path: root/ide/utils/config_file.ml
diff options
authorGravatar notin <notin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-03-08 11:44:47 +0000
committerGravatar notin <notin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2006-03-08 11:44:47 +0000
commitce8632fd91d7b49a3459eb7d523a1d4c651e8bf7 (patch)
tree08019cabef3953996baeaa10fd6fc1e5d575c9c3 /ide/utils/config_file.ml
parent5dc8776314d30fd045f3092bea4056642ff121e8 (diff)
r8623@thot: notin | 2006-03-08 12:40:57 +0100
Passage à la version LGPL de Configwin dans le trunk git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@8618 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/utils/config_file.ml')
1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/utils/config_file.ml b/ide/utils/config_file.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14ec6d8cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/utils/config_file.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+(* Cameleon *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
+(* *)
+(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
+(* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *)
+(* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *)
+(* License, or any later version. *)
+(* *)
+(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *)
+(* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
+(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
+(* 02111-1307 USA *)
+(* *)
+(* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* TODO *)
+(* section comments *)
+(* better obsoletes: no "{}", line cuts *)
+(* possible improvements: *)
+(* use lex/yacc instead of genlex to be more robust, efficient, allow arrays and other types, read comments. *)
+(* description and help, level (beginner/advanced/...) for each cp *)
+(* find an option from its name and group *)
+(* class hooks *)
+(* get the sections of a group / of a file *)
+(* read file format from inifiles and ConfigParser *)
+(* Read the mli before reading this file! *)
+(* ******************************************************************************** *)
+(* ******************************** misc utilities ******************************** *)
+(* ******************************************************************************** *)
+(* This code is intended to be usable without any dependencies. *)
+(* pipeline style, see for instance Raw.of_channel. *)
+let (|>) x f = f x
+(* as List.assoc, but applies f to the element matching [key] and returns the list
+where this element has been replaced by the result of f. *)
+let rec list_assoc_remove key f = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (key',value) as elt :: tail ->
+ if key <> key'
+ then elt :: list_assoc_remove key f tail
+ else match f value with
+ | None -> tail
+ | Some a -> (key',a) :: tail
+(* reminiscent of String.concat. Same as [Queue.iter f1 queue]
+ but calls [f2 ()] between each calls to f1.
+ Does not call f2 before the first call nor after the last call to f2.
+ Could be more efficient with a richer module interface of Queue.
+let queue_iter_between f1 f2 queue =
+(* let f flag elt = if flag then f2 (); (f1 elt:unit); true in *)
+ let f flag elt = if flag then f2 (); f1 elt; true in
+ ignore (Queue.fold f false queue)
+let list_iter_between f1 f2 = function
+ [] -> ()
+ | a::[] -> f1 a
+ | a::tail -> f1 a; List.iter (fun elt -> (f2 ():unit); f1 elt) tail
+(* | a::tail -> f1 a; List.iter (fun elt -> f2 (); f1 elt) tail *)
+(* !! types ??? *)
+(* to ensure that strings will be parsed correctly by Genlex.
+It's more comfortable not to have quotes around the string, but sometimes it's necessary. *)
+exception Unsafe_string
+let safe_string s =
+ if s = ""
+ then "\"\""
+ else if (
+ try match s.[0] with
+ | 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' ->
+ for i = 1 to String.length s - 1 do
+ match s.[i] with
+ 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9' -> ()
+ | _ -> raise Unsafe_string
+ done;
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ try
+ string_of_int (int_of_string s) <> s ||
+ string_of_float (float_of_string s) <> s
+ with Failure "int_of_string" | Failure "float_of_string" -> true
+ with Unsafe_string -> true)
+ then Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"" (String.escaped s)
+ else s
+(* ******************************************************************************** *)
+(* ************************************* core ************************************* *)
+(* ******************************************************************************** *)
+module Raw = struct
+ type cp =
+ | String of string
+ | Int of int
+ | Float of float
+ | List of cp list
+ | Tuple of cp list
+ | Section of (string * cp) list
+(* code generated by
+camlp4 pa_o.cmo pa_op.cmo pr_o.cmo -- -o config_file_parser.ml -impl config_file_parser.ml4
+Unreadable on purpose, edit the file config_file_parser.ml4 rather than editing this (huge) lines. Then manually copy-paste here the content of config_file_parser.ml.
