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authorGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2018-03-15 14:15:28 +0100
committerGravatar Maxime Dénès <mail@maximedenes.fr>2018-03-15 14:15:28 +0100
commitf12cecf22803c762880c41b98bfb7b7844dfa993 (patch)
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parent4466b7efcb34b2f8323902748780c6edca907a8f (diff)
parent47dca6c5da585212f69b6b83b25896ff990781e3 (diff)
Merge PR #6983: Sphinx doc chapter 4
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-\chapter[Calculus of Inductive Constructions]{Calculus of Inductive Constructions
-\index{Calculus of Inductive Constructions}}
-The underlying formal language of {\Coq} is a {\em Calculus of
-Inductive Constructions} (\CIC) whose inference rules are presented in
-this chapter. The history of this formalism as well as pointers to related work
-are provided in a separate chapter; see {\em Credits}.
-\section[The terms]{The terms\label{Terms}}
-The expressions of the {\CIC} are {\em terms} and all terms have a {\em type}.
-There are types for functions (or
-programs), there are atomic types (especially datatypes)... but also
-types for proofs and types for the types themselves.
-Especially, any object handled in the formalism must belong to a
-type. For instance, universal quantification is relative to a type and
-takes the form {\it ``for all x
-of type T, P''}. The expression {\it ``x of type T''} is
-written {\it ``x:T''}. Informally, {\it ``x:T''} can be thought as
-{\it ``x belongs to T''}.
-The types of types are {\em sorts}. Types and sorts are themselves
-terms so that terms, types and sorts are all components of a common
-syntactic language of terms which is described in
-Section~\ref{cic:terms} but, first, we describe sorts.
-All sorts have a type and there is an infinite well-founded
-typing hierarchy of sorts whose base sorts are {\Prop} and {\Set}.
-The sort {\Prop} intends to be the type of logical propositions. If
-$M$ is a logical proposition then it denotes the class of terms
-representing proofs of $M$. An object $m$ belonging to $M$ witnesses
-the fact that $M$ is provable. An object of type {\Prop} is called a
-The sort {\Set} intends to be the type of small sets. This includes data
-types such as booleans and naturals, but also products, subsets, and
-function types over these data types.
-{\Prop} and {\Set} themselves can be manipulated as ordinary
-terms. Consequently they also have a type. Because assuming simply
-that {\Set} has type {\Set} leads to an inconsistent theory~\cite{Coq86}, the
-language of {\CIC} has infinitely many sorts. There are, in addition
-to {\Set} and {\Prop} a hierarchy of universes {\Type$(i)$} for any
-integer $i$.
-Like {\Set}, all of the sorts {\Type$(i)$} contain small sets such as
-booleans, natural numbers, as well as products, subsets and function
-types over small sets. But, unlike {\Set}, they also contain large
-sets, namely the sorts {\Set} and {\Type$(j)$} for $j<i$, and all
-products, subsets and function types over these sorts.
-Formally, we call {\Sort} the set of sorts which is defined by:
-\[\Sort \equiv \{\Prop,\Set,\Type(i)\;|\; i \in \NN\} \]
-Their properties, such as:
-{\Prop:\Type$(1)$}, {\Set:\Type$(1)$}, and {\Type$(i)$:\Type$(i+1)$},
-are defined in Section~\ref{subtyping-rules}.
-The user does not have to mention explicitly the index $i$ when referring to
-the universe \Type$(i)$. One only writes \Type. The
-system itself generates for each instance of \Type\ a new
-index for the universe and checks that the constraints between these
-indexes can be solved. From the user point of view we consequently
-have {\Type}:{\Type}.
-We shall make precise in the typing rules the constraints between the
-\paragraph{Implementation issues}
-In practice, the {\Type} hierarchy is implemented using
-{\em algebraic universes}\index{algebraic universe}.
-An algebraic universe $u$ is either a variable (a qualified
-identifier with a number) or a successor of an algebraic universe (an
-expression $u+1$), or an upper bound of algebraic universes (an
-expression $max(u_1,...,u_n)$), or the base universe (the expression
-$0$) which corresponds, in the arity of template polymorphic inductive
-types (see Section \ref{Template-polymorphism}),
-to the predicative sort {\Set}. A graph of constraints between
-the universe variables is maintained globally. To ensure the existence
-of a mapping of the universes to the positive integers, the graph of
-constraints must remain acyclic. Typing expressions that violate the
-acyclicity of the graph of constraints results in a \errindex{Universe
-inconsistency} error (see also Section~\ref{PrintingUniverses}).
-%% HH: This looks to me more like source of confusion than helpful
-%% \subsection{Constants}
-%% Constants refers to
-%% objects in the global environment. These constants may denote previously
-%% defined objects, but also objects related to inductive definitions
-%% (either the type itself or one of its constructors or destructors).
-%% \medskip\noindent {\bf Remark. } In other presentations of \CIC,
-%% the inductive objects are not seen as
-%% external declarations but as first-class terms. Usually the
-%% definitions are also completely ignored. This is a nice theoretical
-%% point of view but not so practical. An inductive definition is
-%% specified by a possibly huge set of declarations, clearly we want to
-%% share this specification among the various inductive objects and not
-%% to duplicate it. So the specification should exist somewhere and the
-%% various objects should refer to it. We choose one more level of
-%% indirection where the objects are just represented as constants and
-%% the environment gives the information on the kind of object the
-%% constant refers to.
-%% \medskip
-%% Our inductive objects will be manipulated as constants declared in the
-%% environment. This roughly corresponds to the way they are actually
-%% implemented in the \Coq\ system. It is simple to map this presentation
-%% in a theory where inductive objects are represented by terms.
-Terms are built from sorts, variables, constants,
-%constructors, inductive types,
-abstractions, applications, local definitions,
-%case analysis, fixpoints, cofixpoints
-and products.
-From a syntactic point of view, types cannot be distinguished from terms,
-except that they cannot start by an abstraction or a constructor.
-More precisely the language of the {\em Calculus of Inductive
- Constructions} is built from the following rules.
-\item the sorts {\Set}, {\Prop}, ${\Type(i)}$ are terms.
-\item variables, hereafter ranged over by letters $x$, $y$, etc., are terms
-\item constants, hereafter ranged over by letters $c$, $d$, etc., are terms.
-%\item constructors, hereafter ranged over by letter $C$, are terms.
-%\item inductive types, hereafter ranged over by letter $I$, are terms.
-\item\index{products} if $x$ is a variable and $T$, $U$ are terms then $\forall~x:T,U$
- ($\kw{forall}~x:T,~U$ in \Coq{} concrete syntax) is a term. If $x$
- occurs in $U$, $\forall~x:T,U$ reads as {\it ``for all x of type T,
- U''}. As $U$ depends on $x$, one says that $\forall~x:T,U$ is a
- {\em dependent product}. If $x$ does not occur in $U$ then
- $\forall~x:T,U$ reads as {\it ``if T then U''}. A {\em non dependent
- product} can be written: $T \ra U$.
-\item if $x$ is a variable and $T$, $u$ are terms then $\lb x:T \mto u$
- ($\kw{fun}~x:T~ {\tt =>}~ u$ in \Coq{} concrete syntax) is a term. This is a
- notation for the $\lambda$-abstraction of
- $\lambda$-calculus\index{lambda-calculus@$\lambda$-calculus}
- \cite{Bar81}. The term $\lb x:T \mto u$ is a function which maps
- elements of $T$ to the expression $u$.
-\item if $t$ and $u$ are terms then $(t\ u)$ is a term
- ($t~u$ in \Coq{} concrete syntax). The term $(t\
- u)$ reads as {\it ``t applied to u''}.
-\item if $x$ is a variable, and $t$, $T$ and $u$ are terms then
- $\kw{let}~x:=t:T~\kw{in}~u$ is a
- term which denotes the term $u$ where the variable $x$ is locally
- bound to $t$ of type $T$. This stands for the common ``let-in''
- construction of functional programs such as ML or Scheme.
-%\item case ...
-%\item fixpoint ...
-%\item cofixpoint ...
-\paragraph{Free variables.}
-The notion of free variables is defined as usual. In the expressions
-$\lb x:T\mto U$ and $\forall x:T, U$ the occurrences of $x$ in $U$
-are bound.
-The notion of substituting a term $t$ to free occurrences of a
-variable $x$ in a term $u$ is defined as usual. The resulting term
-is written $\subst{u}{x}{t}$.
-\paragraph[The logical vs programming readings.]{The logical vs programming readings.}
-The constructions of the {\CIC} can be used to express both logical
-and programming notions, accordingly to the Curry-Howard
-correspondence between proofs and programs, and between propositions
-and types~\cite{Cur58,How80,Bru72}.
-For instance, let us assume that \nat\ is the type of natural numbers
-with zero element written $0$ and that ${\tt True}$ is the always true
-proposition. Then $\ra$ is used both to denote $\nat\ra\nat$ which is
-the type of functions from \nat\ to \nat, to denote ${\tt True}\ra{\tt
- True}$ which is an implicative proposition, to denote $\nat \ra
-\Prop$ which is the type of unary predicates over the natural numbers,
-Let us assume that ${\tt mult}$ is a function of type $\nat\ra\nat\ra
-\nat$ and ${\tt eqnat}$ a predicate of type $\nat\ra\nat\ra \Prop$.
-The $\lambda$-abstraction can serve to build ``ordinary'' functions as
-in $\lambda x:\nat.({\tt mult}~x~x)$ (i.e. $\kw{fun}~x:\nat ~{\tt =>}~
-{\tt mult} ~x~x$ in {\Coq} notation) but may build also predicates
-over the natural numbers. For instance $\lambda x:\nat.({\tt eqnat}~
-x~0)$ (i.e. $\kw{fun}~x:\nat ~{\tt =>}~ {\tt eqnat}~ x~0$ in {\Coq}
-notation) will represent the predicate of one variable $x$ which
-asserts the equality of $x$ with $0$. This predicate has type $\nat
-\ra \Prop$ and it can be applied to any expression of type ${\nat}$,
-say $t$, to give an object $P~t$ of type \Prop, namely a proposition.
-Furthermore $\kw{forall}~x:\nat,\,P\;x$ will represent the type of
-functions which associate to each natural number $n$ an object of type
-$(P~n)$ and consequently represent the type of proofs of the formula
-``$\forall x.\,P(x)$''.
-\section[Typing rules]{Typing rules\label{Typed-terms}}
-As objects of type theory, terms are subjected to {\em type
-discipline}. The well typing of a term depends on
-a global environment and a local context.
-\paragraph{Local context.\index{Local context}}
-A {\em local context} is an ordered list of
-{\em local declarations\index{declaration!local}} of names which we call {\em variables\index{variable}}.
-The declaration of some variable $x$ is
-either a {\em local assumption\index{assumption!local}}, written $x:T$ ($T$ is a type) or a {\em local definition\index{definition!local}},
-written $x:=t:T$. We use brackets to write local contexts. A
-typical example is $[x:T;y:=u:U;z:V]$. Notice that the variables
-declared in a local context must be distinct. If $\Gamma$ declares some $x$,
-we write $x \in \Gamma$. By writing $(x:T) \in \Gamma$ we mean that
-either $x:T$ is an assumption in $\Gamma$ or that there exists some $t$ such
-that $x:=t:T$ is a definition in $\Gamma$. If $\Gamma$ defines some
-$x:=t:T$, we also write $(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma$.
-For the rest of the chapter, the $\Gamma::(y:T)$ denotes the local context
-$\Gamma$ enriched with the local assumption $y:T$.
-Similarly, $\Gamma::(y:=t:T)$ denotes the local context
-$\Gamma$ enriched with the local definition $(y:=t:T)$.
-The notation $[]$ denotes the empty local context.
-By $\Gamma_1; \Gamma_2$ we mean concatenation of the local context $\Gamma_1$
-and the local context $\Gamma_2$.
-% Does not seem to be used further...
-% Si dans l'explication WF(E)[Gamma] concernant les constantes
-% definies ds un contexte
-%We define the inclusion of two local contexts $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ (written
-%as $\Gamma \subset \Delta$) as the property, for all variable $x$,
-%type $T$ and term $t$, if $(x:T) \in \Gamma$ then $(x:T) \in \Delta$
-%and if $(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma$ then $(x:=t:T) \in \Delta$.
-%We write
-% $|\Delta|$ for the length of the context $\Delta$, that is for the number
-% of declarations (assumptions or definitions) in $\Delta$.
-\paragraph[Global environment.]{Global environment.\index{Global environment}}
-%Because we are manipulating global declarations (global constants and global
-%assumptions), we also need to consider a global environment $E$.
-A {\em global environment} is an ordered list of {\em global declarations\index{declaration!global}}.
-Global declarations are either {\em global assumptions\index{assumption!global}} or {\em global
-definitions\index{definition!global}}, but also declarations of inductive objects. Inductive objects themselves declare both inductive or coinductive types and constructors
-(see Section~\ref{Cic-inductive-definitions}).
-A {\em global assumption} will be represented in the global environment as
-$(c:T)$ which assumes the name $c$ to be of some type $T$.
-A {\em global definition} will
-be represented in the global environment as $c:=t:T$ which defines
-the name $c$ to have value $t$ and type $T$.
-We shall call such names {\em constants}.
-For the rest of the chapter, the $E;c:T$ denotes the global environment
-$E$ enriched with the global assumption $c:T$.
-Similarly, $E;c:=t:T$ denotes the global environment
-$E$ enriched with the global definition $(c:=t:T)$.
-The rules for inductive definitions (see Section
-\ref{Cic-inductive-definitions}) have to be considered as assumption
-rules to which the following definitions apply: if the name $c$ is
-declared in $E$, we write $c \in E$ and if $c:T$ or $c:=t:T$ is
-declared in $E$, we write $(c : T) \in E$.
-\paragraph[Typing rules.]{Typing rules.\label{Typing-rules}\index{Typing rules}}
-In the following, we define simultaneously two
-judgments. The first one \WTEG{t}{T} means the term $t$ is well-typed
-and has type $T$ in the global environment $E$ and local context $\Gamma$. The
-second judgment \WFE{\Gamma} means that the global environment $E$ is
-well-formed and the local context $\Gamma$ is a valid local context in this
-global environment.
-% HH: This looks to me complicated. I think it would be better to talk
-% about ``discharge'' as a transformation of global environments,
-% rather than as keeping a local context next to global constants.
-%% It also means a third property which makes sure that any
-%%constant in $E$ was defined in an environment which is included in
-%%\footnote{This requirement could be relaxed if we instead introduced
-%% an explicit mechanism for instantiating constants. At the external
-%% level, the Coq engine works accordingly to this view that all the
-%% definitions in the environment were built in a local sub-context of the
-%% current local context.}.
-A term $t$ is well typed in a global environment $E$ iff there exists a
-local context $\Gamma$ and a term $T$ such that the judgment \WTEG{t}{T} can
-be derived from the following rules.
-\item[W-Empty] \inference{\WF{[]}{}}
-\item[W-Local-Assum] % Ce n'est pas vrai : x peut apparaitre plusieurs fois dans Gamma
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~~x \not\in \Gamma % \cup E
- }{\WFE{\Gamma::(x:T)}}}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{t}{T}~~~~x \not\in \Gamma % \cup E
- }{\WFE{\Gamma::(x:=t:T)}}}
-\item[W-Global-Assum] \inference{\frac{\WTE{}{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~~c \notin E}
- {\WF{E;c:T}{}}}
-\item[W-Global-Def] \inference{\frac{\WTE{}{t}{T}~~~c \notin E}
- {\WF{E;c:=t:T}{}}}
-\item[Ax-Prop] \index{Typing rules!Ax-Prop}
-\item[Ax-Set] \index{Typing rules!Ax-Set}
-\item[Ax-Type] \index{Typing rules!Ax-Type}
-\item[Var]\index{Typing rules!Var}
- \inference{\frac{ \WFE{\Gamma}~~~~~(x:T) \in \Gamma~~\mbox{or}~~(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma~\mbox{for some $t$}}{\WTEG{x}{T}}}
-\item[Const] \index{Typing rules!Const}
-\inference{\frac{\WFE{\Gamma}~~~~(c:T) \in E~~\mbox{or}~~(c:=t:T) \in E~\mbox{for some $t$} }{\WTEG{c}{T}}}
-\item[Prod-Prop] \index{Typing rules!Prod-Prop}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~
- \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Prop}}
- { \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Prop}}}
-\item[Prod-Set] \index{Typing rules!Prod-Set}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in\{\Prop, \Set\}~~~~~~
- \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Set}}
- { \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Set}}}
-\item[Prod-Type] \index{Typing rules!Prod-Type}
- \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Type(i)}}
- {\WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Type(i)}}}
-\item[Lam]\index{Typing rules!Lam}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{s}~~~~ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{t}{U}}
- {\WTEG{\lb x:T\mto t}{\forall x:T, U}}}
-\item[App]\index{Typing rules!App}
- \inference{\frac{\WTEG{t}{\forall~x:U,T}~~~~\WTEG{u}{U}}
- {\WTEG{(t\ u)}{\subst{T}{x}{u}}}}
-\item[Let]\index{Typing rules!Let}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{t}{T}~~~~ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:=t:T)}{u}{U}}
- {\WTEG{\letin{x}{t:T}{u}}{\subst{U}{x}{t}}}}
-\Rem Prod$_1$ and Prod$_2$ typing-rules make sense if we consider the semantic
-difference between {\Prop} and {\Set}:
- \item All values of a type that has a sort {\Set} are extractable.
- \item No values of a type that has a sort {\Prop} are extractable.
-\Rem We may have $\kw{let}~x:=t:T~\kw{in}~u$
-well-typed without having $((\lb x:T\mto u)~t)$ well-typed (where
-$T$ is a type of $t$). This is because the value $t$ associated to $x$
-may be used in a conversion rule (see Section~\ref{conv-rules}).
-\section[Conversion rules]{Conversion rules\index{Conversion rules}
-In \CIC, there is an internal reduction mechanism. In particular, it
-can decide if two programs are {\em intentionally} equal (one
-says {\em convertible}). Convertibility is described in this section.
-We want to be able to identify some terms as we can identify the
-application of a function to a given argument with its result. For
-instance the identity function over a given type $T$ can be written
-$\lb x:T\mto x$. In any global environment $E$ and local context $\Gamma$, we want to identify any object $a$ (of type $T$) with the
-application $((\lb x:T\mto x)~a)$. We define for this a {\em reduction} (or a
-{\em conversion}) rule we call $\beta$:
-\[ \WTEGRED{((\lb x:T\mto
- t)~u)}{\triangleright_{\beta}}{\subst{t}{x}{u}} \]
-We say that $\subst{t}{x}{u}$ is the {\em $\beta$-contraction} of
-$((\lb x:T\mto t)~u)$ and, conversely, that $((\lb x:T\mto t)~u)$
-is the {\em $\beta$-expansion} of $\subst{t}{x}{u}$.
-According to $\beta$-reduction, terms of the {\em Calculus of
- Inductive Constructions} enjoy some fundamental properties such as
-confluence, strong normalization, subject reduction. These results are
-theoretically of great importance but we will not detail them here and
-refer the interested reader to \cite{Coq85}.
-A specific conversion rule is associated to the inductive objects in
-the global environment. We shall give later on (see Section~\ref{iotared}) the
-precise rules but it just says that a destructor applied to an object
-built from a constructor behaves as expected. This reduction is
-called $\iota$-reduction and is more precisely studied in
-We may have variables defined in local contexts or constants defined in the global
-environment. It is legal to identify such a reference with its value,
-that is to expand (or unfold) it into its value. This
-reduction is called $\delta$-reduction and shows as follows.
