functional construction" funj argjl
+ in
+ apply_rec env0 funj.uj_type argjl
+(* Fixpoints. *)
+(* Checking function for terms containing existential variables.
+ The function noccur_with_meta consideres the fact that
+ each existential variable (as well as each isevar)
+ in the term appears applied to its local context,
+ which may contain the CoFix variables. These occurrences of CoFix variables
+ are not considered *)
+let noccur_with_meta sigma n m term =
+ let rec occur_rec n = function
+ | Rel(p) -> if n<=p & p<n+m then raise Occur
+ | VAR _ -> ()
+ | DOPN(AppL,cl) ->
+ (match strip_outer_cast cl.(0) with
+ | DOP0 (Meta _) -> ()
+ | _ -> Array.iter (occur_rec n) cl)
+ | DOPN(Const sp, cl) when Evd.in_dom sigma sp -> ()
+ | DOPN(op,cl) -> Array.iter (occur_rec n) cl
+ | DOPL(_,cl) -> List.iter (occur_rec n) cl
+ | DOP0(_) -> ()
+ | DOP1(_,c) -> occur_rec n c
+ | DOP2(_,c1,c2) -> occur_rec n c1; occur_rec n c2
+ | DLAM(_,c) -> occur_rec (n+1) c
+ | DLAMV(_,v) -> Array.iter (occur_rec (n+1)) v
+ in
+ try (occur_rec n term; true) with Occur -> false
+(* Check if t is a subterm of Rel n, and gives its specification,
+ assuming lst already gives index of
+ subterms with corresponding specifications of recursive arguments *)
+(* A powerful notion of subterm *)
+let find_sorted_assoc p =
+ let rec findrec = function
+ | (a,ta)::l ->
+ if a < p then findrec l else if a = p then ta else raise Not_found
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ findrec
+let map_lift_fst_n m = List.map (function (n,t)->(n+m,t))
+let map_lift_fst = map_lift_fst_n 1
+let rec instantiate_recarg sp lrc ra =
+ match ra with
+ | Mrec(j) -> Imbr(sp,j,lrc)
+ | Imbr(sp1,k,l) -> Imbr(sp1,k, List.map (instantiate_recarg sp lrc) l)
+ | Norec -> Norec
+ | Param(k) -> List.nth lrc k
+(* propagate checking for F,incorporating recursive arguments *)
+let check_term env mind_recvec f =
+ let rec crec n l (lrec,c) =
+ match (lrec,strip_outer_cast c) with
+ | (Param(_)::lr,DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,b))) ->
+ let l' = map_lift_fst l in
+ crec (n+1) l' (lr,b)
+ | (Norec::lr,DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,b))) ->
+ let l' = map_lift_fst l in
+ crec (n+1) l' (lr,b)
+ | (Mrec(i)::lr,DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,b))) ->
+ let l' = map_lift_fst l in
+ crec (n+1) ((1,mind_recvec.(i))::l') (lr,b)
+ | (Imbr(sp,i,lrc)::lr,DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,b))) ->
+ let l' = map_lift_fst l in
+ let sprecargs =
+ mis_recargs (lookup_mind_specif (mkMutInd sp i [||]) env) in
+ let lc =
+ Array.map (List.map (instantiate_recarg sp lrc)) sprecargs.(i)
+ in
+ crec (n+1) ((1,lc)::l') (lr,b)
+ | _,f_0 -> f n l f_0
+ in
+ crec
+let is_inst_var env k c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota_stack env c [] with
+ | (Rel n,_) -> n=k
+ | _ -> false
+let is_subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec =
+ let rec crec n lst c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota_stack env c [] with
+ | ((Rel k),_) -> find_sorted_assoc k lst
+ | (DOPN(MutCase _,_) as x,_) ->
+ let ( _,_,c,br) = destCase x in
+ if Array.length br = 0 then
+ [||]
+ else
+ let lcv =
+ (try
+ if is_inst_var env n c then lcx else (crec n lst c)
+ with Not_found -> (Array.create (Array.length br) []))
+ in
+ assert (Array.length br = Array.length lcv);
+ let stl =
+ array_map2
+ (fun lc a ->
+ check_term env mind_recvec crec n lst (lc,a)) lcv br
+ in
+ stl.(0)
+ | (DOPN(Fix(_),la) as mc,l) ->
+ let (recindxs,i,typarray,funnames,bodies) = destUntypedFix mc in
+ let nbfix = List.length funnames in
+ let decrArg = recindxs.(i) in
+ let theBody = bodies.(i) in
+ let (gamma,strippedBody) = decompose_lam_n (decrArg+1) theBody in
