path: root/kernel/type_errors.ml
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authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2016-11-11 00:29:02 +0100
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2017-02-14 17:27:27 +0100
commitca993b9e7765ac58f70740818758457c9367b0da (patch)
treea813ef9a194638afbb09cefe1d1e2bce113a9d84 /kernel/type_errors.ml
parentc2855a3387be134d1220f301574b743572a94239 (diff)
Making judgment type generic over the type of inner constrs.
This allows to factorize code and prevents the unnecessary use of back and forth conversions between the various types of terms. Note that functions from typing may now raise errors as PretypeError rather than TypeError, because they call the proper wrapper. I think that they were wrongly calling the kernel because of an overlook of open modules.
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/type_errors.ml')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/type_errors.ml b/kernel/type_errors.ml
index 5071f0ad5..5e1763815 100644
--- a/kernel/type_errors.ml
+++ b/kernel/type_errors.ml
@@ -13,52 +13,56 @@ open Reduction
(* Type errors. *)
-type guard_error =
+type 'constr pguard_error =
(* Fixpoints *)
| NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody
- | RecursionNotOnInductiveType of constr
- | RecursionOnIllegalTerm of int * (env * constr) * int list * int list
+ | RecursionNotOnInductiveType of 'constr
+ | RecursionOnIllegalTerm of int * (env * 'constr) * int list * int list
| NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall of int
(* CoFixpoints *)
- | CodomainNotInductiveType of constr
+ | CodomainNotInductiveType of 'constr
| NestedRecursiveOccurrences
- | UnguardedRecursiveCall of constr
- | RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction of constr
- | RecCallInNonRecArgOfConstructor of constr
- | RecCallInTypeOfDef of constr
- | RecCallInCaseFun of constr
- | RecCallInCaseArg of constr
- | RecCallInCasePred of constr
- | NotGuardedForm of constr
- | ReturnPredicateNotCoInductive of constr
+ | UnguardedRecursiveCall of 'constr
+ | RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction of 'constr
+ | RecCallInNonRecArgOfConstructor of 'constr
+ | RecCallInTypeOfDef of 'constr
+ | RecCallInCaseFun of 'constr
+ | RecCallInCaseArg of 'constr
+ | RecCallInCasePred of 'constr
+ | NotGuardedForm of 'constr
+ | ReturnPredicateNotCoInductive of 'constr
+type guard_error = constr pguard_error
type arity_error =
| NonInformativeToInformative
| StrongEliminationOnNonSmallType
| WrongArity
-type type_error =
+type ('constr, 'types) ptype_error =
| UnboundRel of int
| UnboundVar of variable
- | NotAType of unsafe_judgment
- | BadAssumption of unsafe_judgment
- | ReferenceVariables of identifier * constr
- | ElimArity of pinductive * sorts_family list * constr * unsafe_judgment
+ | NotAType of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment
+ | BadAssumption of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment
+ | ReferenceVariables of identifier * 'constr
+ | ElimArity of pinductive * sorts_family list * 'constr * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment
* (sorts_family * sorts_family * arity_error) option
- | CaseNotInductive of unsafe_judgment
+ | CaseNotInductive of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment
| WrongCaseInfo of pinductive * case_info
- | NumberBranches of unsafe_judgment * int
- | IllFormedBranch of constr * pconstructor * constr * constr
- | Generalization of (Name.t * types) * unsafe_judgment
- | ActualType of unsafe_judgment * types
+ | NumberBranches of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment * int
+ | IllFormedBranch of 'constr * pconstructor * 'constr * 'constr
+ | Generalization of (Name.t * 'types) * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment
+ | ActualType of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment * 'types
| CantApplyBadType of
- (int * constr * constr) * unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment array
- | CantApplyNonFunctional of unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment array
- | IllFormedRecBody of guard_error * Name.t array * int * env * unsafe_judgment array
+ (int * 'constr * 'constr) * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment array
+ | CantApplyNonFunctional of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment array
+ | IllFormedRecBody of 'constr pguard_error * Name.t array * int * env * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment array
| IllTypedRecBody of
- int * Name.t array * unsafe_judgment array * types array
+ int * Name.t array * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment array * 'types array
| UnsatisfiedConstraints of Univ.constraints
+type type_error = (constr, types) ptype_error
exception TypeError of env * type_error
let nfj env {uj_val=c;uj_type=ct} =