path: root/ide/configwin_ihm.ml
diff options
authorGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2018-05-17 23:45:26 +0200
committerGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2018-05-24 13:21:59 +0200
commit5a564f986b5dcb74e347fbdc571d9e1a9980c2a4 (patch)
tree0b056da1338cb98e07bfc2271e58054c7ec298d2 /ide/configwin_ihm.ml
parent9392d7ed7c1dfe3ad2b3d6b0f5e039353fbd6517 (diff)
[ide] Move common protocol library to its own folder/object.
The `ide` folder contains two different binaries, the language server `coqidetop` and `coqide` itself. Even if these binaries are in the same folder, the only thing they have in common is that they link to the protocol files. In the OCaml world, having "doubly" linked files in the same project is considered a bit of an ugly practice, and some build tools such as Dune disallow it.q Thus, to clean up the build, we move the common protocol files to its own library `ideprotocol`. This helps towards Dune integration and towards having an IDE standalone target, such as the one that was implemented here: https://github.com/ejgallego/coqide-exp
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/configwin_ihm.ml')
1 files changed, 809 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/configwin_ihm.ml b/ide/configwin_ihm.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d16efa603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/configwin_ihm.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+(* Cameleon *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2005 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. *)
+(* *)
+(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
+(* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *)
+(* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the *)
+(* License, or any later version. *)
+(* *)
+(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
+(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
+(* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *)
+(* *)
+(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *)
+(* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
+(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA *)
+(* 02111-1307 USA *)
+(* *)
+(* Contact: Maxence.Guesdon@inria.fr *)
+(* *)
+(** This module contains the gui functions of Configwin.*)
+open Configwin_types
+let modifiers_to_string m =
+ let rec iter m s =
+ match m with
+ [] -> s
+ | c :: m ->
+ iter m ((
+ match c with
+ `CONTROL -> "<ctrl>"
+ | `SHIFT -> "<shft>"
+ | `LOCK -> "<lock>"
+ | `MOD1 -> "<alt>"
+ | `MOD2 -> "<mod2>"
+ | `MOD3 -> "<mod3>"
+ | `MOD4 -> "<mod4>"
+ | `MOD5 -> "<mod5>"
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ ) ^ s)
+ in
+ iter m ""
+class type widget =
+ object
+ method box : GObj.widget
+ method apply : unit -> unit
+ end
+let debug = false
+let dbg s = if debug then Minilib.log s else ()
+(** This class builds a frame with a clist and two buttons :
+ one to add items and one to remove the selected items.
+ The class takes in parameter a function used to add items and
+ a string list ref which is used to store the content of the clist.
+ At last, a title for the frame is also in parameter, so that
+ each instance of the class creates a frame. *)
+class ['a] list_selection_box
+ (listref : 'a list ref)
+ titles_opt
+ help_opt
+ f_edit_opt
+ f_strings
+ f_color
+ (eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool)
+ add_function title editable
+ (tt:GData.tooltips)
+ =
+ let _ = dbg "list_selection_box" in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box () in
+ let wf = GBin.frame ~label: title ~packing: wev#add () in
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox ~packing: wf#add () in
+ (* the scroll window and the clist *)
+ let wscroll = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy: `AUTOMATIC
+ ~hpolicy: `AUTOMATIC
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: true) ()
+ in
+ let wlist = match titles_opt with
+ None ->
+ GList.clist ~selection_mode: `MULTIPLE
+ ~titles_show: false
+ ~packing: wscroll#add ()
+ | Some l ->
+ GList.clist ~selection_mode: `MULTIPLE
+ ~titles: l
+ ~titles_show: true
+ ~packing: wscroll#add ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match help_opt with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wev#coerce
+ in (* the vbox for the buttons *)
+ let vbox_buttons = GPack.vbox () in
+ let _ =
+ if editable then
+ let _ = hbox#pack ~expand: false vbox_buttons#coerce in
+ ()
+ else
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: wb_add" in
+ let wb_add = GButton.button
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mAdd
+ ~packing: (vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let wb_edit = GButton.button
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mEdit
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ = match f_edit_opt with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2 wb_edit#coerce