-$$\WTEGRED{x}{\triangleright_{\delta}}{t}~~~~~\mbox{if $(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma$}~~~~~~~~~\WTEGRED{c}{\triangleright_{\delta}}{t}~~~~~\mbox{if $(c:=t:T) \in E$}$$
-{\Coq} allows also to remove local definitions occurring in terms by
-replacing the defined variable by its value. The declaration being
-destroyed, this reduction differs from $\delta$-reduction. It is
-called $\zeta$-reduction and shows as follows.
-Another important concept is $\eta$-expansion. It is legal to identify any
-term $t$ of functional type $\forall x:T, U$ with its so-called
-$\eta$-expansion $\lb x:T\mto (t\ x)$ for $x$ an arbitrary variable
-name fresh in $t$.
-\Rem We deliberately do not define $\eta$-reduction:
- $$\lb x:T\mto (t\ x)\not\triangleright_\eta\hskip.3em t$$
- $$\lb x:T\mto (t\ x)~\not\triangleright_\eta~t$$
-This is because, in general, the type of $t$ need not to be convertible to the type of $\lb x:T\mto (t\ x)$.
-E.g., if we take $f$ such that:
- $$f\hskip.5em:\hskip.5em\forall x:Type(2),Type(1)$$
- $$f~:~\forall x:Type(2),Type(1)$$
- $$\lb x:Type(1),(f\, x)\hskip.5em:\hskip.5em\forall x:Type(1),Type(1)$$
- $$\lb x:Type(1),(f\, x)~:~\forall x:Type(1),Type(1)$$
-We could not allow
- $$\lb x:Type(1),(f\,x)\hskip.4em\not\triangleright_\eta\hskip.6em f$$
- $$\lb x:Type(1),(f\,x)~\not\triangleright_\eta~f$$
-because the type of the reduced term $\forall x:Type(2),Type(1)$
-would not be convertible to the type of the original term $\forall x:Type(1),Type(1)$.
-Let us write $\WTEGRED{t}{\triangleright}{u}$ for the contextual closure of the relation $t$ reduces to $u$ in the global environment $E$ and local context $\Gamma$ with one of the previous reduction $\beta$, $\iota$, $\delta$ or $\zeta$.
-We say that two terms $t_1$ and $t_2$ are {\em
- $\beta\iota\delta\zeta\eta$-convertible}, or simply {\em
- convertible}, or {\em equivalent}, in the global environment $E$ and
-local context $\Gamma$ iff there exist terms $u_1$ and $u_2$ such that
-$\WTEGRED{t_1}{\triangleright \ldots \triangleright}{u_1}$ and
-$\WTEGRED{t_2}{\triangleright \ldots \triangleright}{u_2}$ and either
-$u_1$ and $u_2$ are identical, or they are convertible up to
-$\eta$-expansion, i.e. $u_1$ is $\lb x:T\mto u'_1$ and $u_2\,x$ is
-recursively convertible to $u'_1$, or, symmetrically, $u_2$ is $\lb
-x:T\mto u'_2$ and $u_1\,x$ is recursively convertible to $u'_2$. We
-then write $\WTEGCONV{t_1}{t_2}$.
-Apart from this we consider two instances of polymorphic and cumulative (see Chapter~\ref{Universes-full}) inductive types (see below)
-convertible $\WTEGCONV{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$ if we have subtypings (see below) in both directions, i.e.,
-$\WTEGLECONV{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$ and $\WTEGLECONV{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}$.
-Furthermore, we consider $\WTEGCONV{c\ v_1 \dots v_m}{c'\ v_1' \dots v_m'}$ convertible if $\WTEGCONV{v_i}{v_i'}$
-and we have that $c$ and $c'$ are the same constructors of different instances the same inductive types (differing only in universe levels)
-such that $\WTEG{c\ v_1 \dots v_m}{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}$ and $\WTEG{c'\ v_1' \dots v_m'}{t'\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$ and we have $\WTEGCONV{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$.
-The convertibility relation allows introducing a new typing rule
-which says that two convertible well-formed types have the same
-\section[Subtyping rules]{Subtyping rules\index{Subtyping rules}
-At the moment, we did not take into account one rule between universes
-which says that any term in a universe of index $i$ is also a term in
-the universe of index $i+1$ (this is the {\em cumulativity} rule of
-{\CIC}). This property extends the equivalence relation of
-convertibility into a {\em subtyping} relation inductively defined by:
-\item if $\WTEGCONV{t}{u}$ then $\WTEGLECONV{t}{u}$,
-\item if $i \leq j$ then $\WTEGLECONV{\Type(i)}{\Type(j)}$,
-\item for any $i$, $\WTEGLECONV{\Set}{\Type(i)}$,
-\item $\WTEGLECONV{\Prop}{\Set}$, hence, by transitivity,
- $\WTEGLECONV{\Prop}{\Type(i)}$, for any $i$
-\item if $\WTEGCONV{T}{U}$ and $\WTELECONV{\Gamma::(x:T)}{T'}{U'}$ then $\WTEGLECONV{\forall~x:T, T'}{\forall~x:U, U'}$.
-\item if $\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ is a universe polymorphic and cumulative (see Chapter~\ref{Universes-full})
- inductive type (see below) and $(t : \forall\Gamma_P,\forall\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}, \Sort)\in\Gamma_I$
- and $(t' : \forall\Gamma_P',\forall\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}', \Sort')\in\Gamma_I$
- are two different instances of \emph{the same} inductive type (differing only in universe levels) with constructors
- \[[c_1: \forall\Gamma_P,\forall T_{1,1} \dots T_{1,n_1},t\ v_{1,1} \dots v_{1,m}; \dots; c_k: \forall\Gamma_P,\forall T_{k, 1} \dots T_{k,n_k},t\ v_{n,1}\dots v_{n,m}]\]
- and
- \[[c_1: \forall\Gamma_P',\forall T_{1,1}' \dots T_{1,n_1}',t'\ v_{1,1}' \dots v_{1,m}'; \dots; c_k: \forall\Gamma_P',\forall T_{k, 1}' \dots T_{k,n_k}',t\ v_{n,1}'\dots v_{n,m}']\]
- respectively then $\WTEGLECONV{t\ w_1 \dots w_m}{t\ w_1' \dots w_m'}$ (notice that $t$ and $t'$ are both fully applied, i.e., they have a sort as a type)
- if $\WTEGCONV{w_i}{w_i'}$ for $1 \le i \le m$ and we have
- \[ \WTEGLECONV{T_{i,j}}{T_{i,j}'} \text{ and } \WTEGLECONV{A_i}{A_i'}\]
- where $\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)} = [a_1 : A_1; a_1 : A_l]$ and $\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)} = [a_1 : A_1'; a_1 : A_l']$.
-The conversion rule up to subtyping is now exactly:
-\item[Conv]\index{Typing rules!Conv}
- \inference{
- \frac{\WTEG{U}{s}~~~~\WTEG{t}{T}~~~~\WTEGLECONV{T}{U}}{\WTEG{t}{U}}}
- \end{description}
-\paragraph[Normal form.]{Normal form.\index{Normal form}\label{Normal-form}\label{Head-normal-form}\index{Head normal form}}
-A term which cannot be any more reduced is said to be in {\em normal
- form}. There are several ways (or strategies) to apply the reduction
-rules. Among them, we have to mention the {\em head reduction} which
-will play an important role (see Chapter~\ref{Tactics}). Any term can
-be written as $\lb x_1:T_1\mto \ldots \lb x_k:T_k \mto
-(t_0\ t_1\ldots t_n)$ where
-$t_0$ is not an application. We say then that $t_0$ is the {\em head
- of $t$}. If we assume that $t_0$ is $\lb x:T\mto u_0$ then one step of
-$\beta$-head reduction of $t$ is:
-\[\lb x_1:T_1\mto \ldots \lb x_k:T_k\mto (\lb x:T\mto u_0\ t_1\ldots t_n)
-~\triangleright ~ \lb (x_1:T_1)\ldots(x_k:T_k)\mto
-(\subst{u_0}{x}{t_1}\ t_2 \ldots t_n)\]
-Iterating the process of head reduction until the head of the reduced
-term is no more an abstraction leads to the {\em $\beta$-head normal
- form} of $t$:
-\[ t \triangleright \ldots \triangleright
-\lb x_1:T_1\mto \ldots\lb x_k:T_k\mto (v\ u_1
-\ldots u_m)\]
-where $v$ is not an abstraction (nor an application). Note that the
-head normal form must not be confused with the normal form since some
-$u_i$ can be reducible.
-Similar notions of head-normal forms involving $\delta$, $\iota$ and $\zeta$
-reductions or any combination of those can also be defined.
-\section[Inductive definitions]{Inductive Definitions\label{Cic-inductive-definitions}}
-% Here we assume that the reader knows what is an inductive definition.
-Formally, we can represent any {\em inductive definition\index{definition!inductive}} as \Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} where:
- \item $\Gamma_I$ determines the names and types of inductive types;
- \item $\Gamma_C$ determines the names and types of constructors of these inductive types;
- \item $p$ determines the number of parameters of these inductive types.
-These inductive definitions, together with global assumptions and global definitions, then form the global environment.
-Additionally, for any $p$ there always exists $\Gamma_P=[a_1:A_1;\dots;a_p:A_p]$
-such that each $T$ in $(t:T)\in\Gamma_I\cup\Gamma_C$ can be written as:
-$\forall\Gamma_P, T^\prime$ where $\Gamma_P$ is called the {\em context of parameters\index{context of parameters}}.
-Furthermore, we must have that each $T$ in $(t:T)\in\Gamma_I$ can be written as:
-$\forall\Gamma_P,\forall\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}, \Sort$ where $\Gamma_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}$ is called the
-{\em Arity} of the inductive type\index{arity of inductive type} $t$ and
-$\Sort$ is called the sort of the inductive type $t$.
- \newcommand\ind[3]{$\mathsf{Ind}~[#1]\left(\hskip-.4em
- \begin{array}{r@{\mathrm{~:=~}}l}
- #2 & #3 \\
- \end{array}
- \hskip-.4em
- \right)$}
- \def\colon{@{\hskip.5em:\hskip.5em}}
-The declaration for parameterized lists is:
- \vskip.5em
- \ind{1}{[\List:\Set\ra\Set]}{\left[\begin{array}{r@{:}l}
- \Nil & \forall A:\Set,\List~A \\
- \cons & \forall A:\Set, A \ra \List~A \ra \List~A
- \end{array}
- \right]}
- \vskip.5em
-\begin{rawhtml}<pre><table style="border-spacing:0">
- <tr style="vertical-align:middle">
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:italic">Ind</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center">[1]</td>
- <td style="width:5pt;text-align:center">⎛<br>⎝</td>
- <td style="width:120pt;text-align:center">[ <span style="font-family:monospace">list : Set → Set</span> ]</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:=</td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎡<br>⎣</td>
- <td>
- <table style="border-spacing:0">
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">nil</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:=</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">∀A : Set, list A</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">cons</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:=</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">∀A : Set, A → list A → list A</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎤<br>⎦</td>
- <td style="width:5pt;text-align:center">⎞<br>⎠</td>
- </tr>
-\noindent which corresponds to the result of the \Coq\ declaration:
-Inductive list (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nil : list A
- | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
-\noindent The declaration for a mutual inductive definition of {\tree} and {\forest} is:
- \vskip.5em
- {\left[\begin{array}{r@{:}l}
- \node & \forest \ra \tree\\
- \emptyf & \forest\\
- \consf & \tree \ra \forest \ra \forest\\
- \end{array}\right]}
- \vskip.5em
-\begin{rawhtml}<pre><table style="border-spacing:0">
- <tr style="vertical-align:middle">
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:italic">Ind</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center">[1]</td>
- <td style="width:5pt;text-align:center">⎛<br>⎜<br>⎝</td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎡<br>⎣</td>
- <td>
- <table style="border-spacing:0">
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">tree</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">Set</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">forest</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">Set</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎤<br>⎦</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:=</td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎡<br>⎢<br>⎣</td>
- <td>
- <table style="border-spacing:0">
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">node</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">forest → tree</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">emptyf</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">forest</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">consf</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">tree → forest → forest</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎤<br>⎥<br>⎦</td>
- <td style="width:5pt;text-align:center">⎞<br>⎟<br>⎠</td>
- </tr>
-\noindent which corresponds to the result of the \Coq\
-Inductive tree : Set :=
- node : forest -> tree
-with forest : Set :=
- | emptyf : forest
- | consf : tree -> forest -> forest.
-\noindent The declaration for a mutual inductive definition of {\even} and {\odd} is:
- \newcommand\GammaI{\left[\begin{array}{r@{:}l}
- \even & \nat\ra\Prop \\
- \odd & \nat\ra\Prop
- \end{array}
- \right]}
- \newcommand\GammaC{\left[\begin{array}{r@{:}l}
- \evenO & \even~\nO \\
- \evenS & \forall n : \nat, \odd~n \ra \even~(\nS~n)\\
- \oddS & \forall n : \nat, \even~n \ra \odd~(\nS~n)
- \end{array}
- \right]}
- \vskip.5em
- \ind{1}{\GammaI}{\GammaC}
- \vskip.5em
-\begin{rawhtml}<pre><table style="border-spacing:0">
- <tr style="vertical-align:middle">
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center;font-family:sans-serif;font-style:italic">Ind</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center">[1]</td>
- <td style="width:5pt;text-align:center">⎛<br>⎜<br>⎝</td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎡<br>⎣</td>
- <td>
- <table style="border-spacing:0">
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">even</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">nat → Prop</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">odd</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">nat → Prop</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎤<br>⎦</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:=</td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎡<br>⎢<br>⎣</td>
- <td>
- <table style="border-spacing:0">
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">even_O</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">even O</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">even_S</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">∀n : nat, odd n → even (S n)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:right;font-family:monospace">odd_S</td>
- <td style="width:20pt;text-align:center;font-family:monospace">:</td>
- <td style="text-align:left;font-family:monospace">∀n : nat, even n → odd (S n)</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td style="width:10pt;text-align:center">⎤<br>⎥<br>⎦</td>
- <td style="width:5pt;text-align:center">⎞<br>⎟<br>⎠</td>
- </tr>
-\noindent which corresponds to the result of the \Coq\
-Inductive even : nat -> Prop :=
- | even_O : even 0
- | even_S : forall n, odd n -> even (S n)
-with odd : nat -> Prop :=
- | odd_S : forall n, even n -> odd (S n).
-\subsection{Types of inductive objects}
-We have to give the type of constants in a global environment $E$ which
-contains an inductive declaration.
-\item[Ind] \index{Typing rules!Ind}
- \inference{\frac{\WFE{\Gamma}~~~~~~~~\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} \in E~~~~~~~~(a:A)\in\Gamma_I}{\WTEG{a}{A}}}
-\item[Constr] \index{Typing rules!Constr}
- \inference{\frac{\WFE{\Gamma}~~~~~~~~\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} \in E~~~~~~~~(c:C)\in\Gamma_C}{\WTEG{c}{C}}}
-Provided that our environment $E$ contains inductive definitions we showed before,
-these two inference rules above enable us to conclude that:
- \prefix\even : \nat\ra\Prop\\
- \prefix\odd : \nat\ra\Prop\\
- \prefix\evenO : \even~\nO\\
- \prefix\evenS : \forall~n:\nat, \odd~n \ra \even~(\nS~n)\\
- \prefix\oddS : \forall~n:\nat, \even~n \ra \odd~(\nS~n)
- \end{array}$
-%%The parameters introduce a distortion between the inside specification
-%%of the inductive declaration where parameters are supposed to be
-%%instantiated (this representation is appropriate for checking the
-%%correctness or deriving the destructor principle) and the outside
-%%typing rules where the inductive objects are seen as objects
-%%abstracted with respect to the parameters.
-%In the definition of \List\ or \haslength\, $A$ is a parameter because
-%what is effectively inductively defined is $\ListA$ or $\haslengthA$ for
-%a given $A$ which is constant in the type of constructors. But when
-%we define $(\haslengthA~l~n)$, $l$ and $n$ are not parameters because the
-%constructors manipulate different instances of this family.
-\subsection{Well-formed inductive definitions}
-We cannot accept any inductive declaration because some of them lead
-to inconsistent systems.
-We restrict ourselves to definitions which
-satisfy a syntactic criterion of positivity. Before giving the formal
-rules, we need a few definitions:
-A type $T$ is an {\em arity of sort $s$} if it converts
-to the sort $s$ or to a product $\forall~x:T,U$ with $U$ an arity
-of sort $s$.
-$A\ra \Set$ is an arity of sort $\Set$.
-$\forall~A:\Prop,A\ra \Prop$ is an arity of sort \Prop.
-A type $T$ is an {\em arity} if there is a $s\in\Sort$
-such that $T$ is an arity of sort $s$.
-$A\ra \Set$ and $\forall~A:\Prop,A\ra \Prop$ are arities.
-\paragraph[Definition]{Definition\index{type of constructor}}
-We say that $T$ is a {\em type of constructor of $I$\index{type of constructor}}
-in one of the following two cases:
- \item $T$ is $(I~t_1\ldots ~t_n)$
- \item $T$ is $\forall x:U,T^\prime$ where $T^\prime$ is also a type of constructor of $I$
-$\nat$ and $\nat\ra\nat$ are types of constructors of $\nat$.\\
-$\forall A:\Type,\List~A$ and $\forall A:\Type,A\ra\List~A\ra\List~A$ are constructors of $\List$.
