path: root/engine/evd.ml
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authorGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2015-10-17 15:32:03 +0200
committerGravatar Pierre-Marie Pédrot <pierre-marie.pedrot@inria.fr>2015-10-17 18:25:49 +0200
commit68863acca9abf4490c651df889721ef7f6a4d375 (patch)
tree71994fe1c5460692648012da55afdd0793449608 /engine/evd.ml
parentf93b5d45ed95816cb23ce2646437bb5037a17f72 (diff)
Dedicated file for universe unification context manipulation.
This allows to remove a lot of independent code from Evd which was put into the UState module. The API is not perfect yet, but this is a first pass. Names of data structures should be thought about too because they are way too similar.
Diffstat (limited to 'engine/evd.ml')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/engine/evd.ml b/engine/evd.ml
index 79e73bda5..cfe9a3da4 100644
--- a/engine/evd.ml
+++ b/engine/evd.ml
@@ -259,221 +259,20 @@ let instantiate_evar_array info c args =
| [] -> c
| _ -> replace_vars inst c
-module StringOrd = struct type t = string let compare = String.compare end
-module UNameMap = struct
- include Map.Make(StringOrd)
- let union s t =
- if s == t then s
- else
- merge (fun k l r ->
- match l, r with
- | Some _, _ -> l
- | _, _ -> r) s t
-(* 2nd part used to check consistency on the fly. *)
-type evar_universe_context =
- { uctx_names : Univ.Level.t UNameMap.t * string Univ.LMap.t;
- uctx_local : Univ.universe_context_set; (** The local context of variables *)
- uctx_univ_variables : Universes.universe_opt_subst;
- (** The local universes that are unification variables *)
- uctx_univ_algebraic : Univ.universe_set;
- (** The subset of unification variables that
- can be instantiated with algebraic universes as they appear in types
- and universe instances only. *)
- uctx_universes : UGraph.t; (** The current graph extended with the local constraints *)
- uctx_initial_universes : UGraph.t; (** The graph at the creation of the evar_map *)
- }
-let empty_evar_universe_context =
- { uctx_names = UNameMap.empty, Univ.LMap.empty;
- uctx_local = Univ.ContextSet.empty;
- uctx_univ_variables = Univ.LMap.empty;
- uctx_univ_algebraic = Univ.LSet.empty;
- uctx_universes = UGraph.initial_universes;
- uctx_initial_universes = UGraph.initial_universes }
-let evar_universe_context_from e =
- let u = universes e in
- {empty_evar_universe_context with
- uctx_universes = u; uctx_initial_universes = u}
-let is_empty_evar_universe_context ctx =
- Univ.ContextSet.is_empty ctx.uctx_local &&
- Univ.LMap.is_empty ctx.uctx_univ_variables
-let union_evar_universe_context ctx ctx' =
- if ctx == ctx' then ctx
- else if is_empty_evar_universe_context ctx' then ctx
- else
- let local = Univ.ContextSet.union ctx.uctx_local ctx'.uctx_local in
- let names = UNameMap.union (fst ctx.uctx_names) (fst ctx'.uctx_names) in
- let newus = Univ.LSet.diff (Univ.ContextSet.levels ctx'.uctx_local)
- (Univ.ContextSet.levels ctx.uctx_local) in
- let newus = Univ.LSet.diff newus (Univ.LMap.domain ctx.uctx_univ_variables) in
- let declarenew g =
- Univ.LSet.fold (fun u g -> UGraph.add_universe u false g) newus g
- in
- let names_rev = Univ.LMap.union (snd ctx.uctx_names) (snd ctx'.uctx_names) in
- { uctx_names = (names, names_rev);
- uctx_local = local;
- uctx_univ_variables =
- Univ.LMap.subst_union ctx.uctx_univ_variables ctx'.uctx_univ_variables;
- uctx_univ_algebraic =
- Univ.LSet.union ctx.uctx_univ_algebraic ctx'.uctx_univ_algebraic;
- uctx_initial_universes = declarenew ctx.uctx_initial_universes;
- uctx_universes =
- if local == ctx.uctx_local then ctx.uctx_universes
- else
