path: root/kernel/nativevalues.ml
diff options
authorGravatar mdenes <mdenes@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-01-22 17:37:00 +0000
committerGravatar mdenes <mdenes@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-01-22 17:37:00 +0000
commit6b908b5185a55a27a82c2b0fce4713812adde156 (patch)
treec2857724d8b22ae3d7a91b3a683a57206caf9b54 /kernel/nativevalues.ml
parent62ce65dadb0afb8815b26069246832662846c7ec (diff)
New implementation of the conversion test, using normalization by evaluation to
native OCaml code. Warning: the "retroknowledge" mechanism has not been ported to the native compiler, because integers and persistent arrays will ultimately be defined as primitive constructions. Until then, computation on numbers may be faster using the VM, since it takes advantage of machine integers. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@16136 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/nativevalues.ml')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/nativevalues.ml b/kernel/nativevalues.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc4255aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/nativevalues.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2013 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Term
+open Names
+open Errors
+(** This modules defines the representation of values internally used by
+the native compiler *)
+type t = t -> t
+type accumulator (* = t (* a block [0:code;atom;arguments] *) *)
+type tag = int
+type arity = int
+type reloc_table = (tag * arity) array
+type annot_sw = {
+ asw_ind : inductive;
+ asw_ci : case_info;
+ asw_reloc : reloc_table;
+ asw_finite : bool;
+ asw_prefix : string
+ }
+type sort_annot = string * int
+type rec_pos = int array
+type atom =
+ | Arel of int
+ | Aconstant of constant
+ | Aind of inductive
+ | Asort of sorts
+ | Avar of identifier
+ | Acase of annot_sw * accumulator * t * (t -> t)
+ | Afix of t array * t array * rec_pos * int
+ | Acofix of t array * t array * int * t
+ | Acofixe of t array * t array * int * t
+ | Aprod of name * t * (t -> t)
+let accumulate_tag = 0
+let accumulate_code (k:accumulator) (x:t) =
+ let o = Obj.repr k in
+ let osize = Obj.size o in
+ let r = Obj.new_block accumulate_tag (osize + 1) in
+ for i = 0 to osize - 1 do
+ Obj.set_field r i (Obj.field o i)
+ done;
+ Obj.set_field r osize (Obj.repr x);
+ (Obj.obj r:t)
+let rec accumulate (x:t) =
+ accumulate_code (Obj.magic accumulate) x
+let raccumulate = ref accumulate
+let mk_accu_gen rcode (a:atom) =
+(* Format.eprintf "size rcode =%i\n" (Obj.size (Obj.magic rcode)); *)
+ let r = Obj.new_block 0 3 in
+ Obj.set_field r 0 (Obj.field (Obj.magic rcode) 0);
+ Obj.set_field r 1 (Obj.field (Obj.magic rcode) 1);
+ Obj.set_field r 2 (Obj.magic a);
+ (Obj.magic r:t);;
+let mk_accu (a:atom) = mk_accu_gen accumulate a
+let mk_rel_accu i =
+ mk_accu (Arel i)
+let rel_tbl_size = 100
+let rel_tbl = Array.init rel_tbl_size mk_rel_accu
+let mk_rel_accu i =
+ if i < rel_tbl_size then rel_tbl.(i)
+ else mk_rel_accu i
+let mk_rels_accu lvl len =
+ Array.init len (fun i -> mk_rel_accu (lvl + i))
+let napply (f:t) (args: t array) =
+ Array.fold_left (fun f a -> f a) f args
+let mk_constant_accu kn =
+ mk_accu (Aconstant kn)
+let mk_ind_accu s =
+ mk_accu (Aind s)
+let mk_sort_accu s =
+ mk_accu (Asort s)
+let mk_var_accu id =
+ mk_accu (Avar id)
+let mk_sw_accu annot c p ac =
+ mk_accu (Acase(annot,c,p,ac))
+let mk_prod_accu s dom codom =
+ mk_accu (Aprod (s,dom,codom))
+let atom_of_accu (k:accumulator) =
+ (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.magic k) 2) : atom)
+let set_atom_of_accu (k:accumulator) (a:atom) =
+ Obj.set_field (Obj.magic k) 2 (Obj.magic a)
+let accu_nargs (k:accumulator) =
+ let nargs = Obj.size (Obj.magic k) - 3 in
+(* if nargs < 0 then Format.eprintf "nargs = %i\n" nargs; *)
