path: root/kernel/declareops.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2015-11-13 14:41:14 +0100
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2015-11-15 18:51:12 +0100
commit6cd0ac247b7b6fa757a8e0b5369b6d27a0e0ebd9 (patch)
tree8eca1824a25a12cf56dd473fc9f8871ae98be1e2 /kernel/declareops.ml
parent73c9ad1ff19915fbaf053119c5498ff1314e92e3 (diff)
Hashconsing modules.
Modules inserted into the environment were not hashconsed, leading to an important redundancy, especially in module signatures that are always fully expanded. This patch divides by two the size and memory consumption of module-heavy files by hashconsing modules before putting them in the environment. Note that this is not a real hashconsing, in the sense that we only hashcons the inner terms contained in the modules, that are only mapped over. Compilation time should globally decrease, even though some files definining a lot of modules may see their compilation time increase. Some remaining overhead may persist, as for instance module inclusion is not hashconsed.
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/declareops.ml')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/declareops.ml b/kernel/declareops.ml
index 248504c1b..73cfd0122 100644
--- a/kernel/declareops.ml
+++ b/kernel/declareops.ml
@@ -308,3 +308,88 @@ let string_of_side_effect { Entries.eff } = match eff with
| Entries.SEsubproof (c,_,_) -> "P(" ^ Names.string_of_con c ^ ")"
| Entries.SEscheme (cl,_) ->
"S(" ^ String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (_,c,_,_) -> Names.string_of_con c) cl) ^ ")"
+(** Hashconsing of modules *)
+let hcons_functorize hty he hself f = match f with
+| NoFunctor e ->
+ let e' = he e in
+ if e == e' then f else NoFunctor e'
+| MoreFunctor (mid, ty, nf) ->
+ (** FIXME *)
+ let mid' = mid in
+ let ty' = hty ty in
+ let nf' = hself nf in
+ if mid == mid' && ty == ty' && nf == nf' then f
+ else MoreFunctor (mid, ty', nf')
+let hcons_module_alg_expr me = me
+let rec hcons_structure_field_body sb = match sb with
+| SFBconst cb ->
+ let cb' = hcons_const_body cb in
+ if cb == cb' then sb else SFBconst cb'
+| SFBmind mib ->
+ let mib' = hcons_mind mib in
+ if mib == mib' then sb else SFBmind mib'
+| SFBmodule mb ->
+ let mb' = hcons_module_body mb in
+ if mb == mb' then sb else SFBmodule mb'
+| SFBmodtype mb ->
+ let mb' = hcons_module_body mb in
+ if mb == mb' then sb else SFBmodtype mb'
+and hcons_structure_body sb =
+ (** FIXME *)
+ let map (l, sfb as fb) =
+ let l' = Names.Label.hcons l in
+ let sfb' = hcons_structure_field_body sfb in
+ if l == l' && sfb == sfb' then fb else (l', sfb')
+ in
+ List.smartmap map sb
+and hcons_module_signature ms =
+ hcons_functorize hcons_module_body hcons_structure_body hcons_module_signature ms
+and hcons_module_expression me =
+ hcons_functorize hcons_module_body hcons_module_alg_expr hcons_module_expression me
+and hcons_module_implementation mip = match mip with
+| Abstract -> Abstract
+| Algebraic me ->
+ let me' = hcons_module_expression me in
+ if me == me' then mip else Algebraic me'
+| Struct ms ->
+ let ms' = hcons_module_signature ms in
+ if ms == ms' then mip else Struct ms
+| FullStruct -> FullStruct
+and hcons_module_body mb =
+ let mp' = mb.mod_mp in
+ let expr' = hcons_module_implementation mb.mod_expr in
+ let type' = hcons_module_signature mb.mod_type in
+ let type_alg' = mb.mod_type_alg in
+ let constraints' = Univ.hcons_universe_context_set mb.mod_constraints in
+ let delta' = mb.mod_delta in
+ let retroknowledge' = mb.mod_retroknowledge in
+ if
+ mb.mod_mp == mp' &&
+ mb.mod_expr == expr' &&
+ mb.mod_type == type' &&
+ mb.mod_type_alg == type_alg' &&
+ mb.mod_constraints == constraints' &&
+ mb.mod_delta == delta' &&
+ mb.mod_retroknowledge == retroknowledge'
+ then mb
+ else {
+ mod_mp = mp';
+ mod_expr = expr';
+ mod_type = type';
+ mod_type_alg = type_alg';
+ mod_constraints = constraints';
+ mod_delta = delta';
+ mod_retroknowledge = retroknowledge';
+ }
+and hcons_module_type_body mtb = hcons_module_body mtb