path: root/grammar
diff options
authorGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2018-07-02 15:06:17 +0200
committerGravatar Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <e+git@x80.org>2018-07-02 15:06:17 +0200
commit02fe76c0c1c3f01c6fb4310dd4450b35f43005da (patch)
tree1d1c7c47fff5688105d0f868f9ab89d479ede899 /grammar
parentf6f606232ae3c32e5c90d4fd427721875529b777 (diff)
parent47bbe39d480f02dc92e4856fa8d872f52b9903a4 (diff)
Merge PR #7902: Use a homebrew parser to replace the GEXTEND extension points of Camlp5
Diffstat (limited to 'grammar')
5 files changed, 726 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/grammar/coqpp_ast.mli b/grammar/coqpp_ast.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..245e530ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grammar/coqpp_ast.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2017 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+type loc = {
+ loc_start : Lexing.position;
+ loc_end : Lexing.position;
+type code = { code : string }
+type token_data =
+| TokNone
+| TokName of string
+| TokNameSep of string * string
+type ext_token =
+| ExtTerminal of string
+| ExtNonTerminal of string * token_data
+type tactic_rule = {
+ tac_toks : ext_token list;
+ tac_body : code;
+type level = string
+type position =
+| First
+| Last
+| Before of level
+| After of level
+| Level of level
+type assoc =
+| LeftA
+| RightA
+| NonA
+type gram_symbol =
+| GSymbString of string
+| GSymbQualid of string * level option
+| GSymbParen of gram_symbol list
+| GSymbProd of gram_prod list
+and gram_prod = {
+ gprod_symbs : (string option * gram_symbol list) list;
+ gprod_body : code;
+type gram_rule = {
+ grule_label : string option;
+ grule_assoc : assoc option;
+ grule_prods : gram_prod list;
+type grammar_entry = {
+ gentry_name : string;
+ gentry_pos : position option;
+ gentry_rules : gram_rule list;
+type grammar_ext = {
+ gramext_name : string;
+ gramext_globals : string list;
+ gramext_entries : grammar_entry list;
+type node =
+| Code of code
+| Comment of string
+| GramExt of grammar_ext
+| VernacExt
+| TacticExt of string * tactic_rule list
+type t = node list
diff --git a/grammar/coqpp_lex.mll b/grammar/coqpp_lex.mll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f35766b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grammar/coqpp_lex.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2017 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Lexing
+open Coqpp_parse
+type mode =
+| OCaml
+| Extend
+exception Lex_error of Coqpp_ast.loc * string
+let loc lexbuf = {
+ Coqpp_ast.loc_start = lexeme_start_p lexbuf;
+ Coqpp_ast.loc_end = lexeme_end_p lexbuf;
+let newline lexbuf =
+ let pos = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
+ let pos = { pos with pos_lnum = pos.pos_lnum + 1; pos_bol = pos.pos_cnum } in
+ lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- pos
+let num_comments = ref 0
+let num_braces = ref 0
+let mode () = if !num_braces = 0 then Extend else OCaml
+let comment_buf = Buffer.create 512
+let ocaml_buf = Buffer.create 512
+let string_buf = Buffer.create 512
+let lex_error lexbuf msg =
+ raise (Lex_error (loc lexbuf, msg))
+let lex_unexpected_eof lexbuf where =
+ lex_error lexbuf (Printf.sprintf "Unexpected end of file in %s" where)
+let start_comment _ =
+ let () = incr num_comments in
+ Buffer.add_string comment_buf "(*"