+ in
+ let wb_up = GButton.button
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mUp
+ ~packing: (vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let wb_remove = GButton.button
+ ~label: Configwin_messages.mRemove
+ ~packing: (vbox_buttons#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: object(self)" in
+ object (self)
+ (** the list of selected rows *)
+ val mutable list_select = []
+ (** This method returns the frame created. *)
+ method box = wev
+ method update l =
+ (* set the new list in the provided listref *)
+ listref := l;
+ (* insert the elements in the clist *)
+ wlist#freeze ();
+ wlist#clear ();
+ List.iter
+ (fun ele ->
+ ignore (wlist#append (f_strings ele));
+ match f_color ele with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some c ->
+ try wlist#set_row ~foreground: (`NAME c) (wlist#rows - 1)
+ with _ -> ()
+ )
+ !listref;
+ (match titles_opt with
+ None -> wlist#columns_autosize ()
+ | Some _ -> GToolbox.autosize_clist wlist);
+ wlist#thaw ();
+ (* the list of selectd elements is now empty *)
+ list_select <- []
+ (** Move up the selected rows. *)
+ method up_selected =
+ let rec iter n selrows l =
+ match selrows with
+ [] -> (l, [])
+ | m :: qrows ->
+ match l with
+ [] -> ([],[])
+ | [_] -> (l,[])
+ | e1 :: e2 :: q when m = n + 1 ->
+ let newl, newrows = iter (n+1) qrows (e1 :: q) in
+ (e2 :: newl, n :: newrows)
+ | e1 :: q ->
+ let newl, newrows = iter (n+1) selrows q in
+ (e1 :: newl, newrows)
+ in
+ let sorted_select = List.sort compare list_select in
+ let new_list, new_rows = iter 0 sorted_select !listref in
+ self#update new_list;
+ List.iter (fun n -> wlist#select n 0) new_rows
+ (** Make the user edit the first selected row. *)
+ method edit_selected f_edit =
+ let sorted_select = List.sort compare list_select in
+ match sorted_select with
+ [] -> ()
+ | n :: _ ->
+ try
+ let ele = List.nth !listref n in
+ let ele2 = f_edit ele in
+ let rec iter m = function
+ [] -> []
+ | e :: q ->
+ if n = m then
+ ele2 :: q
+ else
+ e :: (iter (m+1) q)
+ in
+ self#update (iter 0 !listref);
+ wlist#select n 0
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ ()
+ initializer
+ (** create the functions called when the buttons are clicked *)
+ let f_add () =
+ (* get the files to add with the function provided *)
+ let l = add_function () in
+ (* remove from the list the ones which are already in
+ the listref, using the eq predicate *)
+ let l2 = List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun ele ->
+ if List.exists (eq ele) acc then
+ acc
+ else
+ acc @ [ele])
+ !listref
+ l
+ in
+ self#update l2
+ in
+ let f_remove () =
+ (* remove the selected items from the listref and the clist *)
+ let rec iter n = function
+ [] -> []
+ | h :: q ->
+ if List.mem n list_select then
+ iter (n+1) q
+ else
+ h :: (iter (n+1) q)
+ in
+ let new_list = iter 0 !listref in
+ self#update new_list
+ in
+ let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting wb_add" in
+ (* connect the functions to the buttons *)
+ ignore (wb_add#connect#clicked ~callback:f_add);
+ let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting wb_remove" in
+ ignore (wb_remove#connect#clicked ~callback:f_remove);
+ let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting wb_up" in
+ ignore (wb_up#connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> self#up_selected));
+ (
+ match f_edit_opt with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some f ->
+ let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting wb_edit" in
+ ignore (wb_edit#connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> self#edit_selected f))
+ );
+ (* connect the selection and deselection of items in the clist *)
+ let f_select ~row ~column ~event =
+ try
+ list_select <- row :: list_select
+ with
+ Failure _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ let f_unselect ~row ~column ~event =
+ try
+ let new_list_select = List.filter (fun n -> n <> row) list_select in
+ list_select <- new_list_select
+ with
+ Failure _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ (* connect the select and deselect events *)
+ let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting select_row" in
+ ignore(wlist#connect#select_row ~callback:f_select);
+ let _ = dbg "list_selection_box: connecting unselect_row" in
+ ignore(wlist#connect#unselect_row ~callback:f_unselect);
+ (* initialize the clist with the listref *)
+ self#update !listref
+ end;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a string parameter.*)
+class string_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
+ let _ = dbg "string_param_box" in
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in
+ let _wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.string_label ~packing: wev#add () in
+ let we = GEdit.entry
