path: root/engine
diff options
authorGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert <gaetan.gilbert@skyskimmer.net>2018-04-28 17:58:08 +0200
committerGravatar Gaëtan Gilbert <gaetan.gilbert@skyskimmer.net>2018-05-17 18:46:09 +0200
commitb0ef649660542ae840ea945d7ab4f1f3ae7b85cd (patch)
tree34fbd8ce43c2dea72f458788a5c3f64139a82e3e /engine
parentf9c6afa70325012ffbbd7722a600ca6eed425105 (diff)
Split off Universes functions dealing with names.
This API is a bit strange, I expect it will change at some point.
Diffstat (limited to 'engine')
9 files changed, 213 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/engine/engine.mllib b/engine/engine.mllib
index a5df5a9fa..207dbde1e 100644
--- a/engine/engine.mllib
+++ b/engine/engine.mllib
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/engine/evd.mli b/engine/evd.mli
index 509db525d..7ce525744 100644
--- a/engine/evd.mli
+++ b/engine/evd.mli
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ val constrain_variables : Univ.LSet.t -> UState.t -> UState.t
val evar_universe_context_of_binders :
- Universes.universe_binders -> UState.t
+ UnivNames.universe_binders -> UState.t
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Alias of UState.of_binders"]
val make_evar_universe_context : env -> Misctypes.lident list option -> UState.t
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ val restrict_universe_context : evar_map -> Univ.LSet.t -> evar_map
(** Raises Not_found if not a name for a universe in this map. *)
val universe_of_name : evar_map -> Id.t -> Univ.Level.t
-val universe_binders : evar_map -> Universes.universe_binders
+val universe_binders : evar_map -> UnivNames.universe_binders
val add_constraints_context : UState.t ->
Univ.Constraint.t -> UState.t
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Alias of UState.add_constraints"]
diff --git a/engine/termops.ml b/engine/termops.ml
index df43be28e..9e975da58 100644
--- a/engine/termops.ml
+++ b/engine/termops.ml
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let pr_fix pr_constr ((t,i),(lna,tl,bl)) =
let pr_puniverses p u =
if Univ.Instance.is_empty u then p
- else p ++ str"(*" ++ Univ.Instance.pr Universes.pr_with_global_universes u ++ str"*)"
+ else p ++ str"(*" ++ Univ.Instance.pr UnivNames.pr_with_global_universes u ++ str"*)"
let rec pr_constr c = match kind c with
| Rel n -> str "#"++int n
diff --git a/engine/uState.ml b/engine/uState.ml
index df50bae86..ffb54d441 100644
--- a/engine/uState.ml
+++ b/engine/uState.ml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module UPairSet = Universes.UPairSet
(* 2nd part used to check consistency on the fly. *)
type t =
- { uctx_names : Universes.universe_binders * uinfo Univ.LMap.t;
+ { uctx_names : UnivNames.universe_binders * uinfo Univ.LMap.t;
uctx_local : Univ.ContextSet.t; (** The local context of variables *)
uctx_seff_univs : Univ.LSet.t; (** Local universes used through private constants *)
uctx_univ_variables : Universes.universe_opt_subst;
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ let reference_of_level uctx =
fun l ->
try CAst.make @@ Libnames.Ident (Option.get (Univ.LMap.find l map_rev).uname)
with Not_found | Option.IsNone ->
- Universes.reference_of_level l
+ UnivNames.reference_of_level l
let pr_uctx_level uctx l =
Libnames.pr_reference (reference_of_level uctx l)
diff --git a/engine/uState.mli b/engine/uState.mli
index 48c38fafc..b1fcefb0a 100644
--- a/engine/uState.mli
+++ b/engine/uState.mli
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ val union : t -> t -> t
val of_context_set : Univ.ContextSet.t -> t
-val of_binders : Universes.universe_binders -> t
+val of_binders : UnivNames.universe_binders -> t
-val universe_binders : t -> Universes.universe_binders
+val universe_binders : t -> UnivNames.universe_binders
(** {5 Projections} *)
diff --git a/engine/univNames.ml b/engine/univNames.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e59a7c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engine/univNames.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
+(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Globnames
+open Nametab
+let reference_of_level l = CAst.make @@
+ match Level.name l with
+ | Some (d, n as na) ->
+ let qid =