+ let absTypes = List.map snd gamma in
+ let nbOfAbst = nbfix+decrArg+1 in
+ let newlst =
+ if List.length l < (decrArg+1) then
+ ((nbOfAbst,lcx) :: (map_lift_fst_n nbOfAbst lst))
+ else
+ let theDecrArg = List.nth l decrArg in
+ let recArgsDecrArg =
+ try (crec n lst theDecrArg)
+ with Not_found -> Array.create 0 []
+ in
+ if (Array.length recArgsDecrArg)=0 then
+ (nbOfAbst,lcx) :: (map_lift_fst_n nbOfAbst lst)
+ else
+ (1,recArgsDecrArg) ::
+ (nbOfAbst,lcx) ::
+ (map_lift_fst_n nbOfAbst lst)
+ in
+ crec (n+nbOfAbst) newlst strippedBody
+ | (DOP2(Lambda,_,DLAM(_,b)),[]) ->
+ let lst' = map_lift_fst lst in
+ crec (n+1) lst' b
+ (*** Experimental change *************************)
+ | (DOP0(Meta _),_) -> [||]
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ crec
+let is_subterm env lcx mind_recvec n lst c =
+ try
+ let _ = is_subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec n lst c in true
+ with Not_found ->
+ false
+(* Auxiliary function: it checks a condition f depending on a deBrujin
+ index for a certain number of abstractions *)
+let rec check_subterm_rec_meta env vectn k def =
+ (k < 0) or
+ (let nfi = Array.length vectn in
+ (* check fi does not appear in the k+1 first abstractions,
+ gives the type of the k+1-eme abstraction *)
+ let rec check_occur n def =
+ (match strip_outer_cast def with
+ | DOP2(Lambda,a,DLAM(_,b)) ->
+ if noccur_with_meta (evar_map env) n nfi a then
+ if n = k+1 then (a,b) else check_occur (n+1) b
+ else
+ error "Bad occurrence of recursive call"
+ | _ -> error "Not enough abstractions in the definition") in
+ let (c,d) = check_occur 1 def in
+ let (mI, largs) =
+ (try find_minductype env c
+ with Induc -> error "Recursive definition on a non inductive type") in
+ let (sp,tyi,_) = destMutInd mI in
+ let mind_recvec = mis_recargs (lookup_mind_specif mI env) in
+ let lcx = mind_recvec.(tyi) in
+ (* n = decreasing argument in the definition;
+ lst = a mapping var |-> recargs
+ t = the term to be checked
+ *)
+ let rec check_rec_call n lst t =
+ (* n gives the index of the recursive variable *)
+ (noccur_with_meta (evar_map env) (n+k+1) nfi t) or
+ (* no recursive call in the term *)
+ (match whd_betadeltaiota_stack env t [] with
+ | (Rel p,l) ->
+ if n+k+1 <= p & p < n+k+nfi+1 then
+ (* recursive call *)
+ let glob = nfi+n+k-p in (* the index of the recursive call *)
+ let np = vectn.(glob) in (* the decreasing arg of the rec call *)
+ if List.length l > np then
+ (match list_chop np l with
+ (la,(z::lrest)) ->
+ if (is_subterm env lcx mind_recvec n lst z)
+ then List.for_all (check_rec_call n lst) (la@lrest)
+ else error "Recursive call applied to an illegal term"
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else error "Not enough arguments for the recursive call"
+ else List.for_all (check_rec_call n lst) l
+ | (DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc,l) ->
+ let (ci,p,c_0,lrest) = destCase mc in
+ let lc =
+ (try
+ if is_inst_var env n c_0 then
+ lcx
+ else
+ is_subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec n lst c_0
+ with Not_found ->
+ Array.create (Array.length lrest) [])
+ in
+ (array_for_all2
+ (fun c_0 a ->
+ check_term env mind_recvec (check_rec_call) n lst (c_0,a))
+ lc lrest)
+ && (List.for_all (check_rec_call n lst) (c_0::p::l))
+ (* Enables to traverse Fixpoint definitions in a more intelligent
+ way, ie, the rule :
+ if - g = Fix g/1 := [y1:T1]...[yp:Tp]e &
+ - f is guarded with respect to the set of pattern variables S
+ in a1 ... am &
+ - f is guarded with respect to the set of pattern variables S
+ in T1 ... Tp &
+ - ap is a sub-term of the formal argument of f &
+ - f is guarded with respect to the set of pattern variables S+{yp}
+ in e
+ then f is guarded with respect to S in (g a1 ... am).