- let cstrsr = Univ.ContextSet.constraints ctx'.uctx_local in
- UGraph.merge_constraints cstrsr (declarenew ctx.uctx_universes) }
-(* let union_evar_universe_context_key = Profile.declare_profile "union_evar_universe_context";; *)
-(* let union_evar_universe_context = *)
-(* Profile.profile2 union_evar_universe_context_key union_evar_universe_context;; *)
+type evar_universe_context = UState.t
type 'a in_evar_universe_context = 'a * evar_universe_context
-let evar_universe_context_set diff ctx =
- let initctx = ctx.uctx_local in
- let cstrs =
- Univ.LSet.fold
- (fun l cstrs ->
- try
- match Univ.LMap.find l ctx.uctx_univ_variables with
- | Some u -> Univ.Constraint.add (l, Univ.Eq, Option.get (Univ.Universe.level u)) cstrs
- | None -> cstrs
- with Not_found | Option.IsNone -> cstrs)
- (Univ.Instance.levels (Univ.UContext.instance diff)) Univ.Constraint.empty
- in
- Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints cstrs initctx
-let evar_universe_context_constraints ctx = snd ctx.uctx_local
-let evar_context_universe_context ctx = Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx.uctx_local
-let evar_universe_context_of ctx = { empty_evar_universe_context with uctx_local = ctx }
-let evar_universe_context_subst ctx = ctx.uctx_univ_variables
-let instantiate_variable l b v =
- v := Univ.LMap.add l (Some b) !v
-exception UniversesDiffer
-let process_universe_constraints univs vars alg cstrs =
- let vars = ref vars in
- let normalize = Universes.normalize_universe_opt_subst vars in
- let rec unify_universes fo l d r local =
- let l = normalize l and r = normalize r in
- if Univ.Universe.equal l r then local
- else
- let varinfo x =
- match Univ.Universe.level x with
- | None -> Inl x
- | Some l -> Inr (l, Univ.LMap.mem l !vars, Univ.LSet.mem l alg)
- in
- if d == Universes.ULe then
- if UGraph.check_leq univs l r then
- (** Keep Prop/Set <= var around if var might be instantiated by prop or set
- later. *)
- if Univ.Universe.is_level l then
- match Univ.Universe.level r with
- | Some r ->
- Univ.Constraint.add (Option.get (Univ.Universe.level l),Univ.Le,r) local
- | _ -> local
- else local
- else
- match Univ.Universe.level r with
- | None -> error ("Algebraic universe on the right")
- | Some rl ->
- if Univ.Level.is_small rl then
- let levels = Univ.Universe.levels l in
- Univ.LSet.fold (fun l local ->
- if Univ.Level.is_small l || Univ.LMap.mem l !vars then
- unify_universes fo (Univ.Universe.make l) Universes.UEq r local
- else raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Le, Univ.Universe.make l, r, None)))
- levels local
- else
- Univ.enforce_leq l r local
- else if d == Universes.ULub then
- match varinfo l, varinfo r with
- | (Inr (l, true, _), Inr (r, _, _))
- | (Inr (r, _, _), Inr (l, true, _)) ->
- instantiate_variable l (Univ.Universe.make r) vars;
- Univ.enforce_eq_level l r local
- | Inr (_, _, _), Inr (_, _, _) ->
- unify_universes true l Universes.UEq r local
- | _, _ -> assert false
- else (* d = Universes.UEq *)
- match varinfo l, varinfo r with
- | Inr (l', lloc, _), Inr (r', rloc, _) ->
- let () =
- if lloc then
- instantiate_variable l' r vars
- else if rloc then
- instantiate_variable r' l vars
- else if not (UGraph.check_eq univs l r) then
- (* Two rigid/global levels, none of them being local,
- one of them being Prop/Set, disallow *)
- if Univ.Level.is_small l' || Univ.Level.is_small r' then
- raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Eq, l, r, None))
- else
- if fo then
- raise UniversesDiffer
- in
- Univ.enforce_eq_level l' r' local
- | Inr (l, loc, alg), Inl r
- | Inl r, Inr (l, loc, alg) ->
- let inst = Univ.univ_level_rem l r r in
