path: root/dev/vm_printers.ml
diff options
authorGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-01-02 08:46:39 +0000
committerGravatar herbelin <herbelin@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-01-02 08:46:39 +0000
commitda705691fc9cf7724f78f4ed0cc8b93c4d7bc08e (patch)
tree3727c2ebb39af88999f33e1e442d0b597e807fda /dev/vm_printers.ml
parent6eff115a9094104eac9be09eb0e755f98366cf8d (diff)
Découpage des printers pour ne pas avoir de dépendances en la vm dans les printers de ocamldebug
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@6545 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'dev/vm_printers.ml')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev/vm_printers.ml b/dev/vm_printers.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c037eca7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/vm_printers.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+open Format
+open Term
+open Names
+open Cbytecodes
+open Cemitcodes
+open Vm
+let ppripos (ri,pos) =
+ (match ri with
+ | Reloc_annot a ->
+ let sp,i = a.ci.ci_ind in
+ print_string
+ ("annot : MutInd("^(string_of_kn sp)^","^(string_of_int i)^")\n")
+ | Reloc_const _ ->
+ print_string "structured constant\n"
+ | Reloc_getglobal kn ->
+ print_string ("getglob "^(string_of_con kn)^"\n"));
+ print_flush ()
+let print_vfix () = print_string "vfix"
+let print_vfix_app () = print_string "vfix_app"
+let print_vswith () = print_string "switch"
+let ppsort = function
+ | Prop(Pos) -> print_string "Set"
+ | Prop(Null) -> print_string "Prop"
+ | Type u -> print_string "Type"
+let print_idkey idk =
+ match idk with
+ | ConstKey sp ->
+ print_string "Cons(";
+ print_string (string_of_con sp);
+ print_string ")"
+ | VarKey id -> print_string (string_of_id id)
+ | RelKey i -> print_string "~";print_int i
+let rec ppzipper z =
+ match z with
+ | Zapp args ->
+ let n = nargs args in
+ open_hbox ();
+ for i = 0 to n-2 do
+ ppvalues (arg args i);print_string ";";print_space()
+ done;
+ if n-1 >= 0 then ppvalues (arg args (n-1));
+ close_box()
+ | Zfix _ -> print_string "Zfix"
+ | Zswitch _ -> print_string "Zswitch"
+and ppstack s =
+ open_hovbox 0;
+ print_string "[";
+ List.iter (fun z -> ppzipper z;print_string " | ") s;
+ print_string "]";
+ close_box()
+and ppatom a =
+ match a with
+ | Aid idk -> print_idkey idk
+ | Aiddef(idk,_) -> print_string "&";print_idkey idk
+ | Aind(sp,i) -> print_string "Ind(";
+ print_string (string_of_kn sp);
+ print_string ","; print_int i;
+ print_string ")"
+ | Afix_app _ -> print_vfix_app ()
+ | Aswitch _ -> print_vswith()
+and ppwhd whd =
+ match whd with
+ | Vsort s -> ppsort s
+ | Vprod _ -> print_string "product"
+ | Vfun _ -> print_string "function"
+ | Vfix _ -> print_vfix()
+ | Vfix_app _ -> print_vfix_app()
+ | Vcofix _ -> print_string "cofix"
+ | Vcofix_app _ -> print_string "cofix_app"
+ | Vconstr_const i -> print_string "C(";print_int i;print_string")"
+ | Vconstr_block b -> ppvblock b
+ | Vatom_stk(a,s) ->
+ open_hbox();ppatom a;close_box();
+ print_string"@";ppstack s
+and ppvblock b =
+ open_hbox();
+ print_string "Cb(";print_int (btag b);
+ let n = bsize b in
+ for i = 0 to n -1 do
+ print_string ",";ppvalues (bfield b i)
+ done;
+ print_string")";
+ close_box()
+and ppvalues v =
+ open_hovbox 0;ppwhd (whd_val v);close_box();
+ print_flush()