-The type of constructor $T$ will be said to {\em satisfy the positivity
-condition} for a constant $X$ in the following cases:
-\item $T=(X~t_1\ldots ~t_n)$ and $X$ does not occur free in
-any $t_i$
-\item $T=\forall~x:U,V$ and $X$ occurs only strictly positively in $U$ and
-the type $V$ satisfies the positivity condition for $X$
-The constant $X$ {\em occurs strictly positively} in $T$ in the
-following cases:
-\item $X$ does not occur in $T$
-\item $T$ converts to $(X~t_1 \ldots ~t_n)$ and $X$ does not occur in
- any of $t_i$
-\item $T$ converts to $\forall~x:U,V$ and $X$ does not occur in
- type $U$ but occurs strictly positively in type $V$
-\item $T$ converts to $(I~a_1 \ldots ~a_m ~ t_1 \ldots ~t_p)$ where
- $I$ is the name of an inductive declaration of the form
- $\Ind{\Gamma}{m}{I:A}{c_1:\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall
- p_m:P_m,C_1;\ldots;c_n:\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall
- p_m:P_m,C_n}$
- (in particular, it is not mutually defined and it has $m$
- parameters) and $X$ does not occur in any of the $t_i$, and the
- (instantiated) types of constructor $C_i\{p_j/a_j\}_{j=1\ldots m}$
- of $I$ satisfy
- the nested positivity condition for $X$
-%\item more generally, when $T$ is not a type, $X$ occurs strictly
-%positively in $T[x:U]u$ if $X$ does not occur in $U$ but occurs
-%strictly positively in $u$
-The type of constructor $T$ of $I$ {\em satisfies the nested
-positivity condition} for a constant $X$ in the following
-\item $T=(I~b_1\ldots b_m~u_1\ldots ~u_{p})$, $I$ is an inductive
- definition with $m$ parameters and $X$ does not occur in
-any $u_i$
-\item $T=\forall~x:U,V$ and $X$ occurs only strictly positively in $U$ and
-the type $V$ satisfies the nested positivity condition for $X$
-\newcommand\vv{\textSFxi} % │
-\newcommand\hh{\textSFx} % ─
-\newcommand\vh{\textSFviii} % ├
-\newcommand\hv{\textSFii} % └
-\newcommand\ruleref[1]{\hskip.25em\dots\hskip.2em{\em (bullet #1)}}
-\noindent For instance, if one considers the following variant of a tree type branching over the natural numbers
-Inductive nattree (A:Type) : Type :=
- | leaf : nattree A
- | node : A -> (nat -> nattree A) -> nattree A
-\noindent Then every instantiated constructor of $\NatTreeA$ satisfies the nested positivity condition for $\NatTree$\\
-\ws\ws\vh\hh\ws concerning type $\NatTreeA$ of constructor $\cleaf$:\\
-\ws\ws\vv\ws\ws\ws\ws Type $\NatTreeA$ of constructor $\cleaf$ satisfies the positivity condition for $\NatTree$\\
-\ws\ws\vv\ws\ws\ws\ws because $\NatTree$ does not appear in any (real) arguments of the type of that constructor\\
-\ws\ws\vv\ws\ws\ws\ws (primarily because $\NatTree$ does not have any (real) arguments)\ruleref1\\
-\ws\ws\hv\hh\ws concerning type $\forall~A\ra(\NN\ra\NatTreeA)\ra\NatTreeA$ of constructor $\cnode$:\\
- \ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws Type $\forall~A:\Type,A\ra(\NN\ra\NatTreeA)\ra\NatTreeA$ of constructor $\cnode$\\
-\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws satisfies the positivity condition for $\NatTree$ because:\\
-\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\vh\hh\ws $\NatTree$ occurs only strictly positively in $\Type$\ruleref1\\
-\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\vh\hh\ws $\NatTree$ occurs only strictly positively in $A$\ruleref1\\
- \ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\vh\hh\ws $\NatTree$ occurs only strictly positively in $\NN\ra\NatTreeA$\ruleref{3+2}\\
-\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\ws\hv\hh\ws $\NatTree$ satisfies the positivity condition for $\NatTreeA$\ruleref1
-<span style="font-family:serif">Then every instantiated constructor of <span style="font-family:monospace">nattree A</span> satisfies the nested positivity condition for <span style="font-family:monospace">nattree</span></span>
- │
- ├─ <span style="font-family:serif">concerning type <span style="font-family:monospace">nattree A</span> of constructor <span style="font-family:monospace">nil</span>:</span>
- │ <span style="font-family:serif">Type <span style="font-family:monospace">nattree A</span> of constructor <span style="font-family:monospace">nil</span> satisfies the positivity condition for <span style="font-family:monospace">nattree</span></span>
- │ <span style="font-family:serif">because <span style="font-family:monospace">nattree</span> does not appear in any (real) arguments of the type of that constructor</span>
- │ <span style="font-family:serif">(primarily because nattree does not have any (real) arguments) ... <span style="font-style:italic">(bullet 1)</span></span>
- │
- ╰─ <span style="font-family:serif">concerning type <span style="font-family:monospace">∀ A → (nat → nattree A) → nattree A</span> of constructor <span style="font-family:monospace">cons</span>:</span>
- <span style="font-family:serif">Type <span style="font-family:monospace">∀ A : Type, A → (nat → nattree A) → nattree A</span> of constructor <span style="font-family:monospace">cons</span></span>
- <span style="font-family:serif">satisfies the positivity condition for <span style="font-family:monospace">nattree</span> because:</span>
- │
- ├─ <span style="font-family:serif"><span style="font-family:monospace">nattree</span> occurs only strictly positively in <span style="font-family:monospace">Type</span> ... <span style="font-style:italic">(bullet 1)</span></span>
- │
- ├─ <span style="font-family:serif"><span style="font-family:monospace">nattree</span> occurs only strictly positively in <span style="font-family:monospace">A</span> ... <span style="font-style:italic">(bullet 1)</span></span>
- │
- ├─ <span style="font-family:serif"><span style="font-family:monospace">nattree</span> occurs only strictly positively in <span style="font-family:monospace">nat → nattree A</span> ... <span style="font-style:italic">(bullet 3+2)</span></span>
- │
- ╰─ <span style="font-family:serif"><span style="font-family:monospace">nattree</span> satisfies the positivity condition for <span style="font-family:monospace">nattree A</span> ... <span style="font-style:italic">(bullet 1)</span></span>
-\paragraph{Correctness rules.}
-We shall now describe the rules allowing the introduction of a new
-inductive definition.
-\item[W-Ind] Let $E$ be a global environment and
- $\Gamma_P,\Gamma_I,\Gamma_C$ are contexts such that
- $\Gamma_I$ is $[I_1:\forall \Gamma_P,A_1;\ldots;I_k:\forall
- \Gamma_P,A_k]$ and $\Gamma_C$ is
- $[c_1:\forall \Gamma_P,C_1;\ldots;c_n:\forall \Gamma_P,C_n]$.
- \frac{
- (\WTE{\Gamma_P}{A_j}{s'_j})_{j=1\ldots k}
- ~~~~~~~~ (\WTE{\Gamma_I;\Gamma_P}{C_i}{s_{q_i}})_{i=1\ldots n}
- {\WF{E;\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}}{\Gamma}}}
-provided that the following side conditions hold:
-\item $k>0$ and all of $I_j$ and $c_i$ are distinct names for $j=1\ldots k$ and $i=1\ldots n$,
-\item $p$ is the number of parameters of \NInd{}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}
- and $\Gamma_P$ is the context of parameters,
-\item for $j=1\ldots k$ we have that $A_j$ is an arity of sort $s_j$ and $I_j
- \notin E$,
-\item for $i=1\ldots n$ we have that $C_i$ is a type of constructor of
- $I_{q_i}$ which satisfies the positivity condition for $I_1 \ldots I_k$
- and $c_i \notin \Gamma \cup E$.
-One can remark that there is a constraint between the sort of the
-arity of the inductive type and the sort of the type of its
-constructors which will always be satisfied for the impredicative sort
-{\Prop} but may fail to define inductive definition
-on sort \Set{} and generate constraints between universes for
-inductive definitions in the {\Type} hierarchy.
-It is well known that existential quantifier can be encoded as an
-inductive definition.
-The following declaration introduces the second-order existential
-quantifier $\exists X.P(X)$.
-Inductive exProp (P:Prop->Prop) : Prop :=
- exP_intro : forall X:Prop, P X -> exProp P.
-The same definition on \Set{} is not allowed and fails:
-% (********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
-% (*** Error: Large non-propositional inductive types must be in Type***)
-Fail Inductive exSet (P:Set->Prop) : Set :=
- exS_intro : forall X:Set, P X -> exSet P.
-It is possible to declare the same inductive definition in the
-universe \Type.
-The \texttt{exType} inductive definition has type $(\Type_i \ra\Prop)\ra
-\Type_j$ with the constraint that the parameter \texttt{X} of \texttt{exT\_intro} has type $\Type_k$ with $k<j$ and $k\leq i$.
-Inductive exType (P:Type->Prop) : Type :=
- exT_intro : forall X:Type, P X -> exType P.
-%We shall assume for the following definitions that, if necessary, we
-%annotated the type of constructors such that we know if the argument
-%is recursive or not. We shall write the type $(x:_R T)C$ if it is
-%a recursive argument and $(x:_P T)C$ if the argument is not recursive.
-\paragraph[Template polymorphism.]{Template polymorphism.\index{Template polymorphism}}
-Inductive types declared in {\Type} are
-polymorphic over their arguments in {\Type}.
-If $A$ is an arity of some sort and $s$ is a sort, we write $A_{/s}$ for the arity
-obtained from $A$ by replacing its sort with $s$. Especially, if $A$
-is well-typed in some global environment and local context, then $A_{/s}$ is typable
-by typability of all products in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions.
-The following typing rule is added to the theory.
-\item[Ind-Family] Let $\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ be an
- inductive definition. Let $\Gamma_P = [p_1:P_1;\ldots;p_{p}:P_{p}]$
- be its context of parameters, $\Gamma_I = [I_1:\forall
- \Gamma_P,A_1;\ldots;I_k:\forall \Gamma_P,A_k]$ its context of
- definitions and $\Gamma_C = [c_1:\forall
- \Gamma_P,C_1;\ldots;c_n:\forall \Gamma_P,C_n]$ its context of
- constructors, with $c_i$ a constructor of $I_{q_i}$.
- Let $m \leq p$ be the length of the longest prefix of parameters
- such that the $m$ first arguments of all occurrences of all $I_j$ in
- all $C_k$ (even the occurrences in the hypotheses of $C_k$) are
- exactly applied to $p_1~\ldots~p_m$ ($m$ is the number of {\em
- recursively uniform parameters} and the $p-m$ remaining parameters
- are the {\em recursively non-uniform parameters}). Let $q_1$,
- \ldots, $q_r$, with $0\leq r\leq m$, be a (possibly) partial
- instantiation of the recursively uniform parameters of
- $\Gamma_P$. We have:
-\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} \in E\\
-(E[] \vdash q_l : P'_l)_{l=1\ldots r}\\
-(\WTELECONV{}{P'_l}{\subst{P_l}{p_u}{q_u}_{u=1\ldots l-1}})_{l=1\ldots r}\\
-1 \leq j \leq k
-{E[] \vdash I_j\,q_1\,\ldots\,q_r:\forall [p_{r+1}:P_{r+1};\ldots;p_{p}:P_{p}], (A_j)_{/s_j}}
-provided that the following side conditions hold:
-\item $\Gamma_{P'}$ is the context obtained from $\Gamma_P$ by
-replacing each $P_l$ that is an arity with $P'_l$ for $1\leq l \leq r$ (notice that
-$P_l$ arity implies $P'_l$ arity since $\WTELECONV{}{P'_l}{ \subst{P_l}{p_u}{q_u}_{u=1\ldots l-1}}$);
-\item there are sorts $s_i$, for $1 \leq i \leq k$ such that, for
- $\Gamma_{I'} = [I_1:\forall
- \Gamma_{P'},(A_1)_{/s_1};\ldots;I_k:\forall \Gamma_{P'},(A_k)_{/s_k}]$
-we have $(\WTE{\Gamma_{I'};\Gamma_{P'}}{C_i}{s_{q_i}})_{i=1\ldots n}$;
-\item the sorts $s_i$ are such that all eliminations, to {\Prop}, {\Set} and
- $\Type(j)$, are allowed (see Section~\ref{allowedeleminationofsorts}).
-Notice that if $I_j\,q_1\,\ldots\,q_r$ is typable using the rules {\bf
-Ind-Const} and {\bf App}, then it is typable using the rule {\bf
-Ind-Family}. Conversely, the extended theory is not stronger than the
-theory without {\bf Ind-Family}. We get an equiconsistency result by
-mapping each $\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ occurring into a
-given derivation into as many different inductive types and constructors
-as the number of different (partial) replacements of sorts, needed for
-this derivation, in the parameters that are arities (this is possible
-because $\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ well-formed implies
-that $\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_{I'}}{\Gamma_{C'}}$ is well-formed and
-has the same allowed eliminations, where
-$\Gamma_{I'}$ is defined as above and $\Gamma_{C'} = [c_1:\forall
-\Gamma_{P'},C_1;\ldots;c_n:\forall \Gamma_{P'},C_n]$). That is,
-the changes in the types of each partial instance
-$q_1\,\ldots\,q_r$ can be characterized by the ordered sets of arity
-sorts among the types of parameters, and to each signature is
-associated a new inductive definition with fresh names. Conversion is
-preserved as any (partial) instance $I_j\,q_1\,\ldots\,q_r$ or
-$C_i\,q_1\,\ldots\,q_r$ is mapped to the names chosen in the specific
-instance of $\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$.
-In practice, the rule {\bf Ind-Family} is used by {\Coq} only when all the
-inductive types of the inductive definition are declared with an arity whose
-sort is in the $\Type$
-hierarchy. Then, the polymorphism is over the parameters whose
-type is an arity of sort in the {\Type} hierarchy.
-The sort $s_j$ are
-chosen canonically so that each $s_j$ is minimal with respect to the
-hierarchy ${\Prop}\subset{\Set_p}\subset\Type$ where $\Set_p$ is
-predicative {\Set}.
-%and ${\Prop_u}$ is the sort of small singleton
-%inductive types (i.e. of inductive types with one single constructor
-%and that contains either proofs or inhabitants of singleton types
-More precisely, an empty or small singleton inductive definition
-(i.e. an inductive definition of which all inductive types are
-singleton -- see paragraph~\ref{singleton}) is set in
-{\Prop}, a small non-singleton inductive type is set in {\Set} (even
-in case {\Set} is impredicative -- see Section~\ref{impredicativity}),
-and otherwise in the {\Type} hierarchy.
-Note that the side-condition about allowed elimination sorts in the
-rule~{\bf Ind-Family} is just to avoid to recompute the allowed
-elimination sorts at each instance of a pattern-matching (see
-As an example, let us consider the following definition:
-Inductive option (A:Type) : Type :=
-| None : option A
-| Some : A -> option A.
-As the definition is set in the {\Type} hierarchy, it is used
-polymorphically over its parameters whose types are arities of a sort
-in the {\Type} hierarchy. Here, the parameter $A$ has this property,
-hence, if \texttt{option} is applied to a type in {\Set}, the result is
-in {\Set}. Note that if \texttt{option} is applied to a type in {\Prop},
-then, the result is not set in \texttt{Prop} but in \texttt{Set}
-still. This is because \texttt{option} is not a singleton type (see
-section~\ref{singleton}) and it would lose the elimination to {\Set} and
-{\Type} if set in {\Prop}.
-Check (fun A:Set => option A).
-Check (fun A:Prop => option A).
-Here is another example.
-Inductive prod (A B:Type) : Type := pair : A -> B -> prod A B.
-As \texttt{prod} is a singleton type, it will be in {\Prop} if applied
-twice to propositions, in {\Set} if applied twice to at least one type
-in {\Set} and none in {\Type}, and in {\Type} otherwise. In all cases,
-the three kind of eliminations schemes are allowed.
-Check (fun A:Set => prod A).
-Check (fun A:Prop => prod A A).
-Check (fun (A:Prop) (B:Set) => prod A B).
-Check (fun (A:Type) (B:Prop) => prod A B).
-\Rem Template polymorphism used to be called ``sort-polymorphism of
-inductive types'' before universe polymorphism (see
-Chapter~\ref{Universes-full}) was introduced.
-The specification of inductive definitions with arities and
-constructors is quite natural. But we still have to say how to use an
-object in an inductive type.
-This problem is rather delicate. There are actually several different
-ways to do that. Some of them are logically equivalent but not always
-equivalent from the computational point of view or from the user point
-of view.
-From the computational point of view, we want to be able to define a
-function whose domain is an inductively defined type by using a
-combination of case analysis over the possible constructors of the
-object and recursion.
-Because we need to keep a consistent theory and also we prefer to keep
-a strongly normalizing reduction, we cannot accept any sort of
-recursion (even terminating). So the basic idea is to restrict
-ourselves to primitive recursive functions and functionals.
-For instance, assuming a parameter $A:\Set$ exists in the local context, we
-want to build a function \length\ of type $\ListA\ra \nat$ which
-computes the length of the list, so such that $(\length~(\Nil~A)) = \nO$
-and $(\length~(\cons~A~a~l)) = (\nS~(\length~l))$. We want these
-equalities to be recognized implicitly and taken into account in the
-conversion rule.
-From the logical point of view, we have built a type family by giving
-a set of constructors. We want to capture the fact that we do not
-have any other way to build an object in this type. So when trying to
-prove a property about an object $m$ in an inductive definition it is
-enough to enumerate all the cases where $m$ starts with a different
-In case the inductive definition is effectively a recursive one, we
-want to capture the extra property that we have built the smallest
-fixed point of this recursive equation. This says that we are only
-manipulating finite objects. This analysis provides induction
-For instance, in order to prove $\forall l:\ListA,(\haslengthA~l~(\length~l))$
-it is enough to prove:
- \item $(\haslengthA~(\Nil~A)~(\length~(\Nil~A)))$
- \item $\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA, (\haslengthA~l~(\length~l)) \ra\\
- \ra (\haslengthA~(\cons~A~a~l)~(\length~(\cons~A~a~l)))$
-which given the conversion equalities satisfied by \length\ is the
-same as proving:
- \item $(\haslengthA~(\Nil~A)~\nO)$
- \item $\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA, (\haslengthA~l~(\length~l)) \ra\\
- \ra (\haslengthA~(\cons~A~a~l)~(\nS~(\length~l)))$
-One conceptually simple way to do that, following the basic scheme
-proposed by Martin-L\"of in his Intuitionistic Type Theory, is to
-introduce for each inductive definition an elimination operator. At
-the logical level it is a proof of the usual induction principle and
-at the computational level it implements a generic operator for doing
-primitive recursion over the structure.
-But this operator is rather tedious to implement and use. We choose in
-this version of {\Coq} to factorize the operator for primitive recursion
-into two more primitive operations as was first suggested by Th. Coquand
-in~\cite{Coq92}. One is the definition by pattern-matching. The second one is a definition by guarded fixpoints.
-\subsubsection[The {\tt match\ldots with \ldots end} construction.]{The {\tt match\ldots with \ldots end} construction.\label{Caseexpr}
-\index{match@{\tt match\ldots with\ldots end}}}
-The basic idea of this operator is that we have an object
-$m$ in an inductive type $I$ and we want to prove a property
-which possibly depends on $m$. For this, it is enough to prove the
-property for $m = (c_i~u_1\ldots u_{p_i})$ for each constructor of $I$.
-The \Coq{} term for this proof will be written:
-\[\kw{match}~m~\kw{with}~ (c_1~x_{11}~...~x_{1p_1}) \Ra f_1 ~|~\ldots~|~
- (c_n~x_{n1}~...~x_{np_n}) \Ra f_n~ \kw{end}\]
-In this expression, if
-$m$ eventually happens to evaluate to $(c_i~u_1\ldots u_{p_i})$ then
-the expression will behave as specified in its $i$-th branch and
-it will reduce to $f_i$ where the $x_{i1}$\ldots $x_{ip_i}$ are replaced
-by the $u_1\ldots u_{p_i}$ according to the $\iota$-reduction.
-Actually, for type-checking a \kw{match\ldots with\ldots end}
-expression we also need to know the predicate $P$ to be proved by case
-analysis. In the general case where $I$ is an inductively defined
-$n$-ary relation, $P$ is a predicate over $n+1$ arguments: the $n$ first ones
-correspond to the arguments of $I$ (parameters excluded), and the last
-one corresponds to object $m$. \Coq{} can sometimes infer this
-predicate but sometimes not. The concrete syntax for describing this
-predicate uses the \kw{as\ldots in\ldots return} construction. For
-instance, let us assume that $I$ is an unary predicate with one
-parameter and one argument. The predicate is made explicit using the syntax:
-\[\kw{match}~m~\kw{as}~ x~ \kw{in}~ I~\verb!_!~a~ \kw{return}~ P
- ~\kw{with}~ (c_1~x_{11}~...~x_{1p_1}) \Ra f_1 ~|~\ldots~|~
- (c_n~x_{n1}~...~x_{np_n}) \Ra f_n \kw{end}\]
-The \kw{as} part can be omitted if either the result type does not
-depend on $m$ (non-dependent elimination) or $m$ is a variable (in
-this case, $m$ can occur in $P$ where it is considered a bound variable).
-The \kw{in} part can be
-omitted if the result type does not depend on the arguments of
-$I$. Note that the arguments of $I$ corresponding to parameters
-\emph{must} be \verb!_!, because the result type is not generalized to
-all possible values of the parameters.
-The other arguments of $I$
-(sometimes called indices in the literature)
-% NOTE: e.g. http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/~sacchini/papers/types08.pdf
-have to be variables
-($a$ above) and these variables can occur in $P$.
-The expression after \kw{in}
-must be seen as an \emph{inductive type pattern}. Notice that
-expansion of implicit arguments and notations apply to this pattern.
-For the purpose of presenting the inference rules, we use a more
-compact notation:
-\[ \Case{(\lb a x \mto P)}{m}{ \lb x_{11}~...~x_{1p_1} \mto f_1 ~|~\ldots~|~
- \lb x_{n1}...x_{np_n} \mto f_n}\]
-%% CP 06/06 Obsolete avec la nouvelle syntaxe et incompatible avec la
-%% presentation theorique qui suit
-% \paragraph{Non-dependent elimination.}
-% When defining a function of codomain $C$ by case analysis over an
-% object in an inductive type $I$, we build an object of type $I
-% \ra C$. The minimality principle on an inductively defined logical
-% predicate $I$ of type $A \ra \Prop$ is often used to prove a property
-% $\forall x:A,(I~x)\ra (C~x)$. These are particular cases of the dependent
-% principle that we stated before with a predicate which does not depend
-% explicitly on the object in the inductive definition.