+Could be one day rewritten with ocamllex/yacc to be more robust, efficient, allow arrays, read comments...*)
+ module Parse = struct
+ let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer ["="; "{"; "}"; "["; "]"; ";"; "("; ")"; ","]
+ let rec file l (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = match try Some (ident strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with Some id -> begin match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd "=") -> Stream.junk strm__; let v = try value strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") in begin try file ((id, v) :: l) strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | _ -> List.rev l
+ and value (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd "{") -> Stream.junk strm__; let v = try file [] strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") in begin match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd "}") -> Stream.junk strm__; Section v | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | Some (Genlex.Ident s) -> Stream.junk strm__; String s | Some (Genlex.String s) -> Stream.junk strm__; String s | Some (Genlex.Int i) -> Stream.junk strm__; Int i | Some (Genlex.Float f) -> Stream.junk strm__; Float f | Some (Genlex.Char c) -> Stream.junk strm__; String (String.make 1 c) | Some (Genlex.Kwd "[") -> Stream.junk strm__; let v = try list [] strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") in List v | Some (Genlex.Kwd "(") -> Stream.junk strm__; let v = try list [] strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") in Tuple v | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+ and ident (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Ident s) -> Stream.junk strm__; s | Some (Genlex.String s) -> Stream.junk strm__; s | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+ and list l (strm__ : _ Stream.t) = match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd ";") -> Stream.junk strm__; begin try list l strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | Some (Genlex.Kwd ",") -> Stream.junk strm__; begin try list l strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | _ -> match try Some (value strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with Some v -> begin try list (v :: l) strm__ with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") end | _ -> match Stream.peek strm__ with Some (Genlex.Kwd "]") -> Stream.junk strm__; List.rev l | Some (Genlex.Kwd ")") -> Stream.junk strm__; List.rev l | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+ end
+ open Format
+ (* formating convention: the caller has to open the box, close it and flush the output *)
+ (* remarks on Format:
+ set_margin impose un appel à set_max_indent
+ sprintf et bprintf sont flushées à chaque appel*)
+ (* pretty print a Raw.cp *)
+ let rec save formatter = function
+ | String s -> fprintf formatter "%s" (safe_string s) (* How can I cut lines and *)
+ | Int i -> fprintf formatter "%d" i (* print backslashes just before the \n? *)
+ | Float f -> fprintf formatter "%g" f
+ | List l ->
+ fprintf formatter "[@[<b0>";
+ list_iter_between
+ (fun v -> fprintf formatter "@[<b2>"; save formatter v; fprintf formatter "@]")
+ (fun () -> fprintf formatter ";@ ")
+ l;
+ fprintf formatter "@]]"
+ | Tuple l ->
+ fprintf formatter "(@[<b0>";
+ list_iter_between
+ (fun v -> fprintf formatter "@[<b2>"; save formatter v; fprintf formatter "@]")
+ (fun () -> fprintf formatter ",@ ")
+ l;
+ fprintf formatter "@])"
+ | Section l ->
+ fprintf formatter "{@;<0 2>@[<hv0>";
+ list_iter_between
+ (fun (name,value) ->
+ fprintf formatter "@[<hov2>%s =@ @[<b2>" name;
+ save formatter value;
+ fprintf formatter "@]@]";)
+ (fun () -> fprintf formatter "@;<2 0>")
+ l;
+ fprintf formatter "@]}"
+(* let to_string r = save str_formatter r; flush_str_formatter () *)
+ let to_channel out_channel r =
+ let f = formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
+ fprintf f "@[<b2>"; save f r; fprintf f "@]@?"
+ let of_string s = s |> Stream.of_string |> Parse.lexer |> Parse.value
+ let of_channel in_channel =
+ let result = in_channel |> Stream.of_channel |> Parse.lexer |> Parse.file [] in
+ close_in in_channel;
+ result
+(* print the given string in a way compatible with Format.