+ assert (nargs >= 0);
+ nargs
+let args_of_accu (k:accumulator) =
+ let nargs = accu_nargs k in
+ let f i = (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.magic k) (nargs-i+2)) : t) in
+ let t = Array.init nargs f in
+ Array.to_list t
+let is_accu x =
+ let o = Obj.repr x in
+ Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o = accumulate_tag
+(*let accumulate_fix_code (k:accumulator) (a:t) =
+ match atom_of_accu k with
+ | Afix(frec,_,rec_pos,_,_) ->
+ let nargs = accu_nargs k in
+ if nargs <> rec_pos || is_accu a then
+ accumulate_code k a
+ else
+ let r = ref frec in
+ for i = 0 to nargs - 1 do
+ r := !r (arg_of_accu k i)
+ done;
+ !r a
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec accumulate_fix (x:t) =
+ accumulate_fix_code (Obj.magic accumulate_fix) x
+let raccumulate_fix = ref accumulate_fix *)
+let is_atom_fix (a:atom) =
+ match a with
+ | Afix _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let mk_fix_accu rec_pos pos types bodies =
+ mk_accu_gen accumulate (Afix(types,bodies,rec_pos, pos))
+let mk_cofix_accu pos types norm =
+ mk_accu_gen accumulate (Acofix(types,norm,pos,(Obj.magic 0 : t)))
+let upd_cofix (cofix :t) (cofix_fun : t) =
+ let atom = atom_of_accu (Obj.magic cofix) in
+ match atom with
+ | Acofix (typ,norm,pos,_) ->
+ set_atom_of_accu (Obj.magic cofix) (Acofix(typ,norm,pos,cofix_fun))
+ | _ -> assert false
+let force_cofix (cofix : t) =
+ if is_accu cofix then
+ let accu = (Obj.magic cofix : accumulator) in
+ let atom = atom_of_accu accu in
+ match atom with
+ | Acofix(typ,norm,pos,f) ->
+ let f = ref f in
+ let args = List.rev (args_of_accu accu) in
+ List.iter (fun x -> f := !f x) args;
+ let v = !f (Obj.magic ()) in
+ set_atom_of_accu accu (Acofixe(typ,norm,pos,v));
+ v
+ | Acofixe(_,_,_,v) -> v
+ | _ -> cofix
+ else cofix
+let mk_const tag = Obj.magic tag
+let mk_block tag args =
+ let nargs = Array.length args in
+ let r = Obj.new_block tag nargs in
+ for i = 0 to nargs - 1 do
+ Obj.set_field r i (Obj.magic args.(i))
+ done;
+ (Obj.magic r : t)
+(* Two instances of dummy_value should not be pointer equal, otherwise
+ comparing them as terms would succeed *)
+let dummy_value : unit -> t = fun () _ -> anomaly "Evaluation failed"
+let cast_accu v = (Obj.magic v:accumulator)
+let mk_int x = Obj.magic x
+type block
+let block_size (b:block) =
+ Obj.size (Obj.magic b)
+let block_field (b:block) i = (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.magic b) i) : t)
+let block_tag (b:block) =
+ Obj.tag (Obj.magic b)
+type kind_of_value =
+ | Vaccu of accumulator
+ | Vfun of (t -> t)
+ | Vconst of int
+ | Vblock of block
+let kind_of_value (v:t) =
+ let o = Obj.repr v in
+ if Obj.is_int o then Vconst (Obj.magic v)
+ else
+ let tag = Obj.tag o in
+ if tag = accumulate_tag then
+ Vaccu (Obj.magic v)
+ else
+ if (tag < Obj.lazy_tag) then Vblock (Obj.magic v)
+ else
+ (* assert (tag = Obj.closure_tag || tag = Obj.infix_tag);
+ or ??? what is 1002*)
+ Vfun v
+let hobcnv = Array.init 256 (fun i -> Printf.sprintf "%.2x" i)
+let bohcnv = Array.init 256 (fun i -> i -
+ (if 0x30 <= i then 0x30 else 0) -
+ (if 0x41 <= i then 0x7 else 0) -
+ (if 0x61 <= i then 0x20 else 0))
+let hex_of_bin ch = hobcnv.(int_of_char ch)
+let bin_of_hex s = char_of_int (bohcnv.(int_of_char s.[0]) * 16 + bohcnv.(int_of_char s.[1]))
+let str_encode expr =
+ let mshl_expr = Marshal.to_string expr [] in
+ let payload = Buffer.create (String.length mshl_expr * 2) in
+ String.iter (fun c -> Buffer.add_string payload (hex_of_bin c)) mshl_expr;
+ Buffer.contents payload
+let str_decode s =
+ let mshl_expr_len = String.length s / 2 in
+ let mshl_expr = Buffer.create mshl_expr_len in
+ let buf = String.create 2 in
+ for i = 0 to mshl_expr_len - 1 do
+ String.blit s (2*i) buf 0 2;
+ Buffer.add_char mshl_expr (bin_of_hex buf)
+ done;
+ Marshal.from_string (Buffer.contents mshl_expr) 0