+ try Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_universe na
+ with Not_found ->
+ let name = Id.of_string_soft (string_of_int n) in
+ Libnames.make_qualid d name
+ in Libnames.Qualid qid
+ | None -> Libnames.Ident Id.(of_string_soft (Level.to_string l))
+let pr_with_global_universes l = Libnames.pr_reference (reference_of_level l)
+(** Global universe information outside the kernel, to handle
+ polymorphic universe names in sections that have to be discharged. *)
+let universe_map = (Summary.ref UnivIdMap.empty ~name:"global universe info" : bool Nametab.UnivIdMap.t ref)
+let add_global_universe u p =
+ match Level.name u with
+ | Some n -> universe_map := Nametab.UnivIdMap.add n p !universe_map
+ | None -> ()
+let is_polymorphic l =
+ match Level.name l with
+ | Some n ->
+ (try Nametab.UnivIdMap.find n !universe_map
+ with Not_found -> false)
+ | None -> false
+(** Local universe names of polymorphic references *)
+type universe_binders = Univ.Level.t Names.Id.Map.t
+let empty_binders = Id.Map.empty
+let universe_binders_table = Summary.ref Refmap.empty ~name:"universe binders"
+let universe_binders_of_global ref : universe_binders =
+ try
+ let l = Refmap.find ref !universe_binders_table in l
+ with Not_found -> Names.Id.Map.empty
+let cache_ubinder (_,(ref,l)) =
+ universe_binders_table := Refmap.add ref l !universe_binders_table
+let subst_ubinder (subst,(ref,l as orig)) =
+ let ref' = fst (Globnames.subst_global subst ref) in
+ if ref == ref' then orig else ref', l
+let discharge_ubinder (_,(ref,l)) =
+ Some (Lib.discharge_global ref, l)
+let ubinder_obj : GlobRef.t * universe_binders -> Libobject.obj =
+ let open Libobject in
+ declare_object { (default_object "universe binder") with
+ cache_function = cache_ubinder;
+ load_function = (fun _ x -> cache_ubinder x);
+ classify_function = (fun x -> Substitute x);
+ subst_function = subst_ubinder;
+ discharge_function = discharge_ubinder;
+ rebuild_function = (fun x -> x); }
+let register_universe_binders ref ubinders =
+ (* Add the polymorphic (section) universes *)
+ let ubinders = UnivIdMap.fold (fun lvl poly ubinders ->
+ let qid = Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_universe lvl in
+ let level = Level.make (fst lvl) (snd lvl) in
+ if poly then Id.Map.add (snd (Libnames.repr_qualid qid)) level ubinders
+ else ubinders)
+ !universe_map ubinders
+ in
+ if not (Id.Map.is_empty ubinders)
+ then Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (ubinder_obj (ref,ubinders))
+type univ_name_list = Misctypes.lname list
+let universe_binders_with_opt_names ref levels = function
+ | None -> universe_binders_of_global ref
+ | Some udecl ->
+ if Int.equal(List.length levels) (List.length udecl)
+ then
+ List.fold_left2 (fun acc { CAst.v = na} lvl -> match na with
+ | Anonymous -> acc
+ | Name na -> Names.Id.Map.add na lvl acc)
+ empty_binders udecl levels
+ else
+ CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"universe_binders_with_opt_names"
+ Pp.(str "Universe instance should have length " ++ int (List.length levels))
diff --git a/engine/univNames.mli b/engine/univNames.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3bc3193d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engine/univNames.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
+(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+open Univ
+val pr_with_global_universes : Level.t -> Pp.t
+val reference_of_level : Level.t -> Libnames.reference
+(** Global universe information outside the kernel, to handle
+ polymorphic universes in sections that have to be discharged. *)
+val add_global_universe : Level.t -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> unit
+(** Is [lvl] a global polymorphic universe? (ie section polymorphic universe) *)
+val is_polymorphic : Level.t -> bool
+(** Local universe name <-> level mapping *)
+type universe_binders = Univ.Level.t Names.Id.Map.t
+val empty_binders : universe_binders
+val register_universe_binders : Names.GlobRef.t -> universe_binders -> unit
+val universe_binders_of_global : Names.GlobRef.t -> universe_binders
+type univ_name_list = Misctypes.lname list
+(** [universe_binders_with_opt_names ref u l]
+ If [l] is [Some univs] return the universe binders naming the levels of [u] by [univs] (skipping Anonymous).
