path: root/kernel/nativevalues.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2014-04-07 15:45:33 -0400
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2014-04-09 01:05:48 -0400
commit2e8c02d5644e8e8e446ab6dfd832322276e44f89 (patch)
tree9f7564ac88d210611cbd5fa5cf2de8efad038e36 /kernel/nativevalues.ml
parenta91518d0b07b9a2cd7d9381044c20365771ec382 (diff)
Machine arithmetic operations for native compiler.
This completes the port of the native compiler to retroknowledge. However, some testing and optimizations are still to be done.
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/nativevalues.ml')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/nativevalues.ml b/kernel/nativevalues.ml
index 7f2785cf9..ab56c4be0 100644
--- a/kernel/nativevalues.ml
+++ b/kernel/nativevalues.ml
@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ let dummy_value : unit -> t =
let cast_accu v = (Obj.magic v:accumulator)
let mk_int (x : int) = (Obj.magic x : t)
+(* Coq's booleans are reversed... *)
+let mk_bool (b : bool) = (Obj.magic (not b) : t)
let mk_uint (x : Uint31.t) = (Obj.magic x : t)
type block
@@ -260,7 +262,223 @@ let is_int (x:t) =
let o = Obj.repr x in
Obj.is_int o
-let to_int (x:t) = (Obj.magic x : int)
+let val_to_int (x:t) = (Obj.magic x : int)
+let to_uint (x:t) = (Obj.magic x : Uint31.t)
+let of_uint (x: Uint31.t) = (Obj.magic x : t)
+let no_check_head0 x =
+ of_uint (Uint31.head0 (to_uint x))
+let head0 accu x =
+ if is_int x then no_check_head0 x
+ else accu x
+let no_check_tail0 x =
+ of_uint (Uint31.tail0 (to_uint x))
+let tail0 accu x =
+ if is_int x then no_check_tail0 x
+ else accu x
+let no_check_add x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.add (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let add accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_add x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_sub x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.sub (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let sub accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_sub x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_mul x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.mul (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let mul accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_mul x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_div x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.div (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let div accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_div x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_rem x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.rem (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let rem accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_rem x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_l_sr x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.l_sr (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let l_sr accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_l_sr x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_l_sl x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.l_sl (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let l_sl accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_l_sl x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_l_and x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.l_and (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let l_and accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_l_and x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_l_xor x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.l_xor (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let l_xor accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_l_xor x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_l_or x y =
+ of_uint (Uint31.l_or (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let l_or accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_l_or x y
+ else accu x y
+type coq_carry =
+ | Caccu of t
+ | C0 of t
+ | C1 of t
+type coq_pair =
+ | Paccu of t
+ | PPair of t * t
+let mkCarry b i =
+ if b then (Obj.magic (C1(of_uint i)):t)
+ else (Obj.magic (C0(of_uint i)):t)
+let no_check_addc x y =
+ let s = Uint31.add (to_uint x) (to_uint y) in
+ mkCarry (Uint31.lt s (to_uint x)) s
+let addc accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_addc x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_subc x y =
+ let s = Uint31.sub (to_uint x) (to_uint y) in
+ mkCarry (Uint31.lt (to_uint x) (to_uint y)) s
+let subc accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_subc x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_addCarryC x y =
+ let s =
+ Uint31.add (Uint31.add (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+ (Uint31.of_int 1) in
+ mkCarry (Uint31.le s (to_uint x)) s
+let addCarryC accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_addCarryC x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_subCarryC x y =
+ let s =
+ Uint31.sub (Uint31.sub (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+ (Uint31.of_int 1) in
+ mkCarry (Uint31.le (to_uint x) (to_uint y)) s
+let subCarryC accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_subCarryC x y
+ else accu x y
+let of_pair (x, y) =
+ (Obj.magic (PPair(of_uint x, of_uint y)):t)
+let no_check_mulc x y =
+ of_pair(Uint31.mulc (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let mulc accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_mulc x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_diveucl x y =
+ let i1, i2 = to_uint x, to_uint y in
+ of_pair(Uint31.div i1 i2, Uint31.rem i1 i2)
+let diveucl accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_diveucl x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_div21 x y z =
+ let i1, i2, i3 = to_uint x, to_uint y, to_uint z in
+ of_pair (Uint31.div21 i1 i2 i3)
+let div21 accu x y z =
+ if is_int x && is_int y && is_int z then no_check_div21 x y z
+ else accu x y z
+let no_check_addMulDiv x y z =
+ let p, i, j = to_uint x, to_uint y, to_uint z in
+ let p' = Uint31.to_int p in
+ of_uint (Uint31.l_or
+ (Uint31.l_sl i p)
+ (Uint31.l_sr j (Uint31.of_int (31 - p'))))
+let addMulDiv accu x y z =
+ if is_int x && is_int y && is_int z then no_check_addMulDiv x y z
+ else accu x y z
+type coq_bool =
+ | Baccu of t
+ | Btrue
+ | Bfalse
+type coq_cmp =
+ | CmpAccu of t
+ | CmpEq
+ | CmpLt
+ | CmpGt
+let no_check_eq x y =
+ mk_bool (Uint31.equal (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let eq accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_eq x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_lt x y =
+ mk_bool (Uint31.lt (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let lt accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_lt x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_le x y =
+ mk_bool (Uint31.le (to_uint x) (to_uint y))
+let le accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_le x y
+ else accu x y
+let no_check_compare x y =
+ match Uint31.compare (to_uint x) (to_uint y) with
+ | x when x < 0 -> (Obj.magic CmpLt:t)
+ | 0 -> (Obj.magic CmpEq:t)
+ | _ -> (Obj.magic CmpGt:t)
+let compare accu x y =
+ if is_int x && is_int y then no_check_compare x y
+ else accu x y
let hobcnv = Array.init 256 (fun i -> Printf.sprintf "%.2x" i)
let bohcnv = Array.init 256 (fun i -> i -
@@ -340,7 +558,7 @@ let mk_I31_accu c x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17
let decomp_uint c v =
if is_int v then
let r = ref c in
- let v = to_int v in
+ let v = val_to_int v in
for i = 30 downto 0 do
r := (!r) (mk_int ((v lsr i) land 1));