path: root/contrib
diff options
authorGravatar coq <coq@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-03-18 14:17:00 +0000
committerGravatar coq <coq@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2005-03-18 14:17:00 +0000
commit65f1600d6c405792bcb6831549622ce4afcd7621 (patch)
tree0b90157ff3f5cc651eefb0d5020ea0d682edc42e /contrib
parent19ae95167aa57280c6f5397b67aea771cbd8b77c (diff)
appel de Simplify depuis Coq
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@6854 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
4 files changed, 273 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/dp/dp.ml b/contrib/dp/dp.ml
index 529a10509..417d74b6d 100644
--- a/contrib/dp/dp.ml
+++ b/contrib/dp/dp.ml
@@ -1,18 +1,147 @@
+(* Author : Nicolas Ayache and Jean-Christophe Filliatre *)
+(* Goal : Tactics to call decision procedures *)
open Util
open Pp
open Term
open Tacmach
open Fol
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Coqlib
+let logic_dir = ["Coq";"Logic";"Decidable"]
+let coq_modules =
+ init_modules @ [logic_dir] @ arith_modules @ zarith_base_modules
+ @ [["Coq"; "omega"; "OmegaLemmas"]]
+let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "Omega" coq_modules
+let coq_Z = lazy (constant "Z")
+(* not Prop typed expressions *)
+exception NotProp
+(* not first-order expressions *)
+exception NotFO
+(* assumption: t:Set *)
+let tr_type env t =
+ if t = Lazy.force coq_Z then Base "INT"
+ else raise NotFO
+(* assumption: t:T:Set *)
+let tr_term env t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Var id -> Tvar (string_of_id id)
+ | _ -> raise NotFO
+(* assumption: f is of type Prop *)
+let tr_formula env f =
+ let c, args = decompose_app f in
+ match kind_of_term c, args with
+ | _, [t;a;b] when c = build_coq_eq () ->
+ (* TODO: verifier type t *)
+ Fatom (Eq (tr_term env a, tr_term env b))
+ | _ ->
+ raise NotFO
+let tr_goal gl =
+ let tr_one_hyp (id, ty) =
+ let id = string_of_id id in
+ if is_Prop ty then
+ DeclProp id
+ else if is_Set ty then
+ DeclType id
+ else
+ let s = pf_type_of gl ty in
+ if is_Prop s then
+ Assert (id, tr_formula (pf_env gl) ty)
+ else if is_Set s then
+ DeclVar (id, tr_type (pf_env gl) ty)
+ else
+ raise NotFO
+ in
+ let c = tr_formula (pf_env gl) (pf_concl gl) in
+ let hyps =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc h -> try tr_one_hyp h :: acc with NotFO -> acc)
+ [] (pf_hyps_types gl)
+ in
+ hyps, c
+(* Checks if a Coq formula is first-ordered *)
+let rec is_FO c = match kind_of_term c with
+ Prod(n, t1, t2) -> assert false (*TODO*)
+ | Lambda(n, t, c) ->assert false (*TODO*)
+ | _ -> false
+(* Translates a first-order Coq formula into a specific first-order
+ language formula *)
+(* let rec to_FO f = *)
+let rec isGoodType gl t =
+(is_Prop t) || (is_Set t) || (is_Prop (pf_type_of gl (body_of_type t))) || (is_Set (pf_type_of gl (body_of_type t)))
+let rec allGoodTypeHyps gl hyps_types = match hyps_types with
+ | [] ->
+ Tacticals.tclIDTAC gl
+ | (id, t)::l' ->
+ if not (isGoodType gl t) then
+ errorlabstrm "allGoodTypeHyps"
+ (pr_id id ++ str " must be Prop, Set or " ++ pr_id id ++
+ str "'s type must be Prop or Set");
+ allGoodTypeHyps gl l'
+let allGoodType gl =
+ let concl_type = pf_type_of gl (pf_concl gl) in
+ if not (is_Prop concl_type) then error "Goal is not a Prop";
+ let hyps_types = pf_hyps_types gl in
+ allGoodTypeHyps gl hyps_types
+(*** UTILISER prterm
+let rec type_to_string t = match kind_of_term t with
+ Sort (Prop Null) -> "Prop "
+ | Sort (Prop Pos) -> "Set "
+ | Sort (Type _) -> "Type "
+ | Cast (c,_) -> type_to_string c
+ | _ -> "Other"
+let rec hyps_types_to_string = function
+ [] -> ""
+ | e::l -> (type_to_string e) ^ (hyps_types_to_string l)
type prover = Simplify | CVCLite | Harvey
+let call_prover prover q = match prover with
+ | Simplify -> Dp_simplify.call q
+ | CVCLite -> error "CVC Lite not yet interfaced"
+ | Harvey -> error "haRVey not yet interfaced"
+let admit_as_an_axiom gl =
+ msgnl (str "Valid!");
+ Tacticals.tclIDTAC gl
let dp prover gl =
- let concl = pf_concl gl in
- if not (is_Prop (pf_type_of gl concl)) then error "not a proposition";
- error "not yet implemented"
+ let concl_type = pf_type_of gl (pf_concl gl) in
+ if not (is_Prop concl_type) then error "Goal is not a Prop";
+ try
+ let q = tr_goal gl in
+ begin match call_prover prover q with
+ | Valid -> admit_as_an_axiom gl
+ | Invalid -> error "Invalid"
+ | DontKnow -> error "Don't know"
+ | Timeout -> error "Timeout"
+ end
+ with NotFO ->
+ error "Not a first order goal"
let simplify = dp Simplify
let cvc_lite = dp CVCLite
let harvey = dp Harvey
diff --git a/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.ml b/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de5d89879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+open Format