- if alg then (instantiate_variable l inst vars; local)
- else
- let lu = Univ.Universe.make l in
- if Univ.univ_level_mem l r then
- Univ.enforce_leq inst lu local
- else raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Eq, lu, r, None))
- | _, _ (* One of the two is algebraic or global *) ->
- if UGraph.check_eq univs l r then local
- else raise (Univ.UniverseInconsistency (Univ.Eq, l, r, None))
- in
- let local =
- Universes.Constraints.fold (fun (l,d,r) local -> unify_universes false l d r local)
- cstrs Univ.Constraint.empty
- in
- !vars, local
-let add_constraints_context ctx cstrs =
- let univs, local = ctx.uctx_local in
- let cstrs' = Univ.Constraint.fold (fun (l,d,r) acc ->
- let l = Univ.Universe.make l and r = Univ.Universe.make r in
- let cstr' =
- if d == Univ.Lt then (Univ.Universe.super l, Universes.ULe, r)
- else (l, (if d == Univ.Le then Universes.ULe else Universes.UEq), r)
- in Universes.Constraints.add cstr' acc)
- cstrs Universes.Constraints.empty
- in
- let vars, local' =
- process_universe_constraints ctx.uctx_universes
- ctx.uctx_univ_variables ctx.uctx_univ_algebraic
- cstrs'
- in
- { ctx with uctx_local = (univs, Univ.Constraint.union local local');
- uctx_univ_variables = vars;
- uctx_universes = UGraph.merge_constraints local' ctx.uctx_universes }
-(* let addconstrkey = Profile.declare_profile "add_constraints_context";; *)
-(* let add_constraints_context = Profile.profile2 addconstrkey add_constraints_context;; *)
-let add_universe_constraints_context ctx cstrs =
- let univs, local = ctx.uctx_local in
- let vars, local' =
- process_universe_constraints ctx.uctx_universes
- ctx.uctx_univ_variables ctx.uctx_univ_algebraic
- cstrs
- in
- { ctx with uctx_local = (univs, Univ.Constraint.union local local');
- uctx_univ_variables = vars;
- uctx_universes = UGraph.merge_constraints local' ctx.uctx_universes }
+let empty_evar_universe_context = UState.empty
+let evar_universe_context_from = UState.from
+let is_empty_evar_universe_context = UState.is_empty
+let union_evar_universe_context = UState.union
+let evar_universe_context_set = UState.context_set
+let evar_universe_context_constraints = UState.constraints
+let evar_context_universe_context = UState.context
+let evar_universe_context_of = UState.of_context_set
+let evar_universe_context_subst = UState.subst
+let add_constraints_context = UState.add_constraints
+let add_universe_constraints_context = UState.add_universe_constraints
(* let addunivconstrkey = Profile.declare_profile "add_universe_constraints_context";; *)
(* let add_universe_constraints_context = *)
@@ -937,7 +736,7 @@ let evars_of_filtered_evar_info evi =
(* Sort variables *)
-type rigid =
+type rigid = UState.rigid =
| UnivRigid
| UnivFlexible of bool (** Is substitution by an algebraic ok? *)
@@ -947,146 +746,32 @@ let univ_flexible_alg = UnivFlexible true
let evar_universe_context d = d.universes
-let universe_context_set d = d.universes.uctx_local
-let pr_uctx_level uctx =
- let map, map_rev = uctx.uctx_names in
- fun l ->
- try str(Univ.LMap.find l map_rev)
- with Not_found ->
- Universes.pr_with_global_universes l
-let universe_context ?names evd =
- match names with
- | None -> Univ.ContextSet.to_context evd.universes.uctx_local
- | Some pl ->
- let levels = Univ.ContextSet.levels evd.universes.uctx_local in
- let newinst, left =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (loc,id) (newinst, acc) ->
- let l =
- try UNameMap.find (Id.to_string id) (fst evd.universes.uctx_names)
- with Not_found ->
- user_err_loc (loc, "universe_context",
- str"Universe " ++ pr_id id ++ str" is not bound anymore.")
