path: root/interp
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authorGravatar pboutill <pboutill@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-01-21 10:56:38 +0000
committerGravatar pboutill <pboutill@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-01-21 10:56:38 +0000
commit9cbec934dfc53c8c2cc589e562331a7a50a8db22 (patch)
treef68b5c267acfdbf1f88227cdf0784485910d56ae /interp
parent3fc487a21483c1cccbe03b9b9712793a2684330b (diff)
Fix bug 2958: Inductive deep in in clause are impossible
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@16133 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'interp')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/interp/constrintern.ml b/interp/constrintern.ml
index a4a74059e..79c67165d 100644
--- a/interp/constrintern.ml
+++ b/interp/constrintern.ml
@@ -995,54 +995,59 @@ let rec subst_pat_iterator y t p = match p with
| RCPatOr (l,pl) -> RCPatOr (l,List.map (subst_pat_iterator y t) pl)
let drop_notations_pattern looked_for =
- let rec drop_syndef env re pats =
+ (* At toplevel, Constructors and Inductives are accepted, in trecursive calls
+ only constructor are allowed *)
+ let ensure_kind top =
+ if top then looked_for else
+ function ConstructRef _ -> () |_ -> raise Not_found in
+ let rec drop_syndef top env re pats =
let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference re in
match locate_extended qid with
- |SynDef sp ->
- let (vars,a) = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition sp in
- (match a with
- | NRef g ->
- looked_for g;
- let () = assert (List.is_empty vars) in
- let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] pats g in
- Some (g, [], List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats)
- | NApp (NRef g,[]) -> (* special case : Syndef for @Cstr *)
- looked_for g;
+ |SynDef sp ->
+ let (vars,a) = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition sp in
+ (match a with
+ | NRef g ->
+ ensure_kind top g;
+ let () = assert (List.is_empty vars) in
+ let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] pats g in
+ Some (g, [], List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats)
+ | NApp (NRef g,[]) -> (* special case : Syndef for @Cstr *)
+ ensure_kind top g;
let () = assert (List.is_empty vars) in
let (argscs,_) = find_remaining_scopes pats [] g in
Some (g, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats, [])
| NApp (NRef g,args) ->
- looked_for g;
+ ensure_kind top g;
let nvars = List.length vars in
if List.length pats < nvars then error_not_enough_arguments loc;
let pats1,pats2 = List.chop nvars pats in
let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) vars pats1 in
- let idspl1 = List.map (in_not loc env (subst,[]) []) args in
+ let idspl1 = List.map (in_not false loc env (subst,[]) []) args in
let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes pats1 pats2 g in
Some (g, idspl1, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats2)
| _ -> raise Not_found)
|TrueGlobal g ->
- looked_for g;
+ ensure_kind top g;
Dumpglob.add_glob loc g;
let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] pats g in
- Some (g,[],List.map2 (fun x -> in_pat {env with tmp_scope = x}) argscs pats)
+ Some (g,[],List.map2 (fun x -> in_pat false {env with tmp_scope = x}) argscs pats)
with Not_found -> None
- and in_pat env = function
- | CPatAlias (loc, p, id) -> RCPatAlias (loc, in_pat env p, id)
+ and in_pat top env = function
+ | CPatAlias (loc, p, id) -> RCPatAlias (loc, in_pat top env p, id)
| CPatRecord (loc, l) ->
let sorted_fields =
sort_fields false loc l (fun _ l -> (CPatAtom (loc, None))::l) in
begin match sorted_fields with
| None -> RCPatAtom (loc, None)
| Some (_, head, pl) ->
- match drop_syndef env head pl with
+ match drop_syndef top env head pl with
|Some (a,b,c) -> RCPatCstr(loc, a, b, c)
|None -> raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor head))
| CPatCstr (loc, head, [], pl) ->
- match drop_syndef env head pl with
+ match drop_syndef top env head pl with
| Some (a,b,c) -> RCPatCstr(loc, a, b, c)
| None -> raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor head))
@@ -1055,10 +1060,10 @@ let drop_notations_pattern looked_for =
