path: root/ide
diff options
authorGravatar vgross <vgross@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-11-23 20:57:33 +0000
committerGravatar vgross <vgross@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2009-11-23 20:57:33 +0000
commitcc0d671fa1f73e8984d9116b855e1c4a08cae6af (patch)
tree8925e6d801dffd66fe43967b19298e1bd290c961 /ide
parent8ea95ff47dcbad4f28a37dfd40882f4c83bcc49c (diff)
Ergonomy and robustness fix
Sentences are locked up to the period, and it's now possible to eval when there is no final whitespace. CoqIde will refuse to evaluate further if there is no whitespace, though. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@12539 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'ide')
2 files changed, 91 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/ide/coqide.ml b/ide/coqide.ml
index a22e4b4df..dc1e89cf1 100644
--- a/ide/coqide.ml
+++ b/ide/coqide.ml
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ open Vernacexpr
open Coq
open Gtk_parsing
open Ideutils
- (*
-open Coq_driver
- *)
type 'a info = {start:'a;
@@ -547,58 +544,79 @@ let apply_tag (buffer:GText.buffer) orig off_conv from upto sort =
let remove_tags (buffer:GText.buffer) from upto =
List.iter (buffer#remove_tag ~start:from ~stop:upto)
[ Tags.Script.comment; Tags.Script.kwd; Tags.Script.decl;
- Tags.Script.proof_decl; Tags.Script.qed; Tags.Script.sentence_end ]
+ Tags.Script.proof_decl; Tags.Script.qed ]
-let tag_slice (buffer:GText.buffer) from upto on_fail =
+let split_slice_lax (buffer:GText.buffer) from upto =
remove_tags buffer from upto;
- buffer#remove_tag ~start:from ~stop:upto Tags.Script.sentence_end;
+ buffer#remove_tag ~start:from ~stop:upto Tags.Script.lax_end;
let slice = buffer#get_text ~start:from ~stop:upto () in
- let rec tag_substring str =
+ let slice = slice ^ " " in
+ let rec split_substring str =
let off_conv = byte_offset_to_char_offset str in
let slice_len = String.length str in
- let tag_cnt = CoqLex.find_end_offset (apply_tag buffer from off_conv) str in
+ let sentence_len = CoqLex.find_end_offset (apply_tag buffer from off_conv) str in
- let stop = from#forward_chars (off_conv tag_cnt) in
+ let stop = from#forward_chars (pred (off_conv sentence_len)) in
let start = stop#backward_char in
- buffer#apply_tag ~start ~stop Tags.Script.sentence_end;
+ buffer#apply_tag ~start ~stop Tags.Script.lax_end;
- if tag_cnt <> slice_len then begin
- ignore (from#nocopy#forward_chars (off_conv tag_cnt));
- tag_substring (String.sub str tag_cnt (slice_len - tag_cnt))
+ if 1 < slice_len - sentence_len then begin (* remember that we added a trailing space *)
+ ignore (from#nocopy#forward_chars (off_conv sentence_len));
+ split_substring (String.sub str sentence_len (slice_len - sentence_len))
- try tag_substring slice with Not_found -> on_fail buffer from upto
+ split_substring slice
+let rec grab_safe_sentence_start (iter:GText.iter) soi =
+ let lax_back = iter#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end in
+ let on_space = List.mem iter#char [0x09;0x0A;0x20] in
+ let full_ending = iter#is_start || (lax_back & on_space) in
+ if full_ending then iter
+ else if iter#compare soi <= 0 then raise Not_found
+ else
+ let prev = iter#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end) in
+ (if prev#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end then
+ ignore (prev#nocopy#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end)));
+ grab_safe_sentence_start prev soi
+let grab_sentence_end_from (start:GText.iter) =
+ let stop = start#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end) in
+ stop#forward_char
let get_sentence_bounds (iter:GText.iter) =
- let start = iter#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.sentence_end) in
- (if start#has_tag Tags.Script.sentence_end then ignore (
- start#nocopy#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.sentence_end)));
- let stop = start#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.sentence_end) in
- (if stop#has_tag Tags.Script.sentence_end then ignore (
- stop#nocopy#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.sentence_end)));
+ let start = iter#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end) in
+ (if start#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end then ignore (
+ start#nocopy#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end)));
+ let stop = start#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.lax_end) in
+ let stop = stop#forward_char in
let end_tag_present end_iter =
- end_iter#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.sentence_end
+ end_iter#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end
let tag_on_insert =
let skip_last = ref (ref true) in (* ref to the mutable flag created on last call *)
fun buffer ->
- let start,stop = get_sentence_bounds (buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT) in
- let skip_curr = ref true in (* shall the callback be skipped ? by default yes*)
- let on_tag_fail buffer start _ =
- skip_curr := false; (* tagging failed, we go to rescue mode *)
- ignore (Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:1500
- ~callback:(fun () -> if not !skip_curr then begin
- tag_slice buffer start buffer#end_iter (fun _ _ _ -> ());
- end; false))
- in