-% For instance, a function testing whether a list is empty
-% can be
-% defined as:
-% \[\kw{fun} l:\ListA \Ra \kw{match}~l~\kw{with}~ \Nil \Ra \true~
-% |~(\cons~a~m) \Ra \false \kw{end}\]
-% represented by
-% \[\lb l:\ListA \mto\Case{\bool}{l}{\true~ |~ \lb a~m,~\false}\]
-%\noindent {\bf Remark. }
-% In the system \Coq\ the expression above, can be
-% written without mentioning
-% the dummy abstraction:
-% \Case{\bool}{l}{\Nil~ \mbox{\tt =>}~\true~ |~ (\cons~a~m)~
-% \mbox{\tt =>}~ \false}
-\paragraph[Allowed elimination sorts.]{Allowed elimination sorts.\index{Elimination sorts}}
-An important question for building the typing rule for \kw{match} is
-what can be the type of $\lb a x \mto P$ with respect to the type of $m$. If
-$m:I$ and
-$I:A$ and
-$\lb a x \mto P : B$
-then by \compat{I:A}{B} we mean that one can use $\lb a x \mto P$ with $m$ in the above
-The \compat{I:A}{B} is defined as the smallest relation satisfying the
-following rules:
-We write \compat{I}{B} for \compat{I:A}{B} where $A$ is the type of
-The case of inductive definitions in sorts \Set\ or \Type{} is simple.
-There is no restriction on the sort of the predicate to be
-\item[Prod] \inference{\frac{\compat{(I~x):A'}{B'}}
- {\compat{I:\forall x:A, A'}{\forall x:A, B'}}}
-\item[{\Set} \& \Type] \inference{\frac{
- s_1 \in \{\Set,\Type(j)\}~~~~~~~~s_2 \in \Sort}{\compat{I:s_1}{I\ra s_2}}}
-The case of Inductive definitions of sort \Prop{} is a bit more
-complicated, because of our interpretation of this sort. The only
-harmless allowed elimination, is the one when predicate $P$ is also of
-sort \Prop.
-\item[\Prop] \inference{\compat{I:\Prop}{I\ra\Prop}}
-\Prop{} is the type of logical propositions, the proofs of properties
-$P$ in \Prop{} could not be used for computation and are consequently
-ignored by the extraction mechanism.
-Assume $A$ and $B$ are two propositions, and the logical disjunction
-$A\vee B$ is defined inductively by:
-Inductive or (A B:Prop) : Prop :=
- or_introl : A -> or A B | or_intror : B -> or A B.
-The following definition which computes a boolean value by case over
-the proof of \texttt{or A B} is not accepted:
-% (***************************************************************)
-% (*** This example should fail with ``Incorrect elimination'' ***)
-Fail Definition choice (A B: Prop) (x:or A B) :=
- match x with or_introl _ _ a => true | or_intror _ _ b => false end.
-From the computational point of view, the structure of the proof of
-\texttt{(or A B)} in this term is needed for computing the boolean
-In general, if $I$ has type \Prop\ then $P$ cannot have type $I\ra
-\Set$, because it will mean to build an informative proof of type
-$(P~m)$ doing a case analysis over a non-computational object that
-will disappear in the extracted program. But the other way is safe
-with respect to our interpretation we can have $I$ a computational
-object and $P$ a non-computational one, it just corresponds to proving
-a logical property of a computational object.
-% Also if $I$ is in one of the sorts \{\Prop, \Set\}, one cannot in
-% general allow an elimination over a bigger sort such as \Type. But
-% this operation is safe whenever $I$ is a {\em small inductive} type,
-% which means that all the types of constructors of
-% $I$ are small with the following definition:\\
-% $(I~t_1\ldots t_s)$ is a {\em small type of constructor} and
-% $\forall~x:T,C$ is a small type of constructor if $C$ is and if $T$
-% has type \Prop\ or \Set. \index{Small inductive type}
-% We call this particular elimination which gives the possibility to
-% compute a type by induction on the structure of a term, a {\em strong
-% elimination}\index{Strong elimination}.
-In the same spirit, elimination on $P$ of type $I\ra
-\Type$ cannot be allowed because it trivially implies the elimination
-on $P$ of type $I\ra \Set$ by cumulativity. It also implies that there
-are two proofs of the same property which are provably different,
-contradicting the proof-irrelevance property which is sometimes a
-useful axiom:
-Axiom proof_irrelevance : forall (P : Prop) (x y : P), x=y.
-Reset proof_irrelevance.
-The elimination of an inductive definition of type \Prop\ on a
-predicate $P$ of type $I\ra \Type$ leads to a paradox when applied to
-impredicative inductive definition like the second-order existential
-quantifier \texttt{exProp} defined above, because it give access to
-the two projections on this type.
-%\paragraph{Warning: strong elimination}
-%\index{Elimination!Strong elimination}
-%In previous versions of Coq, for a small inductive definition, only the
-%non-informative strong elimination on \Type\ was allowed, because
-%strong elimination on \Typeset\ was not compatible with the current
-%extraction procedure. In this version, strong elimination on \Typeset\
-%is accepted but a dummy element is extracted from it and may generate
-%problems if extracted terms are explicitly used such as in the
-%{\tt Program} tactic or when extracting ML programs.
-\paragraph[Empty and singleton elimination]{Empty and singleton elimination\label{singleton}
-\index{Elimination!Singleton elimination}
-\index{Elimination!Empty elimination}}
-There are special inductive definitions in \Prop\ for which more
-eliminations are allowed.
- \frac{I \mbox{~is an empty or singleton
- definition}~~~s \in \Sort}{\compat{I:\Prop}{I\ra s}}
-% A {\em singleton definition} has always an informative content,
-% even if it is a proposition.
-A {\em singleton
-definition} has only one constructor and all the arguments of this
-constructor have type \Prop. In that case, there is a canonical
-way to interpret the informative extraction on an object in that type,
-such that the elimination on any sort $s$ is legal. Typical examples are
-the conjunction of non-informative propositions and the equality.
-If there is an hypothesis $h:a=b$ in the local context, it can be used for
-rewriting not only in logical propositions but also in any type.
-% In that case, the term \verb!eq_rec! which was defined as an axiom, is
-% now a term of the calculus.
-Require Extraction.
-Print eq_rec.
-Extraction eq_rec.
-An empty definition has no constructors, in that case also,
-elimination on any sort is allowed.
-\paragraph{Type of branches.}
-Let $c$ be a term of type $C$, we assume $C$ is a type of constructor
-for an inductive type $I$. Let $P$ be a term that represents the
-property to be proved.
-We assume $r$ is the number of parameters and $p$ is the number of arguments.
-We define a new type \CI{c:C}{P} which represents the type of the
-branch corresponding to the $c:C$ constructor.
-\CI{c:(I~p_1\ldots p_r\ t_1 \ldots t_p)}{P} &\equiv (P~t_1\ldots ~t_p~c) \\[2mm]
-\CI{c:\forall~x:T,C}{P} &\equiv \forall~x:T,\CI{(c~x):C}{P}
-We write \CI{c}{P} for \CI{c:C}{P} with $C$ the type of $c$.
-The following term in concrete syntax:
-match t as l return P' with
-| nil _ => t1
-| cons _ hd tl => t2
-can be represented in abstract syntax as $$\Case{P}{t}{f_1\,|\,f_2}$$
- P & = & \lambda~l~.~P^\prime\\
- f_1 & = & t_1\\
- f_2 & = & \lambda~(hd:\nat)~.~\lambda~(tl:\List~\nat)~.~t_2
-According to the definition:
-$ \CI{(\Nil~\nat)}{P} \equiv \CI{(\Nil~\nat) : (\List~\nat)}{P} \equiv (P~(\Nil~\nat))$
-$ \CI{(\cons~\nat)}{P}
- \equiv\CI{(\cons~\nat) : (\nat\ra\List~\nat\ra\List~\nat)}{P} \equiv\\
- \equiv\forall n:\nat, \CI{(\cons~\nat~n) : \List~\nat\ra\List~\nat)}{P} \equiv\\
- \equiv\forall n:\nat, \forall l:\List~\nat, \CI{(\cons~\nat~n~l) : \List~\nat)}{P} \equiv\\
-\equiv\forall n:\nat, \forall l:\List~\nat,(P~(\cons~\nat~n~l))$.
-Given some $P$, then \CI{(\Nil~\nat)}{P} represents the expected type of $f_1$, and
-\CI{(\cons~\nat)}{P} represents the expected type of $f_2$.
-\paragraph{Typing rule.}
-Our very general destructor for inductive definition enjoys the
-following typing rule
-% , where we write
-% \[
-% \Case{P}{c}{[x_{11}:T_{11}]\ldots[x_{1p_1}:T_{1p_1}]g_1\ldots
-% [x_{n1}:T_{n1}]\ldots[x_{np_n}:T_{np_n}]g_n}
-% \]
-% for
-% \[
-% \Case{P}{c}{(c_1~x_{11}~...~x_{1p_1}) \Ra g_1 ~|~\ldots~|~
-% (c_n~x_{n1}...x_{np_n}) \Ra g_n }
-% \]
-\item[match] \label{elimdep} \index{Typing rules!match}
-\frac{\WTEG{c}{(I~q_1\ldots q_r~t_1\ldots t_s)}~~
- \WTEG{P}{B}~~\compat{(I~q_1\ldots q_r)}{B}
- ~~
-(\WTEG{f_i}{\CI{(c_{p_i}~q_1\ldots q_r)}{P}})_{i=1\ldots l}}
-{\WTEG{\Case{P}{c}{f_1|\ldots |f_l}}{(P\ t_1\ldots t_s\ c)}}}%\\[3mm]
-provided $I$ is an inductive type in a definition
-\Ind{}{r}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} with
-$\Gamma_C = [c_1:C_1;\ldots;c_n:C_n]$ and $c_{p_1}\ldots c_{p_l}$ are the
-only constructors of $I$.
-Below is a typing rule for the term shown in the previous example:
- \frac{%
- \WTEG{t}{(\List~\nat)}~~~~%
- \WTEG{P}{B}~~~~%
- \compat{(\List~\nat)}{B}~~~~%
- \WTEG{f_1}{\CI{(\Nil~\nat)}{P}}~~~~%
- \WTEG{f_2}{\CI{(\cons~\nat)}{P}}%
- }
-\paragraph[Definition of $\iota$-reduction.]{Definition of $\iota$-reduction.\label{iotared}
-We still have to define the $\iota$-reduction in the general case.
-A $\iota$-redex is a term of the following form:
-\[\Case{P}{(c_{p_i}~q_1\ldots q_r~a_1\ldots a_m)}{f_1|\ldots |
- f_l}\]
-with $c_{p_i}$ the $i$-th constructor of the inductive type $I$ with $r$
-The $\iota$-contraction of this term is $(f_i~a_1\ldots a_m)$ leading
-to the general reduction rule:
-\[ \Case{P}{(c_{p_i}~q_1\ldots q_r~a_1\ldots a_m)}{f_1|\ldots |
- f_n} \triangleright_{\iota} (f_i~a_1\ldots a_m) \]
-\subsection[Fixpoint definitions]{Fixpoint definitions\label{Fix-term} \index{Fix@{\tt Fix}}}
-The second operator for elimination is fixpoint definition.
-This fixpoint may involve several mutually recursive definitions.
-The basic concrete syntax for a recursive set of mutually recursive
-declarations is (with $\Gamma_i$ contexts):
-\[\kw{fix}~f_1 (\Gamma_1) :A_1:=t_1~\kw{with} \ldots \kw{with}~ f_n
-(\Gamma_n) :A_n:=t_n\]
-The terms are obtained by projections from this set of declarations
-and are written
-\[\kw{fix}~f_1 (\Gamma_1) :A_1:=t_1~\kw{with} \ldots \kw{with}~ f_n
-(\Gamma_n) :A_n:=t_n~\kw{for}~f_i\]
-In the inference rules, we represent such a
-term by
-\[\Fix{f_i}{f_1:A_1':=t_1' \ldots f_n:A_n':=t_n'}\]
-with $t_i'$ (resp. $A_i'$) representing the term $t_i$ abstracted
-(resp. generalized) with
-respect to the bindings in the context $\Gamma_i$, namely
-$t_i'=\lb \Gamma_i \mto t_i$ and $A_i'=\forall \Gamma_i, A_i$.
-\subsubsection{Typing rule}
-The typing rule is the expected one for a fixpoint.
-\item[Fix] \index{Typing rules!Fix}
-\inference{\frac{(\WTEG{A_i}{s_i})_{i=1\ldots n}~~~~
- (\WTE{\Gamma,f_1:A_1,\ldots,f_n:A_n}{t_i}{A_i})_{i=1\ldots n}}
- {\WTEG{\Fix{f_i}{f_1:A_1:=t_1 \ldots f_n:A_n:=t_n}}{A_i}}}
-Any fixpoint definition cannot be accepted because non-normalizing terms
-allow proofs of absurdity.
-The basic scheme of recursion that should be allowed is the one needed for
-defining primitive
-recursive functionals. In that case the fixpoint enjoys a special
-syntactic restriction, namely one of the arguments belongs to an
-inductive type, the function starts with a case analysis and recursive
-calls are done on variables coming from patterns and representing subterms.
-For instance in the case of natural numbers, a proof of the induction
-principle of type
-\[\forall P:\nat\ra\Prop, (P~\nO)\ra(\forall n:\nat, (P~n)\ra(P~(\nS~n)))\ra
-\forall n:\nat, (P~n)\]
-can be represented by the term:
-\lb P:\nat\ra\Prop\mto\lb f:(P~\nO)\mto \lb g:(\forall n:\nat,
-(P~n)\ra(P~(\nS~n))) \mto\\
-\Fix{h}{h:\forall n:\nat, (P~n):=\lb n:\nat\mto \Case{P}{n}{f~|~\lb
- p:\nat\mto (g~p~(h~p))}}
-Before accepting a fixpoint definition as being correctly typed, we
-check that the definition is ``guarded''. A precise analysis of this
-notion can be found in~\cite{Gim94}.
-The first stage is to precise on which argument the fixpoint will be
-decreasing. The type of this argument should be an inductive
-For doing this, the syntax of fixpoints is extended and becomes
- \[\Fix{f_i}{f_1/k_1:A_1:=t_1 \ldots f_n/k_n:A_n:=t_n}\]
-where $k_i$ are positive integers.
-Each $k_i$ represents the index of pararameter of $f_i$, on which $f_i$ is decreasing.
-Each $A_i$ should be a type (reducible to a term) starting with at least
-$k_i$ products $\forall y_1:B_1,\ldots \forall y_{k_i}:B_{k_i}, A'_i$
-and $B_{k_i}$ an is unductive type.
-Now in the definition $t_i$, if $f_j$ occurs then it should be applied
-to at least $k_j$ arguments and the $k_j$-th argument should be
-syntactically recognized as structurally smaller than $y_{k_i}$
-The definition of being structurally smaller is a bit technical.
-One needs first to define the notion of
-{\em recursive arguments of a constructor}\index{Recursive arguments}.
-For an inductive definition \Ind{}{r}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C},
-if the type of a constructor $c$ has the form
-$\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall p_r:P_r,
-\forall x_1:T_1, \ldots \forall x_r:T_r, (I_j~p_1\ldots
-p_r~t_1\ldots t_s)$, then the recursive arguments will correspond to $T_i$ in
-which one of the $I_l$ occurs.
-The main rules for being structurally smaller are the following:\\
-Given a variable $y$ of type an inductive
-definition in a declaration
-where $\Gamma_I$ is $[I_1:A_1;\ldots;I_k:A_k]$, and $\Gamma_C$ is
- $[c_1:C_1;\ldots;c_n:C_n]$.
-The terms structurally smaller than $y$ are:
-\item $(t~u)$ and $\lb x:u \mto t$ when $t$ is structurally smaller than $y$.
-\item \Case{P}{c}{f_1\ldots f_n} when each $f_i$ is structurally
- smaller than $y$. \\
- If $c$ is $y$ or is structurally smaller than $y$, its type is an inductive
- definition $I_p$ part of the inductive
- declaration corresponding to $y$.
- Each $f_i$ corresponds to a type of constructor $C_q \equiv
- \forall p_1:P_1,\ldots,\forall p_r:P_r, \forall y_1:B_1, \ldots \forall y_k:B_k, (I~a_1\ldots a_k)$
- and can consequently be
- written $\lb y_1:B'_1\mto \ldots \lb y_k:B'_k\mto g_i$.
- ($B'_i$ is obtained from $B_i$ by substituting parameters variables)
- the variables $y_j$ occurring
- in $g_i$ corresponding to recursive arguments $B_i$ (the ones in
- which one of the $I_l$ occurs) are structurally smaller than $y$.
-The following definitions are correct, we enter them using the
-{\tt Fixpoint} command as described in Section~\ref{Fixpoint} and show
-the internal representation.
-Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | O => m
- | S p => S (plus p m)
- end.
-Print plus.
-Fixpoint lgth (A:Set) (l:list A) {struct l} : nat :=
- match l with
- | nil _ => O
- | cons _ a l' => S (lgth A l')
- end.
-Print lgth.
-Fixpoint sizet (t:tree) : nat := let (f) := t in S (sizef f)
- with sizef (f:forest) : nat :=
- match f with
- | emptyf => O
- | consf t f => plus (sizet t) (sizef f)
- end.
-Print sizet.
-\subsubsection[Reduction rule]{Reduction rule\index{iota-reduction@$\iota$-reduction}}
-Let $F$ be the set of declarations: $f_1/k_1:A_1:=t_1 \ldots
-The reduction for fixpoints is:
-\[ (\Fix{f_i}{F}~a_1\ldots
-a_{k_i}) \triangleright_{\iota} \substs{t_i}{f_k}{\Fix{f_k}{F}}{k=1\ldots n}
-~a_1\ldots a_{k_i}\]
-when $a_{k_i}$ starts with a constructor.
-This last restriction is needed in order to keep strong normalization
-and corresponds to the reduction for primitive recursive operators.
-The following reductions are now possible:
- \plus~(\nS~(\nS~\nO))~(\nS~\nO) & \tri & \nS~(\plus~(\nS~\nO)~(\nS~\nO))\\
- & \tri & \nS~(\nS~(\plus~\nO~(\nS~\nO)))\\
- & \tri & \nS~(\nS~(\nS~\nO))\\
-% La disparition de Program devrait rendre la construction Match obsolete
-% \subsubsection{The {\tt Match \ldots with \ldots end} expression}
-% \label{Matchexpr}
-% %\paragraph{A unary {\tt Match\ldots with \ldots end}.}
-% \index{Match...with...end@{\tt Match \ldots with \ldots end}}
-% The {\tt Match} operator which was a primitive notion in older
-% presentations of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions is now just a
-% macro definition which generates the good combination of {\tt Case}
-% and {\tt Fix} operators in order to generate an operator for primitive
-% recursive definitions. It always considers an inductive definition as
-% a single inductive definition.
-% The following examples illustrates this feature.
-% \begin{coq_example}
-% Definition nat_pr : (C:Set)C->(nat->C->C)->nat->C
-% :=[C,x,g,n]Match n with x g end.
-% Print nat_pr.
-% \end{coq_example}
-% \begin{coq_example}
-% Definition forest_pr
-% : (C:Set)C->(tree->forest->C->C)->forest->C
-% := [C,x,g,n]Match n with x g end.
