path: root/doc/sphinx
diff options
authorGravatar Clément Pit-Claudel <clement.pitclaudel@live.com>2018-04-29 23:55:51 -0400
committerGravatar Clément Pit-Claudel <clement.pitclaudel@live.com>2018-05-15 12:05:44 -0400
commit6f3a8a90514669c84be4de5726fe65f15141ca4d (patch)
tree63a3e351d237a3aa020bd653292fd0778a996762 /doc/sphinx
parentefa6ef592e29bb4bc862a114c399d660580bba66 (diff)
[doc] Add a README to doc/sphinx/
The readme is auto-generated by combining introductory text with the docstrings in coqdomain.py.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/sphinx')
3 files changed, 378 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/README.rst b/doc/sphinx/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dcefda4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ Documenting Coq with Sphinx
+ This README is auto-generated from the coqrst docs; use ``./regen_readme.py`` to rebuild the it.
+Coq's documentation is written in `reStructuredText <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html>`_ (“reST”), and compiled with `Sphinx <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/>`_.
+In addition to standard reST directives (a directive is similar to a LaTeX environment) and roles (a role is similar to a LaTeX command), the ``coqrst`` plugin loaded by the documentation uses a custom *Coq domain* —a set of Coq-specific directives that define *objects* like tactics, commands (vernacs), warnings, etc.—, some custom *directives*, and a few custom *roles*. Finally, this manual uses a small DSL to describe tactic invocations and commands.
+Coq objects
+Our Coq domain define the following objects. Each object has a “signature” (think “type signature”), followed by an optional body (a description of that object). The following example defines two objects: a variant of the ``simpl`` tactic, and an error that it may raise::
+ .. tacv:: simpl @pattern at {+ @num}
+ :name: simpl_at
+ This applies ``simpl`` only to the :n:`{+ @num}` occurrences of the subterms
+ matching :n:`@pattern` in the current goal.
+ .. exn:: Too few occurrences
+Objects are automatically collected into indices, and can be linked to using the role version of the object's directive. For example, you could link to the tactic variant above using ``:tacv:`simpl_at```, and to its exception using ``:exn:`Too few occurrences```.
+Names (link targets) are auto-generated for most simple objects, though they can always be overwritten using a `:name:` option, as shown above.
+- Options, errors, warnings have their name set to their signature, with ``...`` replacing all notation bits. For example, the auto-generated name of ``.. exn:: @qualid is not a module`` is ``... is not a module``, and a link to it would take the form ``:exn:`... is not a module```.
+- Vernacs (commands) have their name set to the first word of their signature. For example, the auto-generated name of ``Axiom @ident : @term`` is ``Axiom``, and a link to it would take the form ``:cmd:`Axiom```.
+- Vernac variants, tactic notations, and tactic variants do not have a default name.
+The signatures of most objects can be written using a succinct DSL for Coq notations (think regular expressions written with a Lispy syntax). A typical signature might look like ``Hint Extern @num {? @pattern} => @tactic``, which means that the ``Hint Extern`` command takes a number (``num``), followed by an optional pattern, and a mandatory tactic. The language has the following constructs (the full grammar is in `TacticNotations.g <https://github.com/coq/coq/blob/master/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.g>`):
+ A placeholder (``@id``, ``@num``, ``@tactic``)
+``{? …}``
+ an optional block
+``{* …}``, ``{+ …}``
+ an optional (``*``) or mandatory (``+``) block that can be repeated, with repetitions separated by spaces
+``{*, …}``, ``{+, …}``
+ an optional or mandatory repeatable block, with repetitions separated by spaces
+``%|``, ``%{``, …
+ an escaped character (rendered without the leading ``%``)
+ FIXME document the new subscript support
+As an exercise, what do the following patterns mean?
+.. code::
+ pattern {+, @term {? at {+ @num}}}
+ generalize {+, @term at {+ @num} as @ident}
+ fix @ident @num with {+ (@ident {+ @binder} {? {struct @ident'}} : @type)}
+Here is the list of all objects of the Coq domain (The symbol :black_nib: indicates an object whose signature can be written using the notations DSL):
+``.. cmd::`` :black_nib: A Coq command.
+ Example::
+ .. cmd:: Infix "@symbol" := @term ({+, @modifier}).
+ This command is equivalent to :n:`…`.
+``.. cmdv::`` :black_nib: A variant of a Coq command.
+ Example::
+ .. cmd:: Axiom @ident : @term.
+ This command links *term* to the name *ident* as its specification in
+ the global context. The fact asserted by *term* is thus assumed as a
+ postulate.
+ .. cmdv:: Parameter @ident : @term.
+ This is equivalent to :n:`Axiom @ident : @term`.
+``.. exn::`` :black_nib: An error raised by a Coq command or tactic.
