path: root/contrib/romega
diff options
authorGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-07-11 21:48:04 +0000
committerGravatar letouzey <letouzey@85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7>2007-07-11 21:48:04 +0000
commit5f2b3fd5c17c29ffc734eef05bdb22b44d015edf (patch)
tree9b03e7a9800355412e364e0528c5214b622d4888 /contrib/romega
parent2ed747a81ed14d91112b9b3360c6e5ab4ff897eb (diff)
Slight cleanup of refl_omega.ml : in particular it uses now list
utilities from Util. Some additions in Util, and simplifications in various files. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/coq/trunk@9969 85f007b7-540e-0410-9357-904b9bb8a0f7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/romega')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/romega/refl_omega.ml b/contrib/romega/refl_omega.ml
index e7e7b3c59..7c99f7e14 100644
--- a/contrib/romega/refl_omega.ml
+++ b/contrib/romega/refl_omega.ml
@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@
-(* The addition on int, since it while be hidden soon by the one on BigInt *)
-let (+.) = (+)
+open Util
open Const_omega
module OmegaSolver = Omega.MakeOmegaSolver (Bigint)
open OmegaSolver
@@ -26,65 +23,6 @@ let pp i = print_int i; print_newline (); flush stdout
(* More readable than the prefix notation *)
let (>>) = Tacticals.tclTHEN
-(* [list_index t l = i] \eqv $nth l i = t \wedge \forall j < i nth l j != t$ *)
-let list_index t =
- let rec loop i = function
- | (u::l) -> if u = t then i else loop (succ i) l
- | [] -> raise Not_found in
- loop 0
-(* [list_uniq l = filter_i (x i -> nth l (i-1) != x) l] *)
-let list_uniq l =
- let rec uniq = function
- x :: ((y :: _) as l) when x = y -> uniq l
- | x :: l -> x :: uniq l
- | [] -> [] in
- uniq (List.sort compare l)
-(* $\forall x. mem x (list\_union l1 l2) \eqv x \in \{l1\} \cup \{l2\}$ *)
-let list_union l1 l2 =
- let rec loop buf = function
- x :: r -> if List.mem x l2 then loop buf r else loop (x :: buf) r
- | [] -> buf in
- loop l2 l1
-(* $\forall x.
- mem \;\; x \;\; (list\_intersect\;\; l1\;\;l2) \eqv x \in \{l1\}
- \cap \{l2\}$ *)
-let list_intersect l1 l2 =
- let rec loop buf = function
- x :: r -> if List.mem x l2 then loop (x::buf) r else loop buf r
- | [] -> buf in
- loop [] l1
-(* cartesian product. Elements are lists and are concatenated.
- $cartesian [x_1 ... x_n] [y_1 ... y_p] = [x_1 @ y_1, x_2 @ y_1 ... x_n @ y_1 , x_1 @ y_2 ... x_n @ y_p]$ *)
-let rec cartesien l1 l2 =
- let rec loop = function
- (x2 :: r2) -> List.map (fun x1 -> x1 @ x2) l1 @ loop r2
- | [] -> [] in
- loop l2
-(* remove element e from list l *)
-let list_remove e l =
- let rec loop = function
- x :: l -> if x = e then loop l else x :: loop l
- | [] -> [] in
- loop l
-(* equivalent of the map function but no element is added when the function
- raises an exception (and the computation silently continues) *)
-let map_exc f =
- let rec loop = function
- (x::l) ->
- begin match try Some (f x) with exc -> None with
- Some v -> v :: loop l | None -> loop l
- end
- | [] -> [] in
- loop
let mkApp = Term.mkApp
(* \section{Types}
@@ -174,6 +112,7 @@ type environment = {
(* \subsection{Solution tree}
Définition d'une solution trouvée par Omega sous la forme d'un identifiant,
d'un ensemble d'équation dont dépend la solution et d'une trace *)
+(* La liste des dépendances est triée et sans redondance *)
type solution = {
s_index : int;
s_equa_deps : int list;
@@ -280,7 +219,7 @@ let unintern_omega env id =
calcul des variables utiles. *)
let add_reified_atom t env =
- try list_index t env.terms
+ try list_index0 t env.terms
with Not_found ->
let i = List.length env.terms in
env.terms <- env.terms @ [t]; i