-% \end{coq_example}
-% Cet exemple faisait error (HH le 12/12/96), j'ai change pour une
-% version plus simple
-%Definition forest_pr
-% : (P:forest->Set)(P emptyf)->((t:tree)(f:forest)(P f)->(P (consf t f)))
-% ->(f:forest)(P f)
-% := [C,x,g,n]Match n with x g end.
-\subsubsection{Mutual induction}
-The principles of mutual induction can be automatically generated
-using the {\tt Scheme} command described in Section~\ref{Scheme}.
-\section{Admissible rules for global environments}
-From the original rules of the type system, one can show the
-admissibility of rules which change the local context of definition of
-objects in the global environment. We show here the admissible rules
-that are used used in the discharge mechanism at the end of a section.
-% This is obsolete: Abstraction over defined constants actually uses a
-% let-in since there are let-ins in Coq
-%% \paragraph{Mechanism of substitution.}
-%% One rule which can be proved valid, is to replace a term $c$ by its
-%% value in the global environment. As we defined the substitution of a term for
-%% a variable in a term, one can define the substitution of a term for a
-%% constant. One easily extends this substitution to local contexts and global
-%% environments.
-%% \paragraph{Substitution Property:}
-%% \inference{\frac{\WF{E;c:=t:T; E'}{\Gamma}}
-%% {\WF{E; \subst{E'}{c}{t}}{\subst{\Gamma}{c}{t}}}}
-One can modify a global declaration by generalizing it over a
-previously assumed constant $c$. For doing that, we need to modify the
-reference to the global declaration in the subsequent global
-environment and local context by explicitly applying this constant to
-the constant $c'$.
-Below, if $\Gamma$ is a context of the form
-$[y_1:A_1;\ldots;y_n:A_n]$, we write $\forall
-x:U,\subst{\Gamma}{c}{x}$ to mean
-to mean the parallel substitution
-\paragraph{First abstracting property:}
- \inference{\frac{\WF{E;c:U;E';c':=t:T;E''}{\Gamma}}
- {\WF{E;c:U;E';c':=\lb x:U\mto \subst{t}{c}{x}:\forall~x:U,\subst{T}{c}{x};
- \subst{E''}{c'}{(c'~c)}}{\subst{\Gamma}{c}{(c~c')}}}}
- \inference{\frac{\WF{E;c:U;E';c':T;E''}{\Gamma}}
- {\WF{E;c:U;E';c':\forall~x:U,\subst{T}{c}{x};
- \subst{E''}{c'}{(c'~c)}}{\subst{\Gamma}{c}{(c~c')}}}}
- \inference{\frac{\WF{E;c:U;E';\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C};E''}{\Gamma}}
- {\WFTWOLINES{E;c:U;E';\Ind{}{p+1}{\forall x:U,\subst{\Gamma_I}{c}{x}}{\forall x:U,\subst{\Gamma_C}{c}{x}};\subst{E''}{|\Gamma_I,\Gamma_C|}{|\Gamma_I,\Gamma_C|~c}}{\subst{\Gamma}{|\Gamma_I,\Gamma_C|}{|\Gamma_I,\Gamma_C|~c}}}}
-One can similarly modify a global declaration by generalizing it over
-a previously defined constant~$c'$. Below, if $\Gamma$ is a context
-of the form $[y_1:A_1;\ldots;y_n:A_n]$, we write $
-\subst{\Gamma}{c}{u}$ to mean
-\paragraph{Second abstracting property:}
- \inference{\frac{\WF{E;c:=u:U;E';c':=t:T;E''}{\Gamma}}
- {\WF{E;c:=u:U;E';c':=(\letin{x}{u:U}{\subst{t}{c}{x}}):\subst{T}{c}{u};E''}{\Gamma}}}
- \inference{\frac{\WF{E;c:=u:U;E';c':T;E''}{\Gamma}}
- {\WF{E;c:=u:U;E';c':\subst{T}{c}{u};E''}{\Gamma}}}
- \inference{\frac{\WF{E;c:=u:U;E';\Ind{}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C};E''}{\Gamma}}
- {\WF{E;c:=u:U;E';\Ind{}{p}{\subst{\Gamma_I}{c}{u}}{\subst{\Gamma_C}{c}{u}};E''}{\Gamma}}}
-\paragraph{Pruning the local context.}
-If one abstracts or substitutes constants with the above rules then it
-may happen that some declared or defined constant does not occur any
-more in the subsequent global environment and in the local context. One can
-consequently derive the following property.
-\paragraph{First pruning property:}
-\inference{\frac{\WF{E;c:U;E'}{\Gamma} \qquad c \mbox{ does not occur in $E'$ and $\Gamma$}}
- {\WF{E;E'}{\Gamma}}}
-\paragraph{Second pruning property:}
-\inference{\frac{\WF{E;c:=u:U;E'}{\Gamma} \qquad c \mbox{ does not occur in $E'$ and $\Gamma$}}
- {\WF{E;E'}{\Gamma}}}
-\section{Co-inductive types}
-The implementation contains also co-inductive definitions, which are
-types inhabited by infinite objects.
-More information on co-inductive definitions can be found
-%They are described in Chapter~\ref{Co-inductives}.
-\section[The Calculus of Inductive Construction with
- impredicative \Set]{The Calculus of Inductive Construction with
- impredicative \Set\label{impredicativity}}
-\Coq{} can be used as a type-checker for the
-Calculus of Inductive Constructions with an impredicative sort \Set{}
-by using the compiler option \texttt{-impredicative-set}.
-For example, using the ordinary \texttt{coqtop} command, the following
-is rejected.
-% (** This example should fail *******************************
-% Error: The term forall X:Set, X -> X has type Type
-% while it is expected to have type Set ***)
-Fail Definition id: Set := forall X:Set,X->X.
-while it will type-check, if one uses instead the \texttt{coqtop
- -impredicative-set} command.
-The major change in the theory concerns the rule for product formation
-in the sort \Set, which is extended to a domain in any sort:
-\item [Prod] \index{Typing rules!Prod (impredicative Set)}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~~~~
- \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Set}}
- { \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Set}}}
-This extension has consequences on the inductive definitions which are
-In the impredicative system, one can build so-called {\em large inductive
- definitions} like the example of second-order existential
-quantifier (\texttt{exSet}).
-There should be restrictions on the eliminations which can be
-performed on such definitions. The eliminations rules in the
-impredicative system for sort \Set{} become:
-\item[\Set] \inference{\frac{s \in
- \{\Prop, \Set\}}{\compat{I:\Set}{I\ra s}}
-~~~~\frac{I \mbox{~is a small inductive definition}~~~~s \in
- \{\Type(i)\}}
- {\compat{I:\Set}{I\ra s}}}
-%%% Local Variables:
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diff --git a/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex b/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
index c7a98fce4..ec36304a6 100644
--- a/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
+++ b/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ Options A and B of the licence are {\em not} elected.}
\include{RefMan-gal.v}% Gallina
\include{RefMan-lib.v}% The coq library
-\include{RefMan-cic.v}% The Calculus of Constructions
\include{RefMan-modr}% The module system
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/index.rst b/doc/sphinx/index.rst
index f2e444c0c..928ea85be 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/index.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/index.rst
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Table of contents
:caption: The language
+ language/cic
.. toctree::
:caption: The proof engine
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ed652409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/language/cic.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1845 @@
+.. include:: ../preamble.rst
+.. include:: ../replaces.rst
+.. _calculusofinductiveconstructions:
+Calculus of Inductive Constructions
+The underlying formal language of |Coq| is a *Calculus of Inductive
+Constructions* (|Cic|) whose inference rules are presented in this
+chapter. The history of this formalism as well as pointers to related
+work are provided in a separate chapter; see *Credits*.
+.. _The-terms:
+The terms
+The expressions of the |Cic| are *terms* and all terms have a *type*.
+There are types for functions (or programs), there are atomic types
+(especially datatypes)... but also types for proofs and types for the
+types themselves. Especially, any object handled in the formalism must
+belong to a type. For instance, universal quantification is relative
+to a type and takes the form "*for all x of type T, P* ". The expression
+“x of type T” is written :g:`x:T`. Informally, :g:`x:T` can be thought as
+“x belongs to T”.
+The types of types are *sorts*. Types and sorts are themselves terms
+so that terms, types and sorts are all components of a common
+syntactic language of terms which is described in Section :ref:`terms` but,
+first, we describe sorts.
+.. _Sorts:
+All sorts have a type and there is an infinite well-founded typing
+hierarchy of sorts whose base sorts are :math:`\Prop` and :math:`\Set`.
+The sort :math:`\Prop` intends to be the type of logical propositions. If :math:`M` is a
+logical proposition then it denotes the class of terms representing
+proofs of :math:`M`. An object :math:`m` belonging to :math:`M` witnesses the fact that :math:`M` is
+provable. An object of type :math:`\Prop` is called a proposition.
+The sort :math:`\Set` intends to be the type of small sets. This includes data
+types such as booleans and naturals, but also products, subsets, and
+function types over these data types.
+:math:`\Prop` and :math:`\Set` themselves can be manipulated as ordinary terms.
+Consequently they also have a type. Because assuming simply that :math:`\Set`
+has type :math:`\Set` leads to an inconsistent theory :cite:`Coq86`, the language of
+|Cic| has infinitely many sorts. There are, in addition to :math:`\Set` and :math:`\Prop`
+a hierarchy of universes :math:`\Type(i)` for any integer :math:`i`.
+Like :math:`\Set`, all of the sorts :math:`\Type(i)` contain small sets such as
+booleans, natural numbers, as well as products, subsets and function
+types over small sets. But, unlike :math:`\Set`, they also contain large sets,
+namely the sorts :math:`\Set` and :math:`\Type(j)` for :math:`j<i`, and all products, subsets
+and function types over these sorts.
+Formally, we call :math:`\Sort` the set of sorts which is defined by:
+.. math::
+ \Sort \equiv \{\Prop,\Set,\Type(i)\;|\; i~∈ ℕ\}
+Their properties, such as: :math:`\Prop:\Type(1)`, :math:`\Set:\Type(1)`, and
+:math:`\Type(i):\Type(i+1)`, are defined in Section :ref:`subtyping-rules`.
+The user does not have to mention explicitly the index :math:`i` when
+referring to the universe :math:`\Type(i)`. One only writes :math:`\Type`. The system
+itself generates for each instance of :math:`\Type` a new index for the
+universe and checks that the constraints between these indexes can be
+solved. From the user point of view we consequently have :math:`\Type:\Type`. We
+shall make precise in the typing rules the constraints between the
+.. _Implementation-issues:
+**Implementation issues** In practice, the Type hierarchy is
+implemented using *algebraic
+universes*. An algebraic universe :math:`u` is either a variable (a qualified
+identifier with a number) or a successor of an algebraic universe (an
+expression :math:`u+1`), or an upper bound of algebraic universes (an
+expression :math:`\max(u 1 ,...,u n )`), or the base universe (the expression
+:math:`0`) which corresponds, in the arity of template polymorphic inductive
+types (see Section
+to the predicative sort :math:`\Set`. A graph of
+constraints between the universe variables is maintained globally. To
+ensure the existence of a mapping of the universes to the positive
+integers, the graph of constraints must remain acyclic. Typing
+expressions that violate the acyclicity of the graph of constraints
+results in a Universe inconsistency error (see also Section
+.. _Terms:
+Terms are built from sorts, variables, constants, abstractions,
+applications, local definitions, and products. From a syntactic point
+of view, types cannot be distinguished from terms, except that they
+cannot start by an abstraction or a constructor. More precisely the
+language of the *Calculus of Inductive Constructions* is built from
+the following rules.
+#. the sorts :math:`\Set`, :math:`\Prop`, :math:`\Type(i)` are terms.
+#. variables, hereafter ranged over by letters :math:`x`, :math:`y`, etc., are terms
+#. constants, hereafter ranged over by letters :math:`c`, :math:`d`, etc., are terms.
+#. if :math:`x` is a variable and :math:`T`, :math:`U` are terms then
+ :math:`∀ x:T,U` (:g:`forall x:T, U` in |Coq| concrete syntax) is a term.
+ If :math:`x` occurs in :math:`U`, :math:`∀ x:T,U` reads as
+ “for all :math:`x` of type :math:`T`, :math:`U`”.
+ As :math:`U` depends on :math:`x`, one says that :math:`∀ x:T,U` is
+ a *dependent product*. If :math:`x` does not occur in :math:`U` then
+ :math:`∀ x:T,U` reads as
+ “if :math:`T` then :math:`U`”. A *non dependent product* can be
+ written: :math:`T \rightarrow U`.
+#. if :math:`x` is a variable and :math:`T`, :math:`u` are terms then
+ :math:`λ x:T . u` (:g:`fun x:T => u`
+ in |Coq| concrete syntax) is a term. This is a notation for the
+ λ-abstraction of λ-calculus :cite:`Bar81`. The term :math:`λ x:T . u` is a function
+ which maps elements of :math:`T` to the expression :math:`u`.
+#. if :math:`t` and :math:`u` are terms then :math:`(t~u)` is a term
+ (:g:`t u` in |Coq| concrete
+ syntax). The term :math:`(t~u)` reads as “t applied to u”.
+#. if :g:`x` is a variable, and :math:`t`, :math:`T` and :math:`u` are
+ terms then :g:`let x:=t:T in u` is
+ a term which denotes the term :math:`u` where the variable :math:`x` is locally bound
+ to :math:`t` of type :math:`T`. This stands for the common “let-in” construction of
+ functional programs such as ML or Scheme.
+.. _Free-variables:
+**Free variables.**
+The notion of free variables is defined as usual. In the expressions
+:g:`λx:T. U` and :g:`∀ x:T, U` the occurrences of :math:`x` in :math:`U` are bound.
+.. _Substitution:
+The notion of substituting a term :math:`t` to free occurrences of a variable
+:math:`x` in a term :math:`u` is defined as usual. The resulting term is written
+.. _The-logical-vs-programming-readings:
+**The logical vs programming readings.**
+The constructions of the |Cic| can be used to express both logical and
+programming notions, accordingly to the Curry-Howard correspondence
+between proofs and programs, and between propositions and types
+For instance, let us assume that :math:`\nat` is the type of natural numbers
+with zero element written :math:`0` and that :g:`True` is the always true
+proposition. Then :math:`→` is used both to denote :math:`\nat→\nat` which is the type
+of functions from :math:`\nat` to :math:`\nat`, to denote True→True which is an
+implicative proposition, to denote :math:`\nat →\Prop` which is the type of
+unary predicates over the natural numbers, etc.
+Let us assume that ``mult`` is a function of type :math:`\nat→\nat→\nat` and ``eqnat`` a
+predicate of type \nat→\nat→ \Prop. The λ-abstraction can serve to build
+“ordinary” functions as in :math:`λ x:\nat.(\kw{mult}~x~x)` (i.e.
+:g:`fun x:nat => mult x x`
+in |Coq| notation) but may build also predicates over the natural
+numbers. For instance :math:`λ x:\nat.(\kw{eqnat}~x~0)`
+(i.e. :g:`fun x:nat => eqnat x 0`
+in |Coq| notation) will represent the predicate of one variable :math:`x` which
+asserts the equality of :math:`x` with :math:`0`. This predicate has type
+:math:`\nat → \Prop`
+and it can be applied to any expression of type :math:`\nat`, say :math:`t`, to give an
+object :math:`P~t` of type :math:`\Prop`, namely a proposition.
+Furthermore :g:`forall x:nat, P x` will represent the type of functions
+which associate to each natural number :math:`n` an object of type :math:`(P~n)` and
+consequently represent the type of proofs of the formula “:math:`∀ x. P(x`)”.
+.. _Typing-rules:
+Typing rules
+As objects of type theory, terms are subjected to *type discipline*.
+The well typing of a term depends on a global environment and a local
+.. _Local-context:
+**Local context.**
+A *local context* is an ordered list of *local declarations* of names
+which we call *variables*. The declaration of some variable :math:`x` is
+either a *local assumption*, written :math:`x:T` (:math:`T` is a type) or a *local
+definition*, written :math:`x:=t:T`. We use brackets to write local contexts.
+A typical example is :math:`[x:T;y:=u:U;z:V]`. Notice that the variables
+declared in a local context must be distinct. If :math:`Γ` is a local context
+that declares some :math:`x`, we
+write :math:`x ∈ Γ`. By writing :math:`(x:T) ∈ Γ` we mean that either :math:`x:T` is an
+assumption in :math:`Γ` or that there exists some :math:`t` such that :math:`x:=t:T` is a
+definition in :math:`Γ`. If :math:`Γ` defines some :math:`x:=t:T`, we also write :math:`(x:=t:T) ∈ Γ`.
+For the rest of the chapter, :math:`Γ::(y:T)` denotes the local context :math:`Γ`
+enriched with the local assumption :math:`y:T`. Similarly, :math:`Γ::(y:=t:T)` denotes
+the local context :math:`Γ` enriched with the local definition :math:`(y:=t:T)`. The
+notation :math:`[]` denotes the empty local context. By :math:`Γ_1 ; Γ_2` we mean
+concatenation of the local context :math:`Γ_1` and the local context :math:`Γ_2` .
+.. _Global-environment:
+**Global environment.**
+A *global environment* is an ordered list of *global declarations*.
+Global declarations are either *global assumptions* or *global
+definitions*, but also declarations of inductive objects. Inductive
+objects themselves declare both inductive or coinductive types and
+constructors (see Section :ref:`inductive-definitions`).
+A *global assumption* will be represented in the global environment as
+:math:`(c:T)` which assumes the name :math:`c` to be of some type :math:`T`. A *global
+definition* will be represented in the global environment as :math:`c:=t:T`
+which defines the name :math:`c` to have value :math:`t` and type :math:`T`. We shall call
+such names *constants*. For the rest of the chapter, the :math:`E;c:T` denotes
+the global environment :math:`E` enriched with the global assumption :math:`c:T`.
+Similarly, :math:`E;c:=t:T` denotes the global environment :math:`E` enriched with the
+global definition :math:`(c:=t:T)`.
+The rules for inductive definitions (see Section
+:ref:`inductive-definitions`) have to be considered as assumption
+rules to which the following definitions apply: if the name :math:`c`
+is declared in :math:`E`, we write :math:`c ∈ E` and if :math:`c:T` or
+:math:`c:=t:T` is declared in :math:`E`, we write :math:`(c : T) ∈ E`.
+.. _Typing-rules2:
+**Typing rules.**
+In the following, we define simultaneously two judgments. The first
+one :math:`\WTEG{t}{T}` means the term :math:`t` is well-typed and has type :math:`T` in the
+global environment :math:`E` and local context :math:`Γ`. The second judgment :math:`\WFE{Γ}`
+means that the global environment :math:`E` is well-formed and the local
+context :math:`Γ` is a valid local context in this global environment.
+A term :math:`t` is well typed in a global environment :math:`E` iff
+there exists a local context :math:`\Gamma` and a term :math:`T` such
+that the judgment :math:`\WTEG{t}{T}` can be derived from the
+following rules.