+ Truncate the lines when needed, indent the newlines.*)
+let print_help formatter =
+ String.iter (function
+ | ' ' -> Format.pp_print_space formatter ()
+ | '\n' -> Format.pp_force_newline formatter ()
+ | c -> Format.pp_print_char formatter c)
+type 'a wrappers = {
+ to_raw : 'a -> Raw.cp;
+ of_raw : Raw.cp -> 'a}
+class type ['a] cp = object
+(* method private to_raw = wrappers.to_raw *)
+(* method private of_raw = wrappers.of_raw *)
+(* method private set_string s = s |> Raw.of_string |> self#of_raw |> self#set *)
+ method add_hook : ('a -> 'a -> unit) -> unit
+ method get : 'a
+ method get_default : 'a
+ method set : 'a -> unit
+ method reset : unit
+ method get_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit
+ method get_default_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit
+ method get_help_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit
+ method get_name : string list
+ method get_short_name : string option
+ method set_short_name : string -> unit
+ method get_help : string
+ method get_spec : Arg.spec
+ method set_raw : Raw.cp -> unit
+type groupable_cp = <
+ get_name : string list;
+ get_short_name : string option;
+ get_help : string;
+ get_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit;
+ get_default_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit;
+ get_help_formatted : Format.formatter -> unit;
+ get_spec : Arg.spec;
+ reset : unit;
+ set_raw : Raw.cp -> unit; >
+exception Double_name
+exception Missing_cp of groupable_cp
+exception Wrong_type of (out_channel -> unit)
+(* Two exceptions to stop the iteration on queues. *)
+exception Found
+exception Found_cp of groupable_cp
+(* The data structure to store the cps.
+It's a tree, each node is a section, and a queue of sons with their name.
+Each leaf contains a cp. *)
+type 'a nametree =
+ | Immediate of 'a
+ | Subsection of ((string * 'a nametree) Queue.t)
+ (* this Queue must be nonempty for group.read.choose *)
+class group = object (self)
+ val mutable cps = Queue.create () (* hold all the added cps, in a nametree. *)
+ method add : 'a. 'a cp -> unit = fun original_cp ->
+ let cp = (original_cp :> groupable_cp) in
+ (* function called when we reach the end of the list cp#get_name. *)
+ let add_immediate name cp queue =
+ Queue.iter (fun (name',_) -> if name = name' then raise Double_name) queue;
+ Queue.push (name, Immediate cp) queue in
+ (* adds the cp with name [first_name::last_name] in section [section]. *)
+ let rec add_in_section section first_name last_name cp queue =
+ let sub_add = match last_name with (* what to do once we have find the correct section *)
+ | [] -> add_immediate first_name
+ | middle_name :: last_name -> add_in_section first_name middle_name last_name in
+ try
+ Queue.iter
+ (function
+ | name, Subsection subsection when name = section ->
+ sub_add cp subsection; raise Found
+ | _ -> ())
+ queue;
+ let sub_queue = Queue.create () in
+ sub_add cp sub_queue;
+ Queue.push (section, Subsection sub_queue) queue
+ with Found -> () in
+ (match cp#get_name with
+ | [] -> failwith "empty name"
+ | first_name :: [] -> add_immediate first_name cp cps
+ | first_name :: middle_name :: last_name ->
+ add_in_section first_name middle_name last_name cp cps)
+ method write ?(with_help=true) filename =
+ let out_channel = open_out filename in
+ let formatter = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
+ let print = Format.fprintf formatter in
+ print "@[<v>";
+ let rec save_queue formatter =
+ queue_iter_between
+ (fun (name,nametree) -> save_nametree name nametree)
+ (Format.pp_print_cut formatter)
+ and save_nametree name = function
+ | Immediate cp ->
+ if with_help && cp#get_help <> "" then
+ (print "@[<hov3>(* "; cp#get_help_formatted formatter;
+ print "@ *)@]@,");
+ Format.fprintf formatter "@[<hov2>%s =@ @[<b2>" (safe_string name);
+ cp#get_formatted formatter;
+ print "@]@]"
+ | Subsection queue ->
+ Format.fprintf formatter "%s = {@;<0 2>@[<v>" (safe_string name);
+ save_queue formatter queue;
+ print "@]@,}" in
+ save_queue formatter cps;
+ print "@]@."; close_out out_channel
+ method read ?obsoletes ?(no_default=false)
+ ?(on_type_error = fun groupable_cp raw_cp output filename in_channel ->
+ close_in in_channel;
+ Printf.eprintf
+ "Type error while loading configuration parameter %s from file %s.\n%!"