@@ -291,7 +230,7 @@ let get_reified_atom env =
(* \subsection{Gestion de l'environnement de proposition pour Omega} *)
(* ajout d'une proposition *)
let add_prop env t =
- try list_index t env.props
+ try list_index0 t env.props
with Not_found ->
let i = List.length env.props in env.props <- env.props @ [t]; i
@@ -469,22 +408,34 @@ Ces fonctions préparent les traces utilisées par la tactique réfléchie
pour faire des opérations de normalisation sur les équations. *)
(* \subsection{Extractions des variables d'une équation} *)
-(* Extraction des variables d'une équation *)
+(* Extraction des variables d'une équation. *)
+(* Chaque fonction retourne une liste triée sans redondance *)
+let (@@) = list_merge_uniq compare
let rec vars_of_formula = function
| Oint _ -> []
- | Oplus (e1,e2) -> (vars_of_formula e1) @ (vars_of_formula e2)
- | Omult (e1,e2) -> (vars_of_formula e1) @ (vars_of_formula e2)
- | Ominus (e1,e2) -> (vars_of_formula e1) @ (vars_of_formula e2)
- | Oopp e -> (vars_of_formula e)
+ | Oplus (e1,e2) -> (vars_of_formula e1) @@ (vars_of_formula e2)
+ | Omult (e1,e2) -> (vars_of_formula e1) @@ (vars_of_formula e2)
+ | Ominus (e1,e2) -> (vars_of_formula e1) @@ (vars_of_formula e2)
+ | Oopp e -> vars_of_formula e
| Oatom i -> [i]
| Oufo _ -> []
-let vars_of_equations l =
- let rec loop = function
- e :: l -> vars_of_formula e.e_left @ vars_of_formula e.e_right @ loop l
- | [] -> [] in
- list_uniq (List.sort compare (loop l))
+let rec vars_of_equations = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | e::l ->
+ (vars_of_formula e.e_left) @@
+ (vars_of_formula e.e_right) @@
+ (vars_of_equations l)
+let rec vars_of_prop = function
+ | Pequa(_,e) -> vars_of_equations [e]
+ | Pnot p -> vars_of_prop p
+ | Por(_,p1,p2) -> (vars_of_prop p1) @@ (vars_of_prop p2)
+ | Pand(_,p1,p2) -> (vars_of_prop p1) @@ (vars_of_prop p2)
+ | Pimp(_,p1,p2) -> (vars_of_prop p1) @@ (vars_of_prop p2)
+ | Pprop _ | Ptrue | Pfalse -> []
(* \subsection{Multiplication par un scalaire} *)
@@ -881,7 +832,7 @@ let destructurate_hyps syst =
(i,t) :: l ->
let l_syst1 = destructurate_pos_hyp i [] [] t in
let l_syst2 = loop l in
- cartesien l_syst1 l_syst2
+ list_cartesian (@) l_syst1 l_syst2
| [] -> [[]] in
loop syst
@@ -924,9 +875,9 @@ let display_systems syst_list =
let rec hyps_used_in_trace = function
| act :: l ->
begin match act with
- | HYP e -> e.id :: hyps_used_in_trace l
+ | HYP e -> [e.id] @@ (hyps_used_in_trace l)
| SPLIT_INEQ (_,(_,act1),(_,act2)) ->
- hyps_used_in_trace act1 @ hyps_used_in_trace act2
+ hyps_used_in_trace act1 @@ hyps_used_in_trace act2
| _ -> hyps_used_in_trace l
| [] -> []
@@ -950,14 +901,15 @@ let rec variable_stated_in_trace = function
let add_stated_equations env tree =
- let rec loop = function
- Tree(_,t1,t2) ->
- list_union (loop t1) (loop t2)
- | Leaf s -> variable_stated_in_trace s.s_trace in
(* Il faut trier les variables par ordre d'introduction pour ne pas risquer
de définir dans le mauvais ordre *)
let stated_equations =
- List.sort (fun x y -> Pervasives.(-) x.st_var y.st_var) (loop tree) in
+ let cmpvar x y = Pervasives.(-) x.st_var y.st_var in
+ let rec loop = function
+ | Tree(_,t1,t2) -> List.merge cmpvar (loop t1) (loop t2)
+ | Leaf s -> List.sort cmpvar (variable_stated_in_trace s.s_trace)
+ in loop tree
+ in
let add_env st =
(* On retransforme la définition de v en formule reifiée *)
let v_def = oformula_of_omega env st.st_def in
@@ -978,10 +930,15 @@ let add_stated_equations env tree =
(* Calcule la liste des éclatements à réaliser sur les hypothèses
nécessaires pour extraire une liste d'équations donnée *)
+(* PL: experimentally, the result order of the following function seems
