path: root/kernel/context.mli
diff options
authorGravatar Matej Kosik <m4tej.kosik@gmail.com>2016-01-11 12:34:30 +0100
committerGravatar Matej Kosik <m4tej.kosik@gmail.com>2016-01-11 12:34:30 +0100
commit78bad016e389cd78635d40281bfefd7136733b7e (patch)
tree51f90da34d2444734868d7954412ac08ddc0f5c6 /kernel/context.mli
parentf8eb2ed4ddbe2199187696f51c42734014f4d9d0 (diff)
parent9d991d36c07efbb6428e277573bd43f6d56788fc (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/context.mli')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/context.mli b/kernel/context.mli
index 735467747..0db82beb5 100644
--- a/kernel/context.mli
+++ b/kernel/context.mli
@@ -6,131 +6,186 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** The modules defined below represent a {e local context}
+ as defined by Chapter 4 in the Reference Manual:
+ A {e local context} is an ordered list of of {e local declarations}
+ of names that we call {e variables}.
+ A {e local declaration} of some variable can be either:
+ - a {e local assumption}, or
+ - a {e local definition}.
+ {e Local assumptions} are denoted in the Reference Manual as [(name : typ)] and
+ {e local definitions} are there denoted as [(name := value : typ)].
open Names
-(** TODO: cleanup *)
+(** Representation of contexts that can capture anonymous as well as non-anonymous variables.
+ Individual declarations are then designated by de Bruijn indexes. *)
+module Rel :
+ (** Representation of {e local declarations}.
+ [(name, None, typ)] represents a {e local assumption}.
+ [(name, Some value, typ)] represents a {e local definition}.
+ *)
+ module Declaration :
+ sig
+ type t = Name.t * Constr.t option * Constr.t
+ (** Map all terms in a given declaration. *)
+ val map : (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> t -> t
+ (** Reduce all terms in a given declaration to a single value. *)
+ val fold : (Constr.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+ (** Check whether any term in a given declaration satisfies a given predicate. *)
+ val exists : (Constr.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
+ (** Check whether all terms in a given declaration satisfy a given predicate. *)
+ val for_all : (Constr.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
+ (** Check whether the two given declarations are equal. *)
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ end
+ (** Rel-context is represented as a list of declarations.
+ Inner-most declarations are at the beginning of the list.
+ Outer-most declarations are at the end of the list. *)
+ type t = Declaration.t list
+ (** empty rel-context *)
+ val empty : t
+ (** Return a new rel-context enriched by with a given inner-most declaration. *)
+ val add : Declaration.t -> t -> t
+ (** Return a declaration designated by a given de Bruijn index.
+ @raise Not_found if the designated de Bruijn index outside the range. *)
+ val lookup : int -> t -> Declaration.t
+ (** Map all terms in a given rel-context. *)
+ val map : (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> t -> t
-(** {6 Declarations} *)
-(** A {e declaration} has the form [(name,body,type)]. It is either an
- {e assumption} if [body=None] or a {e definition} if
- [body=Some actualbody]. It is referred by {e name} if [na] is an
- identifier or by {e relative index} if [na] is not an identifier
- (in the latter case, [na] is of type [name] but just for printing
- purpose) *)
+ (** Reduce all terms in a given rel-context to a single value.
+ Innermost declarations are processed first. *)
+ val fold_inside : ('a -> Declaration.t -> 'a) -> init:'a -> t -> 'a
-type named_declaration = Id.t * Constr.t option * Constr.t
-type named_list_declaration = Id.t list * Constr.t option * Constr.t
-type rel_declaration = Name.t * Constr.t option * Constr.t
+ (** Reduce all terms in a given rel-context to a single value.
