path: root/contrib
diff options
authorGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-04 14:13:24 +0000
committerGravatar filliatr <filliatr@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2001-04-04 14:13:24 +0000
commit0df14c3d0d2c71716bbed04451ad2e2541dcc6a3 (patch)
treeec4918a0ef86b133860847f1b61e858b0920d6a1 /contrib
parent2def0e4f8e5d075d815df253d316a96dd7257423 (diff)
renommage du module Pcoq.Vernac en Pcoq.Vernac_ pour contourner un bug d'ocamldep
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@1547 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
10 files changed, 157 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/past.mli b/contrib/correctness/past.mli
index 5db3c87b6..7696c6698 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/past.mli
+++ b/contrib/correctness/past.mli
@@ -87,11 +87,10 @@ type cc_binder = variable * cc_bind_type
type cc_term =
| CC_var of variable
- | CC_letin of
- bool * cc_type * cc_binder list * (cc_term * Term.case_info) * cc_term
+ | CC_letin of bool * cc_type * cc_binder list * cc_term * cc_term
| CC_lam of cc_binder list * cc_term
| CC_app of cc_term * cc_term list
| CC_tuple of bool * cc_type list * cc_term list
- | CC_case of cc_type * (cc_term * Term.case_info) * cc_term list
+ | CC_case of cc_type * cc_term * cc_term list
| CC_expr of Term.constr
| CC_hole of cc_type
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pcic.ml b/contrib/correctness/pcic.ml
index 49871b23a..170a56b28 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/pcic.ml
+++ b/contrib/correctness/pcic.ml
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
open Names
open Term
open Declarations
+open Sign
+open Rawterm
open Pmisc
open Past
@@ -87,86 +89,112 @@ let sig_n n =
mind_entry_consnames = [ cname ];
mind_entry_lc = [ lc ] } ] }
-let tuple_name dep n =
+let pair = ConstructRef ((coq_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "pair",0),1)
+let exist = ConstructRef ((coq_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "exist",0),1)
+let tuple_ref dep n =
if n = 2 & not dep then
- "pair"
+ pair
let n = n - (if dep then 1 else 0) in
if dep then
if n = 1 then
- "exist"
+ exist
else begin
let name = Printf.sprintf "exist_%d" n in
- if not (tuple_exists (id_of_string name)) then ignore (sig_n n);
- name
+ let id = id_of_string name in
+ if not (tuple_exists id) then ignore (sig_n n);
+ Nametab.sp_of_id CCI id
else begin
let name = Printf.sprintf "Build_tuple_%d" n in
- if not (tuple_exists (id_of_string name)) then tuple_n n;
- name
+ let id = id_of_string name in
+ if not (tuple_exists id) then tuple_n n;
+ Nametab.sp_of_id CCI id
(* Binders. *)
-let trad_binding bl =
- List.map (function
- (id,CC_untyped_binder) -> (id,isevar)
- | (id,CC_typed_binder ty) -> (id,ty)) bl
-let lambda_of_bl bl c =
- let b = trad_binding bl in n_lambda c (List.rev b)
+let trad_binder avoid nenv = function
+ | CC_untyped_binder -> RHole None
+ | CC_typed_binder ty -> Detyping.detype avoid nenv ty
+let rec push_vars avoid nenv = function
+ | [] -> ([],avoid,nenv)
+ | (id,b) :: bl ->
+ let b' = trad_binder avoid nenv b in
+ let bl',avoid',nenv' =
+ push_vars (id :: avoid) (add_name (Name id) nenv) bl
+ in
+ ((id,b') :: bl', avoid', nenv')
+let rec raw_lambda bl v = match bl with
+ | [] ->
+ v
+ | (id,ty) :: bl' ->
+ RLambda (dummy_loc, Name id, ty, raw_lambda bl' v)
(* The translation itself is quite easy.