+let end_comment lexbuf =
+ let () = decr num_comments in
+ let () = Buffer.add_string comment_buf "*)" in
+ if !num_comments < 0 then lex_error lexbuf "Unexpected end of comment"
+ else if !num_comments = 0 then
+ let s = Buffer.contents comment_buf in
+ let () = Buffer.reset comment_buf in
+ Some (COMMENT s)
+ else
+ None
+let start_ocaml _ =
+ let () = match mode () with
+ | OCaml -> Buffer.add_string ocaml_buf "{"
+ | Extend -> ()
+ in
+ incr num_braces
+let end_ocaml lexbuf =
+ let () = decr num_braces in
+ if !num_braces < 0 then lex_error lexbuf "Unexpected end of OCaml code"
+ else if !num_braces = 0 then
+ let s = Buffer.contents ocaml_buf in
+ let () = Buffer.reset ocaml_buf in
+ Some (CODE { Coqpp_ast.code = s })
+ else
+ let () = Buffer.add_string ocaml_buf "}" in
+ None
+let letter = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
+let letterlike = ['_' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
+let alphanum = ['_' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '\'']
+let ident = letterlike alphanum*
+let qualid = ident ('.' ident)*
+let space = [' ' '\t' '\r']
+rule extend = parse
+| "(*" { start_comment (); comment lexbuf }
+| "{" { start_ocaml (); ocaml lexbuf }
+| "END" { END }
+(** Camlp5 specific keywords *)
+| "FIRST" { FIRST }
+| "LAST" { LAST }
+| "AFTER" { AFTER }
+| "LEVEL" { LEVEL }
+| "LEFTA" { LEFTA }
+| "NONA" { NONA }
+(** Standard *)
+| ident { IDENT (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+| qualid { QUALID (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+| space { extend lexbuf }
+| '\"' { string lexbuf }
+| '\n' { newline lexbuf; extend lexbuf }
+| '[' { LBRACKET }
+| ']' { RBRACKET }
+| '|' { PIPE }
+| "->" { ARROW }
+| ',' { COMMA }
+| ':' { COLON }
+| ';' { SEMICOLON }
+| '(' { LPAREN }
+| ')' { RPAREN }
+| '=' { EQUAL }
+| _ { lex_error lexbuf "syntax error" }
+| eof { EOF }
+and ocaml = parse
+| "{" { start_ocaml (); ocaml lexbuf }
+| "}" { match end_ocaml lexbuf with Some tk -> tk | None -> ocaml lexbuf }
+| '\n' { newline lexbuf; Buffer.add_char ocaml_buf '\n'; ocaml lexbuf }
+| '\"' { Buffer.add_char ocaml_buf '\"'; ocaml_string lexbuf }
+| (_ as c) { Buffer.add_char ocaml_buf c; ocaml lexbuf }
+| eof { lex_unexpected_eof lexbuf "OCaml code" }
+and comment = parse
+| "*)" { match end_comment lexbuf with Some _ -> extend lexbuf | None -> comment lexbuf }
+| "(*" { start_comment lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+| '\n' { newline lexbuf; Buffer.add_char comment_buf '\n'; comment lexbuf }
+| (_ as c) { Buffer.add_char comment_buf c; comment lexbuf }
+| eof { lex_unexpected_eof lexbuf "comment" }
+and string = parse
+| '\"'
+ {
+ let s = Buffer.contents string_buf in
+ let () = Buffer.reset string_buf in
+ }
+| "\\\"" { Buffer.add_char string_buf '\"'; string lexbuf }
+| '\n' { newline lexbuf; Buffer.add_char string_buf '\n'; string lexbuf }
+| (_ as c) { Buffer.add_char string_buf c; string lexbuf }
+| eof { lex_unexpected_eof lexbuf "string" }
+and ocaml_string = parse
+| "\\\"" { Buffer.add_string ocaml_buf "\\\""; ocaml_string lexbuf }
+| '\"' { Buffer.add_char ocaml_buf '\"'; ocaml lexbuf }
+| (_ as c) { Buffer.add_char ocaml_buf c; ocaml_string lexbuf }
+| eof { lex_unexpected_eof lexbuf "OCaml string" }
+let token lexbuf = match mode () with
+| OCaml -> ocaml lexbuf
+| Extend -> extend lexbuf
