path: root/ide/coq.ml
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authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-12-08 20:44:51 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2012-12-08 20:44:51 +0000
commit6254115b358899886163da4a4add6d419a55b1e9 (patch)
tree5f37a3928443adaea1f5a8dd561cb35ea6ecdd08 /ide/coq.ml
parente7e52a4c56954f148a5ded1a2f7c2794b115a166 (diff)
Coqide: get rid of threads, use gtk asynchronous i/o instead
Threads were only there to handle blocking dialogs with the different coqtops. But programming with threads have drawbacks : complex mutex infrastructure, possible deadlocks, etc. In particular gtk functions are not meant to be called from a thread which isn't the gtk main loop, (unless some gtk mutex have been taken). This seem to pose problem specifically in win32 (and macosx ?), hence the use of the GtkThread.(a)sync hack for scheduling code for execution in the gtk main loop. Instead, we now use the Glib.Io module to install a callback that will be runned when some answer of coqtop is available on the channel. This implies using now a continuation-passing style: for instance, instead of two sequential requests to coqtop, we'll now have the 2nd request inside the callback handling the answer to the 1st request. Remarks: - Also use asynchronous i/o for external commands (editor, coqc, make...). Launching an external editor or browser won't freeze coqide anymore. - Reworked handling of coqtop process, especially when closing them. A responsive coqtop should now hara-kiri immediatly when its input channel is closed. Otherwise we try later a soft kill, then some hard kills if necessary. If nothing work we warns the user. When quitting coqide, all this might induce a small delay (2s at worse). - Be careful now to avoid "long" computations (or blocking i/o) in a coqide function. Experimentally, it seems that loading/saving a .v file is quick enough. If necessary, we could use asynchronous i/o also for writing the .v, but for loading I've no clue. - In the Coqide module, we ensure that the current continuation k will indeed be run at the end thanks to an abstract return type (void = opaque copy of unit). git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@16049 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/coq.ml')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/ide/coq.ml b/ide/coq.ml
index 7f927042e..01c6c36b7 100644
--- a/ide/coq.ml
+++ b/ide/coq.ml
@@ -158,65 +158,127 @@ let check_connection args =
(** Useful stuff *)
-let atomically mtx f arg =
- Mutex.lock mtx;
- try
- let ans = f arg in
- Mutex.unlock mtx;
- ans
- with err ->
- Mutex.unlock mtx;
- raise err
let ignore_error f arg =
try ignore (f arg) with _ -> ()
+(** An abstract copy of unit.
+ This will help ensuring that we do not forget to finally call
+ continuations when building tasks in other modules. *)
+type void = Void
+(** ccb : existential type for a (call + callback) type.
+ Reference: http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/2004.01.13.html
+ To rewrite someday with GADT. *)
+type 'a poly_ccb = 'a Serialize.call * ('a Interface.value -> void)
+type 't scoped_ccb = { bind_ccb : 'a. 'a poly_ccb -> 't }
+type ccb = { open_ccb : 't. 't scoped_ccb -> 't }
+let mk_ccb poly = { open_ccb = fun scope -> scope.bind_ccb poly }
+let with_ccb ccb e = ccb.open_ccb e
+let interrupter = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigint)
+let soft_killer = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigterm)
+let killer = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigkill)
+(** Handling old processes *)
+type unix_process_id = int
+type retry = int
+let zombies = ref ([] : (unix_process_id * retry) list)
+let pr_zombies ?(full=false) l =
+ let pr (pid,retries) =
+ string_of_int pid ^
+ if full then "["^string_of_int retries^"]" else ""
+ in
+ String.concat ", " (List.map pr l)
+let is_buried pid =
+ try fst (Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] pid) <> 0
+ with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
+let max_retry = 3 (* one soft then two hard kill attempts *)
+let countdown = ref None
+let final_countdown () = (countdown := Some max_retry)
+let check_zombies () =
+ (* First, do [waitpid] on our zombies and try to kill the survivors *)
+ let handle_zombie others (pid,retries) =
+ if is_buried pid then others
