path: root/ide/wg_Command.ml
diff options
authorGravatar gareuselesinge <gareuselesinge@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-10-22 09:22:14 +0000
committerGravatar gareuselesinge <gareuselesinge@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2013-10-22 09:22:14 +0000
commitad4343b8daf31569fe46c53032ce5fc409076672 (patch)
tree7672c75cd00842f9170aac78ffacd47bd24ad09c /ide/wg_Command.ml
parent8a4315ed0852b4a7559da977d7e2aa3fe939dd79 (diff)
wg_Detachable: move out of wg_Command
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@16903 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/wg_Command.ml')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/ide/wg_Command.ml b/ide/wg_Command.ml
index 6c0d1c3ad..99caa1c33 100644
--- a/ide/wg_Command.ml
+++ b/ide/wg_Command.ml
@@ -6,85 +6,11 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-class type detachable_signals =
- object
- inherit GContainer.container_signals
- method attached : callback:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> unit
- method detached : callback:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> unit
- end
-class detachable (obj : ([> Gtk.box] as 'a) Gobject.obj) =
- object(self)
- inherit GPack.box_skel (obj :> Gtk.box Gobject.obj) as super
- val but = GButton.button ()
- val win = GWindow.window ()
- val frame = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`NONE ()
- val mutable detached = false
- val mutable detached_cb = (fun _ -> ())
- val mutable attached_cb = (fun _ -> ())
- method child = frame#child
- method add = frame#add
- method pack ?from ?expand ?fill ?padding w =
- if frame#all_children = [] then self#add w
- else raise (Invalid_argument "detachable#pack")
- method title = win#title
- method set_title = win#set_title
- method connect : detachable_signals = object
- inherit GContainer.container_signals_impl obj
- method attached ~callback = attached_cb <- callback
- method detached ~callback = detached_cb <- callback
- end
- method show =
- if detached then win#present ()
- else self#misc#show ();
- method hide =
- if detached then win#misc#hide ()
- else self#misc#hide ()
- method visible = win#misc#visible || self#misc#visible
- initializer
- self#set_homogeneous false;
- super#pack ~expand:false but#coerce;
- super#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true frame#coerce;
- win#misc#hide ();
- but#add (GMisc.label
- ~markup:"<span size='x-small'>D\nE\nT\nA\nC\nH</span>" ())#coerce;
- ignore(win#event#connect#delete ~callback:(fun _ ->
- win#misc#hide ();
- frame#misc#reparent self#coerce;
- detached <- false;
- attached_cb self#child;
- true));
- ignore(but#connect#clicked ~callback:(fun _ ->
- frame#misc#reparent win#coerce;
- self#misc#hide ();
- win#present ();
- detached <- true;
- detached_cb self#child;
- ))
- end
-let detachable ?title =
- GtkPack.Box.make_params [] ~cont:(
- GContainer.pack_container
- ~create:(fun p ->
- let d = new detachable (GtkPack.Box.create `HORIZONTAL p) in
- Option.iter d#set_title title;
- d))
open Preferences
class command_window name coqtop =
- let frame = detachable ~title:(Printf.sprintf "Query pane (%s)" name) () in
+ let frame = Wg_Detachable.detachable
+ ~title:(Printf.sprintf "Query pane (%s)" name) () in
let _ = frame#hide in
let _ = GtkData.AccelGroup.create () in
let notebook =