path: root/contrib
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authorGravatar bertot <bertot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-19 10:00:28 +0000
committerGravatar bertot <bertot@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-19 10:00:28 +0000
commitecb6f948a27b96d21fd55d4ba0d214a55b48740e (patch)
tree2d8c03bf09fcb6889f47a78dbdf22a537bd9eb7b /contrib
parent45f18a28307405c53ab560247cb228028ce1cea8 (diff)
Making sure there will be no warnings at compile time.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@1614 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/interface/showproof.ml b/contrib/interface/showproof.ml
index 56d395e44..aa158f841 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/showproof.ml
+++ b/contrib/interface/showproof.ml
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let update_closed nt =
let long_type_hyp lh t=
let t=ref t in
List.iter (fun (n,th) ->
- let Name ni = n in
+ let ni = match n with Name ni -> ni | _ -> assert false in
t:= mkProd(n,th,subst_term (mkVar ni) !t))
(List.rev lh);
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ let seq_to_lnhyp sign sign' cl =
let rule_is_complex r =
match r with
- Tactic ("Interp",_) -> true
+ Tactic ("Interp",_) -> true
| Tactic ("Auto", _) -> true
| Tactic ("Symmetry", _) -> true
|_ -> false
@@ -171,7 +171,9 @@ let rule_to_ntactic r =
| _ -> Ast.ope ("Intros",[])) in
if rule_is_complex r
then (match rast with
- Node(_,_,[Node(_,_,[Node(_,_,x)])]) ->x)
+ Node(_,_,[Node(_,_,[Node(_,_,x)])]) ->x
+ | _ -> assert false)
else [rast ]
@@ -235,11 +237,12 @@ let to_nproof sigma osign pf =
if rule_is_complex r
then (
let p1=(match pf.subproof with
- Some x -> to_nproof_rec sigma sign x) in
+ Some x -> to_nproof_rec sigma sign x
+ |_-> assert false) in
let ntree= fill_unproved p1
(List.map (fun x -> (to_nproof_rec sigma sign x).t_proof)
spfl) in
- match r with
+ (match r with
Tactic ("Auto",_) ->
if spfl=[]
@@ -250,8 +253,7 @@ let to_nproof sigma osign pf =
t_proof= Proof ([Node ((0,0), "InfoAuto",[])], [ntree])}
else ntree
- | _ -> ntree
- )
+ | _ -> ntree))
t_goal=(seq_to_lnhyp oldsign nsign cl);
@@ -388,7 +390,8 @@ let enumerate f ln =
let rec enum_rec f ln =
(match ln with
[x;y] -> [f x; spb; sph [_et ();spb;f y]]
- |x::l -> [sph [(f x);sps ","];spb]@(enum_rec f l))
+ |x::l -> [sph [(f x);sps ","];spb]@(enum_rec f l)
+ | _ -> assert false)
in enum_rec f ln
@@ -751,11 +754,14 @@ let rec group_lhyp lh =
match lh with
[] -> []
|[h] -> [[h]]
- |h::lh -> let (h1::lh1)::lh2 = group_lhyp lh in
+ |h::lh ->
+ match group_lhyp lh with
+ (h1::lh1)::lh2 ->
if h.hyp_type=h1.hyp_type
|| ((sort_of_hyp h)=(sort_of_hyp h1) && (sort_of_hyp h1)=Nformula)
then (h::(h1::lh1))::lh2
else [h]::((h1::lh1)::lh2)
+ |_-> assert false
(* ln noms des hypotheses, lt leurs types *)
@@ -940,6 +946,7 @@ let name_tactic tac =
(Node(_,t,_))::_))::_))::_ -> t
|(Node(_,t,_))::_ -> t
+ | _ -> assert false
let arg1_tactic tac =
@@ -949,6 +956,7 @@ let arg1_tactic tac =
(Node(_,_,x::_))::_))::_))::_ ->x
| (Node(_,_,x::_))::_ -> x
| x::_ -> x
+ | _ -> assert false
let arg2_tactic tac =
@@ -957,6 +965,7 @@ let arg2_tactic tac =
(Node(_,_,_::x::_))::_))::_))::_ -> x
| (Node(_,_,_::x::_))::_ -> x
+ | _ -> assert false
type nat_tactic =
@@ -979,6 +988,7 @@ let analyse_tac tac =