- letin are translated into Cases construtions *)
+ letin are translated into Cases constructions *)
-let constr_of_prog p =
- let rec trad = function
- | CC_var id -> mkVar id
+let rawconstr_of_prog p =
+ let rec trad avoid nenv = function
+ | CC_var id ->
+ RVar (dummy_loc, id)
- (* optimisation : let x = <constr> in e2 => e2[x<-constr] *)
- | CC_letin (_,_,[id,_],(CC_expr c,_),e2) ->
+ (*i optimisation : let x = <constr> in e2 => e2[x<-constr]
+ | CC_letin (_,_,[id,_],CC_expr c,e2) ->
real_subst_in_constr [id,c] (trad e2)
+ i*)
- | CC_letin (_,_,([_] as b),(e1,_),e2) ->
- let c = trad e1 and c2 = trad e2 in
- Term.applist (lambda_of_bl b c2, [c])
+ | CC_letin (_,_,([_] as b),e1,e2) ->
+ let (b',avoid',nenv') = push_vars avoid nenv b in
+ let c1 = trad avoid nenv e1
+ and c2 = trad avoid' nenv' e2 in
+ RApp (dummy_loc, raw_lambda b' c2, [c1])
- | CC_letin (dep,ty,bl,(e,info),e1) ->
- let c1 = trad e1
- and c = trad e in
- let l = [| lambda_of_bl bl c1 |] in
- Term.mkMutCase (info, ty, c, l)
+ | CC_letin (dep,ty,bl,e1,e2) ->
+ let (bl',avoid',nenv') = push_vars avoid nenv bl in
+ let c1 = trad avoid nenv e1
+ and c2 = trad avoid' nenv' e2 in
+ ROldCase (dummy_loc, false, None, c1, [| raw_lambda bl' c2 |])
| CC_lam (bl,e) ->
- let c = trad e in lambda_of_bl bl c
+ let bl',avoid',nenv' = push_vars avoid nenv bl in
+ let c = trad avoid' nenv' e in
+ raw_lambda bl' c
| CC_app (f,args) ->
- let c = trad f
- and cargs = List.map trad args in
- Term.applist (c,cargs)
+ let c = trad avoid nenv f
+ and cargs = List.map (trad avoid nenv) args in
+ RApp (dummy_loc, c, cargs)
- | CC_tuple (_,_,[e]) -> trad e
+ | CC_tuple (_,_,[e]) ->
+ trad avoid nenv e
| CC_tuple (false,_,[e1;e2]) ->
- let c1 = trad e1
- and c2 = trad e2 in
- Term.applist (constant "pair", [isevar;isevar;c1;c2])
+ let c1 = trad avoid nenv e1
+ and c2 = trad avoid nenv e2 in
+ RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc,pair), [RHole None;RHole None;c1;c2])
| CC_tuple (dep,tyl,l) ->
let n = List.length l in
- let cl = List.map trad l in
- let name = tuple_name dep n in
+ let cl = List.map (trad avoid nenv) l in
+ let tuple = tuple_ref dep n in
+ let tyl = List.map (Detyping.detype avoid nenv) tyl in
let args = tyl @ cl in
- Term.applist (constant name,args)
+ RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc, tuple), args)
- | CC_case (ty,(b,info),el) ->
- let c = trad b in
- let cl = List.map trad el in
- mkMutCase (info, ty, c, Array.of_list cl)
+ | CC_case (_,b,el) ->
+ let c = trad avoid nenv b in
+ let cl = List.map (trad avoid nenv) el in
+ ROldCase (dummy_loc, false, None, c, Array.of_list cl)
- | CC_expr c -> c
+ | CC_expr c ->
+ Detyping.detype avoid nenv c
- | CC_hole c -> make_hole c
+ | CC_hole c ->
+ RCast (dummy_loc, RHole None, Detyping.detype avoid nenv c)
- trad p
+ trad [] empty_names_context p
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pcic.mli b/contrib/correctness/pcic.mli
index 21c3839d9..f0b629071 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/pcic.mli
+++ b/contrib/correctness/pcic.mli
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliâtre *)
-(* $Id$ *)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
open Past
-open Term
+open Rawterm
-(* transforms intermediate functional programs into CIC terms *)
+(* transforms intermediate functional programs into (raw) CIC terms *)
-val constr_of_prog : cc_term -> constr
+val rawconstr_of_prog : cc_term -> rawconstr
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pmisc.ml b/contrib/correctness/pmisc.ml
index f25541961..77356e17c 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/pmisc.ml
+++ b/contrib/correctness/pmisc.ml
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ open Term