diff --git a/grammar/coqpp_main.ml b/grammar/coqpp_main.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23a5104e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grammar/coqpp_main.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2017 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Lexing
+open Coqpp_ast
+open Format
+let fatal msg =
+ let () = Format.eprintf "Error: %s@\n%!" msg in
+ exit 1
+let pr_loc loc =
+ let file = loc.loc_start.pos_fname in
+ let line = loc.loc_start.pos_lnum in
+ let bpos = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol in
+ let epos = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_bol in
+ Printf.sprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d:" file line bpos epos
+let parse_file f =
+ let chan = open_in f in
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in
+ let () = lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = f } in
+ let ans =
+ try Coqpp_parse.file Coqpp_lex.token lexbuf
+ with
+ | Coqpp_lex.Lex_error (loc, msg) ->
+ let () = close_in chan in
+ let () = Printf.eprintf "%s\n%!" (pr_loc loc) in
+ fatal msg
+ | Parsing.Parse_error ->
+ let () = close_in chan in
+ let loc = Coqpp_lex.loc lexbuf in
+ let () = Printf.eprintf "%s\n%!" (pr_loc loc) in
+ fatal "syntax error"
+ in
+ let () = close_in chan in
+ ans
+module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
+let string_split s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let rec split n =
+ try
+ let pos = String.index_from s n '.' in
+ let dir = String.sub s n (pos-n) in
+ dir :: split (succ pos)
+ with
+ | Not_found -> [String.sub s n (len-n)]
+ in
+ if len == 0 then [] else split 0
+module GramExt :
+val print_ast : Format.formatter -> grammar_ext -> unit
+end =
+let is_uident s = match s.[0] with
+| 'A'..'Z' -> true
+| _ -> false
+let is_qualified = is_uident
+let get_local_entries ext =
+ let global = StringSet.of_list ext.gramext_globals in
+ let map e = e.gentry_name in
+ let entries = List.map map ext.gramext_entries in
+ let local = List.filter (fun e -> not (is_qualified e || StringSet.mem e global)) entries in
+ let rec uniquize seen = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | id :: rem ->
+ let rem = uniquize (StringSet.add id seen) rem in
+ if StringSet.mem id seen then rem else id :: rem
+ in
+ uniquize StringSet.empty local
+let print_local chan ext =
+ let locals = get_local_entries ext in
+ match locals with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | e :: locals ->
+ let mk_e chan e = fprintf chan "%s.Entry.create \"%s\"" ext.gramext_name e in
+ let () = fprintf chan "@[<hv 2>let %s =@ @[%a@]@]@ " e mk_e e in
+ let iter e = fprintf chan "@[<hv 2>and %s =@ @[%a@]@]@ " e mk_e e in
+ let () = List.iter iter locals in
+ fprintf chan "in@ "
+let print_string chan s = fprintf chan "\"%s\"" s
+let print_list chan pr l =
+ let rec prl chan = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [x] -> fprintf chan "%a" pr x
+ | x :: l -> fprintf chan "%a;@ %a" pr x prl l
+ in
+ fprintf chan "@[<hv>[%a]@]" prl l
+let print_opt chan pr = function
+| None -> fprintf chan "None"
+| Some x -> fprintf chan "Some@ (%a)" pr x
+let print_position chan pos = match pos with
+| First -> fprintf chan "Extend.First"
+| Last -> fprintf chan "Extend.Last"
+| Before s -> fprintf chan "Extend.Before@ \"%s\"" s
+| After s -> fprintf chan "Extend.After@ \"%s\"" s
+| Level s -> fprintf chan "Extend.Level@ \"%s\"" s