+ (String.concat "." groupable_cp#get_name) filename;
+ output stderr;
+ exit 1)
+ filename =
+ (* [filename] is created if it doesn't exist. In this case there is no need to read it. *)
+ match Sys.file_exists filename with false -> self#write filename | true ->
+ let in_channel = open_in filename in
+ (* what to do when a cp is missing: *)
+ let missing cp default = if no_default then raise (Missing_cp cp) else default in
+ (* returns a cp contained in the nametree queue, which must be nonempty *)
+ let choose queue =
+ let rec iter q = Queue.iter (function
+ | _, Immediate cp -> raise (Found_cp cp)
+ | _, Subsection q -> iter q) q in
+ try iter queue; failwith "choose" with Found_cp cp -> cp in
+ (* [set_and_remove raw_cps nametree] sets the cp of [nametree] to their value
+ defined in [raw_cps] and returns the remaining raw_cps. *)
+ let set_cp cp value =
+ try cp#set_raw value
+ with Wrong_type output -> on_type_error cp value output filename in_channel in
+ let rec set_and_remove raw_cps = function
+ | name, Immediate cp ->
+ (try list_assoc_remove name (fun value -> set_cp cp value; None) raw_cps
+ with Not_found -> missing cp raw_cps)
+ | name, Subsection queue ->
+ (try list_assoc_remove name
+ (function
+ | Raw.Section l ->
+ (match remainings l queue with
+ | [] -> None
+ | l -> Some (Raw.Section l))
+ | r -> missing (choose queue) (Some r))
+ raw_cps
+ with Not_found -> missing (choose queue) raw_cps)
+ and remainings raw_cps queue = Queue.fold set_and_remove raw_cps queue in
+ let remainings = remainings (Raw.of_channel in_channel) cps in
+ (* Handling of cps defined in filename but not belonging to self. *)
+ if remainings <> [] then match obsoletes with
+ | Some filename ->
+ let out_channel =
+ open_out filename in
+(* open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_append; Open_text] 0o666 filename in *)
+ let formatter = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
+ Format.fprintf formatter "@[<v>";
+ Raw.save formatter (Raw.Section remainings);
+ Format.fprintf formatter "@]@.";
+ close_out out_channel
+ | None -> ()
+ method command_line_args ~section_separator =
+ let print = Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter in (* shortcut *)
+ let result = ref [] in let push x = result := x :: !result in
+ let rec iter = function
+ | _, Immediate cp ->
+ let key = "-" ^ String.concat section_separator cp#get_name in
+ let spec = cp#get_spec in
+ let doc = (
+ print "@[<hv5>";
+ Format.pp_print_as Format.str_formatter (String.length key +3) "";
+ if cp#get_help <> ""
+ then (print "@,@[<b2>"; cp#get_help_formatted Format.str_formatter; print "@]@ ")
+ else print "@,";
+ print "@[<hv>@[current:@;<1 2>@[<hov1>"; cp#get_formatted Format.str_formatter;
+ print "@]@],@ @[default:@;<1 2>@[<b2>"; cp#get_default_formatted Format.str_formatter;
+ print "@]@]@]@]";
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()) in
+ (match cp#get_short_name with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some short_name -> push ("-" ^ short_name,spec,""));
+ push (key,spec,doc)
+ | _, Subsection queue -> Queue.iter iter queue in
+ Queue.iter iter cps;
+ List.rev !result
+(* Given wrappers for the type 'a, cp_custom_type defines a class 'a cp. *)
+class ['a] cp_custom_type wrappers
+ ?group:(group:group option) name ?short_name default help =
+object (self)
+ method private to_raw = wrappers.to_raw
+ method private of_raw = wrappers.of_raw
+ val mutable value = default
+ (* output *)
+ method get = value
+ method get_default = default
+ method get_formatted formatter = self#get |> self#to_raw |> Raw.save formatter
+ method get_default_formatted formatter = self#get_default |> self#to_raw |> Raw.save formatter
+ (* input *)
+ method set v = let v' = value in value <- v; self#exec_hooks v' v
+ method set_raw v = self#of_raw v |> self#set
+ method private set_string s = s |> Raw.of_string |> self#of_raw |> self#set
+ method reset = self#set self#get_default
+ (* name *)
+ val mutable shortname = short_name
+ method get_name = name
+ method get_short_name = shortname
+ method set_short_name s = shortname <- Some s
+ (* help *)
+ method get_help = help
+ method get_help_formatted formatter = print_help formatter self#get_help
+ method get_spec = Arg.String self#set_string
+ (* hooks *)
+ val mutable hooks = []
+ method add_hook f = hooks <- (f:'a->'a->unit) :: hooks
+ method private exec_hooks v' v = List.iter (fun f -> f v' v) hooks
+ initializer match group with Some g -> g#add (self :> 'a cp) | None -> ()
+(* ******************************************************************************** *)
+(* ****************************** predefined classes ****************************** *)