+ else
+ let () = match retries with
+ | 0 -> () (* freshly closed coqtop, leave it some time *)
+ | 1 -> ignore_error !soft_killer pid
+ | _ -> ignore_error !killer pid
+ in (pid,retries+1) :: others
+ in
+ let zs = List.fold_left handle_zombie [] !zombies
+ in
+ if zs <> [] then
+ Minilib.log ("Remaining zombies: "^ pr_zombies ~full:true zs);
+ (* Second, we warn the user about old zombies that refuses to die
+ (except in the middle of the final countdown) *)
+ let chk_old = !countdown = None || !countdown = Some 0 in
+ let old_zombies, new_zombies =
+ List.partition (fun (_,n) -> chk_old && n >= max_retry) zs
+ in
+ if old_zombies <> [] then begin
+ let msg1 = "Some coqtop processes are still running.\n" in
+ let msg2 = "You may have to kill them manually.\nPids: " in
+ let msg3 = pr_zombies old_zombies in
+ let popup = GWindow.message_dialog ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.close
+ ~message_type:`ERROR ~message:(msg1 ^ msg2 ^ msg3) ()
+ in
+ ignore (popup#run ());
+ ignore (popup#destroy ())
+ end;
+ zombies := new_zombies;
+ (* Finally, we might end coqide if the final countdown has started *)
+ if !countdown = Some 0 || (!countdown <> None && zs = []) then exit 0;
+ countdown := Option.map pred !countdown;
+ true
+let _ = Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300 ~callback:check_zombies
(** * The structure describing a coqtop sub-process *)
type handle = {
- pid : int;
- (* Unix process id *)
- cout : in_channel;
+ pid : unix_process_id;
+ cout : Unix.file_descr;
cin : out_channel;
mutable alive : bool;
- xml_parser : Xml_parser.t;
+ mutable waiting_for : (ccb * logger) option; (* last call + callback + log *)
-type coqtop = {
- (* lock managing coqtop access *)
- lock : Mutex.t;
- (* non quoted command-line arguments of coqtop *)
- sup_args : string list;
- (* actual coqtop process *)
- mutable handle : handle;
- (* trigger called whenever coqtop dies abruptly *)
- trigger : handle -> unit;
- (* whether coqtop may be relaunched *)
- mutable is_closed : bool;
- (* whether coqtop is computing *)
- mutable is_computing : bool;
- (* whether coqtop is waiting to be resetted *)
- mutable is_to_reset : bool;
-(** Invariants:
- - any outside request takes the coqtop.lock and is discarded when
- [is_closed = true].
- - coqtop.handle may be written ONLY when toplvl_ctr_mtx AND coqtop.lock is
- taken.
+(** Coqtop process status :
+ - New : a process has been spawned, but not initialized via [init_coqtop].
+ It will reject tasks given via [try_grab].
+ - Ready : no current task, accepts new tasks via [try_grab].
+ - Busy : has accepted a task via [init_coqtop] or [try_grab],
+ It will reject other tasks for the moment
+ - Closed : the coqide buffer has been closed, we discard any further task.
-type logger = Interface.message_level -> string -> unit
+type status = New | Ready | Busy | Closed
-exception DeadCoqtop
+type task = handle -> (unit -> void) -> void
-(** * Count of all active coqtops *)
+type reset_kind = Planned | Unexpected
-let toplvl_ctr = ref 0
-let toplvl_ctr_mtx = Mutex.create ()
-let coqtop_zombies () = !toplvl_ctr
+type coqtop = {
+ (* non quoted command-line arguments of coqtop *)
+ sup_args : string list;
+ (* called whenever coqtop dies *)
+ mutable reset_handler : reset_kind -> task;
+ (* actual coqtop process and its status *)
+ mutable handle : handle;
+ mutable status : status;
(** * Starting / signaling / ending a real coqtop sub-process *)
@@ -259,201 +321,174 @@ let open_process_pid prog args =
assert (pid <> 0);
Unix.close ide2top_r;
Unix.close top2ide_w;
- let oc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr ide2top_w in
- let ic = Unix.in_channel_of_descr top2ide_r in
- set_binary_mode_out oc true;
- set_binary_mode_in ic true;
- (pid,ic,oc)
+ (pid,top2ide_r,Unix.out_channel_of_descr ide2top_w)
+exception TubeError
+exception AnswerWithoutRequest
+let install_input_watch handle respawner =
+ let io_chan = Glib.Io.channel_of_descr handle.cout in
+ let all_conds = [`ERR; `HUP; `IN; `NVAL; `PRI] in (* all except `OUT *)
+ let rec check_errors = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (`IN | `PRI) :: conds -> check_errors conds
+ | e :: _ -> raise TubeError
+ in
+ let handle_intermediate_message logger xml =
+ let message = Serialize.to_message xml in
+ let level = message.Interface.message_level in