+.. inference:: W-Empty
+ ---------
+ \WF{[]}{}
+.. inference:: W-Local-Assum
+ \WTEG{T}{s}
+ s \in \Sort
+ x \not\in \Gamma % \cup E
+ -------------------------
+ \WFE{\Gamma::(x:T)}
+.. inference:: W-Local-Def
+ \WTEG{t}{T}
+ x \not\in \Gamma % \cup E
+ -------------------------
+ \WFE{\Gamma::(x:=t:T)}
+.. inference:: W-Global-Assum
+ \WTE{}{T}{s}
+ s \in \Sort
+ c \notin E
+ ------------
+ \WF{E;c:T}{}
+.. inference:: W-Global-Def
+ \WTE{}{t}{T}
+ c \notin E
+ ---------------
+ \WF{E;c:=t:T}{}
+.. inference:: Ax-Prop
+ \WFE{\Gamma}
+ ----------------------
+ \WTEG{\Prop}{\Type(1)}
+.. inference:: Ax-Set
+ \WFE{\Gamma}
+ ---------------------
+ \WTEG{\Set}{\Type(1)}
+.. inference:: Ax-Type
+ \WFE{\Gamma}
+ ---------------------------
+ \WTEG{\Type(i)}{\Type(i+1)}
+.. inference:: Var
+ \WFE{\Gamma}
+ (x:T) \in \Gamma~~\mbox{or}~~(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma~\mbox{for some $t$}
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ \WTEG{x}{T}
+.. inference:: Const
+ \WFE{\Gamma}
+ (c:T) \in E~~\mbox{or}~~(c:=t:T) \in E~\mbox{for some $t$}
+ ----------------------------------------------------------
+ \WTEG{c}{T}
+.. inference:: Prod-Prop
+ \WTEG{T}{s}
+ s \in {\Sort}
+ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Prop}
+ -----------------------------
+ \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Prop}
+.. inference:: Prod-Set
+ \WTEG{T}{s}
+ s \in \{\Prop, \Set\}
+ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Set}
+ ----------------------------
+ \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Set}
+.. inference:: Prod-Type
+ \WTEG{T}{\Type(i)}
+ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Type(i)}
+ --------------------------------
+ \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Type(i)}
+.. inference:: Lam
+ \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{s}
+ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{t}{U}
+ ------------------------------------
+ \WTEG{\lb x:T\mto t}{\forall x:T, U}
+.. inference:: App
+ \WTEG{t}{\forall~x:U,T}
+ \WTEG{u}{U}
+ ------------------------------
+ \WTEG{(t\ u)}{\subst{T}{x}{u}}
+.. inference:: Let
+ \WTEG{t}{T}
+ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:=t:T)}{u}{U}
+ -----------------------------------------
+ \WTEG{\letin{x}{t:T}{u}}{\subst{U}{x}{t}}
+**Remark**: **Prod-Prop** and **Prod-Set** typing-rules make sense if we consider the
+semantic difference between :math:`\Prop` and :math:`\Set`:
++ All values of a type that has a sort :math:`\Set` are extractable.
++ No values of a type that has a sort :math:`\Prop` are extractable.
+**Remark**: We may have :math:`\letin{x}{t:T}{u}` well-typed without having
+:math:`((λ x:T.u) t)` well-typed (where :math:`T` is a type of
+:math:`t`). This is because the value :math:`t` associated to
+:math:`x` may be used in a conversion rule (see Section :ref:`Conversion-rules`).
+.. _Conversion-rules:
+Conversion rules
+In |Cic|, there is an internal reduction mechanism. In particular, it
+can decide if two programs are *intentionally* equal (one says
+*convertible*). Convertibility is described in this section.
+.. _β-reduction:
+We want to be able to identify some terms as we can identify the
+application of a function to a given argument with its result. For
+instance the identity function over a given type T can be written
+:math:`λx:T. x`. In any global environment :math:`E` and local context
+:math:`Γ`, we want to identify any object :math:`a` (of type
+:math:`T`) with the application :math:`((λ x:T. x) a)`. We define for
+this a *reduction* (or a *conversion*) rule we call :math:`β`:
+.. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ ((λx:T. t) u)~\triangleright_β~\subst{t}{x}{u}
+We say that :math:`\subst{t}{x}{u}` is the *β-contraction* of
+:math:`((λx:T. t) u)` and, conversely, that :math:`((λ x:T. t) u)` is the
+*β-expansion* of :math:`\subst{t}{x}{u}`.
+According to β-reduction, terms of the *Calculus of Inductive
+Constructions* enjoy some fundamental properties such as confluence,
+strong normalization, subject reduction. These results are
+theoretically of great importance but we will not detail them here and
+refer the interested reader to :cite:`Coq85`.
+.. _ι-reduction:
+A specific conversion rule is associated to the inductive objects in
+the global environment. We shall give later on (see Section
+:ref:`Well-formed-inductive-definitions`) the precise rules but it
+just says that a destructor applied to an object built from a
+constructor behaves as expected. This reduction is called ι-reduction
+and is more precisely studied in :cite:`Moh93,Wer94`.
+.. _δ-reduction:
+We may have variables defined in local contexts or constants defined
+in the global environment. It is legal to identify such a reference
+with its value, that is to expand (or unfold) it into its value. This
+reduction is called δ-reduction and shows as follows.
+.. inference:: Delta-Local
+ \WFE{\Gamma}
+ (x:=t:T) ∈ Γ
+ --------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ x~\triangleright_Δ~t
+.. inference:: Delta-Global
+ \WFE{\Gamma}
+ (c:=t:T) ∈ E
+ --------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ c~\triangleright_δ~t
+.. _ζ-reduction:
+|Coq| allows also to remove local definitions occurring in terms by
+replacing the defined variable by its value. The declaration being
+destroyed, this reduction differs from δ-reduction. It is called
+ζ-reduction and shows as follows.
+.. inference:: Zeta
+ \WFE{\Gamma}
+ \WTEG{u}{U}
+ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:=u:U)}{t}{T}
+ --------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ \letin{x}{u}{t}~\triangleright_ζ~\subst{t}{x}{u}
+.. _η-expansion:
+Another important concept is η-expansion. It is legal to identify any
+term :math:`t` of functional type :math:`∀ x:T, U` with its so-called η-expansion
+.. math::
+ λx:T. (t~x)
+for :math:`x` an arbitrary variable name fresh in :math:`t`.
+**Remark**: We deliberately do not define η-reduction:
+.. math::
+ λ x:T. (t~x) \not\triangleright_η t
+This is because, in general, the type of :math:`t` need not to be convertible
+to the type of :math:`λ x:T. (t~x)`. E.g., if we take :math:`f` such that:
+.. math::
+ f : ∀ x:\Type(2),\Type(1)
+.. math::
+ λ x:\Type(1),(f~x) : ∀ x:\Type(1),\Type(1)
+We could not allow
+.. math::
+ λ x:Type(1),(f x) \triangleright_η f
+because the type of the reduced term :math:`∀ x:\Type(2),\Type(1)` would not be
+convertible to the type of the original term :math:`∀ x:\Type(1),\Type(1).`
+.. _Convertibility:
+Let us write :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ t \triangleright u` for the contextual closure of the
+relation :math:`t` reduces to :math:`u` in the global environment
+:math:`E` and local context :math:`Γ` with one of the previous
+reductions β, ι, δ or ζ.
+We say that two terms :math:`t_1` and :math:`t_2` are
+*βιδζη-convertible*, or simply *convertible*, or *equivalent*, in the
+global environment :math:`E` and local context :math:`Γ` iff there
+exist terms :math:`u_1` and :math:`u_2` such that :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ t_1 \triangleright
+… \triangleright u_1` and :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ t_2 \triangleright … \triangleright u_2` and either :math:`u_1` and
+:math:`u_2` are identical, or they are convertible up to η-expansion,
+i.e. :math:`u_1` is :math:`λ x:T. u_1'` and :math:`u_2 x` is
+recursively convertible to :math:`u_1'` , or, symmetrically,
+:math:`u_2` is :math:`λx:T. u_2'`
+and :math:`u_1 x` is recursively convertible to u_2′ . We then write
+:math:`E[Γ] ⊢ t_1 =_{βδιζη} t_2` .
+Apart from this we consider two instances of polymorphic and
+cumulative (see Chapter :ref:`polymorphicuniverses`) inductive types
+(see below) convertible
+.. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ t~w_1 … w_m =_{βδιζη} t~w_1' … w_m'
+if we have subtypings (see below) in both directions, i.e.,
+.. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ t~w_1 … w_m ≤_{βδιζη} t~w_1' … w_m'
+.. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ t~w_1' … w_m' ≤_{βδιζη} t~w_1 … w_m.
+Furthermore, we consider
+.. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ c~v_1 … v_m =_{βδιζη} c'~v_1' … v_m'
+convertible if
+.. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ v_i =_{βδιζη} v_i'
+and we have that :math:`c` and :math:`c'`
+are the same constructors of different instances of the same inductive
+types (differing only in universe levels) such that
+.. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ c~v_1 … v_m : t~w_1 … w_m
+.. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ c'~v_1' … v_m' : t'~ w_1' … w_m '
+and we have
+.. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ t~w_1 … w_m =_{βδιζη} t~w_1' … w_m'.
+The convertibility relation allows introducing a new typing rule which
+says that two convertible well-formed types have the same inhabitants.
+.. _subtyping-rules:
+Subtyping rules
+At the moment, we did not take into account one rule between universes
+which says that any term in a universe of index i is also a term in
+the universe of index i+1 (this is the *cumulativity* rule of|Cic|).
+This property extends the equivalence relation of convertibility into
+a *subtyping* relation inductively defined by:
+#. if :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ t =_{βδιζη} u` then :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ t ≤_{βδιζη} u`,
+#. if :math:`i ≤ j` then :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ \Type(i) ≤_{βδιζη} \Type(j)`,
+#. for any :math:`i`, :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ \Set ≤_{βδιζη} \Type(i)`,
+#. :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ \Prop ≤_{βδιζη} \Set`, hence, by transitivity,
+ :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ \Prop ≤_{βδιζη} \Type(i)`, for any :math:`i`
+#. if :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ T =_{βδιζη} U` and
+ :math:`E[Γ::(x:T)] ⊢ T' ≤_{βδιζη} U'` then
+ :math:`E[Γ] ⊢ ∀x:T, T′ ≤_{βδιζη} ∀ x:U, U′`.
+#. if :math:`\ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}` is a universe polymorphic and cumulative
+ (see Chapter :ref:`polymorphicuniverses`) inductive type (see below)
+ and
+ :math:`(t : ∀Γ_P ,∀Γ_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}, \Sort)∈Γ_I`
+ and
+ :math:`(t' : ∀Γ_P' ,∀Γ_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}', \Sort')∈Γ_I`
+ are two different instances of *the same* inductive type (differing only in
+ universe levels) with constructors
+ .. math::
+ [c_1 : ∀Γ_P ,∀ T_{1,1} … T_{1,n_1} , t~v_{1,1} … v_{1,m} ;…;
+ c_k : ∀Γ_P ,∀ T_{k,1} … T_{k,n_k} ,t~v_{n,1} … v_{n,m} ]
+ and
+ .. math::
+ [c_1 : ∀Γ_P' ,∀ T_{1,1}' … T_{1,n_1}' , t'~v_{1,1}' … v_{1,m}' ;…;
+ c_k : ∀Γ_P' ,∀ T_{k,1}' … T_{k,n_k}' ,t'~v_{n,1}' … v_{n,m}' ]
+ respectively then
+ .. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ t~w_1 … w_m ≤_{βδιζη} t~w_1' … w_m'
+ (notice that :math:`t` and :math:`t'` are both
+ fully applied, i.e., they have a sort as a type) if
+ .. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ w_i =_{βδιζη} w_i'
+ for :math:`1 ≤ i ≤ m` and we have
+ .. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ T_{i,j} ≤_{βδιζη} T_{i,j}'
+ and
+ .. math::
+ E[Γ] ⊢ A_i ≤_{βδιζη} A_i'
+ where :math:`Γ_{\mathit{Arr}(t)} = [a_1 : A_1 ; … ; a_l : A_l ]` and
+ :math:`Γ_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}' = [a_1 : A_1'; … ; a_l : A_l']`.
+The conversion rule up to subtyping is now exactly:
+.. inference:: Conv
+ E[Γ] ⊢ U : s
+ E[Γ] ⊢ t : T
+ E[Γ] ⊢ T ≤_{βδιζη} U
+ --------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ t : U
+.. _Normal-form:
+**Normal form**. A term which cannot be any more reduced is said to be in *normal
+form*. There are several ways (or strategies) to apply the reduction
+rules. Among them, we have to mention the *head reduction* which will
+play an important role (see Chapter :ref:`tactics`). Any term :math:`t` can be written as
+:math:`λ x_1 :T_1 . … λ x_k :T_k . (t_0~t_1 … t_n )` where :math:`t_0` is not an
+application. We say then that :math:`t~0` is the *head of* :math:`t`. If we assume
+that :math:`t_0` is :math:`λ x:T. u_0` then one step of β-head reduction of :math:`t` is:
+.. math::
+ λ x_1 :T_1 . … λ x_k :T_k . (λ x:T. u_0~t_1 … t_n ) \triangleright
+ λ (x_1 :T_1 )…(x_k :T_k ). (\subst{u_0}{x}{t_1}~t_2 … t_n )
+Iterating the process of head reduction until the head of the reduced
+term is no more an abstraction leads to the *β-head normal form* of :math:`t`:
+.. math::
+ t \triangleright … \triangleright λ x_1 :T_1 . …λ x_k :T_k . (v~u_1 … u_m )
+where :math:`v` is not an abstraction (nor an application). Note that the head
+normal form must not be confused with the normal form since some :math:`u_i`
+can be reducible. Similar notions of head-normal forms involving δ, ι
+and ζ reductions or any combination of those can also be defined.
+.. _inductive-definitions:
+Inductive Definitions
+Formally, we can represent any *inductive definition* as
+:math:`\ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}` where:
++ :math:`Γ_I` determines the names and types of inductive types;
++ :math:`Γ_C` determines the names and types of constructors of these
+ inductive types;
++ :math:`p` determines the number of parameters of these inductive types.
+These inductive definitions, together with global assumptions and
+global definitions, then form the global environment. Additionally,
+for any :math:`p` there always exists :math:`Γ_P =[a_1 :A_1 ;…;a_p :A_p ]` such that
+each :math:`T` in :math:`(t:T)∈Γ_I \cup Γ_C` can be written as: :math:`∀Γ_P , T'` where :math:`Γ_P` is
+called the *context of parameters*. Furthermore, we must have that
+each :math:`T` in :math:`(t:T)∈Γ_I` can be written as: :math:`∀Γ_P,∀Γ_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}, S` where
+:math:`Γ_{\mathit{Arr}(t)}` is called the *Arity* of the inductive type t and :math:`S` is called
+the sort of the inductive type t (not to be confused with :math:`\Sort` which is the set of sorts).
+** Examples** The declaration for parameterized lists is:
+.. math::
+ \ind{1}{[\List:\Set→\Set]}{\left[\begin{array}{rcl}
+ \Nil & : & \forall A:\Set,\List~A \\
+ \cons & : & \forall A:\Set, A→ \List~A→ \List~A
+ \end{array}
+ \right]}
+which corresponds to the result of the |Coq| declaration:
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: in
+ Inductive list (A:Set) : Set :=
+ | nil : list A
+ | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
+The declaration for a mutual inductive definition of tree and forest
+.. math::
+ \ind{~}{\left[\begin{array}{rcl}\tree&:&\Set\\\forest&:&\Set\end{array}\right]}
+ {\left[\begin{array}{rcl}
+ \node &:& \forest → \tree\\
+ \emptyf &:& \forest\\
+ \consf &:& \tree → \forest → \forest\\
+ \end{array}\right]}
+which corresponds to the result of the |Coq| declaration:
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: in
+ Inductive tree : Set :=
+ | node : forest -> tree
+ with forest : Set :=
+ | emptyf : forest
+ | consf : tree -> forest -> forest.
+The declaration for a mutual inductive definition of even and odd is:
+.. math::
+ \ind{1}{\left[\begin{array}{rcl}\even&:&\nat → \Prop \\
+ \odd&:&\nat → \Prop \end{array}\right]}
+ {\left[\begin{array}{rcl}
+ \evenO &:& \even~0\\
+ \evenS &:& \forall n, \odd~n -> \even~(\kw{S}~n)\\
+ \oddS &:& \forall n, \even~n -> \odd~(\kw{S}~n)
+ \end{array}\right]}
+which corresponds to the result of the |Coq| declaration:
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: in
+ Inductive even : nat -> prop :=
+ | even_O : even 0
+ | even_S : forall n, odd n -> even (S n)
+ with odd : nat -> prop :=
+ | odd_S : forall n, even n -> odd (S n).
+.. _Types-of-inductive-objects:
+Types of inductive objects
+We have to give the type of constants in a global environment E which
+contains an inductive declaration.
+.. inference:: Ind
+ \WFE{Γ}
+ \ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C} ∈ E
+ (a:A)∈Γ_I
+ ---------------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ a : A
+.. inference:: Constr
+ \WFE{Γ}
+ \ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C} ∈ E
+ (c:C)∈Γ_C
+ ---------------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ c : C
+Provided that our environment :math:`E` contains inductive definitions we showed before,
+these two inference rules above enable us to conclude that:
+.. math::
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ E[Γ] ⊢ \even : \nat→\Prop\\
+ E[Γ] ⊢ \odd : \nat→\Prop\\
+ E[Γ] ⊢ \even\_O : \even~O\\
+ E[Γ] ⊢ \even\_S : \forall~n:\nat, \odd~n → \even~(S~n)\\
+ E[Γ] ⊢ \odd\_S : \forall~n:\nat, \even~n → \odd~(S~n)
+ \end{array}
+.. _Well-formed-inductive-definitions:
+Well-formed inductive definitions
+We cannot accept any inductive declaration because some of them lead
+to inconsistent systems. We restrict ourselves to definitions which
+satisfy a syntactic criterion of positivity. Before giving the formal
+rules, we need a few definitions:
+**Type is an Arity of Sort S.**
+A type :math:`T` is an *arity of sort s* if it converts to the sort s or to a
+product :math:`∀ x:T,U` with :math:`U` an arity of sort s.
+.. example::
+ :math:`A→\Set` is an arity of sort :math:`\Set`. :math:`∀ A:\Prop,A→ \Prop` is an arity of sort
+ :math:`\Prop`.
+**Type is an Arity.**
+A type :math:`T` is an *arity* if there is a :math:`s∈ \Sort` such that :math:`T` is an arity of
+sort s.
+.. example::
+ :math:`A→ Set` and :math:`∀ A:\Prop,A→ \Prop` are arities.
+**Type of Constructor of I.**
+We say that T is a *type of constructor of I* in one of the following
+two cases:
++ :math:`T` is :math:`(I~t_1 … t_n )`
++ :math:`T` is :math:`∀ x:U,T'` where :math:`T'` is also a type of constructor of :math:`I`
+.. example::
+ :math:`\nat` and :math:`\nat→\nat` are types of constructor of :math:`\nat`.
+ :math:`∀ A:Type,\List~A` and :math:`∀ A:Type,A→\List~A→\List~A` are types of constructor of :math:`\List`.
+**Positivity Condition.**
+The type of constructor :math:`T` will be said to *satisfy the positivity
+condition* for a constant :math:`X` in the following cases:
++ :math:`T=(X~t_1 … t_n )` and :math:`X` does not occur free in any :math:`t_i`
++ :math:`T=∀ x:U,V` and :math:`X` occurs only strictly positively in :math:`U` and the type :math:`V`
+ satisfies the positivity condition for :math:`X`.
+**Occurs Strictly Positively.**
+The constant :math:`X` *occurs strictly positively* in :math:`T` in the following
++ :math:`X` does not occur in :math:`T`
++ :math:`T` converts to :math:`(X~t_1 … t_n )` and :math:`X` does not occur in any of :math:`t_i`
++ :math:`T` converts to :math:`∀ x:U,V` and :math:`X` does not occur in type :math:`U` but occurs
+ strictly positively in type :math:`V`
++ :math:`T` converts to :math:`(I~a_1 … a_m~t_1 … t_p )` where :math:`I` is the name of an
+ inductive declaration of the form
+ .. math::
+ \ind{m}{I:A}{c_1 :∀ p_1 :P_1 ,… ∀p_m :P_m ,C_1 ;…;c_n :∀ p_1 :P_1 ,… ∀p_m :P_m ,C_n}
+ (in particular, it is
+ not mutually defined and it has :math:`m` parameters) and :math:`X` does not occur in
+ any of the :math:`t_i`, and the (instantiated) types of constructor
+ :math:`\subst{C_i}{p_j}{a_j}_{j=1… m}` of :math:`I` satisfy the nested positivity condition for :math:`X`
+**Nested Positivity Condition.**
+The type of constructor :math:`T` of :math:`I` *satisfies the nested positivity
+condition* for a constant :math:`X` in the following cases:
++ :math:`T=(I~b_1 … b_m~u_1 … u_p)`, :math:`I` is an inductive definition with :math:`m`
+ parameters and :math:`X` does not occur in any :math:`u_i`
++ :math:`T=∀ x:U,V` and :math:`X` occurs only strictly positively in :math:`U` and the type :math:`V`
+ satisfies the nested positivity condition for :math:`X`
+For instance, if one considers the type
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Module TreeExample.