+open Fol
+let rec print_list sep print fmt = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [x] -> print fmt x
+ | x :: r -> print fmt x; sep fmt (); print_list sep print fmt r
+let space fmt () = fprintf fmt "@ "
+let rec print_term fmt = function
+ | Tvar id ->
+ fprintf fmt "%s" id
+ | Cst n ->
+ fprintf fmt "%d" n
+ | Plus _ | Moins _ | Div _ | Mult _ ->
+ assert false (*TODO*) (* (+ a b) *)
+ | App (id, []) ->
+ fprintf fmt "%s" id
+ | App (id, tl) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(%s@ %a)@]" id print_terms tl
+ | Db _ ->
+ assert false (*TODO*)
+and print_terms fmt tl =
+ print_list space print_term fmt tl
+let rec print_predicate fmt p =
+ let pp = print_predicate in
+ match p with
+ | True ->
+ fprintf fmt "TRUE"
+ | False ->
+ fprintf fmt "FALSE"
+ | Fvar id ->
+ fprintf fmt "%s" id
+ | Fatom (Eq (a, b)) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(EQ %a@ %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Fatom (Le (a, b)) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(<= %a %a)@]" print_term a print_term b
+ | Fatom (Pred (id, tl)) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(EQ (%s@ %a) |@@true|)@]" id print_terms tl
+ | Fatom _ ->
+ assert false (*TODO*)
+ | Imp (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(IMPLIES@ %a@ %a)@]" pp a pp b
+ | And (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(AND@ %a@ %a)@]" pp a pp b
+ | Or (a, b) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(OR@ %a@ %a)@]" pp a pp b
+ | Not a ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(NOT@ %a)@]" pp a
+ | Forall (_,id,n,_,p) ->
+ let id' = next_away id (predicate_vars p) in
+ let p' = subst_in_predicate (subst_onev n id') p in
+ fprintf fmt "@[(FORALL (%a)@ %a)@]" Ident.print id' pp p'
+ | Exists (id,n,t,p) ->
+ let id' = next_away id (predicate_vars p) in
+ let p' = subst_in_predicate (subst_onev n id') p in
+ fprintf fmt "@[(EXISTS (%a)@ %a)@]" Ident.print id' pp p'
+ | Exists _|Forall _ ->
+ assert false (*TODO*)
+let print_query fmt (decls,concl) =
+ let print_decl = function
+ | DeclVar _ | DeclProp _ | DeclType _ ->
+ ()
+ | Assert (id, f) ->
+ fprintf fmt "@[(BG_PUSH ;; %s@\n %a)@]@\n" id print_predicate f
+ in
+ List.iter print_decl decls;
+ print_predicate fmt concl
+let call q =
+ let f = Filename.temp_file "coq_dp" ".sx" in
+ let c = open_out f in
+ let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel c in
+ fprintf fmt "@[%a@]@." print_query q;
+ close_out c;
+ let cmd =
+ sprintf "timeout 10 Simplify %s > out 2>&1 && grep -q -w Valid out" f
+ in
+ prerr_endline cmd; flush stderr;
+ let out = Sys.command cmd in
+ if out = 0 then Valid else if out = 1 then Invalid else Timeout
+ (* TODO: effacer le fichier f et le fichier out *)
diff --git a/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.mli b/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03b6d3475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/dp/dp_simplify.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+open Fol
+val call : query -> prover_answer
diff --git a/contrib/dp/fol.mli b/contrib/dp/fol.mli
index e42d1f224..5299f8ad7 100644
--- a/contrib/dp/fol.mli
+++ b/contrib/dp/fol.mli
@@ -1,37 +1,48 @@
-type typ = Base of string
- | Arrow of typ * typ
- | Tuple of typ list
-type term = Cst of int
- | Db of int
- | Tvar of string
- | Plus of term * term
- | Moins of term * term
- | Mult of term * term
- | Div of term * term
- | App of string * (term list)
- atom = Eq of term * term
- | Le of term * term
- | Lt of term * term
- | Ge of term * term
- | Gt of term * term
- | Pred of string * (term list)
- form = Fatom of atom
- | Fvar of string
- | Imp of form * form
- | And of form * form
- | Or of form * form
- | Not of form
- | Forall of form
- | Exists of form
-type decl =
- | Assert of form
-(* | ...*)
-type query = decl list * form
+type typ =
+ | Base of string
+ | Arrow of typ * typ
+ | Tuple of typ list
+type term =
+ | Cst of int
+ | Db of int
+ | Tvar of string
+ | Plus of term * term
+ | Moins of term * term
+ | Mult of term * term
+ | Div of term * term
+ | App of string * (term list)
+and atom =
+ | Eq of term * term
+ | Le of term * term
+ | Lt of term * term
+ | Ge of term * term
+ | Gt of term * term
+ | Pred of string * (term list)
+and form =
+ | Fatom of atom
+ | Fvar of string
+ | Imp of form * form
+ | And of form * form
+ | Or of form * form
+ | Not of form
+ | Forall of form
+ | Exists of form
+ | True
+ | False
+type hyp =
+ | Assert of string * form
+ | DeclVar of string * typ
+ | DeclProp of string
+ | DeclType of string
+type query = hyp list * form
+(* prover result *)
+type prover_answer = Valid | Invalid | DontKnow | Timeout