+let print_assoc chan = function
+| LeftA -> fprintf chan "Extend.LeftA"
+| RightA -> fprintf chan "Extend.RightA"
+| NonA -> fprintf chan "Extend.NonA"
+type symb =
+| SymbToken of string * string option
+| SymbEntry of string * string option
+| SymbSelf
+| SymbNext
+| SymbList0 of symb * symb option
+| SymbList1 of symb * symb option
+| SymbOpt of symb
+| SymbRules of ((string option * symb) list * code) list
+let is_token s = match string_split s with
+| [s] -> is_uident s
+| _ -> false
+let rec parse_tokens = function
+| [GSymbString s] -> SymbToken ("", Some s)
+| [GSymbQualid ("SELF", None)] -> SymbSelf
+| [GSymbQualid ("NEXT", None)] -> SymbNext
+| [GSymbQualid ("LIST0", None); tkn] ->
+ SymbList0 (parse_token tkn, None)
+| [GSymbQualid ("LIST1", None); tkn] ->
+ SymbList1 (parse_token tkn, None)
+| [GSymbQualid ("LIST0", None); tkn; GSymbQualid ("SEP", None); tkn'] ->
+ SymbList0 (parse_token tkn, Some (parse_token tkn'))
+| [GSymbQualid ("LIST1", None); tkn; GSymbQualid ("SEP", None); tkn'] ->
+ SymbList1 (parse_token tkn, Some (parse_token tkn'))
+| [GSymbQualid ("OPT", None); tkn] ->
+ SymbOpt (parse_token tkn)
+| [GSymbQualid (e, None)] when is_token e -> SymbToken (e, None)
+| [GSymbQualid (e, None); GSymbString s] when is_token e -> SymbToken (e, Some s)
+| [GSymbQualid (e, lvl)] when not (is_token e) -> SymbEntry (e, lvl)
+| [GSymbParen tkns] -> parse_tokens tkns
+| [GSymbProd prds] ->
+ let map p =
+ let map (pat, tkns) = (pat, parse_tokens tkns) in
+ (List.map map p.gprod_symbs, p.gprod_body)
+ in
+ SymbRules (List.map map prds)
+| t ->
+ let rec db_token = function
+ | GSymbString s -> Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"" s
+ | GSymbQualid (s, _) -> Printf.sprintf "%s" s
+ | GSymbParen s -> Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (db_tokens s)
+ | GSymbProd _ -> Printf.sprintf "[...]"
+ and db_tokens tkns =
+ let s = List.map db_token tkns in
+ String.concat " " s
+ in
+ fatal (Printf.sprintf "Invalid token: %s" (db_tokens t))
+and parse_token tkn = parse_tokens [tkn]
+let print_fun chan (vars, body) =
+ let vars = List.rev vars in
+ let iter = function
+ | None -> fprintf chan "_@ "
+ | Some id -> fprintf chan "%s@ " id
+ in
+ let () = fprintf chan "fun@ " in
+ let () = List.iter iter vars in
+ (** FIXME: use Coq locations in the macros *)
+ let () = fprintf chan "loc ->@ @[%s@]" body.code in
+ ()
+(** Meta-program instead of calling Tok.of_pattern here because otherwise
+ violates value restriction *)
+let print_tok chan = function
+| "", s -> fprintf chan "Tok.KEYWORD %a" print_string s
+| "IDENT", s -> fprintf chan "Tok.IDENT %a" print_string s
+| "PATTERNIDENT", s -> fprintf chan "Tok.PATTERNIDENT %a" print_string s
+| "FIELD", s -> fprintf chan "Tok.FIELD %a" print_string s
+| "INT", s -> fprintf chan "Tok.INT %a" print_string s
+| "STRING", s -> fprintf chan "Tok.STRING %a" print_string s
+| "LEFTQMARK", _ -> fprintf chan "Tok.LEFTQMARK"
+| "BULLET", s -> fprintf chan "Tok.BULLET %a" print_string s
+| "EOI", _ -> fprintf chan "Tok.EOI"
+| _ -> failwith "Tok.of_pattern: not a constructor"
+let rec print_prod chan p =
+ let (vars, tkns) = List.split p.gprod_symbs in
+ let f = (vars, p.gprod_body) in
+ let tkn = List.rev_map parse_tokens tkns in
+ fprintf chan "@[Extend.Rule@ (@[%a@],@ @[(%a)@])@]" print_symbols tkn print_fun f
+and print_symbols chan = function