module SpSet = Set.Make(struct type t = section_path let compare = sp_ord end)
+let coq_constant d s = make_path ("Coq" :: d) (id_of_string s) CCI
(* debug *)
let debug = ref false
@@ -159,22 +161,20 @@ let is_connective id =
(* [conj i s] constructs the conjunction of two constr *)
-let conj i s =
- Term.applist (constant "and", [i; s])
+let conj i s = Term.applist (constant "and", [i; s])
-(* [n_mkNamedProd v [xn,tn;...;x1,t1]] constructs the type (x1:t1)...(xn:tn)v
- *)
+(* [n_mkNamedProd v [xn,tn;...;x1,t1]] constructs the type
+ [(x1:t1)...(xn:tn)v] *)
let rec n_mkNamedProd v = function
- [] -> v
- | (id,ty)::rem -> n_mkNamedProd (Term.mkNamedProd id ty v) rem
+ | [] -> v
+ | (id,ty) :: rem -> n_mkNamedProd (Term.mkNamedProd id ty v) rem
(* [n_lambda v [xn,tn;...;x1,t1]] constructs the type [x1:t1]...[xn:tn]v *)
let rec n_lambda v = function
- [] -> v
- | (id,ty)::rem -> n_lambda (Term.mkNamedLambda id ty v) rem
+ | [] -> v
+ | (id,ty) :: rem -> n_lambda (Term.mkNamedLambda id ty v) rem
(* [abstract env idl c] constructs [x1]...[xn]c where idl = [x1;...;xn] *)
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pmisc.mli b/contrib/correctness/pmisc.mli
index f486d0d4e..96519ee9f 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/pmisc.mli
+++ b/contrib/correctness/pmisc.mli
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ open Term
module SpSet : Set.S with type elt = section_path
+val coq_constant : string list -> string -> section_path
(* Some misc. functions *)
val reraise_with_loc : Coqast.loc -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pmonad.ml b/contrib/correctness/pmonad.ml
index 30892ee4c..6dbf1e460 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/pmonad.ml
+++ b/contrib/correctness/pmonad.ml
@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ open Peffect
let product_name = function
- 2 -> "prod"
+ | 2 -> "prod"
| n -> Printf.sprintf "tuple_%d" n
let dep_product_name = function
- 1 -> "sig"
+ | 1 -> "sig"
| n -> Printf.sprintf "sig_%d" n
let product ren env before lo = function
- None -> (* non dependent case *)
+ | None -> (* non dependent case *)
begin match lo with
- [_,v] -> v
+ | [_,v] -> v
| _ ->
let s = product_name (List.length lo) in
Term.applist (constant s, List.map snd lo)
@@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ let rec abstract_post ren env (e,q) =
and prod ren env g =
- (fun id ->
- (current_var ren id,trad_type_in_env ren env id))
+ (fun id -> (current_var ren id, trad_type_in_env ren env id))
and input ren env e =
@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ and trad_ml_type_v ren env = function
let bl',ren',env' =
(fun (bl,ren,env) b -> match b with
- (id,BindType ((Ref _ | Array _) as v)) ->
+ | (id,BindType ((Ref _ | Array _) as v)) ->
let env' = add (id,v) env in
let ren' = initial_renaming env' in
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ and trad_ml_type_v ren env = function
(apply_pre ren env (anonymous_pre false c)).p_value
and trad_imp_type ren env = function
- Ref v -> trad_ml_type_v ren env v
+ | Ref v -> trad_ml_type_v ren env v
| Array (c,v) -> Term.applist (constant "array",
[c; trad_ml_type_v ren env v])
| _ -> invalid_arg "Monad.trad_imp_type"
@@ -166,10 +165,9 @@ let binding_of_alist ren env al =
(* [make_abs bl t p] abstracts t w.r.t binding list bl., that is
* [x1:t1]...[xn:tn]t. Returns t if the binding is empty. *)
-let make_abs bl t =
- match bl with
- [] -> t
- | _ -> CC_lam (bl, t)
+let make_abs bl t = match bl with
+ | [] -> t
+ | _ -> CC_lam (bl, t)
(* [result_tuple ren before env (res,v) (ef,q)] constructs the tuple
@@ -180,21 +178,21 @@ let make_abs bl t =
* if there is no yi and no post-condition, it is simplified in res itself.