+ Inductive tree (A:Type) : Type :=
+ | leaf : tree A
+ | node : A -> (nat -> tree A) -> tree A.
+ End TreeExample.
+ [TODO Note: This commentary does not seem to correspond to the
+ preceding example. Instead it is referring to the first example
+ in Inductive Definitions section. It seems we should either
+ delete the preceding example and refer the the example above of
+ type `list A`, or else we should rewrite the commentary below.]
+ Then every instantiated constructor of list A satisfies the nested positivity
+ condition for list
+ │
+ ├─ concerning type list A of constructor nil:
+ │ Type list A of constructor nil satisfies the positivity condition for list
+ │ because list does not appear in any (real) arguments of the type of that
+ | constructor (primarily because list does not have any (real)
+ | arguments) ... (bullet 1)
+ │
+ ╰─ concerning type ∀ A → list A → list A of constructor cons:
+ Type ∀ A : Type, A → list A → list A of constructor cons
+ satisfies the positivity condition for list because:
+ │
+ ├─ list occurs only strictly positively in Type ... (bullet 3)
+ │
+ ├─ list occurs only strictly positively in A ... (bullet 3)
+ │
+ ├─ list occurs only strictly positively in list A ... (bullet 4)
+ │
+ ╰─ list satisfies the positivity condition for list A ... (bullet 1)
+.. _Correctness-rules:
+**Correctness rules.**
+We shall now describe the rules allowing the introduction of a new
+inductive definition.
+Let :math:`E` be a global environment and :math:`Γ_P`, :math:`Γ_I`, :math:`Γ_C` be contexts
+such that :math:`Γ_I` is :math:`[I_1 :∀ Γ_P ,A_1 ;…;I_k :∀ Γ_P ,A_k]`, and
+:math:`Γ_C` is :math:`[c_1:∀ Γ_P ,C_1 ;…;c_n :∀ Γ_P ,C_n ]`. Then
+.. inference:: W-Ind
+ \WFE{Γ_P}
+ (E[Γ_P ] ⊢ A_j : s_j' )_{j=1… k}
+ (E[Γ_I ;Γ_P ] ⊢ C_i : s_{q_i} )_{i=1… n}
+ ------------------------------------------
+ \WF{E;\ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}}{Γ}
+provided that the following side conditions hold:
+ + :math:`k>0` and all of :math:`I_j` and :math:`c_i` are distinct names for :math:`j=1… k` and :math:`i=1… n`,
+ + :math:`p` is the number of parameters of :math:`\ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}` and :math:`Γ_P` is the
+ context of parameters,
+ + for :math:`j=1… k` we have that :math:`A_j` is an arity of sort :math:`s_j` and :math:`I_j ∉ E`,
+ + for :math:`i=1… n` we have that :math:`C_i` is a type of constructor of :math:`I_{q_i}` which
+ satisfies the positivity condition for :math:`I_1 … I_k` and :math:`c_i ∉ Γ ∪ E`.
+One can remark that there is a constraint between the sort of the
+arity of the inductive type and the sort of the type of its
+constructors which will always be satisfied for the impredicative
+sortProp but may fail to define inductive definition on sort Set and
+generate constraints between universes for inductive definitions in
+the Type hierarchy.
+**Examples**. It is well known that the existential quantifier can be encoded as an
+inductive definition. The following declaration introduces the second-
+order existential quantifier :math:`∃ X.P(X)`.
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: in
+ Inductive exProp (P:Prop->Prop) : Prop :=
+ | exP_intro : forall X:Prop, P X -> exProp P.
+The same definition on Set is not allowed and fails:
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Fail Inductive exSet (P:Set->Prop) : Set :=
+ exS_intro : forall X:Set, P X -> exSet P.
+It is possible to declare the same inductive definition in the
+universe Type. The exType inductive definition has type
+:math:`(\Type(i)→\Prop)→\Type(j)` with the constraint that the parameter :math:`X` of :math:`\kw{exT_intro}`
+has type :math:`\Type(k)` with :math:`k<j` and :math:`k≤ i`.
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Inductive exType (P:Type->Prop) : Type :=
+ exT_intro : forall X:Type, P X -> exType P.
+.. _Template-polymorphism:
+**Template polymorphism.**
+Inductive types declared in Type are polymorphic over their arguments
+in Type. If :math:`A` is an arity of some sort and s is a sort, we write :math:`A_{/s}`
+for the arity obtained from :math:`A` by replacing its sort with s.
+Especially, if :math:`A` is well-typed in some global environment and local
+context, then :math:`A_{/s}` is typable by typability of all products in the
+Calculus of Inductive Constructions. The following typing rule is
+added to the theory.
+Let :math:`\ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}` be an inductive definition. Let
+:math:`Γ_P = [p_1 :P_1 ;…;p_p :P_p ]` be its context of parameters,
+:math:`Γ_I = [I_1:∀ Γ_P ,A_1 ;…;I_k :∀ Γ_P ,A_k ]` its context of definitions and
+:math:`Γ_C = [c_1 :∀ Γ_P ,C_1 ;…;c_n :∀ Γ_P ,C_n]` its context of constructors,
+with :math:`c_i` a constructor of :math:`I_{q_i}`. Let :math:`m ≤ p` be the length of the
+longest prefix of parameters such that the :math:`m` first arguments of all
+occurrences of all :math:`I_j` in all :math:`C_k` (even the occurrences in the
+hypotheses of :math:`C_k`) are exactly applied to :math:`p_1 … p_m` (:math:`m` is the number
+of *recursively uniform parameters* and the :math:`p−m` remaining parameters
+are the *recursively non-uniform parameters*). Let :math:`q_1 , …, q_r` , with
+:math:`0≤ r≤ m`, be a (possibly) partial instantiation of the recursively
+uniform parameters of :math:`Γ_P` . We have:
+.. inference:: Ind-Family
+ \left\{\begin{array}{l}
+ \ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C} \in E\\
+ (E[] ⊢ q_l : P'_l)_{l=1\ldots r}\\
+ (E[] ⊢ P'_l ≤_{βδιζη} \subst{P_l}{p_u}{q_u}_{u=1\ldots l-1})_{l=1\ldots r}\\
+ 1 \leq j \leq k
+ \end{array}
+ \right.
+ -----------------------------
+ E[] ⊢ I_j~q_1 … q_r :∀ [p_{r+1} :P_{r+1} ;…;p_p :P_p], (A_j)_{/s_j}
+provided that the following side conditions hold:
+ + :math:`Γ_{P′}` is the context obtained from :math:`Γ_P` by replacing each :math:`P_l` that is
+ an arity with :math:`P_l'` for :math:`1≤ l ≤ r` (notice that :math:`P_l` arity implies :math:`P_l'`
+ arity since :math:`(E[] ⊢ P_l' ≤_{βδιζη} \subst{P_l}{p_u}{q_u}_{u=1\ldots l-1} )`;
+ + there are sorts :math:`s_i` , for :math:`1 ≤ i ≤ k` such that, for
+ :math:`Γ_{I'} = [I_1 :∀ Γ_{P'} ,(A_1)_{/s_1} ;…;I_k :∀ Γ_{P'} ,(A_k)_{/s_k}]`
+ we have :math:`(E[Γ_{I′} ;Γ_{P′}] ⊢ C_i : s_{q_i})_{i=1… n}` ;
+ + the sorts :math:`s_i` are such that all eliminations, to
+ :math:`\Prop`, :math:`\Set` and :math:`\Type(j)`, are allowed
+ (see Section Destructors_).
+Notice that if :math:`I_j~q_1 … q_r` is typable using the rules **Ind-Const** and
+**App**, then it is typable using the rule **Ind-Family**. Conversely, the
+extended theory is not stronger than the theory without **Ind-Family**. We
+get an equiconsistency result by mapping each :math:`\ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}`
+occurring into a given derivation into as many different inductive
+types and constructors as the number of different (partial)
+replacements of sorts, needed for this derivation, in the parameters
+that are arities (this is possible because :math:`\ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}` well-formed
+implies that :math:`\ind{p}{Γ_{I'}}{Γ_{C'}}` is well-formed and has the
+same allowed eliminations, where :math:`Γ_{I′}` is defined as above and
+:math:`Γ_{C′} = [c_1 :∀ Γ_{P′} ,C_1 ;…;c_n :∀ Γ_{P′} ,C_n ]`). That is, the changes in the
+types of each partial instance :math:`q_1 … q_r` can be characterized by the
+ordered sets of arity sorts among the types of parameters, and to each
+signature is associated a new inductive definition with fresh names.
+Conversion is preserved as any (partial) instance :math:`I_j~q_1 … q_r` or
+:math:`C_i~q_1 … q_r` is mapped to the names chosen in the specific instance of
+In practice, the rule **Ind-Family** is used by |Coq| only when all the
+inductive types of the inductive definition are declared with an arity
+whose sort is in the Type hierarchy. Then, the polymorphism is over
+the parameters whose type is an arity of sort in the Type hierarchy.
+The sorts :math:`s_j` are chosen canonically so that each :math:`s_j` is minimal with
+respect to the hierarchy :math:`\Prop ⊂ \Set_p ⊂ \Type` where :math:`\Set_p` is predicative
+:math:`\Set`. More precisely, an empty or small singleton inductive definition
+(i.e. an inductive definition of which all inductive types are
+singleton – see paragraph Destructors_) is set in :math:`\Prop`, a small non-singleton
+inductive type is set in :math:`\Set` (even in case :math:`\Set` is impredicative – see
+Section The-Calculus-of-Inductive-Construction-with-impredicative-Set_),
+and otherwise in the Type hierarchy.
+Note that the side-condition about allowed elimination sorts in the
+rule **Ind-Family** is just to avoid to recompute the allowed elimination
+sorts at each instance of a pattern-matching (see section Destructors_). As
+an example, let us consider the following definition:
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: in
+ Inductive option (A:Type) : Type :=
+ | None : option A
+ | Some : A -> option A.
+As the definition is set in the Type hierarchy, it is used
+polymorphically over its parameters whose types are arities of a sort
+in the Type hierarchy. Here, the parameter :math:`A` has this property, hence,
+if :g:`option` is applied to a type in :math:`\Set`, the result is in :math:`\Set`. Note that
+if :g:`option` is applied to a type in :math:`\Prop`, then, the result is not set in
+:math:`\Prop` but in :math:`\Set` still. This is because :g:`option` is not a singleton type
+(see section Destructors_) and it would lose the elimination to :math:`\Set` and :math:`\Type`
+if set in :math:`\Prop`.
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Check (fun A:Set => option A).
+ Check (fun A:Prop => option A).
+Here is another example.
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: in
+ Inductive prod (A B:Type) : Type := pair : A -> B -> prod A B.
+As :g:`prod` is a singleton type, it will be in :math:`\Prop` if applied twice to
+propositions, in :math:`\Set` if applied twice to at least one type in :math:`\Set` and
+none in :math:`\Type`, and in :math:`\Type` otherwise. In all cases, the three kind of
+eliminations schemes are allowed.
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Check (fun A:Set => prod A).
+ Check (fun A:Prop => prod A A).
+ Check (fun (A:Prop) (B:Set) => prod A B).
+ Check (fun (A:Type) (B:Prop) => prod A B).
+Remark: Template polymorphism used to be called “sort-polymorphism of
+inductive types” before universe polymorphism (see Chapter :ref:`polymorphicuniverses`) was
+.. _Destructors:
+The specification of inductive definitions with arities and
+constructors is quite natural. But we still have to say how to use an
+object in an inductive type.
+This problem is rather delicate. There are actually several different
+ways to do that. Some of them are logically equivalent but not always
+equivalent from the computational point of view or from the user point
+of view.
+From the computational point of view, we want to be able to define a
+function whose domain is an inductively defined type by using a
+combination of case analysis over the possible constructors of the
+object and recursion.
+Because we need to keep a consistent theory and also we prefer to keep
+a strongly normalizing reduction, we cannot accept any sort of
+recursion (even terminating). So the basic idea is to restrict
+ourselves to primitive recursive functions and functionals.
+For instance, assuming a parameter :g:`A:Set` exists in the local context,
+we want to build a function length of type :g:`list A -> nat` which computes
+the length of the list, so such that :g:`(length (nil A)) = O` and :g:`(length
+(cons A a l)) = (S (length l))`. We want these equalities to be
+recognized implicitly and taken into account in the conversion rule.
+From the logical point of view, we have built a type family by giving
+a set of constructors. We want to capture the fact that we do not have
+any other way to build an object in this type. So when trying to prove
+a property about an object :math:`m` in an inductive definition it is enough
+to enumerate all the cases where :math:`m` starts with a different
+In case the inductive definition is effectively a recursive one, we
+want to capture the extra property that we have built the smallest
+fixed point of this recursive equation. This says that we are only
+manipulating finite objects. This analysis provides induction
+principles. For instance, in order to prove :g:`∀ l:list A,(has_length A l
+(length l))` it is enough to prove:
++ :g:`(has_length A (nil A) (length (nil A)))`
++ :g:`∀ a:A, ∀ l:list A, (has_length A l (length l)) →`
+ :g:`(has_length A (cons A a l) (length (cons A a l)))`
+which given the conversion equalities satisfied by length is the same
+as proving:
++ :g:`(has_length A (nil A) O)`
++ :g:`∀ a:A, ∀ l:list A, (has_length A l (length l)) →`
+ :g:`(has_length A (cons A a l) (S (length l)))`
+One conceptually simple way to do that, following the basic scheme
+proposed by Martin-Löf in his Intuitionistic Type Theory, is to
+introduce for each inductive definition an elimination operator. At
+the logical level it is a proof of the usual induction principle and
+at the computational level it implements a generic operator for doing
+primitive recursion over the structure.
+But this operator is rather tedious to implement and use. We choose in
+this version of |Coq| to factorize the operator for primitive recursion
+into two more primitive operations as was first suggested by Th.
+Coquand in :cite:`Coq92`. One is the definition by pattern-matching. The
+second one is a definition by guarded fixpoints.
+.. _The-match…with-end-construction:
+**The match…with …end construction**
+The basic idea of this operator is that we have an object :math:`m` in an
+inductive type :math:`I` and we want to prove a property which possibly
+depends on :math:`m`. For this, it is enough to prove the property for
+:math:`m = (c_i~u_1 … u_{p_i} )` for each constructor of :math:`I`.
+The |Coq| term for this proof
+will be written:
+.. math::
+ \Match~m~\with~(c_1~x_{11} ... x_{1p_1} ) ⇒ f_1 | … | (c_n~x_{n1} ... x_{np_n} ) ⇒ f_n \endkw
+In this expression, if :math:`m` eventually happens to evaluate to
+:math:`(c_i~u_1 … u_{p_i})` then the expression will behave as specified in its :math:`i`-th branch
+and it will reduce to :math:`f_i` where the :math:`x_{i1} …x_{ip_i}` are replaced by the
+:math:`u_1 … u_{p_i}` according to the ι-reduction.
+Actually, for type-checking a :math:`\Match…\with…\endkw` expression we also need
+to know the predicate P to be proved by case analysis. In the general
+case where :math:`I` is an inductively defined :math:`n`-ary relation, :math:`P` is a predicate
+over :math:`n+1` arguments: the :math:`n` first ones correspond to the arguments of :math:`I`
+(parameters excluded), and the last one corresponds to object :math:`m`. |Coq|
+can sometimes infer this predicate but sometimes not. The concrete
+syntax for describing this predicate uses the :math:`\as…\In…\return`
+construction. For instance, let us assume that :math:`I` is an unary predicate
+with one parameter and one argument. The predicate is made explicit
+using the syntax:
+.. math::
+ \Match~m~\as~x~\In~I~\_~a~\return~P~\with~
+ (c_1~x_{11} ... x_{1p_1} ) ⇒ f_1 | …
+ | (c_n~x_{n1} ... x_{np_n} ) ⇒ f_n~\endkw
+The :math:`\as` part can be omitted if either the result type does not depend
+on :math:`m` (non-dependent elimination) or :math:`m` is a variable (in this case, :math:`m`
+can occur in :math:`P` where it is considered a bound variable). The :math:`\In` part
+can be omitted if the result type does not depend on the arguments
+of :math:`I`. Note that the arguments of :math:`I` corresponding to parameters *must*
+be :math:`\_`, because the result type is not generalized to all possible
+values of the parameters. The other arguments of :math:`I` (sometimes called
+indices in the literature) have to be variables (:math:`a` above) and these
+variables can occur in :math:`P`. The expression after :math:`\In` must be seen as an
+*inductive type pattern*. Notice that expansion of implicit arguments
+and notations apply to this pattern. For the purpose of presenting the
+inference rules, we use a more compact notation:
+.. math::
+ \case(m,(λ a x . P), λ x_{11} ... x_{1p_1} . f_1~| … |~λ x_{n1} ...x_{np_n} . f_n )
+.. _Allowed-elimination-sorts:
+**Allowed elimination sorts.** An important question for building the typing rule for match is what
+can be the type of :math:`λ a x . P` with respect to the type of :math:`m`. If :math:`m:I`
+and :math:`I:A` and :math:`λ a x . P : B` then by :math:`[I:A|B]` we mean that one can use
+:math:`λ a x . P` with :math:`m` in the above match-construct.
+.. _Notations:
+**Notations.** The :math:`[I:A|B]` is defined as the smallest relation satisfying the
+following rules: We write :math:`[I|B]` for :math:`[I:A|B]` where :math:`A` is the type of :math:`I`.
+The case of inductive definitions in sorts :math:`\Set` or :math:`\Type` is simple.
+There is no restriction on the sort of the predicate to be eliminated.
+.. inference:: Prod
+ [(I~x):A′|B′]
+ -----------------------
+ [I:∀ x:A, A′|∀ x:A, B′]
+.. inference:: Set & Type
+ s_1 ∈ \{\Set,\Type(j)\}
+ s_2 ∈ \Sort
+ ----------------
+ [I:s_1 |I→ s_2 ]
+The case of Inductive definitions of sort :math:`\Prop` is a bit more
+complicated, because of our interpretation of this sort. The only
+harmless allowed elimination, is the one when predicate :math:`P` is also of
+sort :math:`\Prop`.
+.. inference:: Prop
+ ~
+ ---------------
+ [I:Prop|I→Prop]
+:math:`\Prop` is the type of logical propositions, the proofs of properties :math:`P` in
+:math:`\Prop` could not be used for computation and are consequently ignored by
+the extraction mechanism. Assume :math:`A` and :math:`B` are two propositions, and the
+logical disjunction :math:`A ∨ B` is defined inductively by:
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: in
+ Inductive or (A B:Prop) : Prop :=
+ or_introl : A -> or A B | or_intror : B -> or A B.
+The following definition which computes a boolean value by case over
+the proof of :g:`or A B` is not accepted:
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Fail Definition choice (A B: Prop) (x:or A B) :=
+ match x with or_introl _ _ a => true | or_intror _ _ b => false end.
+From the computational point of view, the structure of the proof of
+:g:`(or A B)` in this term is needed for computing the boolean value.
+In general, if :math:`I` has type :math:`\Prop` then :math:`P` cannot have type :math:`I→Set,` because
+it will mean to build an informative proof of type :math:`(P~m)` doing a case
+analysis over a non-computational object that will disappear in the
+extracted program. But the other way is safe with respect to our
+interpretation we can have :math:`I` a computational object and :math:`P` a
+non-computational one, it just corresponds to proving a logical property
+of a computational object.
