path: root/engine
diff options
authorGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert <gaetan.gilbert@skyskimmer.net>2018-04-28 21:30:59 +0200
committerGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert <gaetan.gilbert@skyskimmer.net>2018-05-17 18:47:10 +0200
commitd41eaff0b2c6f2ff10ef851864abfa3366862d22 (patch)
tree7263955a94456d9cefe395ea719b37d97409d60a /engine
parent302adae094bbf76d8c951c557c85acb12a97aedc (diff)
Make Universes.refresh_constraints internal to UState
Diffstat (limited to 'engine')
3 files changed, 20 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/engine/uState.ml b/engine/uState.ml
index 6111ec7ed..dbf5d48aa 100644
--- a/engine/uState.ml
+++ b/engine/uState.ml
@@ -553,12 +553,31 @@ let is_sort_variable uctx s =
let subst_univs_context_with_def def usubst (ctx, cst) =
(Univ.LSet.diff ctx def, UnivSubst.subst_univs_constraints usubst cst)
+let is_trivial_leq (l,d,r) =
+ Univ.Level.is_prop l && (d == Univ.Le || (d == Univ.Lt && Univ.Level.is_set r))
+(* Prop < i <-> Set+1 <= i <-> Set < i *)
+let translate_cstr (l,d,r as cstr) =
+ let open Univ in
+ if Level.equal Level.prop l && d == Univ.Lt && not (Level.equal Level.set r) then
+ (Level.set, d, r)
+ else cstr
+let refresh_constraints univs (ctx, cstrs) =
+ let cstrs', univs' =
+ Univ.Constraint.fold (fun c (cstrs', univs as acc) ->
+ let c = translate_cstr c in
+ if is_trivial_leq c then acc
+ else (Univ.Constraint.add c cstrs', UGraph.enforce_constraint c univs))
+ cstrs (Univ.Constraint.empty, univs)
+ in ((ctx, cstrs'), univs')
let normalize_variables uctx =
let normalized_variables, undef, def, subst =
UnivSubst.normalize_univ_variables uctx.uctx_univ_variables
let ctx_local = subst_univs_context_with_def def (Univ.make_subst subst) uctx.uctx_local in
- let ctx_local', univs = Universes.refresh_constraints uctx.uctx_initial_universes ctx_local in
+ let ctx_local', univs = refresh_constraints uctx.uctx_initial_universes ctx_local in
subst, { uctx with uctx_local = ctx_local';
uctx_univ_variables = normalized_variables;
uctx_universes = univs }
diff --git a/engine/universes.ml b/engine/universes.ml
index 009328571..e3b661770 100644
--- a/engine/universes.ml
+++ b/engine/universes.ml
@@ -384,24 +384,6 @@ let normalize_context_set g ctx us algs weak =
(* let normalize_conkey = CProfile.declare_profile "normalize_context_set" *)
(* let normalize_context_set a b c = CProfile.profile3 normalize_conkey normalize_context_set a b c *)
-let is_trivial_leq (l,d,r) =
- Univ.Level.is_prop l && (d == Univ.Le || (d == Univ.Lt && Univ.Level.is_set r))
-(* Prop < i <-> Set+1 <= i <-> Set < i *)
-let translate_cstr (l,d,r as cstr) =
- if Level.equal Level.prop l && d == Univ.Lt && not (Level.equal Level.set r) then
- (Level.set, d, r)
- else cstr
-let refresh_constraints univs (ctx, cstrs) =
- let cstrs', univs' =
- Univ.Constraint.fold (fun c (cstrs', univs as acc) ->
- let c = translate_cstr c in
- if is_trivial_leq c then acc
- else (Univ.Constraint.add c cstrs', UGraph.enforce_constraint c univs))
- cstrs (Univ.Constraint.empty, univs)
- in ((ctx, cstrs'), univs')
(** Deprecated *)
(** UnivNames *)
diff --git a/engine/universes.mli b/engine/universes.mli
index 3e397ed57..4d7105e72 100644
--- a/engine/universes.mli
+++ b/engine/universes.mli
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ val normalize_context_set : UGraph.t -> ContextSet.t ->
UPairSet.t (* weak equality constraints *) ->
(universe_opt_subst * LSet.t) in_universe_context_set
-val refresh_constraints : UGraph.t -> ContextSet.t -> ContextSet.t * UGraph.t
(** *********************************** Deprecated *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "-3"]