-let make_tuple l q ren env before =
- match l with
- [e,_] when q = None -> e
- | _ ->
- let tl = List.map snd l in
- let dep,h,th = match q with
- None -> false,[],[]
- | Some c ->
- let args = List.map (fun (e,_) -> constr_of_prog e) l in
- let c = apply_post ren env before c in
- true,
- [ CC_hole (Term.applist (c.a_value, args)) ], (* hole *)
- [ c.a_value ] (* type of the hole *)
- in
- CC_tuple (dep, tl @ th, (List.map fst l) @ h)
+let make_tuple l q ren env before = match l with
+ | [e,_] when q = None ->
+ e
+ | _ ->
+ let tl = List.map snd l in
+ let dep,h,th = match q with
+ | None -> false,[],[]
+ | Some c ->
+ let args = List.map (fun (e,_) -> constr_of_prog e) l in
+ let c = apply_post ren env before c in
+ true,
+ [ CC_hole (Term.applist (c.a_value, args)) ], (* hole *)
+ [ c.a_value ] (* type of the hole *)
+ in
+ CC_tuple (dep, tl @ th, (List.map fst l) @ h)
let result_tuple ren before env (res,v) (ef,q) =
let ids = get_writes ef in
@@ -202,7 +200,7 @@ let result_tuple ren before env (res,v) (ef,q) =
(List.map (fun id ->
let id' = current_var ren id in
CC_var id', trad_type_in_env ren env id) ids)
- @[res,v]
+ @ [res,v]
let q = abstract_post ren env (ef,q) in
make_tuple lo q ren env before,
@@ -266,25 +264,25 @@ let abs_pre ren env (t,ty) pl =
let make_block ren env finish bl =
let rec rec_block ren result = function
- [] ->
+ | [] ->
finish ren result
- | (Assert c) :: block ->
- let t,ty = rec_block ren result block in
- let c = apply_assert ren env c in
- let p = { p_assert = true; p_name = c.a_name; p_value = c.a_value } in
- let_in_pre ty p t, ty
- | (Label s) :: block ->
- let ren' = push_date ren s in
- rec_block ren' result block
- | (Statement (te,info)) :: block ->
- let (_,tye),efe,pe,qe = info in
- let w = get_writes efe in
- let ren' = next ren w in
- let id = result_id in
- let tye = trad_ml_type_v ren env tye in
- let t = rec_block ren' (Some (id,tye)) block in
- make_let_in ren env te pe (current_vars ren' w,qe) (id,tye) t,
- snd t
+ | (Assert c) :: block ->
+ let t,ty = rec_block ren result block in
+ let c = apply_assert ren env c in
+ let p = { p_assert = true; p_name = c.a_name; p_value = c.a_value } in
+ let_in_pre ty p t, ty
+ | (Label s) :: block ->
+ let ren' = push_date ren s in
+ rec_block ren' result block
+ | (Statement (te,info)) :: block ->
+ let (_,tye),efe,pe,qe = info in
+ let w = get_writes efe in
+ let ren' = next ren w in
+ let id = result_id in
+ let tye = trad_ml_type_v ren env tye in
+ let t = rec_block ren' (Some (id,tye)) block in
+ make_let_in ren env te pe (current_vars ren' w,qe) (id,tye) t,
+ snd t
let t,_ = rec_block ren None bl in
@@ -333,11 +331,7 @@ let make_app env ren args ren' (tf,cf) ((bl,cb),s,capp) c =
let ((_,tvf),ef,pf,qf) = cf in
let (_,eapp,papp,qapp) = capp in
let ((_,v),e,p,q) = c in
- let bl = Util.map_succeed
- (function b -> if is_ref_binder b then failwith "caught" else b)
- bl
- in
+ let bl = List.filter (fun b -> not (is_ref_binder b)) bl in
let recur = is_recursive env tf in
let before = current_date ren in
let ren'' = next ren' (get_writes ef) in
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/pred.ml b/contrib/correctness/pred.ml
index 02c84cf00..d6f9e0e72 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/pred.ml
+++ b/contrib/correctness/pred.ml
@@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ let is_eta_redex bl al =
Invalid_argument("List.for_all2") -> false
let rec red = function
- CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, (e1,info), e2) ->
+ CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, e1, e2) ->
begin match red e2 with
CC_tuple (false,tl,al) ->
if is_eta_redex bl al then
red e1
- CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, (red e1,info),
+ CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, red e1,
CC_tuple (false,tl,List.map red al))
- | e -> CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, (red e1,info), e)
+ | e -> CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, red e1, e)
| CC_lam (bl, e) ->
CC_lam (bl, red e)
| CC_app (e, al) ->
CC_app (red e, List.map red al)
- | CC_case (ty, (e1,info), el) ->
- CC_case (ty, (red e1,info), List.map red el)
+ | CC_case (ty, e1, el) ->
