path: root/kernel/environ.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2017-08-12 17:42:09 +0200
committerGravatar Hugo Herbelin <Hugo.Herbelin@inria.fr>2017-08-12 19:18:55 +0200
commit07335670c4339f9c4ae620088d9352be67a77714 (patch)
treed95d3828877e4e9676e16c0cf186fe805aff4eea /kernel/environ.ml
parent83e506e9a4b8140320e8f505b9ef6e4da05d710c (diff)
Moving file primitive.ml to cPrimitive.ml to avoid conflict with OCaml.
Indeed OCaml has a similar file and this conflicts, at least in debugger.
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/environ.ml')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/environ.ml b/kernel/environ.ml
index d2c737ab0..621a9931d 100644
--- a/kernel/environ.ml
+++ b/kernel/environ.ml
@@ -624,39 +624,39 @@ fun rk value field ->
native_constant_dynamic = Some Nativelambda.compile_dynamic_int31;
| KInt31 (_, Int31Plus) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddint31
- Primitives.Int31add
+ CPrimitives.Int31add
| KInt31 (_, Int31PlusC) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddcint31
- Primitives.Int31addc
+ CPrimitives.Int31addc
| KInt31 (_, Int31PlusCarryC) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddcarrycint31
- Primitives.Int31addcarryc
+ CPrimitives.Int31addcarryc
| KInt31 (_, Int31Minus) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ksubint31
- Primitives.Int31sub
+ CPrimitives.Int31sub
| KInt31 (_, Int31MinusC) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ksubcint31
- Primitives.Int31subc
+ CPrimitives.Int31subc
| KInt31 (_, Int31MinusCarryC) -> int31_binop_from_const
- Cbytecodes.Ksubcarrycint31 Primitives.Int31subcarryc
+ Cbytecodes.Ksubcarrycint31 CPrimitives.Int31subcarryc
| KInt31 (_, Int31Times) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kmulint31
- Primitives.Int31mul
+ CPrimitives.Int31mul
| KInt31 (_, Int31TimesC) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kmulcint31
- Primitives.Int31mulc
+ CPrimitives.Int31mulc
| KInt31 (_, Int31Div21) -> int31_op_from_const 3 Cbytecodes.Kdiv21int31
- Primitives.Int31div21
+ CPrimitives.Int31div21
| KInt31 (_, Int31Diveucl) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kdivint31
- Primitives.Int31diveucl
+ CPrimitives.Int31diveucl
| KInt31 (_, Int31AddMulDiv) -> int31_op_from_const 3 Cbytecodes.Kaddmuldivint31
- Primitives.Int31addmuldiv
+ CPrimitives.Int31addmuldiv
| KInt31 (_, Int31Compare) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kcompareint31
- Primitives.Int31compare
+ CPrimitives.Int31compare
| KInt31 (_, Int31Head0) -> int31_unop_from_const Cbytecodes.Khead0int31
- Primitives.Int31head0
+ CPrimitives.Int31head0
| KInt31 (_, Int31Tail0) -> int31_unop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ktail0int31
- Primitives.Int31tail0
+ CPrimitives.Int31tail0
| KInt31 (_, Int31Lor) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Klorint31
- Primitives.Int31lor
+ CPrimitives.Int31lor
| KInt31 (_, Int31Land) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Klandint31
- Primitives.Int31land
+ CPrimitives.Int31land
| KInt31 (_, Int31Lxor) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Klxorint31
- Primitives.Int31lxor
+ CPrimitives.Int31lxor
| _ -> empty_reactive_info
let _ = Hook.set Retroknowledge.dispatch_hook dispatch