- in (l :: newinst, Univ.LSet.remove l acc))
- pl ([], levels)
- in
- if not (Univ.LSet.is_empty left) then
- let n = Univ.LSet.cardinal left in
- errorlabstrm "universe_context"
- (str(CString.plural n "Universe") ++ spc () ++
- Univ.LSet.pr (pr_uctx_level evd.universes) left ++
- spc () ++ str (CString.conjugate_verb_to_be n) ++ str" unbound.")
- else Univ.UContext.make (Univ.Instance.of_array (Array.of_list newinst),
- Univ.ContextSet.constraints evd.universes.uctx_local)
+let universe_context_set d = UState.context_set Univ.UContext.empty d.universes
+let pr_uctx_level = UState.pr_uctx_level
+let universe_context ?names evd = UState.universe_context ?names evd.universes
let restrict_universe_context evd vars =
- let uctx = evd.universes in
- let uctx' = Universes.restrict_universe_context uctx.uctx_local vars in
- { evd with universes = { uctx with uctx_local = uctx' } }
+ { evd with universes = UState.restrict evd.universes vars }
let universe_subst evd =
- evd.universes.uctx_univ_variables
-let merge_uctx sideff rigid uctx ctx' =
- let open Univ in
- let levels = ContextSet.levels ctx' in
- let uctx = if sideff then uctx else
- match rigid with
- | UnivRigid -> uctx
- | UnivFlexible b ->
- let fold u accu =
- if LMap.mem u accu then accu
- else LMap.add u None accu
- in
- let uvars' = LSet.fold fold levels uctx.uctx_univ_variables in
- if b then
- { uctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars';
- uctx_univ_algebraic = LSet.union uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic levels }
- else { uctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars' }
- in
- let uctx_local =
- if sideff then uctx.uctx_local
- else ContextSet.append ctx' uctx.uctx_local
- in
- let declare g =
- LSet.fold (fun u g ->
- try UGraph.add_universe u false g
- with UGraph.AlreadyDeclared when sideff -> g)
- levels g
- in
- let initial = declare uctx.uctx_initial_universes in
- let univs = declare uctx.uctx_universes in
- let uctx_universes = UGraph.merge_constraints (ContextSet.constraints ctx') univs in
- { uctx with uctx_local; uctx_universes; uctx_initial_universes = initial }
+ UState.subst evd.universes
let merge_context_set ?(sideff=false) rigid evd ctx' =
- {evd with universes = merge_uctx sideff rigid evd.universes ctx'}
+ {evd with universes = UState.merge sideff rigid evd.universes ctx'}
-let merge_uctx_subst uctx s =
- { uctx with uctx_univ_variables = Univ.LMap.subst_union uctx.uctx_univ_variables s }
let merge_universe_subst evd subst =
- {evd with universes = merge_uctx_subst evd.universes subst }
+ {evd with universes = UState.merge_subst evd.universes subst }
let with_context_set rigid d (a, ctx) =
(merge_context_set rigid d ctx, a)
-let emit_universe_side_effects eff u =
- Declareops.fold_side_effects
- (fun acc eff ->
- match eff with
- | Declarations.SEscheme (l,s) ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun acc (_,_,cb,c) ->
- let acc = match c with
- | `Nothing -> acc
- | `Opaque (s, ctx) -> merge_uctx true univ_rigid acc ctx
- in if cb.Declarations.const_polymorphic then acc
- else
- merge_uctx true univ_rigid acc
- (Univ.ContextSet.of_context cb.Declarations.const_universes))
- acc l
- | Declarations.SEsubproof _ -> acc)
- u eff
-let add_uctx_names s l (names, names_rev) =
- (UNameMap.add s l names, Univ.LMap.add l s names_rev)
-let uctx_new_univ_variable rigid name predicative
- ({ uctx_local = ctx; uctx_univ_variables = uvars; uctx_univ_algebraic = avars} as uctx) =
- let u = Universes.new_univ_level (Global.current_dirpath ()) in
- let ctx' = Univ.ContextSet.add_universe u ctx in
- let uctx', pred =
