path: root/interp/topconstr.ml
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authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2004-03-17 00:00:41 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2004-03-17 00:00:41 +0000
commit0cbcf76dc9ffa1f71c6aa5a8f255c9a3225163cc (patch)
treef063008bdc359c49f486b1eeda71e6b04e3c556a /interp/topconstr.ml
parente607a6c08a011f66716969215ddb0e7776e86c60 (diff)
Mise en place de motifs récursifs dans Notation; quelques simplifications au passage
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@5510 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'interp/topconstr.ml')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/interp/topconstr.ml b/interp/topconstr.ml
index 1fe8edaca..832a6ab68 100644
--- a/interp/topconstr.ml
+++ b/interp/topconstr.ml
@@ -21,11 +21,16 @@ open Term
(* This is the subtype of rawconstr allowed in syntactic extensions *)
+(* For AList: first constr is iterator, second is terminator;
+ first id is place of n-th argument in iterator and snd id is recursive
+ place in iterator *)
type aconstr =
(* Part common to rawconstr and cases_pattern *)
| ARef of global_reference
| AVar of identifier
| AApp of aconstr * aconstr list
+ | AList of identifier * identifier * aconstr * aconstr
(* Part only in rawconstr *)
| ALambda of name * aconstr * aconstr
| AProd of name * aconstr * aconstr
@@ -48,6 +53,7 @@ let name_app f e = function
let rawconstr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc g f e = function
| AVar id -> RVar (loc,id)
| AApp (a,args) -> RApp (loc,f e a, List.map (f e) args)
+ | AList _ -> anomaly "Recursive patterns of notations are not supported while translating to rawconstr"
| ALambda (na,ty,c) ->
let na,e = name_app g e na in RLambda (loc,na,f e ty,f e c)
| AProd (na,ty,c) ->
@@ -104,6 +110,11 @@ let rec subst_aconstr subst raw =
if r' == r && rl' == rl then raw else
+ | AList (id1,id2,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ AList (id1,id2,r1',r2')
| ALambda (n,r1,r2) ->
let r1' = subst_aconstr subst r1 and r2' = subst_aconstr subst r2 in
if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
@@ -182,13 +193,55 @@ let add_name r = function
| Anonymous -> ()
| Name id -> r := id :: !r
-let aconstr_of_rawconstr vars a =
+let ldots_var = id_of_string ".."
+let has_ldots =
+ List.exists
+ (function RApp (_,RVar(_,v),_) when v = ldots_var -> true | _ -> false)
+let compare_rawconstr f t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with
+ | RRef (_,r1), RRef (_,r2) -> r1 = r2
+ | RVar (_,v1), RVar (_,v2) -> v1 = v2
+ | RApp (_,f1,l1), RApp (_,f2,l2) -> f f1 f2 & List.for_all2 f l1 l2
+ | RLambda (_,na1,ty1,c1), RLambda (_,na2,ty2,c2) when na1 = na2 ->
+ f ty1 ty2 & f c1 c2
+ | RProd (_,na1,ty1,c1), RProd (_,na2,ty2,c2) when na1 = na2 ->
+ f ty1 ty2 & f c1 c2
+ | RHole _, RHole _ -> true
+ | RSort (_,s1), RSort (_,s2) -> s1 = s2
+ | (RLetIn _ | RCases _ | ROrderedCase _ | RRec _ | RDynamic _
+ | RPatVar _ | REvar _ | RLetTuple _ | RIf _ | RCast _),_
+ | _,(RLetIn _ | RCases _ | ROrderedCase _ | RRec _ | RDynamic _
+ | RPatVar _ | REvar _ | RLetTuple _ | RIf _ | RCast _)
+ -> error "Unsupported construction in recursive notations"
+ | (RRef _ | RVar _ | RApp _ | RLambda _ | RProd _ | RHole _ | RSort _), _
+ -> false
+let rec eq_rawconstr t1 t2 = compare_rawconstr eq_rawconstr t1 t2
+let discriminate_patterns nl l1 l2 =
+ let diff = ref None in
+ let rec aux n c1 c2 = match c1,c2 with
+ | RVar (_,v1), RVar (_,v2) when v1<>v2 ->
+ if !diff = None then (diff := Some (v1,v2,(n<nl)); true)
+ else
+ !diff = Some (v1,v2,(n<nl)) or !diff = Some (v2,v1,(n>=nl))
+ or (error
+ "Both ends of the recursive pattern differ in more than one place")
+ | _ -> compare_rawconstr (aux (n+1)) c1 c2 in
+ let l = list_map2_i aux 0 l1 l2 in
+ if not (List.for_all ((=) true) l) then
+ error "Both ends of the recursive pattern differ";
+ !diff
+let aconstr_and_vars_of_rawconstr a =
let found = ref [] in
let bound_binders = ref [] in
let rec aux = function
| RVar (_,id) ->
if not (List.mem id !bound_binders) then found := id::!found;
AVar id
+ | RApp (_,f,args) when has_ldots args -> make_aconstr_list f args
| RApp (_,g,args) -> AApp (aux g, List.map aux args)