+(* ******************************************************************************** *)
+let int_wrappers = {
+ to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.Int v);
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.Int v -> v
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw.Int expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))}
+class int_cp ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
+ inherit [int] cp_custom_type int_wrappers ?group name ?short_name default help
+ method get_spec = Arg.Int self#set
+let float_wrappers = {
+ to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.Float v);
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.Float v -> v
+ | Raw.Int v -> float v
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw.Float expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
+class float_cp ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
+ inherit [float] cp_custom_type float_wrappers ?group name ?short_name default help
+ method get_spec = Arg.Float self#set
+(* The Pervasives version is too restrictive *)
+let bool_of_string s =
+ match String.lowercase s with
+ | "false" | "no" | "n" | "0" -> false (* "0" and "1" aren't used. *)
+ | "true" | "yes" | "y" | "1" -> true
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw.Bool expected, got %s\n%!" r))
+let bool_wrappers = {
+ to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.String (string_of_bool v));
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.String v -> bool_of_string v
+ | Raw.Int v -> v <> 0
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw.Bool expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
+class bool_cp ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
+ inherit [bool] cp_custom_type bool_wrappers ?group name ?short_name default help
+ method get_spec = Arg.Bool self#set
+let string_wrappers = {
+ to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.String v);
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.String v -> v
+ | Raw.Int v -> string_of_int v
+ | Raw.Float v -> string_of_float v
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw.String expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
+class string_cp ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
+ inherit [string] cp_custom_type string_wrappers ?group name ?short_name default help
+ method private of_string s = s
+ method get_spec = Arg.String self#set
+let list_wrappers wrappers = {
+ to_raw = (fun l -> Raw.List (List.map wrappers.to_raw l));
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.List l -> List.map wrappers.of_raw l
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw.List expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
+class ['a] list_cp wrappers = ['a list] cp_custom_type (list_wrappers wrappers)
+let option_wrappers wrappers = {
+ to_raw = (function
+ | Some v -> wrappers.to_raw v
+ | None -> Raw.String "");
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.String s as v -> (
+ if s = "" || s = "None" then None
+ else if String.length s >= 5 && String.sub s 0 5 = "Some "
+ then Some (wrappers.of_raw (Raw.String (String.sub s 5 (String.length s -5))))
+ else Some (wrappers.of_raw v))
+ | r -> Some (wrappers.of_raw r)}
+class ['a] option_cp wrappers = ['a option] cp_custom_type (option_wrappers wrappers)
+let enumeration_wrappers enum =
+ let switched = List.map (fun (string,cons) -> cons,string) enum in
+ {to_raw = (fun v -> Raw.String (List.assq v switched));
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.String s ->
+ (try List.assoc s enum
+ with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s isn't a known constructor" s))
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw enumeration expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
+class ['a] enumeration_cp enum ?group name ?short_name default help = object (self)
+ inherit ['a] cp_custom_type (enumeration_wrappers enum)
+ ?group name ?short_name default help
+ method get_spec = Arg.Symbol (List.map fst enum, (fun s -> self#set (List.assoc s enum)))
+let tuple2_wrappers wrapa wrapb = {
+ to_raw = (fun (a,b) -> Raw.Tuple [wrapa.to_raw a; wrapb.to_raw b]);
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.Tuple [a;b] -> wrapa.of_raw a, wrapb.of_raw b
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw.Tuple 2 expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
+class ['a, 'b] tuple2_cp wrapa wrapb = ['a*'b] cp_custom_type (tuple2_wrappers wrapa wrapb)
+let tuple3_wrappers wrapa wrapb wrapc = {
+ to_raw = (fun (a,b,c) -> Raw.Tuple[wrapa.to_raw a; wrapb.to_raw b; wrapc.to_raw c]);
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.Tuple [a;b;c] -> wrapa.of_raw a, wrapb.of_raw b, wrapc.of_raw c
