path: root/contrib
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authorGravatar bgregoir <bgregoir@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-02-02 15:27:52 +0000
committerGravatar bgregoir <bgregoir@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-02-02 15:27:52 +0000
commit5f7831a9719b9bd8e0689cbfabfc3009e49db0bd (patch)
treed26b56210ef51d2cc8b427526c56d8346629a5c0 /contrib
parentbe2195e8eaac09534e323043f70a0fed7a6e854b (diff)
ring: introduction de Get_goal
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@9586 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v
index b6cfd914d..b25f29c20 100644
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v
+++ b/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Ltac mkHyp_tac C req mkPE lH :=
let pe1 := mkPE r1 in
let pe2 := mkPE r2 in
constr:(cons (pe1,pe2) res)
- | _ => fail "hypothesis is not a ring equality"
+ | _ => fail 1 "hypothesis is not a ring equality"
end in
list_fold_right mkHyp (@nil (PExpr C * PExpr C)) lH.
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ Ltac Ring Cst_tac CstPow_tac lemma1 req n lH :=
[ ((let prh := proofHyp_tac lH in exact prh)
|| idtac "can not automatically proof hypothesis : maybe a left member of a hypothesis is not a monomial")
| vm_compute;
- (exact (refl_equal true) || fail "not a valid ring equation")] in
+ (exact (refl_equal true) || fail 1 "not a valid ring equation")] in
ParseRingComponents lemma1 ltac:(OnEquation req Main).
Ltac Ring_norm_gen f Cst_tac CstPow_tac lemma2 req n lH rl :=
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Ltac Ring_norm_gen f Cst_tac CstPow_tac lemma2 req n lH rl :=
compute_assertion vlmp_eq vlmp
(mk_monpol_list cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb vlpe);
(assert (rr_lemma := lemma2 n vlpe fv prh vlmp vlmp_eq)
- || fail "type error when build the rewriting lemma");
+ || fail 1 "type error when build the rewriting lemma");
RW_tac rr_lemma;
try clear rr_lemma vlmp_eq vlmp vlpe
| _ => fail 1 "ring_simplify anomaly: bad correctness lemma"
@@ -227,15 +227,20 @@ Ltac Ring_norm_gen f Cst_tac CstPow_tac lemma2 req n lH rl :=
ReflexiveRewriteTactic mkFV mkPol simpl_ring lemma_tac fv rl in
ParseRingComponents lemma2 Main.
Ltac Ring_gen
req sth ext morph arth cst_tac pow_tac lemma1 lemma2 pre post lH rl :=
pre();Ring cst_tac pow_tac lemma1 req ring_subst_niter lH.
+Ltac Get_goal := match goal with [|- ?G] => G end.
Tactic Notation (at level 0) "ring" :=
- match goal with [|- ?G] => ring_lookup Ring_gen [] [G] end.
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ ring_lookup Ring_gen [] [G].
Tactic Notation (at level 0) "ring" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" :=
- match goal with [|- ?G] => ring_lookup Ring_gen [lH] [G] end.
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ ring_lookup Ring_gen [lH] [G].
(* Simplification *)
@@ -246,54 +251,52 @@ Ltac Ring_simplify_gen f :=
generalize (refl_equal l);
unfold l at 2;
- match goal with
- | [|- l = ?RL -> _ ] =>
+ let Tac RL :=
let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
intros Heq;clear Heq l;
Ring_norm_gen f cst_tac pow_tac lemma2 req ring_subst_niter lH RL;
- post()
- | _ => fail 1 "ring_simplify anomaly: bad goal after pre"
- end.
+ post() in
+ let Main :=
+ match goal with
+ | [|- l = ?RL -> _ ] => (fun f => f RL)
+ | _ => fail 1 "ring_simplify anomaly: bad goal after pre"
+ end in
+ Main Tac.
Ltac Ring_simplify := Ring_simplify_gen ltac:(fun H => rewrite H).
+Tactic Notation (at level 0) "ring_simplify" constr_list(rl) :=
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ ring_lookup Ring_simplify [] rl [G].
Tactic Notation (at level 0)
"ring_simplify" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" constr_list(rl) :=
- match goal with [|- ?G] => ring_lookup Ring_simplify [lH] rl [G] end.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "ring_simplify" constr_list(rl) :=
- let Main :=
- match goal with [|- ?G] => (fun f => f G) end in
- let Aux G := ring_lookup Ring_simplify [] rl [G] in
- Main Aux.
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ ring_lookup Ring_simplify [lH] rl [G].
(* MON DIEU QUE C'EST MOCHE !!!!!!!!!!!!! *)
Tactic Notation "ring_simplify" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(H):=
- match goal with
- | [|- ?G] =>
- let t := type of H in
- let g := fresh "goal" in
- set (g:= G);
- generalize H;clear H;
- ring_lookup Ring_simplify [] rl [t];
- intro H;
- unfold g;clear g
- end.
-Tactic Notation "ring_simplify" "["constr_list(lH)"]" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(H):=
- match goal with
- | [|- ?G] =>
- let t := type of H in
- let g := fresh "goal" in
- set (g:= G);
- generalize H;clear H;
- ring_lookup Ring_simplify [lH] rl [t];
- intro H;
- unfold g;clear g
- end.
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ let t := type of H in
+ let g := fresh "goal" in
+ set (g:= G);
+ generalize H;clear H;
+ ring_lookup Ring_simplify [] rl [t];
+ intro H;
+ unfold g;clear g.
+Tactic Notation
+ "ring_simplify" "["constr_list(lH)"]" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(H):=
+ let G := Get_goal in
+ let t := type of H in
+ let g := fresh "goal" in
+ set (g:= G);
+ generalize H;clear H;
+ ring_lookup Ring_simplify [lH] rl [t];
+ intro H;
+ unfold g;clear g.