+ May error if the lengths mismatch.
+ Otherwise return [universe_binders_of_global ref]. *)
+val universe_binders_with_opt_names : Names.GlobRef.t ->
+ Univ.Level.t list -> univ_name_list option -> universe_binders
diff --git a/engine/universes.ml b/engine/universes.ml
index 96d49361f..1dccde025 100644
--- a/engine/universes.ml
+++ b/engine/universes.ml
@@ -15,102 +15,6 @@ open Names
open Constr
open Environ
open Univ
-open Globnames
-open Nametab
-module UPairs = OrderedType.UnorderedPair(Univ.Level)
-module UPairSet = Set.Make (UPairs)
-let reference_of_level l = CAst.make @@
- match Level.name l with
- | Some (d, n as na) ->
- let qid =
- try Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_universe na
- with Not_found ->
- let name = Id.of_string_soft (string_of_int n) in
- Libnames.make_qualid d name
- in Libnames.Qualid qid
- | None -> Libnames.Ident Id.(of_string_soft (Level.to_string l))
-let pr_with_global_universes l = Libnames.pr_reference (reference_of_level l)
-(** Global universe information outside the kernel, to handle
- polymorphic universe names in sections that have to be discharged. *)
-let universe_map = (Summary.ref UnivIdMap.empty ~name:"global universe info" : bool Nametab.UnivIdMap.t ref)
-let add_global_universe u p =
- match Level.name u with
- | Some n -> universe_map := Nametab.UnivIdMap.add n p !universe_map
- | None -> ()
-let is_polymorphic l =
- match Level.name l with
- | Some n ->
- (try Nametab.UnivIdMap.find n !universe_map
- with Not_found -> false)
- | None -> false
-(** Local universe names of polymorphic references *)
-type universe_binders = Univ.Level.t Names.Id.Map.t
-let empty_binders = Id.Map.empty
-let universe_binders_table = Summary.ref Refmap.empty ~name:"universe binders"
-let universe_binders_of_global ref : universe_binders =
- try
- let l = Refmap.find ref !universe_binders_table in l
- with Not_found -> Names.Id.Map.empty
-let cache_ubinder (_,(ref,l)) =
- universe_binders_table := Refmap.add ref l !universe_binders_table
-let subst_ubinder (subst,(ref,l as orig)) =
- let ref' = fst (Globnames.subst_global subst ref) in
- if ref == ref' then orig else ref', l
-let discharge_ubinder (_,(ref,l)) =
- Some (Lib.discharge_global ref, l)
-let ubinder_obj : GlobRef.t * universe_binders -> Libobject.obj =
- let open Libobject in
- declare_object { (default_object "universe binder") with
- cache_function = cache_ubinder;
- load_function = (fun _ x -> cache_ubinder x);
- classify_function = (fun x -> Substitute x);
- subst_function = subst_ubinder;
- discharge_function = discharge_ubinder;
- rebuild_function = (fun x -> x); }
-let register_universe_binders ref ubinders =
- let open Names in
- (* Add the polymorphic (section) universes *)
- let ubinders = UnivIdMap.fold (fun lvl poly ubinders ->
- let qid = Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_universe lvl in
- let level = Level.make (fst lvl) (snd lvl) in
- if poly then Id.Map.add (snd (Libnames.repr_qualid qid)) level ubinders
- else ubinders)
- !universe_map ubinders
- in
- if not (Id.Map.is_empty ubinders)
- then Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (ubinder_obj (ref,ubinders))
-type univ_name_list = Misctypes.lname list
-let universe_binders_with_opt_names ref levels = function
- | None -> universe_binders_of_global ref
- | Some udecl ->
- if Int.equal(List.length levels) (List.length udecl)
- then
- List.fold_left2 (fun acc { CAst.v = na} lvl -> match na with
- | Anonymous -> acc
- | Name na -> Names.Id.Map.add na lvl acc)
- empty_binders udecl levels
- else
- CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"universe_binders_with_opt_names"
- Pp.(str "Universe instance should have length " ++ int (List.length levels))
(* To disallow minimization to Set *)
@@ -917,6 +821,9 @@ let minimize_univ_variables ctx us algs left right cstrs =
else LSet.remove u ctx, us, LSet.remove u algs, seen, cstrs)
us (ctx, us, algs, lbounds, cstrs)
+module UPairs = OrderedType.UnorderedPair(Univ.Level)
+module UPairSet = Set.Make (UPairs)
let normalize_context_set g ctx us algs weak =
let (ctx, csts) = ContextSet.levels ctx, ContextSet.constraints ctx in