- match rigid with
- | UnivRigid -> uctx, true
- | UnivFlexible b ->
- let uvars' = Univ.LMap.add u None uvars in
- if b then {uctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars';
- uctx_univ_algebraic = Univ.LSet.add u avars}, false
- else {uctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars'}, false
- in
- let names =
- match name with
- | Some n -> add_uctx_names n u uctx.uctx_names
- | None -> uctx.uctx_names
- in
- let initial =
- UGraph.add_universe u false uctx.uctx_initial_universes
- in
- let uctx' =
- {uctx' with uctx_names = names; uctx_local = ctx';
- uctx_universes = UGraph.add_universe u false uctx.uctx_universes;
- uctx_initial_universes = initial}
- in uctx', u
let new_univ_level_variable ?name ?(predicative=true) rigid evd =
- let uctx', u = uctx_new_univ_variable rigid name predicative evd.universes in
+ let uctx', u = UState.new_univ_variable rigid name evd.universes in
({evd with universes = uctx'}, u)
let new_univ_variable ?name ?(predicative=true) rigid evd =
- let uctx', u = uctx_new_univ_variable rigid name predicative evd.universes in
+ let uctx', u = UState.new_univ_variable rigid name evd.universes in
({evd with universes = uctx'}, Univ.Universe.make u)
let new_sort_variable ?name ?(predicative=true) rigid d =
@@ -1094,42 +779,12 @@ let new_sort_variable ?name ?(predicative=true) rigid d =
(d', Type u)
let add_global_univ d u =
- let uctx = d.universes in
- let initial =
- UGraph.add_universe u true uctx.uctx_initial_universes
- in
- let univs =
- UGraph.add_universe u true uctx.uctx_universes
- in
- { d with universes = { uctx with uctx_local = Univ.ContextSet.add_universe u uctx.uctx_local;
- uctx_initial_universes = initial;
- uctx_universes = univs } }
+ { d with universes = UState.add_global_univ d.universes u }
let make_flexible_variable evd b u =
- let {uctx_univ_variables = uvars; uctx_univ_algebraic = avars} as ctx = evd.universes in
- let uvars' = Univ.LMap.add u None uvars in
- let avars' =
- if b then
- let uu = Univ.Universe.make u in
- let substu_not_alg u' v =
- Option.cata (fun vu -> Univ.Universe.equal uu vu && not (Univ.LSet.mem u' avars)) false v
- in
- if not (Univ.LMap.exists substu_not_alg uvars)
- then Univ.LSet.add u avars else avars
- else avars
- in
- {evd with universes = {ctx with uctx_univ_variables = uvars';
- uctx_univ_algebraic = avars'}}
-let make_evar_universe_context e l =
- let uctx = evar_universe_context_from e in
- match l with
- | None -> uctx
- | Some us ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun uctx (loc,id) ->
- fst (uctx_new_univ_variable univ_rigid (Some (Id.to_string id)) true uctx))
- uctx us
+ { evd with universes = UState.make_flexible_variable evd.universes b u }
+let make_evar_universe_context = UState.make
(* Operations on constants *)
@@ -1152,20 +807,11 @@ let fresh_global ?(rigid=univ_flexible) ?names env evd gr =
let whd_sort_variable evd t = t
-let is_sort_variable evd s =
- match s with
- | Type u ->
- (match Univ.universe_level u with
- | Some l as x ->
- let uctx = evd.universes in
- if Univ.LSet.mem l (Univ.ContextSet.levels uctx.uctx_local) then x
- else None
- | None -> None)
- | _ -> None
+let is_sort_variable evd s = UState.is_sort_variable evd.universes s
let is_flexible_level evd l =
let uctx = evd.universes in
- Univ.LMap.mem l uctx.uctx_univ_variables
+ Univ.LMap.mem l (UState.subst uctx)
let is_eq_sort s1 s2 =
if Sorts.equal s1 s2 then None
@@ -1176,12 +822,12 @@ let is_eq_sort s1 s2 =
else Some (u1, u2)
let normalize_universe evd =
- let vars = ref evd.universes.uctx_univ_variables in
+ let vars = ref (UState.subst evd.universes) in