+ Outermost declarations are processed first. *)
+ val fold_outside : (Declaration.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> init:'a -> 'a
-val map_named_declaration :
- (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> named_declaration -> named_declaration
-val map_named_list_declaration :
- (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> named_list_declaration -> named_list_declaration
-val map_rel_declaration :
- (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> rel_declaration -> rel_declaration
+ (** Perform a given action on every declaration in a given rel-context. *)
+ val iter : (Constr.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
-val fold_named_declaration :
- (Constr.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> named_declaration -> 'a -> 'a
-val fold_rel_declaration :
- (Constr.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> rel_declaration -> 'a -> 'a
+ (** Return the number of {e local declarations} in a given context. *)
+ val length : t -> int
-val exists_named_declaration :
- (Constr.t -> bool) -> named_declaration -> bool
-val exists_rel_declaration :
- (Constr.t -> bool) -> rel_declaration -> bool
+ (** Return the number of {e local assumptions} in a given rel-context. *)
+ val nhyps : t -> int
-val for_all_named_declaration :
- (Constr.t -> bool) -> named_declaration -> bool
-val for_all_rel_declaration :
- (Constr.t -> bool) -> rel_declaration -> bool
+ (** Map a given rel-context to a list where each {e local assumption} is mapped to [true]
+ and each {e local definition} is mapped to [false]. *)
+ val to_tags : t -> bool list
-val eq_named_declaration :
- named_declaration -> named_declaration -> bool
+ (** [extended_list n Γ] builds an instance [args] such that [Γ,Δ ⊢ args:Γ]
+ with n = |Δ| and with the {e local definitions} of [Γ] skipped in
+ [args]. Example: for [x:T, y:=c, z:U] and [n]=2, it gives [Rel 5, Rel 3]. *)
+ val to_extended_list : int -> t -> Constr.t list
-val eq_rel_declaration :
- rel_declaration -> rel_declaration -> bool
+ (** [extended_vect n Γ] does the same, returning instead an array. *)
+ val to_extended_vect : int -> t -> Constr.t array
-(** {6 Signatures of ordered named declarations } *)
+(** This module represents contexts that can capture non-anonymous variables.
+ Individual declarations are then designated by the identifiers they bind. *)
+module Named :
+ (** Representation of {e local declarations}.
-type named_context = named_declaration list
-type section_context = named_context
-type named_list_context = named_list_declaration list
-type rel_context = rel_declaration list
-(** In [rel_context], more recent declaration is on top *)
+ [(id, None, typ)] represents a {e local assumption}.
-val empty_named_context : named_context
-val add_named_decl : named_declaration -> named_context -> named_context
-val vars_of_named_context : named_context -> Id.Set.t
+ [(id, Some value, typ)] represents a {e local definition}.
+ *)
+ module Declaration :
+ sig
+ type t = Id.t * Constr.t option * Constr.t
-val lookup_named : Id.t -> named_context -> named_declaration
+ (** Map all terms in a given declaration. *)
+ val map : (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> t -> t
-(** number of declarations *)
-val named_context_length : named_context -> int
+ (** Reduce all terms in a given declaration to a single value. *)
+ val fold : (Constr.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
-(** named context equality *)
-val named_context_equal : named_context -> named_context -> bool
+ (** Check whether any term in a given declaration satisfies a given predicate. *)
+ val exists : (Constr.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
-(** {6 Recurrence on [named_context]: older declarations processed first } *)
-val fold_named_context :
- (named_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> named_context -> init:'a -> 'a
+ (** Check whether all terms in a given declaration satisfy a given predicate. *)
+ val for_all : (Constr.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
-val fold_named_list_context :
- (named_list_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> named_list_context -> init:'a -> 'a
+ (** Check whether the two given declarations are equal. *)
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ end
-(** newer declarations first *)
-val fold_named_context_reverse :
- ('a -> named_declaration -> 'a) -> init:'a -> named_context -> 'a
+ (** Rel-context is represented as a list of declarations.
+ Inner-most declarations are at the beginning of the list.