+In the same spirit, elimination on :math:`P` of type :math:`I→Type` cannot be allowed
+because it trivially implies the elimination on :math:`P` of type :math:`I→ Set` by
+cumulativity. It also implies that there are two proofs of the same
+property which are provably different, contradicting the proof-
+irrelevance property which is sometimes a useful axiom:
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Axiom proof_irrelevance : forall (P : Prop) (x y : P), x=y.
+The elimination of an inductive definition of type :math:`\Prop` on a predicate
+:math:`P` of type :math:`I→ Type` leads to a paradox when applied to impredicative
+inductive definition like the second-order existential quantifier
+:g:`exProp` defined above, because it give access to the two projections on
+this type.
+.. _Empty-and-singleton-elimination:
+**Empty and singleton elimination.** There are special inductive definitions in
+:math:`\Prop` for which more eliminations are allowed.
+.. inference:: Prop-extended
+ I~\kw{is an empty or singleton definition}
+ s ∈ \Sort
+ -------------------------------------
+ [I:Prop|I→ s]
+A *singleton definition* has only one constructor and all the
+arguments of this constructor have type Prop. In that case, there is a
+canonical way to interpret the informative extraction on an object in
+that type, such that the elimination on any sort :math:`s` is legal. Typical
+examples are the conjunction of non-informative propositions and the
+equality. If there is an hypothesis :math:`h:a=b` in the local context, it can
+be used for rewriting not only in logical propositions but also in any
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Print eq_rec.
+ Require Extraction.
+ Extraction eq_rec.
+An empty definition has no constructors, in that case also,
+elimination on any sort is allowed.
+.. _Type-of-branches:
+**Type of branches.**
+Let :math:`c` be a term of type :math:`C`, we assume :math:`C` is a type of constructor for an
+inductive type :math:`I`. Let :math:`P` be a term that represents the property to be
+proved. We assume :math:`r` is the number of parameters and :math:`p` is the number of
+We define a new type :math:`\{c:C\}^P` which represents the type of the branch
+corresponding to the :math:`c:C` constructor.
+.. math::
+ \begin{array}{ll}
+ \{c:(I~p_1\ldots p_r\ t_1 \ldots t_p)\}^P &\equiv (P~t_1\ldots ~t_p~c) \\
+ \{c:\forall~x:T,C\}^P &\equiv \forall~x:T,\{(c~x):C\}^P
+ \end{array}
+We write :math:`\{c\}^P` for :math:`\{c:C\}^P` with :math:`C` the type of :math:`c`.
+The following term in concrete syntax::
+ match t as l return P' with
+ | nil _ => t1
+ | cons _ hd tl => t2
+ end
+can be represented in abstract syntax as
+.. math::
+ \case(t,P,f 1 | f 2 )
+.. math::
+ \begin{eqnarray*}
+ P & = & \lambda~l~.~P^\prime\\
+ f_1 & = & t_1\\
+ f_2 & = & \lambda~(hd:\nat)~.~\lambda~(tl:\List~\nat)~.~t_2
+ \end{eqnarray*}
+According to the definition:
+.. math::
+ \{(\kw{nil}~\nat)\}^P ≡ \{(\kw{nil}~\nat) : (\List~\nat)\}^P ≡ (P~(\kw{nil}~\nat))
+.. math::
+ \begin{array}{rl}
+ \{(\kw{cons}~\nat)\}^P & ≡\{(\kw{cons}~\nat) : (\nat→\List~\nat→\List~\nat)\}^P \\
+ & ≡∀ n:\nat, \{(\kw{cons}~\nat~n) : \List~\nat→\List~\nat)\}^P \\
+ & ≡∀ n:\nat, ∀ l:\List~\nat, \{(\kw{cons}~\nat~n~l) : \List~\nat)\}^P \\
+ & ≡∀ n:\nat, ∀ l:\List~\nat,(P~(\kw{cons}~\nat~n~l)).
+ \end{array}
+Given some :math:`P` then :math:`\{(\kw{nil}~\nat)\}^P` represents the expected type of :math:`f_1` ,
+and :math:`\{(\kw{cons}~\nat)\}^P` represents the expected type of :math:`f_2`.
+.. _Typing-rule:
+**Typing rule.**
+Our very general destructor for inductive definition enjoys the
+following typing rule
+.. inference:: match
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ E[Γ] ⊢ c : (I~q_1 … q_r~t_1 … t_s ) \\
+ E[Γ] ⊢ P : B \\
+ [(I~q_1 … q_r)|B] \\
+ (E[Γ] ⊢ f_i : \{(c_{p_i}~q_1 … q_r)\}^P)_{i=1… l}
+ \end{array}
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ \case(c,P,f_1 |… |f_l ) : (P~t_1 … t_s~c)
+provided :math:`I` is an inductive type in a
+definition :math:`\ind{r}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}` with :math:`Γ_C = [c_1 :C_1 ;…;c_n :C_n ]` and
+:math:`c_{p_1} … c_{p_l}` are the only constructors of :math:`I`.
+Below is a typing rule for the term shown in the previous example:
+.. inference:: list example
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ E[Γ] ⊢ t : (\List ~\nat) \\
+ E[Γ] ⊢ P : B \\
+ [(\List ~\nat)|B] \\
+ E[Γ] ⊢ f_1 : {(\kw{nil} ~\nat)}^P \\
+ E[Γ] ⊢ f_2 : {(\kw{cons} ~\nat)}^P
+ \end{array}
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ \case(t,P,f_1 |f_2 ) : (P~t)
+.. _Definition-of-ι-reduction:
+**Definition of ι-reduction.**
+We still have to define the ι-reduction in the general case.
+An ι-redex is a term of the following form:
+.. math::
+ \case((c_{p_i}~q_1 … q_r~a_1 … a_m ),P,f_1 |… |f_l )
+with :math:`c_{p_i}` the :math:`i`-th constructor of the inductive type :math:`I` with :math:`r`
+The ι-contraction of this term is :math:`(f_i~a_1 … a_m )` leading to the
+general reduction rule:
+.. math::
+ \case((c_{p_i}~q_1 … q_r~a_1 … a_m ),P,f_1 |… |f_n ) \triangleright_ι (f_i~a_1 … a_m )
+.. _Fixpoint-definitions:
+Fixpoint definitions
+The second operator for elimination is fixpoint definition. This
+fixpoint may involve several mutually recursive definitions. The basic
+concrete syntax for a recursive set of mutually recursive declarations
+is (with :math:`Γ_i` contexts):
+.. math::
+ \fix~f_1 (Γ_1 ) :A_1 :=t_1 \with … \with~f_n (Γ_n ) :A_n :=t_n
+The terms are obtained by projections from this set of declarations
+and are written
+.. math::
+ \fix~f_1 (Γ_1 ) :A_1 :=t_1 \with … \with~f_n (Γ_n ) :A_n :=t_n \for~f_i
+In the inference rules, we represent such a term by
+.. math::
+ \Fix~f_i\{f_1 :A_1':=t_1' … f_n :A_n':=t_n'\}
+with :math:`t_i'` (resp. :math:`A_i'`) representing the term :math:`t_i` abstracted (resp.
+generalized) with respect to the bindings in the context Γ_i , namely
+:math:`t_i'=λ Γ_i . t_i` and :math:`A_i'=∀ Γ_i , A_i`.
+Typing rule
+The typing rule is the expected one for a fixpoint.
+.. inference:: Fix
+ (E[Γ] ⊢ A_i : s_i )_{i=1… n}
+ (E[Γ,f_1 :A_1 ,…,f_n :A_n ] ⊢ t_i : A_i )_{i=1… n}
+ -------------------------------------------------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ \Fix~f_i\{f_1 :A_1 :=t_1 … f_n :A_n :=t_n \} : A_i
+Any fixpoint definition cannot be accepted because non-normalizing
+terms allow proofs of absurdity. The basic scheme of recursion that
+should be allowed is the one needed for defining primitive recursive
+functionals. In that case the fixpoint enjoys a special syntactic
+restriction, namely one of the arguments belongs to an inductive type,
+the function starts with a case analysis and recursive calls are done
+on variables coming from patterns and representing subterms. For
+instance in the case of natural numbers, a proof of the induction
+principle of type
+.. math::
+ ∀ P:\nat→\Prop, (P~O)→(∀ n:\nat, (P~n)→(P~(\kw{S}~n)))→ ∀ n:\nat, (P~n)
+can be represented by the term:
+.. math::
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ λ P:\nat→\Prop. λ f:(P~O). λ g:(∀ n:\nat, (P~n)→(P~(S~n))).\\
+ \Fix~h\{h:∀ n:\nat, (P~n):=λ n:\nat. \case(n,P,f | λp:\nat. (g~p~(h~p)))\}
+ \end{array}
+Before accepting a fixpoint definition as being correctly typed, we
+check that the definition is “guarded”. A precise analysis of this
+notion can be found in :cite:`Gim94`. The first stage is to precise on which
+argument the fixpoint will be decreasing. The type of this argument
+should be an inductive definition. For doing this, the syntax of
+fixpoints is extended and becomes
+.. math::
+ \Fix~f_i\{f_1/k_1 :A_1':=t_1' … f_n/k_n :A_n':=t_n'\}
+where :math:`k_i` are positive integers. Each :math:`k_i` represents the index of
+parameter of :math:`f_i` , on which :math:`f_i` is decreasing. Each :math:`A_i` should be a
+type (reducible to a term) starting with at least :math:`k_i` products
+:math:`∀ y_1 :B_1 ,… ∀ y_{k_i} :B_{k_i} , A_i'` and :math:`B_{k_i}` an inductive type.
+Now in the definition :math:`t_i`, if :math:`f_j` occurs then it should be applied to
+at least :math:`k_j` arguments and the :math:`k_j`-th argument should be
+syntactically recognized as structurally smaller than :math:`y_{k_i}`.
+The definition of being structurally smaller is a bit technical. One
+needs first to define the notion of *recursive arguments of a
+constructor*. For an inductive definition :math:`\ind{r}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}`, if the
+type of a constructor :math:`c` has the form
+:math:`∀ p_1 :P_1 ,… ∀ p_r :P_r, ∀ x_1:T_1, … ∀ x_r :T_r, (I_j~p_1 … p_r~t_1 … t_s )`,
+then the recursive
+arguments will correspond to :math:`T_i` in which one of the :math:`I_l` occurs.
+The main rules for being structurally smaller are the following.
+Given a variable :math:`y` of type an inductive definition in a declaration
+:math:`\ind{r}{Γ_I}{Γ_C}` where :math:`Γ_I` is :math:`[I_1 :A_1 ;…;I_k :A_k]`, and :math:`Γ_C` is
+:math:`[c_1 :C_1 ;…;c_n :C_n ]`, the terms structurally smaller than :math:`y` are:
++ :math:`(t~u)` and :math:`λ x:u . t` when :math:`t` is structurally smaller than :math:`y`.
++ :math:`\case(c,P,f_1 … f_n)` when each :math:`f_i` is structurally smaller than :math:`y`.
+ If :math:`c` is :math:`y` or is structurally smaller than :math:`y`, its type is an inductive
+ definition :math:`I_p` part of the inductive declaration corresponding to :math:`y`.
+ Each :math:`f_i` corresponds to a type of constructor
+ :math:`C_q ≡ ∀ p_1 :P_1 ,…,∀ p_r :P_r , ∀ y_1 :B_1 , … ∀ y_k :B_k , (I~a_1 … a_k )`
+ and can consequently be written :math:`λ y_1 :B_1' . … λ y_k :B_k'. g_i`. (:math:`B_i'` is
+ obtained from :math:`B_i` by substituting parameters variables) the variables
+ :math:`y_j` occurring in :math:`g_i` corresponding to recursive arguments :math:`B_i` (the
+ ones in which one of the :math:`I_l` occurs) are structurally smaller than y.
+The following definitions are correct, we enter them using the ``Fixpoint``
+command as described in Section :ref:`TODO-1.3.4` and show the internal
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
+ match n with
+ | O => m
+ | S p => S (plus p m)
+ end.
+ Print plus.
+ Fixpoint lgth (A:Set) (l:list A) {struct l} : nat :=
+ match l with
+ | nil _ => O
+ | cons _ a l' => S (lgth A l')
+ end.
+ Print lgth.
+ Fixpoint sizet (t:tree) : nat := let (f) := t in S (sizef f)
+ with sizef (f:forest) : nat :=
+ match f with
+ | emptyf => O
+ | consf t f => plus (sizet t) (sizef f)
+ end.
+ Print sizet.
+.. _Reduction-rule:
+Reduction rule
+Let :math:`F` be the set of declarations:
+:math:`f_1 /k_1 :A_1 :=t_1 …f_n /k_n :A_n:=t_n`.
+The reduction for fixpoints is:
+.. math::
+ (\Fix~f_i \{F\} a_1 …a_{k_i}) \triangleright_ι \subst{t_i}{f_k}{\Fix~f_k \{F\}}_{k=1… n} ~a_1 … a_{k_i}
+when :math:`a_{k_i}` starts with a constructor. This last restriction is needed
+in order to keep strong normalization and corresponds to the reduction
+for primitive recursive operators. The following reductions are now
+.. math::
+ \def\plus{\mathsf{plus}}
+ \def\tri{\triangleright_\iota}
+ \begin{eqnarray*}
+ \plus~(\nS~(\nS~\nO))~(\nS~\nO) & \tri & \nS~(\plus~(\nS~\nO)~(\nS~\nO))\\
+ & \tri & \nS~(\nS~(\plus~\nO~(\nS~\nO)))\\
+ & \tri & \nS~(\nS~(\nS~\nO))\\
+ \end{eqnarray*}
+.. _Mutual-induction:
+**Mutual induction**
+The principles of mutual induction can be automatically generated
+using the Scheme command described in Section :ref:`TODO-13.1`.
+.. _Admissible-rules-for-global-environments:
+Admissible rules for global environments
+From the original rules of the type system, one can show the
+admissibility of rules which change the local context of definition of
+objects in the global environment. We show here the admissible rules
+that are used in the discharge mechanism at the end of a section.
+.. _Abstraction:
+One can modify a global declaration by generalizing it over a
+previously assumed constant :math:`c`. For doing that, we need to modify the
+reference to the global declaration in the subsequent global
+environment and local context by explicitly applying this constant to
+the constant :math:`c'`.
+Below, if :math:`Γ` is a context of the form :math:`[y_1 :A_1 ;…;y_n :A_n]`, we write
+:math:`∀x:U,\subst{Γ}{c}{x}` to mean
+:math:`[y_1 :∀ x:U,\subst{A_1}{c}{x};…;y_n :∀ x:U,\subst{A_n}{c}{x}]`
+and :math:`\subst{E}{|Γ|}{|Γ|c}` to mean the parallel substitution
+:math:`E\{y_1 /(y_1~c)\}…\{y_n/(y_n~c)\}`.
+.. _First-abstracting-property:
+**First abstracting property:**
+.. math::
+ \frac{\WF{E;c:U;E′;c′:=t:T;E″}{Γ}}
+ {\WF{E;c:U;E′;c′:=λ x:U. \subst{t}{c}{x}:∀x:U,\subst{T}{c}{x};\subst{E″}{c′}{(c′~c)}}
+ {\subst{Γ}{c}{(c~c′)}}}
+.. math::
+ \frac{\WF{E;c:U;E′;c′:T;E″}{Γ}}
+ {\WF{E;c:U;E′;c′:∀ x:U,\subst{T}{c}{x};\subst{E″}{c′}{(c′~c)}}{Γ{c/(c~c′)}}}
+.. math::
+ \frac{\WF{E;c:U;E′;\ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C};E″}{Γ}}
+ {\WFTWOLINES{E;c:U;E′;\ind{p+1}{∀ x:U,\subst{Γ_I}{c}{x}}{∀ x:U,\subst{Γ_C}{c}{x}};
+ \subst{E″}{|Γ_I ,Γ_C |}{|Γ_I ,Γ_C | c}}
+ {\subst{Γ}{|Γ_I ,Γ_C|}{|Γ_I ,Γ_C | c}}}
+One can similarly modify a global declaration by generalizing it over
+a previously defined constant :math:`c′`. Below, if :math:`Γ` is a context of the form
+:math:`[y_1 :A_1 ;…;y_n :A_n]`, we write :math:`\subst{Γ}{c}{u}` to mean
+:math:`[y_1 :\subst{A_1} {c}{u};…;y_n:\subst{A_n} {c}{u}]`.
+.. _Second-abstracting-property:
+**Second abstracting property:**
+.. math::
+ \frac{\WF{E;c:=u:U;E′;c′:=t:T;E″}{Γ}}
+ {\WF{E;c:=u:U;E′;c′:=(\letin{x}{u:U}{\subst{t}{c}{x}}):\subst{T}{c}{u};E″}{Γ}}
+.. math::
+ \frac{\WF{E;c:=u:U;E′;c′:T;E″}{Γ}}
+ {\WF{E;c:=u:U;E′;c′:\subst{T}{c}{u};E″}{Γ}}
+.. math::
+ \frac{\WF{E;c:=u:U;E′;\ind{p}{Γ_I}{Γ_C};E″}{Γ}}
+ {\WF{E;c:=u:U;E′;\ind{p}{\subst{Γ_I}{c}{u}}{\subst{Γ_C}{c}{u}};E″}{Γ}}
+.. _Pruning-the-local-context:
+**Pruning the local context.**
+If one abstracts or substitutes constants with the above rules then it
+may happen that some declared or defined constant does not occur any
+more in the subsequent global environment and in the local context.
+One can consequently derive the following property.
+.. _First-pruning-property:
+.. inference:: First pruning property:
+ \WF{E;c:U;E′}{Γ}
+ c~\kw{does not occur in}~E′~\kw{and}~Γ
+ --------------------------------------
+ \WF{E;E′}{Γ}
+.. _Second-pruning-property:
+.. inference:: Second pruning property:
+ \WF{E;c:=u:U;E′}{Γ}
+ c~\kw{does not occur in}~E′~\kw{and}~Γ
+ --------------------------------------
+ \WF{E;E′}{Γ}
+.. _Co-inductive-types:
+Co-inductive types
+The implementation contains also co-inductive definitions, which are
+types inhabited by infinite objects. More information on co-inductive
+definitions can be found in :cite:`Gimenez95b,Gim98,GimCas05`.
+.. _The-Calculus-of-Inductive-Construction-with-impredicative-Set:
+The Calculus of Inductive Construction with impredicative Set
+|Coq| can be used as a type-checker for the Calculus of Inductive
+Constructions with an impredicative sort :math:`\Set` by using the compiler
+option ``-impredicative-set``. For example, using the ordinary `coqtop`
+command, the following is rejected,
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Fail Definition id: Set := forall X:Set,X->X.
+while it will type-check, if one uses instead the `coqtop`
+``-impredicative-set`` option..
+The major change in the theory concerns the rule for product formation
+in the sort Set, which is extended to a domain in any sort:
+.. inference:: ProdImp
+ E[Γ] ⊢ T : s
+ s ∈ {\Sort}
+ E[Γ::(x:T)] ⊢ U : Set
+ ---------------------
+ E[Γ] ⊢ ∀ x:T,U : Set
+This extension has consequences on the inductive definitions which are
+allowed. In the impredicative system, one can build so-called *large
+inductive definitions* like the example of second-order existential
+quantifier (exSet).
+There should be restrictions on the eliminations which can be
+performed on such definitions. The eliminations rules in the
+impredicative system for sort Set become:
+.. inference:: Set1
+ s ∈ \{Prop, Set\}
+ -----------------
+ [I:Set|I→ s]
+.. inference:: Set2
+ I~\kw{is a small inductive definition}
+ s ∈ \{\Type(i)\}
+ ----------------
+ [I:Set|I→ s]