+ ~editable: param.string_editable
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.string_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.string_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wev#coerce
+ in
+ let _ = we#set_text (param.string_to_string param.string_value) in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = param.string_of_string we#text in
+ if new_value <> param.string_value then
+ let _ = param.string_f_apply new_value in
+ param.string_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a combo parameter.*)
+class combo_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
+ let _ = dbg "combo_param_box" in
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2) () in
+ let _wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.combo_label ~packing: wev#add () in
+ let _ =
+ match param.combo_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wev#coerce
+ in
+ let get_value = if not param.combo_new_allowed then
+ let wc = GEdit.combo_box_text
+ ~strings: param.combo_choices
+ ?active:(let rec aux i = function
+ |[] -> None
+ |h::_ when h = param.combo_value -> Some i
+ |_::t -> aux (succ i) t
+ in aux 0 param.combo_choices)
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.combo_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ fun () -> match GEdit.text_combo_get_active wc with |None -> "" |Some s -> s
+ else
+ let (wc,_) = GEdit.combo_box_entry_text
+ ~strings: param.combo_choices
+ ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand: param.combo_expand ~padding: 2)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ = wc#entry#set_editable param.combo_editable in
+ let _ = wc#entry#set_text param.combo_value in
+ fun () -> wc#entry#text
+ in
+object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = get_value () in
+ if new_value <> param.combo_value then
+ let _ = param.combo_f_apply new_value in
+ param.combo_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+end ;;
+(** Class used to pack a custom box. *)
+class custom_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
+ let _ = dbg "custom_param_box" in
+ let top =
+ match param.custom_framed with
+ None -> param.custom_box#coerce
+ | Some l ->
+ let wf = GBin.frame ~label: l () in
+ wf#add param.custom_box#coerce;
+ wf#coerce
+ in
+ object (self)
+ method box = top
+ method apply = param.custom_f_apply ()
+ end
+(** This class is used to build a box for a text parameter.*)
+class text_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
+ let _ = dbg "text_param_box" in
+ let wf = GBin.frame ~label: param.string_label ~height: 100 () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: wf#add () in
+ let wscroll = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy: `AUTOMATIC
+ ~hpolicy: `AUTOMATIC
+ ~packing: wev#add ()
+ in
+ let wview = GText.view
+ ~editable: param.string_editable
+ ~packing: wscroll#add
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.string_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wev#coerce
+ in
+ let _ = dbg "text_param_box: buffer creation" in
+ let buffer = GText.buffer () in
+ let _ = wview#set_buffer buffer in
+ let _ = buffer#insert (param.string_to_string param.string_value) in
+ let _ = dbg "text_param_box: object(self)" in
+ object (self)
+ val wview = wview
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = wf#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let v = param.string_of_string (buffer#get_text ()) in
+ if v <> param.string_value then
+ (
+ dbg "apply new value!";
+ let _ = param.string_f_apply v in
+ param.string_value <- v
+ )
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a boolean parameter.*)
+class bool_param_box param (tt:GData.tooltips) =
+ let _ = dbg "bool_param_box" in
+ let wchk = GButton.check_button
+ ~label: param.bool_label
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.bool_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help -> tt#set_tip ~text: help ~privat: help wchk#coerce
+ in
+ let _ = wchk#set_active param.bool_value in
+ let _ = wchk#misc#set_sensitive param.bool_editable in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the check button ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = wchk#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = wchk#active in
+ if new_value <> param.bool_value then
+ let _ = param.bool_f_apply new_value in
+ param.bool_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+class modifiers_param_box param =
+ let hbox = GPack.hbox () in
+ let wev = GBin.event_box ~packing: (hbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true ~padding: 2) () in
+ let _wl = GMisc.label ~text: param.md_label ~packing: wev#add () in
+ let value = ref param.md_value in
+ let _ = List.map (fun modifier ->
+ let but = GButton.toggle_button
+ ~label:(modifiers_to_string [modifier])
+ ~active:(List.mem modifier param.md_value)
+ ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false) () in
+ ignore (but#connect#toggled
+ ~callback:(fun _ -> if but#active then value := modifier::!value
+ else value := List.filter ((<>) modifier) !value)))
+ param.md_allow
+ in
+ let _ =
+ match param.md_help with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some help ->
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ ignore (hbox#connect#destroy ~callback: tooltips#destroy);
+ tooltips#set_tip wev#coerce ~text: help ~privat: help
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = hbox#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ let new_value = !value in
+ if new_value <> param.md_value then
+ let _ = param.md_f_apply new_value in
+ param.md_value <- new_value
+ else
+ ()
+ end ;;
+(** This class is used to build a box for a parameter whose values are a list.*)
+class ['a] list_param_box (param : 'a list_param) (tt:GData.tooltips) =
+ let _ = dbg "list_param_box" in
+ let listref = ref param.list_value in
+ let frame_selection = new list_selection_box
+ listref
+ param.list_titles
+ param.list_help
+ param.list_f_edit
+ param.list_strings
+ param.list_color
+ param.list_eq
+ param.list_f_add param.list_label param.list_editable
+ tt
+ in
+ object (self)
+ (** This method returns the main box ready to be packed. *)
+ method box = frame_selection#box#coerce
+ (** This method applies the new value of the parameter. *)
+ method apply =
+ param.list_f_apply !listref ;
+ param.list_value <- !listref
+ end ;;
+(** This class creates a configuration box from a configuration structure *)
+class configuration_box (tt : GData.tooltips) conf_struct =
+ let main_box = GPack.hbox () in
+ let columns = new GTree.column_list in
+ let icon_col = columns#add GtkStock.conv in
+ let label_col = columns#add Gobject.Data.string in
+ let box_col = columns#add Gobject.Data.caml in
+ let () = columns#lock () in
+ let pane = GPack.paned `HORIZONTAL ~packing:main_box#add () in
+ (* Tree view part *)
+ let scroll = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`NEVER ~packing:pane#pack1 () in
+ let tree = GTree.tree_store columns in
+ let view = GTree.view ~model:tree ~headers_visible:false ~packing:scroll#add_with_viewport () in
+ let selection = view#selection in
+ let _ = selection#set_mode `SINGLE in
+ let menu_box = GPack.vbox ~packing:pane#pack2 () in
+ let renderer = (GTree.cell_renderer_pixbuf [], ["stock-id", icon_col]) in
+ let col = GTree.view_column ~renderer () in
+ let _ = view#append_column col in
+ let renderer = (GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text", label_col]) in
+ let col = GTree.view_column ~renderer () in
+ let _ = view#append_column col in
+ let make_param (main_box : #GPack.box) = function
+ | String_param p ->
+ let box = new string_param_box p tt in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Combo_param p ->
+ let box = new combo_param_box p tt in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Text_param p ->
+ let box = new text_param_box p tt in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.string_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Bool_param p ->
+ let box = new bool_param_box p tt in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | List_param f ->
+ let box = f tt in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: true ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Custom_param p ->
+ let box = new custom_param_box p tt in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: p.custom_expand ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ | Modifiers_param p ->
+ let box = new modifiers_param_box p in
+ let _ = main_box#pack ~expand: false ~padding: 2 box#box in
+ box
+ in
+ let set_icon iter = function
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some icon -> tree#set ~row:iter ~column:icon_col icon
+ in
+ (* Populate the tree *)
+ let rec make_tree iter conf_struct =
+ (* box is not shown at first *)
+ let box = GPack.vbox ~packing:(menu_box#pack ~expand:true) ~show:false () in
+ let new_iter = match iter with
+ | None -> tree#append ()
+ | Some parent -> tree#append ~parent ()
+ in
+ match conf_struct with
+ | Section (label, icon, param_list) ->
+ let params = List.map (make_param box) param_list in
+ let widget =
+ object
+ method box = box#coerce
+ method apply () = List.iter (fun param -> param#apply) params
+ end
+ in
+ let () = tree#set ~row:new_iter ~column:label_col label in
+ let () = set_icon new_iter icon in
+ let () = tree#set ~row:new_iter ~column:box_col widget in
+ ()
+ | Section_list (label, icon, struct_list) ->
+ let widget =
+ object
+ (* Section_list does not contain any effect widget, so we do not have to
+ apply anything. *)
+ method apply () = ()
+ method box = box#coerce
+ end
+ in
+ let () = tree#set ~row:new_iter ~column:label_col label in