+| [] -> fprintf chan "Extend.Stop"
+| tkn :: tkns ->
+ fprintf chan "Extend.Next @[(%a,@ %a)@]" print_symbols tkns print_symbol tkn
+and print_symbol chan tkn = match tkn with
+| SymbToken (t, s) ->
+ let s = match s with None -> "" | Some s -> s in
+ fprintf chan "(Extend.Atoken (%a))" print_tok (t, s)
+| SymbEntry (e, None) ->
+ fprintf chan "(Extend.Aentry %s)" e
+| SymbEntry (e, Some l) ->
+ fprintf chan "(Extend.Aentryl (%s, %a))" e print_string l
+| SymbSelf ->
+ fprintf chan "Extend.Aself"
+| SymbNext ->
+ fprintf chan "Extend.Anext"
+| SymbList0 (s, None) ->
+ fprintf chan "(Extend.Alist0 %a)" print_symbol s
+| SymbList0 (s, Some sep) ->
+ fprintf chan "(Extend.Alist0sep (%a, %a))" print_symbol s print_symbol sep
+| SymbList1 (s, None) ->
+ fprintf chan "(Extend.Alist1 %a)" print_symbol s
+| SymbList1 (s, Some sep) ->
+ fprintf chan "(Extend.Alist1sep (%a, %a))" print_symbol s print_symbol sep
+| SymbOpt s ->
+ fprintf chan "(Extend.Aopt %a)" print_symbol s
+| SymbRules rules ->
+ let pr chan (r, body) =
+ let (vars, tkn) = List.split r in
+ let tkn = List.rev tkn in
+ fprintf chan "Extend.Rules @[({ Extend.norec_rule = %a },@ (%a))@]" print_symbols tkn print_fun (vars, body)
+ in
+ let pr chan rules = print_list chan pr rules in
+ fprintf chan "(Extend.Arules %a)" pr (List.rev rules)
+let print_rule chan r =
+ let pr_lvl chan lvl = print_opt chan print_string lvl in
+ let pr_asc chan asc = print_opt chan print_assoc asc in
+ let pr_prd chan prd = print_list chan print_prod prd in
+ fprintf chan "@[(%a,@ %a,@ %a)@]" pr_lvl r.grule_label pr_asc r.grule_assoc pr_prd (List.rev r.grule_prods)
+let print_entry chan gram e =
+ let print_position_opt chan pos = print_opt chan print_position pos in
+ let print_rules chan rules = print_list chan print_rule rules in
+ fprintf chan "let () =@ @[%s.safe_extend@ %s@ @[(%a, %a)@]@]@ in@ "
+ gram e.gentry_name print_position_opt e.gentry_pos print_rules e.gentry_rules
+let print_ast chan ext =
+ let () = fprintf chan "let _ = @[" in
+ let () = fprintf chan "@[<v>%a@]" print_local ext in
+ let () = List.iter (fun e -> print_entry chan ext.gramext_name e) ext.gramext_entries in
+ let () = fprintf chan "()@]\n" in
+ ()
+let pr_ast chan = function
+| Code s -> fprintf chan "%s@\n" s.code
+| Comment s -> fprintf chan "%s@\n" s
+| GramExt gram -> fprintf chan "%a@\n" GramExt.print_ast gram
+| VernacExt -> fprintf chan "VERNACEXT@\n"
+| TacticExt (id, rules) ->
+ let pr_tok = function
+ | ExtTerminal s -> Printf.sprintf "%s" s
+ | ExtNonTerminal (s, _) -> Printf.sprintf "%s" s
+ in
+ let pr_tacrule r =
+ let toks = String.concat " " (List.map pr_tok r.tac_toks) in
+ Printf.sprintf "[%s] -> {%s}" toks r.tac_body.code
+ in
+ let rules = String.concat ", " (List.map pr_tacrule rules) in
+ fprintf chan "TACTICEXT (%s, [%s])@\n" id rules
+let () =
+ let () =
+ if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2 then fatal "Expected exactly one command line argument"
+ in
+ let file = Sys.argv.(1) in
+ let output = Filename.chop_extension file ^ ".ml" in
+ let ast = parse_file file in
+ let chan = open_out output in
+ let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel chan in
+ let iter ast = Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]%!"pr_ast ast in
+ let () = List.iter iter ast in
+ let () = close_out chan in
+ exit 0
diff --git a/grammar/coqpp_parse.mly b/grammar/coqpp_parse.mly