RCPatCstr (loc, g, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs1 expl_pl, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs2 pl)
| CPatNotation (loc,"- _",([CPatPrim(_,Numeral p)],[]),[])
when Bigint.is_strictly_pos p ->
- fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc looked_for (Numeral (Bigint.neg p))
+ fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc (ensure_kind false) (Numeral (Bigint.neg p))
| CPatNotation (_,"( _ )",([a],[]),[]) ->
- in_pat env a
+ in_pat top env a
| CPatNotation (loc, ntn, fullargs,extrargs) ->
let ntn,(args,argsl as fullargs) = contract_pat_notation ntn fullargs in
let ((ids',c),df) = Notation.interp_notation loc ntn (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes) in
@@ -1066,23 +1071,23 @@ let drop_notations_pattern looked_for =
Dumpglob.dump_notation_location (patntn_loc loc fullargs ntn) ntn df;
let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids' args in
let substlist = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) idsl' argsl in
- in_not loc env (subst,substlist) extrargs c
+ in_not top loc env (subst,substlist) extrargs c
| CPatDelimiters (loc, key, e) ->
- in_pat {env with scopes=find_delimiters_scope loc key::env.scopes;
+ in_pat top {env with scopes=find_delimiters_scope loc key::env.scopes;
tmp_scope = None} e
- | CPatPrim (loc,p) -> fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc looked_for p
+ | CPatPrim (loc,p) -> fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc (ensure_kind false) p
| CPatAtom (loc, Some id) ->
- match drop_syndef env id [] with
+ match drop_syndef top env id [] with
|Some (a,b,c) -> RCPatCstr (loc, a, b, c)
|None -> RCPatAtom (loc, Some (find_pattern_variable id))
| CPatAtom (loc,None) -> RCPatAtom (loc,None)
| CPatOr (loc, pl) ->
- RCPatOr (loc,List.map (in_pat env) pl)
- and in_pat_sc env x = in_pat {env with tmp_scope = x}
- and in_not loc env (subst,substlist as fullsubst) args = function
+ RCPatOr (loc,List.map (in_pat top env) pl)
+ and in_pat_sc env x = in_pat false {env with tmp_scope = x}
+ and in_not top loc env (subst,substlist as fullsubst) args = function
| NVar id ->
let () = assert (List.is_empty args) in
@@ -1090,30 +1095,30 @@ let drop_notations_pattern looked_for =
(* of the notations *)
let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc id subst in
- in_pat {env with scopes=subscopes@env.scopes;
+ in_pat top {env with scopes=subscopes@env.scopes;
tmp_scope = scopt} a
with Not_found ->
if Id.equal id ldots_var then RCPatAtom (loc,Some id) else
anomaly ("Unbound pattern notation variable: "^(Id.to_string id))
| NRef g ->
- looked_for g;
+ ensure_kind top g;
let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] args g in
RCPatCstr (loc, g, [], List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs args)
| NApp (NRef g,pl) ->
- looked_for g;
+ ensure_kind top g;
let (argscs1,argscs2) = find_remaining_scopes pl args g in
RCPatCstr (loc, g,
- List.map2 (fun x -> in_not loc {env with tmp_scope = x} fullsubst []) argscs1 pl,
+ List.map2 (fun x -> in_not false loc {env with tmp_scope = x} fullsubst []) argscs1 pl,
List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs2 args)
| NList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
let () = assert (List.is_empty args) in
(* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
let (l,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc x substlist in
- let termin = in_not loc env fullsubst [] terminator in
+ let termin = in_not top loc env fullsubst [] terminator in
List.fold_right (fun a t ->
- let u = in_not loc env ((x,(a,(scopt,subscopes)))::subst,substlist) [] iter in
+ let u = in_not false loc env ((x,(a,(scopt,subscopes)))::subst,substlist) [] iter in
subst_pat_iterator ldots_var t u)
(if lassoc then List.rev l else l) termin
with Not_found ->
@@ -1122,7 +1127,7 @@ let drop_notations_pattern looked_for =
let () = assert (List.is_empty args) in
RCPatAtom (loc, None)
| t -> error_invalid_pattern_notation loc
- in in_pat
+ in in_pat true
let rec intern_pat genv (ids,asubst as aliases) pat =
let intern_cstr_with_all_args loc c with_letin idslpl1 pl2 =