path: root/engine
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authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2017-12-22 10:11:59 +0100
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2017-12-22 10:11:59 +0100
commit483d90887aa53dbb8ae44c35ca77ad802a1d1bd1 (patch)
tree5faf763efcc920cfd3b312c85281b79e74137dbe /engine
parent2ded75b9b51aa9607cf2a123d6f8ae42a141e97a (diff)
parent8eea5a5ecdd33d85e4e7d42408360fff68e04f5d (diff)
Merge PR #6222: Share computation of unifiable evars
Diffstat (limited to 'engine')
3 files changed, 75 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/engine/evarutil.ml b/engine/evarutil.ml
index 3445b744a..374fdce72 100644
--- a/engine/evarutil.ml
+++ b/engine/evarutil.ml
@@ -692,6 +692,55 @@ let undefined_evars_of_evar_info evd evi =
(undefined_evars_of_named_context evd
(named_context_of_val evi.evar_hyps)))
+type undefined_evars_cache = {
+ mutable cache : (EConstr.named_declaration * Evar.Set.t) ref Id.Map.t;
+let create_undefined_evars_cache () = { cache = Id.Map.empty; }
+let cached_evar_of_hyp cache sigma decl accu = match cache with
+| None ->
+ let fold c acc =
+ let evs = undefined_evars_of_term sigma c in
+ Evar.Set.union evs acc
+ in
+ NamedDecl.fold_constr fold decl accu
+| Some cache ->
+ let id = NamedDecl.get_id decl in
+ let r =
+ try Id.Map.find id cache.cache
+ with Not_found ->
+ (** Dummy value *)
+ let r = ref (NamedDecl.LocalAssum (id, EConstr.mkProp), Evar.Set.empty) in
+ let () = cache.cache <- Id.Map.add id r cache.cache in
+ r
+ in
+ let (decl', evs) = !r in
+ let evs =
+ if NamedDecl.equal (==) decl decl' then snd !r
+ else
+ let fold c acc =
+ let evs = undefined_evars_of_term sigma c in
+ Evar.Set.union evs acc
+ in
+ let evs = NamedDecl.fold_constr fold decl Evar.Set.empty in
+ let () = r := (decl, evs) in
+ evs
+ in
+ Evar.Set.fold Evar.Set.add evs accu
+let filtered_undefined_evars_of_evar_info ?cache sigma evi =
+ let evars_of_named_context cache accu nc =
+ let fold decl accu = cached_evar_of_hyp cache sigma (EConstr.of_named_decl decl) accu in
+ Context.Named.fold_outside fold nc ~init:accu
+ in
+ let accu = match evi.evar_body with
+ | Evar_empty -> Evar.Set.empty
+ | Evar_defined b -> evars_of_term b
+ in
+ let accu = Evar.Set.union (undefined_evars_of_term sigma (EConstr.of_constr evi.evar_concl)) accu in
+ evars_of_named_context cache accu (evar_filtered_context evi)
(* spiwack: this is a more complete version of
{!Termops.occur_evar}. The latter does not look recursively into an
[evar_map]. If unification only need to check superficially, tactics
diff --git a/engine/evarutil.mli b/engine/evarutil.mli
index 9d0b973a7..37f5968ad 100644
--- a/engine/evarutil.mli
+++ b/engine/evarutil.mli
@@ -133,6 +133,12 @@ val undefined_evars_of_term : evar_map -> constr -> Evar.Set.t
val undefined_evars_of_named_context : evar_map -> Context.Named.t -> Evar.Set.t
val undefined_evars_of_evar_info : evar_map -> evar_info -> Evar.Set.t
+type undefined_evars_cache
+val create_undefined_evars_cache : unit -> undefined_evars_cache
+val filtered_undefined_evars_of_evar_info : ?cache:undefined_evars_cache -> evar_map -> evar_info -> Evar.Set.t
(** [occur_evar_upto sigma k c] returns [true] if [k] appears in
[c]. It looks up recursively in [sigma] for the value of existential
variables. *)
diff --git a/engine/proofview.ml b/engine/proofview.ml
index 3b945c87f..0a6435195 100644
--- a/engine/proofview.ml
+++ b/engine/proofview.ml
@@ -634,32 +634,42 @@ let shelve_goals l =
InfoL.leaf (Info.Tactic (fun () -> Pp.str"shelve_goals")) >>
Shelf.modify (fun gls -> gls @ l)
-(** [contained_in_info e evi] checks whether the evar [e] appears in
- the hypotheses, the conclusion or the body of the evar_info
- [evi]. Note: since we want to use it on goals, the body is actually
- supposed to be empty. *)
-let contained_in_info sigma e evi =
- Evar.Set.mem e (Evd.evars_of_filtered_evar_info (Evarutil.nf_evar_info sigma evi))
(** [depends_on sigma src tgt] checks whether the goal [src] appears
as an existential variable in the definition of the goal [tgt] in
[sigma]. *)
let depends_on sigma src tgt =
let evi = Evd.find sigma tgt in
- contained_in_info sigma src evi
+ Evar.Set.mem src (Evd.evars_of_filtered_evar_info (Evarutil.nf_evar_info sigma evi))
+let unifiable_delayed g l =
+ CList.exists (fun (tgt, lazy evs) -> not (Evar.equal g tgt) && Evar.Set.mem g evs) l
+let free_evars sigma l =
+ let cache = Evarutil.create_undefined_evars_cache () in
+ let map ev =
+ (** Computes the set of evars appearing in the hypotheses, the conclusion or
+ the body of the evar_info [evi]. Note: since we want to use it on goals,
+ the body is actually supposed to be empty. *)
+ let evi = Evd.find sigma ev in
+ let fevs = lazy (Evarutil.filtered_undefined_evars_of_evar_info ~cache sigma evi) in
+ (ev, fevs)
+ in
+ List.map map l
(** [unifiable sigma g l] checks whether [g] appears in another
subgoal of [l]. The list [l] may contain [g], but it does not
affect the result. *)
let unifiable sigma g l =
- CList.exists (fun tgt -> not (Evar.equal g tgt) && depends_on sigma g tgt) l
+ let l = free_evars sigma l in
+ unifiable_delayed g l
(** [partition_unifiable sigma l] partitions [l] into a pair [(u,n)]
where [u] is composed of the unifiable goals, i.e. the goals on
whose definition other goals of [l] depend, and [n] are the
non-unifiable goals. *)
let partition_unifiable sigma l =
- CList.partition (fun g -> unifiable sigma g l) l
+ let fevs = free_evars sigma l in
+ CList.partition (fun g -> unifiable_delayed g fevs) l
(** Shelves the unifiable goals under focus, i.e. the goals which
appear in other goals under focus (the unfocused goals are not