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa22d2717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grammar/coqpp_parse.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+/* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team */
+/* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2017 */
+/* \VV/ **************************************************************/
+/* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the */
+/* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 */
+open Coqpp_ast
+%token <Coqpp_ast.code> CODE
+%token <string> COMMENT
+%token <string> IDENT QUALID
+%token <string> STRING
+%token EOF
+%type <Coqpp_ast.t> file
+%start file
+| nodes EOF
+ { $1 }
+ { [] }
+| node nodes
+ { $1 :: $2 }
+| CODE { Code $1 }
+| COMMENT { Comment $1 }
+| grammar_extend { $1 }
+| vernac_extend { $1 }
+| tactic_extend { $1 }
+| GRAMMAR EXTEND qualid_or_ident globals gram_entries END
+ { GramExt { gramext_name = $3; gramext_globals = $4; gramext_entries = $5 } }
+| TACTIC EXTEND IDENT tactic_rules END { TacticExt ($3, $4) }
+| tactic_rule { [$1] }
+| tactic_rule tactic_rules { $1 :: $2 }
+ { { tac_toks = $3; tac_body = $6 } }
+| { [] }
+| ext_token ext_tokens { $1 :: $2 }
+| STRING { ExtTerminal $1 }
+| IDENT { ExtNonTerminal ($1, TokNone) }
+| IDENT LPAREN IDENT RPAREN { ExtNonTerminal ($1, TokName $3) }
+| IDENT LPAREN IDENT COMMA STRING RPAREN { ExtNonTerminal ($1, TokNameSep ($3, $5)) }
+| QUALID { $1 }
+| IDENT { $1 }
+| { [] }
+| { [] }
+| qualid_or_ident idents { $1 :: $2 }
+| { [] }
+| gram_entry gram_entries { $1 :: $2 }
+| qualid_or_ident COLON position_opt LBRACKET levels RBRACKET SEMICOLON
+ { { gentry_name = $1; gentry_pos = $3; gentry_rules = $5; } }
+| { None }
+| position { Some $1 }
+| FIRST { First }
+| LAST { Last }
+| BEFORE STRING { Before $2 }
+| AFTER STRING { After $2 }
+| LEVEL STRING { Level $2 }
+| { None }
+| STRING { Some $1 }
+| { None }
+| assoc { Some $1 }
+| LEFTA { LeftA }
+| RIGHTA { RightA }
+| NONA { NonA }
+| level { [$1] }
+| level PIPE levels { $1 :: $3 }
+| string_opt assoc_opt LBRACKET rules_opt RBRACKET
+ { { grule_label = $1; grule_assoc = $2; grule_prods = $4; } }
+| { [] }
+| rules { $1 }
+| rule { [$1] }
+| rule PIPE rules { $1 :: $3 }
+| symbols_opt ARROW CODE
+ { { gprod_symbs = $1; gprod_body = $3; } }
+| { [] }
+| symbols { $1 }
+| symbol { [$1] }
+| symbol SEMICOLON symbols { $1 :: $3 }
+| IDENT EQUAL gram_tokens { (Some $1, $3) }
+| gram_tokens { (None, $1) }
+| qualid_or_ident { GSymbQualid ($1, None) }
+| qualid_or_ident LEVEL STRING { GSymbQualid ($1, Some $3) }
+| LPAREN gram_tokens RPAREN { GSymbParen $2 }
+| LBRACKET rules RBRACKET { GSymbProd $2 }
+| STRING { GSymbString $1 }
+| gram_token { [$1] }
+| gram_token gram_tokens { $1 :: $2 }
diff --git a/grammar/q_util.mlp b/grammar/q_util.mlp
index 6cdd2ec19..0b8d7fda7 100644
--- a/grammar/q_util.mlp
+++ b/grammar/q_util.mlp
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ let rec mlexpr_of_prod_entry_key f = function
(** Keep in sync with Pcoq! *)
assert (e = "tactic");
if l = 5 then <:expr< Extend.Aentry Pltac.binder_tactic >>
- else <:expr< Extend.Aentryl (Pltac.tactic_expr) $mlexpr_of_int l$ >>
+ else <:expr< Extend.Aentryl (Pltac.tactic_expr) $mlexpr_of_string (string_of_int l)$ >>
let rec type_of_user_symbol = function
| Ulist1 s | Ulist1sep (s, _) | Ulist0 s | Ulist0sep (s, _) ->