let normalize = Universes.normalize_universe_opt_subst vars in
let normalize_universe_instance evd l =
- let vars = ref evd.universes.uctx_univ_variables in
+ let vars = ref (UState.subst evd.universes) in
let normalize = Univ.level_subst_of (Universes.normalize_univ_variable_opt_subst vars) in
Univ.Instance.subst_fn normalize l
@@ -1239,96 +885,28 @@ let set_leq_sort env evd s1 s2 =
else evd
let check_eq evd s s' =
- UGraph.check_eq evd.universes.uctx_universes s s'
+ UGraph.check_eq (UState.ugraph evd.universes) s s'
let check_leq evd s s' =
- UGraph.check_leq evd.universes.uctx_universes s s'
-let subst_univs_context_with_def def usubst (ctx, cst) =
- (Univ.LSet.diff ctx def, Univ.subst_univs_constraints usubst cst)
+ UGraph.check_leq (UState.ugraph evd.universes) s s'
-let normalize_evar_universe_context_variables uctx =
- let normalized_variables, undef, def, subst =
- Universes.normalize_univ_variables uctx.uctx_univ_variables
- in
- let ctx_local = subst_univs_context_with_def def (Univ.make_subst subst) uctx.uctx_local in
- let ctx_local', univs = Universes.refresh_constraints uctx.uctx_initial_universes ctx_local in
- subst, { uctx with uctx_local = ctx_local';
- uctx_univ_variables = normalized_variables;
- uctx_universes = univs }
+let normalize_evar_universe_context_variables = UState.normalize_variables
(* let normvarsconstrkey = Profile.declare_profile "normalize_evar_universe_context_variables";; *)
(* let normalize_evar_universe_context_variables = *)
(* Profile.profile1 normvarsconstrkey normalize_evar_universe_context_variables;; *)
-let abstract_undefined_variables uctx =
- let vars' =
- Univ.LMap.fold (fun u v acc ->
- if v == None then Univ.LSet.remove u acc
- else acc)
- uctx.uctx_univ_variables uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic
- in { uctx with uctx_local = Univ.ContextSet.empty;
- uctx_univ_algebraic = vars' }
-let fix_undefined_variables ({ universes = uctx } as evm) =
- let algs', vars' =
- Univ.LMap.fold (fun u v (algs, vars as acc) ->
- if v == None then (Univ.LSet.remove u algs, Univ.LMap.remove u vars)
- else acc)
- uctx.uctx_univ_variables
- (uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic, uctx.uctx_univ_variables)
- in
- {evm with universes =
- { uctx with uctx_univ_variables = vars';
- uctx_univ_algebraic = algs' } }
+let abstract_undefined_variables = UState.abstract_undefined_variables
-let refresh_undefined_univ_variables uctx =
- let subst, ctx' = Universes.fresh_universe_context_set_instance uctx.uctx_local in
- let alg = Univ.LSet.fold (fun u acc -> Univ.LSet.add (Univ.subst_univs_level_level subst u) acc)
- uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic Univ.LSet.empty
- in
- let vars =
- Univ.LMap.fold
- (fun u v acc ->
- Univ.LMap.add (Univ.subst_univs_level_level subst u)
- (Option.map (Univ.subst_univs_level_universe subst) v) acc)
- uctx.uctx_univ_variables Univ.LMap.empty
- in
- let declare g = Univ.LSet.fold (fun u g -> UGraph.add_universe u false g)
- (Univ.ContextSet.levels ctx') g in
- let initial = declare uctx.uctx_initial_universes in
- let univs = declare UGraph.initial_universes in
- let uctx' = {uctx_names = uctx.uctx_names;
- uctx_local = ctx';
- uctx_univ_variables = vars; uctx_univ_algebraic = alg;
- uctx_universes = univs;
- uctx_initial_universes = initial } in
- uctx', subst
+let fix_undefined_variables evd =
+ { evd with universes = UState.fix_undefined_variables evd.universes }
let refresh_undefined_universes evd =
- let uctx', subst = refresh_undefined_univ_variables evd.universes in
+ let uctx', subst = UState.refresh_undefined_univ_variables evd.universes in