(** Keep the Prop/Set <= i constraints separate for minimization *)
@@ -1111,3 +1018,21 @@ let solve_constraints_system levels level_bounds level_min =
+(** Deprecated *)
+type universe_binders = UnivNames.universe_binders
+type univ_name_list = UnivNames.univ_name_list
+let pr_with_global_universes = UnivNames.pr_with_global_universes
+let reference_of_level = UnivNames.reference_of_level
+let add_global_universe = UnivNames.add_global_universe
+let is_polymorphic = UnivNames.is_polymorphic
+let empty_binders = UnivNames.empty_binders
+let register_universe_binders = UnivNames.register_universe_binders
+let universe_binders_of_global = UnivNames.universe_binders_of_global
+let universe_binders_with_opt_names = UnivNames.universe_binders_with_opt_names
diff --git a/engine/universes.mli b/engine/universes.mli
index 46d65f257..aaf295c1d 100644
--- a/engine/universes.mli
+++ b/engine/universes.mli
@@ -19,35 +19,6 @@ module UPairSet : CSet.S with type elt = (Level.t * Level.t)
(** Universes *)
-val pr_with_global_universes : Level.t -> Pp.t
-val reference_of_level : Level.t -> Libnames.reference
-(** Global universe information outside the kernel, to handle
- polymorphic universes in sections that have to be discharged. *)
-val add_global_universe : Level.t -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> unit
-val is_polymorphic : Level.t -> bool
-(** Local universe name <-> level mapping *)
-type universe_binders = Univ.Level.t Names.Id.Map.t
-val empty_binders : universe_binders
-val register_universe_binders : GlobRef.t -> universe_binders -> unit
-val universe_binders_of_global : GlobRef.t -> universe_binders
-type univ_name_list = Misctypes.lname list
-(** [universe_binders_with_opt_names ref u l]
- If [l] is [Some univs] return the universe binders naming the levels of [u] by [univs] (skipping Anonymous).
- May error if the lengths mismatch.
- Otherwise return [universe_binders_of_global ref]. *)
-val universe_binders_with_opt_names : Names.GlobRef.t ->
- Univ.Level.t list -> univ_name_list option -> universe_binders
(** The global universe counter *)
type universe_id = DirPath.t * int
@@ -226,3 +197,41 @@ val pr_universe_opt_subst : universe_opt_subst -> Pp.t
val solve_constraints_system : Universe.t option array -> Universe.t array -> Universe.t array ->
Universe.t array
+(** *********************************** Deprecated *)
+[@@@ocaml.warning "-3"]
+val set_minimization : bool ref
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Becoming internal."]
+val is_set_minimization : unit -> bool
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Becoming internal."]
+(** ****** Deprecated: moved to [UnivNames] *)
+val pr_with_global_universes : Level.t -> Pp.t
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.pr_with_global_universes]"]
+val reference_of_level : Level.t -> Libnames.reference
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.reference_of_level]"]
+val add_global_universe : Level.t -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> unit
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.add_global_universe]"]
+val is_polymorphic : Level.t -> bool
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.is_polymorphic]"]
+type universe_binders = UnivNames.universe_binders
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.universe_binders]"]
+val empty_binders : universe_binders
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.empty_binders]"]
+val register_universe_binders : Globnames.global_reference -> universe_binders -> unit
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.register_universe_binders]"]
+val universe_binders_of_global : Globnames.global_reference -> universe_binders
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.universe_binders_of_global]"]
+type univ_name_list = UnivNames.univ_name_list
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.univ_name_list]"]
+val universe_binders_with_opt_names : Globnames.global_reference ->
+ Univ.Level.t list -> univ_name_list option -> universe_binders
+[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use [UnivNames.universe_binders_with_opt_names]"]