Node (_, "CLAUSE", lhyp)])]
-> Reduce(mode,lhyp)
| [Node (_, x,la)] -> Other (x,la)
+ | _ -> assert false
@@ -986,7 +996,10 @@ let analyse_tac tac =
-let id_of_command x = let Node(_,_,Node(_,_,y::_)::_) = x in y
+let id_of_command x =
+ match x with
+ Node(_,_,Node(_,_,y::_)::_) -> y
+ |_ -> assert false
type type_info_subgoals =
{ihsg: type_info_subgoals_hyp;
@@ -1036,17 +1049,20 @@ let intro_not_proved_goal gs =
let first_name_hyp_of_ntree {t_goal={newhyp=lh}}=
- let {hyp_name=n}::_=lh in n
+ match lh with
+ {hyp_name=n}::_ -> n
+ | _ -> assert false
let rec find_type x t=
- match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t)) with
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t)) with
IsProd(y,ty,t) ->
(match y with
Name y ->
if x=(string_of_id y) then ty
else find_type x t
| _ -> find_type x t)
+ |_-> assert false
@@ -1080,6 +1096,7 @@ let terms_of_equality e =
let e= (strip_outer_cast e) in
match (kind_of_term e) with
IsApp (f,args) -> (args.(1) , args.(2))
+ | _ -> assert false
let eq_term = eq_constr;;
@@ -1133,6 +1150,7 @@ let list_to_eq l o=
spv ((sph [sps "="; spb; spt b; spb;
tag_uselemma (switch h h') spe])
::(list_to_eq (switch h' h) l))]
+ | _ -> assert false
let stde = Global.env;;
@@ -1556,7 +1574,9 @@ and natural_elim ig lh g gs ge arg1 ltree with_intros=
and natural_induction ig lh g gs ge arg1 ltree with_intros=
let env = (gLOB (g_env (List.hd ltree))) in
let arg1=dbize env arg1 in
- let IsVar(arg2)= (kind_of_term arg1) in
+ let arg2 = match (kind_of_term arg1) with
+ IsVar(arg2) -> arg2
+ | _ -> assert false in
let targ1 = prod_head (type_of env Evd.empty arg1) in
let IndType (indf,targ) = find_rectype env Evd.empty targ1 in
let ncti= Array.length(get_constructors indf) in
@@ -1608,11 +1628,12 @@ and natural_induction ig lh g gs ge arg1 ltree with_intros=
(* Points fixes *)
and natural_fix ig lh g gs arg ltree =
- let Num(_,narg)=arg in
+ let narg = match arg with Num(_,narg) -> narg |_ -> assert false in
let {t_info=info;
t_full_env=ge1};t_proof=p1}=(List.hd ltree) in
- let {hyp_name=nfun;hyp_type=tfun}::lh2 = lh1 in
+ match lh1 with
+ {hyp_name=nfun;hyp_type=tfun}::lh2 ->
let ltree=[{t_info=info;
@@ -1624,8 +1645,11 @@ and natural_fix ig lh g gs arg ltree =
+ | _ -> assert false
and natural_reduce ig lh g gs ge tac ltree =
- let Reduce (mode,la) = analyse_tac tac in
+ let (mode,la) = match analyse_tac tac with
+ Reduce (mode,la) -> (mode,la)
+ |_ -> assert false in
match la with
[] ->
@@ -1643,8 +1667,11 @@ and natural_reduce ig lh g gs ge tac ltree =
+ | _ -> assert false
and natural_split ig lh g gs ge tac ltree =
- let Split la = analyse_tac tac in
+ let la = match analyse_tac tac with
+ Split la -> la
+ |_ -> assert false in
match la with
[arg] ->
let env= (gLOB ge) in
@@ -1664,9 +1691,11 @@ and natural_split ig lh g gs ge tac ltree =
+ | _ -> assert false
and natural_generalize ig lh g gs ge tac ltree =
- let Generalize la = analyse_tac tac in
- match la with
+ match analyse_tac tac with
+ Generalize la ->
+ (match la with
[arg] ->
let env= (gLOB ge) in
let arg1= dbize env arg in
@@ -1679,6 +1708,8 @@ and natural_generalize ig lh g gs ge tac ltree =
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ -> assert false
and natural_right ig lh g gs ltree =
[ (natural_lhyp lh ig.ihsg);