+ let content = message.Interface.message_content in
+ logger level content
+ in
+ let handle_final_answer ccb xml =
+ Minilib.log "Handling coqtop answer";
+ handle.waiting_for <- None;
+ with_ccb ccb { bind_ccb = fun (c,f) -> f (Serialize.to_answer xml c) }
+ in
+ let unsafe_handle_input conds =
+ check_errors conds;
+ let s = io_read_all io_chan in
+ if s = "" then raise TubeError;
+ match handle.waiting_for with
+ |None -> raise AnswerWithoutRequest
+ |Some (ccb,logger) ->
+ let p = Xml_parser.make (Xml_parser.SString s) in
+ let rec loop () =
+ let xml = Xml_parser.parse p in
+ if Serialize.is_message xml then
+ (handle_intermediate_message logger xml; loop ())
+ else
+ ignore (handle_final_answer ccb xml)
+ in
+ try loop ()
+ with Xml_parser.Error (Xml_parser.Empty, _) -> () (* end of s *)
+ in
+ let print_exception = function
+ | Xml_parser.Error e -> Xml_parser.error e
+ | Serialize.Marshal_error -> "Protocol violation"
+ | e -> Printexc.to_string e
+ in
+ let handle_input conds =
+ if not handle.alive then false (* coqtop already terminated *)
+ else
+ try unsafe_handle_input conds; true
+ with e ->
+ Minilib.log ("Coqtop reader failed, resetting: "^print_exception e);
+ respawner ();
+ false
+ in
+ ignore (Glib.Io.add_watch ~cond:all_conds ~callback:handle_input io_chan)
(** This launches a fresh handle from its command line arguments. *)
-let unsafe_spawn_handle args =
+let spawn_handle args =
let prog = coqtop_path () in
let args = Array.of_list (prog :: "-ideslave" :: args) in
- let (pid, ic, oc) = open_process_pid prog args in
- let p = Xml_parser.make (Xml_parser.SChannel ic) in
- Xml_parser.check_eof p false;
- incr toplvl_ctr;
+ let (pid, in_fd, oc) = open_process_pid prog args in
pid = pid;
cin = oc;
- cout = ic;
+ cout = in_fd;
alive = true;
- xml_parser = p;
+ waiting_for = None;
(** This clears any potentially remaining open garbage. *)
-let unsafe_clear_handle coqtop =
- let handle = coqtop.handle in
- if handle.alive then begin
+let clear_handle h =
+ if h.alive then begin
(* invalidate the old handle *)
- handle.alive <- false;
- ignore_error close_out handle.cin;
- ignore_error close_in handle.cout;
- ignore_error (Unix.waitpid []) handle.pid;
- decr toplvl_ctr
+ h.alive <- false;
+ ignore_error close_out h.cin;
+ ignore_error Unix.close h.cout;
+ (* we monitor the death of the old process *)
+ zombies := (h.pid,0) :: !zombies
-let spawn_coqtop hook sup_args =
- let handle =
- atomically toplvl_ctr_mtx unsafe_spawn_handle sup_args
- in
+let mkready coqtop =
+ fun () -> coqtop.status <- Ready; Void
+let rec respawn_coqtop ?(why=Unexpected) coqtop =
+ clear_handle coqtop.handle;
+ ignore_error (fun () -> coqtop.handle <- spawn_handle coqtop.sup_args) ();
+ (* Normally, the handle is now a fresh one.
+ If not, there isn't much we can do ... *)
+ assert (coqtop.handle.alive = true);
+ coqtop.status <- New;
+ install_input_watch coqtop.handle (fun () -> respawn_coqtop coqtop);
+ ignore (coqtop.reset_handler why coqtop.handle (mkready coqtop))
+let spawn_coqtop sup_args =
+ let ct =
- handle = handle;
- lock = Mutex.create ();
+ handle = spawn_handle sup_args;
sup_args = sup_args;
- trigger = hook;
- is_closed = false;
- is_computing = false;
- is_to_reset = false;
+ reset_handler = (fun _ _ k -> k ());
+ status = New;
+ in
+ install_input_watch ct.handle (fun () -> respawn_coqtop ct);
+ ct
-let interrupter = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigint)
-let killer = ref (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sigkill)
+let set_reset_handler coqtop hook = coqtop.reset_handler <- hook
+let is_computing coqtop = (coqtop.status = Busy)
-let is_computing coqtop = coqtop.is_computing
+(* For closing a coqtop, we don't try to send it a Quit call anymore,
+ but rather close its channels:
+ - a listening coqtop will handle this just as a Quit call
+ - a busy coqtop will anyway have to be killed *)
-let is_closed coqtop = coqtop.is_closed
+let close_coqtop coqtop =
+ coqtop.status <- Closed;
+ clear_handle coqtop.handle
+let reset_coqtop coqtop = respawn_coqtop ~why:Planned coqtop
-(** These are asynchronous signals *)
let break_coqtop coqtop =
try !interrupter coqtop.handle.pid
with _ -> Minilib.log "Error while sending Ctrl-C"
-let kill_coqtop coqtop =
- try !killer coqtop.handle.pid
- with _ -> Minilib.log "Kill -9 failed. Process already terminated ?"