+ Outer-most declarations are at the end of the list. *)
+ type t = Declaration.t list
-(** {6 Section-related auxiliary functions } *)
+ (** empty named-context *)
+ val empty : t
-(** [instance_from_named_context Ω] builds an instance [args] such
- that [Ω ⊢ args:Ω] where [Ω] is a named context and with the local
- definitions of [Ω] skipped. Example: for [id1:T,id2:=c,id3:U], it
- gives [Var id1, Var id3]. All [idj] are supposed distinct. *)
-val instance_from_named_context : named_context -> Constr.t list
+ (** Return a new rel-context enriched by with a given inner-most declaration. *)
+ val add : Declaration.t -> t -> t
-(** [extended_rel_list n Γ] builds an instance [args] such that [Γ,Δ ⊢ args:Γ]
- with n = |Δ| and with the local definitions of [Γ] skipped in
- [args]. Example: for [x:T,y:=c,z:U] and [n]=2, it gives [Rel 5, Rel 3]. *)
-val extended_rel_list : int -> rel_context -> Constr.t list
+ (** Return a declaration designated by an identifier of the variable bound in that declaration.
+ @raise Not_found if the designated identifier is not bound in a given named-context. *)
+ val lookup : Id.t -> t -> Declaration.t
-(** [extended_rel_vect n Γ] does the same, returning instead an array. *)
-val extended_rel_vect : int -> rel_context -> Constr.t array
+ (** Map all terms in a given named-context. *)
+ val map : (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> t -> t
-(** {6 ... } *)
-(** Signatures of ordered optionally named variables, intended to be
- accessed by de Bruijn indices *)
+ (** Reduce all terms in a given named-context to a single value.
+ Innermost declarations are processed first. *)
+ val fold_inside : ('a -> Declaration.t -> 'a) -> init:'a -> t -> 'a
-(** {6 Recurrence on [rel_context]: older declarations processed first } *)
-val fold_rel_context :
- (rel_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> rel_context -> init:'a -> 'a
+ (** Reduce all terms in a given named-context to a single value.
+ Outermost declarations are processed first. *)
+ val fold_outside : (Declaration.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> init:'a -> 'a
-(** newer declarations first *)
-val fold_rel_context_reverse :
- ('a -> rel_declaration -> 'a) -> init:'a -> rel_context -> 'a
+ (** Perform a given action on every declaration in a given named-context. *)
+ val iter : (Constr.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
-(** {6 Map function of [rel_context] } *)
-val map_rel_context : (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> rel_context -> rel_context
+ (** Return the number of {e local declarations} in a given named-context. *)
+ val length : t -> int
-(** {6 Map function of [named_context] } *)
-val map_named_context : (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> named_context -> named_context
+ (** Check whether given two named-contexts are equal. *)
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
-(** {6 Map function of [rel_context] } *)
-val iter_rel_context : (Constr.t -> unit) -> rel_context -> unit
+ (** Return the set of all identifiers bound in a given named-context. *)
+ val to_vars : t -> Id.Set.t
-(** {6 Map function of [named_context] } *)
-val iter_named_context : (Constr.t -> unit) -> named_context -> unit
+ (** [instance_from_named_context Ω] builds an instance [args] such
+ that [Ω ⊢ args:Ω] where [Ω] is a named context and with the local
+ definitions of [Ω] skipped. Example: for [id1:T,id2:=c,id3:U], it
+ gives [Var id1, Var id3]. All [idj] are supposed distinct. *)
+ val to_instance : t -> Constr.t list
-(** {6 Contexts of declarations referred to by de Bruijn indices } *)
+module NamedList :
+ module Declaration :
+ sig
+ type t = Id.t list * Constr.t option * Constr.t
+ val map : (Constr.t -> Constr.t) -> t -> t
+ end
-val empty_rel_context : rel_context
-val add_rel_decl : rel_declaration -> rel_context -> rel_context
+ type t = Declaration.t list
-val lookup_rel : int -> rel_context -> rel_declaration
-(** Size of the [rel_context] including LetIns *)
-val rel_context_length : rel_context -> int
-(** Size of the [rel_context] without LetIns *)
-val rel_context_nhyps : rel_context -> int
-(** Indicates whether a LetIn or a Lambda, starting from oldest declaration *)
-val rel_context_tags : rel_context -> bool list
+ val fold : (Declaration.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> init:'a -> 'a
+type section_context = Named.t