let evd' = cmap (subst_univs_level_constr subst) {evd with universes = uctx'} in
evd', subst
-let normalize_evar_universe_context uctx =
- let rec fixpoint uctx =
- let ((vars',algs'), us') =
- Universes.normalize_context_set uctx.uctx_local uctx.uctx_univ_variables
- uctx.uctx_univ_algebraic
- in
- if Univ.ContextSet.equal us' uctx.uctx_local then uctx
- else
- let us', universes = Universes.refresh_constraints uctx.uctx_initial_universes us' in
- let uctx' =
- { uctx_names = uctx.uctx_names;
- uctx_local = us';
- uctx_univ_variables = vars';
- uctx_univ_algebraic = algs';
- uctx_universes = universes;
- uctx_initial_universes = uctx.uctx_initial_universes }
- in fixpoint uctx'
- in fixpoint uctx
+let normalize_evar_universe_context = UState.normalize
let nf_univ_variables evd =
let subst, uctx' = normalize_evar_universe_context_variables evd.universes in
@@ -1346,14 +924,12 @@ let nf_constraints =
Profile.profile1 nfconstrkey nf_constraints
else nf_constraints
-let universe_of_name evd s =
- UNameMap.find s (fst evd.universes.uctx_names)
+let universe_of_name evd s = UState.universe_of_name evd.universes s
let add_universe_name evd s l =
- let names' = add_uctx_names s l evd.universes.uctx_names in
- {evd with universes = {evd.universes with uctx_names = names'}}
+ { evd with universes = UState.add_universe_name evd.universes s l }
-let universes evd = evd.universes.uctx_universes
+let universes evd = UState.ugraph evd.universes
(* Conversion w.r.t. an evar map and its local universes. *)
@@ -1362,10 +938,10 @@ let conversion_gen env evd pb t u =
| Reduction.CONV ->
full_transparent_state ~evars:(existential_opt_value evd) env
- evd.universes.uctx_universes t u
+ (UState.ugraph evd.universes) t u
| Reduction.CUMUL -> Reduction.trans_conv_leq_universes
full_transparent_state ~evars:(existential_opt_value evd) env
- evd.universes.uctx_universes t u
+ (UState.ugraph evd.universes) t u
(* let conversion_gen_key = Profile.declare_profile "conversion_gen" *)
(* let conversion_gen = Profile.profile5 conversion_gen_key conversion_gen *)
@@ -1377,8 +953,10 @@ let test_conversion env d pb t u =
try conversion_gen env d pb t u; true
with _ -> false
+exception UniversesDiffer = UState.UniversesDiffer
let eq_constr_univs evd t u =
- let b, c = Universes.eq_constr_univs_infer evd.universes.uctx_universes t u in
+ let b, c = Universes.eq_constr_univs_infer (UState.ugraph evd.universes) t u in
if b then
try let evd' = add_universe_constraints evd c in evd', b
with Univ.UniverseInconsistency _ | UniversesDiffer -> evd, false
@@ -1393,7 +971,7 @@ let e_eq_constr_univs evdref t u =
let emit_side_effects eff evd =
{ evd with effects = Declareops.union_side_effects eff evd.effects;
- universes = emit_universe_side_effects eff evd.universes }
+ universes = UState.emit_side_effects eff evd.universes }
let drop_side_effects evd =
{ evd with effects = Declareops.no_seff; }
@@ -1760,11 +1338,11 @@ let pr_evar_universe_context ctx =
if is_empty_evar_universe_context ctx then mt ()
- h 0 (Univ.pr_universe_context_set prl ctx.uctx_local) ++ fnl () ++
+ h 0 (Univ.pr_universe_context_set prl (evar_universe_context_set Univ.UContext.empty ctx)) ++ fnl () ++
str"ALGEBRAIC UNIVERSES:"++brk(0,1)++
- h 0 (Univ.LSet.pr prl ctx.uctx_univ_algebraic) ++ fnl() ++
+ h 0 (Univ.LSet.pr prl (UState.variables ctx)) ++ fnl() ++
str"UNDEFINED UNIVERSES:"++brk(0,1)++
- h 0 (Universes.pr_universe_opt_subst ctx.uctx_univ_variables) ++ fnl())
+ h 0 (Universes.pr_universe_opt_subst (UState.subst ctx)) ++ fnl())
let print_env_short env =
let pr_body n = function