+ This commonly appears nested in the ``.. tacn::`` that raises the
+ exception.
+ Example::
+ .. tacv:: assert @form by @tactic
+ This tactic applies :n:`@tactic` to solve the subgoals generated by
+ ``assert``.
+ .. exn:: Proof is not complete
+ Raised is :n:`@tactic` does not fully solve the goal.
+``.. opt::`` :black_nib: A Coq option.
+ Example::
+ .. opt:: Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes
+ This option controls whether types declared with the keywords
+ :cmd:`Variant` and :cmd:`Record` get an automatic declaration of the
+ induction principles.
+``.. prodn::`` :black_nib: Grammar productions.
+ This is useful if you intend to document individual grammar productions.
+ Otherwise, use Sphinx's `production lists
+ <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/para.html#directive-productionlist>`_.
+``.. tacn::`` :black_nib: A tactic, or a tactic notation.
+ Example::
+ .. tacn:: do @num @expr
+ :token:`expr` is evaluated to ``v`` which must be a tactic value. …
+``.. tacv::`` :black_nib: A variant of a tactic.
+ Example::
+ .. tacn:: fail
+ This is the always-failing tactic: it does not solve any goal. It is
+ useful for defining other tacticals since it can be caught by
+ :tacn:`try`, :tacn:`repeat`, :tacn:`match goal`, or the branching
+ tacticals. …
+ .. tacv:: fail @natural
+ The number is the failure level. If no level is specified, it
+ defaults to 0. …
+``.. thm::`` A theorem.
+ Example::
+ .. thm:: Bound on the ceiling function
+ Let :math:`p` be an integer and :math:`c` a rational constant. Then
+ :math:`p \ge c \rightarrow p \ge \lceil{c}\rceil`.
+``.. warn::`` :black_nib: An warning raised by a Coq command or tactic..
+ Do not mistake this for ``.. warning::``; this directive is for warning
+ messages produced by Coq.
+ Example::
+ .. warn:: Ambiguous path
+ When the coercion `qualid` is added to the inheritance graph, non
+ valid coercion paths are ignored.
+Coq directives
+In addition to the objects above, the ``coqrst`` Sphinx plugin defines the following directives:
+``.. coqtop::`` A reST directive to describe interactions with Coqtop.
+ Usage::
+ .. coqtop:: options…
+ Coq code to send to coqtop
+ Example::
+ .. coqtop:: in reset undo
+ Print nat.
+ Definition a := 1.
+ Here is a list of permissible options:
+ - Display options
+ - ``all``: Display input and output
+ - ``in``: Display only input
+ - ``out``: Display only output
+ - ``none``: Display neither (useful for setup commands)
+ - Behavior options
+ - ``reset``: Send a ``Reset Initial`` command before running this block
+ - ``undo``: Send an ``Undo n`` (``n`` = number of sentences) command after
+ running all the commands in this block
+``.. coqdoc::`` A reST directive to display Coqtop-formatted source code.
+ Usage::
+ .. coqdoc::
+ Coq code to highlight
+ Example::
+ .. coqdoc::
+ Definition test := 1.
+``.. example::`` A reST directive for examples.
+ This behaves like a generic admonition; see
+ http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#generic-admonition
+ for more details.
+ Example::
+ .. example:: Adding a hint to a database
+ The following adds ``plus_comm`` to the ``plu`` database:
+ .. coqdoc::
+ Hint Resolve plus_comm : plu.
+``.. inference::`` A reST directive to format inference rules.
+ This also serves as a small illustration of the way to create new Sphinx
+ directives.
+ Usage::
+ .. inference:: name
+ newline-separated premisses
+ ------------------------
+ conclusion
+ Example::
+ .. inference:: Prod-Pro
+ \WTEG{T}{s}
+ s \in \Sort
+ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Prop}
+ -----------------------------
+ \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Prop}
+``.. preamble::`` A reST directive for hidden math.
+ Mostly useful to let MathJax know about `\def`\ s and `\newcommand`\ s.
+ Example::
+ .. preamble::
+ \newcommand{\paren}[#1]{\left(#1\right)}
+Coq roles
+In addition to the objects and directives above, the ``coqrst`` Sphinx plugin defines the following roles:
+``:g:`` Coq code.
+ Use this for Gallina and Ltac snippets::
+ :g:`apply plus_comm; reflexivity`
+ :g:`Set Printing All.`
+ :g:`forall (x: t), P(x)`
+``:n:`` Any text using the notation syntax (``@id``, ``{+, …}``, etc.).
+ Use this to explain tactic equivalences (for example, you might write this::
+ :n:`generalize @term as @ident` is just like :n:`generalize @term`, but
+ it names the introduced hypothesis :token:`ident`.