+ CC_case (ty, red e1, List.map red el)
| CC_tuple (dep, tl, al) ->
CC_tuple (dep, tl, List.map red al)
| e -> e
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ptactic.ml b/contrib/correctness/ptactic.ml
index 5eb03d23e..d92d8524b 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/ptactic.ml
+++ b/contrib/correctness/ptactic.ml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
open Pp
open Names
open Term
+open Pretyping
open Pfedit
open Vernacentries
@@ -61,18 +62,15 @@ let coqast_of_prog p =
[< 'fNL; 'sTR"Pcic.constr_of_prog: Traduction cc_term -> constr...";
'fNL >];
- let c = Pcic.constr_of_prog cc in
- deb_mess (Printer.prterm c);
+ let r = Pcic.rawconstr_of_prog cc in
+ deb_mess (Printer.pr_rawterm r);
(* 6. résolution implicites *)
deb_mess [< 'fNL; 'sTR"Résolution implicites (? => Meta(n))..."; 'fNL >];
- let c = c in
- (*i WAS
- (ise_resolve false (Evd.mt_evd()) [] (gLOB(initial_sign())) c)._VAL in
- i*)
- deb_mess (Printer.prterm c);
+ let oc = understand_gen_tcc Evd.empty (Global.env()) [] [] None r in
+ deb_mess (Printer.prterm (snd oc));
- p,c,ty,v
+ p,oc,ty,v
(* [automatic : tactic]
@@ -97,8 +95,6 @@ open Tactics
open Tacticals
open Equality
-let coq_constant d s = make_path ("Coq" :: d) (id_of_string s) CCI
let nat = IndRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Datatypes"] "nat", 0)
let lt = ConstRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Peano"] "lt")
let well_founded = ConstRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Wf"] "well_founded")
@@ -201,7 +197,7 @@ let (automatic : tactic) =
let correctness s p opttac =
- let p,c,cty,v = coqast_of_prog p in
+ let p,oc,cty,v = coqast_of_prog p in
let env = Global.env () in
let sign = Global.named_context () in
let sigma = Evd.empty in
@@ -211,10 +207,9 @@ let correctness s p opttac =
Penv.new_edited id (v,p);
if !debug then show_open_subgoals();
deb_mess [< 'sTR"Pred.red_cci: Réduction..."; 'fNL >];
- let c = Pred.red_cci c in
+ let oc = let (mm,c) = oc in (mm, Pred.red_cci c) in
deb_mess [< 'sTR"APRES REDUCTION :"; 'fNL >];
- deb_mess (Printer.prterm c);
- let oc = [],c in (* TODO: quid des existentielles ici *)
+ deb_mess (Printer.prterm (snd oc));
let tac = (tclTHEN (Refine.refine_tac oc) automatic) in
let tac = match opttac with
| None -> tac
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/putil.ml b/contrib/correctness/putil.ml
index 2f86d355e..e227a4459 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/putil.ml
+++ b/contrib/correctness/putil.ml
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ and pp_binder = function
let rec pp_cc_term = function
CC_var id -> pr_id id
- | CC_letin (_,_,bl,(c,_),c1) ->
+ | CC_letin (_,_,bl,c,c1) ->
hOV 0 [< hOV 2 [< 'sTR"let ";
prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR"," >])
(fun (id,_) -> pr_id id) bl;
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ let rec pp_cc_term = function
prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR","; 'cUT >])
pp_cc_term cl;
'sTR")" >]
- | CC_case (_,(b,_),[e1;e2]) ->
+ | CC_case (_,b,[e1;e2]) ->
hOV 0 [< 'sTR"if "; pp_cc_term b; 'sTR" then"; 'fNL;
'sTR" "; hOV 0 (pp_cc_term e1); 'fNL;
'sTR"else"; 'fNL;
diff --git a/contrib/interface/parse.ml b/contrib/interface/parse.ml
index f1f04a2df..7648e7922 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/parse.ml
+++ b/contrib/interface/parse.ml
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ let parse_string_action reqid phylum char_stream string_list =
- (Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Vernac.vernac_eoi (Gram.parsable char_stream))))
+ (Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Vernac_.vernac_eoi (Gram.parsable char_stream))))
(xlate_tactic (Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_eoi
@@ -223,9 +223,10 @@ let parse_string_action reqid phylum char_stream string_list =
let quiet_parse_string_action char_stream =
- try let _ =
- Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Vernac.vernac_eoi (Gram.parsable char_stream) in
- ()
+ try
+ let _ =
+ Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Vernac_.vernac_eoi (Gram.parsable char_stream) in
+ ()
| _ -> flush_until_end_of_stream char_stream; ();;