- (!skip_last) := true; (* skip the previously created callback *)
- skip_last := skip_curr;
- tag_slice buffer start stop on_tag_fail
+ try
+ let insert = buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in
+ let start = grab_safe_sentence_start insert
+ (buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input")) in
+ let stop = grab_sentence_end_from insert in
+ let skip_curr = ref true in (* shall the callback be skipped ? by default yes*)
+ (!skip_last) := true; (* skip the previously created callback *)
+ skip_last := skip_curr;
+ try split_slice_lax buffer start stop
+ with Not_found ->
+ skip_curr := false;
+ ignore (Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:1500
+ ~callback:(fun () -> if not !skip_curr then (
+ try split_slice_lax buffer start buffer#end_iter with _ -> ()); false))
+ with Not_found ->
+ let err_pos = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input") in
+ buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.error ~start:err_pos ~stop:err_pos#forward_char
let force_retag buffer =
- tag_slice buffer buffer#start_iter buffer#end_iter (fun _ _ _ -> ())
+ try split_slice_lax buffer buffer#start_iter buffer#end_iter with _ -> ()
let toggle_proof_visibility (buffer:GText.buffer) (cursor:GText.iter) =
(* move back twice if not into proof_decl,
@@ -610,8 +628,9 @@ let toggle_proof_visibility (buffer:GText.buffer) (cursor:GText.iter) =
ignore (cursor#nocopy#backward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.proof_decl));
let decl_start = cursor in
let prf_end = decl_start#forward_to_tag_toggle (Some Tags.Script.qed) in
- let _,decl_end = get_sentence_bounds decl_start in
- let _,prf_end = get_sentence_bounds prf_end in
+ let decl_end = grab_sentence_end_from decl_start in
+ let prf_end = grab_sentence_end_from prf_end in
+ let prf_end = prf_end#forward_char in
if decl_start#has_tag Tags.Script.folded then (
buffer#remove_tag ~start:decl_start ~stop:decl_end Tags.Script.folded;
buffer#remove_tag ~start:decl_end ~stop:prf_end Tags.Script.hidden)
@@ -1075,10 +1094,14 @@ object(self)
method find_phrase_starting_at (start:GText.iter) =
- let _,end_iter = get_sentence_bounds start in
- if end_tag_present end_iter then
- Some (start,end_iter)
- else None
+ try
+ let start = grab_safe_sentence_start start self#get_start_of_input in
+ let stop = grab_sentence_end_from start in
+ if stop#backward_char#has_tag Tags.Script.lax_end then
+ Some (start,stop)
+ else
+ None
+ with Not_found -> None
method complete_at_offset (offset:int) =
prerr_endline ("Completion at offset : " ^ string_of_int offset);
@@ -1135,32 +1158,32 @@ object(self)
end in
let mark_processed reset_info is_complete (start,stop) ast =
let b = input_buffer in
- b#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME "start_of_input");
- b#apply_tag
- (if is_complete then Tags.Script.processed else Tags.Script.unjustified) ~start ~stop;
- if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then
- begin
- b#place_cursor stop;
- self#recenter_insert
- end;
- let start_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (b#create_mark start) in
- let end_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (b#create_mark stop) in
- push_phrase
- cmd_stack
- reset_info
- start_of_phrase_mark
- end_of_phrase_mark ast;
- if display_goals then self#show_goals;
- remove_tag (start,stop) in
- begin
- match sync get_next_phrase () with
- None -> false
- | Some (loc,phrase) ->
- (match self#send_to_coq verbosely false phrase true true true with
- | Some (is_complete,(reset_info,ast)) ->
- sync (mark_processed reset_info is_complete) loc ast; true
- | None -> sync remove_tag loc; false)
- end
+ b#move_mark ~where:stop (`NAME "start_of_input");
+ b#apply_tag
+ (if is_complete then Tags.Script.processed else Tags.Script.unjustified) ~start ~stop;
+ if (self#get_insert#compare) stop <= 0 then
+ begin
+ b#place_cursor stop;
+ self#recenter_insert
+ end;
+ let start_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (b#create_mark start) in
+ let end_of_phrase_mark = `MARK (b#create_mark stop) in
+ push_phrase
+ cmd_stack
+ reset_info
+ start_of_phrase_mark
+ end_of_phrase_mark ast;
+ if display_goals then self#show_goals;
+ remove_tag (start,stop) in
+ begin
+ match sync get_next_phrase () with
+ None -> false
+ | Some (loc,phrase) ->
+ (match self#send_to_coq verbosely false phrase true true true with
+ | Some (is_complete,(reset_info,ast)) ->
+ sync (mark_processed reset_info is_complete) loc ast; true
+ | None -> sync remove_tag loc; false)
+ end
method insert_this_phrase_on_success
show_output show_msg localize coqphrase insertphrase =
@@ -1567,8 +1590,7 @@ object(self)
- tag_on_insert
- input_buffer
+ tag_on_insert input_buffer
ignore (input_buffer#add_selection_clipboard cb);
diff --git a/ide/tags.ml b/ide/tags.ml
index beb24071f..e78f5c822 100644
--- a/ide/tags.ml
+++ b/ide/tags.ml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ struct
let hidden = make_tag table ~name:"hidden" [`INVISIBLE true; `EDITABLE false]
let folded = make_tag table ~name:"locked" [`EDITABLE false; `BACKGROUND "light grey"]
let paren = make_tag table ~name:"paren" [`BACKGROUND "purple"]
- let sentence_end = make_tag table ~name:"sentence_end" []
+ let lax_end = make_tag table ~name:"sentence_end" []
module Proof =