+ Note that this example also uses ``:token:``. That's because ``ident`` is
+ defined in the the Coq manual as a grammar production, and ``:token:``
+ creates a link to that. When referring to a placeholder that happens to be
+ a grammar production, ``:token:`…``` is typically preferable to ``:n:`@…```.
+``:production:`` A Sphinx role to format grammar productions not included in a
+ `productionlist` directive.
+ Useful to informally introduce a production, as part of running text.
+ Example::
+ :production:`string` indicates a quoted string.
+ You're not likely to use this role very commonly; instead, use a
+ `production list
+ <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/para.html#directive-productionlist>`_
+ and reference its tokens using ``:token:`…```.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/README.template.rst b/doc/sphinx/README.template.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a387247e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/README.template.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ Documenting Coq with Sphinx
+ This README is auto-generated from the coqrst docs; use ``./regen_readme.py`` to rebuild the it.
+Coq's documentation is written in `reStructuredText <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html>`_ (“reST”), and compiled with `Sphinx <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/>`_.
+In addition to standard reST directives (a directive is similar to a LaTeX environment) and roles (a role is similar to a LaTeX command), the ``coqrst`` plugin loaded by the documentation uses a custom *Coq domain* —a set of Coq-specific directives that define *objects* like tactics, commands (vernacs), warnings, etc.—, some custom *directives*, and a few custom *roles*. Finally, this manual uses a small DSL to describe tactic invocations and commands.
+Coq objects
+Our Coq domain define the following objects. Each object has a “signature” (think “type signature”), followed by an optional body (a description of that object). The following example defines two objects: a variant of the ``simpl`` tactic, and an error that it may raise::
+ .. tacv:: simpl @pattern at {+ @num}
+ :name: simpl_at
+ This applies ``simpl`` only to the :n:`{+ @num}` occurrences of the subterms
+ matching :n:`@pattern` in the current goal.
+ .. exn:: Too few occurrences
+Objects are automatically collected into indices, and can be linked to using the role version of the object's directive. For example, you could link to the tactic variant above using ``:tacv:`simpl_at```, and to its exception using ``:exn:`Too few occurrences```.
+Names (link targets) are auto-generated for most simple objects, though they can always be overwritten using a `:name:` option, as shown above.
+- Options, errors, warnings have their name set to their signature, with ``...`` replacing all notation bits. For example, the auto-generated name of ``.. exn:: @qualid is not a module`` is ``... is not a module``, and a link to it would take the form ``:exn:`... is not a module```.
+- Vernacs (commands) have their name set to the first word of their signature. For example, the auto-generated name of ``Axiom @ident : @term`` is ``Axiom``, and a link to it would take the form ``:cmd:`Axiom```.
+- Vernac variants, tactic notations, and tactic variants do not have a default name.
+The signatures of most objects can be written using a succinct DSL for Coq notations (think regular expressions written with a Lispy syntax). A typical signature might look like ``Hint Extern @num {? @pattern} => @tactic``, which means that the ``Hint Extern`` command takes a number (``num``), followed by an optional pattern, and a mandatory tactic. The language has the following constructs (the full grammar is in `TacticNotations.g <https://github.com/coq/coq/blob/master/doc/tools/coqrst/notations/TacticNotations.g>`):
+ A placeholder (``@id``, ``@num``, ``@tactic``)
+``{? …}``
+ an optional block
+``{* …}``, ``{+ …}``
+ an optional (``*``) or mandatory (``+``) block that can be repeated, with repetitions separated by spaces
+``{*, …}``, ``{+, …}``
+ an optional or mandatory repeatable block, with repetitions separated by spaces
+``%|``, ``%{``, …
+ an escaped character (rendered without the leading ``%``)
+ FIXME document the new subscript support
+As an exercise, what do the following patterns mean?
+.. code::
+ pattern {+, @term {? at {+ @num}}}
+ generalize {+, @term at {+ @num} as @ident}
+ fix @ident @num with {+ (@ident {+ @binder} {? {struct @ident'}} : @type)}
+Here is the list of all objects of the Coq domain (The symbol :black_nib: indicates an object whose signature can be written using the notations DSL):
+Coq directives
+In addition to the objects above, the ``coqrst`` Sphinx plugin defines the following directives:
+Coq roles
+In addition to the objects and directives above, the ``coqrst`` Sphinx plugin defines the following roles:
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/conf.py b/doc/sphinx/conf.py
index 23bc9a2e4..1f7dd9d68 100755
--- a/doc/sphinx/conf.py
+++ b/doc/sphinx/conf.py
@@ -96,11 +96,13 @@ language = None
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
exclude_patterns = [
- '_build',
- 'Thumbs.db',
- '.DS_Store',
- 'introduction.rst',
- 'credits.rst'
+ '_build',
+ 'Thumbs.db',
+ '.DS_Store',
+ 'introduction.rst',
+ 'credits.rst',
+ 'README.rst',
+ 'README.template.rst'
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all