+ _very_ crucial for efficiency. No idea why. Do not remove the List.rev
+ or modify the current semantics of Util.list_union (some elements of first
+ arg, then second arg), unless you know what you're doing. *)
let rec get_eclatement env = function
i :: r ->
let l = try (get_equation env i).e_depends with Not_found -> [] in
- list_union l (get_eclatement env r)
+ list_union (List.rev l) (get_eclatement env r)
| [] -> []
let select_smaller l =
@@ -992,14 +949,13 @@ let filter_compatible_systems required systems =
let rec select = function
(x::l) ->
if List.mem x required then select l
- else if List.mem (barre x) required then raise Exit
+ else if List.mem (barre x) required then failwith "Exit"
else x :: select l
| [] -> [] in
- map_exc (function (sol,splits) -> (sol,select splits)) systems
+ map_succeed (function (sol,splits) -> (sol,select splits)) systems
let rec equas_of_solution_tree = function
- Tree(_,t1,t2) ->
- list_union (equas_of_solution_tree t1) (equas_of_solution_tree t2)
+ Tree(_,t1,t2) -> (equas_of_solution_tree t1)@@(equas_of_solution_tree t2)
| Leaf s -> s.s_equa_deps
(* [really_useful_prop] pushes useless props in a new Pprop variable *)
@@ -1041,14 +997,6 @@ let really_useful_prop l_equa c =
None -> Pprop (real_of c)
| Some t -> t
-let rec vars_of_prop = function
- | Pequa(_,e) -> vars_of_equations [e]
- | Pnot p -> vars_of_prop p
- | Por(_,p1,p2) -> list_union (vars_of_prop p1) (vars_of_prop p2)
- | Pand(_,p1,p2) -> list_union (vars_of_prop p1) (vars_of_prop p2)
- | Pimp(_,p1,p2) -> list_union (vars_of_prop p1) (vars_of_prop p2)
- | _ -> []
let rec display_solution_tree ch = function
Leaf t ->
output_string ch
@@ -1103,7 +1051,7 @@ let mk_direction_list l =
(* \section{Rejouer l'historique} *)
let get_hyp env_hyp i =
- try list_index (CCEqua i) env_hyp
+ try list_index0 (CCEqua i) env_hyp
with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "get_hyp %d" i)
let replay_history env env_hyp =
@@ -1267,17 +1215,17 @@ let resolution env full_reified_goal systems_list =
(* calcule la liste de toutes les hypothèses utilisées dans l'arbre de solution *)
- let useful_equa_id = list_uniq (equas_of_solution_tree solution_tree) in
+ let useful_equa_id = equas_of_solution_tree solution_tree in
(* recupere explicitement ces equations *)
let equations = List.map (get_equation env) useful_equa_id in
- let l_hyps' = list_uniq (List.map (fun e -> e.e_origin.o_hyp) equations) in
+ let l_hyps' = list_uniquize (List.map (fun e -> e.e_origin.o_hyp) equations) in
let l_hyps = id_concl :: list_remove id_concl l_hyps' in
let useful_hyps =
List.map (fun id -> List.assoc id full_reified_goal) l_hyps in
let useful_vars =
let really_useful_vars = vars_of_equations equations in
let concl_vars = vars_of_prop (List.assoc id_concl full_reified_goal) in
- list_uniq (List.sort compare (really_useful_vars @ concl_vars))
+ really_useful_vars @@ concl_vars
(* variables a introduire *)
let to_introduce = add_stated_equations env solution_tree in
@@ -1325,10 +1273,10 @@ let resolution env full_reified_goal systems_list =
| ((O_left | O_mono) :: l) -> app coq_p_left [| loop l |]
| (O_right :: l) -> app coq_p_right [| loop l |] in
let correct_index =
- let i = list_index e.e_origin.o_hyp l_hyps in
+ let i = list_index0 e.e_origin.o_hyp l_hyps in
(* PL: it seems that additionnally introduced hyps are in the way during
normalization, hence this index shifting... *)
- if i=0 then 0 else i +. List.length to_introduce
+ if i=0 then 0 else Pervasives.(+) i (List.length to_introduce)
app coq_pair_step [| mk_nat correct_index; loop e.e_origin.o_path |] in
let normalization_trace =