+let process_task coqtop task =
+ assert (coqtop.status = Ready || coqtop.status = New);
+ coqtop.status <- Busy;
+ try ignore (task coqtop.handle (mkready coqtop))
+ with e ->
+ Minilib.log ("Coqtop writer failed, resetting: " ^ Printexc.to_string e);
+ if coqtop.status <> Closed then respawn_coqtop coqtop
-let unsafe_process coqtop f =
- coqtop.is_computing <- true;
- try
- f coqtop.handle;
- coqtop.is_computing <- false;
- Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock
- with
- | DeadCoqtop ->
- coqtop.is_computing <- false;
- Mutex.lock toplvl_ctr_mtx;
- (* Coqtop died from an non natural cause, we have the lock, so it's our duty
- to relaunch it here. *)
- if not coqtop.is_closed && not coqtop.is_to_reset then begin
- ignore_error unsafe_clear_handle coqtop;
- let try_respawn () =
- coqtop.handle <- unsafe_spawn_handle coqtop.sup_args;
- in
- ignore_error try_respawn ();
- (* If respawning coqtop failed, there is not much we can do... *)
- assert (coqtop.handle.alive = true);
- (* Process the reset callback *)
- ignore_error coqtop.trigger coqtop.handle;
- end;
- Mutex.unlock toplvl_ctr_mtx;
- Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock;
- | err ->
- (* Another error occured, we propagate it. *)
- coqtop.is_computing <- false;
- Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock;
- raise err
-let grab coqtop f =
- Mutex.lock coqtop.lock;
- if not coqtop.is_closed && not coqtop.is_to_reset then unsafe_process coqtop f
- else Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock
-let try_grab coqtop f g =
- if Mutex.try_lock coqtop.lock then
- if not coqtop.is_closed && not coqtop.is_to_reset then unsafe_process coqtop f
- else Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock
- else g ()
+let try_grab coqtop task abort =
+ match coqtop.status with
+ |Closed -> ()
+ |Busy|New -> abort ()
+ |Ready -> process_task coqtop task
+let init_coqtop coqtop task =
+ assert (coqtop.status = New);
+ process_task coqtop task
(** * Calls to coqtop *)
(** Cf [Ide_intf] for more details *)
-let eval_call coqtop logger c =
- (** Retrieve the messages sent by coqtop until an answer has been received *)
- let rec loop () =
- let xml = Xml_parser.parse coqtop.xml_parser in
- if Serialize.is_message xml then
- let message = Serialize.to_message xml in
- let level = message.Interface.message_level in
- let content = message.Interface.message_content in
- let () = logger level content in
- loop ()
- else (Serialize.to_answer xml c)
- in
- try
- Xml_utils.print_xml coqtop.cin (Serialize.of_call c);
- flush coqtop.cin;
- loop ()
- with
- | Serialize.Marshal_error ->
- (* the protocol was not respected... *)
- raise Serialize.Marshal_error
- | err ->
- (* if anything else happens here, coqtop is most likely dead *)
- let msg = Printf.sprintf "Error communicating with pid [%i]: %s"
- coqtop.pid (Printexc.to_string err)
- in
- Minilib.log msg;
- raise DeadCoqtop
-let interp coqtop log ?(raw=false) ?(verbose=true) s =
- eval_call coqtop log (Serialize.interp (raw,verbose,s))
-let rewind coqtop i = eval_call coqtop default_logger (Serialize.rewind i)
-let inloadpath coqtop s = eval_call coqtop default_logger (Serialize.inloadpath s)
-let mkcases coqtop s = eval_call coqtop default_logger (Serialize.mkcases s)
-let status coqtop = eval_call coqtop default_logger Serialize.status
-let hints coqtop = eval_call coqtop default_logger Serialize.hints
-let search coqtop flags = eval_call coqtop default_logger (Serialize.search flags)
-let unsafe_close coqtop =
- if Mutex.try_lock coqtop.lock then begin
- let () =
- try
- match eval_call coqtop.handle default_logger Serialize.quit with
- | Interface.Good _ -> ()
- | _ -> raise Exit
- with err -> kill_coqtop coqtop
- in
- Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock
- end else begin
- (* bring me the chainsaw! *)