+ Eduardo 7/9/98 *)
+ | (DOPN(Fix(_),la) as mc,l) ->
+ (List.for_all (check_rec_call n lst) l) &&
+ let (recindxs,i,typarray,funnames,bodies) = destUntypedFix mc in
+ let nbfix = List.length funnames in
+ let decrArg = recindxs.(i) in
+ if (List.length l < (decrArg+1)) then
+ (array_for_all (check_rec_call n lst) la)
+ else
+ let theDecrArg = List.nth l decrArg in
+ let recArgsDecrArg =
+ try (is_subterm_specif env lcx mind_recvec n lst theDecrArg)
+ with Not_found -> Array.create 0 []
+ in
+ if (Array.length recArgsDecrArg)=0 then
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call n lst) la
+ else
+ let theBody = bodies.(i) in
+ let (gamma,strippedBody) =
+ decompose_lam_n (decrArg+1) theBody in
+ let absTypes = List.map snd gamma in
+ let nbOfAbst = nbfix+decrArg+1 in
+ let newlst =
+ ((1,recArgsDecrArg)::(map_lift_fst_n nbOfAbst lst))
+ in
+ ((array_for_all
+ (fun t -> check_rec_call n lst t)
+ typarray) &&
+ (list_for_all_i (fun n -> check_rec_call n lst) n absTypes) &
+ (check_rec_call (n+nbOfAbst) newlst strippedBody))
+ | (DOP2(_,a,b),l) ->
+ (check_rec_call n lst a) &&
+ (check_rec_call n lst b) &&
+ (List.for_all (check_rec_call n lst) l)
+ | (DOPN(_,la),l) ->
+ (array_for_all (check_rec_call n lst) la) &&
+ (List.for_all (check_rec_call n lst) l)
+ | (DOP0 (Meta _),l) -> true
+ | (DLAM(_,t),l) ->
+ (check_rec_call (n+1) (map_lift_fst lst) t) &&
+ (List.for_all (check_rec_call n lst) l)
+ | (DLAMV(_,vt),l) ->
+ (array_for_all (check_rec_call (n+1) (map_lift_fst lst)) vt) &&
+ (List.for_all (check_rec_call n lst) l)
+ | (_,l) -> List.for_all (check_rec_call n lst) l
+ )
+ in
+ check_rec_call 1 [] d)
+(* vargs is supposed to be built from A1;..Ak;[f1]..[fk][|d1;..;dk|]
+and vdeft is [|t1;..;tk|] such that f1:A1,..,fk:Ak |- di:ti
+nvect is [|n1;..;nk|] which gives for each recursive definition
+the inductive-decreasing index
+the function checks the convertibility of ti with Ai *)
+let check_fix env = function
+ | DOPN(Fix(nvect,j),vargs) ->
+ let nbfix = let nv = Array.length vargs in
+ if nv < 2 then error "Ill-formed recursive definition" else nv-1 in
+ let varit = Array.sub vargs 0 nbfix in
+ let ldef = array_last vargs in
+ let ln = Array.length nvect
+ and la = Array.length varit in
+ if ln <> la then
+ error "Ill-formed fix term"
+ else
+ let (lna,vdefs) = decomp_DLAMV_name ln ldef in
+ let vlna = Array.of_list lna in
+ let check_type i =
+ try
+ let _ = check_subterm_rec_meta env nvect nvect.(i) vdefs.(i) in ()
+ with UserError (s,str) ->
+ error_ill_formed_rec_body CCI env str lna i vdefs
+ in
+ for i = 0 to ln-1 do check_type i done
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Co-fixpoints. *)
+let check_guard_rec_meta env nbfix def deftype =
+ let rec codomain_is_coind c =
+ match whd_betadeltaiota env (strip_outer_cast c) with
+ | DOP2(Prod,a,DLAM(_,b)) -> codomain_is_coind b
+ | b ->
+ (try find_mcoinductype env b
+ with
+ | Induc -> error "The codomain is not a coinductive type"
+ | _ -> error "Type of Cofix function not as expected")
+ in
+ let (mI, _) = codomain_is_coind deftype in
+ let (sp,tyi,_) = destMutInd mI in
+ let lvlra = (mis_recargs (lookup_mind_specif mI env)) in
+ let vlra = lvlra.(tyi) in
+ let evd = evar_map env in
+ let rec check_rec_call alreadygrd n vlra t =
+ if (noccur_with_meta evd n nbfix t) then
+ true
+ else
+ match whd_betadeltaiota_stack env t [] with
+ | (DOP0 (Meta _), l) -> true
+ | (Rel p,l) ->
+ if n <= p && p < n+nbfix then
+ (* recursive call *)
+ if alreadygrd then
+ if List.for_all (noccur_with_meta evd n nbfix) l then
+ true
+ else
+ error "Nested recursive occurrences"
+ else
+ error "Unguarded recursive call"
+ else
+ error "check_guard_rec_meta: ???"