+ let () = set_icon new_iter icon in
+ let () = tree#set ~row:new_iter ~column:box_col widget in
+ List.iter (make_tree (Some new_iter)) struct_list
+ in
+ let () = List.iter (make_tree None) conf_struct in
+ (* Dealing with signals *)
+ let current_prop : widget option ref = ref None in
+ let select_iter iter =
+ let () = match !current_prop with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some box -> box#box#misc#hide ()
+ in
+ let box = tree#get ~row:iter ~column:box_col in
+ let () = box#box#misc#show () in
+ current_prop := Some box
+ in
+ let when_selected () =
+ let rows = selection#get_selected_rows in
+ match rows with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | row :: _ ->
+ let iter = tree#get_iter row in
+ select_iter iter
+ in
+ (* Focus on a box when selected *)
+ let _ = selection#connect#changed ~callback:when_selected in
+ let _ = match tree#get_iter_first with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some iter -> select_iter iter
+ in
+ object
+ method box = main_box
+ method apply =
+ let foreach _ iter =
+ let widget = tree#get ~row:iter ~column:box_col in
+ widget#apply(); false
+ in
+ tree#foreach foreach
+ end
+(** This function takes a configuration structure list and creates a window
+ to configure the various parameters. *)
+let edit ?(with_apply=true)
+ ?(apply=(fun () -> ()))
+ title ?width ?height
+ conf_struct =
+ let dialog = GWindow.dialog
+ ~position:`CENTER
+ ~modal: true ~title: title
+ ?height ?width
+ ()
+ in
+ let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
+ let config_box = new configuration_box tooltips conf_struct in
+ let _ = dialog#vbox#add config_box#box#coerce in
+ if with_apply then
+ dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mApply `APPLY;
+ dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mOk `OK;
+ dialog#add_button Configwin_messages.mCancel `CANCEL;
+ let destroy () =
+ tooltips#destroy () ;
+ dialog#destroy ();
+ in
+ let rec iter rep =
+ try
+ match dialog#run () with
+ | `APPLY -> config_box#apply; iter Return_apply
+ | `OK -> config_box#apply; destroy (); Return_ok
+ | _ -> destroy (); rep
+ with
+ Failure s ->
+ GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Error" s; iter rep
+ | e ->
+ GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Error" (Printexc.to_string e); iter rep
+ in
+ iter Return_cancel
+let edit_string l s =
+ match GToolbox.input_string ~title: l ~text: s Configwin_messages.mValue with
+ None -> s
+ | Some s2 -> s2
+(** Create a string param. *)
+let string ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ String_param
+ {
+ string_label = label ;
+ string_help = help ;
+ string_value = v ;
+ string_editable = editable ;
+ string_f_apply = f ;
+ string_expand = expand ;
+ string_to_string = (fun x -> x) ;
+ string_of_string = (fun x -> x) ;
+ }
+(** Create a bool param. *)
+let bool ?(editable=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Bool_param
+ {
+ bool_label = label ;
+ bool_help = help ;
+ bool_value = v ;
+ bool_editable = editable ;
+ bool_f_apply = f ;
+ }
+(** Create a list param. *)
+let list ?(editable=true) ?help
+ ?(f=(fun (_:'a list) -> ()))
+ ?(eq=Pervasives.(=))
+ ?(edit:('a -> 'a) option)
+ ?(add=(fun () -> ([] : 'a list)))
+ ?titles ?(color=(fun (_:'a) -> (None : string option)))
+ label (f_strings : 'a -> string list) v =
+ List_param
+ (fun tt ->
+ new list_param_box
+ {
+ list_label = label ;
+ list_help = help ;
+ list_value = v ;
+ list_editable = editable ;
+ list_titles = titles;
+ list_eq = eq ;
+ list_strings = f_strings ;
+ list_color = color ;
+ list_f_edit = edit ;
+ list_f_add = add ;
+ list_f_apply = f ;
+ }
+ tt
+ )
+(** Create a strings param. *)
+let strings ?(editable=true) ?help
+ ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
+ ?(eq=Pervasives.(=))
+ ?(add=(fun () -> [])) label v =
+ list ~editable ?help ~f ~eq ~edit: (edit_string label) ~add label (fun s -> [s]) v
+(** Create a combo param. *)
+let combo ?(editable=true) ?(expand=true) ?help ?(f=(fun _ -> ()))
+ ?(new_allowed=false)
+ ?(blank_allowed=false) label choices v =
+ Combo_param
+ {
+ combo_label = label ;
+ combo_help = help ;
+ combo_value = v ;
+ combo_editable = editable ;
+ combo_choices = choices ;
+ combo_new_allowed = new_allowed ;
+ combo_blank_allowed = blank_allowed ;
+ combo_f_apply = f ;
+ combo_expand = expand ;
+ }
+let modifiers
+ ?(editable=true)
+ ?(expand=true)
+ ?help
+ ?(allow=[`CONTROL;`SHIFT;`LOCK;`MOD1;`MOD2;`MOD3;`MOD4;`MOD5])
+ ?(f=(fun _ -> ())) label v =
+ Modifiers_param
+ {
+ md_label = label ;
+ md_help = help ;
+ md_value = v ;
+ md_editable = editable ;
+ md_f_apply = f ;
+ md_expand = expand ;
+ md_allow = allow ;
+ }
+(** Create a custom param.*)
+let custom ?label box f expand =
+ Custom_param
+ {
+ custom_box = box ;
+ custom_f_apply = f ;
+ custom_expand = expand ;
+ custom_framed = label ;
+ }