- kill_coqtop coqtop
- end
-let close_coqtop coqtop =
- (* wait for acquiring the process management lock *)
- atomically toplvl_ctr_mtx (fun _ -> coqtop.is_closed <- true) ();
- (* try to quit coqtop gently *)
- unsafe_close coqtop;
- (* Finalize the handle *)
- Mutex.lock coqtop.lock;
- Mutex.lock toplvl_ctr_mtx;
- ignore_error unsafe_clear_handle coqtop;
- Mutex.unlock toplvl_ctr_mtx;
- Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock
-let reset_coqtop coqtop hook =
- (* wait for acquiring the process management lock *)
- atomically toplvl_ctr_mtx (fun _ -> coqtop.is_to_reset <- true) ();
- (* try to quit coqtop gently *)
- unsafe_close coqtop;
- (* Reset the handle *)
- Mutex.lock coqtop.lock;
- Mutex.lock toplvl_ctr_mtx;
- ignore_error unsafe_clear_handle coqtop;
- let try_respawn () =
- coqtop.handle <- unsafe_spawn_handle coqtop.sup_args;
- in
- ignore_error try_respawn ();
- (* If respawning coqtop failed, there is not much we can do... *)
- assert (coqtop.handle.alive = true);
- (* Reset done *)
- coqtop.is_to_reset <- false;
- (* Process the reset callback with the given hook *)
- ignore_error hook coqtop.handle;
- Mutex.unlock toplvl_ctr_mtx;
- Mutex.unlock coqtop.lock
+type 'a atask = handle -> ('a Interface.value -> void) -> void
+let eval_call ?(logger=default_logger) call handle k =
+ (** Send messages to coqtop and prepare the decoding of the answer *)
+ Minilib.log ("Start eval_call " ^ Serialize.pr_call call);
+ assert (handle.alive && handle.waiting_for = None);
+ handle.waiting_for <- Some (mk_ccb (call,k), logger);
+ Xml_utils.print_xml handle.cin (Serialize.of_call call);
+ flush handle.cin;
+ Minilib.log "End eval_call";
+ Void
+let interp ?(logger=default_logger) ?(raw=false) ?(verbose=true) s =
+ eval_call ~logger (Serialize.interp (raw,verbose,s))
+let rewind i = eval_call (Serialize.rewind i)
+let inloadpath s = eval_call (Serialize.inloadpath s)
+let mkcases s = eval_call (Serialize.mkcases s)
+let status = eval_call Serialize.status
+let hints = eval_call Serialize.hints
+let search flags = eval_call (Serialize.search flags)
module PrintOpt =
@@ -473,26 +508,27 @@ struct
let state_hack = Hashtbl.create 11
let _ = List.iter (fun opt -> Hashtbl.add state_hack opt false)
- [ implicit; coercions; raw_matching; notations; all_basic; existential; universes ]
- let set coqtop options =
- let () = List.iter (fun (name, v) -> Hashtbl.replace state_hack name v) options in
- let options = List.map (fun (name, v) -> (name, Interface.BoolValue v)) options in
- let options = (width, Interface.IntValue !width_ref):: options in
- match eval_call coqtop default_logger (Serialize.set_options options) with
- | Interface.Good () -> ()
- | _ -> raise (Failure "Cannot set options.")
- let enforce_hack coqtop =
- let elements = Hashtbl.fold (fun opt v acc -> (opt, v) :: acc) state_hack [] in
- set coqtop elements
+ [ implicit; coercions; raw_matching; notations;
+ all_basic; existential; universes ]
+ let set opts h k =
+ List.iter (fun (name, v) -> Hashtbl.replace state_hack name v) opts;
+ let opts = List.map (fun (n, v) -> (n, Interface.BoolValue v)) opts in
+ let opts = (width, Interface.IntValue !width_ref):: opts in
+ eval_call (Serialize.set_options opts) h
+ (function
+ | Interface.Good () -> k ()
+ | _ -> failwith "Cannot set options. Resetting coqtop")
+ let enforce_hack h k =
+ let elements = Hashtbl.fold (fun opt v acc -> (opt, v) :: acc) state_hack []
+ in
+ set elements h k
-let goals coqtop =
- let () = PrintOpt.enforce_hack coqtop in
- eval_call coqtop default_logger Serialize.goals
+let goals h k =
+ PrintOpt.enforce_hack h (fun () -> eval_call Serialize.goals h k)
-let evars coqtop =
- let () = PrintOpt.enforce_hack coqtop in
- eval_call coqtop default_logger Serialize.evars
+let evars h k =
+ PrintOpt.enforce_hack h (fun () -> eval_call Serialize.evars h k)