| RLambda (_,na,ty,c) -> add_name bound_binders na; ALambda (na,aux ty,aux c)
| RProd (_,na,ty,c) -> add_name bound_binders na; AProd (na,aux ty,aux c)
@@ -219,14 +272,56 @@ let aconstr_of_rawconstr vars a =
| RDynamic _ | RRec _ | REvar _ ->
error "Fixpoints, cofixpoints, existential variables and pattern-matching not \
allowed in abbreviatable expressions"
+ (* Recognizing recursive notations *)
+ and terminator_of_pat f1 ll1 lr1 = function
+ | RApp (loc,f2,l2) ->
+ if not (eq_rawconstr f1 f2) then error
+ "Cannot recognize the same head to both ends of the recursive pattern";
+ let nl = List.length ll1 in
+ let nr = List.length lr1 in
+ if List.length l2 <> nl + nr + 1 then
+ error "Both ends of the recursive pattern have different lengths";
+ let ll2,l2' = list_chop nl l2 in
+ let t = List.hd l2' and lr2 = List.tl l2' in
+ let discr = discriminate_patterns nl (ll1@lr1) (ll2@lr2) in
+ let x,y,order = match discr with Some z -> z | None ->
+ error "Both ends of the recursive pattern are the same" in
+ List.iter (fun id ->
+ if List.mem id !bound_binders or List.mem id !found
+ then error "Variables used in the recursive part of a pattern are not allowed to occur outside of the recursive part";
+ found := id::!found) [x;y];
+ let iter =
+ if order then RApp (loc,f1,ll1@RVar (loc,ldots_var)::lr1)
+ else RApp (loc,f2,ll2@RVar (loc,ldots_var)::lr2) in
+ (if order then x else y), ldots_var, aux iter, aux t
+ | _ -> error "One end of the recursive pattern is not an application"
+ and make_aconstr_list f args =
+ let rec find_patterns acc = function
+ | RApp(_,RVar (_,a),[c]) :: l when a = ldots_var ->
+ (* We've found the recursive part *)
+ let x,y,iter,terminator = terminator_of_pat f (List.rev acc) l c in
+ AList (x,y,iter,terminator)
+ | a::l -> find_patterns (a::acc) l
+ | [] -> error "Ill-formed recursive notation"
+ in find_patterns [] args
- let a = aux a in
+ let t = aux a in
+ (* Side effect *)
+ t, !found, !bound_binders
+let aconstr_of_rawconstr vars a =
+ let a,notbindingvars,binders = aconstr_and_vars_of_rawconstr a in
let check_type x =
- if not (List.mem x !found or List.mem x !bound_binders) then
+ if not (List.mem x notbindingvars or List.mem x binders) then
error ((string_of_id x)^" is unbound in the right-hand-side") in
List.iter check_type vars;
+let encode_list_value l = RApp (dummy_loc,RVar (dummy_loc,ldots_var),l)
(* Pattern-matching rawconstr and aconstr *)
let rec adjust_scopes = function
@@ -260,6 +355,9 @@ let rec match_ alp metas sigma a1 a2 = match (a1,a2) with
| RPatVar (_,(_,n1)), APatVar n2 when n1=n2 -> sigma
| RApp (_,f1,l1), AApp (f2,l2) when List.length l1 = List.length l2 ->
List.fold_left2 (match_ alp metas) (match_ alp metas sigma f1 f2) l1 l2
+ | RApp (_,f1,l1), AList (x,y,(AApp (f2,l2) as iter),termin)
+ when List.length l1 = List.length l2 ->
+ match_alist alp metas sigma (f1::l1) (f2::l2) x y iter termin
| RLambda (_,na1,t1,b1), ALambda (na2,t2,b2) ->
match_binders alp metas (match_ alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2 na1 na2
| RProd (_,na1,t1,b1), AProd (na2,t2,b2) ->
@@ -285,6 +383,27 @@ let rec match_ alp metas sigma a1 a2 = match (a1,a2) with
| (RDynamic _ | RRec _ | REvar _), _
| _,_ -> raise No_match
+and match_alist alp metas sigma l1 l2 x y iter termin =
+ (* match the iterator at least once *)
+ let sigma = List.fold_left2 (match_ alp (y::metas)) sigma l1 l2 in
+ (* Recover the recursive position *)
+ let rest = List.assoc y sigma in
+ (* Recover the first element *)
+ let t1 = List.assoc x sigma in
+ let sigma = List.remove_assoc x (List.remove_assoc y sigma) in
+ (* try to find the remaining elements or the terminator *)
+ let rec match_alist_tail alp metas sigma acc rest =
+ try
+ let sigma = match_ alp (y::metas) sigma rest iter in
+ let rest = List.assoc y sigma in
+ let t = List.assoc x sigma in
+ let sigma = List.remove_assoc x (List.remove_assoc y sigma) in
+ match_alist_tail alp metas sigma (t::acc) rest
+ with No_match ->
+ List.rev acc, match_ alp metas sigma rest termin in
+ let tl,sigma = match_alist_tail alp metas sigma [t1] rest in
+ (x,encode_list_value tl)::sigma
and match_binders alp metas sigma b1 b2 na1 na2 = match (na1,na2) with
| (Name id1,Name id2) when List.mem id2 metas ->
let sigma = bind_env sigma id2 (RVar (dummy_loc,id1)) in