+ | (DOPN ((MutConstruct((x,y),i)),l), args) ->
+ let lra =vlra.(i-1) in
+ let mI = DOPN(MutInd(x,y),l) in
+ let _,realargs = list_chop (mind_nparams env mI) args in
+ let rec process_args_of_constr l lra =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> true
+ | t::lr ->
+ (match lra with
+ | [] ->
+ anomalylabstrm "check_guard_rec_meta"
+ [< 'sTR "a constructor with an empty list";
+ 'sTR "of recargs is being applied" >]
+ | (Mrec i)::lrar ->
+ let newvlra = lvlra.(i) in
+ (check_rec_call true n newvlra t) &&
+ (process_args_of_constr lr lrar)
+ | (Imbr(sp,i,lrc)::lrar) ->
+ let mis =
+ lookup_mind_specif (mkMutInd sp i [||]) env in
+ let sprecargs = mis_recargs mis in
+ let lc = (Array.map
+ (List.map
+ (instantiate_recarg sp lrc))
+ sprecargs.(i))
+ in (check_rec_call true n lc t) &
+ (process_args_of_constr lr lrar)
+ | _::lrar ->
+ if (noccur_with_meta evd n nbfix t)
+ then (process_args_of_constr lr lrar)
+ else error "Recursive call inside a non-recursive argument of constructor")
+ in (process_args_of_constr realargs lra)
+ | (DOP2(Lambda,a,DLAM(_,b)),[]) ->
+ if (noccur_with_meta evd n nbfix a) then
+ check_rec_call alreadygrd (n+1) vlra b
+ else
+ error "Recursive call in the type of an abstraction"
+ | (DOPN(CoFix(j),vargs),l) ->
+ let nbfix = let nv = Array.length vargs in
+ if nv < 2 then
+ error "Ill-formed recursive definition"
+ else
+ nv-1
+ in
+ let varit = Array.sub vargs 0 nbfix in
+ let ldef = array_last vargs in
+ let la = Array.length varit in
+ let (lna,vdefs) = decomp_DLAMV_name la ldef in
+ let vlna = Array.of_list lna
+ in
+ if (array_for_all (noccur_with_meta evd n nbfix) varit) then
+ (array_for_all (check_rec_call alreadygrd (n+1) vlra) vdefs)
+ &&
+ (List.for_all (check_rec_call alreadygrd (n+1) vlra) l)
+ else
+ error "Recursive call in the type of a declaration"
+ | (DOPN(MutCase _,_) as mc,l) ->
+ let (_,p,c,vrest) = destCase mc in
+ if (noccur_with_meta evd n nbfix p) then
+ if (noccur_with_meta evd n nbfix c) then
+ if (List.for_all (noccur_with_meta evd n nbfix) l) then
+ (array_for_all (check_rec_call alreadygrd n vlra) vrest)
+ else
+ error "Recursive call in the argument of a function defined by cases"
+ else
+ error "Recursive call in the argument of a case expression"
+ else
+ error "Recursive call in the type of a Case expression"
+ | _ -> error "Definition not in guarded form"
+ in
+ check_rec_call false 1 vlra def
+(* The function which checks that the whole block of definitions
+ satisfies the guarded condition *)
+let check_cofix env f =
+ match f with
+ | DOPN(CoFix(j),vargs) ->
+ let nbfix = let nv = Array.length vargs in
+ if nv < 2 then
+ error "Ill-formed recursive definition"
+ else
+ nv-1
+ in
+ let varit = Array.sub vargs 0 nbfix in
+ let ldef = array_last vargs in
+ let la = Array.length varit in
+ let (lna,vdefs) = decomp_DLAMV_name la ldef in
+ let vlna = Array.of_list lna in
+ let check_type i =
+ (try
+ let _ = check_guard_rec_meta env nbfix vdefs.(i) varit.(i) in ()
+ with UserError (s,str) ->
+ error_ill_formed_rec_body CCI env str lna i vdefs)
+ in
+ for i = 0 to nbfix-1 do check_type i done
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Checks the type of a (co)fixpoint.
+ Fix and CoFix are typed the same way; only the guard condition differs. *)
+exception IllBranch of int
+let type_fixpoint env lna lar vdefj =
+ let lt = Array.length vdefj in
+ assert (Array.length lar = lt);
+ try
+ let cv =
+ conv_forall2_i
+ (fun i e def ar ->
+ let c = conv_leq e def (lift lt ar) in
+ if c = NotConvertible then raise (IllBranch i) else c)
+ env (Array.map (fun j -> j.uj_type) vdefj) (Array.map body_of_type lar)
+ in
+ begin match cv with
+ | Convertible g -> g
+ | NotConvertible -> assert false
+ end
+ with IllBranch i ->
+ error_ill_typed_rec_body CCI env i lna vdefj lar