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw.Tuple 3 expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
+class ['a,'b,'c] tuple3_cp wrapa wrapb wrapc =
+ ['a*'b*'c] cp_custom_type (tuple3_wrappers wrapa wrapb wrapc)
+let tuple4_wrappers wrapa wrapb wrapc wrapd = {
+ to_raw=(fun (a,b,c,d)->Raw.Tuple[wrapa.to_raw a;wrapb.to_raw b;wrapc.to_raw c;wrapd.to_raw d]);
+ of_raw = function
+ | Raw.Tuple [a;b;c;d] -> wrapa.of_raw a, wrapb.of_raw b, wrapc.of_raw c, wrapd.of_raw d
+ | r -> raise (Wrong_type (fun outchan -> Printf.fprintf outchan
+ "Raw.Tuple 4 expected, got %a\n%!" Raw.to_channel r))
+class ['a,'b,'c,'d] tuple4_cp wrapa wrapb wrapc wrapd =
+ ['a*'b*'c*'d] cp_custom_type (tuple4_wrappers wrapa wrapb wrapc wrapd)
+class string2_cp = [string,string] tuple2_cp string_wrappers string_wrappers
+(* class color_cp = string_cp *)
+class font_cp = string_cp
+class filename_cp = string_cp
+(* ******************************************************************************** *)
+(******************** Backward compatibility with module Options ****************** *)
+(* ******************************************************************************** *)
+type 'a option_class = 'a wrappers
+type 'a option_record = 'a cp
+type options_file = {mutable filename:string; group:group}
+let create_options_file filename = {filename = filename; group = new group}
+let set_options_file options_file filename = options_file.filename <- filename
+let load {filename=f; group = g} = g#read f
+let append {group=g} filename = g#read filename
+let save {filename=f; group = g} = g#write ~with_help:false f
+let save_with_help {filename=f; group = g} = g#write ~with_help:true f
+let define_option {group=group} name help option_class default =
+ (new cp_custom_type option_class ~group name default help)
+let option_hook cp f = cp#add_hook (fun _ _ -> f ())
+let string_option = string_wrappers
+let color_option = string_wrappers
+let font_option = string_wrappers
+let int_option = int_wrappers
+let bool_option = bool_wrappers
+let float_option = float_wrappers
+let string2_option = tuple2_wrappers string_wrappers string_wrappers
+let option_option = option_wrappers
+let list_option = list_wrappers
+let sum_option = enumeration_wrappers
+let tuple2_option (a,b) = tuple2_wrappers a b
+let tuple3_option (a,b,c) = tuple3_wrappers a b c
+let tuple4_option (a,b,c,d) = tuple4_wrappers a b c d
+let ( !! ) cp = cp#get
+let ( =:= ) cp value = cp#set value
+let shortname cp = String.concat ":" cp#get_name
+let get_help cp = cp#get_help
+type option_value =
+ Module of option_module
+| StringValue of string
+| IntValue of int
+| FloatValue of float
+| List of option_value list
+| SmallList of option_value list
+and option_module = (string * option_value) list
+let rec value_to_raw = function
+ | Module a -> Raw.Section (List.map (fun (name,value) -> name, value_to_raw value) a)
+ | StringValue a -> Raw.String a
+ | IntValue a -> Raw.Int a
+ | FloatValue a -> Raw.Float a
+ | List a -> Raw.List (List.map value_to_raw a)
+ | SmallList a -> Raw.Tuple (List.map value_to_raw a)
+let rec raw_to_value = function
+ | Raw.String a -> StringValue a
+ | Raw.Int a -> IntValue a
+ | Raw.Float a -> FloatValue a
+ | Raw.List a -> List (List.map raw_to_value a)
+ | Raw.Tuple a -> SmallList (List.map raw_to_value a)
+ | Raw.Section a -> Module (List.map (fun (name,value) -> name, raw_to_value value) a)
+let define_option_class _ of_option_value to_option_value =
+ {to_raw = (fun a -> a |> to_option_value |> value_to_raw);
+ of_raw = (fun a -> a |> raw_to_value |> of_option_value)}
+let to_value {to_raw = to_raw} a = a |> to_raw |> raw_to_value
+let from_value {of_raw = of_raw} a = a |> value_to_raw |> of_raw
+let of_value_w wrappers a = a |> value_to_raw |> wrappers.of_raw
+let to_value_w wrappers a = a |> wrappers.to_raw |> raw_to_value
+(* fancy indentation when finishing this stub code, not good style :-) *)
+let value_to_string : option_value -> string = of_value_w string_option
+let string_to_value = to_value_w string_option
+let value_to_int = of_value_w int_option
+let int_to_value = to_value_w int_option
+let value_to_bool = of_value_w bool_option
+let bool_to_value = to_value_w bool_option
+let value_to_float = of_value_w float_option
+let float_to_value = to_value_w float_option
+let value_to_string2 = of_value_w string2_option
+let string2_to_value = to_value_w string2_option
+let value_to_list of_value =
+ let wrapper = define_option_class "" of_value (fun _ -> failwith "value_to_list") in
+ of_value_w (list_option wrapper)
+let list_to_value to_value =
+ let wrapper = define_option_class "" (fun _ -> failwith "value_to_list") to_value in
+ to_value_w (list_option wrapper)